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Papers by Syahrul Ramadhan

Research paper thumbnail of The effectiveness of the Think Pair Share (TPS) method on explanatory text writing skills in terms of learning styles


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau efektivitas metode think pair share terhadap keterampilan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau efektivitas metode think pair share terhadap keterampilan menulis teks eksplanasi ditinjau dari gaya belajar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen faktorial 2x2. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Kinali. Data penelitian dikumpulkan menggunakan angket dan tes unjuk kerja. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, dapat disimpulkan (1) keterampilan menulis teks eksplanasi siswa yang belajar dengan metode think pair share lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang yang belajar dengan metode konvensional, (2) keterampilan menulis teks eksplanasi siswa yang memiliki gaya belajar tinggi yang belajar dengan metode think pair share lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang yang belajar dengan metode konvensional, (3) keterampilan menulis teks eksplanasi siswa yang memiliki gaya belajar rendah yang yang belajar dengan metode think pair share lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang yang belajar dengan metode konvensional, dan (4) terdapat interaksi antara metode think pair share dan gaya belajar dalam mempengaruhi keterampilan menulis teks eksplanasi.

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching with Adult Learners: Peer-Assessment Software in Translation and Interpretation

Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018), 2018

PowerPoint is one of the presentation software programs used effectively to present material in t... more PowerPoint is one of the presentation software programs used effectively to present material in the classroom and encourage learner learning. In this study, PowerPoint is used as media to support learners' peer-Assessment in the classroom. This case study highlights learners' perception about the effectiveness of PowerPoint software as learners' peer assessment tool implemented in translation and interpretation subject. fifty seven learners from two classes of English Education Department were surveyed. Age (adult learners) considerations may be worthy of note with regard to learner views of assessment. Survey was divided into three sections; 1) the use of PowerPoint as peer-assessment media; 2) being a rater/ being rated by peers, 3) Interview. Survey response data indicated that a majority of learners had a positive reaction to the use of PowerPoint slide as tool to support peerassessment, yet also expressing some weaknesses using this software for peer-assessment.

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan ukuran kapal, panjang jaring, tenaga mesin, dan material rumpon terhadap hasil tangkapan purse seine: Studi kasus di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Idi Rayeuk, Kabupaten Aceh Timur

Depik, 2019

Each region has different boat sizes, fishing gear sizes, engine power, and fish agregating devic... more Each region has different boat sizes, fishing gear sizes, engine power, and fish agregating device (FAD) material, allegedly having different catches. The relationship between the length of the net, engine power, fishing vessel size, usually influences the catch of the fish. This study aims to determine the effect of fishing vessel size, engine power, net length and FAD material on catches volume. The study was conducted using descriptive methods conducted on 14 February-14 March 2019 in Idie Rayeak, Aceh Timur, Aceh Province. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that engine power, net length and FAD material had a significant effect on the catch volume, while the fishing vessel size had no significant effect on the catch volume.

Research paper thumbnail of Korelasi Keterampilan Memahami Teks Deskripsi Dengan Keterampilan Menulis Teks Deskripsi Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 15 Padang

This article was written to find out the correlation between comprehension and writing skill of d... more This article was written to find out the correlation between comprehension and writing skill of description text for student at class VII SMPN 15 Padang. Data in this study was score of text comprehension skill. The type of this study was quantitative research with correlation design. Study population was students at class VII SMPN 15 Padang that enrolled in academic year of 2016/2017 with sample was amounted to 224 students that dispersed in seven classes. Sampling determination used proportional random sampling technique that obtained 42 students (20% from student population per class). Study fining showed that there was a significant correlation between comprehension and writing skill of description text for student at class VII SMPN 15 Padang with tcount > ttable (10.32 > 1.68). Therefore, to write description text students should be able to understand the description text it self.

Research paper thumbnail of Lecturer’s beliefs and practice in integrating digital literacy into lesson

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language, Literature and Education, ICLLE 2019, 22-23 August, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, 2019

This is case study at University level, Padang Indonesia, aimed to examining lecturer's beliefs a... more This is case study at University level, Padang Indonesia, aimed to examining lecturer's beliefs and practice in integrating digital literacy into lesson. The data taken base on lecturers' interviewed following observations in class to explore lecturer's practice in using digital literacy. The participants of this study were four lecturers who teach English reading and writing. The data were analyzed qualitatively by explaining lecturers' beliefs of integrating digital literacy and their practice. As the result, the lecturers who teach writing and reading at university have a strong belief that integrating digital literacy into the lesson is essencial to do. Unfortunately, in practices, the lecturers use digital literacy limitedly on e-learning that must be used in the university as the requirement. It suggested that the lecturers should balance the reflection of their beliefs and practice in integrating digital literacy into lesson.

Research paper thumbnail of Author Identity and the Struggle for Power in Seratus Hari Keliling Indonesia, Kompas TV

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2017), 2018

This study is a discourse-based work which analyses the author identity construction in the novel... more This study is a discourse-based work which analyses the author identity construction in the novel Seratus Hari Keliling Indonesia (Seratus HKI) Kompas TV in order to reveal the authors' struggle for power. The data of this study is obtained from f the vocabulary found in the Seratus HKI Kompas TV. Using the theory of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), this study applies the framework model of Norman Fairclough critical discourse analysis with the focus on the textual level. The finding shows that the identity (selfidentification) of the author as a part of the government, local community, and foreigners are very much influenced by the interest of the nation, Indonesian citizens, conservation, environment, humanistic values, nationalism and patriotism. The analysis on the vocabulary found in HKI is emphasized on : (1) the vocabulary as a key words, (2) the usage of pronouns, and (3) rhetorical language's style. Selfidentification on Seratus HKI Kompas TV is relevant with the slogan of Kompas TV inspiring Indonesia by enlighting people and as a documentary journey that insert the national ideology.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengayaan Modul Biologi SMK Pertanian Kelas XI Pada Pokok Bahasan Pemanfaatan Limbah Pelepah Kelapa Sawit Untuk Pembuatan Briket Arang

Abstract: There have been experimental studies to examine the use of oil palm fronds waste to raw... more Abstract: There have been experimental studies to examine the use of oil palm fronds waste to raw material for charcoal briquettes and the results of this study can be used as an enrichment of teaching materials in the form of vocational biology modules on the subject of the utilization of waste . This study was conducted from March to June 201 5 . The method used in this study is an experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments performed 5 times repeat the treatment given is as follows (1) Charcoal oil palm fronds non sieve (B0), (2) Charcoal midrib palm oil is refined by sieve size of 30 mesh (B1), (3) Charcoal palm fronds were mashed with a 50-mesh sieve (B2), (4) Charcoal palm fronds were smoothed with a sieve size of 70 mesh (B3). Parameter studies that measured the water content, ash content, levels of substance evaporates, the density and firmness press. Treatment with a 70 mesh sieve (B3) to be most successful for the manufacture of charcoal briquet...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Agribisnis Padi di Kecamatan Indrapuri Kabupaten Aceh Besar

Pengembangan agribisnis merupakan serangkaian pembangunan industri dan pertanian serta jasa yang ... more Pengembangan agribisnis merupakan serangkaian pembangunan industri dan pertanian serta jasa yang sekaligus juga dilakukan secara simultan dan harmonis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kendala apa saja pada subsistem agroinput, agroproduksi, agroindustri, agroniaga, dan penunjang dalam pengembangan usahatani padi di Kecamatan Indrapuri, Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan agribisnis padi belum optimal. Hal ini ditandai dengan adanya kendala dalam masing-masing subsistem agribisnis. Beberapa diantaranya adalah harga benih dan pupuk subsidi yang tinggi, serta kelangkaan terhadap pupuk subsidi.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of The Use of Cooperative Learning Approach Type Think Pair Share And Students Interest In Reading Towards Students Skill In Writing Observation Report Text

Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018), 2018

This research aims to describe the effect of the use of cooperative learning approach type think ... more This research aims to describe the effect of the use of cooperative learning approach type think pair share and interest of students in reading towards certain skill in writing observation report text in grade ten of senior high school. This research deploys a quantitative research using experiment method by applying static group comparison design. The sample of this research is grade ten students which are chosen by using purposive random technique. The finding suggests several things.First, there is impact in using cooperative learning approach type think pair share towards students' skill in writing observation report text. Second, there's also impact of the higher and the lower students' interest in reading toward students' skill in writing observation report text. Third, there's no relation between cooperative learning approach type think pair share and students' interest in reading toward students'skill in writing observation report text. Keywords-effect; think pair share; reading interest; observation report I. INTRODUCTION The learning of bahasa Indonesia aims to to train students to be able to perform an effective and efficient communication based on common norms and rules applied in society, written or unwritten, stated by Abidin in Juliawati (2015, p.2). Furthermore, it is expected that the students can train their skills in writing. Writing skill is a skill of converting ideas into a written form by constructing whole, complete and clear sentences which can be understood by the readers. However, writing seems to be an obstacle for number of students. It can be seen from Huy (2015, p.53) that students have problems in writing due to their lack of focus. Therefore, a better learning approach is needed. Cooperative learning approach type think pair share can be applied to fulfill this goal. Marhaeni in Nwaubani (2016, p. 4) finds there"s a significant impact of cooperative learning approach towards students" confidence (F = 754.104 dan sig = 0,000; p <0,05) and also students" skill in speaking (F = 60,325 dan sig = 0,000; p <0,05). Writing skill is necessarily needed to be mastered by the students as it is demanded in Curriculum 2013. Thus, it provides some text genres; one of them is observation report text. Writing skill of Grade X sudents demanded in KI 4, KD 4.2. Nevertheless, the problems founded during the learning. As it is found by Juwani (2015, p.130) that grade X students of SMA N 3 Purbalingga had problems in writing this text. They only achieved scores below the level of 70. Moreover, the researcher also found similar problems in SMA N 1 Payakumbuh. Based on the interview conducted on July 18, 2017, Ernageni as the teacher of bahasa Indonesia found out that the students face several problems in writing. First, they do not have a good skill in writing due to their lack of interest in reading. As the result, they do not comprehend the structure, language features and social function of observation report text. Second, students do not get well motivated in writing as well as they do not get enough exercises in writing. Third, the learning approach used by teachers is not attractive enough in engaging students" attention. Cooperative learning approach type think pair share is expected to facilitatee the students during learning process. In addition, students can comprehend language features in observation report text easily. Also, students can do the exercise way easier since they do it in pair. Students" achievement in writing could also be influenced by their interest in reading. Ariani (2015, p. 1) states that students" interest in reading give impacts to students" skill in writing a story in grade X SMA N 4 Bandar Lampung. In addition, Wiyanti (2014, p. 89) says students" interest in reading influences their speaking skill in SMA N of Jakarta. Also, Hardiyanti (2014, p. 1) claims that students" interesting in reading give impacts to students" skill in writing speech in grade IX Middle School 2 Tambun Selatan.

Research paper thumbnail of Semiotika Visual Karya Lukisan Pengidap Skizofrenia

Visual Heritage: Jurnal Kreasi Seni dan Budaya, 2020

Setiap orang pasti mempunyai mental yang berbeda-beda, ada yang kuat dan ada pula yang lemah. Beg... more Setiap orang pasti mempunyai mental yang berbeda-beda, ada yang kuat dan ada pula yang lemah. Begitu juga ada orang yang mempunyai mental yang sehat, dan juga mental yang sakit tergantung dari faktor lingkungan dan kesehatan yang ada, juga faktor masa lalu yang pernah dialami oleh orang tersebut. Namun, karena kurangnya pengetahuan kita dalam mengetahui berbagai penyakit jiwa, hal tersebut menjadi disepelekan oleh berbagai pihak dan menganggap penyakit jiwa hanyalah masalah kecil saja. Seperti contohnya penyakit jiwa skizofrenia yang selalu dianggap penyakit yang tidak logis bagi kebanyakan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginformasikan dan menjelaskan penyakit jiwa skizofrenia dan apa arti dari karya seni yang diciptakan oleh pengidap skizofrenia menggunakan teori semiotika. Dalam menyelesaikan penulisan ilmiah kami, kami menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan hasil penelitian berdasarkan sumber premier dari salah satu narasumber yang menekuni ilmu psikologi jiwa dan sum...

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Locus of Control, Dan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan

Abstract: This research is motivated by problems of dissatisfaction in work, the importance of jo... more Abstract: This research is motivated by problems of dissatisfaction in work, the importance of job satisfaction is very influential in supporting employee performance processes. Lazy employee behavior in work will certainly cause problems for the company in the form of high absenteeism, work delay and other disciplinary violations. Conversely the behavior of employees who feel satisfied will be more profitable for the company. This study aims to determine the relationship between perceptions of transformational leadership, locus of control and employee job satisfaction by involving 42 employees in a Surabaya state-owned company. Based on the results of multiple regression techniques using the SPSS version 24 program by proving the first hypothesis the results obtained F = 26.406, R Square = 0.588 and p = 0.000 (p 0.05), meaning that there is no relationship between locus of control and job satisfaction.

Research paper thumbnail of Drama Appreciation Learning Using Multimedia To Develop Student Literation

Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2018), 2019

Nowadays, learning drama is less attractive and less favored by students and students, this is be... more Nowadays, learning drama is less attractive and less favored by students and students, this is because the learning model designed by lecturers is still conceptual so it is not attractive to students. Especially if speaking of the industrial revolution 4.0 concerns that literature drama is no longer a subject favored by students. Even if it is examining a lot of the value of life that can be taken through the stories conveyed in the drama script. Related to literacy, there are not many students who want to read drama scripts, especially with advances in technology and communication lately. Students are no longer interested in print media or in the form of textbooks, because all information they can receive through technological media. Therefore, it is necessary to design a drama appreciation learning model that is able to generate student literacy through multimedia-assisted learning.Multimedia assisted learning utilizes technology in the drama appreciation learning process. Thus, l...

Research paper thumbnail of The Rhetorical Problems Experienced by Indonesian Lecturers in Social Sciences and Humanities in Writing Research Articles for International Journals

The publication rate of Indonesian academics in reputable international journals is far below tho... more The publication rate of Indonesian academics in reputable international journals is far below those of neighbouring countries. This is because Indonesian academics are not familiar with the appropriate rhetorical style of English research articles although they can write academic texts in English reasonably well. This study investigated the rhetorical problems experienced by Indonesian lecturers in social sciences and humanities when writing research articles for international journals. In this study, all sections (abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion) of research article drafts written by Indonesian academics were analysed based on their rhetorical styles following the models suggested by Swales (1990, 2004), Swales and Feak (2009), Lim (2006), and Peacock (2011). The results show that Indonesian authors have significant rhetorical problems in writing the introduction, results and discussion sections but few problems with writing abstracts and the methods section...

Research paper thumbnail of The Different Effect of Inquiry Learning Strategy on the Students’ Environmental Knowledge

This research aims to know the different effect between guided inquiry learning strategy and inde... more This research aims to know the different effect between guided inquiry learning strategy and independent inquiry learning strategy towards students’ environmental knowledge at school. The method used in this research was experimental. The experimental method was used to investigate whether there is different effect by giving treatment to experimental class A (independent inquiry learning strategy) which then the result was compared to experimental class B (guided inquiry learning strategy). Based on the research results and discussion, then the conclusion that can be taken is that there is different effect on the students’ environmental knowledge at grade XI Madrasah Alawiyah Alwathoniyah 43 North Jakarta between the students who were taught by applying independent inquiry and the guided inquiry learning strategy. The result shows better learning improvement by using guided inquiry learning strategy compared to independent inquiry strategy. Therefore, guided inquiry learning strateg...

Research paper thumbnail of Developing an Instructional Model Assisted Audio Visual Media

Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018), 2018

Bahasa Indonesia teachers should be able to create an atmosphere of learning that can motivate pa... more Bahasa Indonesia teachers should be able to create an atmosphere of learning that can motivate participants who are in the middle of adolescence (12-14 years). Teachers can use an interesting media to help learners in uttering ideas. This study done to (1) analyze the developing an instructional model assisted audio visual media of descriptive in Bahasa Indonesia lesson of junior high school; and (2) examine the validity, feasibility and effectiveness of an instructional model assisted audio visual media of descriptive in Bahasa Indonesia Lesson of junior high school. This research was development research. This research used to produce an instructional model assisted audio visual media of descriptive in Bahasa Indonesia lesson of junior high school and simultaneously test the validity, feasibility, and effectiveness. This research used 4-D development model which consists of (1) define; (2) design; (3) develop; and (4) disseminate. This research revealed an instructional model assisted audio visual media of descriptive in Bahasa Indonesia lesson of junior high school in the form of model book, teacher manual, student manual, and audio visual media video had been valid from linguistic aspects, content and learning materials, literary, display and presentation; practical based on the questionnaire results for students and teachers and the results of observation of learning implementation; and effective seen from the observation of students' activities during learning using the model. Keywords-Instructional Model; Descriptive Text; Audio Visual Media; Learning Bahasa Indonesia into other forms according to the structure and rules of the text, both oral and written. Research on the descriptive text and literary texts conducted by several countries among Indonesia by Sari, Kristiawan, & Syaveny (2015) from West Sumatera. Tiur Asih Siburian (2013) from Medan State University about improving students' achievement on writing descriptive text through 32 think pair Share.

Research paper thumbnail of The Development Teaching of Writing Fable Text Module with Project Based Learning (PjBL) Containing Characters

The research aims to describe the process of developing the project based learning module to the ... more The research aims to describe the process of developing the project based learning module to the material ofthe fable text which in valid, practical, and effective. This type of research is research development. The development of model whice is used model 4-D which consists of four stages (define, design, develop, and disseminate). The result of this research show that the teaching of writing fable text module with PjBLcontaining characters is valid, practical and effective. The score of the module validation given by the expert was 95,12% (very valid). The score of the module practicallity given by the teacher was 93,05% (very practical). The score of the module practicallity given by the students was 85,17% (very practical). The score of the module practicallity given by student activity was 91,3% (very active). The score of the effectiveness of the module based on the students learning achievement in writting fable text was 86 or A (very effective). The score of the effectivenes...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Writing Learning Model Using Process Approach In Class III Elementary School

Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018), 2018

This research is caused by the low ability of students in writing. Students' writing is difficult... more This research is caused by the low ability of students in writing. Students' writing is difficult to read. Writing the alphabet and numbers seems still not good and neat, this will hurt the students themselves.When examining the results of the exercise, the teacher has difficulty reading the writing of students, and as a result students get low scores. This type of research is field research to describe Indonesian learning activities from aspects of writing. Data collection used in this study, obtained from interviews, and documentation. The results showed that writing learning received less attention from the teacher which resulted in students' writing difficult to read. Keywords-writing; elementary school; learning model; process approach I. INTRODUCTION Reading and writing are closely related and are the gateway to learning productivity in today's digital age. Governments, teachers and parents have a big role in the education of learners in Elementary School. With proper reading and writing materials, a conducive environment, and teachers with adequate educational qualifications, good reading and writing skills will help produce learners who perform well in other subjects (Amutha, 2015). Writing skills have an important role to increase the competence of learners, especially in the field of communication and interact with the environment (Javed, Juan, & Nazli, 2013). However, writing received less attention from teachers and parents of learners. The difficulties of learners in writing seem to be commonplace in the early phases of education. If allowed to continue, this will harm the students themselves. Learners need to read a lot to improve their writing skills (DeMichele and Ozark, 2015). Learners in writing should be given a topic related to what is experienced (Hashemi and Mirzaei, 2015). Learners need to have an understanding and writing skills, and teachers should develop an appropriate and planned plan of writing learning with effective learning strategies. The support and guidance of teachers in writing is necessary for students to complete their tasks well (Ahangari, Hejazi, and Razmjou, 2014). The effort of teachers in membelajarkan learners is an important part in achieving the success of the planned learning objectives of writing. One of the efforts is the selection of various models of learning. Appropriate learning model can increase the activity of learners in writing, and it is expected that teachers can choose various models of learning tailored to the level of development of learners. Some of the things that will be discussed in this paper are; (a) how is the writing activity activity in the third grade of elementary school? (b) what is the model of the learning approach to writing in the third grade of elementary school? Writing can be regarded as a process or a result. Writing is an activity that someone does to produce a writing. Actually writing activities that produce a writing we often do, for example, record messages or write messages for friends. Writing is to derive or represent graphic symbols depicting a language that a person understands, so that others can read the graphic symbols if they understand the language and graphic picture (Tarigan, 1998). According Nurgiyantoro (2005) writing is an activity express ideas through the media language. Writing is a productive and expressive activity so the writer must have the ability to use vocabulary, grammar, and language structure. Based on the opinion of the experts above it can be concluded that writing is an activity to paint the graphic symbol and pour ideas through the language media. Students in elementary school are focused on reading and writing learning. Writing can be grouped into two, ie write the beginning and write further. The type of writing outline is to write the beginning and write further. 1) Beginning writing begins by holding the right pencil. Level of beginning, writing activity is more dominated by things that are mechanical. Such mechanical activity may be; a good sitting posture in writing, how to hold a pencil / stationery, how to hold a book, and relax the

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model on Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Type and Reading Habits of Exposition Text Writing Skills

Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018), 2018

This study was an experimental research which aimed at identifying the effect of implementation o... more This study was an experimental research which aimed at identifying the effect of implementation of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) and reading habits of exposition text writing skills. This research is using quantitative method with a 2x2 factorial experimental design. The study population was tenth-grade students at SMA Negeri 6 Padang. Data were collected through questionnaires and writing-skill tests towards text exposition. Based on the research, the cooperative learning model for STAD shows better results in enhancing the writing skills than the ones who were taught with conventional learning model.

Research paper thumbnail of The Quality of Test Instruments Constructed by Teachers in Bima Regency, Indonesia: Document Analysis

International Journal of Instruction, 2020

The analysis of the Test Instruments' quality is a crucial thing needs to be conducted. The test ... more The analysis of the Test Instruments' quality is a crucial thing needs to be conducted. The test instruments made by teachers must fulfil the requirements (validity, reliability, and standard error of measurement) until the measurement result obtained can describe the students' actual abilities. This research aims to analyse the content validity (quantitative and qualitative), empirical validity, reliability, and standard error of measurement of semester final exam test instruments on Physics Grade XII Senior High School academic year 2017/2018 designed by teachers. The data analysis was based on 5 question documents (135 items) made by teachers and 555 answer sheets of the students at five schools. The research results show that teachers' ability in making the test instruments of the semester final exam is still limited. It is proven as a problem found through the representation of the analysis result based on the test of content validity, empirical validation, reliability and standard errors of measurement. It is suggested that school principals or the Educational Authority should hold effective training regularly and invite teachers to participate in it to sharpen their skills in making effective test instruments.

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi Perilaku Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun Pada Siswa Untuk Pencegahan Transmisi Penyakit

JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), 2020

Abstrak: Anak usia sekolah mempunyai kebiasaan kurang memperhatikan perilaku mencuci tangan terut... more Abstrak: Anak usia sekolah mempunyai kebiasaan kurang memperhatikan perilaku mencuci tangan terutama di lingkungan sekolah. Kebiasaan Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) masih menjadi perhatian dunia karena masih ditemukan masyarakat yang melupakan perilaku mencuci tangan. Fokus kegiatan CTPS adalah anak usia sekolah yang menjadi “Agen Perubahan” pada masa depan. Dalam kegiatan ini akan dilakukan edukasi cuci tangan pakai sabun kepada siswa MI As’adiyah dalam bentuk penyuluhan di kelas dan dilanjutkan dengan simulasi di lapangan dengan berpedoman pada 6 langkah cuci tangan. Sebelum melakukan kegiatan ini siswa MI As’adiyah belum mengetahui cara mencuci tangan pakai sabun sehingga kegiatan ini dinggap berhasil 100% berhasil karena semua siswa dapat mempraktekkan mencucuci tangan menggunakan sabun dengan baik dan benar. : School-age children have a habit of not paying attention to handwashing behavior, especially in the school environment. Handwashing with soap habit is still the world’s ...

Research paper thumbnail of The effectiveness of the Think Pair Share (TPS) method on explanatory text writing skills in terms of learning styles


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau efektivitas metode think pair share terhadap keterampilan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau efektivitas metode think pair share terhadap keterampilan menulis teks eksplanasi ditinjau dari gaya belajar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen faktorial 2x2. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Kinali. Data penelitian dikumpulkan menggunakan angket dan tes unjuk kerja. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, dapat disimpulkan (1) keterampilan menulis teks eksplanasi siswa yang belajar dengan metode think pair share lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang yang belajar dengan metode konvensional, (2) keterampilan menulis teks eksplanasi siswa yang memiliki gaya belajar tinggi yang belajar dengan metode think pair share lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang yang belajar dengan metode konvensional, (3) keterampilan menulis teks eksplanasi siswa yang memiliki gaya belajar rendah yang yang belajar dengan metode think pair share lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang yang belajar dengan metode konvensional, dan (4) terdapat interaksi antara metode think pair share dan gaya belajar dalam mempengaruhi keterampilan menulis teks eksplanasi.

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching with Adult Learners: Peer-Assessment Software in Translation and Interpretation

Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018), 2018

PowerPoint is one of the presentation software programs used effectively to present material in t... more PowerPoint is one of the presentation software programs used effectively to present material in the classroom and encourage learner learning. In this study, PowerPoint is used as media to support learners' peer-Assessment in the classroom. This case study highlights learners' perception about the effectiveness of PowerPoint software as learners' peer assessment tool implemented in translation and interpretation subject. fifty seven learners from two classes of English Education Department were surveyed. Age (adult learners) considerations may be worthy of note with regard to learner views of assessment. Survey was divided into three sections; 1) the use of PowerPoint as peer-assessment media; 2) being a rater/ being rated by peers, 3) Interview. Survey response data indicated that a majority of learners had a positive reaction to the use of PowerPoint slide as tool to support peerassessment, yet also expressing some weaknesses using this software for peer-assessment.

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan ukuran kapal, panjang jaring, tenaga mesin, dan material rumpon terhadap hasil tangkapan purse seine: Studi kasus di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Idi Rayeuk, Kabupaten Aceh Timur

Depik, 2019

Each region has different boat sizes, fishing gear sizes, engine power, and fish agregating devic... more Each region has different boat sizes, fishing gear sizes, engine power, and fish agregating device (FAD) material, allegedly having different catches. The relationship between the length of the net, engine power, fishing vessel size, usually influences the catch of the fish. This study aims to determine the effect of fishing vessel size, engine power, net length and FAD material on catches volume. The study was conducted using descriptive methods conducted on 14 February-14 March 2019 in Idie Rayeak, Aceh Timur, Aceh Province. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that engine power, net length and FAD material had a significant effect on the catch volume, while the fishing vessel size had no significant effect on the catch volume.

Research paper thumbnail of Korelasi Keterampilan Memahami Teks Deskripsi Dengan Keterampilan Menulis Teks Deskripsi Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 15 Padang

This article was written to find out the correlation between comprehension and writing skill of d... more This article was written to find out the correlation between comprehension and writing skill of description text for student at class VII SMPN 15 Padang. Data in this study was score of text comprehension skill. The type of this study was quantitative research with correlation design. Study population was students at class VII SMPN 15 Padang that enrolled in academic year of 2016/2017 with sample was amounted to 224 students that dispersed in seven classes. Sampling determination used proportional random sampling technique that obtained 42 students (20% from student population per class). Study fining showed that there was a significant correlation between comprehension and writing skill of description text for student at class VII SMPN 15 Padang with tcount > ttable (10.32 > 1.68). Therefore, to write description text students should be able to understand the description text it self.

Research paper thumbnail of Lecturer’s beliefs and practice in integrating digital literacy into lesson

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language, Literature and Education, ICLLE 2019, 22-23 August, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, 2019

This is case study at University level, Padang Indonesia, aimed to examining lecturer's beliefs a... more This is case study at University level, Padang Indonesia, aimed to examining lecturer's beliefs and practice in integrating digital literacy into lesson. The data taken base on lecturers' interviewed following observations in class to explore lecturer's practice in using digital literacy. The participants of this study were four lecturers who teach English reading and writing. The data were analyzed qualitatively by explaining lecturers' beliefs of integrating digital literacy and their practice. As the result, the lecturers who teach writing and reading at university have a strong belief that integrating digital literacy into the lesson is essencial to do. Unfortunately, in practices, the lecturers use digital literacy limitedly on e-learning that must be used in the university as the requirement. It suggested that the lecturers should balance the reflection of their beliefs and practice in integrating digital literacy into lesson.

Research paper thumbnail of Author Identity and the Struggle for Power in Seratus Hari Keliling Indonesia, Kompas TV

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2017), 2018

This study is a discourse-based work which analyses the author identity construction in the novel... more This study is a discourse-based work which analyses the author identity construction in the novel Seratus Hari Keliling Indonesia (Seratus HKI) Kompas TV in order to reveal the authors' struggle for power. The data of this study is obtained from f the vocabulary found in the Seratus HKI Kompas TV. Using the theory of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), this study applies the framework model of Norman Fairclough critical discourse analysis with the focus on the textual level. The finding shows that the identity (selfidentification) of the author as a part of the government, local community, and foreigners are very much influenced by the interest of the nation, Indonesian citizens, conservation, environment, humanistic values, nationalism and patriotism. The analysis on the vocabulary found in HKI is emphasized on : (1) the vocabulary as a key words, (2) the usage of pronouns, and (3) rhetorical language's style. Selfidentification on Seratus HKI Kompas TV is relevant with the slogan of Kompas TV inspiring Indonesia by enlighting people and as a documentary journey that insert the national ideology.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengayaan Modul Biologi SMK Pertanian Kelas XI Pada Pokok Bahasan Pemanfaatan Limbah Pelepah Kelapa Sawit Untuk Pembuatan Briket Arang

Abstract: There have been experimental studies to examine the use of oil palm fronds waste to raw... more Abstract: There have been experimental studies to examine the use of oil palm fronds waste to raw material for charcoal briquettes and the results of this study can be used as an enrichment of teaching materials in the form of vocational biology modules on the subject of the utilization of waste . This study was conducted from March to June 201 5 . The method used in this study is an experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments performed 5 times repeat the treatment given is as follows (1) Charcoal oil palm fronds non sieve (B0), (2) Charcoal midrib palm oil is refined by sieve size of 30 mesh (B1), (3) Charcoal palm fronds were mashed with a 50-mesh sieve (B2), (4) Charcoal palm fronds were smoothed with a sieve size of 70 mesh (B3). Parameter studies that measured the water content, ash content, levels of substance evaporates, the density and firmness press. Treatment with a 70 mesh sieve (B3) to be most successful for the manufacture of charcoal briquet...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Agribisnis Padi di Kecamatan Indrapuri Kabupaten Aceh Besar

Pengembangan agribisnis merupakan serangkaian pembangunan industri dan pertanian serta jasa yang ... more Pengembangan agribisnis merupakan serangkaian pembangunan industri dan pertanian serta jasa yang sekaligus juga dilakukan secara simultan dan harmonis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kendala apa saja pada subsistem agroinput, agroproduksi, agroindustri, agroniaga, dan penunjang dalam pengembangan usahatani padi di Kecamatan Indrapuri, Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan agribisnis padi belum optimal. Hal ini ditandai dengan adanya kendala dalam masing-masing subsistem agribisnis. Beberapa diantaranya adalah harga benih dan pupuk subsidi yang tinggi, serta kelangkaan terhadap pupuk subsidi.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of The Use of Cooperative Learning Approach Type Think Pair Share And Students Interest In Reading Towards Students Skill In Writing Observation Report Text

Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018), 2018

This research aims to describe the effect of the use of cooperative learning approach type think ... more This research aims to describe the effect of the use of cooperative learning approach type think pair share and interest of students in reading towards certain skill in writing observation report text in grade ten of senior high school. This research deploys a quantitative research using experiment method by applying static group comparison design. The sample of this research is grade ten students which are chosen by using purposive random technique. The finding suggests several things.First, there is impact in using cooperative learning approach type think pair share towards students' skill in writing observation report text. Second, there's also impact of the higher and the lower students' interest in reading toward students' skill in writing observation report text. Third, there's no relation between cooperative learning approach type think pair share and students' interest in reading toward students'skill in writing observation report text. Keywords-effect; think pair share; reading interest; observation report I. INTRODUCTION The learning of bahasa Indonesia aims to to train students to be able to perform an effective and efficient communication based on common norms and rules applied in society, written or unwritten, stated by Abidin in Juliawati (2015, p.2). Furthermore, it is expected that the students can train their skills in writing. Writing skill is a skill of converting ideas into a written form by constructing whole, complete and clear sentences which can be understood by the readers. However, writing seems to be an obstacle for number of students. It can be seen from Huy (2015, p.53) that students have problems in writing due to their lack of focus. Therefore, a better learning approach is needed. Cooperative learning approach type think pair share can be applied to fulfill this goal. Marhaeni in Nwaubani (2016, p. 4) finds there"s a significant impact of cooperative learning approach towards students" confidence (F = 754.104 dan sig = 0,000; p <0,05) and also students" skill in speaking (F = 60,325 dan sig = 0,000; p <0,05). Writing skill is necessarily needed to be mastered by the students as it is demanded in Curriculum 2013. Thus, it provides some text genres; one of them is observation report text. Writing skill of Grade X sudents demanded in KI 4, KD 4.2. Nevertheless, the problems founded during the learning. As it is found by Juwani (2015, p.130) that grade X students of SMA N 3 Purbalingga had problems in writing this text. They only achieved scores below the level of 70. Moreover, the researcher also found similar problems in SMA N 1 Payakumbuh. Based on the interview conducted on July 18, 2017, Ernageni as the teacher of bahasa Indonesia found out that the students face several problems in writing. First, they do not have a good skill in writing due to their lack of interest in reading. As the result, they do not comprehend the structure, language features and social function of observation report text. Second, students do not get well motivated in writing as well as they do not get enough exercises in writing. Third, the learning approach used by teachers is not attractive enough in engaging students" attention. Cooperative learning approach type think pair share is expected to facilitatee the students during learning process. In addition, students can comprehend language features in observation report text easily. Also, students can do the exercise way easier since they do it in pair. Students" achievement in writing could also be influenced by their interest in reading. Ariani (2015, p. 1) states that students" interest in reading give impacts to students" skill in writing a story in grade X SMA N 4 Bandar Lampung. In addition, Wiyanti (2014, p. 89) says students" interest in reading influences their speaking skill in SMA N of Jakarta. Also, Hardiyanti (2014, p. 1) claims that students" interesting in reading give impacts to students" skill in writing speech in grade IX Middle School 2 Tambun Selatan.

Research paper thumbnail of Semiotika Visual Karya Lukisan Pengidap Skizofrenia

Visual Heritage: Jurnal Kreasi Seni dan Budaya, 2020

Setiap orang pasti mempunyai mental yang berbeda-beda, ada yang kuat dan ada pula yang lemah. Beg... more Setiap orang pasti mempunyai mental yang berbeda-beda, ada yang kuat dan ada pula yang lemah. Begitu juga ada orang yang mempunyai mental yang sehat, dan juga mental yang sakit tergantung dari faktor lingkungan dan kesehatan yang ada, juga faktor masa lalu yang pernah dialami oleh orang tersebut. Namun, karena kurangnya pengetahuan kita dalam mengetahui berbagai penyakit jiwa, hal tersebut menjadi disepelekan oleh berbagai pihak dan menganggap penyakit jiwa hanyalah masalah kecil saja. Seperti contohnya penyakit jiwa skizofrenia yang selalu dianggap penyakit yang tidak logis bagi kebanyakan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginformasikan dan menjelaskan penyakit jiwa skizofrenia dan apa arti dari karya seni yang diciptakan oleh pengidap skizofrenia menggunakan teori semiotika. Dalam menyelesaikan penulisan ilmiah kami, kami menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan hasil penelitian berdasarkan sumber premier dari salah satu narasumber yang menekuni ilmu psikologi jiwa dan sum...

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Locus of Control, Dan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan

Abstract: This research is motivated by problems of dissatisfaction in work, the importance of jo... more Abstract: This research is motivated by problems of dissatisfaction in work, the importance of job satisfaction is very influential in supporting employee performance processes. Lazy employee behavior in work will certainly cause problems for the company in the form of high absenteeism, work delay and other disciplinary violations. Conversely the behavior of employees who feel satisfied will be more profitable for the company. This study aims to determine the relationship between perceptions of transformational leadership, locus of control and employee job satisfaction by involving 42 employees in a Surabaya state-owned company. Based on the results of multiple regression techniques using the SPSS version 24 program by proving the first hypothesis the results obtained F = 26.406, R Square = 0.588 and p = 0.000 (p 0.05), meaning that there is no relationship between locus of control and job satisfaction.

Research paper thumbnail of Drama Appreciation Learning Using Multimedia To Develop Student Literation

Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2018), 2019

Nowadays, learning drama is less attractive and less favored by students and students, this is be... more Nowadays, learning drama is less attractive and less favored by students and students, this is because the learning model designed by lecturers is still conceptual so it is not attractive to students. Especially if speaking of the industrial revolution 4.0 concerns that literature drama is no longer a subject favored by students. Even if it is examining a lot of the value of life that can be taken through the stories conveyed in the drama script. Related to literacy, there are not many students who want to read drama scripts, especially with advances in technology and communication lately. Students are no longer interested in print media or in the form of textbooks, because all information they can receive through technological media. Therefore, it is necessary to design a drama appreciation learning model that is able to generate student literacy through multimedia-assisted learning.Multimedia assisted learning utilizes technology in the drama appreciation learning process. Thus, l...

Research paper thumbnail of The Rhetorical Problems Experienced by Indonesian Lecturers in Social Sciences and Humanities in Writing Research Articles for International Journals

The publication rate of Indonesian academics in reputable international journals is far below tho... more The publication rate of Indonesian academics in reputable international journals is far below those of neighbouring countries. This is because Indonesian academics are not familiar with the appropriate rhetorical style of English research articles although they can write academic texts in English reasonably well. This study investigated the rhetorical problems experienced by Indonesian lecturers in social sciences and humanities when writing research articles for international journals. In this study, all sections (abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion) of research article drafts written by Indonesian academics were analysed based on their rhetorical styles following the models suggested by Swales (1990, 2004), Swales and Feak (2009), Lim (2006), and Peacock (2011). The results show that Indonesian authors have significant rhetorical problems in writing the introduction, results and discussion sections but few problems with writing abstracts and the methods section...

Research paper thumbnail of The Different Effect of Inquiry Learning Strategy on the Students’ Environmental Knowledge

This research aims to know the different effect between guided inquiry learning strategy and inde... more This research aims to know the different effect between guided inquiry learning strategy and independent inquiry learning strategy towards students’ environmental knowledge at school. The method used in this research was experimental. The experimental method was used to investigate whether there is different effect by giving treatment to experimental class A (independent inquiry learning strategy) which then the result was compared to experimental class B (guided inquiry learning strategy). Based on the research results and discussion, then the conclusion that can be taken is that there is different effect on the students’ environmental knowledge at grade XI Madrasah Alawiyah Alwathoniyah 43 North Jakarta between the students who were taught by applying independent inquiry and the guided inquiry learning strategy. The result shows better learning improvement by using guided inquiry learning strategy compared to independent inquiry strategy. Therefore, guided inquiry learning strateg...

Research paper thumbnail of Developing an Instructional Model Assisted Audio Visual Media

Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018), 2018

Bahasa Indonesia teachers should be able to create an atmosphere of learning that can motivate pa... more Bahasa Indonesia teachers should be able to create an atmosphere of learning that can motivate participants who are in the middle of adolescence (12-14 years). Teachers can use an interesting media to help learners in uttering ideas. This study done to (1) analyze the developing an instructional model assisted audio visual media of descriptive in Bahasa Indonesia lesson of junior high school; and (2) examine the validity, feasibility and effectiveness of an instructional model assisted audio visual media of descriptive in Bahasa Indonesia Lesson of junior high school. This research was development research. This research used to produce an instructional model assisted audio visual media of descriptive in Bahasa Indonesia lesson of junior high school and simultaneously test the validity, feasibility, and effectiveness. This research used 4-D development model which consists of (1) define; (2) design; (3) develop; and (4) disseminate. This research revealed an instructional model assisted audio visual media of descriptive in Bahasa Indonesia lesson of junior high school in the form of model book, teacher manual, student manual, and audio visual media video had been valid from linguistic aspects, content and learning materials, literary, display and presentation; practical based on the questionnaire results for students and teachers and the results of observation of learning implementation; and effective seen from the observation of students' activities during learning using the model. Keywords-Instructional Model; Descriptive Text; Audio Visual Media; Learning Bahasa Indonesia into other forms according to the structure and rules of the text, both oral and written. Research on the descriptive text and literary texts conducted by several countries among Indonesia by Sari, Kristiawan, & Syaveny (2015) from West Sumatera. Tiur Asih Siburian (2013) from Medan State University about improving students' achievement on writing descriptive text through 32 think pair Share.

Research paper thumbnail of The Development Teaching of Writing Fable Text Module with Project Based Learning (PjBL) Containing Characters

The research aims to describe the process of developing the project based learning module to the ... more The research aims to describe the process of developing the project based learning module to the material ofthe fable text which in valid, practical, and effective. This type of research is research development. The development of model whice is used model 4-D which consists of four stages (define, design, develop, and disseminate). The result of this research show that the teaching of writing fable text module with PjBLcontaining characters is valid, practical and effective. The score of the module validation given by the expert was 95,12% (very valid). The score of the module practicallity given by the teacher was 93,05% (very practical). The score of the module practicallity given by the students was 85,17% (very practical). The score of the module practicallity given by student activity was 91,3% (very active). The score of the effectiveness of the module based on the students learning achievement in writting fable text was 86 or A (very effective). The score of the effectivenes...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Writing Learning Model Using Process Approach In Class III Elementary School

Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018), 2018

This research is caused by the low ability of students in writing. Students' writing is difficult... more This research is caused by the low ability of students in writing. Students' writing is difficult to read. Writing the alphabet and numbers seems still not good and neat, this will hurt the students themselves.When examining the results of the exercise, the teacher has difficulty reading the writing of students, and as a result students get low scores. This type of research is field research to describe Indonesian learning activities from aspects of writing. Data collection used in this study, obtained from interviews, and documentation. The results showed that writing learning received less attention from the teacher which resulted in students' writing difficult to read. Keywords-writing; elementary school; learning model; process approach I. INTRODUCTION Reading and writing are closely related and are the gateway to learning productivity in today's digital age. Governments, teachers and parents have a big role in the education of learners in Elementary School. With proper reading and writing materials, a conducive environment, and teachers with adequate educational qualifications, good reading and writing skills will help produce learners who perform well in other subjects (Amutha, 2015). Writing skills have an important role to increase the competence of learners, especially in the field of communication and interact with the environment (Javed, Juan, & Nazli, 2013). However, writing received less attention from teachers and parents of learners. The difficulties of learners in writing seem to be commonplace in the early phases of education. If allowed to continue, this will harm the students themselves. Learners need to read a lot to improve their writing skills (DeMichele and Ozark, 2015). Learners in writing should be given a topic related to what is experienced (Hashemi and Mirzaei, 2015). Learners need to have an understanding and writing skills, and teachers should develop an appropriate and planned plan of writing learning with effective learning strategies. The support and guidance of teachers in writing is necessary for students to complete their tasks well (Ahangari, Hejazi, and Razmjou, 2014). The effort of teachers in membelajarkan learners is an important part in achieving the success of the planned learning objectives of writing. One of the efforts is the selection of various models of learning. Appropriate learning model can increase the activity of learners in writing, and it is expected that teachers can choose various models of learning tailored to the level of development of learners. Some of the things that will be discussed in this paper are; (a) how is the writing activity activity in the third grade of elementary school? (b) what is the model of the learning approach to writing in the third grade of elementary school? Writing can be regarded as a process or a result. Writing is an activity that someone does to produce a writing. Actually writing activities that produce a writing we often do, for example, record messages or write messages for friends. Writing is to derive or represent graphic symbols depicting a language that a person understands, so that others can read the graphic symbols if they understand the language and graphic picture (Tarigan, 1998). According Nurgiyantoro (2005) writing is an activity express ideas through the media language. Writing is a productive and expressive activity so the writer must have the ability to use vocabulary, grammar, and language structure. Based on the opinion of the experts above it can be concluded that writing is an activity to paint the graphic symbol and pour ideas through the language media. Students in elementary school are focused on reading and writing learning. Writing can be grouped into two, ie write the beginning and write further. The type of writing outline is to write the beginning and write further. 1) Beginning writing begins by holding the right pencil. Level of beginning, writing activity is more dominated by things that are mechanical. Such mechanical activity may be; a good sitting posture in writing, how to hold a pencil / stationery, how to hold a book, and relax the

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model on Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Type and Reading Habits of Exposition Text Writing Skills

Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018), 2018

This study was an experimental research which aimed at identifying the effect of implementation o... more This study was an experimental research which aimed at identifying the effect of implementation of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) and reading habits of exposition text writing skills. This research is using quantitative method with a 2x2 factorial experimental design. The study population was tenth-grade students at SMA Negeri 6 Padang. Data were collected through questionnaires and writing-skill tests towards text exposition. Based on the research, the cooperative learning model for STAD shows better results in enhancing the writing skills than the ones who were taught with conventional learning model.

Research paper thumbnail of The Quality of Test Instruments Constructed by Teachers in Bima Regency, Indonesia: Document Analysis

International Journal of Instruction, 2020

The analysis of the Test Instruments' quality is a crucial thing needs to be conducted. The test ... more The analysis of the Test Instruments' quality is a crucial thing needs to be conducted. The test instruments made by teachers must fulfil the requirements (validity, reliability, and standard error of measurement) until the measurement result obtained can describe the students' actual abilities. This research aims to analyse the content validity (quantitative and qualitative), empirical validity, reliability, and standard error of measurement of semester final exam test instruments on Physics Grade XII Senior High School academic year 2017/2018 designed by teachers. The data analysis was based on 5 question documents (135 items) made by teachers and 555 answer sheets of the students at five schools. The research results show that teachers' ability in making the test instruments of the semester final exam is still limited. It is proven as a problem found through the representation of the analysis result based on the test of content validity, empirical validation, reliability and standard errors of measurement. It is suggested that school principals or the Educational Authority should hold effective training regularly and invite teachers to participate in it to sharpen their skills in making effective test instruments.

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi Perilaku Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun Pada Siswa Untuk Pencegahan Transmisi Penyakit

JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), 2020

Abstrak: Anak usia sekolah mempunyai kebiasaan kurang memperhatikan perilaku mencuci tangan terut... more Abstrak: Anak usia sekolah mempunyai kebiasaan kurang memperhatikan perilaku mencuci tangan terutama di lingkungan sekolah. Kebiasaan Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) masih menjadi perhatian dunia karena masih ditemukan masyarakat yang melupakan perilaku mencuci tangan. Fokus kegiatan CTPS adalah anak usia sekolah yang menjadi “Agen Perubahan” pada masa depan. Dalam kegiatan ini akan dilakukan edukasi cuci tangan pakai sabun kepada siswa MI As’adiyah dalam bentuk penyuluhan di kelas dan dilanjutkan dengan simulasi di lapangan dengan berpedoman pada 6 langkah cuci tangan. Sebelum melakukan kegiatan ini siswa MI As’adiyah belum mengetahui cara mencuci tangan pakai sabun sehingga kegiatan ini dinggap berhasil 100% berhasil karena semua siswa dapat mempraktekkan mencucuci tangan menggunakan sabun dengan baik dan benar. : School-age children have a habit of not paying attention to handwashing behavior, especially in the school environment. Handwashing with soap habit is still the world’s ...