Veronica Teichrieb - (original) (raw)

Papers by Veronica Teichrieb

Research paper thumbnail of GoThrough: A tool to render and interact with arbitrary planar transformative portals

Entertainment Computing

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Research paper thumbnail of 3D Object Reconstruction using Stationary RGB Camera

Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Mixed Reality TVs: Applying Motion Parallax for Enhanced Viewing and Control Experiences on Consumer TVs

2017 19th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR), 2017

Smart TVs have been popularized in the last years, presenting continued innovation regarding diff... more Smart TVs have been popularized in the last years, presenting continued innovation regarding different topics such as connectivity, platform support, and options for interaction. Examples of LG and Samsung present interaction options such as voice and gesture control, showing these emerging technologies that were previously tackled mainly on research investigations, as market alternative solutions for the already established remote control. In this paper, we address the interactivity with Smart TVs by using body gestures combined with the visualization modification through the Motion Parallax effect. We show that by tracking the user viewpoint and hand tips, plus applying the Parallax effect, it is possible to fully calibrate the virtual environment demonstrated by the TV with the real world. Once the calibration is performed, the TV becomes a Mixed Reality display, showing its content coupled with the real world, and allowing the user to perceive this coupling through the depth cue provided by the distortions of the Parallax effect. This calibration enables the use of a set of interaction techniques such as enabling the user to visually pinpoint and touch the virtual items of a TV menu. Moreover, we show that by modeling the interaction with the TV content as a 3D virtual world interaction, it is possible to use new metaphors based on physical interactions such as collisions, lights and shadows and magnetic attractions.

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Research paper thumbnail of ARkanoidAR: An Augmented Reality System to Guide Biomechanical Movements at Sagittal Plane

2017 19th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR), 2017

In motor rehabilitation, the search for better methodologies is intense. In parallel, natural int... more In motor rehabilitation, the search for better methodologies is intense. In parallel, natural interaction technologies are considered to be a nice approach for rehabilitation guidance, as they can provide content for visual feedback in augmented reality. This paper describes an augmented reality physiotherapy rehabilitation system called ARkanoidAR, which was implemented using the Microsoft Kinect and whose main focus is to provide feedback for biomechanical movements, more specifically those which occurs on the sagittal plane. The main objective of this paper is to propose the ARkanoidAR and evaluate its usability in the rehabilitation context. We conceived and applied a usability quiz, and its results obtained shows that the application is efficient in guiding and engaging users to do motor rehabilitation exercises and that it is easy to be set up and handled.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydra Plataforma para Desenvolvimento de Ambientes Virtuais

Thanks to technological advances experienced in recent years, home users can run complex applicat... more Thanks to technological advances experienced in recent years, home users can run complex applications related to virtual environments, such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), Games, among others, on their computers. Due to these advances, it is possible for developers to create tools in order to assist the development of virtual environment's applications, thereby influencing many different areas of industry, such as Cinema and Games. In this context, this paper proposes Hydra, a platform that has two major objectives: promoting fast development of applications, covering various aspects related to virtual environments (graphics, sound, physics, and others), and enable customization of the Hydra itself, allowing users to change the way the platform perform its features.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Qualitative Analysis of Fluid Simulation Using a SPH Variation

Fluid simulation using meshless methods has increasingly become a robust way to solve mechanics p... more Fluid simulation using meshless methods has increasingly become a robust way to solve mechanics problems that require dealing with large deformations, in that way, it is briefly shown what the main challenges and advances in the area are. The smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is then introduced. One of its variations is the Weakly Compressible SPH (WCSPH), which was used as a baseline to implement the method used in this work, called XSPH. Finally, four usual test cases of fluid simulation are analyzed: the lid-driven cavity flow, the dam break, the Poiseuille flow and the elliptic drop. The analysis concluded that the method used in this work performs at least as well as the most reliable and accurate models, and in some aspects performs better.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards an evaluation methodology for digital musical instruments considering performer’s view: a case study

With the increasing number of initiatives concerning the design of new Digital Musical Instrument... more With the increasing number of initiatives concerning the design of new Digital Musical Instruments in the recent years and with the perceivable lack of methods for evaluating them, this work proposes a process for evaluating those devices considering the performer's perspective. It also presents a case study which describes and evaluates its practical application. The proposed process could be also utilized as a very useful step when designing new DMIs, providing a structured tool for incremental development of prototypes based on user feedback.

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Research paper thumbnail of Considering Audience's View Towards an Evaluation Methodology for Digital Musical Instruments

The authors propose the development of a more complete Digital Music Instrument (DMI) evaluation ... more The authors propose the development of a more complete Digital Music Instrument (DMI) evaluation methodology, which provides structured tools for the incremental development of prototypes based on user feedback. This paper emphasizes an important but often ignored stakeholder present in the context of musical performance: the audience. We demonstrate the practical application of an audience focused methodology through a case study (‘Illusio’), discuss the obtained results and possible improvements for future works.

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Research paper thumbnail of HuTrain: a Framework for Fast Creation of Real Human Pose Datasets

2020 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), 2020

Image-based body tracking algorithms are useful in several scenarios, such as avatar animations a... more Image-based body tracking algorithms are useful in several scenarios, such as avatar animations and gesture interaction for VR applications. In the last few years, the best-ranked solutions presented on the state of the art of body tracking (according to the most popular datasets in the field) are intensively based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) algorithms and use large datasets for training and validation. Although these solutions achieve high precision scores while evaluated with some of these datasets, there are particular tracking challenges (for example, upside-down cases) that are not well-modeled and, therefore, not correctly tracked. Instead of lurking an all-in-one solution for all cases, we propose HuTrain, a framework for creating datasets quickly and easily. HuTrain comprises a series of steps, including automatic camera calibration, refined human pose estimation, and known dataset formats conversion. We show that, with our system, the user can generate human po...

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Research paper thumbnail of Real-Time Facial Motion Capture Using RGB-D Images Under Complex Motion and Occlusions

2019 21st Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR), 2019

We present a technique for capturing facial performance in real time using an RGB-D camera. Such ... more We present a technique for capturing facial performance in real time using an RGB-D camera. Such method can be applied to face augmentation by leveraging facial expression changes. The technique is able to perform both 3D facial modeling and facial motion tracking without the need of pre-scanning or training for a specific user. The proposed approach builds on an existing method that we refer as FaceCap, which uses a blendshape representation and a Bump image for tracking facial motion and capturing geometric details. The original FaceCap algorithm fails in some scenarios with complex motion and occlusions, mainly due to problems in the face detection and tracking steps. FaceCap also has problems with the Bump image filtering step that generates outliers, causing more distortion on the 3D augmented blendshape. In order to solve these problems, we propose two refinements: (a) a new framework for face detection and landmark localization based on the state-of-the-art methods MTCNN and CE-CLM, respectively; and (b) a simple but effective modification in the filtering step, removing reconstruction failures in the eye region. Experiments showed that the proposed approach can deal with unconstrained scenarios, such as large head pose variations and partial occlusions, while achieving real-time execution.

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Research paper thumbnail of Occlusion-robust method for RGB-D 6-DOF object tracking with particle swarm optimization

Expert Systems with Applications, 2021

Abstract Visual trackers can be used to determine the trajectories of rigid 3D objects with 6-DOF... more Abstract Visual trackers can be used to determine the trajectories of rigid 3D objects with 6-DOF. This functionality is required for many types of applications, such as augmented reality or robotics, and its efficiency is commonly related to the accuracy, robustness and execution time of these trackers. Several works contributed to the improvement of these techniques, among which stand out optimization-based, learning-based, and hybrid methods, that is, that use both cooperatively. However, despite the variety of 3D tracking object techniques, in general they have difficulty to perform tracking efficiently in challenging environments as those with occlusion or quick rotation and translation movements of the object. In this context, we propose improvements in the 6-DOF tracking of arbitrary 3D objects that uses particle swarm optimization and try to overcome those limitations. In this type of tracker, a top-down approach is used in which, for each video frame, a pose hypothesis set is created and optimized in order to find the pose as close as possible to the tracked object real pose. To perform this task, a fitness function uses 3D scene information obtained from RGB-D sensors to evaluate each hypothesis. The proposed approach tries to solve problems that in practice reduce the efficiency of this optimization, and are associated with the dynamism of the search space, the definition of the limits of the search subspace at each iteration, the exclusion of global optimum of search subspace, the premature convergence to local optima, the different types of object occlusion, the definition of a fitness function independent of the tracked object class and environment characteristics, and the execution time for processing all steps of the particle swarm optimization. Therefore, in this scenario we present a tracker algorithm with a novel fitness function based on the harmonic mean of 3D coordinate, color and normal vector distances. We also introduce a new approach for computing the boundaries of solutions subspace at runtime, observing the inertia of the target object. We present a robust method for filtering the visible model points. Finally, in order to improve execution time, we employ a dynamic region of interest selection in the scene point cloud and implement the particle swarm optimization algorithm completely in GPU. Experiments have shown that such changes led to improvements in accuracy, robustness and execution time. When compared to a state-of-the-art learning-based technique, our tracker was, on average, 19.3% and 16.3% more accurate with respect to translation and rotation errors, respectively, and presented 43.2% less tracking fails. Our tracker was also 5-17 times faster than an existing particle swarm optimization-based technique.

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Research paper thumbnail of A fluid simulation system based on the MPS method

Computer Physics Communications, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the Use of Augmented Reality tools in the Education Field

Anais dos Workshops do VI Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (CBIE 2017), Oct 27, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Incremental structural modeling on sparse visual SLAM

IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications, 2017

This paper presents an incremental structural modeling approach that improves the precision and t... more This paper presents an incremental structural modeling approach that improves the precision and the stability of existing batch-based ones for sparse and noisy point clouds from visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). The main idea is to use the generating process of point clouds on SLAM effectively. First, a batch-based method is applied to point clouds that are incrementally generated from SLAM. Then, the temporal history of reconstructed geometric primitives is statistically analyzed to suppress incorrect reconstruction. The evaluation shows that both precision and stability are improved compared to an existing batch-based method, and the proposed method is suitable for real-time structural modeling.

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Research paper thumbnail of Markerless tracking system for augmented reality in the automotive industry

Expert Systems with Applications, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Authoring Tools for Augmented Reality: An Analysis and Classification of Content Design Tools

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016

Augmented Reality Authoring Tools are important instruments that can help a widespread use of Aug... more Augmented Reality Authoring Tools are important instruments that can help a widespread use of Augmented Reality. They can be classified as programming or content design tools in which the latter completely removes the necessity of programming skills to develop an Augmented Reality solution. Several solutions have been developed in the past years, however there are few works aiming to identify patterns and general models for such tools. This work aims to perform a trend analysis on content design tools in order to identify their functionalities regarding Augmented Reality, authoring paradigms, deployment strategies and general dataflow models. This work is aimed to assist developers willing to create authoring tools, therefore, it focuses on the last three aspects. Thus, 24 tools were analyzed and through this evaluation it were identified two authoring paradigms and two deployment strategies. Moreover, from their combination it was possible to elaborate four generic dataflow models in which every tool could be fit into.

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Research paper thumbnail of Finding an adequate escape pod to real time Augmented Reality applications

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Research paper thumbnail of Squeezed Deep 6DoF Object Detection using Knowledge Distillation

2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)

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Research paper thumbnail of VOXAR Labs - augmenting experiences for a better life

Journal on Interactive Systems, 2011

The VOXAR Labs is a research group with the mission of developing people by augmenting experience... more The VOXAR Labs is a research group with the mission of developing people by augmenting experiences. It develops and transfers technology related to visualization, tracking and natural interaction techniques focusing augmented reality in multi-disciplinary application domains. The laboratory has several ongoing projects including an international cooperation, projects with the industry, involving energy and military ones, as well as research and academic projects. VOXAR Labs is part of the Informatics Center of the Federal University of Pernambuco, located in Recife – Pernambuco, Brazil.

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Research paper thumbnail of Guest Editorial Foreword to the Special Issue of the XIII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality

This special issue of the JIS (SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems) is in the second year ackno... more This special issue of the JIS (SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems) is in the second year acknowledging the best papers of the Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. In the SVR 2011 several interesting research projects in the field of Virtual and Augmented Reality appeared and among the best papers this issue presents two selected papers for the readers of JIS. The SVR is the most important event on Virtual and Augmented Reality in Brazil, which is being conducted by academic professionals’ members of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) that is supporting the conference for many years. The two papers in this issue were selected among the best papers presented at the SVR 2011. Although the technical implementation of the papers is different each other, they try to solve problems of communication and location. It is possible to note that the virtual and augmented reality is really changing our life style, and these papers show important ideas that can be directly applied by p...

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Research paper thumbnail of GoThrough: A tool to render and interact with arbitrary planar transformative portals

Entertainment Computing

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Research paper thumbnail of 3D Object Reconstruction using Stationary RGB Camera

Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Mixed Reality TVs: Applying Motion Parallax for Enhanced Viewing and Control Experiences on Consumer TVs

2017 19th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR), 2017

Smart TVs have been popularized in the last years, presenting continued innovation regarding diff... more Smart TVs have been popularized in the last years, presenting continued innovation regarding different topics such as connectivity, platform support, and options for interaction. Examples of LG and Samsung present interaction options such as voice and gesture control, showing these emerging technologies that were previously tackled mainly on research investigations, as market alternative solutions for the already established remote control. In this paper, we address the interactivity with Smart TVs by using body gestures combined with the visualization modification through the Motion Parallax effect. We show that by tracking the user viewpoint and hand tips, plus applying the Parallax effect, it is possible to fully calibrate the virtual environment demonstrated by the TV with the real world. Once the calibration is performed, the TV becomes a Mixed Reality display, showing its content coupled with the real world, and allowing the user to perceive this coupling through the depth cue provided by the distortions of the Parallax effect. This calibration enables the use of a set of interaction techniques such as enabling the user to visually pinpoint and touch the virtual items of a TV menu. Moreover, we show that by modeling the interaction with the TV content as a 3D virtual world interaction, it is possible to use new metaphors based on physical interactions such as collisions, lights and shadows and magnetic attractions.

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Research paper thumbnail of ARkanoidAR: An Augmented Reality System to Guide Biomechanical Movements at Sagittal Plane

2017 19th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR), 2017

In motor rehabilitation, the search for better methodologies is intense. In parallel, natural int... more In motor rehabilitation, the search for better methodologies is intense. In parallel, natural interaction technologies are considered to be a nice approach for rehabilitation guidance, as they can provide content for visual feedback in augmented reality. This paper describes an augmented reality physiotherapy rehabilitation system called ARkanoidAR, which was implemented using the Microsoft Kinect and whose main focus is to provide feedback for biomechanical movements, more specifically those which occurs on the sagittal plane. The main objective of this paper is to propose the ARkanoidAR and evaluate its usability in the rehabilitation context. We conceived and applied a usability quiz, and its results obtained shows that the application is efficient in guiding and engaging users to do motor rehabilitation exercises and that it is easy to be set up and handled.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydra Plataforma para Desenvolvimento de Ambientes Virtuais

Thanks to technological advances experienced in recent years, home users can run complex applicat... more Thanks to technological advances experienced in recent years, home users can run complex applications related to virtual environments, such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), Games, among others, on their computers. Due to these advances, it is possible for developers to create tools in order to assist the development of virtual environment's applications, thereby influencing many different areas of industry, such as Cinema and Games. In this context, this paper proposes Hydra, a platform that has two major objectives: promoting fast development of applications, covering various aspects related to virtual environments (graphics, sound, physics, and others), and enable customization of the Hydra itself, allowing users to change the way the platform perform its features.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Qualitative Analysis of Fluid Simulation Using a SPH Variation

Fluid simulation using meshless methods has increasingly become a robust way to solve mechanics p... more Fluid simulation using meshless methods has increasingly become a robust way to solve mechanics problems that require dealing with large deformations, in that way, it is briefly shown what the main challenges and advances in the area are. The smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is then introduced. One of its variations is the Weakly Compressible SPH (WCSPH), which was used as a baseline to implement the method used in this work, called XSPH. Finally, four usual test cases of fluid simulation are analyzed: the lid-driven cavity flow, the dam break, the Poiseuille flow and the elliptic drop. The analysis concluded that the method used in this work performs at least as well as the most reliable and accurate models, and in some aspects performs better.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards an evaluation methodology for digital musical instruments considering performer’s view: a case study

With the increasing number of initiatives concerning the design of new Digital Musical Instrument... more With the increasing number of initiatives concerning the design of new Digital Musical Instruments in the recent years and with the perceivable lack of methods for evaluating them, this work proposes a process for evaluating those devices considering the performer's perspective. It also presents a case study which describes and evaluates its practical application. The proposed process could be also utilized as a very useful step when designing new DMIs, providing a structured tool for incremental development of prototypes based on user feedback.

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Research paper thumbnail of Considering Audience's View Towards an Evaluation Methodology for Digital Musical Instruments

The authors propose the development of a more complete Digital Music Instrument (DMI) evaluation ... more The authors propose the development of a more complete Digital Music Instrument (DMI) evaluation methodology, which provides structured tools for the incremental development of prototypes based on user feedback. This paper emphasizes an important but often ignored stakeholder present in the context of musical performance: the audience. We demonstrate the practical application of an audience focused methodology through a case study (‘Illusio’), discuss the obtained results and possible improvements for future works.

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Research paper thumbnail of HuTrain: a Framework for Fast Creation of Real Human Pose Datasets

2020 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), 2020

Image-based body tracking algorithms are useful in several scenarios, such as avatar animations a... more Image-based body tracking algorithms are useful in several scenarios, such as avatar animations and gesture interaction for VR applications. In the last few years, the best-ranked solutions presented on the state of the art of body tracking (according to the most popular datasets in the field) are intensively based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) algorithms and use large datasets for training and validation. Although these solutions achieve high precision scores while evaluated with some of these datasets, there are particular tracking challenges (for example, upside-down cases) that are not well-modeled and, therefore, not correctly tracked. Instead of lurking an all-in-one solution for all cases, we propose HuTrain, a framework for creating datasets quickly and easily. HuTrain comprises a series of steps, including automatic camera calibration, refined human pose estimation, and known dataset formats conversion. We show that, with our system, the user can generate human po...

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Research paper thumbnail of Real-Time Facial Motion Capture Using RGB-D Images Under Complex Motion and Occlusions

2019 21st Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR), 2019

We present a technique for capturing facial performance in real time using an RGB-D camera. Such ... more We present a technique for capturing facial performance in real time using an RGB-D camera. Such method can be applied to face augmentation by leveraging facial expression changes. The technique is able to perform both 3D facial modeling and facial motion tracking without the need of pre-scanning or training for a specific user. The proposed approach builds on an existing method that we refer as FaceCap, which uses a blendshape representation and a Bump image for tracking facial motion and capturing geometric details. The original FaceCap algorithm fails in some scenarios with complex motion and occlusions, mainly due to problems in the face detection and tracking steps. FaceCap also has problems with the Bump image filtering step that generates outliers, causing more distortion on the 3D augmented blendshape. In order to solve these problems, we propose two refinements: (a) a new framework for face detection and landmark localization based on the state-of-the-art methods MTCNN and CE-CLM, respectively; and (b) a simple but effective modification in the filtering step, removing reconstruction failures in the eye region. Experiments showed that the proposed approach can deal with unconstrained scenarios, such as large head pose variations and partial occlusions, while achieving real-time execution.

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Research paper thumbnail of Occlusion-robust method for RGB-D 6-DOF object tracking with particle swarm optimization

Expert Systems with Applications, 2021

Abstract Visual trackers can be used to determine the trajectories of rigid 3D objects with 6-DOF... more Abstract Visual trackers can be used to determine the trajectories of rigid 3D objects with 6-DOF. This functionality is required for many types of applications, such as augmented reality or robotics, and its efficiency is commonly related to the accuracy, robustness and execution time of these trackers. Several works contributed to the improvement of these techniques, among which stand out optimization-based, learning-based, and hybrid methods, that is, that use both cooperatively. However, despite the variety of 3D tracking object techniques, in general they have difficulty to perform tracking efficiently in challenging environments as those with occlusion or quick rotation and translation movements of the object. In this context, we propose improvements in the 6-DOF tracking of arbitrary 3D objects that uses particle swarm optimization and try to overcome those limitations. In this type of tracker, a top-down approach is used in which, for each video frame, a pose hypothesis set is created and optimized in order to find the pose as close as possible to the tracked object real pose. To perform this task, a fitness function uses 3D scene information obtained from RGB-D sensors to evaluate each hypothesis. The proposed approach tries to solve problems that in practice reduce the efficiency of this optimization, and are associated with the dynamism of the search space, the definition of the limits of the search subspace at each iteration, the exclusion of global optimum of search subspace, the premature convergence to local optima, the different types of object occlusion, the definition of a fitness function independent of the tracked object class and environment characteristics, and the execution time for processing all steps of the particle swarm optimization. Therefore, in this scenario we present a tracker algorithm with a novel fitness function based on the harmonic mean of 3D coordinate, color and normal vector distances. We also introduce a new approach for computing the boundaries of solutions subspace at runtime, observing the inertia of the target object. We present a robust method for filtering the visible model points. Finally, in order to improve execution time, we employ a dynamic region of interest selection in the scene point cloud and implement the particle swarm optimization algorithm completely in GPU. Experiments have shown that such changes led to improvements in accuracy, robustness and execution time. When compared to a state-of-the-art learning-based technique, our tracker was, on average, 19.3% and 16.3% more accurate with respect to translation and rotation errors, respectively, and presented 43.2% less tracking fails. Our tracker was also 5-17 times faster than an existing particle swarm optimization-based technique.

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Research paper thumbnail of A fluid simulation system based on the MPS method

Computer Physics Communications, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the Use of Augmented Reality tools in the Education Field

Anais dos Workshops do VI Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (CBIE 2017), Oct 27, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Incremental structural modeling on sparse visual SLAM

IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications, 2017

This paper presents an incremental structural modeling approach that improves the precision and t... more This paper presents an incremental structural modeling approach that improves the precision and the stability of existing batch-based ones for sparse and noisy point clouds from visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). The main idea is to use the generating process of point clouds on SLAM effectively. First, a batch-based method is applied to point clouds that are incrementally generated from SLAM. Then, the temporal history of reconstructed geometric primitives is statistically analyzed to suppress incorrect reconstruction. The evaluation shows that both precision and stability are improved compared to an existing batch-based method, and the proposed method is suitable for real-time structural modeling.

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Research paper thumbnail of Markerless tracking system for augmented reality in the automotive industry

Expert Systems with Applications, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Authoring Tools for Augmented Reality: An Analysis and Classification of Content Design Tools

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016

Augmented Reality Authoring Tools are important instruments that can help a widespread use of Aug... more Augmented Reality Authoring Tools are important instruments that can help a widespread use of Augmented Reality. They can be classified as programming or content design tools in which the latter completely removes the necessity of programming skills to develop an Augmented Reality solution. Several solutions have been developed in the past years, however there are few works aiming to identify patterns and general models for such tools. This work aims to perform a trend analysis on content design tools in order to identify their functionalities regarding Augmented Reality, authoring paradigms, deployment strategies and general dataflow models. This work is aimed to assist developers willing to create authoring tools, therefore, it focuses on the last three aspects. Thus, 24 tools were analyzed and through this evaluation it were identified two authoring paradigms and two deployment strategies. Moreover, from their combination it was possible to elaborate four generic dataflow models in which every tool could be fit into.

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Research paper thumbnail of Finding an adequate escape pod to real time Augmented Reality applications

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Research paper thumbnail of Squeezed Deep 6DoF Object Detection using Knowledge Distillation

2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)

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Research paper thumbnail of VOXAR Labs - augmenting experiences for a better life

Journal on Interactive Systems, 2011

The VOXAR Labs is a research group with the mission of developing people by augmenting experience... more The VOXAR Labs is a research group with the mission of developing people by augmenting experiences. It develops and transfers technology related to visualization, tracking and natural interaction techniques focusing augmented reality in multi-disciplinary application domains. The laboratory has several ongoing projects including an international cooperation, projects with the industry, involving energy and military ones, as well as research and academic projects. VOXAR Labs is part of the Informatics Center of the Federal University of Pernambuco, located in Recife – Pernambuco, Brazil.

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Research paper thumbnail of Guest Editorial Foreword to the Special Issue of the XIII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality

This special issue of the JIS (SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems) is in the second year ackno... more This special issue of the JIS (SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems) is in the second year acknowledging the best papers of the Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. In the SVR 2011 several interesting research projects in the field of Virtual and Augmented Reality appeared and among the best papers this issue presents two selected papers for the readers of JIS. The SVR is the most important event on Virtual and Augmented Reality in Brazil, which is being conducted by academic professionals’ members of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) that is supporting the conference for many years. The two papers in this issue were selected among the best papers presented at the SVR 2011. Although the technical implementation of the papers is different each other, they try to solve problems of communication and location. It is possible to note that the virtual and augmented reality is really changing our life style, and these papers show important ideas that can be directly applied by p...

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