Vina Pratiwi - (original) (raw)
Papers by Vina Pratiwi
Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengungkapkan hubungan antara kecerdasan emosional guru kelompok be... more Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengungkapkan hubungan antara kecerdasan emosional guru kelompok bermain dengan kemampuan mengelola kelas di wilayah Kecamatan Sukasari Bandung. Harapan ke depan guru kelompok bermain memiliki kecerdasan emosional agar dapat mengelola kelas lebih baik. Tujuan penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif analitik dengan metode korelasional, dimana untuk menguji hipotesis dalam penelitian ini Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif analitik dengan metode korelasional, dimana untuk menguji hipotesis dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengujian statistic parametric dengan menggunakan metode uji korelasi product moment, dengan menetapkan taraf signifikansi sebesar sig = 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,05 maka dapat H0 ditolak atau dengan kata lain ada hubungan (korelasi) yang signifikan antara kecerdasan emosional guru dengan kemampuan mengelola kelas.Dari hasil penelitian ini besarnya korelasi adalah 0,758. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa semakin tinggi kecerdasan emos...
INDONESIA: Lingkungan religius di Pondok Pesantren menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi beberapa ma... more INDONESIA: Lingkungan religius di Pondok Pesantren menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi beberapa mahasiswa. Meskipun dikenal sebagai lingkungan tempat tinggal yang taat aturan dan memprioritaskan kedisiplinan, banyak mahasiswa yang justru lebih tertarik dan memilih Pondok Pesantren sebagai tempat tinggal. Keputusan mahasiswa memilih tinggal di Pondok Pesantren didorong oleh berbagai macam motivasi. Motivasi tersebut akan dianalisis menggunakan perspektif Teori Social Exchange George Caspar Homans. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu : (1) Untuk mengetahui motivasi mahasiswa yang memilih bertempat tinggal di Pondok Pesantren, (2) Untuk menjelaskan tipologi mahasiswa yang memilig bertempat tinggal di Pondok Pesantren dalam perspektif Teori Social Exchange George Caspar Homans. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus dan hasil penelitian akan dianalisis menggunakan perspektif Teori Social Exchange George Caspar Homans. Teknik pengumpulan data m...
The problem of this study was “Is it significantly effective teaching simple present tense by usi... more The problem of this study was “Is it significantly effective teaching simple present tense by using single slot substitution drill technique to the eighth grade students at Islamic Junior High School Lubuklinggau in the academic year 2015/2016?”The population of this study was 333 students coming from nine classes. The sample was taken through cluster random sampling. The sample of this study was VIII.8 as the sample group with the total number of 35 students. The result was the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. It means that it was significantly effective teaching simple present tense by using single slot substitution drill technique to the eighth grade students Islamic Junior High School Lubuklinggau in the academic year 2015/2016.Permasalahan pada penelitian ini adalah apakah efektive pengajaran simple present tense dengan menggunakan teknik single slot substitution drill pada siswa kelas 12 di SMP Islam Lubuklinggau tahun akademi...
[Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2013
Land use conversion caused changes in environmental quality such as increases in erosion and sedi... more Land use conversion caused changes in environmental quality such as increases in erosion and sedimentation. This research aims to determine the magnitude of the erosion predicted by using the WEPP model and to a compare the WEPP model with the USLE model. WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) is the erosion prediction model with the output of soil erosion, sedimentation, and surface run off. The required primary data is soil characteristics such as soil texture, soil depth, albedo, % of sand, % of clay, % of organic matter, the value of Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), and % of rock. The secondary data needed is climatology data such as daily precipitation, maximum precipitation intensity or average precipitation intensity, maximum daily temperature, minimum daily temperature, daily solar radiation, wind speed, dew point temperature, astronomical of rainfall station, elevation of rainfall station, contour map, soil map, and land use map. The erosion prediction analysis is carried out by using the method of WEPP and USLE models. The average ratio test (T-Test) was used to compare the both of erosion prediction models. The conclusion drawn in this research showed that the result of erosion prediction of WEPP model was 39.15 tons/ha/yr and the USLE model was 505.51 tons/ha/yr. Tinalah Sub Watershed erosion allowable limits was exceeded 12.63 tons/ha/yr. The results of Comparative analysis test of two models indicated that the predicted erosion of WEPP model and USLE model significantly different
Ekonomi Bisnis Manajemen dan Akuntansi (EBMA), Jul 30, 2021
EKSYDA: Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Syariah, Dec 25, 2020
The purpose of this study was to determine the Marketing Services of PT. BPR Cahaya Fajar Cirebon... more The purpose of this study was to determine the Marketing Services of PT. BPR Cahaya Fajar Cirebon, To find out the Customer Loyalty of PT. BPR Cahaya Fajar Cirebon, and to determine the effect of Marketing Services on Customer Loyalty at PT. BPR Cahaya Fajar Cirebon. The population in this study was 3,152 loan customers. The sampling technique uses a simple random technique with a sample of 100 customers. The results showed that there was a strong and significant positive effect between Marketing Services on Customer Loyalty of PT. BPR Cahaya Fajar Cirebon. Partial test results (t test) note that the independent variable Marketing Services has a positive and significant effect on the Customer Loyalty variable because both variables have a Sig value of 0.05,
Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen, Aug 30, 2019
The Effect Of Human Resources Competency On The Performance Of Employees In Kecamatan Tanralili, ... more The Effect Of Human Resources Competency On The Performance Of Employees In Kecamatan Tanralili, Maros Regency, This research was conducted at the Tanralili District Office, Kab. Maros at the end of October to the end of December. Sampling in this study used 34 respondents, the data collection technique is through a questionnaire distributed to respondents, while the research variables are job training (X), Employee Performance (Y). This research uses descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach, and to test the level of reliability using Cronbach Alpha and then the data is processed with Simple Linear Regression Analysis. Hypothesis testing using the t test with a significance level of 5%. This research uses SPSS Version 25 as a tool. From the results of simple linear regression analysis, it shows that employee performance is influenced by the HR competency variable. The result of determination (R2) uses an adjusted r square value, because it uses regression with one dependent
DINAMIKA: Jurnal Manajemen Akuntansi, Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan, Mar 18, 2021
Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen, 2018
International Journal of Ecma Science, Mar 13, 2021
Nowadays, it's all about social media. Antecedents-Based on the results of the analysis o... more Nowadays, it's all about social media. Antecedents-Based on the results of the analysis of previous studies, researchers categorized antecedents for marketers by using social media as a marketing communication tool. Viral marketing is one of the advantages of social media over traditional media. Second: Buzz Marketing uses WOM to share consumer experiences, opinions, or information about a brand or company with fellow social media users. In social media users whose recommendations are often or trusted by other social media, users are called influencers or opinion leaders. There are several consequences or results that can be generated through social media marketing, including increased brand awareness, increased reputation, increased relationships, brand development, and increased purchase intention.
Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen, Jun 30, 2021
Value : Jurnal Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 2019
Penelitian ini Bertujuan untuk menunjukkan Pengaruh Pemberian Insentif Produk Terhadap Produktivi... more Penelitian ini Bertujuan untuk menunjukkan Pengaruh Pemberian Insentif Produk Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Kalbe Farma Kota Cirebon. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para tenaga penjual obat pada PT. Kalbe Farma Kota Cirebon yang berjumlah 43 orang.Untuk menentukan besarnya ukuran sampel mengacu kepada teori yang dikemukakan oleh Sugiyono (2017) yang menyatakan bahwa apabila subyek kurang dari 100, maka lebih baik diambil seluruhnya, tetapi apabila jumlah subyek lebih dari 100 dapat diambil antara 10–15 % atau 20–25 % atau lebih. Berdasarkan pendapat tersebut, sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan populasi, yaitu 43 orang.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer dengan metode kuisioner. Adapun pengujian statistik dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pengujian validitas dan reliabilitas, regresi linier sederhana, dan uji t.Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik deskriptif didapatkan nilai thitung variabel pemberian insentif produk (X) sebe...
JURNAL SYNTAX IMPERATIF : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan, 2020
Penelitian ini diadakan supaya dapat memahami Harga Pokok Produksi batu alam bobos pada CV. Linst... more Penelitian ini diadakan supaya dapat memahami Harga Pokok Produksi batu alam bobos pada CV. Linstone Industri dua saudara, pada penentuan harga pokok produksi dipenelitian ini memakai metode full costing karena metode full costing mencakup seluruh komponen biaya yang diperhhitungkan dalam proses penentuan harga pokok produksi sehingga diperoleh hasil yang akurat dalam perhitungan harga pokok produksi, sedangkan metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian Deskriptif Kuantitatif, teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi dari sumber data data biaya bahan baku, biaya tenaga kerja langsung dan data biaya overhead pabrik, sehingga mendapatkan informasi-informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk melanjutkan penelitian. Sebelum diadakannya penelitian ini CV. Linstone industry dua saudara menetapkan harga jual mengikuti harga pasar yaitu Rp. 60.000.-/m2 dengan tidak menghitung biaya-biaya yang dikeluarkan ketika proses produksi. Setelah melakukan anal...
Harmony between settlement and environment is basis of ecological movement recently. It is necess... more Harmony between settlement and environment is basis of ecological movement recently. It is necessary to examine ecodesign criteria of settlement landscape. The objectives of study are identify critical component and ideal criteria of landscape ecodesign in urban settlement. In this study there was assessment of two settlements landscape as test-cases to illustrate the use of criterias that has been developed. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used as method to identify critical component. Result of AHP was used to assess test-cases and specify ideal criteria. The result showed critical component of landscape ecodesign in urban settlement is water (29.6%) and alternative priorities of landscape ecodesign is community participation (38.4%). The ecodesign accomplishment classified in high, moderate, and low level. Test-cases accomplishment was in moderate level (score 2.50 to 4.98). This result indicate both of regions has not fully implement ecodesign criteria. The ideal landscap...
Piroxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug and it is a non selective cyclooxygen... more Piroxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug and it is a non selective cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. For local symptomatic pain and inflammation relief, 0,5% piroxicam used topically as gel or cream dosage form with various excipients. The effect of excipients formulation on the rate of drug diffusion are greater with topical drug delivery than any other route of drug administration. In this study, three piroxicam gels were prepared using HPMC, carbopol, and CMC Na as gelling agent with same concentration (3%). The study was carried out to compare the effect of gelling agent on release of piroxicam. The gels were evaluated for its organoleptic consistency, homogeinity, pH, viscosity, and spreadability. Drug diffusion rate testing was held for 8 hours using Franz Diffusion Cell at 37 o C ±0,5 o C. The drug diffusion rate across cellophan membrane ranged between 0,721 μg/cm 2 .min to 1,369 μg/cm 2 .min. ...
Harmony between settlement and environment is basis of ecological movement recent-ly. It is neces... more Harmony between settlement and environment is basis of ecological movement recent-ly. It is necessary to examine ecodesign criteria of settlement landscape. The objectives of study are identify critical component and ideal criteria of landscape ecodesign in urban settlement. In this study there was assessment of two settlements landscape as test-cases to illustrate the use of criterias that has been developed. Analytical Hierar-chy Process (AHP) was used as method to identify critical component. Result of AHP was used to assess test-cases and specify ideal criteria. The result showed critical com-ponent of landscape ecodesign in urban settlement is water (29.6%) and alternative priorities of landscape ecodesign is community participation (38.4%). The ecodesign accomplishment classified in high, moderate, and low level. Test-cases accomplishment was in moderate level (score 2.50 to 4.98). This result indicate both of regions has not fully implement ecodesign criteria. The ideal lands...
Penelitian yang dilakukan di jalan Perjuangan RT.01 RW.17 Mulya Sejahtera Kelurahan Karya Mulya K... more Penelitian yang dilakukan di jalan Perjuangan RT.01 RW.17 Mulya Sejahtera Kelurahan Karya Mulya Kecamatan Kesambi, Cirebon didapatkan data mengenai keadaan tempat sampah dari 30 rumah hanya 2 rumah yang memiliki tempat sampah tertutup, kondisi dapur yang kotor dapat memicu datangnya keberadaan lalat rumah (Musca domestica) sehingga mengganggu aktivitas warga didapur, kemudian penelitian ini mencoba melakukan pengendalian lalat menggunakan limbah kulit dan tongkol jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) yang didapat dari pedagang jagung bakar, pedagang menghasilkan limbah jagung yang berupa kulit dan tongkol jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) rata-rata sebanyak 1-2 karung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan atraktan kulit dan tongkol jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) pada kertas perekat lalat terhadap jumlah lalat rumah (Musca domestica) terperangkap dengan berat 5,00 gram, 6,25 gram dan 7,50 gram, serta mengetahui berat yang paling efektif. M...
Journal of Politic and Government Studies, 2015
The growing number of street vendors in downtown areas is incontrollable. A program to comprehens... more The growing number of street vendors in downtown areas is incontrollable. A program to comprehensively arrange and guide those street vendors is seriously needed. The existence of street vendors in downtown is one of the factors that leads to the problems such as traffic problem, crime rate, and waste problem. The growing number of street vendors has rushed the local government to make known the Local Regulation Number 11 Year 2000 about The Street Vendor Arrangement and Guidance. Based on the local regulation, the government is expected to control the mushrooming street vendors. Qualitative method was used in the research. During the research, descriptive analysis which is the method to provide systematic, factual, and accurate illustration or description on the data was used. Primary data was obtained from interview and the secondary data was obtained from document, archive, and direct observation to get the real condition of the case. The direct observation was done by involving ...
Inteligensi : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2019
Meningkatkatnya jumlah Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di Indonesia setiap tahunnya membuat pihak pemeri... more Meningkatkatnya jumlah Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di Indonesia setiap tahunnya membuat pihak pemerintah harus melakukan penanganan bagi ABK khususnya dalam bidang pendididikan. Pihak pemerintah telah berusaha untuk memfasilitasi kebutuhan pendidikan bagi ABK dengan adanya Sekolah Luar Biasa. Namun realitasnya SLB kurang maksimal dalam memberikan pelayanan pendidikan terhadap anak didiknya, karena media yang digunakan hampir seluruh SLB di Indonesia masih berbentuk konvensional. Padahal dalam sebuah pembelajaran perlu adanya inovasi pembelajaran supaya peserta didik lebih bersemangat dan mudah memahami materi yang diajarkan, terutama dalam pelajaran matematika karena selama ini matematika masih menjadi pelajaran yang sulit dan tidak digemari siswa. Padahal anak ABK juga memerlukan matematika agar mampu berpikir secara matematis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Salah satu upaya memperbaiki media pembelajaran dalam mata pelajaran matematika adalah dengan adanya inovasi media pembelajaran. Pe...
Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengungkapkan hubungan antara kecerdasan emosional guru kelompok be... more Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengungkapkan hubungan antara kecerdasan emosional guru kelompok bermain dengan kemampuan mengelola kelas di wilayah Kecamatan Sukasari Bandung. Harapan ke depan guru kelompok bermain memiliki kecerdasan emosional agar dapat mengelola kelas lebih baik. Tujuan penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif analitik dengan metode korelasional, dimana untuk menguji hipotesis dalam penelitian ini Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif analitik dengan metode korelasional, dimana untuk menguji hipotesis dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengujian statistic parametric dengan menggunakan metode uji korelasi product moment, dengan menetapkan taraf signifikansi sebesar sig = 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,05 maka dapat H0 ditolak atau dengan kata lain ada hubungan (korelasi) yang signifikan antara kecerdasan emosional guru dengan kemampuan mengelola kelas.Dari hasil penelitian ini besarnya korelasi adalah 0,758. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa semakin tinggi kecerdasan emos...
INDONESIA: Lingkungan religius di Pondok Pesantren menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi beberapa ma... more INDONESIA: Lingkungan religius di Pondok Pesantren menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi beberapa mahasiswa. Meskipun dikenal sebagai lingkungan tempat tinggal yang taat aturan dan memprioritaskan kedisiplinan, banyak mahasiswa yang justru lebih tertarik dan memilih Pondok Pesantren sebagai tempat tinggal. Keputusan mahasiswa memilih tinggal di Pondok Pesantren didorong oleh berbagai macam motivasi. Motivasi tersebut akan dianalisis menggunakan perspektif Teori Social Exchange George Caspar Homans. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu : (1) Untuk mengetahui motivasi mahasiswa yang memilih bertempat tinggal di Pondok Pesantren, (2) Untuk menjelaskan tipologi mahasiswa yang memilig bertempat tinggal di Pondok Pesantren dalam perspektif Teori Social Exchange George Caspar Homans. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus dan hasil penelitian akan dianalisis menggunakan perspektif Teori Social Exchange George Caspar Homans. Teknik pengumpulan data m...
The problem of this study was “Is it significantly effective teaching simple present tense by usi... more The problem of this study was “Is it significantly effective teaching simple present tense by using single slot substitution drill technique to the eighth grade students at Islamic Junior High School Lubuklinggau in the academic year 2015/2016?”The population of this study was 333 students coming from nine classes. The sample was taken through cluster random sampling. The sample of this study was VIII.8 as the sample group with the total number of 35 students. The result was the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. It means that it was significantly effective teaching simple present tense by using single slot substitution drill technique to the eighth grade students Islamic Junior High School Lubuklinggau in the academic year 2015/2016.Permasalahan pada penelitian ini adalah apakah efektive pengajaran simple present tense dengan menggunakan teknik single slot substitution drill pada siswa kelas 12 di SMP Islam Lubuklinggau tahun akademi...
[Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2013
Land use conversion caused changes in environmental quality such as increases in erosion and sedi... more Land use conversion caused changes in environmental quality such as increases in erosion and sedimentation. This research aims to determine the magnitude of the erosion predicted by using the WEPP model and to a compare the WEPP model with the USLE model. WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) is the erosion prediction model with the output of soil erosion, sedimentation, and surface run off. The required primary data is soil characteristics such as soil texture, soil depth, albedo, % of sand, % of clay, % of organic matter, the value of Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), and % of rock. The secondary data needed is climatology data such as daily precipitation, maximum precipitation intensity or average precipitation intensity, maximum daily temperature, minimum daily temperature, daily solar radiation, wind speed, dew point temperature, astronomical of rainfall station, elevation of rainfall station, contour map, soil map, and land use map. The erosion prediction analysis is carried out by using the method of WEPP and USLE models. The average ratio test (T-Test) was used to compare the both of erosion prediction models. The conclusion drawn in this research showed that the result of erosion prediction of WEPP model was 39.15 tons/ha/yr and the USLE model was 505.51 tons/ha/yr. Tinalah Sub Watershed erosion allowable limits was exceeded 12.63 tons/ha/yr. The results of Comparative analysis test of two models indicated that the predicted erosion of WEPP model and USLE model significantly different
Ekonomi Bisnis Manajemen dan Akuntansi (EBMA), Jul 30, 2021
EKSYDA: Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Syariah, Dec 25, 2020
The purpose of this study was to determine the Marketing Services of PT. BPR Cahaya Fajar Cirebon... more The purpose of this study was to determine the Marketing Services of PT. BPR Cahaya Fajar Cirebon, To find out the Customer Loyalty of PT. BPR Cahaya Fajar Cirebon, and to determine the effect of Marketing Services on Customer Loyalty at PT. BPR Cahaya Fajar Cirebon. The population in this study was 3,152 loan customers. The sampling technique uses a simple random technique with a sample of 100 customers. The results showed that there was a strong and significant positive effect between Marketing Services on Customer Loyalty of PT. BPR Cahaya Fajar Cirebon. Partial test results (t test) note that the independent variable Marketing Services has a positive and significant effect on the Customer Loyalty variable because both variables have a Sig value of 0.05,
Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen, Aug 30, 2019
The Effect Of Human Resources Competency On The Performance Of Employees In Kecamatan Tanralili, ... more The Effect Of Human Resources Competency On The Performance Of Employees In Kecamatan Tanralili, Maros Regency, This research was conducted at the Tanralili District Office, Kab. Maros at the end of October to the end of December. Sampling in this study used 34 respondents, the data collection technique is through a questionnaire distributed to respondents, while the research variables are job training (X), Employee Performance (Y). This research uses descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach, and to test the level of reliability using Cronbach Alpha and then the data is processed with Simple Linear Regression Analysis. Hypothesis testing using the t test with a significance level of 5%. This research uses SPSS Version 25 as a tool. From the results of simple linear regression analysis, it shows that employee performance is influenced by the HR competency variable. The result of determination (R2) uses an adjusted r square value, because it uses regression with one dependent
DINAMIKA: Jurnal Manajemen Akuntansi, Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan, Mar 18, 2021
Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen, 2018
International Journal of Ecma Science, Mar 13, 2021
Nowadays, it's all about social media. Antecedents-Based on the results of the analysis o... more Nowadays, it's all about social media. Antecedents-Based on the results of the analysis of previous studies, researchers categorized antecedents for marketers by using social media as a marketing communication tool. Viral marketing is one of the advantages of social media over traditional media. Second: Buzz Marketing uses WOM to share consumer experiences, opinions, or information about a brand or company with fellow social media users. In social media users whose recommendations are often or trusted by other social media, users are called influencers or opinion leaders. There are several consequences or results that can be generated through social media marketing, including increased brand awareness, increased reputation, increased relationships, brand development, and increased purchase intention.
Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen, Jun 30, 2021
Value : Jurnal Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 2019
Penelitian ini Bertujuan untuk menunjukkan Pengaruh Pemberian Insentif Produk Terhadap Produktivi... more Penelitian ini Bertujuan untuk menunjukkan Pengaruh Pemberian Insentif Produk Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Kalbe Farma Kota Cirebon. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para tenaga penjual obat pada PT. Kalbe Farma Kota Cirebon yang berjumlah 43 orang.Untuk menentukan besarnya ukuran sampel mengacu kepada teori yang dikemukakan oleh Sugiyono (2017) yang menyatakan bahwa apabila subyek kurang dari 100, maka lebih baik diambil seluruhnya, tetapi apabila jumlah subyek lebih dari 100 dapat diambil antara 10–15 % atau 20–25 % atau lebih. Berdasarkan pendapat tersebut, sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan populasi, yaitu 43 orang.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer dengan metode kuisioner. Adapun pengujian statistik dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pengujian validitas dan reliabilitas, regresi linier sederhana, dan uji t.Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik deskriptif didapatkan nilai thitung variabel pemberian insentif produk (X) sebe...
JURNAL SYNTAX IMPERATIF : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan, 2020
Penelitian ini diadakan supaya dapat memahami Harga Pokok Produksi batu alam bobos pada CV. Linst... more Penelitian ini diadakan supaya dapat memahami Harga Pokok Produksi batu alam bobos pada CV. Linstone Industri dua saudara, pada penentuan harga pokok produksi dipenelitian ini memakai metode full costing karena metode full costing mencakup seluruh komponen biaya yang diperhhitungkan dalam proses penentuan harga pokok produksi sehingga diperoleh hasil yang akurat dalam perhitungan harga pokok produksi, sedangkan metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian Deskriptif Kuantitatif, teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi dari sumber data data biaya bahan baku, biaya tenaga kerja langsung dan data biaya overhead pabrik, sehingga mendapatkan informasi-informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk melanjutkan penelitian. Sebelum diadakannya penelitian ini CV. Linstone industry dua saudara menetapkan harga jual mengikuti harga pasar yaitu Rp. 60.000.-/m2 dengan tidak menghitung biaya-biaya yang dikeluarkan ketika proses produksi. Setelah melakukan anal...
Harmony between settlement and environment is basis of ecological movement recently. It is necess... more Harmony between settlement and environment is basis of ecological movement recently. It is necessary to examine ecodesign criteria of settlement landscape. The objectives of study are identify critical component and ideal criteria of landscape ecodesign in urban settlement. In this study there was assessment of two settlements landscape as test-cases to illustrate the use of criterias that has been developed. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used as method to identify critical component. Result of AHP was used to assess test-cases and specify ideal criteria. The result showed critical component of landscape ecodesign in urban settlement is water (29.6%) and alternative priorities of landscape ecodesign is community participation (38.4%). The ecodesign accomplishment classified in high, moderate, and low level. Test-cases accomplishment was in moderate level (score 2.50 to 4.98). This result indicate both of regions has not fully implement ecodesign criteria. The ideal landscap...
Piroxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug and it is a non selective cyclooxygen... more Piroxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug and it is a non selective cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. For local symptomatic pain and inflammation relief, 0,5% piroxicam used topically as gel or cream dosage form with various excipients. The effect of excipients formulation on the rate of drug diffusion are greater with topical drug delivery than any other route of drug administration. In this study, three piroxicam gels were prepared using HPMC, carbopol, and CMC Na as gelling agent with same concentration (3%). The study was carried out to compare the effect of gelling agent on release of piroxicam. The gels were evaluated for its organoleptic consistency, homogeinity, pH, viscosity, and spreadability. Drug diffusion rate testing was held for 8 hours using Franz Diffusion Cell at 37 o C ±0,5 o C. The drug diffusion rate across cellophan membrane ranged between 0,721 μg/cm 2 .min to 1,369 μg/cm 2 .min. ...
Harmony between settlement and environment is basis of ecological movement recent-ly. It is neces... more Harmony between settlement and environment is basis of ecological movement recent-ly. It is necessary to examine ecodesign criteria of settlement landscape. The objectives of study are identify critical component and ideal criteria of landscape ecodesign in urban settlement. In this study there was assessment of two settlements landscape as test-cases to illustrate the use of criterias that has been developed. Analytical Hierar-chy Process (AHP) was used as method to identify critical component. Result of AHP was used to assess test-cases and specify ideal criteria. The result showed critical com-ponent of landscape ecodesign in urban settlement is water (29.6%) and alternative priorities of landscape ecodesign is community participation (38.4%). The ecodesign accomplishment classified in high, moderate, and low level. Test-cases accomplishment was in moderate level (score 2.50 to 4.98). This result indicate both of regions has not fully implement ecodesign criteria. The ideal lands...
Penelitian yang dilakukan di jalan Perjuangan RT.01 RW.17 Mulya Sejahtera Kelurahan Karya Mulya K... more Penelitian yang dilakukan di jalan Perjuangan RT.01 RW.17 Mulya Sejahtera Kelurahan Karya Mulya Kecamatan Kesambi, Cirebon didapatkan data mengenai keadaan tempat sampah dari 30 rumah hanya 2 rumah yang memiliki tempat sampah tertutup, kondisi dapur yang kotor dapat memicu datangnya keberadaan lalat rumah (Musca domestica) sehingga mengganggu aktivitas warga didapur, kemudian penelitian ini mencoba melakukan pengendalian lalat menggunakan limbah kulit dan tongkol jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) yang didapat dari pedagang jagung bakar, pedagang menghasilkan limbah jagung yang berupa kulit dan tongkol jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) rata-rata sebanyak 1-2 karung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan atraktan kulit dan tongkol jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) pada kertas perekat lalat terhadap jumlah lalat rumah (Musca domestica) terperangkap dengan berat 5,00 gram, 6,25 gram dan 7,50 gram, serta mengetahui berat yang paling efektif. M...
Journal of Politic and Government Studies, 2015
The growing number of street vendors in downtown areas is incontrollable. A program to comprehens... more The growing number of street vendors in downtown areas is incontrollable. A program to comprehensively arrange and guide those street vendors is seriously needed. The existence of street vendors in downtown is one of the factors that leads to the problems such as traffic problem, crime rate, and waste problem. The growing number of street vendors has rushed the local government to make known the Local Regulation Number 11 Year 2000 about The Street Vendor Arrangement and Guidance. Based on the local regulation, the government is expected to control the mushrooming street vendors. Qualitative method was used in the research. During the research, descriptive analysis which is the method to provide systematic, factual, and accurate illustration or description on the data was used. Primary data was obtained from interview and the secondary data was obtained from document, archive, and direct observation to get the real condition of the case. The direct observation was done by involving ...
Inteligensi : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2019
Meningkatkatnya jumlah Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di Indonesia setiap tahunnya membuat pihak pemeri... more Meningkatkatnya jumlah Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di Indonesia setiap tahunnya membuat pihak pemerintah harus melakukan penanganan bagi ABK khususnya dalam bidang pendididikan. Pihak pemerintah telah berusaha untuk memfasilitasi kebutuhan pendidikan bagi ABK dengan adanya Sekolah Luar Biasa. Namun realitasnya SLB kurang maksimal dalam memberikan pelayanan pendidikan terhadap anak didiknya, karena media yang digunakan hampir seluruh SLB di Indonesia masih berbentuk konvensional. Padahal dalam sebuah pembelajaran perlu adanya inovasi pembelajaran supaya peserta didik lebih bersemangat dan mudah memahami materi yang diajarkan, terutama dalam pelajaran matematika karena selama ini matematika masih menjadi pelajaran yang sulit dan tidak digemari siswa. Padahal anak ABK juga memerlukan matematika agar mampu berpikir secara matematis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Salah satu upaya memperbaiki media pembelajaran dalam mata pelajaran matematika adalah dengan adanya inovasi media pembelajaran. Pe...