WAHYU IRYANA - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
In order to gain understanding of the meaning of symbolic variants of the myth in Kampung Naga, a... more In order to gain understanding of the meaning of symbolic variants of the myth in Kampung Naga, an objective analysis is required. Therefore, this paper ap-plied the linguistic model study offered by Levi-Strauss as a new step for the ob-jectivity of myth interpretation. The basic assumption of Levi-Strauss ’ linguistic model is that myth often display a diverse surface structure, but in fact the diver-sity is the description of the human deep structure. The selection of this myth was solely based on the life of the Kampung Naga community as part of Sundanese Society. The results indicated that the myth in the religious life of the Kampung Naga community contains a various stories which include the revelation, the reincarnation, and the descent of revelation. These episodes can be constructed into the structure of a Levi-Strauss linguistic model, a binary opposition, namely the mandate giver (active) the mandate recipient (passive). The relationship be-tween the giver and the receiv...
Abstract: One of the distinctive teaching of science in schools is the transformation of the yell... more Abstract: One of the distinctive teaching of science in schools is the transformation of the yellow book that discusses the science instrument. In the broader science of translation tools include traditional Arabic grammar, such as nahwu (sintakstis), sharf (inflection), balaghah (rhetoric), in addition there is also a mantiq science (logic) and tajwid (science to read the Koran well and right). However, over the age of the modern world today through a lot of big changes, especially information and communication technology developments. Seeing the rapid development of the world is for many people has led to mixed response. No exception for Muslims and no exception boarding school in it. Changes that continue to appear lately in it touches almost all aspects of human life, economic aspects to the aspect of moral values. Simply put, this global era can be illustrated by the fierce competition in the field of science and politics, the progress of science and technology, the rapid flow ...
Masyarakat Indramayu dikenal memiliki budaya yang khas, dan unik. Identitas budaya Indramayu dian... more Masyarakat Indramayu dikenal memiliki budaya yang khas, dan unik. Identitas budaya Indramayu dianggap sebagai deskripsi dari generalisasi jatidiri individual maupun komunal etnik Indramayu dalam berperilaku dan berkehidupan. Kehidupan mereka di tempat asal maupun di perantauan kerapkali terbawa budaya asal daerah. Konteks Tradisi Kidung Rahayu karya Sunan Kalijaga misalnya oleh masyarakat Cikedunglor selain sebagai upaya pelestarian budaya juga diaplikasikan sebagai upaya mengusir gangguan dari roh-roh jahat diwujudkan dengan penggunaan berbagai kidung selamat. Data yang digunakan adalah kidung Rahayu berbentuk teks dan lisan yang masih dan pernah digunakan. Metode penelitian diawali dengan heuristik, kritik sumber, intepretasi dan Historiografi. Hasil dari penelitian adalah Pertama, struktur teks yang terdiri atas analisis formula sintaksis, ragam diksi dan gaya bahasa serta tema atau isotopi. Kedua, referensi leksikon dalam kidung Rahayu Ketiga, cermin konsep hidup rahayu orang Ci...
Pada saat proklamasi telah dikumandangkan atau dalam hal ini kemerdekaan negara Indonesia terjadi... more Pada saat proklamasi telah dikumandangkan atau dalam hal ini kemerdekaan negara Indonesia terjadi pada 17 Agustus 1945, Negara Republik Indonesia dihadapkan pada tahapan untuk mengisi perjuangan, dan memproteksi kemerdekaan yang disebut dengan revolusi. Salah satu pengorbanan itu diberikan oleh para Pasukan Siliwangi yang merupakan garda terdepan Pengamanan di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian sejarah atau yang disebut histografi yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis obyektifitas keberadaan Provinsi Jawa Barat pada saat perjuangan pasukan siliwangi pada masa revolusi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah histografi, yaitu suatu proses penelitian yang sistematis untuk meneliti dan memahami secara komprehensif tentang sejarah atau proses berlangsungnya peristiwa masa lalu yang memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap kemerdekaan Negara Republik Indonesia, berupa catatan dan manuskrip tentang persitiwa pada masa lalu dengan empat tahapan pekerjaan dimulai...
Abstrak: Lahirnya peristiwa protes sosial petani Indramayu terhadap kewajiban serah padi pada mas... more Abstrak: Lahirnya peristiwa protes sosial petani Indramayu terhadap kewajiban serah padi pada masa penjajahan Jepang tahun 1944. Berawal dari amanat Syuuchokan yang diberlakukan pada tanggal 1 April 2603 sampai 31 Maret 2604 selama satu tahun, hal ini sesuai data yang tertera pada surat kabar Tjahaja, Rebo 12 Itigatu 2604, No.11 Tahoen ke III. Selain hasil bumi sebanyak 200 gram untuk makan seorang sehari dan 20 kg untuk bibit per hektar, semua hasil bumi harus diserahkan kepada Jepang. Hal ini telah menimbulkan inisiatif petani Indramayu untuk melakukan tindakan-tindakan preventif menolak adanya kewajiban serah padi, dan pada akhirnya mengakibatkan pemberontakan petani Indramayu, yang merembet pada terbunuhnya Camat Sindang. Keadaan Indramayu yang kacau mengakibatkan Indramayu tidak mengeluarkan orang untuk Romusha, Heiho, dan PETA yang berimbas pada p emecatan, pemindahan dan pergantian pangreh praja termasuk Bupati Indramayu R.T.A.A. Mohamad Soediono digantikan oleh Dokter Muhamm...
The conquest of Constantinople in 1453 became the highlight of the world today one of the trigger... more The conquest of Constantinople in 1453 became the highlight of the world today one of the triggering of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan changed the status policy of the museum's Hagia Sophia to the mosque. It gets a tremendous response from the world community especially from the West and Islam. Pros and cons arise because they assess the status of Hagia Sophia is a world heritage that can not change its status and must be a cultural property. From the stronghold in favor of arguing that it is the right and freedom of a country to change its identity with the support of its people. While those who reject the status of the change are due to access to visit the most sacred and sacred places will have difficulties so it will be difficult to visit them freely. This research is descriptive with a qualitative methodology. It used this methodology to explain a phenomenon that is happening now regarding the issue of Hagia Sophia. As Muslims must make wise decisions by its history...
The Shia movement in Indonesia until now still exists. Thus, the raised question is why Shia can ... more The Shia movement in Indonesia until now still exists. Thus, the raised question is why Shia can exist in Indonesia. The formulation of the problem in this study is what traditions can make Shia exist until now? What is the concept of leadership in Shia? What are the Shia tactical organizations to drive Shia? The research method used is historical research methods, namely doing data collection (heuristics), selecting data (criticism), reviewing and analyzing (interpretation), and writing history (historiography). The results of the study can be concluded that the traditions often carried out by Shiites including Ahlulbait, Al-Bada', Ashura, Imamah, ‘Ishmuh, Mahdawiyah, Marja'iyah, Raj'ah, Taqiyah, Tawasul, Tawalli and Tabarri. Leadership theory in Islam, in essence the theory of leadership or power in Islam has two different conceptions, the first, the conception of Imammah (leadership according to Shia specifically Sy'ah Imammah) and second, the conception of the ca...
Since 1995-1996 in Parean Girang Kandanghaur Indramayu there was accident the rejecting of the pi... more Since 1995-1996 in Parean Girang Kandanghaur Indramayu there was accident the rejecting of the pig cattle relocation. That history actually from a wish investor to make it happen in Jakarta, but because there is no area therefore overwhelmed in West Java Governance to take in Bogor, Tanggerang, Lebak, Bekasi, and also Karawang will be taken for cattle of pig, but the regents of all countries to refuse it. Therefore a side of the governor Indramayu is welcome of making permission for the investor to open the cattle of pig relocation in their country. Therefore the cattle of pig is undertaken in Indramayu actually in Parean Girang, well this moment making reaction for public in Parean Girang where unwillingness on the decision for the governor. The purpose of this thesis is to address to present Sartono Kartodirjo, history is causality contact was start from social fluctuation where making the community disturbance and social changes. On this matter comprises many factor Values, Econo...
Indonesia as a maritime country is rich in marine resources. However, most of the people living i... more Indonesia as a maritime country is rich in marine resources. However, most of the people living in coastal or coastal areas, such as the Eretan Wetan community, Indramayu with basic livelihoods of fishermen, especially traditional fishermen and fishermen, are still poor. This can be seen physically from the circumstances of residence or settlement, which looks dense and seemingly slums. The condition of this poor fisherman society is due to several things, including natural poverty, artificial, internal and external. Poverty cannot only be seen from an economic point of view, but it is related to various aspects, one of which is socio-cultural. To overcome the problem of poverty of fishermen, especially in the area of Ereten Wetan, Indramayu, it needs to be integrated in handling the problems. The responsibility of poverty alleviation fishermen not only relies on the government, but all parties involved, including Eretan Wetan own community. Eretan Wetan's poverty alleviation pr...
Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya
The Kasepuhan Adat Banten Kidul in Sirnaresmi Village is a traditional society that still holds t... more The Kasepuhan Adat Banten Kidul in Sirnaresmi Village is a traditional society that still holds the legacy of their ancestors. Along with the development of incoming science and technology, gradually this traditional Kasepuhan society experienced a cultural change. Cultural changes that occur as a result of the challenge and response of Kasepuhan adat community to new things so that there has been acculturation of culture.The purpose of this study is to find out how the general description of Desa Sirnaresmi and to know the cultural changes Kasepuhan Adat Banten Kidul people in the Village Sirnaresmi District Cisolok Sukabumi.The method used in this research is historical method. Historical research model is a method that studies events and events in the past based on abandoned sources. This research method is done through four stages, namely heuristic, critic, interpretation, and historiografi.The results of the research in the field can be concluded that there has been a cultural ...
Abstrak Peristiwa Penaklukan Konstantinopel pada 1453 menjadi sorotan dunia sekarang ini salah sa... more Abstrak Peristiwa Penaklukan Konstantinopel pada 1453 menjadi sorotan dunia sekarang ini salah satu pemicunya adalah presiden Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan mengubah kebijakan status museum Hagia Sophia menjadi Masjid. Hal tersebut mendapatkan respon yang luar biasa dari masyarakat dunia terutama dari Barat dan Islam. Pro dan kontra muncul karena mereka menilai status Hagia Sophia merupakan warisan dunia yang tidak boleh berganti statusnya dan harus menjadi benda cagar budaya. Dari kubu yang mendukung memiliki argumentasi bahwa merupakan hak dan kebebasan suatu negara untuk merubah identitasnya dengan dukungan rakyatnya. Sementara mereka yang menolak status perubahan tersebut dikarenakan akses untuk mengunjungi tempat paling suci dan sakral akan mengalami kesulitan sehingga akan sulit untuk mengunjunginya dengan bebas. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan metodologi kualitatif. Metodologi ini digunakan agar bisa menjelaskan suatu fenomena yang terjadi sekarang mengenai isu Hagia So...
Indramayu is an area that has a very rich tourism potential, this is the basic capital of tourism... more Indramayu is an area that has a very rich tourism potential, this is the basic capital of tourism in Indramayu long term. But the main point at issue is how the potential is prospective and actual. Prospective step and actualization is of course a management problem. Therefore, tourism management is an absolute requirement for the development of tourism activities. One concrete form of tourism management is promotion or advertising. Professionalism in doing real work is part of the struggle.
Patanjala : Jurnal Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya
The background of the emergence of social protest of peasants in Indramayu during the Japanese oc... more The background of the emergence of social protest of peasants in Indramayu during the Japanese occupation in 1944, originated from Syuuchokan mandate that imposes of obligations on the transfer of paddy 1 April 2603 until March 31, 2604. According to data contained in the newspaper Tjahaja, Rebo 12 Itigatu 2604, 11 Tahoen III, farmers are required to submit to the Japanese rice every harvest season. This study aims to determine public reaction to the policy of handing over rice Indramayu during the Japanese occupation. The theory that i use is the theory Mariasusai Dhavamony. The method used is the method of historical research that is heuristic, criticism, interpretation, historiography. The findings from this study that Indramayu farmers protested against the transfer of liability on the part of Japan, as they have confidence that rice is something sacred, rice is also extremely valuable for sustainable livelihood.
Tsaqofah dan Tarikh: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sejarah Islam
This paper tries to portray the role of women in the socio-political dimension in the era of the ... more This paper tries to portray the role of women in the socio-political dimension in the era of the early arrival of Islam Islam is a tolerant religion that has given birth to a number of figures of brave women.. Just mention Khadijah Binti Khuwalid, Fatimah Az Zahra, Shafiyyah Binti Abdul Muthollib, Lubabah, Umul Fadhal Binti Harits, Asma Binti Amis (Wife Jafar), Fatimah Binti Khatab (Wife Said Bin Zaid), Sumayyah fighters women who sacrificed to make the nation proud and religion. For Islam, women are not only used as the secondline of life but rather, women can color the joints of life in a wider scope. So prominent is the role of women in the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW, that they were able to give up property for the glory of Islam they deserve to be called "de leidster van het verzet". Leaders of resistance like Summayah. The research method uses a descriptive approach by processing data into a writing with historical flow. The results of the study have been found that...
Tsaqofah dan Tarikh: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sejarah Islam
Fenomena sekte menyimpang atau gerakan sempalan di kalangan umat Islam Indonesia akhir-akhir ini ... more Fenomena sekte menyimpang atau gerakan sempalan di kalangan umat Islam Indonesia akhir-akhir ini menjadi sangat populer dalam deretan aksi dan catatan-catatan yang menyertainya. Banyak yang melaporkan adanya sekte menyimpang yang mengajarkan doktrin yang menyimpang dari arus utama, atau sekte dan agama yang menjadi induknya. Yang muncul di permukaan, kebanyakan lahir dari Islam sebagai aliran orang tua, seperti Salat bilingually di Malang, sekte Ahmadiyah dan seseorang yang mengaku telah memiliki nabi terakhir atau kitab suci itu sendiri seperti di Brebes, Tangerang, Tulungagung, dll . Di Indonesia kesan negatif dari kelompok sempalan menjadi lebih kuat setelah kecenderungan gerakannya menjadi ancaman bagi stabilitas dan keamanan bangsa dan negara. Fakta terbaru tentang stigma ini dilihat dari kelompok Syi'ah dan Ahmadiyah di Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat yang mengarah pada perilaku anarkis. Mau tidak mau pemerintah merasa perlu membatasi gerakan serpihan untuk mewujudkan keama...
Al-Tsaqafa: Jurnal Ilmiah Peradaban Islam
Patanjala : Jurnal Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya
Perang mempertahankan negara Indonesia pasca Proklamasi Kemerdekaan terjadi di beberapa daerah, t... more Perang mempertahankan negara Indonesia pasca Proklamasi Kemerdekaan terjadi di beberapa daerah, termasuk perjuangan pasukan setan Muhammad Asmat Sentot di daerah Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Perlu ditekankan bahwa proses diplomasi tidak bisa dilepaskan dengan aktivitas militer. Adapun permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian adalah mengenai bagaimana biografi Sentot sebagai pemimpin perjuangan perang fisik di Indramayu (1945-1949)? Bagaimana perjuangan pasukan setan merah yang dipimpin oleh Sentot dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan di daerah Indramayu Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui biografi Sentot dan untuk memahami nilai-nilai heroik perjuangan Muhammad As’ad Sentot melawan Agresi Militer Belanda dalam mempertahankan wilayah Indramayu. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah (heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, historiografi). Sedangkan teori yang digunakan adalah teori kausalitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Sentot merupakan tokoh sentral dalam ...
Patanjala : Jurnal Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya
Perang mempertahankan negara Indonesia pasca Proklamasi Kemerdekaan terjadi di beberapa daerah, t... more Perang mempertahankan negara Indonesia pasca Proklamasi Kemerdekaan terjadi di beberapa daerah, termasuk perjuangan pasukan setan Muhammad Asmat Sentot di daerah Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Perlu ditekankan bahwa proses diplomasi tidak bisa dilepaskan dengan aktivitas militer. Adapun permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian adalah mengenai bagaimana biografi Sentot sebagai pemimpin perjuangan perang fisik di Indramayu (1945-1949)? Bagaimana perjuangan pasukan setan merah yang dipimpin oleh Sentot dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan di daerah Indramayu Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui biografi Sentot dan untuk memahami nilai-nilai heroik perjuangan Muhammad As’ad Sentot melawan Agresi Militer Belanda dalam mempertahankan wilayah Indramayu. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah (heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, historiografi). Sedangkan teori yang digunakan adalah teori kausalitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Sentot merupakan tokoh sentral dalam ...
Al-Tsaqafa: Jurnal Ilmiah Peradaban Islam
Attempts to write local history to the development of national history writing is very important,... more Attempts to write local history to the development of national history writing is very important, even expected at each campus has a study program must include the History Education courses Local History or can be Local Historiography. The research method that I use is the heuristic method historical research, criticism, interpretation and historiography. Exposure War history Kedondong or War of Cirebon to Dutch colonization and social protests of farmers in Indramayu during the Japanese occupation is one of the local history authors suppose caliber already can be called national history. Writing of local history is not only the responsibility of all academics who manages the department of History Education in Indonesia but also the relevant government policy
In order to gain understanding of the meaning of symbolic variants of the myth in Kampung Naga, a... more In order to gain understanding of the meaning of symbolic variants of the myth in Kampung Naga, an objective analysis is required. Therefore, this paper ap-plied the linguistic model study offered by Levi-Strauss as a new step for the ob-jectivity of myth interpretation. The basic assumption of Levi-Strauss ’ linguistic model is that myth often display a diverse surface structure, but in fact the diver-sity is the description of the human deep structure. The selection of this myth was solely based on the life of the Kampung Naga community as part of Sundanese Society. The results indicated that the myth in the religious life of the Kampung Naga community contains a various stories which include the revelation, the reincarnation, and the descent of revelation. These episodes can be constructed into the structure of a Levi-Strauss linguistic model, a binary opposition, namely the mandate giver (active) the mandate recipient (passive). The relationship be-tween the giver and the receiv...
Abstract: One of the distinctive teaching of science in schools is the transformation of the yell... more Abstract: One of the distinctive teaching of science in schools is the transformation of the yellow book that discusses the science instrument. In the broader science of translation tools include traditional Arabic grammar, such as nahwu (sintakstis), sharf (inflection), balaghah (rhetoric), in addition there is also a mantiq science (logic) and tajwid (science to read the Koran well and right). However, over the age of the modern world today through a lot of big changes, especially information and communication technology developments. Seeing the rapid development of the world is for many people has led to mixed response. No exception for Muslims and no exception boarding school in it. Changes that continue to appear lately in it touches almost all aspects of human life, economic aspects to the aspect of moral values. Simply put, this global era can be illustrated by the fierce competition in the field of science and politics, the progress of science and technology, the rapid flow ...
Masyarakat Indramayu dikenal memiliki budaya yang khas, dan unik. Identitas budaya Indramayu dian... more Masyarakat Indramayu dikenal memiliki budaya yang khas, dan unik. Identitas budaya Indramayu dianggap sebagai deskripsi dari generalisasi jatidiri individual maupun komunal etnik Indramayu dalam berperilaku dan berkehidupan. Kehidupan mereka di tempat asal maupun di perantauan kerapkali terbawa budaya asal daerah. Konteks Tradisi Kidung Rahayu karya Sunan Kalijaga misalnya oleh masyarakat Cikedunglor selain sebagai upaya pelestarian budaya juga diaplikasikan sebagai upaya mengusir gangguan dari roh-roh jahat diwujudkan dengan penggunaan berbagai kidung selamat. Data yang digunakan adalah kidung Rahayu berbentuk teks dan lisan yang masih dan pernah digunakan. Metode penelitian diawali dengan heuristik, kritik sumber, intepretasi dan Historiografi. Hasil dari penelitian adalah Pertama, struktur teks yang terdiri atas analisis formula sintaksis, ragam diksi dan gaya bahasa serta tema atau isotopi. Kedua, referensi leksikon dalam kidung Rahayu Ketiga, cermin konsep hidup rahayu orang Ci...
Pada saat proklamasi telah dikumandangkan atau dalam hal ini kemerdekaan negara Indonesia terjadi... more Pada saat proklamasi telah dikumandangkan atau dalam hal ini kemerdekaan negara Indonesia terjadi pada 17 Agustus 1945, Negara Republik Indonesia dihadapkan pada tahapan untuk mengisi perjuangan, dan memproteksi kemerdekaan yang disebut dengan revolusi. Salah satu pengorbanan itu diberikan oleh para Pasukan Siliwangi yang merupakan garda terdepan Pengamanan di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian sejarah atau yang disebut histografi yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis obyektifitas keberadaan Provinsi Jawa Barat pada saat perjuangan pasukan siliwangi pada masa revolusi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah histografi, yaitu suatu proses penelitian yang sistematis untuk meneliti dan memahami secara komprehensif tentang sejarah atau proses berlangsungnya peristiwa masa lalu yang memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap kemerdekaan Negara Republik Indonesia, berupa catatan dan manuskrip tentang persitiwa pada masa lalu dengan empat tahapan pekerjaan dimulai...
Abstrak: Lahirnya peristiwa protes sosial petani Indramayu terhadap kewajiban serah padi pada mas... more Abstrak: Lahirnya peristiwa protes sosial petani Indramayu terhadap kewajiban serah padi pada masa penjajahan Jepang tahun 1944. Berawal dari amanat Syuuchokan yang diberlakukan pada tanggal 1 April 2603 sampai 31 Maret 2604 selama satu tahun, hal ini sesuai data yang tertera pada surat kabar Tjahaja, Rebo 12 Itigatu 2604, No.11 Tahoen ke III. Selain hasil bumi sebanyak 200 gram untuk makan seorang sehari dan 20 kg untuk bibit per hektar, semua hasil bumi harus diserahkan kepada Jepang. Hal ini telah menimbulkan inisiatif petani Indramayu untuk melakukan tindakan-tindakan preventif menolak adanya kewajiban serah padi, dan pada akhirnya mengakibatkan pemberontakan petani Indramayu, yang merembet pada terbunuhnya Camat Sindang. Keadaan Indramayu yang kacau mengakibatkan Indramayu tidak mengeluarkan orang untuk Romusha, Heiho, dan PETA yang berimbas pada p emecatan, pemindahan dan pergantian pangreh praja termasuk Bupati Indramayu R.T.A.A. Mohamad Soediono digantikan oleh Dokter Muhamm...
The conquest of Constantinople in 1453 became the highlight of the world today one of the trigger... more The conquest of Constantinople in 1453 became the highlight of the world today one of the triggering of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan changed the status policy of the museum's Hagia Sophia to the mosque. It gets a tremendous response from the world community especially from the West and Islam. Pros and cons arise because they assess the status of Hagia Sophia is a world heritage that can not change its status and must be a cultural property. From the stronghold in favor of arguing that it is the right and freedom of a country to change its identity with the support of its people. While those who reject the status of the change are due to access to visit the most sacred and sacred places will have difficulties so it will be difficult to visit them freely. This research is descriptive with a qualitative methodology. It used this methodology to explain a phenomenon that is happening now regarding the issue of Hagia Sophia. As Muslims must make wise decisions by its history...
The Shia movement in Indonesia until now still exists. Thus, the raised question is why Shia can ... more The Shia movement in Indonesia until now still exists. Thus, the raised question is why Shia can exist in Indonesia. The formulation of the problem in this study is what traditions can make Shia exist until now? What is the concept of leadership in Shia? What are the Shia tactical organizations to drive Shia? The research method used is historical research methods, namely doing data collection (heuristics), selecting data (criticism), reviewing and analyzing (interpretation), and writing history (historiography). The results of the study can be concluded that the traditions often carried out by Shiites including Ahlulbait, Al-Bada', Ashura, Imamah, ‘Ishmuh, Mahdawiyah, Marja'iyah, Raj'ah, Taqiyah, Tawasul, Tawalli and Tabarri. Leadership theory in Islam, in essence the theory of leadership or power in Islam has two different conceptions, the first, the conception of Imammah (leadership according to Shia specifically Sy'ah Imammah) and second, the conception of the ca...
Since 1995-1996 in Parean Girang Kandanghaur Indramayu there was accident the rejecting of the pi... more Since 1995-1996 in Parean Girang Kandanghaur Indramayu there was accident the rejecting of the pig cattle relocation. That history actually from a wish investor to make it happen in Jakarta, but because there is no area therefore overwhelmed in West Java Governance to take in Bogor, Tanggerang, Lebak, Bekasi, and also Karawang will be taken for cattle of pig, but the regents of all countries to refuse it. Therefore a side of the governor Indramayu is welcome of making permission for the investor to open the cattle of pig relocation in their country. Therefore the cattle of pig is undertaken in Indramayu actually in Parean Girang, well this moment making reaction for public in Parean Girang where unwillingness on the decision for the governor. The purpose of this thesis is to address to present Sartono Kartodirjo, history is causality contact was start from social fluctuation where making the community disturbance and social changes. On this matter comprises many factor Values, Econo...
Indonesia as a maritime country is rich in marine resources. However, most of the people living i... more Indonesia as a maritime country is rich in marine resources. However, most of the people living in coastal or coastal areas, such as the Eretan Wetan community, Indramayu with basic livelihoods of fishermen, especially traditional fishermen and fishermen, are still poor. This can be seen physically from the circumstances of residence or settlement, which looks dense and seemingly slums. The condition of this poor fisherman society is due to several things, including natural poverty, artificial, internal and external. Poverty cannot only be seen from an economic point of view, but it is related to various aspects, one of which is socio-cultural. To overcome the problem of poverty of fishermen, especially in the area of Ereten Wetan, Indramayu, it needs to be integrated in handling the problems. The responsibility of poverty alleviation fishermen not only relies on the government, but all parties involved, including Eretan Wetan own community. Eretan Wetan's poverty alleviation pr...
Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya
The Kasepuhan Adat Banten Kidul in Sirnaresmi Village is a traditional society that still holds t... more The Kasepuhan Adat Banten Kidul in Sirnaresmi Village is a traditional society that still holds the legacy of their ancestors. Along with the development of incoming science and technology, gradually this traditional Kasepuhan society experienced a cultural change. Cultural changes that occur as a result of the challenge and response of Kasepuhan adat community to new things so that there has been acculturation of culture.The purpose of this study is to find out how the general description of Desa Sirnaresmi and to know the cultural changes Kasepuhan Adat Banten Kidul people in the Village Sirnaresmi District Cisolok Sukabumi.The method used in this research is historical method. Historical research model is a method that studies events and events in the past based on abandoned sources. This research method is done through four stages, namely heuristic, critic, interpretation, and historiografi.The results of the research in the field can be concluded that there has been a cultural ...
Abstrak Peristiwa Penaklukan Konstantinopel pada 1453 menjadi sorotan dunia sekarang ini salah sa... more Abstrak Peristiwa Penaklukan Konstantinopel pada 1453 menjadi sorotan dunia sekarang ini salah satu pemicunya adalah presiden Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan mengubah kebijakan status museum Hagia Sophia menjadi Masjid. Hal tersebut mendapatkan respon yang luar biasa dari masyarakat dunia terutama dari Barat dan Islam. Pro dan kontra muncul karena mereka menilai status Hagia Sophia merupakan warisan dunia yang tidak boleh berganti statusnya dan harus menjadi benda cagar budaya. Dari kubu yang mendukung memiliki argumentasi bahwa merupakan hak dan kebebasan suatu negara untuk merubah identitasnya dengan dukungan rakyatnya. Sementara mereka yang menolak status perubahan tersebut dikarenakan akses untuk mengunjungi tempat paling suci dan sakral akan mengalami kesulitan sehingga akan sulit untuk mengunjunginya dengan bebas. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan metodologi kualitatif. Metodologi ini digunakan agar bisa menjelaskan suatu fenomena yang terjadi sekarang mengenai isu Hagia So...
Indramayu is an area that has a very rich tourism potential, this is the basic capital of tourism... more Indramayu is an area that has a very rich tourism potential, this is the basic capital of tourism in Indramayu long term. But the main point at issue is how the potential is prospective and actual. Prospective step and actualization is of course a management problem. Therefore, tourism management is an absolute requirement for the development of tourism activities. One concrete form of tourism management is promotion or advertising. Professionalism in doing real work is part of the struggle.
Patanjala : Jurnal Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya
The background of the emergence of social protest of peasants in Indramayu during the Japanese oc... more The background of the emergence of social protest of peasants in Indramayu during the Japanese occupation in 1944, originated from Syuuchokan mandate that imposes of obligations on the transfer of paddy 1 April 2603 until March 31, 2604. According to data contained in the newspaper Tjahaja, Rebo 12 Itigatu 2604, 11 Tahoen III, farmers are required to submit to the Japanese rice every harvest season. This study aims to determine public reaction to the policy of handing over rice Indramayu during the Japanese occupation. The theory that i use is the theory Mariasusai Dhavamony. The method used is the method of historical research that is heuristic, criticism, interpretation, historiography. The findings from this study that Indramayu farmers protested against the transfer of liability on the part of Japan, as they have confidence that rice is something sacred, rice is also extremely valuable for sustainable livelihood.
Tsaqofah dan Tarikh: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sejarah Islam
This paper tries to portray the role of women in the socio-political dimension in the era of the ... more This paper tries to portray the role of women in the socio-political dimension in the era of the early arrival of Islam Islam is a tolerant religion that has given birth to a number of figures of brave women.. Just mention Khadijah Binti Khuwalid, Fatimah Az Zahra, Shafiyyah Binti Abdul Muthollib, Lubabah, Umul Fadhal Binti Harits, Asma Binti Amis (Wife Jafar), Fatimah Binti Khatab (Wife Said Bin Zaid), Sumayyah fighters women who sacrificed to make the nation proud and religion. For Islam, women are not only used as the secondline of life but rather, women can color the joints of life in a wider scope. So prominent is the role of women in the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW, that they were able to give up property for the glory of Islam they deserve to be called "de leidster van het verzet". Leaders of resistance like Summayah. The research method uses a descriptive approach by processing data into a writing with historical flow. The results of the study have been found that...
Tsaqofah dan Tarikh: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Sejarah Islam
Fenomena sekte menyimpang atau gerakan sempalan di kalangan umat Islam Indonesia akhir-akhir ini ... more Fenomena sekte menyimpang atau gerakan sempalan di kalangan umat Islam Indonesia akhir-akhir ini menjadi sangat populer dalam deretan aksi dan catatan-catatan yang menyertainya. Banyak yang melaporkan adanya sekte menyimpang yang mengajarkan doktrin yang menyimpang dari arus utama, atau sekte dan agama yang menjadi induknya. Yang muncul di permukaan, kebanyakan lahir dari Islam sebagai aliran orang tua, seperti Salat bilingually di Malang, sekte Ahmadiyah dan seseorang yang mengaku telah memiliki nabi terakhir atau kitab suci itu sendiri seperti di Brebes, Tangerang, Tulungagung, dll . Di Indonesia kesan negatif dari kelompok sempalan menjadi lebih kuat setelah kecenderungan gerakannya menjadi ancaman bagi stabilitas dan keamanan bangsa dan negara. Fakta terbaru tentang stigma ini dilihat dari kelompok Syi'ah dan Ahmadiyah di Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat yang mengarah pada perilaku anarkis. Mau tidak mau pemerintah merasa perlu membatasi gerakan serpihan untuk mewujudkan keama...
Al-Tsaqafa: Jurnal Ilmiah Peradaban Islam
Patanjala : Jurnal Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya
Perang mempertahankan negara Indonesia pasca Proklamasi Kemerdekaan terjadi di beberapa daerah, t... more Perang mempertahankan negara Indonesia pasca Proklamasi Kemerdekaan terjadi di beberapa daerah, termasuk perjuangan pasukan setan Muhammad Asmat Sentot di daerah Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Perlu ditekankan bahwa proses diplomasi tidak bisa dilepaskan dengan aktivitas militer. Adapun permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian adalah mengenai bagaimana biografi Sentot sebagai pemimpin perjuangan perang fisik di Indramayu (1945-1949)? Bagaimana perjuangan pasukan setan merah yang dipimpin oleh Sentot dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan di daerah Indramayu Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui biografi Sentot dan untuk memahami nilai-nilai heroik perjuangan Muhammad As’ad Sentot melawan Agresi Militer Belanda dalam mempertahankan wilayah Indramayu. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah (heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, historiografi). Sedangkan teori yang digunakan adalah teori kausalitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Sentot merupakan tokoh sentral dalam ...
Patanjala : Jurnal Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya
Perang mempertahankan negara Indonesia pasca Proklamasi Kemerdekaan terjadi di beberapa daerah, t... more Perang mempertahankan negara Indonesia pasca Proklamasi Kemerdekaan terjadi di beberapa daerah, termasuk perjuangan pasukan setan Muhammad Asmat Sentot di daerah Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Perlu ditekankan bahwa proses diplomasi tidak bisa dilepaskan dengan aktivitas militer. Adapun permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian adalah mengenai bagaimana biografi Sentot sebagai pemimpin perjuangan perang fisik di Indramayu (1945-1949)? Bagaimana perjuangan pasukan setan merah yang dipimpin oleh Sentot dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan di daerah Indramayu Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui biografi Sentot dan untuk memahami nilai-nilai heroik perjuangan Muhammad As’ad Sentot melawan Agresi Militer Belanda dalam mempertahankan wilayah Indramayu. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah (heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, historiografi). Sedangkan teori yang digunakan adalah teori kausalitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Sentot merupakan tokoh sentral dalam ...
Al-Tsaqafa: Jurnal Ilmiah Peradaban Islam
Attempts to write local history to the development of national history writing is very important,... more Attempts to write local history to the development of national history writing is very important, even expected at each campus has a study program must include the History Education courses Local History or can be Local Historiography. The research method that I use is the heuristic method historical research, criticism, interpretation and historiography. Exposure War history Kedondong or War of Cirebon to Dutch colonization and social protests of farmers in Indramayu during the Japanese occupation is one of the local history authors suppose caliber already can be called national history. Writing of local history is not only the responsibility of all academics who manages the department of History Education in Indonesia but also the relevant government policy