Wiwi Mardiah - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Wiwi Mardiah
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
BACKGROUND: Nutritional problems in infants under the age of two can inhibit growth and developme... more BACKGROUND: Nutritional problems in infants under the age of two can inhibit growth and development. This has a negative impact on their subsequent life, increasing the risk of stunting. Vitamins are essential micronutrients in the body’s metabolic processes and they have a multi-complex role. One of the micronutrients that affect stunting are vitamin D. It plays an important role in stunting prevention. Stunting countermeasures are carried out by fulfilling the need of adequate nutrition where both macronutrients and micronutrients are needed to avoid the risk of stunting. AIM: The aim of this literature review was to analyze the role of vitamin D in preventing stunting. METHODS: The articles were collected through the Google Scholar, PubMed, Proquest, and Ebsco databases using the keywords Vitamin D and Stunting, consisting of both quantitative and qualitative studies. The articles used were only articles with a full text available that were written in English and Indonesian publi...
ObjetivosEl traumatismo toracico leve-moderado, fuera del contexto de politraumatismo, es un moti... more ObjetivosEl traumatismo toracico leve-moderado, fuera del contexto de politraumatismo, es un motivo de consulta frecuente en los Servicios de Urgencias que supone aproximadamente el 10-15% de los ingresos en el Servicio de Urgencias.La radiografia simple de torax y la TC son las tecnicas diagnosticas radiologicas realizadas habitualmente, considerandose a la TC toracica como el ‘gold standard’ diagnostico. Sin embargo, no existen guias clinico-radiologicas de actuacion actualizadas que establezcan indicaciones de cuando hay que solicitar una TC en este motivo de consulta.Por ello, presentamos un protocolo y unas recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia para mejorar la adecuacion de la solicitud de la Rx de torax y de la TC en el Servicio de Urgencias. Material y metodosComo punto de partida establecimos un motivo de consulta correctamente definido (denominado pregunta ‘PICO’), a partir del cual se realizo una busqueda sistematica de la bibliografia cientifica (2005-2014) a traves de...
Media Informasi, 2018
Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan penyakit menular. Penderita TB dewasa di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Keca... more Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan penyakit menular. Penderita TB dewasa di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kecamatan Rancaekek sebagian besar memiliki anak 0-14 tahun dan tinggal bersama. Deteksi dini salah satu upaya yang dapat orangtua lakukan dalam pengendalian TB anak. Faktor yang mendorong terlaksananya deteksi dini diantaranya adalah pengetahuan dan sikap. Maka dari itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengetahuan dan sikap orangtua penderita TB dalam deteksi dini TB anak. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel direkrut dari populasi seluruh pasien TB dewasa dengan teknik consecutive sampling menggunakan kriteria sampel orangtua penderita TB yang tinggal bersama anak 0-14 tahun dan sedang pengobatan, didapatkan dengan jumlah 78 responden. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner yang dibuat dengan panduan dari Early Detection Of Tuberculosis dan Tuberkulosis Klinis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar responden dengan kategori pengetahuan baik (57,7%) dan sebagian besar responden dengan sikap mendukung (56,4%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar orangtua penderita TB sudah mengetahui tentang deteksi dini dan bersikap mendukung, data dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa pengalaman orangtua sebagian besar pernah mengikuti penyuluhan TB dan sudah fase pengobatan lanjutan, sehingga informasi yang di dapat lebih banyak. Namun,hasil penelitian ini belum mencakup seluruhnya orang tua penderita TB dengan kategori pengetahuan baik dan sikap mendukung terhadap deteksi dini TB anak. Diharapkan kepada petugas kesehatan dan para kader untuk meningkatkan program pendidikan kesehatan dengan memberikan pendidikan kesehatan lanjutan serta pemberian konseling.
Jurnal Ners, 2017
Introduction: The incidence of HIV/AIDS is continuing increase in Indonesia. Nurses are the most ... more Introduction: The incidence of HIV/AIDS is continuing increase in Indonesia. Nurses are the most risky occupations of gaining transmitted infection. This study aimed to identify the nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices of universal precaution toward HIV/AIDS transmission in a hospital.Methods: Descriptive correlation study was a design of this study. Ninety nurses were recruited using proposionate stratifi ed random sampling. The instrument was KAP (Knowledge Attitudes Practices) questionnaire consisted of demographic data form, knowledge, attitude, and self-reported practices regarding universal precaution. The collected data, then were analyzed both descriptively and inferentially by using pearson product moment correlationResults: The majority of respondents reported experience of sharp injuries. More than a half of respondents had a good knowledge level about universal precaution and HIV/AIDS transmission, and showed favorable attitude toward caring for HIV/AIDS patients....
Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing, 2016
Background: Reviewing the system of health care services, the development of health services in a... more Background: Reviewing the system of health care services, the development of health services in a country, like Indonesia, is strongly influenced by the education system based on health sciences, such as medicine, nursing, public health. Then, the output produced by the education system will be implemented in the form of health care, both hospital and community based. Method: This qualitative study assessed the patterns of health behavior in seeking health cservices for treatment by the breast cancer patients, whether conventional, complementary, or traditional. This study assessed the different views, both from the health providers' perspective and patients's perspective. The subjects of the study involved the patients and health professionals coming from hospitals or directly in the community (community-based and hospital-based study) in West Java province. Results: Based on the thematic analysis, it obtained the pattern of health care services option from breast cancer patients' point of view, as follows: (1) generally, the initial choices of health treatment were traditional and alternative therapies; (2) If it is not effective, then the conventional therapy was chosen; (3) furthermore, the conventional therapy was performed in parallel with the complementary and traditional therapies. On the other hand, majority of health professionals expressed: (1) the importance of only-conventional therapy, and only a small number of them supported the complementary therapy; (2) the expectation that one day, an effective and appropriate therapy can be found, with less side effects on the breast cancer patient, by combining the conventional and complementary therapy. Conclusion: In conclusion, despite some similarities, there are differences in the point of views between patients and health professionals regarding the pattern of seeking health care services of the breast cancer patients. In general, the patients tend to choose a therapy that is more comfortable to themselves, rather than making assessment on the conventional or complementary therapies. Meanwhile the health professionals consider the conventional therapy as the best and right choice for the breast cancer patients.
International Conference on Heath Care and Management 2018, Oct 12, 2018
Tindakan invasif saat imunisasi pentabio yang diberikan pada awal kehidupan bayi sebanyak 3 kali ... more Tindakan invasif saat imunisasi pentabio yang diberikan pada awal kehidupan bayi sebanyak 3 kali dengan interval 1 bulan pada usia 2,3 dan 4 bulan menyebabkan kerusakan jaringan yang mengakibatkan terstimulasinya respon nyeri sehingga diperlukan pengelolaan nyeri untuk menurunkan respon nyeri yang terjadi melalui tindakan keperawatan seperti distraksi dan relaksasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon dan pengelolaan nyeri pada bayi saat imunisasi pentabio. Metode penelitian menggunakan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif, populasi penelitian ini adalah bayi yang dilakukan imunisasi pentabio 1,2,3 di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Haurpanggung, teknik pengambilan sampel accidental sampling dengan besar sampel 67 bayi. Pengukuran respon nyeri pada bayi menggunakan skala penilaian wajah Wong-Baker FACES yang dinilai oleh peneliti dan lembar observasi tindakan pengelolaan nyeri yang dilakukan perawat. Analisis data respon nyeri menggunakan analisis deskriptif mencari modus da...
Puberty is a time of transition from childhood to the teenage years. In the face of puberty, teen... more Puberty is a time of transition from childhood to the teenage years. In the face of puberty, teenager will perceive these changes with different points of view in accordance with the experience, knowledge and motivation they have. Adolescent perception of this change will form a pattern of attitudes and behavior of adolescents especially related to adolescent reproductive health. This study aims to understand adolescent health issues from the perspective of adolescent perception itself. This type of research is descriptive qualitative approach. Informants in this study involved six students were taken by purposive sampling. The process of collecting data using interviews, all data contained in matrix form and explained in the narrative. The process of data analysis was done by reviewing all data, reduce the data, find a theme and make interpretation of research results. The results showed that most informants perceive changes in puberty as a scary thing and build an embarrassment to...
Upaya Pemberantasan dan Pencegahan Penyakit ISPA (P2ISPA) merupakan hal yang sangat penting karen... more Upaya Pemberantasan dan Pencegahan Penyakit ISPA (P2ISPA) merupakan hal yang sangat penting karena penyakit ini mudah menular dan dapat menyebabkan kematian. Menurut WHO tahun 2012, sebesar 78% balita yang berkunjung ke pelayanan kesehatan adalah akibat ISPA. Hal-hal yang bisa terjadi antara lain perdarahan paru-paru, gagal napas akut (acute respiratory distress syndrome/ARDS), hingga kematian, sebelum hal ini terjadi maka diperlukan upaya pencegahan penularan ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut) dan Perawatannya pada Balita di Rumah. Tujuan dari Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengetahuan orang tua dan kader kesehatan tentang ISPA, mengidentifikasi kejadian ISPA dan mengidentifikasi target capaian imunisasi pentabio di kabupaten Pangandaran. Metoda yang digunakan dalam PKM ini adalah penyuluhan dan Focus Grouf Discustion(FGD) serta pengkajian data data tentang ISPA di Puskesmas Cikambulan Pangandaran, Data dianalisis dari pre dan post tes penyuluha...
Introduction, Basic immunization is an attempt by nurses to provide immunity to infants or childr... more Introduction, Basic immunization is an attempt by nurses to provide immunity to infants or children from birth in order to avoid various diseases such as Hepatitis B, Tuberculosis, Dithery, Pertussis Tetanus, Polio, Influenza and Measles. This basic immunization is required by the government and must be obtained before the age of one year. If this immunization is not given, the child is susceptible to various diseases that can affect the child's growth and development. Place of research at Garuda Bandung public health center. The purpose of this study to review study of nursing intervention on provision of Basic Immunization In Children. The research method used is the mixed method has collected all data and information both cross sectional and retrospective. The study target was nurse and midwife group of Garuda health center as many as 34 samples; Nurses and midwives and 200 pediatric patients and their parents. The results, The results of qualitative research through thematic...
Tunagrahita merupakan kondisi cacat yang ditandai dengan adanya keterbatasan perkembangan mental,... more Tunagrahita merupakan kondisi cacat yang ditandai dengan adanya keterbatasan perkembangan mental, tingkah laku, dan kecerdasan di bawah rata-rata. Kecemasan orangtua bersumber dari keterbatasan anak sehingga dapat menghambat proses orientasi masa depan anaknya. Dimana sebagian besar penyandang tunagrahita tidak mempunyai pekerjaan, tidak melanjutkan sekolah, dan sulit membangun keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat kecemasan orangtua pada orientasi masa depan remaja tunagrahita. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Responden dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling dan didapatkan 60 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa kuesioner baku ZSAS (Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale). Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif frekuensi dan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa gambaran kecemasan orangtua pada orientasi masa depan remaja tunagrahita berada pada tingkat kecemasan sedang (56,7%...
ABSTRAK Karakteristik luka kanker serviks adalah nyeri, odor , pendarahan, eksudat yang banyak, g... more ABSTRAK Karakteristik luka kanker serviks adalah nyeri, odor , pendarahan, eksudat yang banyak, gatal, dan infeksi pada luka. Bau atau odor terjadi ketika luka sudah mengalami nekrotik akibat hilangnya vaskularisasi atau terjadi infeksi oleh mikroorganisme. Odor merupakan hal yang mengganggu petugas kesehatan saat merawat luka kanker serviks. Odor yang ditimbulkan bisa sampai tidak sadarkan diri pada petugas kesehatan, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran tingkat odor menurut petugas kesehatan saat merawat luka kanker serviks. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan secara sampling jenuh dengan sampel sebanyak 41 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa odor scale dari Sucker dengan rentang 0-6 yang akan dipersepsikan oleh petugas kesehatan yakni perawat dan bidan. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan distribusi frekuensi. Hasil p...
Negara berkembang saat ini masih mengalami permasalahan gizi, salah satunya diakibatkan karena pe... more Negara berkembang saat ini masih mengalami permasalahan gizi, salah satunya diakibatkan karena pemberian makan (feeding practice) yang tidak tepat dan kasus tersebut menyebabkan 1,5 juta anak meninggal dunia. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menganalisis hubungan feeding practice Ibu dalam pemberian nutrisi terhadap status gizi anak di PAUD Kecamatan Jatinangor. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner CFPQ untuk melihat feeding practice Ibu dan menggunakan instrumen pengukuran status gizi berdasarkan hasil nilai z-score dengan IMT. Populasi penelitian yaitu Ibu yang memiliki anak usia 3-6 tahun dan responden ditentukan dengan teknik total sampling sebanyak 55 anak. Analisis penelitian menggunakan nilai distribusi frekuensi dan uji korelasi menggunakan spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 39 (70,9%) Ibu memiliki kategori buruk pada feeding practice dan 16 (29,1%) Ibu memiliki kategori baik. Hampir seluruhnya anak (96,4%) memiliki status gizi normal. Uji korela...
Stunting merupakan masalah kesehatan utama yang dapat menghambat masa depan bangsa. Hal tersebut ... more Stunting merupakan masalah kesehatan utama yang dapat menghambat masa depan bangsa. Hal tersebut terindikasi dari tingginya prevalensi stunting serta dampak buruk yang ditimbulkan. Tujuan review ini adalah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor pemberian nutrisi pada masa golden age yang menyebabkan kejadian stunting pada balita di negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Pencarian secara sistematik dari literature 2015-2020 menggunakan Google Scholar, Proquest, Pubmed, Taylor and Francis, Plos One. Kata kunci pencarian: pemberian nutrisi, masa golden age, balita, stunting, negara berkembang. Peneliti memperoleh 28 artikel final yang dianalisis sesuai kriteria. Hasil menggambarkan faktor penyebab kejadian stunting terjadi sejak kehamilan akibat kekurangan nutrisi pada masa tersebut, inisiasi menyusui dini kurang dari 1 jam kelahiran maupun tidak sama sekali, pemberian ASI terhenti 12 bulan, dan makanan yang diberikan tidak bervariasi dengan frekuensi dan tekstur yang tidak sesuai usia
using proposionate stratified random sampling. The instrument was KAP (Knowledge Attitudes Practi... more using proposionate stratified random sampling. The instrument was KAP (Knowledge Attitudes Practices) questionnaire consisted of demographic data form, knowledge, attitude, and self-reported practices regarding universal precaution. The collected data, then were analyzed both descriptively and inferentially by using pearson product moment correlation. Results: The majority of respondents reported experience of sharp injuries. More than a half of respondents had a good knowledge level about universal precaution and HIV/AIDS transmission, and showed favorable attitude toward caring for HIV/AIDS patients. There was significant correlation between knowledge and practice (r=0,271 p=< 0, 01), whereas no correlation between knowledge and attitude score, and attitude and practice score. Discussion: It is need to be taken immediately to prevent and minimize the occurrence of sharp injuries among nurses in order to assure safety working condition to improve the productivity of nursing serv...
Jurnal Kesehatan, 2020
S tunted merupakan gangguan pertumbuhan linier dengan tinggi badan <-2 S.D. sesuai usia, dan ... more S tunted merupakan gangguan pertumbuhan linier dengan tinggi badan <-2 S.D. sesuai usia, dan jenis kelamin. Kurangnya asupan zat gizi makronutrien pada anak merupakan salah satu masalah gizi utama yang dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status gizi dan asupan zat gizi makronutrien anak stunted dan tidak stunted 1-3 tahun. Desain penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian berjumlah 634, jumlah sampel anak stunted 75 dan tidak stunted 77, diambil dengan menggunakan metode disproportionate stratified random sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan pengukuran TB dan BB, serta menggunakan formulir Food Recall 24 Jam. Analisis data secara statistik deskriptif menggunakan distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada anak stunted indeks B.B/U sebagian besar (60%) normal, berdasarkan B.B/T.B sebagian besar (70,7%) baik. Pada anak tidak stunted indeks B.B/U sebagian besar (90.9%) normal, berda...
Asian Community Health Nursing Research
Malnutrition in pregnant women has an impact on both mother and child. In children causing LBW, ... more Malnutrition in pregnant women has an impact on both mother and child. In children causing LBW, premature, developmental disorders, stunting. Mother, it causes chronic energy deficiency and anemia. Therefore important to conduct literature studies regarding factors that affect the nutritional status of pregnant women. This literature study is purposeful to identify the influencing factors nutritional status of pregnant women and knowing whether there are other factors besides those that have been widely studied. This study used a narrative review method. Searched using EBSCOhost, PubMed, and Google Scholar database. Keywords “pregnant women” AND “nutritional status” AND “factor”. The inclusion criteria were articles that discuss the nutritional status of pregnant women, five last years, free full text, samples of pregnant women, in English, or Indonesian. The exclusion criteria were not including volume, number, and published articles. There were 16 quantitative research articles a...
Media Keperawatan Indonesia
Nutrient labels provided information regarding food production and lead to healthy eating. Prior ... more Nutrient labels provided information regarding food production and lead to healthy eating. Prior health and nutrient literacy skills could support effective food label usage. Nurses needed to have good literacy skills during the education process. This study aimed to identify knowledge in reading the nutrient label and packaged food consumption in nursing students. This study used a quantitative descriptive research design. The sample was recruited from all students at the Faculty of Nursing with 42% of the response rate obtained (n= 229). Data were collected using a nutrient label questionnaire (20 items) and FFQ (83 items). Data were analyzed using a univariate method. The result showed that 55.5% of nursing students had good knowledge of reading nutrient labels. There were 5 types of processed food that most consumed by nursing students consisting of yogurt (59.8%), pudding (50.2%), chocolate bar (55.9%), cake (54.6%), and processed meatballs (54.1%). Based on the results, it can...
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, Jun 1, 2018
Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the problem of the triad of adolescent reproductive he... more Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the problem of the triad of adolescent reproductive health that includes sexuality, HIV/AIDS and drugs. Lack of knowledge among adolescents is one of the causes of risky behavior on reproductive health. Health education through peer teaching method and jigsaw method can improve knowledge and prevent adolescent reproductive health problems. The purpose of this research is to analyze the differences between the effects of peer teaching method with jigsaw method toward the level knowledge of reproductive health students SMPN 1 Cilegon. The research design is quasi-experiment with non equivalent control group. The research sample consisted of 42 respondents to the peer teaching group and 42 respondents to the jigsaw group which is chosen by stratified random sampling. The results of the analysis of statistical tests using t-dependent test shows that there is significant influence after being given health education with p value 0.001 (p <0.05) and the results t-independent test obtained p value 0.021 (p <0.05), which shows the differences in effect between peer teaching method with jigsaw method toward the level knowledge of reproductive health students SMPN 1 Cilegon. The suggestion of this research is to use the jigsaw method as an alternative method in providing adolescent reproductive health education.
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
BACKGROUND: Nutritional problems in infants under the age of two can inhibit growth and developme... more BACKGROUND: Nutritional problems in infants under the age of two can inhibit growth and development. This has a negative impact on their subsequent life, increasing the risk of stunting. Vitamins are essential micronutrients in the body’s metabolic processes and they have a multi-complex role. One of the micronutrients that affect stunting are vitamin D. It plays an important role in stunting prevention. Stunting countermeasures are carried out by fulfilling the need of adequate nutrition where both macronutrients and micronutrients are needed to avoid the risk of stunting. AIM: The aim of this literature review was to analyze the role of vitamin D in preventing stunting. METHODS: The articles were collected through the Google Scholar, PubMed, Proquest, and Ebsco databases using the keywords Vitamin D and Stunting, consisting of both quantitative and qualitative studies. The articles used were only articles with a full text available that were written in English and Indonesian publi...
ObjetivosEl traumatismo toracico leve-moderado, fuera del contexto de politraumatismo, es un moti... more ObjetivosEl traumatismo toracico leve-moderado, fuera del contexto de politraumatismo, es un motivo de consulta frecuente en los Servicios de Urgencias que supone aproximadamente el 10-15% de los ingresos en el Servicio de Urgencias.La radiografia simple de torax y la TC son las tecnicas diagnosticas radiologicas realizadas habitualmente, considerandose a la TC toracica como el ‘gold standard’ diagnostico. Sin embargo, no existen guias clinico-radiologicas de actuacion actualizadas que establezcan indicaciones de cuando hay que solicitar una TC en este motivo de consulta.Por ello, presentamos un protocolo y unas recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia para mejorar la adecuacion de la solicitud de la Rx de torax y de la TC en el Servicio de Urgencias. Material y metodosComo punto de partida establecimos un motivo de consulta correctamente definido (denominado pregunta ‘PICO’), a partir del cual se realizo una busqueda sistematica de la bibliografia cientifica (2005-2014) a traves de...
Media Informasi, 2018
Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan penyakit menular. Penderita TB dewasa di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Keca... more Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan penyakit menular. Penderita TB dewasa di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kecamatan Rancaekek sebagian besar memiliki anak 0-14 tahun dan tinggal bersama. Deteksi dini salah satu upaya yang dapat orangtua lakukan dalam pengendalian TB anak. Faktor yang mendorong terlaksananya deteksi dini diantaranya adalah pengetahuan dan sikap. Maka dari itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengetahuan dan sikap orangtua penderita TB dalam deteksi dini TB anak. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel direkrut dari populasi seluruh pasien TB dewasa dengan teknik consecutive sampling menggunakan kriteria sampel orangtua penderita TB yang tinggal bersama anak 0-14 tahun dan sedang pengobatan, didapatkan dengan jumlah 78 responden. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner yang dibuat dengan panduan dari Early Detection Of Tuberculosis dan Tuberkulosis Klinis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar responden dengan kategori pengetahuan baik (57,7%) dan sebagian besar responden dengan sikap mendukung (56,4%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar orangtua penderita TB sudah mengetahui tentang deteksi dini dan bersikap mendukung, data dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa pengalaman orangtua sebagian besar pernah mengikuti penyuluhan TB dan sudah fase pengobatan lanjutan, sehingga informasi yang di dapat lebih banyak. Namun,hasil penelitian ini belum mencakup seluruhnya orang tua penderita TB dengan kategori pengetahuan baik dan sikap mendukung terhadap deteksi dini TB anak. Diharapkan kepada petugas kesehatan dan para kader untuk meningkatkan program pendidikan kesehatan dengan memberikan pendidikan kesehatan lanjutan serta pemberian konseling.
Jurnal Ners, 2017
Introduction: The incidence of HIV/AIDS is continuing increase in Indonesia. Nurses are the most ... more Introduction: The incidence of HIV/AIDS is continuing increase in Indonesia. Nurses are the most risky occupations of gaining transmitted infection. This study aimed to identify the nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices of universal precaution toward HIV/AIDS transmission in a hospital.Methods: Descriptive correlation study was a design of this study. Ninety nurses were recruited using proposionate stratifi ed random sampling. The instrument was KAP (Knowledge Attitudes Practices) questionnaire consisted of demographic data form, knowledge, attitude, and self-reported practices regarding universal precaution. The collected data, then were analyzed both descriptively and inferentially by using pearson product moment correlationResults: The majority of respondents reported experience of sharp injuries. More than a half of respondents had a good knowledge level about universal precaution and HIV/AIDS transmission, and showed favorable attitude toward caring for HIV/AIDS patients....
Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing, 2016
Background: Reviewing the system of health care services, the development of health services in a... more Background: Reviewing the system of health care services, the development of health services in a country, like Indonesia, is strongly influenced by the education system based on health sciences, such as medicine, nursing, public health. Then, the output produced by the education system will be implemented in the form of health care, both hospital and community based. Method: This qualitative study assessed the patterns of health behavior in seeking health cservices for treatment by the breast cancer patients, whether conventional, complementary, or traditional. This study assessed the different views, both from the health providers' perspective and patients's perspective. The subjects of the study involved the patients and health professionals coming from hospitals or directly in the community (community-based and hospital-based study) in West Java province. Results: Based on the thematic analysis, it obtained the pattern of health care services option from breast cancer patients' point of view, as follows: (1) generally, the initial choices of health treatment were traditional and alternative therapies; (2) If it is not effective, then the conventional therapy was chosen; (3) furthermore, the conventional therapy was performed in parallel with the complementary and traditional therapies. On the other hand, majority of health professionals expressed: (1) the importance of only-conventional therapy, and only a small number of them supported the complementary therapy; (2) the expectation that one day, an effective and appropriate therapy can be found, with less side effects on the breast cancer patient, by combining the conventional and complementary therapy. Conclusion: In conclusion, despite some similarities, there are differences in the point of views between patients and health professionals regarding the pattern of seeking health care services of the breast cancer patients. In general, the patients tend to choose a therapy that is more comfortable to themselves, rather than making assessment on the conventional or complementary therapies. Meanwhile the health professionals consider the conventional therapy as the best and right choice for the breast cancer patients.
International Conference on Heath Care and Management 2018, Oct 12, 2018
Tindakan invasif saat imunisasi pentabio yang diberikan pada awal kehidupan bayi sebanyak 3 kali ... more Tindakan invasif saat imunisasi pentabio yang diberikan pada awal kehidupan bayi sebanyak 3 kali dengan interval 1 bulan pada usia 2,3 dan 4 bulan menyebabkan kerusakan jaringan yang mengakibatkan terstimulasinya respon nyeri sehingga diperlukan pengelolaan nyeri untuk menurunkan respon nyeri yang terjadi melalui tindakan keperawatan seperti distraksi dan relaksasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon dan pengelolaan nyeri pada bayi saat imunisasi pentabio. Metode penelitian menggunakan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif, populasi penelitian ini adalah bayi yang dilakukan imunisasi pentabio 1,2,3 di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Haurpanggung, teknik pengambilan sampel accidental sampling dengan besar sampel 67 bayi. Pengukuran respon nyeri pada bayi menggunakan skala penilaian wajah Wong-Baker FACES yang dinilai oleh peneliti dan lembar observasi tindakan pengelolaan nyeri yang dilakukan perawat. Analisis data respon nyeri menggunakan analisis deskriptif mencari modus da...
Puberty is a time of transition from childhood to the teenage years. In the face of puberty, teen... more Puberty is a time of transition from childhood to the teenage years. In the face of puberty, teenager will perceive these changes with different points of view in accordance with the experience, knowledge and motivation they have. Adolescent perception of this change will form a pattern of attitudes and behavior of adolescents especially related to adolescent reproductive health. This study aims to understand adolescent health issues from the perspective of adolescent perception itself. This type of research is descriptive qualitative approach. Informants in this study involved six students were taken by purposive sampling. The process of collecting data using interviews, all data contained in matrix form and explained in the narrative. The process of data analysis was done by reviewing all data, reduce the data, find a theme and make interpretation of research results. The results showed that most informants perceive changes in puberty as a scary thing and build an embarrassment to...
Upaya Pemberantasan dan Pencegahan Penyakit ISPA (P2ISPA) merupakan hal yang sangat penting karen... more Upaya Pemberantasan dan Pencegahan Penyakit ISPA (P2ISPA) merupakan hal yang sangat penting karena penyakit ini mudah menular dan dapat menyebabkan kematian. Menurut WHO tahun 2012, sebesar 78% balita yang berkunjung ke pelayanan kesehatan adalah akibat ISPA. Hal-hal yang bisa terjadi antara lain perdarahan paru-paru, gagal napas akut (acute respiratory distress syndrome/ARDS), hingga kematian, sebelum hal ini terjadi maka diperlukan upaya pencegahan penularan ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut) dan Perawatannya pada Balita di Rumah. Tujuan dari Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengetahuan orang tua dan kader kesehatan tentang ISPA, mengidentifikasi kejadian ISPA dan mengidentifikasi target capaian imunisasi pentabio di kabupaten Pangandaran. Metoda yang digunakan dalam PKM ini adalah penyuluhan dan Focus Grouf Discustion(FGD) serta pengkajian data data tentang ISPA di Puskesmas Cikambulan Pangandaran, Data dianalisis dari pre dan post tes penyuluha...
Introduction, Basic immunization is an attempt by nurses to provide immunity to infants or childr... more Introduction, Basic immunization is an attempt by nurses to provide immunity to infants or children from birth in order to avoid various diseases such as Hepatitis B, Tuberculosis, Dithery, Pertussis Tetanus, Polio, Influenza and Measles. This basic immunization is required by the government and must be obtained before the age of one year. If this immunization is not given, the child is susceptible to various diseases that can affect the child's growth and development. Place of research at Garuda Bandung public health center. The purpose of this study to review study of nursing intervention on provision of Basic Immunization In Children. The research method used is the mixed method has collected all data and information both cross sectional and retrospective. The study target was nurse and midwife group of Garuda health center as many as 34 samples; Nurses and midwives and 200 pediatric patients and their parents. The results, The results of qualitative research through thematic...
Tunagrahita merupakan kondisi cacat yang ditandai dengan adanya keterbatasan perkembangan mental,... more Tunagrahita merupakan kondisi cacat yang ditandai dengan adanya keterbatasan perkembangan mental, tingkah laku, dan kecerdasan di bawah rata-rata. Kecemasan orangtua bersumber dari keterbatasan anak sehingga dapat menghambat proses orientasi masa depan anaknya. Dimana sebagian besar penyandang tunagrahita tidak mempunyai pekerjaan, tidak melanjutkan sekolah, dan sulit membangun keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat kecemasan orangtua pada orientasi masa depan remaja tunagrahita. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Responden dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling dan didapatkan 60 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa kuesioner baku ZSAS (Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale). Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif frekuensi dan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa gambaran kecemasan orangtua pada orientasi masa depan remaja tunagrahita berada pada tingkat kecemasan sedang (56,7%...
ABSTRAK Karakteristik luka kanker serviks adalah nyeri, odor , pendarahan, eksudat yang banyak, g... more ABSTRAK Karakteristik luka kanker serviks adalah nyeri, odor , pendarahan, eksudat yang banyak, gatal, dan infeksi pada luka. Bau atau odor terjadi ketika luka sudah mengalami nekrotik akibat hilangnya vaskularisasi atau terjadi infeksi oleh mikroorganisme. Odor merupakan hal yang mengganggu petugas kesehatan saat merawat luka kanker serviks. Odor yang ditimbulkan bisa sampai tidak sadarkan diri pada petugas kesehatan, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran tingkat odor menurut petugas kesehatan saat merawat luka kanker serviks. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan secara sampling jenuh dengan sampel sebanyak 41 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa odor scale dari Sucker dengan rentang 0-6 yang akan dipersepsikan oleh petugas kesehatan yakni perawat dan bidan. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan distribusi frekuensi. Hasil p...
Negara berkembang saat ini masih mengalami permasalahan gizi, salah satunya diakibatkan karena pe... more Negara berkembang saat ini masih mengalami permasalahan gizi, salah satunya diakibatkan karena pemberian makan (feeding practice) yang tidak tepat dan kasus tersebut menyebabkan 1,5 juta anak meninggal dunia. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menganalisis hubungan feeding practice Ibu dalam pemberian nutrisi terhadap status gizi anak di PAUD Kecamatan Jatinangor. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner CFPQ untuk melihat feeding practice Ibu dan menggunakan instrumen pengukuran status gizi berdasarkan hasil nilai z-score dengan IMT. Populasi penelitian yaitu Ibu yang memiliki anak usia 3-6 tahun dan responden ditentukan dengan teknik total sampling sebanyak 55 anak. Analisis penelitian menggunakan nilai distribusi frekuensi dan uji korelasi menggunakan spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 39 (70,9%) Ibu memiliki kategori buruk pada feeding practice dan 16 (29,1%) Ibu memiliki kategori baik. Hampir seluruhnya anak (96,4%) memiliki status gizi normal. Uji korela...
Stunting merupakan masalah kesehatan utama yang dapat menghambat masa depan bangsa. Hal tersebut ... more Stunting merupakan masalah kesehatan utama yang dapat menghambat masa depan bangsa. Hal tersebut terindikasi dari tingginya prevalensi stunting serta dampak buruk yang ditimbulkan. Tujuan review ini adalah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor pemberian nutrisi pada masa golden age yang menyebabkan kejadian stunting pada balita di negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Pencarian secara sistematik dari literature 2015-2020 menggunakan Google Scholar, Proquest, Pubmed, Taylor and Francis, Plos One. Kata kunci pencarian: pemberian nutrisi, masa golden age, balita, stunting, negara berkembang. Peneliti memperoleh 28 artikel final yang dianalisis sesuai kriteria. Hasil menggambarkan faktor penyebab kejadian stunting terjadi sejak kehamilan akibat kekurangan nutrisi pada masa tersebut, inisiasi menyusui dini kurang dari 1 jam kelahiran maupun tidak sama sekali, pemberian ASI terhenti 12 bulan, dan makanan yang diberikan tidak bervariasi dengan frekuensi dan tekstur yang tidak sesuai usia
using proposionate stratified random sampling. The instrument was KAP (Knowledge Attitudes Practi... more using proposionate stratified random sampling. The instrument was KAP (Knowledge Attitudes Practices) questionnaire consisted of demographic data form, knowledge, attitude, and self-reported practices regarding universal precaution. The collected data, then were analyzed both descriptively and inferentially by using pearson product moment correlation. Results: The majority of respondents reported experience of sharp injuries. More than a half of respondents had a good knowledge level about universal precaution and HIV/AIDS transmission, and showed favorable attitude toward caring for HIV/AIDS patients. There was significant correlation between knowledge and practice (r=0,271 p=< 0, 01), whereas no correlation between knowledge and attitude score, and attitude and practice score. Discussion: It is need to be taken immediately to prevent and minimize the occurrence of sharp injuries among nurses in order to assure safety working condition to improve the productivity of nursing serv...
Jurnal Kesehatan, 2020
S tunted merupakan gangguan pertumbuhan linier dengan tinggi badan <-2 S.D. sesuai usia, dan ... more S tunted merupakan gangguan pertumbuhan linier dengan tinggi badan <-2 S.D. sesuai usia, dan jenis kelamin. Kurangnya asupan zat gizi makronutrien pada anak merupakan salah satu masalah gizi utama yang dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status gizi dan asupan zat gizi makronutrien anak stunted dan tidak stunted 1-3 tahun. Desain penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian berjumlah 634, jumlah sampel anak stunted 75 dan tidak stunted 77, diambil dengan menggunakan metode disproportionate stratified random sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan pengukuran TB dan BB, serta menggunakan formulir Food Recall 24 Jam. Analisis data secara statistik deskriptif menggunakan distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada anak stunted indeks B.B/U sebagian besar (60%) normal, berdasarkan B.B/T.B sebagian besar (70,7%) baik. Pada anak tidak stunted indeks B.B/U sebagian besar (90.9%) normal, berda...
Asian Community Health Nursing Research
Malnutrition in pregnant women has an impact on both mother and child. In children causing LBW, ... more Malnutrition in pregnant women has an impact on both mother and child. In children causing LBW, premature, developmental disorders, stunting. Mother, it causes chronic energy deficiency and anemia. Therefore important to conduct literature studies regarding factors that affect the nutritional status of pregnant women. This literature study is purposeful to identify the influencing factors nutritional status of pregnant women and knowing whether there are other factors besides those that have been widely studied. This study used a narrative review method. Searched using EBSCOhost, PubMed, and Google Scholar database. Keywords “pregnant women” AND “nutritional status” AND “factor”. The inclusion criteria were articles that discuss the nutritional status of pregnant women, five last years, free full text, samples of pregnant women, in English, or Indonesian. The exclusion criteria were not including volume, number, and published articles. There were 16 quantitative research articles a...
Media Keperawatan Indonesia
Nutrient labels provided information regarding food production and lead to healthy eating. Prior ... more Nutrient labels provided information regarding food production and lead to healthy eating. Prior health and nutrient literacy skills could support effective food label usage. Nurses needed to have good literacy skills during the education process. This study aimed to identify knowledge in reading the nutrient label and packaged food consumption in nursing students. This study used a quantitative descriptive research design. The sample was recruited from all students at the Faculty of Nursing with 42% of the response rate obtained (n= 229). Data were collected using a nutrient label questionnaire (20 items) and FFQ (83 items). Data were analyzed using a univariate method. The result showed that 55.5% of nursing students had good knowledge of reading nutrient labels. There were 5 types of processed food that most consumed by nursing students consisting of yogurt (59.8%), pudding (50.2%), chocolate bar (55.9%), cake (54.6%), and processed meatballs (54.1%). Based on the results, it can...
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, Jun 1, 2018
Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the problem of the triad of adolescent reproductive he... more Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the problem of the triad of adolescent reproductive health that includes sexuality, HIV/AIDS and drugs. Lack of knowledge among adolescents is one of the causes of risky behavior on reproductive health. Health education through peer teaching method and jigsaw method can improve knowledge and prevent adolescent reproductive health problems. The purpose of this research is to analyze the differences between the effects of peer teaching method with jigsaw method toward the level knowledge of reproductive health students SMPN 1 Cilegon. The research design is quasi-experiment with non equivalent control group. The research sample consisted of 42 respondents to the peer teaching group and 42 respondents to the jigsaw group which is chosen by stratified random sampling. The results of the analysis of statistical tests using t-dependent test shows that there is significant influence after being given health education with p value 0.001 (p <0.05) and the results t-independent test obtained p value 0.021 (p <0.05), which shows the differences in effect between peer teaching method with jigsaw method toward the level knowledge of reproductive health students SMPN 1 Cilegon. The suggestion of this research is to use the jigsaw method as an alternative method in providing adolescent reproductive health education.