Yevita Nurti - (original) (raw)
Papers by Yevita Nurti
Indonesian Journal of Tourism and Leisure, Apr 30, 2024
This paper describes the dynamics of conflict that occurred in the Batu Dinding rural tourism dev... more This paper describes the dynamics of conflict that occurred in the Batu Dinding rural tourism development between the local community and Tanjung Belit Village. The conflict occurred since 2015, and it's was declared over in 2021. Therefore, what were the dynamics of the conflict during those six years? This research uses a qualitative-descriptive method with data collection through fieldwork. The data collection techniques used were a combination of limited participant observation techniques, informal and semi-structured interviews, and document studies. The results show that the conflict over the management of the Batu Dinding Waterfall tourism area in Tanjung Belit Village originated from agrarian conflicts related to land reoccupation. The motive is motivated by the development of tourism that has economic value and wants to monopolize it to get economic benefits (cuan). So the horizontal conflict between the Domo tribe and Tanjung Belit Village with the Tanjung tribe was resolved through legal channels and the police and the actors who committed acts of violence should also be imprisoned. In the end, the conflict was resolved through inter-tribal deliberation and the land was retained by Tanjung Belit Village.
International journal of social science educ[a]tion research studies/International journal of social science and education research studies, Mar 25, 2024
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora (JISH)/Jurnal ilmu sosial dan humaniora, Dec 29, 2023
KnE social sciences, Mar 19, 2024
The policy of resettling the Batin Sembilan people, from living in the forest and finding food in... more The policy of resettling the Batin Sembilan people, from living in the forest and finding food in the forest to living in housing, has created complex socio-cultural dynamics related to community food security. This article explains the various socio-cultural implications of the Batin Sembilan people in food security and diversification. Orang Batin Sembilan in this paper is a community group that lives in the Bahar River area in Jambi, and is settled in Kelumpang village in the Hutan Harapan area, under the guidance of PT. REKI, a non-profit company engaged in ecosystem conservation by managing forest areas in Jambi. The purpose of this research is to understand how the Orang Batin Sembilan have come from a nomadic way of life to living in a settlement by utilizing limited forest products and starting to plant and have their own fish ponds in the neighborhood. A deep understanding of the process of changing ways of life and changing food culture in various dimensions provides a model for problem solving and lessons learned for the preparation of community food security plans. Using qualitative methods, and an ethnographic approach, the results showed that the long process of changing the nomadic way of life in the forest to the settlement area made Orang Batin Sembilan independent in food and created diversification of food sources.
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya
This study described adaptation in 4 villages in the Siak sub-district, Riau. Since the beginning... more This study described adaptation in 4 villages in the Siak sub-district, Riau. Since the beginning of the reformation, Siak Sri Indrapura district was established which was expanded of Bengkalis district. Simultaneously also present there are plantation forest industries, oil palm plantations, immigration and urban development. This study is a qualitative study with a social history approach. The research was conducted from July to December 2022. Data was obtained through observation, in-depth interviews and FGDs. Data were analyzed using a taxonomic analysis approach, the results of the analysis were written descriptively. The results of this study found that the presented of the Siak Sri Indrapura district, the plantation forest industry and the plantation industry as well as migrants caused the community to be uprooted from their agrarian economic culture. To be able to survive, the community carries out a long-term adaptation process through the transfer of sources of livelihood from agriculture to urban services and seizes the remnants of the urban economy and education. This study concludes that the pressure of ecological change forces people to adapt according to the resources they have. This study strengthens Bennett's adaptation theory that the adaptability of society does not exceed the resources they have.
Aceh Anthropological Journal
The problem of this research is the impact of Covid-19 on meeting the main needs of the family an... more The problem of this research is the impact of Covid-19 on meeting the main needs of the family and strategies to meet the needs of daily life in the Post-Covid-19 New Normal era, to be precise in RW 11, Perumnas Belimbing. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, in-depth interviews, and literature studies. Selection of informants by means of purposive sampling, namely families who are members of RW 11 Kelurahan Kuranji, families affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, families who have daily income, families who have jobs that interact with many people, and families that carry out strategies to fulfill their needs. necessities of life in the post-Covid-19 New Normal era. The results of the study describe the impact of Covid-19 on meeting the main needs of the family and strategies for meeting the needs of daily life in the New Normal/Post Covid-19 era. The impact of Covid-19 on meeting family needs is reduced income and incr...
World Journal Of Advanced Research and Reviews, Feb 28, 2023
This paper is written based on the results of research in the Silokek Geopark tourist area, Sijun... more This paper is written based on the results of research in the Silokek Geopark tourist area, Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra. The combination of the development of the concept of geological diversity with abundant natural resources, biological (rich flora and fauna) and culture, makes Silokek Geopark very potential to be developed into sustainable tourism. However, the problem of environmental pollution, and the management of the natural environment in the extractive economic dimension of the community, is still very worrying, so that it can have a negative impact on the development of tourism. This paper provides views related to community extractive economic activities to support sustainable tourism in Silokek. The research was conducted using qualitative methods, with observation and interview data collection techniques. The results showed that there is a need for a comprehensive understanding of the community in the tourism area regarding the changing functions of forests and rivers as a result of tourism development in the area. There is a need for motivation to shift the community's economy from an extractive economy (related to the exploitation of natural resources), community economic resources in managing forests, mining gold, river functions directly to a non-extractive economy in order to support sustainable tourism development.
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi, Oct 31, 2022
Sektor pariwisata menjadi tonggak utama pembangunan ekonomi dalam rangka era modernisasi. Sehingg... more Sektor pariwisata menjadi tonggak utama pembangunan ekonomi dalam rangka era modernisasi. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa pariwisata ada sebuah industri. Industri pariwisata yang marak dikembangkan yaitu berbasis budaya. Di Perkampungan Adat Nagari Sujunjung pengembangan industri pariwisata berbasis budaya dapat dilihat melalui pengubahan elemen budaya seperti Rumah Gadang dan ritual Bakaua Adat yang dikemas dalam bentuk Festival Matrilineal oleh pemerintahan. Pengemasan inilah yang sering disebut sebagai komodifikasi. Dengan metode kualitatif, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa dua kebudayaan itu (pariwisata dan budaya lokal) menjadi 'keharusan' dimodifikasi untuk menjembatani dan sebagai pelumas untuk menjawab tantangan global, maka akan terjadi dialog antara keduanya. Dialog itu disebabkan pariwisata memiliki standarisasi yang 'runut' dan bersifat 'resmi' begitu juga budaya mempunyai idealisme yang mengakar. Disatu sisi nilai-nilai budaya masyarakat yang luhur terus 'diagungkan' namun di sisi lain sangat menarik untuk 'dikemas'. Namun kearifan lokal terus disanjung sebagai tradisi yang perlu dirawat dan diwariskan, tapi rujukan material dan spiritualnya justu semakin pudar dan berantakan. Rupanya (pada zaman globalisasi) bukan tradisi itu yang perlu dibela malainkan citra dari tradisi itu yang sangat mudah untuk dipertunjukkan (diperdagangakan). Sebaliknya, upaya komodifikasi terhadap budaya sebagai industri pariwisata dibangun atas wacana orientalis seperti museum hidup di Perkampungan Adat Nagari Sijujung.
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi, Oct 31, 2022
Bagi Orang Mentawai di Rereiket, babi menjadi hewan yang sangat penting. Hal ini tergamar dalam k... more Bagi Orang Mentawai di Rereiket, babi menjadi hewan yang sangat penting. Hal ini tergamar dalam kehidupan sosial kultural mereka melalui upacara adat (punen). Babi digunakan sebagai media perantara (gaud) dalam sebuah upacara adat yang tujuannya adalah persembahan, pemujaan, simbol dan permohonan terima kasih serta kegiatan peramalan. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kepercayaan Orang Rereiket yaitu Arat Sabulungan yang mengatur hubungan manusia dengan alam, sesama manusia dan makhluk lain (roh). Selain itu, babi juga berfungsi sebagai harta benda yang paling utama, karena dapat dipergunakan sebagai pembayaran mas kawin (alat toga), tulou (denda adat) dan perdagangan (ekonomi) serta otcai (pemberian). Relasi yang dibangun oleh orang Rereiket dengan babi ini merupakan sebuah siasat kebudayaan, dimana desakan modernisasi melalui pembangunan justru mengaburkan kebudayaan orang Rereiket. Sehingga, di dalam Uma (rumah komunal) tengkorak kepala babi dipajang dan menjadi simbol bahwa ritual terus berjalan. Tengkorak babi itu disebut Ute' Sainak yang bermakna bahwa walaupun dalam desakan modernisasi agenda kultural (ritual adat) tetap berlangsung di dalam ruang-ruang kehidupan orang Rereiket. Sehingga Ute' Sainak menjadi siasat bahwa dipertahankannya kehidupan dan identitas kebudayaan orang Mentawai di Rereiket. Kata kunci : Babi; Rereiket; Mentawai; Ute' Sainak; dipertahankan kehidupan; dipertahankan identitas.
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya, 2021
This study discussed the myths of elephants in the community of Balai Raja Village, Pinggir Distr... more This study discussed the myths of elephants in the community of Balai Raja Village, Pinggir District, Bengkalis Regency. The elephant myths are the patterns of human-elephant relationships. Before the 1980s, the relationship between elephants and humans was very harmonious. After 1980, the forestry and oil palm industries caused between elephants and humans, which has been occurring until now. This study is categorized into qualitative research with an ethnographic design. Researchers stayed in the field for 2 months to explore information in depth through observation and in-depth interviews. The data was analyzed qualitatively and then written in this report. This study has found out that the conflict between elephants and humans is determined by human attitudes and behavior. The myth of the elephant is a symbol of efforts to conserve natural resources and a tool for compliance with societal norms and values. Elephants have protective properties and are very empathetic to babies. T...
Anthropos: Jurnal Antropologi Sosial dan Budaya (Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology), 2021
The oral tradition is one of the traditions that can still be found in Old Malay Puak. For exampl... more The oral tradition is one of the traditions that can still be found in Old Malay Puak. For example, Gurindam, Koba, Rindai and so on. One of the oral traditions in Puak Melayu Akit Hatas Pulau Rupat is the tradition of Prohibition. Parents used to use the expression forbidden to forbid their children and grandchildren in teaching them how to behave so as not to harm themselves and others. The expression of prohibition varies, however the discussion of prohibition in this paper revolves around the variety, content and meaning of prohibition in community economic activities, including activities in the fields and at sea. Prohibition Usually is associated with unseen nature, natural disasters or animals which, if violated intentionally or not, will cause undesirable things. The number of shifts in cultural values due to the entry of new people around Puak Melayu Akit Hatas does not affect the public's view of the oral tradition. This paper is intended to describe how the sound and ...
Proceedings of the Proceedings of The 5th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education, AISTSSE 2018, 18-19 October 2018, Medan, Indonesia, 2019
This article is based on research on fishermen in Pasia Nan Tigo urban village Padang West Sumatr... more This article is based on research on fishermen in Pasia Nan Tigo urban village Padang West Sumatra. Most of fishermen in Pasia Nan Tig are small-scale and they live in poverty. So far, there are many empowerment programs which conducted by both government and non-governmental organizations to improve the welfare of fishermen. But these programs have not succeeded in improving the welfare of fishermen that live in poverty. This study tries to see the causes of difficulty in improving the living standards of fishermen despite many empowerment programs undertaken and potentials owned by fishermen. The study was conducted in an urban village using qualitative research methods to do fieldwork by doing with observasi and in-depth interviews. The results of research show that empowerment programs often did not see what is needed by the fishermen and also the gift is also not on target. Poor fishermen did not had a bargaining position they just accept what the government or elite programs do in their homes. To improve the welfare of fishermen it is important to see the potential of the fishermen and see their aspirations. The potential of the fishermen is that they are urban fishermen, where the city has adequate facilities and infrastructure for fishermen's progress. Education children who can be better than parents and the wives who can develop their own business to increase family income..
... pada Masyarakat Petani di pedesaan Minangkabau: Studi Kasus Masyarakat Desa Sungai Tanang, Ka... more ... pada Masyarakat Petani di pedesaan Minangkabau: Studi Kasus Masyarakat Desa Sungai Tanang, Kabupaten Agam” dalam F. von Benda-Beckmann (eds), Sumber ... Usman, Sunyoto, 2004, Pembangunan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar ...
... Petuane ini Iah yanc dimanfaatlian oíth peiani den.can jtiemanfaalkan hubuncan-huliüncan soft... more ... Petuane ini Iah yanc dimanfaatlian oíth peiani den.can jtiemanfaalkan hubuncan-huliüncan softial уалд ada di tiapari чеЫпрда mereka dapat memeiihara dan meneembalakan temak orann lain dcnuan imbalan yamí ítlâh diSÉpakali. Dalam usaba tani. ...
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya
This article is a literature study explain about the study of food, food habits and nutrition in ... more This article is a literature study explain about the study of food, food habits and nutrition in the Anthropology perspective. The food and nutrition studies reviewed in this article only suggests some examples, which are considered popular and represent the themes in food discussion. The discussion starts from the beginning of anthropologist interest about food in culture until the process it.
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya
This paper is a reflection of the research in order to exercise anthropological research on the s... more This paper is a reflection of the research in order to exercise anthropological research on the subject Theory, Methods and Practice research at the University of Indonesia. Research with the general theme of campus life and field settings the University of Indonesia, became an interesting experience, especially regarding the crucial issues in contemporary anthropological research, ranging from determining the themes and research plan, to the data collection. How anthropology as a discipline capable of responding to the shifts that occur and require changes to the workings of anthropology, not only change research techniques but also requires the redefinition of the various concepts.
Jurnal Antropologi Isu Isu Sosial Budaya, Sep 4, 2014
This paper is a reflection of the research in order to exercise anthropological research on the s... more This paper is a reflection of the research in order to exercise anthropological research on the subject Theory, Methods and Practice research at the University of Indonesia. Research with the general theme of campus life and field settings the University of Indonesia, became an interesting experience, especially regarding the crucial issues in contemporary anthropological research, ranging from determining the themes and research plan, to the data collection. How anthropology as a discipline capable of responding to the shifts that occur and require changes to the workings of anthropology, not only change research techniques but also requires the redefinition of the various concepts.
Jurnal Antropologi Isu Isu Sosial Budaya, Sep 4, 2014
This paper is a reflection of the research in order to exercise anthropological research on the s... more This paper is a reflection of the research in order to exercise anthropological research on the subject Theory, Methods and Practice research at the University of Indonesia. Research with the general theme of campus life and field settings the University of Indonesia, became an interesting experience, especially regarding the crucial issues in contemporary anthropological research, ranging from determining the themes and research plan, to the data collection. How anthropology as a discipline capable of responding to the shifts that occur and require changes to the workings of anthropology, not only change research techniques but also requires the redefinition of the various concepts.
Indonesian Journal of Tourism and Leisure, Apr 30, 2024
This paper describes the dynamics of conflict that occurred in the Batu Dinding rural tourism dev... more This paper describes the dynamics of conflict that occurred in the Batu Dinding rural tourism development between the local community and Tanjung Belit Village. The conflict occurred since 2015, and it's was declared over in 2021. Therefore, what were the dynamics of the conflict during those six years? This research uses a qualitative-descriptive method with data collection through fieldwork. The data collection techniques used were a combination of limited participant observation techniques, informal and semi-structured interviews, and document studies. The results show that the conflict over the management of the Batu Dinding Waterfall tourism area in Tanjung Belit Village originated from agrarian conflicts related to land reoccupation. The motive is motivated by the development of tourism that has economic value and wants to monopolize it to get economic benefits (cuan). So the horizontal conflict between the Domo tribe and Tanjung Belit Village with the Tanjung tribe was resolved through legal channels and the police and the actors who committed acts of violence should also be imprisoned. In the end, the conflict was resolved through inter-tribal deliberation and the land was retained by Tanjung Belit Village.
International journal of social science educ[a]tion research studies/International journal of social science and education research studies, Mar 25, 2024
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora (JISH)/Jurnal ilmu sosial dan humaniora, Dec 29, 2023
KnE social sciences, Mar 19, 2024
The policy of resettling the Batin Sembilan people, from living in the forest and finding food in... more The policy of resettling the Batin Sembilan people, from living in the forest and finding food in the forest to living in housing, has created complex socio-cultural dynamics related to community food security. This article explains the various socio-cultural implications of the Batin Sembilan people in food security and diversification. Orang Batin Sembilan in this paper is a community group that lives in the Bahar River area in Jambi, and is settled in Kelumpang village in the Hutan Harapan area, under the guidance of PT. REKI, a non-profit company engaged in ecosystem conservation by managing forest areas in Jambi. The purpose of this research is to understand how the Orang Batin Sembilan have come from a nomadic way of life to living in a settlement by utilizing limited forest products and starting to plant and have their own fish ponds in the neighborhood. A deep understanding of the process of changing ways of life and changing food culture in various dimensions provides a model for problem solving and lessons learned for the preparation of community food security plans. Using qualitative methods, and an ethnographic approach, the results showed that the long process of changing the nomadic way of life in the forest to the settlement area made Orang Batin Sembilan independent in food and created diversification of food sources.
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya
This study described adaptation in 4 villages in the Siak sub-district, Riau. Since the beginning... more This study described adaptation in 4 villages in the Siak sub-district, Riau. Since the beginning of the reformation, Siak Sri Indrapura district was established which was expanded of Bengkalis district. Simultaneously also present there are plantation forest industries, oil palm plantations, immigration and urban development. This study is a qualitative study with a social history approach. The research was conducted from July to December 2022. Data was obtained through observation, in-depth interviews and FGDs. Data were analyzed using a taxonomic analysis approach, the results of the analysis were written descriptively. The results of this study found that the presented of the Siak Sri Indrapura district, the plantation forest industry and the plantation industry as well as migrants caused the community to be uprooted from their agrarian economic culture. To be able to survive, the community carries out a long-term adaptation process through the transfer of sources of livelihood from agriculture to urban services and seizes the remnants of the urban economy and education. This study concludes that the pressure of ecological change forces people to adapt according to the resources they have. This study strengthens Bennett's adaptation theory that the adaptability of society does not exceed the resources they have.
Aceh Anthropological Journal
The problem of this research is the impact of Covid-19 on meeting the main needs of the family an... more The problem of this research is the impact of Covid-19 on meeting the main needs of the family and strategies to meet the needs of daily life in the Post-Covid-19 New Normal era, to be precise in RW 11, Perumnas Belimbing. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, in-depth interviews, and literature studies. Selection of informants by means of purposive sampling, namely families who are members of RW 11 Kelurahan Kuranji, families affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, families who have daily income, families who have jobs that interact with many people, and families that carry out strategies to fulfill their needs. necessities of life in the post-Covid-19 New Normal era. The results of the study describe the impact of Covid-19 on meeting the main needs of the family and strategies for meeting the needs of daily life in the New Normal/Post Covid-19 era. The impact of Covid-19 on meeting family needs is reduced income and incr...
World Journal Of Advanced Research and Reviews, Feb 28, 2023
This paper is written based on the results of research in the Silokek Geopark tourist area, Sijun... more This paper is written based on the results of research in the Silokek Geopark tourist area, Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra. The combination of the development of the concept of geological diversity with abundant natural resources, biological (rich flora and fauna) and culture, makes Silokek Geopark very potential to be developed into sustainable tourism. However, the problem of environmental pollution, and the management of the natural environment in the extractive economic dimension of the community, is still very worrying, so that it can have a negative impact on the development of tourism. This paper provides views related to community extractive economic activities to support sustainable tourism in Silokek. The research was conducted using qualitative methods, with observation and interview data collection techniques. The results showed that there is a need for a comprehensive understanding of the community in the tourism area regarding the changing functions of forests and rivers as a result of tourism development in the area. There is a need for motivation to shift the community's economy from an extractive economy (related to the exploitation of natural resources), community economic resources in managing forests, mining gold, river functions directly to a non-extractive economy in order to support sustainable tourism development.
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi, Oct 31, 2022
Sektor pariwisata menjadi tonggak utama pembangunan ekonomi dalam rangka era modernisasi. Sehingg... more Sektor pariwisata menjadi tonggak utama pembangunan ekonomi dalam rangka era modernisasi. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa pariwisata ada sebuah industri. Industri pariwisata yang marak dikembangkan yaitu berbasis budaya. Di Perkampungan Adat Nagari Sujunjung pengembangan industri pariwisata berbasis budaya dapat dilihat melalui pengubahan elemen budaya seperti Rumah Gadang dan ritual Bakaua Adat yang dikemas dalam bentuk Festival Matrilineal oleh pemerintahan. Pengemasan inilah yang sering disebut sebagai komodifikasi. Dengan metode kualitatif, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa dua kebudayaan itu (pariwisata dan budaya lokal) menjadi 'keharusan' dimodifikasi untuk menjembatani dan sebagai pelumas untuk menjawab tantangan global, maka akan terjadi dialog antara keduanya. Dialog itu disebabkan pariwisata memiliki standarisasi yang 'runut' dan bersifat 'resmi' begitu juga budaya mempunyai idealisme yang mengakar. Disatu sisi nilai-nilai budaya masyarakat yang luhur terus 'diagungkan' namun di sisi lain sangat menarik untuk 'dikemas'. Namun kearifan lokal terus disanjung sebagai tradisi yang perlu dirawat dan diwariskan, tapi rujukan material dan spiritualnya justu semakin pudar dan berantakan. Rupanya (pada zaman globalisasi) bukan tradisi itu yang perlu dibela malainkan citra dari tradisi itu yang sangat mudah untuk dipertunjukkan (diperdagangakan). Sebaliknya, upaya komodifikasi terhadap budaya sebagai industri pariwisata dibangun atas wacana orientalis seperti museum hidup di Perkampungan Adat Nagari Sijujung.
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi, Oct 31, 2022
Bagi Orang Mentawai di Rereiket, babi menjadi hewan yang sangat penting. Hal ini tergamar dalam k... more Bagi Orang Mentawai di Rereiket, babi menjadi hewan yang sangat penting. Hal ini tergamar dalam kehidupan sosial kultural mereka melalui upacara adat (punen). Babi digunakan sebagai media perantara (gaud) dalam sebuah upacara adat yang tujuannya adalah persembahan, pemujaan, simbol dan permohonan terima kasih serta kegiatan peramalan. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kepercayaan Orang Rereiket yaitu Arat Sabulungan yang mengatur hubungan manusia dengan alam, sesama manusia dan makhluk lain (roh). Selain itu, babi juga berfungsi sebagai harta benda yang paling utama, karena dapat dipergunakan sebagai pembayaran mas kawin (alat toga), tulou (denda adat) dan perdagangan (ekonomi) serta otcai (pemberian). Relasi yang dibangun oleh orang Rereiket dengan babi ini merupakan sebuah siasat kebudayaan, dimana desakan modernisasi melalui pembangunan justru mengaburkan kebudayaan orang Rereiket. Sehingga, di dalam Uma (rumah komunal) tengkorak kepala babi dipajang dan menjadi simbol bahwa ritual terus berjalan. Tengkorak babi itu disebut Ute' Sainak yang bermakna bahwa walaupun dalam desakan modernisasi agenda kultural (ritual adat) tetap berlangsung di dalam ruang-ruang kehidupan orang Rereiket. Sehingga Ute' Sainak menjadi siasat bahwa dipertahankannya kehidupan dan identitas kebudayaan orang Mentawai di Rereiket. Kata kunci : Babi; Rereiket; Mentawai; Ute' Sainak; dipertahankan kehidupan; dipertahankan identitas.
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya, 2021
This study discussed the myths of elephants in the community of Balai Raja Village, Pinggir Distr... more This study discussed the myths of elephants in the community of Balai Raja Village, Pinggir District, Bengkalis Regency. The elephant myths are the patterns of human-elephant relationships. Before the 1980s, the relationship between elephants and humans was very harmonious. After 1980, the forestry and oil palm industries caused between elephants and humans, which has been occurring until now. This study is categorized into qualitative research with an ethnographic design. Researchers stayed in the field for 2 months to explore information in depth through observation and in-depth interviews. The data was analyzed qualitatively and then written in this report. This study has found out that the conflict between elephants and humans is determined by human attitudes and behavior. The myth of the elephant is a symbol of efforts to conserve natural resources and a tool for compliance with societal norms and values. Elephants have protective properties and are very empathetic to babies. T...
Anthropos: Jurnal Antropologi Sosial dan Budaya (Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology), 2021
The oral tradition is one of the traditions that can still be found in Old Malay Puak. For exampl... more The oral tradition is one of the traditions that can still be found in Old Malay Puak. For example, Gurindam, Koba, Rindai and so on. One of the oral traditions in Puak Melayu Akit Hatas Pulau Rupat is the tradition of Prohibition. Parents used to use the expression forbidden to forbid their children and grandchildren in teaching them how to behave so as not to harm themselves and others. The expression of prohibition varies, however the discussion of prohibition in this paper revolves around the variety, content and meaning of prohibition in community economic activities, including activities in the fields and at sea. Prohibition Usually is associated with unseen nature, natural disasters or animals which, if violated intentionally or not, will cause undesirable things. The number of shifts in cultural values due to the entry of new people around Puak Melayu Akit Hatas does not affect the public's view of the oral tradition. This paper is intended to describe how the sound and ...
Proceedings of the Proceedings of The 5th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education, AISTSSE 2018, 18-19 October 2018, Medan, Indonesia, 2019
This article is based on research on fishermen in Pasia Nan Tigo urban village Padang West Sumatr... more This article is based on research on fishermen in Pasia Nan Tigo urban village Padang West Sumatra. Most of fishermen in Pasia Nan Tig are small-scale and they live in poverty. So far, there are many empowerment programs which conducted by both government and non-governmental organizations to improve the welfare of fishermen. But these programs have not succeeded in improving the welfare of fishermen that live in poverty. This study tries to see the causes of difficulty in improving the living standards of fishermen despite many empowerment programs undertaken and potentials owned by fishermen. The study was conducted in an urban village using qualitative research methods to do fieldwork by doing with observasi and in-depth interviews. The results of research show that empowerment programs often did not see what is needed by the fishermen and also the gift is also not on target. Poor fishermen did not had a bargaining position they just accept what the government or elite programs do in their homes. To improve the welfare of fishermen it is important to see the potential of the fishermen and see their aspirations. The potential of the fishermen is that they are urban fishermen, where the city has adequate facilities and infrastructure for fishermen's progress. Education children who can be better than parents and the wives who can develop their own business to increase family income..
... pada Masyarakat Petani di pedesaan Minangkabau: Studi Kasus Masyarakat Desa Sungai Tanang, Ka... more ... pada Masyarakat Petani di pedesaan Minangkabau: Studi Kasus Masyarakat Desa Sungai Tanang, Kabupaten Agam” dalam F. von Benda-Beckmann (eds), Sumber ... Usman, Sunyoto, 2004, Pembangunan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar ...
... Petuane ini Iah yanc dimanfaatlian oíth peiani den.can jtiemanfaalkan hubuncan-huliüncan soft... more ... Petuane ini Iah yanc dimanfaatlian oíth peiani den.can jtiemanfaalkan hubuncan-huliüncan softial уалд ada di tiapari чеЫпрда mereka dapat memeiihara dan meneembalakan temak orann lain dcnuan imbalan yamí ítlâh diSÉpakali. Dalam usaba tani. ...
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya
This article is a literature study explain about the study of food, food habits and nutrition in ... more This article is a literature study explain about the study of food, food habits and nutrition in the Anthropology perspective. The food and nutrition studies reviewed in this article only suggests some examples, which are considered popular and represent the themes in food discussion. The discussion starts from the beginning of anthropologist interest about food in culture until the process it.
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya
This paper is a reflection of the research in order to exercise anthropological research on the s... more This paper is a reflection of the research in order to exercise anthropological research on the subject Theory, Methods and Practice research at the University of Indonesia. Research with the general theme of campus life and field settings the University of Indonesia, became an interesting experience, especially regarding the crucial issues in contemporary anthropological research, ranging from determining the themes and research plan, to the data collection. How anthropology as a discipline capable of responding to the shifts that occur and require changes to the workings of anthropology, not only change research techniques but also requires the redefinition of the various concepts.
Jurnal Antropologi Isu Isu Sosial Budaya, Sep 4, 2014
This paper is a reflection of the research in order to exercise anthropological research on the s... more This paper is a reflection of the research in order to exercise anthropological research on the subject Theory, Methods and Practice research at the University of Indonesia. Research with the general theme of campus life and field settings the University of Indonesia, became an interesting experience, especially regarding the crucial issues in contemporary anthropological research, ranging from determining the themes and research plan, to the data collection. How anthropology as a discipline capable of responding to the shifts that occur and require changes to the workings of anthropology, not only change research techniques but also requires the redefinition of the various concepts.
Jurnal Antropologi Isu Isu Sosial Budaya, Sep 4, 2014
This paper is a reflection of the research in order to exercise anthropological research on the s... more This paper is a reflection of the research in order to exercise anthropological research on the subject Theory, Methods and Practice research at the University of Indonesia. Research with the general theme of campus life and field settings the University of Indonesia, became an interesting experience, especially regarding the crucial issues in contemporary anthropological research, ranging from determining the themes and research plan, to the data collection. How anthropology as a discipline capable of responding to the shifts that occur and require changes to the workings of anthropology, not only change research techniques but also requires the redefinition of the various concepts.