Yana Erlyana - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Yana Erlyana

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Buku Berbentuk Bullet Journal Tentang Kuliner Khas Ambon

Narada, Nov 26, 2023

The design of this final task served to introduce the large masses the unique food of the town of... more The design of this final task served to introduce the large masses the unique food of the town of Ambon in order to preserve the traditional culinary areas. Because many still do not know that much of the food from Ambon is unique and worth tasting and still lack of media information about the culinary region. Research methods are conducted using qualitative descriptive research with data collection of interviews, questionnaires, library studies and observations. As a result of the questionnaires being distributed online, the authors found that 153 respondents feel that Indonesia has an interesting tourist attraction, one of which is the culinary tour of Ambon, in which ambon's culinary tour is still poorly known and the media information is inadequate. Respondents agree that books can be one of the good information media, so Ambon's typical culinary book is prepared by adapting the Bullet journal form and other supporting media to be more attractive and interactive. It is hoped that this design will enable the cuisine of the region especially of the city of Ambon to be better known and preserved.

Research paper thumbnail of Augmented Reality for XYZ Perfume Brand: Enhancing Promotional Experiences through User-Centered Design

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, Dec 31, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Designing smart applications as a solution for e-service of hydroponics product in the digital era

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL, ENTERPRISE, AND SYSTEM ENGINEERING: Collaboration of Science, Technology, and Innovation Toward Sustainable Development

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Video Motion Graphic Hologram “Me & My Hero“

This study was done to create the delivery of educational messages to parents through motion grap... more This study was done to create the delivery of educational messages to parents through motion graphic video hologram, because many parents do not understand what is meant by ADHD and how the right way to handle it. Most parents are not aware if their child has ADHD, so the impact that occurs in children will be more dangerous and destructive future. The negative impact of ADHD among others, which sexual promiscuity, drug addiction, smoking, depression, violence and so forth. This is what can threaten the future of our children, when as parents do not have time to get to know their child's personality. Through motion graphic video hologram is described on the characteristics of children with ADHD, what positive things children have ADHD, causes of ADHD, as well as the handling of what needs to be done if we know our children experiencing ADHD. The research method in this study is qualitative and data collection techniques used include questionnaires, interviews, surveys, observation and literature study to collect theories and rules of good in making an animation. The result of this research is about creating a hologram short motion graphic video with a mixture of 2D and 3D animation that comes with voiceover excellent, informative, clear and readily accepted. The conclusions that can be drawn from this study is the importance of knowing what is going to be submitted first, then make the design of the flow of the message. At the same time also, the required accuracy and utmost diligence in processing a motion graphic animation 2D and 3D, because the process requires a relatively long time. Hologram, ADHD, Psychology, Family, Animation 2D and 3D motion graphics.

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Brand Rejuvenation Ice Cream Tjanang Dengan Media Utamanya Kemasan

Dekave: Jurnal Disain Komunikasi Visual, Jun 29, 2023

Di zaman yang sudah semakin berkembang, banyak sekali jenis makanan yang dapat kita nikmati salah... more Di zaman yang sudah semakin berkembang, banyak sekali jenis makanan yang dapat kita nikmati salah satunya yaitu es krim. Makanan tradisi dari budaya barat ini, kini dikenal dan dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Di Jakarta terdapat sebuah toko es krim langganan keluarga Bung Karno dan sudah ada sejak tahun 1951. Tetapi brand awareness pada brand ini semakin jauh menurun karena banyaknya kompetitor yang lebih laku dan lebih modern. Permasalahannya terletak pada brand yang tidak memiliki kedai dan tidak dijual secara ritel, serta permasalahannya terletak pada kemasannya yang masih tertinggal zaman dan media promosinya yang kurang menarik terutama untuk generasi yang lebih muda. Berdasarkan paparan data diatas brand Ice Cream Tjanang perlu melakukan brand rejuvenation sehingga nantinya brand tersebut dapat lebih dikenal ke generasi muda saat ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang brand rejuvenation yang tepat untuk Ice Cream Tjanang dengan media utama brand identitas dan desain kemasan baru. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan metode perancangan Design Thinking. Hasil penelitian berupa karya rancangan brand rejuvenation serta media pendukung yang tepat dan untuk menginformasikan perubahan dari brand Ice cream Tjanang. Hasil penelitian berupa karya rancangan brand rejuvenation serta media pendukung yang tepat dan sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman saat ini.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Packaging Design on the Improvement of MSME Brand Value Using the Pre-test and Post-tests Methods

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Komposisi Fotografi Pada Foto Editorial “Elephants” Karya Steve McCurry

Jurnal titik imaji, Feb 1, 2020

Everyone can see and interpret things differently. The photographer produces an image that is a r... more Everyone can see and interpret things differently. The photographer produces an image that is a reflection of their soul. Photography is not just capturing or recording an incident but also applying the aesthetic elements of the subject by taking good light and composition in the photo. Applying and understanding good composition can produce photography more effectively and meaningfully. Steve Mccury is the most influential photographer in the world. His work entitled "Elephants" uses good compositions and can make the audience feel the aesthetics and the message from the photographer through the photographic work taken. The study analyzes the types of photographic compositions used and evaluates the compositions that are widely used by Steve Mccurry in his photographic series entitled "Elephants". This analysis can be useful for creating a photographic work that uses good composition. Data collection is taken from sources relating to the subject matter of discussion as well as relating to photography. The analysis was carried out by describing the use of composition in each photo that Stev Mccurry used in supporting the delivery of messages in a photo series titled "Elephants"

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Visual Buku "Inspirasi Pernikahan: Adat Jawa Surakarta

Tujuan dari penelitian saya adalah melestarikan kebudayaan nasional, dalam hal ini adalah tata ca... more Tujuan dari penelitian saya adalah melestarikan kebudayaan nasional, dalam hal ini adalah tata cara pernikahan adat Indonesia. Dan memberikan informasi dan referensi yang menarik kepada target audience. Serta juga sebagai jalan keluar bagi pembaca yang ingin menggunakan upacara pernikahan adat tersebut. Adapun metode penelitian yang saya lakukan adalah dengan mencari data melalui media cetak dan elektronik, multimedia (internet) serta hasil pengamatan langsung dilapangan yang diikuti dengan beberapa wawancara kepada nara sumber yang berkaitan dengan pokok bahasan. Hasil yang dicapai dari berbagai proses yang telah dilakukan adalah sebuah bentuk publikasi yaitu buku yang bertemakan tema yang diteliti, yang didesain sedemikian rupa hingga menarik secara visual dan dapat dipertanggung-jawabkan. Kesimpulan yang dapat saya peroleh dari proses berjalannya penyusunan tugas akhir ini sampai dengan selesai adalah, setiap proses yang ingin dan mau dilalui memerlukan waktu serta kerja keras yang didasari dengan keinginan kuat untuk mencapai tujuan akhir. Setiap waktu yang dilalui haruslah menghasilkan suatu karya sehingga setiap hari yang dilalui tidak akan tersia-siakan. Kata Kunci : Ethnik, tradisi, modern, dan romantis.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Re-Branding Logo and Packaging in Fanta Beverage Products Using Semiotic Approach and Visual Attraction

Re-branding is an effort made by a company or institution to totally change or renew a company&#3... more Re-branding is an effort made by a company or institution to totally change or renew a company's brand to be better by not leaving the original goal of the company itself. Fanta has just re-branding the logo and packaging to further refine the product and launch the product the European continent in mid-2016. The re-branding then spread and officially released to all countries in the world including Indonesia in April 2017. Carrying the tagline "Fresh and Fun" re-branding is expected to better reflect the brand new Fanta brand identity. This research will use filling system techniques and use semiotic analysis methods. Data is interpreted, combined with concepts or theories that support the understanding of the phenomenon under study. Data is processed through observation, recording, according to the categories used based on the analysis method using the basic theory of Peirce's meaning triangle. Peirce's theory is a tool for analyzing new logos and packaging from Fanta's beverage products.

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Jejak Kuliner Khas Kawanua Sebagai Media Informasi

Jurnal bahasa rupa, Oct 28, 2022

Indonesia is known as a country that has cultural diversity. This is an asset for Indonesia, espe... more Indonesia is known as a country that has cultural diversity. This is an asset for Indonesia, especially in the tourism sector in utilizing local culture as an attraction for tourists. One of them is the use of local culinary culture. As for the design of this thesis, it raises the superior culinary culture of the city of Manado, a city known for its cuisine that is rich in spices. The use of illustrations in the book can give its own emotional impression to the readers, this statement is supported by an online questionnaire that has been randomly distributed to 110 respondents. This book is intended for teenagers aged 18-25 years to increase their knowledge of other regional cultures in Indonesia. With this research, it is hoped that the awareness to maintain Indonesian culture is an important thing for teenagers aged 18-25 years to increase.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Cover Artwork Album-Album Chrisye

Jurnal titik imaji, Apr 9, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Dampak Gambar Peringatan Pada Kemasan Rokok Sebagai Hasil Peraturan Baru Pemerintah Terhadap Kebiasaan Perokok Aktif (Studi Kasus: Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 109 Tahun 2014)

Cigarettes are the most profitable consumer products in the world. Indonesia is the highest rank ... more Cigarettes are the most profitable consumer products in the world. Indonesia is the highest rank in the world as a cigarette manufacturers country. As well as the third position in the world for the number of active smokers. The Increase of cigarette consumer in Indonesia makes the government set the use of pictorial health warning (PWH) on the packaging of the cigarette. This study will analyzes the illustrations of pictorial health warning (PWH) on cigarette packs based on the scientific knowledge of visual communication design as seen from the technical side, the colors and layout of the packaging. It also will be analyzes the impact of this new cigarette packaging design to the numbers active smokers. Keywords: Packaging, Design, Cigarettes, PHW, Active Smokers

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Semiotika Ornamen Pada Kemasan Produk Lokal Minuman Herbavera

Demandia: jurnal desain komunikasi visual, manajemen desain, dan periklanan, Mar 9, 2022

Perusahaan maupun individu dituntut untuk kreatif dalam mengembangkan produknya agar terdapat nil... more Perusahaan maupun individu dituntut untuk kreatif dalam mengembangkan produknya agar terdapat nilai tambah di dalamnya. Desain pada kemasan adalah salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk menambah nilai dan memberikan pengalaman lebih kepada konsumen. Pemberian nilai budaya pada desain kemasan dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk menambah nilai kepada produk lokal. Selain membuat tampilan yang menarik, dan dapat memperkuat identitas produk sebagai produk lokal. Herbavera adalah produk lokal olahan lidah buaya, yang memiliki sebuah kemasan dengan pendekatan budaya dalam desain kemasannya. Peneliti melakukan analisis terhadap pola yang terdapat pada kemasan Herbavera untuk mengetahui makna pada penggambarannya. Data didapatkan melalui observasi dan dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan metode teori semiotika segitiga Peirce. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa pola tersebut dibuat secara abstraksi dengan menggabungkan bentuk-bentuk dan warna buah sesuai varian rasa produk. Pola pada ornamen dibuat sederhana dengan memodifikasi bentuk Kawung. Kata kunci: budaya, kemasan, ornamen, pola, semiotika

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Video Animasi Film Pendek "Moreindo" Karya Andrey Pratama

Jurnal titik imaji, Apr 23, 2018

Animated short films have become popular in Indonesia, especially love story films. Whereas a lot... more Animated short films have become popular in Indonesia, especially love story films. Whereas a lot of good stories can be made from different genres, these love story films could teach people more valuable lessons. Moriendo is an animated short film that socializes the local literature with a unique story and visual interest to provide refreshments to the audience. This short film is expected to be able to disseminate to the public about alternative literature that can be recognized locally and expands the genre of short animation in Indonesia. At this paper, author will analyze the content of the short movie from the perspective of visual communication design field.

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Media Promosi Wisata Gunungkidul Dalam Bentuk Coffeetable Book

Indonesia became one of the main destinations of foreign tourists. This is because Indonesia has ... more Indonesia became one of the main destinations of foreign tourists. This is because Indonesia has various tourist attractions with a combination of nature tourism spot and art. One of the interesting tourism spot located in Gunungkidul Yogyakarta, Cenral Java. Gunungkidul has many interesting sites to visit, start from the beaches, caves, and mountains. But the promotional media used only brochure so many people outside the area didn’t know and less interested in visiting Gunungkidul. Research done by collecting and reading of the literature about the Gunungkidul. Data collection is also done with directly observation to the sites. Other method is did a interviews of the speakers to obtain information about Gunung Kidul. With the design of coffeetable book is expected to provide information, present the natural beauty and uniqueness of Gunungkidul through photography KeyWords: coffeetable book, promotion, photography, gunungkidul

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Kampanye Sosial Hemat Air

Water is one of the basic needs of living things in the world. Then the one drop campaign with PS... more Water is one of the basic needs of living things in the world. Then the one drop campaign with PSA as the main media has the goal to inform and persuade people about water crisis in the world, especially Indonesia. One Drop Campaign invite people to participate against this issue and help the areas that have bad access to clean water. This study will anlyze the campaign program especially on the media that been created for support the campaign. Keyword : clean water

Research paper thumbnail of Designing Children’s Story Book As An Introduction Towards Silek Harimau Martial Art

Ultimart: Jurnal Komunikasi Visual

Indonesia has a martial art, namely the martial art of Pencak Silat. Pencak Silat has various var... more Indonesia has a martial art, namely the martial art of Pencak Silat. Pencak Silat has various variations due to the diversity of cultures in Indonesia. Unfortunately, Pencak Silat is currently less in demand due to various reasons, but one of them is competition with foreign martial arts. One of the martial arts of Pencak Silat whose existence is threatened is the martial art of Silek Harimau, this is made worse by the absence of written documentation regarding Silek Harimau. Therefore, this design aims to create media in the form of illustrated children's story books that introduce Silek Harimau to children. This design will use descriptive qualitative research methods, and data collection methods in the form of interviews, observations, literature studies, and questionnaire surveys. The design will use the Design Thinking method which consists of various stages, namely: Emphasize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. These design stages will later produce a media in the form o...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Semiotika Ornamen Pada Kemasan Produk Lokal Minuman Herbavera

Demandia: jurnal desain komunikasi visual, manajemen desain, dan periklanan, Mar 9, 2022

Perusahaan maupun individu dituntut untuk kreatif dalam mengembangkan produknya agar terdapat nil... more Perusahaan maupun individu dituntut untuk kreatif dalam mengembangkan produknya agar terdapat nilai tambah di dalamnya. Desain pada kemasan adalah salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk menambah nilai dan memberikan pengalaman lebih kepada konsumen. Pemberian nilai budaya pada desain kemasan dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk menambah nilai kepada produk lokal. Selain membuat tampilan yang menarik, dan dapat memperkuat identitas produk sebagai produk lokal. Herbavera adalah produk lokal olahan lidah buaya, yang memiliki sebuah kemasan dengan pendekatan budaya dalam desain kemasannya. Peneliti melakukan analisis terhadap pola yang terdapat pada kemasan Herbavera untuk mengetahui makna pada penggambarannya. Data didapatkan melalui observasi dan dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan metode teori semiotika segitiga Peirce. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa pola tersebut dibuat secara abstraksi dengan menggabungkan bentuk-bentuk dan warna buah sesuai varian rasa produk. Pola pada ornamen dibuat sederhana dengan memodifikasi bentuk Kawung. Kata kunci: budaya, kemasan, ornamen, pola, semiotika

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Desain Kemasan Produk Lokal Terhadap Minat Beli Menggunakan Model View: Studi Kasus Keripik Maicih

SENADA (Seminar Nasional Desain dan Arsitektur), Feb 21, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Kampanye Sosial Hemat Air

Water is one of the basic needs of living things in the world. Then the one drop campaign with PS... more Water is one of the basic needs of living things in the world. Then the one drop campaign with PSA as the main media has the goal to inform and persuade people about water crisis in the world, especially Indonesia. One Drop Campaign invite people to participate against this issue and help the areas that have bad access to clean water. This study will anlyze the campaign program especially on the media that been created for support the campaign. Keyword : clean water

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Buku Berbentuk Bullet Journal Tentang Kuliner Khas Ambon

Narada, Nov 26, 2023

The design of this final task served to introduce the large masses the unique food of the town of... more The design of this final task served to introduce the large masses the unique food of the town of Ambon in order to preserve the traditional culinary areas. Because many still do not know that much of the food from Ambon is unique and worth tasting and still lack of media information about the culinary region. Research methods are conducted using qualitative descriptive research with data collection of interviews, questionnaires, library studies and observations. As a result of the questionnaires being distributed online, the authors found that 153 respondents feel that Indonesia has an interesting tourist attraction, one of which is the culinary tour of Ambon, in which ambon's culinary tour is still poorly known and the media information is inadequate. Respondents agree that books can be one of the good information media, so Ambon's typical culinary book is prepared by adapting the Bullet journal form and other supporting media to be more attractive and interactive. It is hoped that this design will enable the cuisine of the region especially of the city of Ambon to be better known and preserved.

Research paper thumbnail of Augmented Reality for XYZ Perfume Brand: Enhancing Promotional Experiences through User-Centered Design

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, Dec 31, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Designing smart applications as a solution for e-service of hydroponics product in the digital era

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL, ENTERPRISE, AND SYSTEM ENGINEERING: Collaboration of Science, Technology, and Innovation Toward Sustainable Development

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Video Motion Graphic Hologram “Me & My Hero“

This study was done to create the delivery of educational messages to parents through motion grap... more This study was done to create the delivery of educational messages to parents through motion graphic video hologram, because many parents do not understand what is meant by ADHD and how the right way to handle it. Most parents are not aware if their child has ADHD, so the impact that occurs in children will be more dangerous and destructive future. The negative impact of ADHD among others, which sexual promiscuity, drug addiction, smoking, depression, violence and so forth. This is what can threaten the future of our children, when as parents do not have time to get to know their child's personality. Through motion graphic video hologram is described on the characteristics of children with ADHD, what positive things children have ADHD, causes of ADHD, as well as the handling of what needs to be done if we know our children experiencing ADHD. The research method in this study is qualitative and data collection techniques used include questionnaires, interviews, surveys, observation and literature study to collect theories and rules of good in making an animation. The result of this research is about creating a hologram short motion graphic video with a mixture of 2D and 3D animation that comes with voiceover excellent, informative, clear and readily accepted. The conclusions that can be drawn from this study is the importance of knowing what is going to be submitted first, then make the design of the flow of the message. At the same time also, the required accuracy and utmost diligence in processing a motion graphic animation 2D and 3D, because the process requires a relatively long time. Hologram, ADHD, Psychology, Family, Animation 2D and 3D motion graphics.

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Brand Rejuvenation Ice Cream Tjanang Dengan Media Utamanya Kemasan

Dekave: Jurnal Disain Komunikasi Visual, Jun 29, 2023

Di zaman yang sudah semakin berkembang, banyak sekali jenis makanan yang dapat kita nikmati salah... more Di zaman yang sudah semakin berkembang, banyak sekali jenis makanan yang dapat kita nikmati salah satunya yaitu es krim. Makanan tradisi dari budaya barat ini, kini dikenal dan dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Di Jakarta terdapat sebuah toko es krim langganan keluarga Bung Karno dan sudah ada sejak tahun 1951. Tetapi brand awareness pada brand ini semakin jauh menurun karena banyaknya kompetitor yang lebih laku dan lebih modern. Permasalahannya terletak pada brand yang tidak memiliki kedai dan tidak dijual secara ritel, serta permasalahannya terletak pada kemasannya yang masih tertinggal zaman dan media promosinya yang kurang menarik terutama untuk generasi yang lebih muda. Berdasarkan paparan data diatas brand Ice Cream Tjanang perlu melakukan brand rejuvenation sehingga nantinya brand tersebut dapat lebih dikenal ke generasi muda saat ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang brand rejuvenation yang tepat untuk Ice Cream Tjanang dengan media utama brand identitas dan desain kemasan baru. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan metode perancangan Design Thinking. Hasil penelitian berupa karya rancangan brand rejuvenation serta media pendukung yang tepat dan untuk menginformasikan perubahan dari brand Ice cream Tjanang. Hasil penelitian berupa karya rancangan brand rejuvenation serta media pendukung yang tepat dan sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman saat ini.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Packaging Design on the Improvement of MSME Brand Value Using the Pre-test and Post-tests Methods

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Komposisi Fotografi Pada Foto Editorial “Elephants” Karya Steve McCurry

Jurnal titik imaji, Feb 1, 2020

Everyone can see and interpret things differently. The photographer produces an image that is a r... more Everyone can see and interpret things differently. The photographer produces an image that is a reflection of their soul. Photography is not just capturing or recording an incident but also applying the aesthetic elements of the subject by taking good light and composition in the photo. Applying and understanding good composition can produce photography more effectively and meaningfully. Steve Mccury is the most influential photographer in the world. His work entitled "Elephants" uses good compositions and can make the audience feel the aesthetics and the message from the photographer through the photographic work taken. The study analyzes the types of photographic compositions used and evaluates the compositions that are widely used by Steve Mccurry in his photographic series entitled "Elephants". This analysis can be useful for creating a photographic work that uses good composition. Data collection is taken from sources relating to the subject matter of discussion as well as relating to photography. The analysis was carried out by describing the use of composition in each photo that Stev Mccurry used in supporting the delivery of messages in a photo series titled "Elephants"

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Visual Buku "Inspirasi Pernikahan: Adat Jawa Surakarta

Tujuan dari penelitian saya adalah melestarikan kebudayaan nasional, dalam hal ini adalah tata ca... more Tujuan dari penelitian saya adalah melestarikan kebudayaan nasional, dalam hal ini adalah tata cara pernikahan adat Indonesia. Dan memberikan informasi dan referensi yang menarik kepada target audience. Serta juga sebagai jalan keluar bagi pembaca yang ingin menggunakan upacara pernikahan adat tersebut. Adapun metode penelitian yang saya lakukan adalah dengan mencari data melalui media cetak dan elektronik, multimedia (internet) serta hasil pengamatan langsung dilapangan yang diikuti dengan beberapa wawancara kepada nara sumber yang berkaitan dengan pokok bahasan. Hasil yang dicapai dari berbagai proses yang telah dilakukan adalah sebuah bentuk publikasi yaitu buku yang bertemakan tema yang diteliti, yang didesain sedemikian rupa hingga menarik secara visual dan dapat dipertanggung-jawabkan. Kesimpulan yang dapat saya peroleh dari proses berjalannya penyusunan tugas akhir ini sampai dengan selesai adalah, setiap proses yang ingin dan mau dilalui memerlukan waktu serta kerja keras yang didasari dengan keinginan kuat untuk mencapai tujuan akhir. Setiap waktu yang dilalui haruslah menghasilkan suatu karya sehingga setiap hari yang dilalui tidak akan tersia-siakan. Kata Kunci : Ethnik, tradisi, modern, dan romantis.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Re-Branding Logo and Packaging in Fanta Beverage Products Using Semiotic Approach and Visual Attraction

Re-branding is an effort made by a company or institution to totally change or renew a company&#3... more Re-branding is an effort made by a company or institution to totally change or renew a company's brand to be better by not leaving the original goal of the company itself. Fanta has just re-branding the logo and packaging to further refine the product and launch the product the European continent in mid-2016. The re-branding then spread and officially released to all countries in the world including Indonesia in April 2017. Carrying the tagline "Fresh and Fun" re-branding is expected to better reflect the brand new Fanta brand identity. This research will use filling system techniques and use semiotic analysis methods. Data is interpreted, combined with concepts or theories that support the understanding of the phenomenon under study. Data is processed through observation, recording, according to the categories used based on the analysis method using the basic theory of Peirce's meaning triangle. Peirce's theory is a tool for analyzing new logos and packaging from Fanta's beverage products.

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Jejak Kuliner Khas Kawanua Sebagai Media Informasi

Jurnal bahasa rupa, Oct 28, 2022

Indonesia is known as a country that has cultural diversity. This is an asset for Indonesia, espe... more Indonesia is known as a country that has cultural diversity. This is an asset for Indonesia, especially in the tourism sector in utilizing local culture as an attraction for tourists. One of them is the use of local culinary culture. As for the design of this thesis, it raises the superior culinary culture of the city of Manado, a city known for its cuisine that is rich in spices. The use of illustrations in the book can give its own emotional impression to the readers, this statement is supported by an online questionnaire that has been randomly distributed to 110 respondents. This book is intended for teenagers aged 18-25 years to increase their knowledge of other regional cultures in Indonesia. With this research, it is hoped that the awareness to maintain Indonesian culture is an important thing for teenagers aged 18-25 years to increase.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Cover Artwork Album-Album Chrisye

Jurnal titik imaji, Apr 9, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Dampak Gambar Peringatan Pada Kemasan Rokok Sebagai Hasil Peraturan Baru Pemerintah Terhadap Kebiasaan Perokok Aktif (Studi Kasus: Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 109 Tahun 2014)

Cigarettes are the most profitable consumer products in the world. Indonesia is the highest rank ... more Cigarettes are the most profitable consumer products in the world. Indonesia is the highest rank in the world as a cigarette manufacturers country. As well as the third position in the world for the number of active smokers. The Increase of cigarette consumer in Indonesia makes the government set the use of pictorial health warning (PWH) on the packaging of the cigarette. This study will analyzes the illustrations of pictorial health warning (PWH) on cigarette packs based on the scientific knowledge of visual communication design as seen from the technical side, the colors and layout of the packaging. It also will be analyzes the impact of this new cigarette packaging design to the numbers active smokers. Keywords: Packaging, Design, Cigarettes, PHW, Active Smokers

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Semiotika Ornamen Pada Kemasan Produk Lokal Minuman Herbavera

Demandia: jurnal desain komunikasi visual, manajemen desain, dan periklanan, Mar 9, 2022

Perusahaan maupun individu dituntut untuk kreatif dalam mengembangkan produknya agar terdapat nil... more Perusahaan maupun individu dituntut untuk kreatif dalam mengembangkan produknya agar terdapat nilai tambah di dalamnya. Desain pada kemasan adalah salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk menambah nilai dan memberikan pengalaman lebih kepada konsumen. Pemberian nilai budaya pada desain kemasan dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk menambah nilai kepada produk lokal. Selain membuat tampilan yang menarik, dan dapat memperkuat identitas produk sebagai produk lokal. Herbavera adalah produk lokal olahan lidah buaya, yang memiliki sebuah kemasan dengan pendekatan budaya dalam desain kemasannya. Peneliti melakukan analisis terhadap pola yang terdapat pada kemasan Herbavera untuk mengetahui makna pada penggambarannya. Data didapatkan melalui observasi dan dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan metode teori semiotika segitiga Peirce. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa pola tersebut dibuat secara abstraksi dengan menggabungkan bentuk-bentuk dan warna buah sesuai varian rasa produk. Pola pada ornamen dibuat sederhana dengan memodifikasi bentuk Kawung. Kata kunci: budaya, kemasan, ornamen, pola, semiotika

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Video Animasi Film Pendek "Moreindo" Karya Andrey Pratama

Jurnal titik imaji, Apr 23, 2018

Animated short films have become popular in Indonesia, especially love story films. Whereas a lot... more Animated short films have become popular in Indonesia, especially love story films. Whereas a lot of good stories can be made from different genres, these love story films could teach people more valuable lessons. Moriendo is an animated short film that socializes the local literature with a unique story and visual interest to provide refreshments to the audience. This short film is expected to be able to disseminate to the public about alternative literature that can be recognized locally and expands the genre of short animation in Indonesia. At this paper, author will analyze the content of the short movie from the perspective of visual communication design field.

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Media Promosi Wisata Gunungkidul Dalam Bentuk Coffeetable Book

Indonesia became one of the main destinations of foreign tourists. This is because Indonesia has ... more Indonesia became one of the main destinations of foreign tourists. This is because Indonesia has various tourist attractions with a combination of nature tourism spot and art. One of the interesting tourism spot located in Gunungkidul Yogyakarta, Cenral Java. Gunungkidul has many interesting sites to visit, start from the beaches, caves, and mountains. But the promotional media used only brochure so many people outside the area didn’t know and less interested in visiting Gunungkidul. Research done by collecting and reading of the literature about the Gunungkidul. Data collection is also done with directly observation to the sites. Other method is did a interviews of the speakers to obtain information about Gunung Kidul. With the design of coffeetable book is expected to provide information, present the natural beauty and uniqueness of Gunungkidul through photography KeyWords: coffeetable book, promotion, photography, gunungkidul

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Kampanye Sosial Hemat Air

Water is one of the basic needs of living things in the world. Then the one drop campaign with PS... more Water is one of the basic needs of living things in the world. Then the one drop campaign with PSA as the main media has the goal to inform and persuade people about water crisis in the world, especially Indonesia. One Drop Campaign invite people to participate against this issue and help the areas that have bad access to clean water. This study will anlyze the campaign program especially on the media that been created for support the campaign. Keyword : clean water

Research paper thumbnail of Designing Children’s Story Book As An Introduction Towards Silek Harimau Martial Art

Ultimart: Jurnal Komunikasi Visual

Indonesia has a martial art, namely the martial art of Pencak Silat. Pencak Silat has various var... more Indonesia has a martial art, namely the martial art of Pencak Silat. Pencak Silat has various variations due to the diversity of cultures in Indonesia. Unfortunately, Pencak Silat is currently less in demand due to various reasons, but one of them is competition with foreign martial arts. One of the martial arts of Pencak Silat whose existence is threatened is the martial art of Silek Harimau, this is made worse by the absence of written documentation regarding Silek Harimau. Therefore, this design aims to create media in the form of illustrated children's story books that introduce Silek Harimau to children. This design will use descriptive qualitative research methods, and data collection methods in the form of interviews, observations, literature studies, and questionnaire surveys. The design will use the Design Thinking method which consists of various stages, namely: Emphasize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. These design stages will later produce a media in the form o...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Semiotika Ornamen Pada Kemasan Produk Lokal Minuman Herbavera

Demandia: jurnal desain komunikasi visual, manajemen desain, dan periklanan, Mar 9, 2022

Perusahaan maupun individu dituntut untuk kreatif dalam mengembangkan produknya agar terdapat nil... more Perusahaan maupun individu dituntut untuk kreatif dalam mengembangkan produknya agar terdapat nilai tambah di dalamnya. Desain pada kemasan adalah salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk menambah nilai dan memberikan pengalaman lebih kepada konsumen. Pemberian nilai budaya pada desain kemasan dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk menambah nilai kepada produk lokal. Selain membuat tampilan yang menarik, dan dapat memperkuat identitas produk sebagai produk lokal. Herbavera adalah produk lokal olahan lidah buaya, yang memiliki sebuah kemasan dengan pendekatan budaya dalam desain kemasannya. Peneliti melakukan analisis terhadap pola yang terdapat pada kemasan Herbavera untuk mengetahui makna pada penggambarannya. Data didapatkan melalui observasi dan dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan metode teori semiotika segitiga Peirce. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa pola tersebut dibuat secara abstraksi dengan menggabungkan bentuk-bentuk dan warna buah sesuai varian rasa produk. Pola pada ornamen dibuat sederhana dengan memodifikasi bentuk Kawung. Kata kunci: budaya, kemasan, ornamen, pola, semiotika

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Desain Kemasan Produk Lokal Terhadap Minat Beli Menggunakan Model View: Studi Kasus Keripik Maicih

SENADA (Seminar Nasional Desain dan Arsitektur), Feb 21, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Kampanye Sosial Hemat Air

Water is one of the basic needs of living things in the world. Then the one drop campaign with PS... more Water is one of the basic needs of living things in the world. Then the one drop campaign with PSA as the main media has the goal to inform and persuade people about water crisis in the world, especially Indonesia. One Drop Campaign invite people to participate against this issue and help the areas that have bad access to clean water. This study will anlyze the campaign program especially on the media that been created for support the campaign. Keyword : clean water