Yusuf Rahman - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Yusuf Rahman
Proceedings of the International Conference on Qur'an and Hadith Studies (ICQHS 2017), 2018
Q. 4:34 is regarded by some scholars as one of the most controversial verses in the Qurʾan. This ... more Q. 4:34 is regarded by some scholars as one of the most controversial verses in the Qurʾan. This verse can be divided into two parts: the first part deals with the qiwamah "guardianship" of males and the second part with the beating (darb) of the disobedient wives (nashiz). This last part is usually considered as the main cause of domestic violence or intimate partner violence in Muslim societies. (Ibrahim & Abdalla, 2010) Ayesha Chaudhry (Chaudhry, 2013) has comprehensively compared the classical and medieval interpretations of Q. 4:34, which, according to her, were influenced by the patriarchal and hierarchical worldview, with the modern responses. The latter then is divided into four responses: the traditionalists, the neo-traditionalists, the progressives, and the reformists. This paper focuses on the interpretations of Indonesian Muslim scholars to see whether they are supporting the hierarchical worldview or the egalitarian one; belonging to the traditionalist and neo-traditionalist interpretations or the progressive and the reformist responses.
Para sarjana Barat masih berdebat dan mengajukan teori yang berbeda – bahkan berlawanan -- tentan... more Para sarjana Barat masih berdebat dan mengajukan teori yang berbeda – bahkan berlawanan -- tentang sejarah teks al-Qur’an dan tafsir pada masa Islam Awal. Perbedaan ini disebabkan pada perbedaan sikap mereka terhadap sumber-sumber Muslim, yang bagi sebagian mereka bukanlah merupakan sumber historis, karena ditulis beberapa dekade setelah suatu peristiwa terjadi. Di samping itu, terdapat banyak kontradiksi dalam riwayat-riwayat yang menceritakan suatu peristiwa dalam sumber tersebut. Mengakui adanya masalah dalam sumber-sumber tersebut, sarjana Barat ada yang secara radikal menyangsikan kesejarahan sumber tersebut dan tidak mau menggunakannya dalam merekonstruksi sejarah Islam Awal, namun ada pula yang menerimanya as it is selama belum ada bukti historis yang membantah sumber yang ada. Tulisan ini mendiskusikan karya Mun’im Sirry yang berjudul Kontroversi Islam Awal, terutama terkait dengan kajian al-Qur’an dan tafsir.
Telaah atas buku karya Adis Duderija, Constructing a Religiously Ideal "Believer" and "Woman" in ... more Telaah atas buku karya Adis Duderija, Constructing a Religiously Ideal "Believer" and "Woman" in Islam: Neo-traditional Salafi and Progressive Muslims' Method of Interpretation, diterbitkan di New York oleh Palgrave Macmillan pada tahun 2011. 258 halaman. ISBN 978-0-230-12057-0 Buku ini berawal dari disertasi yang ditulis Adis Duderija di University of Western Australia. Sebenarnya beberapa bagian dari disertasi ini telah diterbitkan dalam bentuk artikel di beberapa jurnal, seperti Arab Law Quarterly, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Hawwa, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, dll. Yang sangat prestisius adalah bahwa disertasi ini diterbitkan
Pengantar Redaksi Alhamdulilla> h, edisi perdana Journal of Qur'a> n and H{ adi@ th Studies bisa ... more Pengantar Redaksi Alhamdulilla> h, edisi perdana Journal of Qur'a> n and H{ adi@ th Studies bisa terbit. Penerbitan ini tidak lepas dari dukungan Sekolah Pascasarjana UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, dan kepercayaan para pengkaji al-Qur'a> n dan H{ adi@ th yang mengirimkan naskahnya ke jurnal ini.
Tulisan ini untuk mensurvei karya-karya sarjana al-Qur’an dan tafsir di Barat dalam beberapa tahu... more Tulisan ini untuk mensurvei karya-karya sarjana al-Qur’an dan tafsir di Barat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Karya-karya ini tidak hanya ditulis oleh sarjana non Muslim, namun juga oleh sarjana Muslim. Di antara mereka ada yang termasuk kelompok revisionis radikal, namun ada pula yang bermazhab tradisionalis. Survei ini untuk menunjukkan kekayaan kesarjanaan Barat yang perlu dikaji dan direspon sarjana Muslim Indonesia secara akademik agar tidak selalu menjadi pengimpor ilmu tapi beralih menjadi produser ilmu dan teori.
Jurnal Riset Agama, 2021
This study aims to discuss the basis of moderation in the traditions of various religions and its... more This study aims to discuss the basis of moderation in the traditions of various religions and its implementation in the era of digital disruption. This study uses a qualitative approach and data processing using descriptive-analytical methods. The results and discussion of this study indicate that there are several foundations of moderation in all religious teachings. The teachings of religious moderation do not belong only to one particular religion, but to various religions even world civilizations also have that kind of teaching. This study concludes that religious moderation is indispensable in implementation in today's digital era. An important effort in implementing religious moderation today is aimed at creating a generation that is moderate and not easily influenced by radical ideas propagated from cyberspace. This study recommends the millennial generation and educational institutions to foster a sense of religious moderation in the midst of the era of digital disruption.
In a multicultural society, Islamic education that is conscious of the need for creating social h... more In a multicultural society, Islamic education that is conscious of the need for creating social harmony across faiths and denominations has more to offer than confessional education in Islamic seminaries and secular universities’ critically approached by Islamic studies. Muslim higher educations in the United Kingdom have clearly reflected their awareness of the importance of interfaith and intrafaith understanding in many aspects, and thereby increase their capability to enhance the career prospects of their students while giving them a sense of piety and criticality at the same time. This research challenges some assumptions that Muslim education in a secular country is more driven by Muslims’ responses to the secular, modern world; and that Muslim education in a non-Muslim majority country is shaped more by majority-minority dynamics; and that Muslim education in the West is oriented more toward missionary objectives. On the other hand, this research strengthens the notion that M...
Bu calismada kullanilan, H. O. Fleischer’in iki ciltlik baskisidir (Osnabruck: Biblio-Verlag, 196... more Bu calismada kullanilan, H. O. Fleischer’in iki ciltlik baskisidir (Osnabruck: Biblio-Verlag, 1968).* Bu makalenin orijinal adi “Hermeneutics of al-Baydawi in his Anwâr al-Tanzil wa Asrâr al-Ta’wil”dir ve Ingilizce olarak uc ayda bir yayinlanan ISLAMIC CULTURE isimli dergiden alinmistir (Ocak 1997, c. LXXI, Sayi: 1, Haydarabad, Hindistan). Makalenin daha iyi anlasilabilmesi icin bizim koydugumuz dipnotlar, * isareti ile gosterilmistir. Bize ait parantezlerde ise “mutercim” kaydi konulmustur. Dipnotlarda c. kisaltmasi, cilt karsiliginda, s. kisaltmasi da sayfa karsiligindadir. Ayrica dipnotlardaki Ingilizce kitap ve makale isimleri de parantez icinde Turkce’ye cevrilmistir. (Mutercim)** Kanada McGill Universitesi, Doktora ogrencisi.*** Yrd. Doc. Dr. Şirnak Universitesi, Ilahiyat Fakultesi, Tefsir Anabilim Dali Ogretim Uyesi. Biyografisi ve eserleri icin bkz. Lutpi Ibrahim, “Al-Baydâwi’s Life and Works” (Beydâvi’nin Hayati ve Eserleri), Islamic Studies, 18 (1979), s. 311-21.Yusuf kiss...
Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 2017
Husein Muhammad, a feminist ‘ālim or kyai of Dar al-Tauhid Islamic boarding school in Arjawinangu... more Husein Muhammad, a feminist ‘ālim or kyai of Dar al-Tauhid Islamic boarding school in Arjawinangun Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia, has written various articles and books on women issues and gender problem. Growing up in a conservative family, and graduating from Al-Azhar University, kyai Husein becomes one of the main proponents of Islamic feminism in Indonesia. Apart from leading a pesantren (Islamic boarding school), in 2000 kyai Husein established Fahmina Institute, an NGO which strives to promote community empowerment and gender justice based on pesantren tradition, and Fahmina Islamic Studies Institute, an Islamic higher education, which aims to build a tolerant and unprejudiced Indonesian Islam. This article discusses his approach in reinterpreting the Qur’ānic verses and Islamic traditions on women issues, and his contribution in the light of the discourse of gender and feminism in Islam as well as in mainstreaming gender in Indonesia. [KH Husein Muhammad merupakan ulama femin...
Jurnal Ushuluddin, 2019
This study aims to examine responses and receptions of Indonesian Muslim scholars on Western non-... more This study aims to examine responses and receptions of Indonesian Muslim scholars on Western non-Muslims scholarship in the study of al-Qur’ān and tafsīr. Generally, the reception of their works can be divided into two responses: positive and negative. Yet, this study focuses on negative responses. The findings indicate that the responses are theological and polemical. The main sources of this study are works - printed and online - written by the opponents of Western scholarship in Indonesia. These works are analyzed chronologically to see the reasons behind their rejection. This study shows that Indonesian Muslim scholars responded negatively to Western scholarship on Qur’ānic studies because Western scholars have a hidden agenda in their works. This attitude, the article argues, is very polemical because it essentially generalizes the whole Western scholars have an ulterior motive for destroying Islam and al-Qur’ān. Basically, the research findings state that Western non-Muslim sc...
Jurnal Studia Insania, 2013
This research was partially take reference by Edward Said in his Orientalism in 1978 have critici... more This research was partially take reference by Edward Said in his Orientalism in 1978 have criticized the Orientalists which he said was biased against Western thought and culture, Orientalist studies of the Al-Qur’an, we could divide them into two general categories, the first group “old” Orientalism (Orientalism “The Past”). This paradigm shift occurred from philological approach, criticism of the text of the Al-Qur’an to approach literature; study the Al-Qur’an in the Western world in recent years is very widespread and growing. In contrast to previous studies in the past were very much influenced by the spirit of colonialism, and orientalism misionarisme, study the Al-Qur’an in recent years shows an understanding and appreciation of intellectual property
La doctrine musulmane de l'i'jāz al-Qurān consiste a croire que le Coran est un miracle a... more La doctrine musulmane de l'i'jāz al-Qurān consiste a croire que le Coran est un miracle accorde au prophete Muhammad. Les deux termes, i'jāz et mu'jizah proviennent de la meme racine verbale. La conception de l'i'jāz al-Qurān par Abd al-Jabbār temoigne de nombreux traits Mutazilites. Elle est en phase avec les tendances generales de cette ecole. Pour demontrer la nature miraculeuse du Coran, il asseoit son argumentation sur la revelation, mais egalement sur la raison. Sa theorie s'appuie sur la croyance qui veut que le Coran ait ete cree. Le caractere unique du Coran reside dans le fasāhah de ses mots
Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, ICIIS 2020, 20-21 October 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2021
This article proves that the ideological construction of an interpretation determines the tendenc... more This article proves that the ideological construction of an interpretation determines the tendency of the product of interpretation and has the potential to reduce the meaning of a text and reject other interpretations. The findings in this article prove that the construction of the interpretation of Rokhmat S. Labib is more of a process of elaborating verses for certain interests by designing themes and sub-themes with tendentious conclusions and even blaming "infidel" Muslims who are not aligned, intolerant of differences, partial and fanatical. His interpretation is often separated from the context of the verse, which results in this work being inconsistent in taking references even though he does not ignore the historical context of the verse. This article also proves that the author's background determines the ideological tendencies and interests in an interpretation, more tendent an interpretation is more radical.
This paper analyzes the responses of the Acehnese Ulama to the Al-Qur'an Al-Karim and the Poe... more This paper analyzes the responses of the Acehnese Ulama to the Al-Qur'an Al-Karim and the Poetic Free Translation in the Aceh language written by Teungku Mahjiddin Jusuf. The methodology used is descriptive-analytical qualitative to describe the response of the Acehnese Ulama using the hermeneutic, anthropological and literary approaches. This study found a variety of responses from Acehnese ulama by concluding as follows. First, from the aspect of sound equality and rhythm, the scholars have given some notes that the translator should pay attention and look for other suitable equivalent words so that they do not affect the distortion of the meaning of the Qur'anic content. Second, in the aspect of fawātiḥ al-Suwar (hurf muqaṭṭa'ah) and the mutasyabihat verse, the scholars agreed with the translation approach used because it was in accordance with the studies of previous scholars with various existing literature.
Al Qalam, 2022
This paper analyzes the exclusive paradigm in the interpretation of Muh} ammad bin S{ a> lih} al-... more This paper analyzes the exclusive paradigm in the interpretation of Muh} ammad bin S{ a> lih} al-'Uthaimi> n. The methodology used is qualitative descriptive-analytical to describe how the exclusive paradigm of Muh} ammad bin S{ a> lih} al-'Uthaimi> n on his interpretation and implications for the his religious concept. This paper using semantic-linguistic, theological, and sociological approaches. This research found that exclusivism in the interpretation of Muhammad bin Salih al-'Uthaimin was built by the textualist-literal interpretation paradigm which is supported by romanticism towards the orthodoxy of traditional interpretation so that it has implications for the conception of religious which exclusively views Islam as one only true religion (truth claim), which can guarantee salvation (salvation claim).
Husein Muhammad, a feminist 'ālim or kyai of Dar al-Tauhid Islamic boarding school in Arjawinangu... more Husein Muhammad, a feminist 'ālim or kyai of Dar al-Tauhid Islamic boarding school in Arjawinangun Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia, has written various articles and books on women issues and gender problem. Growing up in a conservative family, and graduating from Al-Azhar University, kyai Husein becomes one of the main proponents of Islamic feminism in Indonesia. Apart from leading a pesantren (Islamic boarding school), in 2000 kyai Husein established Fahmina Institute, an NGO which strives to promote community empowerment and gender justice based on pesantren tradition, and Fahmina Islamic Studies Institute, an Islamic higher education, which aims to build a tolerant and unprejudiced Indonesian Islam. This article discusses his approach in reinterpreting the Qur'ānic verses and Islamic traditions on women issues, and his contribution in the light of the discourse of gender and feminism in Islam as well as in mainstreaming gender in Indonesia. H Yusuf Rahman [KH Husein Muhammad merupakan ulama feminis, pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Dar al-Tauhid Arjawinangun Cirebon Jawa Barat, yang telah menghasilkan banyak tulisan dan buku terkait persoalan perempuan dan masalah gender. Beliau yang dibesarkan dalam keluarga tradisional dan lulusan Universitas Al-Azhar, kini telah menjadi tokoh utama feminis Islam di Indonesia. Disamping menjadi pemimpin pondok pesantren, beliau mendirikan Fahmina Institute pada tahun 2000 yang merupakan sebuah LSM pemberdayaan masyarakat dan keadilan gender berbasis pesantren tradisional. Selain itu juga mendirikan Fahmina Islamic Studies Institute, sebuah perguruan tinggi Islam yang bertujuan membangun toleransi dan mengikis prasangka Islam Indonesia. Tulisan ini membahas pendekatannya dalam menafsirkan ayat al Qur'an dan tradisi Islam mengenai persoalan perempuan serta kontribusinya dalam pencerahan wacana gender dan feminisme dalam Islam terutama pengarusutamaan gender di Indonesia.]
Proceedings of the International Conference on Qur'an and Hadith Studies (ICQHS 2017), 2018
Q. 4:34 is regarded by some scholars as one of the most controversial verses in the Qurʾan. This ... more Q. 4:34 is regarded by some scholars as one of the most controversial verses in the Qurʾan. This verse can be divided into two parts: the first part deals with the qiwamah "guardianship" of males and the second part with the beating (darb) of the disobedient wives (nashiz). This last part is usually considered as the main cause of domestic violence or intimate partner violence in Muslim societies. (Ibrahim & Abdalla, 2010) Ayesha Chaudhry (Chaudhry, 2013) has comprehensively compared the classical and medieval interpretations of Q. 4:34, which, according to her, were influenced by the patriarchal and hierarchical worldview, with the modern responses. The latter then is divided into four responses: the traditionalists, the neo-traditionalists, the progressives, and the reformists. This paper focuses on the interpretations of Indonesian Muslim scholars to see whether they are supporting the hierarchical worldview or the egalitarian one; belonging to the traditionalist and neo-traditionalist interpretations or the progressive and the reformist responses.
Para sarjana Barat masih berdebat dan mengajukan teori yang berbeda – bahkan berlawanan -- tentan... more Para sarjana Barat masih berdebat dan mengajukan teori yang berbeda – bahkan berlawanan -- tentang sejarah teks al-Qur’an dan tafsir pada masa Islam Awal. Perbedaan ini disebabkan pada perbedaan sikap mereka terhadap sumber-sumber Muslim, yang bagi sebagian mereka bukanlah merupakan sumber historis, karena ditulis beberapa dekade setelah suatu peristiwa terjadi. Di samping itu, terdapat banyak kontradiksi dalam riwayat-riwayat yang menceritakan suatu peristiwa dalam sumber tersebut. Mengakui adanya masalah dalam sumber-sumber tersebut, sarjana Barat ada yang secara radikal menyangsikan kesejarahan sumber tersebut dan tidak mau menggunakannya dalam merekonstruksi sejarah Islam Awal, namun ada pula yang menerimanya as it is selama belum ada bukti historis yang membantah sumber yang ada. Tulisan ini mendiskusikan karya Mun’im Sirry yang berjudul Kontroversi Islam Awal, terutama terkait dengan kajian al-Qur’an dan tafsir.
Telaah atas buku karya Adis Duderija, Constructing a Religiously Ideal "Believer" and "Woman" in ... more Telaah atas buku karya Adis Duderija, Constructing a Religiously Ideal "Believer" and "Woman" in Islam: Neo-traditional Salafi and Progressive Muslims' Method of Interpretation, diterbitkan di New York oleh Palgrave Macmillan pada tahun 2011. 258 halaman. ISBN 978-0-230-12057-0 Buku ini berawal dari disertasi yang ditulis Adis Duderija di University of Western Australia. Sebenarnya beberapa bagian dari disertasi ini telah diterbitkan dalam bentuk artikel di beberapa jurnal, seperti Arab Law Quarterly, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Hawwa, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, dll. Yang sangat prestisius adalah bahwa disertasi ini diterbitkan
Pengantar Redaksi Alhamdulilla> h, edisi perdana Journal of Qur'a> n and H{ adi@ th Studies bisa ... more Pengantar Redaksi Alhamdulilla> h, edisi perdana Journal of Qur'a> n and H{ adi@ th Studies bisa terbit. Penerbitan ini tidak lepas dari dukungan Sekolah Pascasarjana UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, dan kepercayaan para pengkaji al-Qur'a> n dan H{ adi@ th yang mengirimkan naskahnya ke jurnal ini.
Tulisan ini untuk mensurvei karya-karya sarjana al-Qur’an dan tafsir di Barat dalam beberapa tahu... more Tulisan ini untuk mensurvei karya-karya sarjana al-Qur’an dan tafsir di Barat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Karya-karya ini tidak hanya ditulis oleh sarjana non Muslim, namun juga oleh sarjana Muslim. Di antara mereka ada yang termasuk kelompok revisionis radikal, namun ada pula yang bermazhab tradisionalis. Survei ini untuk menunjukkan kekayaan kesarjanaan Barat yang perlu dikaji dan direspon sarjana Muslim Indonesia secara akademik agar tidak selalu menjadi pengimpor ilmu tapi beralih menjadi produser ilmu dan teori.
Jurnal Riset Agama, 2021
This study aims to discuss the basis of moderation in the traditions of various religions and its... more This study aims to discuss the basis of moderation in the traditions of various religions and its implementation in the era of digital disruption. This study uses a qualitative approach and data processing using descriptive-analytical methods. The results and discussion of this study indicate that there are several foundations of moderation in all religious teachings. The teachings of religious moderation do not belong only to one particular religion, but to various religions even world civilizations also have that kind of teaching. This study concludes that religious moderation is indispensable in implementation in today's digital era. An important effort in implementing religious moderation today is aimed at creating a generation that is moderate and not easily influenced by radical ideas propagated from cyberspace. This study recommends the millennial generation and educational institutions to foster a sense of religious moderation in the midst of the era of digital disruption.
In a multicultural society, Islamic education that is conscious of the need for creating social h... more In a multicultural society, Islamic education that is conscious of the need for creating social harmony across faiths and denominations has more to offer than confessional education in Islamic seminaries and secular universities’ critically approached by Islamic studies. Muslim higher educations in the United Kingdom have clearly reflected their awareness of the importance of interfaith and intrafaith understanding in many aspects, and thereby increase their capability to enhance the career prospects of their students while giving them a sense of piety and criticality at the same time. This research challenges some assumptions that Muslim education in a secular country is more driven by Muslims’ responses to the secular, modern world; and that Muslim education in a non-Muslim majority country is shaped more by majority-minority dynamics; and that Muslim education in the West is oriented more toward missionary objectives. On the other hand, this research strengthens the notion that M...
Bu calismada kullanilan, H. O. Fleischer’in iki ciltlik baskisidir (Osnabruck: Biblio-Verlag, 196... more Bu calismada kullanilan, H. O. Fleischer’in iki ciltlik baskisidir (Osnabruck: Biblio-Verlag, 1968).* Bu makalenin orijinal adi “Hermeneutics of al-Baydawi in his Anwâr al-Tanzil wa Asrâr al-Ta’wil”dir ve Ingilizce olarak uc ayda bir yayinlanan ISLAMIC CULTURE isimli dergiden alinmistir (Ocak 1997, c. LXXI, Sayi: 1, Haydarabad, Hindistan). Makalenin daha iyi anlasilabilmesi icin bizim koydugumuz dipnotlar, * isareti ile gosterilmistir. Bize ait parantezlerde ise “mutercim” kaydi konulmustur. Dipnotlarda c. kisaltmasi, cilt karsiliginda, s. kisaltmasi da sayfa karsiligindadir. Ayrica dipnotlardaki Ingilizce kitap ve makale isimleri de parantez icinde Turkce’ye cevrilmistir. (Mutercim)** Kanada McGill Universitesi, Doktora ogrencisi.*** Yrd. Doc. Dr. Şirnak Universitesi, Ilahiyat Fakultesi, Tefsir Anabilim Dali Ogretim Uyesi. Biyografisi ve eserleri icin bkz. Lutpi Ibrahim, “Al-Baydâwi’s Life and Works” (Beydâvi’nin Hayati ve Eserleri), Islamic Studies, 18 (1979), s. 311-21.Yusuf kiss...
Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 2017
Husein Muhammad, a feminist ‘ālim or kyai of Dar al-Tauhid Islamic boarding school in Arjawinangu... more Husein Muhammad, a feminist ‘ālim or kyai of Dar al-Tauhid Islamic boarding school in Arjawinangun Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia, has written various articles and books on women issues and gender problem. Growing up in a conservative family, and graduating from Al-Azhar University, kyai Husein becomes one of the main proponents of Islamic feminism in Indonesia. Apart from leading a pesantren (Islamic boarding school), in 2000 kyai Husein established Fahmina Institute, an NGO which strives to promote community empowerment and gender justice based on pesantren tradition, and Fahmina Islamic Studies Institute, an Islamic higher education, which aims to build a tolerant and unprejudiced Indonesian Islam. This article discusses his approach in reinterpreting the Qur’ānic verses and Islamic traditions on women issues, and his contribution in the light of the discourse of gender and feminism in Islam as well as in mainstreaming gender in Indonesia. [KH Husein Muhammad merupakan ulama femin...
Jurnal Ushuluddin, 2019
This study aims to examine responses and receptions of Indonesian Muslim scholars on Western non-... more This study aims to examine responses and receptions of Indonesian Muslim scholars on Western non-Muslims scholarship in the study of al-Qur’ān and tafsīr. Generally, the reception of their works can be divided into two responses: positive and negative. Yet, this study focuses on negative responses. The findings indicate that the responses are theological and polemical. The main sources of this study are works - printed and online - written by the opponents of Western scholarship in Indonesia. These works are analyzed chronologically to see the reasons behind their rejection. This study shows that Indonesian Muslim scholars responded negatively to Western scholarship on Qur’ānic studies because Western scholars have a hidden agenda in their works. This attitude, the article argues, is very polemical because it essentially generalizes the whole Western scholars have an ulterior motive for destroying Islam and al-Qur’ān. Basically, the research findings state that Western non-Muslim sc...
Jurnal Studia Insania, 2013
This research was partially take reference by Edward Said in his Orientalism in 1978 have critici... more This research was partially take reference by Edward Said in his Orientalism in 1978 have criticized the Orientalists which he said was biased against Western thought and culture, Orientalist studies of the Al-Qur’an, we could divide them into two general categories, the first group “old” Orientalism (Orientalism “The Past”). This paradigm shift occurred from philological approach, criticism of the text of the Al-Qur’an to approach literature; study the Al-Qur’an in the Western world in recent years is very widespread and growing. In contrast to previous studies in the past were very much influenced by the spirit of colonialism, and orientalism misionarisme, study the Al-Qur’an in recent years shows an understanding and appreciation of intellectual property
La doctrine musulmane de l'i'jāz al-Qurān consiste a croire que le Coran est un miracle a... more La doctrine musulmane de l'i'jāz al-Qurān consiste a croire que le Coran est un miracle accorde au prophete Muhammad. Les deux termes, i'jāz et mu'jizah proviennent de la meme racine verbale. La conception de l'i'jāz al-Qurān par Abd al-Jabbār temoigne de nombreux traits Mutazilites. Elle est en phase avec les tendances generales de cette ecole. Pour demontrer la nature miraculeuse du Coran, il asseoit son argumentation sur la revelation, mais egalement sur la raison. Sa theorie s'appuie sur la croyance qui veut que le Coran ait ete cree. Le caractere unique du Coran reside dans le fasāhah de ses mots
Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, ICIIS 2020, 20-21 October 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2021
This article proves that the ideological construction of an interpretation determines the tendenc... more This article proves that the ideological construction of an interpretation determines the tendency of the product of interpretation and has the potential to reduce the meaning of a text and reject other interpretations. The findings in this article prove that the construction of the interpretation of Rokhmat S. Labib is more of a process of elaborating verses for certain interests by designing themes and sub-themes with tendentious conclusions and even blaming "infidel" Muslims who are not aligned, intolerant of differences, partial and fanatical. His interpretation is often separated from the context of the verse, which results in this work being inconsistent in taking references even though he does not ignore the historical context of the verse. This article also proves that the author's background determines the ideological tendencies and interests in an interpretation, more tendent an interpretation is more radical.
This paper analyzes the responses of the Acehnese Ulama to the Al-Qur'an Al-Karim and the Poe... more This paper analyzes the responses of the Acehnese Ulama to the Al-Qur'an Al-Karim and the Poetic Free Translation in the Aceh language written by Teungku Mahjiddin Jusuf. The methodology used is descriptive-analytical qualitative to describe the response of the Acehnese Ulama using the hermeneutic, anthropological and literary approaches. This study found a variety of responses from Acehnese ulama by concluding as follows. First, from the aspect of sound equality and rhythm, the scholars have given some notes that the translator should pay attention and look for other suitable equivalent words so that they do not affect the distortion of the meaning of the Qur'anic content. Second, in the aspect of fawātiḥ al-Suwar (hurf muqaṭṭa'ah) and the mutasyabihat verse, the scholars agreed with the translation approach used because it was in accordance with the studies of previous scholars with various existing literature.
Al Qalam, 2022
This paper analyzes the exclusive paradigm in the interpretation of Muh} ammad bin S{ a> lih} al-... more This paper analyzes the exclusive paradigm in the interpretation of Muh} ammad bin S{ a> lih} al-'Uthaimi> n. The methodology used is qualitative descriptive-analytical to describe how the exclusive paradigm of Muh} ammad bin S{ a> lih} al-'Uthaimi> n on his interpretation and implications for the his religious concept. This paper using semantic-linguistic, theological, and sociological approaches. This research found that exclusivism in the interpretation of Muhammad bin Salih al-'Uthaimin was built by the textualist-literal interpretation paradigm which is supported by romanticism towards the orthodoxy of traditional interpretation so that it has implications for the conception of religious which exclusively views Islam as one only true religion (truth claim), which can guarantee salvation (salvation claim).
Husein Muhammad, a feminist 'ālim or kyai of Dar al-Tauhid Islamic boarding school in Arjawinangu... more Husein Muhammad, a feminist 'ālim or kyai of Dar al-Tauhid Islamic boarding school in Arjawinangun Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia, has written various articles and books on women issues and gender problem. Growing up in a conservative family, and graduating from Al-Azhar University, kyai Husein becomes one of the main proponents of Islamic feminism in Indonesia. Apart from leading a pesantren (Islamic boarding school), in 2000 kyai Husein established Fahmina Institute, an NGO which strives to promote community empowerment and gender justice based on pesantren tradition, and Fahmina Islamic Studies Institute, an Islamic higher education, which aims to build a tolerant and unprejudiced Indonesian Islam. This article discusses his approach in reinterpreting the Qur'ānic verses and Islamic traditions on women issues, and his contribution in the light of the discourse of gender and feminism in Islam as well as in mainstreaming gender in Indonesia. H Yusuf Rahman [KH Husein Muhammad merupakan ulama feminis, pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Dar al-Tauhid Arjawinangun Cirebon Jawa Barat, yang telah menghasilkan banyak tulisan dan buku terkait persoalan perempuan dan masalah gender. Beliau yang dibesarkan dalam keluarga tradisional dan lulusan Universitas Al-Azhar, kini telah menjadi tokoh utama feminis Islam di Indonesia. Disamping menjadi pemimpin pondok pesantren, beliau mendirikan Fahmina Institute pada tahun 2000 yang merupakan sebuah LSM pemberdayaan masyarakat dan keadilan gender berbasis pesantren tradisional. Selain itu juga mendirikan Fahmina Islamic Studies Institute, sebuah perguruan tinggi Islam yang bertujuan membangun toleransi dan mengikis prasangka Islam Indonesia. Tulisan ini membahas pendekatannya dalam menafsirkan ayat al Qur'an dan tradisi Islam mengenai persoalan perempuan serta kontribusinya dalam pencerahan wacana gender dan feminisme dalam Islam terutama pengarusutamaan gender di Indonesia.]