Efka Zabokova-Bilbilova - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Efka Zabokova-Bilbilova
Acta Stomatologica Naissi, 2013
Uvod Ortodontski tretman ima brojne prednosti, uključujući i poboljšanje dentalne i facijalne est... more Uvod Ortodontski tretman ima brojne prednosti, uključujući i poboljšanje dentalne i facijalne estetike kod pacijenata. Cilj Cilj rada bio je da se evaluiraju in vitro efekti kazein fosfopeptidamorfnog kalcijum fosfata (CPP-ACP), sredstva za lokalnu aplikaciju, koje smanjuje demineralizaciju gleđi oko ortodontskih aparata. Materijal i metode Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo 60 zdravih ekstrahiranih premolara koji nisu imali nikakve kliničke znake demineralizacije. Svi zubi podeljeni su u tri grupe: jedna kontrolna (20 zuba) i dve ispitivane grupe (40 zuba). Zubi (40) su bili podeljeni u 2 grupe prema periodu praćenja-jedna nakon mesec dana, a druga nakon 6 meseci. Zubi su potom premazivani gelom-GC Tooth Mousse u trajanju od 5 minuta tri puta dnevno, a do analiziranja su čuvani u veštačkoj pljuvački. Nakon toga, uzorci su pripremljeni za SEM analizu (JEOL JSM 5300). Spektrometrijom (flame atomic absorption spectrometry-FAAS) je meren procenat Ca i Mg u gleđi. SEM analiza je korišćena za praćenje kiselinom nagrižene površine gleđi tretirane ili netretirane sa CPP-ACP. Dvadeset premolara korišćeno je za praćenje nagriženih površina gleđi pomoću SEM. Rezultati Prosečne vrednosti sadržaja Ca u gleđi bile su uvećane u ispitivanoj grupi u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom zuba jedan mesec nakon postavljanja ortodontskog aparata i lokalne primene CPP-ACP. Rezultati su pokazali da SEM analiza detektuje veliki potencijal za remineralizaciju u uzorcima zuba koji su svakodnevno bili izloženi lokalnom dejstvu gela GC Tooth Mousse. Zaključak: CPP-ACP ima potencijal da remineralizuje dekalcifikovane delove gleđi kod ortodontskih pacijenata. Primena CPP-ACP može da poboljša mineralizaciju zuba tokom ortodontskog tretmana fiksnim aparatima.
The teacher of the future, 2019
In everyday dental practice, because of the incorrect diet and the absence of oral hygiene in the... more In everyday dental practice, because of the incorrect diet and the absence of oral hygiene in the earliest childhood age, we increasingly face the problem of diagnosing circular cavities in the advanced developmental phase. The aim of the research was to show whether the diseases and complications which occur during the pregnancy period of the mother, and the child’s health condition immediately after the birth, affect the appearance and predisposition of the circular caries. Our examines were children 2-3 years old, where during the standard check-ups we diagnosed starting phases of circular caries-initial lesion (white spot) and superficial form. A questionnaire prepared in advance was given to the mothers of the children diagnosed with circular caries, where we inserted the data for the period of pregnancy (pathologic pregnancy, premature birth with complications and normal pregnancy without any complications) as well as the diseases of the children during the first year of their...
Fissure sealing in the children is a method of decreasing the caries incidence of population, bec... more Fissure sealing in the children is a method of decreasing the caries incidence of population, because occlusal fissure is much vulnerable site. Government of Republic of Macedonia before 8 years are accepting Dental preventive program: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the success of that caries preventive program. Materials and methods: For improving that aim, in November 2015, we obtaining 888 participants – school children of Prilep region, which molars was occlusal sealed before 6 years (2009). All the examined children were born 2003 y, and molars was sealed with GC Fuji Triage. Results and discussion: From 01 January 2008, started implementation of the National strategy for prevention of oral diseases in the children in Republic of Macedonia: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. On 12 y., old - 2015 y DMF scores specially for first permanent molars was 23,25...
Acta Medica Medianae
Demineralization is a process in which the inorganic content of the enamel structure is lost lead... more Demineralization is a process in which the inorganic content of the enamel structure is lost leading to occurrence of white spot lesions. The purpose of this study was to examine fluoride varnish effect on enamel. The study involved 20 premolars extracted for orthodontic reasons. Before the extractions, brackets were bonded with one type of adhesive according to manufacturers 'bonding instructions. After bracket bonding, ten left premolars (the test group) were kept dried by careful tooth isolation and the enamel received a topical application of fluoride varnish (Duraphat ® , Germany). Ten right premolars (the control group) did not receive any varnish application and brackets were fixed using identical procedures. After two months, the premolars were extracted and prepared for SEM analysis. Samples treated with fluoride varnish showed a nearly smooth surface, with complete obtrusion of interrod spaces in some fields. The rods appeared as they were fused together with some globules deposited on the surface, relatively no evidence of porosities or irregularities. Within control group demineralization started on enamel surface, but still with adequate and genuine prisms together within interprismatic space. Micro-morphological surface observation of the enamel surfaces showed demineralized surface as rough and uneven tooth enamel (shrinking of prisms, due to the widening of the prismatic spaces). Fluoride varnish application on enamel surface prevents demineralization processes. Fluoride application could act as a 'barrier' against the demineralization processes on enamel.
Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2021
Introduction: Anterior teeth are of utmost importance with regard to chewing, speaking, and beaut... more Introduction: Anterior teeth are of utmost importance with regard to chewing, speaking, and beauty. Therefore, any traumatic dental injury has psychologically undesirable effects on children and their parents. The present study reported a case of a traumatic dental injury induced by falling off a chair and referral to an emergency department as well as measures taken for dental reconstruction and patient's improvement. Case Report: Parents with a 3-year-old girl came to the Clinic for Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry at University Dental Clinic Center "St. Panteleimon", Skopje with injuries to her face and oral structures resulting from a fall from a chair. The extraoral examination revealed a laceration on the submental skin surface and an injury to the upper lip. The child was examined and it was found that the maxillary left primary central incisor was compressed in the alveoli. The surrounding soft tissue was injured. Intraorally, the anterior segment of the maxi...
Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2017
Antigen-presenting cells are capable of participating in the stimulation of T cells by antigen pr... more Antigen-presenting cells are capable of participating in the stimulation of T cells by antigen presentation. Antigen-presenting cells are considered essential for the induction and expansion of the immune reaction, because their interaction with antigen is the first step in immune induction. We have studied the distribution of class II-expressing cells in developing, healthy and carious human teeth to clarify when human pulp acquires an immunologic defense potential. Antigen-expressing cells were identified immunohistochemically with HLA-DR monoclonal antibodies (for dendritic cells) and CD68 monoclonal antibodies (for macrophages). In the pulp of unerupted developing teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were distributed mainly in and around the odontoblast layer. A few CD68 positive cells were located more coronary around the blood vessels. In erupted teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were located, for the most part just beneath the odontoblast layer. CD68 positive cells were also located coron...
The child has series of differential characteristics and this facilitate faster diffusion of oral... more The child has series of differential characteristics and this facilitate faster diffusion of oral infection: the greater proportion of water in the tissues, and their increased bone sponginess. Odontogenic infections usually are mixed, with multiple organisms, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, with different characteristics. Pediatric patients with aggressive periodontal diseases may require antimicrobial therapy in conjunction with local treatment, if is present signs of systemic involvement (fever, asymmetry and facial swelling, regional lymphadenitis), with the use of mechanical debridement. Amoxicillin is the first choice antibiotic, especially amoxicillin. Alternative antibiotic for use in penicillin-allergic patient is erythromycin. Penicillin has been substituted by other antibiotics - clindamycin, the newer macrolides: clarithromycin and azithromycin, and cephalosporin: cephalexin and cefadroxil. Metronidazole is useful only against anaerobic bacteria, and should be reserved f...
Децата имаат недооформена имуна система, како локален, така и општ имунитет. Млечните заби се со ... more Децата имаат недооформена имуна система, како локален, така и општ имунитет. Млечните заби се со потенок емајл и дентин, а поизразена е спонгиозноста на коските и вилиците. Следователно во детската возраст побрза е прогресијата на кариесот и неговите компликации од аспект на одонтогени инфекции. Антибиотици треба да се ординираат само кога е нарушена општата состојба, и тоа само во случаи на акутни и хронични пародонтити и компликации на пародонтитите: абсцеси, флегмони, парулиси и целулити. Некогаш постои потреба од антибиотици после хируршки интервенции - екстракција на забот, или кога има постекстракциона компликација - инфекција на алвеолата. Превентивно ординиране антибиотици е нерационално, иако има интенции така да се намалат компликациите од ендодонтскиот третман. Но, тоа е дозволено кај деца со системски болести, за да се превенира транзиторната бактериемиа при некои орално-хируршки процедури, и тоа два дни пред и три дни после интервенцијата. Се работи за фебрилно-реуматск...
Introduction: With the advent of the porcelain, the use of the polymers diminished despite their ... more Introduction: With the advent of the porcelain, the use of the polymers diminished despite their improved features and expanded clinical applicability. Purpose: The purpose derives from the fact that there are absolute indications for the use of polymers as veneering materials for the dental bridges in the everyday dental practice. Methods As the material we used 200 patients divided into two groups. First group was professional boxers with dental bridges veneered with chained-linear polymers and second group was patients with bruxism with dental bridges veneered with cross-linked polymers. The measurements of color stability, strength and endurance to masticatory pressure were in 3 intervals: beginning, after 18 and 36 months. Results: In the first group, there were 0 polymer discolorations on the first measurement and 15(15%), 20(20%) on the second and third measurement respectively compared to the second group with 0 discolorations on the first and second and 30(30%) on the third...
Prilozi / Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite, Oddelenie za biološki i medicinski nauki = Contributions / Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Section of Biological and Medical Sciences, 2013
Acrylics are compounds polymerized from monomers of acrylic, metacrylic acid or acrylonitrates. T... more Acrylics are compounds polymerized from monomers of acrylic, metacrylic acid or acrylonitrates. The purpose of this paper is to present the technology and use of acrylics for provisional dentine protection in the practice of dental prosthodontics. For this reason, we followed 120 clinical cases from the everyday clinical practice, divided into 4 groups of 30 patients who needed prosthetic reconstruction. The first group included cases in which we applied celluloid crowns for dentine protection, for the second group we used acrylic teeth from a set of teeth for complete dentures; in the third and fourth groups the fabrication was done with the system of an impression matrix and the acrylic resin block technique respectively. In all the examined patients, the gingival index by Silness and Loe and the vitality of the dental pulp were verified clinically, after preparation and 8 days from the placement of the provisional crown. The value for dental sensitivity measured after preparation was 2.59, and 8 days after the placement of the provisional crown it bwas 3.1. From these results we can conclude that after the 8th day from the placement of the provisional crown, there was an adaptation period, characterized by a decrease in the painful sensations. The value of the Silness and Loe gingival index measured after the preparation was 1.34, аnd 8 days from the placement of the provisional crown was 0.94. The results inclined us to the fact that the provisional acrylic crowns facilitated the reparation of the periodontal tissue.
International Journal of Experimental Dental Science, 2018
Antigen-presenting cells are capable of participating in the stimulation of T cells by antigen pr... more Antigen-presenting cells are capable of participating in the stimulation of T cells by antigen presentation. Antigen-presenting cells are considered essential for the induction and expansion of the immune reaction because their interaction with antigen is the first step in immune induction. We have studied the distribution of class II expressing cells in developing, healthy and carious human teeth to clarify when human pulp acquires an immunologic defense potential. Antigen-expressing cells were identified immunohistochemically with HLA-DR monoclonal antibodies (for dendritic cells) and CD68 monoclonal antibodies (for macrophages). In the pulp of unerupted developing teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were distributed mainly in and around the odontoblast layer. A few CD68 positive cells were located more coronary around the blood vessels. In erupted teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were located, for the most part just beneath the odontoblast layer. CD68 positive cells were also located coronary mainly around the blood vessels. Superficial caries lesions caused aggregation of HLA-DR-positive cells and macrophages in the dental pulp corresponding to the lesion. Our results showed that human teeth are already equipped with an immunological defense potential before the eruption. In the initial stage of caries infection, an immune response mediated by class II expressing cells is initiated in human dental pulp.
Denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia (epulis fissuratum) occurs in complete denture patients, beca... more Denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia (epulis fissuratum) occurs in complete denture patients, because of constant irritative action that induces the mucosa to grow under poorly fitting dentures. The epulis fissuratm usually occurs in the vestibular mucosa, where the denture flange contacts the tissue. It consists of painless folds of fibrous connective tissue that are firm to palpation. These lesions must be removed, and to avoid a relapse, new complete dentures should be made to maintain healthy surgical tissues. Aim: The purpose of this study was to present a case report of the surgical treatment of epulis fissuratum, as a support to clinical diagnosis with histopathological finding, and to provide satisfactory results of rehabilitation in oral function and tissue health with new denture. An epulis fissuratum is a benign condition but, if ulcerated, it can mimic more serious conditions like oral cancer. Thus, microscopic histopathological examination of the removed tissue is an imperative to be accomplished in order to confirm the doctor's clinical diagnosis.
Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2015
Background/Aim: Increased levels of matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) have been associated with ... more Background/Aim: Increased levels of matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) have been associated with risk of developing chronic periapical lesion (CPL). Gene polymorphisms are contributing factors in the pathogenesis of the inflammation. The aim of this study was to analyze polymorphism in the gene MMP-8 and its association and influence on clinical manifestation of CPL.Methods: A total of 240 unrelated Macedonian subjects were included in the present study. Polymorphism -799 C/T in the gene MMP-8 detected with restriction enzyme BgIII was studied in 120 patients with CPL and 120 controls without any signs of chronic or acute inflammatory process in the jaw. The amplification of the region of selected gene was made with polymerase chain reactionrestriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP).Results: Our results showed that there were differences in the allele and genotype frequencies of the MMP8 -799 C/T polymorphisms between patients with CPL and controls (p < 0.05). Also this ...
Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the condition, particular structure and properties of t... more Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the condition, particular structure and properties of the pulpal tissue by using various methods. Material and methods: The pulps used for this research had originated from intact teeth of healthy children, (five deciduous teeth without, and five deciduous teeth with physiological resorption). Immediately after the extraction (performed due to orthodontic reasons, under local anaesthesia), each tooth was cut perpendicularly to its long axis with a rotating carborundum disc under a water jet. The separated halves were dissected with plastic instrument, and the tooth pulp was excavated completely. Results and discussion: The extracellular matrix is the major constituent of the connective tissue. This is composed of ground substance and fibrillar proteins. The main cells of the connective tissue are the fibroblasts. The pulp also contains odontoblasts (the highest differentiated cells), undifferentiated mesenchymal cells, and immunocompetent cells (lymphocytes, macrophages, leucocytes Conclusion: The developments of models are needed for better investigation of deciduous dental pulp, but also for better her preservation.
Abstract Deciduous teeth contrary to permanent ones have relatively short lifetime and functional... more Abstract Deciduous teeth contrary to permanent ones have relatively short lifetime and functional duration; they are formed in a much shorter period of time, and are subordinated to an early physiological resorption of the roots, in order to make free space for lining of the permanent teeth. Dental pulp is a unique tissue, which is responsible for maintaining of the tooth vitality. In order to examine the reparatory pulp ability of deciduous teeth we investigated histological changes of the nerve fibers in the pulp. Histological findings were performed on a light microscope and on a Transmission Electron Microscope. Nerve fibers in deciduous dental pulp showed some disturbances when physiological resorption had been started. Under light microscopy, nerve fibers showed unclear pathological changes – they begain to loose the myelin coat because of increased edema. Using TEM, non-myelin nerve fibers showed disorder in the homogeneousness of the axoplasmal structure, less density of muc...
Stomatolos̆ki vjesnik. Stomatological review
A b s t r a c t: The aim of the study was to determine the F– content in the water of three main ... more A b s t r a c t: The aim of the study was to determine the F– content in the water of three main lakes in the Republic of Macedonia. The estimation of F-concentration was performed using a special ion-Analyzer Model EA 920 produced by ORION, and a special ion-selective F-electrode. The results were as follows: the water from lakes Dojran, Ohrid and Prespa contained 5.6 ppm F–, 0.08 ppmF– and 0.15 ppmF– respectively. High value on F– concentration in Dojran Lake could be attributed to it’s tectonic genesis and supplying with water courses from mountain of Belasica, which contains granitic rocks, characterized as very rich in fluorides mainly fluorite (CaF2), such as distribution of zooplankton, phytoplankton, higher aquatic plants. Also the high value on F concentration may be a result of under enormous anthropogenic influences derived from tourism and agricultural practices in the catchment area of the lake. Key words: fluoride; ion analyzer; lake
Previous studies have shown that follicular cysts are the most frequent cystic lesions around sup... more Previous studies have shown that follicular cysts are the most frequent cystic lesions around supernumerary teeth. Most often (in more than 90% of cases), they develop around the crown of a mesiodens in the upper jaw. Follicular cysts may grow to a large size before they are identified. Most are diagnosed upon investigation of a tooth that has failed to erupt, or as an incidental radiographic finding, as they are usually not painful unless secondarily infected. Many patients first become aware of the cyst as a slowly enlarging swelling. The purpose of this report is to describe a case of a large follicular cyst located in upper jaw with mesiodens in it. Anyway, the most applied approach for the surgical removal of follicular cysts is enucleation of the entire cyst including both the epithelial layer and the capsule and removal of the associated tooth with appropriate management of the resultant dead space. The prognosis for most histopathologically diagnosed follicular cysts is exce...
Acta Stomatologica Naissi, 2013
Uvod Ortodontski tretman ima brojne prednosti, uključujući i poboljšanje dentalne i facijalne est... more Uvod Ortodontski tretman ima brojne prednosti, uključujući i poboljšanje dentalne i facijalne estetike kod pacijenata. Cilj Cilj rada bio je da se evaluiraju in vitro efekti kazein fosfopeptidamorfnog kalcijum fosfata (CPP-ACP), sredstva za lokalnu aplikaciju, koje smanjuje demineralizaciju gleđi oko ortodontskih aparata. Materijal i metode Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo 60 zdravih ekstrahiranih premolara koji nisu imali nikakve kliničke znake demineralizacije. Svi zubi podeljeni su u tri grupe: jedna kontrolna (20 zuba) i dve ispitivane grupe (40 zuba). Zubi (40) su bili podeljeni u 2 grupe prema periodu praćenja-jedna nakon mesec dana, a druga nakon 6 meseci. Zubi su potom premazivani gelom-GC Tooth Mousse u trajanju od 5 minuta tri puta dnevno, a do analiziranja su čuvani u veštačkoj pljuvački. Nakon toga, uzorci su pripremljeni za SEM analizu (JEOL JSM 5300). Spektrometrijom (flame atomic absorption spectrometry-FAAS) je meren procenat Ca i Mg u gleđi. SEM analiza je korišćena za praćenje kiselinom nagrižene površine gleđi tretirane ili netretirane sa CPP-ACP. Dvadeset premolara korišćeno je za praćenje nagriženih površina gleđi pomoću SEM. Rezultati Prosečne vrednosti sadržaja Ca u gleđi bile su uvećane u ispitivanoj grupi u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom zuba jedan mesec nakon postavljanja ortodontskog aparata i lokalne primene CPP-ACP. Rezultati su pokazali da SEM analiza detektuje veliki potencijal za remineralizaciju u uzorcima zuba koji su svakodnevno bili izloženi lokalnom dejstvu gela GC Tooth Mousse. Zaključak: CPP-ACP ima potencijal da remineralizuje dekalcifikovane delove gleđi kod ortodontskih pacijenata. Primena CPP-ACP može da poboljša mineralizaciju zuba tokom ortodontskog tretmana fiksnim aparatima.
The teacher of the future, 2019
In everyday dental practice, because of the incorrect diet and the absence of oral hygiene in the... more In everyday dental practice, because of the incorrect diet and the absence of oral hygiene in the earliest childhood age, we increasingly face the problem of diagnosing circular cavities in the advanced developmental phase. The aim of the research was to show whether the diseases and complications which occur during the pregnancy period of the mother, and the child’s health condition immediately after the birth, affect the appearance and predisposition of the circular caries. Our examines were children 2-3 years old, where during the standard check-ups we diagnosed starting phases of circular caries-initial lesion (white spot) and superficial form. A questionnaire prepared in advance was given to the mothers of the children diagnosed with circular caries, where we inserted the data for the period of pregnancy (pathologic pregnancy, premature birth with complications and normal pregnancy without any complications) as well as the diseases of the children during the first year of their...
Fissure sealing in the children is a method of decreasing the caries incidence of population, bec... more Fissure sealing in the children is a method of decreasing the caries incidence of population, because occlusal fissure is much vulnerable site. Government of Republic of Macedonia before 8 years are accepting Dental preventive program: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the success of that caries preventive program. Materials and methods: For improving that aim, in November 2015, we obtaining 888 participants – school children of Prilep region, which molars was occlusal sealed before 6 years (2009). All the examined children were born 2003 y, and molars was sealed with GC Fuji Triage. Results and discussion: From 01 January 2008, started implementation of the National strategy for prevention of oral diseases in the children in Republic of Macedonia: Fissure sealing of first permanent molars in 6-year-old school children. On 12 y., old - 2015 y DMF scores specially for first permanent molars was 23,25...
Acta Medica Medianae
Demineralization is a process in which the inorganic content of the enamel structure is lost lead... more Demineralization is a process in which the inorganic content of the enamel structure is lost leading to occurrence of white spot lesions. The purpose of this study was to examine fluoride varnish effect on enamel. The study involved 20 premolars extracted for orthodontic reasons. Before the extractions, brackets were bonded with one type of adhesive according to manufacturers 'bonding instructions. After bracket bonding, ten left premolars (the test group) were kept dried by careful tooth isolation and the enamel received a topical application of fluoride varnish (Duraphat ® , Germany). Ten right premolars (the control group) did not receive any varnish application and brackets were fixed using identical procedures. After two months, the premolars were extracted and prepared for SEM analysis. Samples treated with fluoride varnish showed a nearly smooth surface, with complete obtrusion of interrod spaces in some fields. The rods appeared as they were fused together with some globules deposited on the surface, relatively no evidence of porosities or irregularities. Within control group demineralization started on enamel surface, but still with adequate and genuine prisms together within interprismatic space. Micro-morphological surface observation of the enamel surfaces showed demineralized surface as rough and uneven tooth enamel (shrinking of prisms, due to the widening of the prismatic spaces). Fluoride varnish application on enamel surface prevents demineralization processes. Fluoride application could act as a 'barrier' against the demineralization processes on enamel.
Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2021
Introduction: Anterior teeth are of utmost importance with regard to chewing, speaking, and beaut... more Introduction: Anterior teeth are of utmost importance with regard to chewing, speaking, and beauty. Therefore, any traumatic dental injury has psychologically undesirable effects on children and their parents. The present study reported a case of a traumatic dental injury induced by falling off a chair and referral to an emergency department as well as measures taken for dental reconstruction and patient's improvement. Case Report: Parents with a 3-year-old girl came to the Clinic for Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry at University Dental Clinic Center "St. Panteleimon", Skopje with injuries to her face and oral structures resulting from a fall from a chair. The extraoral examination revealed a laceration on the submental skin surface and an injury to the upper lip. The child was examined and it was found that the maxillary left primary central incisor was compressed in the alveoli. The surrounding soft tissue was injured. Intraorally, the anterior segment of the maxi...
Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2017
Antigen-presenting cells are capable of participating in the stimulation of T cells by antigen pr... more Antigen-presenting cells are capable of participating in the stimulation of T cells by antigen presentation. Antigen-presenting cells are considered essential for the induction and expansion of the immune reaction, because their interaction with antigen is the first step in immune induction. We have studied the distribution of class II-expressing cells in developing, healthy and carious human teeth to clarify when human pulp acquires an immunologic defense potential. Antigen-expressing cells were identified immunohistochemically with HLA-DR monoclonal antibodies (for dendritic cells) and CD68 monoclonal antibodies (for macrophages). In the pulp of unerupted developing teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were distributed mainly in and around the odontoblast layer. A few CD68 positive cells were located more coronary around the blood vessels. In erupted teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were located, for the most part just beneath the odontoblast layer. CD68 positive cells were also located coron...
The child has series of differential characteristics and this facilitate faster diffusion of oral... more The child has series of differential characteristics and this facilitate faster diffusion of oral infection: the greater proportion of water in the tissues, and their increased bone sponginess. Odontogenic infections usually are mixed, with multiple organisms, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, with different characteristics. Pediatric patients with aggressive periodontal diseases may require antimicrobial therapy in conjunction with local treatment, if is present signs of systemic involvement (fever, asymmetry and facial swelling, regional lymphadenitis), with the use of mechanical debridement. Amoxicillin is the first choice antibiotic, especially amoxicillin. Alternative antibiotic for use in penicillin-allergic patient is erythromycin. Penicillin has been substituted by other antibiotics - clindamycin, the newer macrolides: clarithromycin and azithromycin, and cephalosporin: cephalexin and cefadroxil. Metronidazole is useful only against anaerobic bacteria, and should be reserved f...
Децата имаат недооформена имуна система, како локален, така и општ имунитет. Млечните заби се со ... more Децата имаат недооформена имуна система, како локален, така и општ имунитет. Млечните заби се со потенок емајл и дентин, а поизразена е спонгиозноста на коските и вилиците. Следователно во детската возраст побрза е прогресијата на кариесот и неговите компликации од аспект на одонтогени инфекции. Антибиотици треба да се ординираат само кога е нарушена општата состојба, и тоа само во случаи на акутни и хронични пародонтити и компликации на пародонтитите: абсцеси, флегмони, парулиси и целулити. Некогаш постои потреба од антибиотици после хируршки интервенции - екстракција на забот, или кога има постекстракциона компликација - инфекција на алвеолата. Превентивно ординиране антибиотици е нерационално, иако има интенции така да се намалат компликациите од ендодонтскиот третман. Но, тоа е дозволено кај деца со системски болести, за да се превенира транзиторната бактериемиа при некои орално-хируршки процедури, и тоа два дни пред и три дни после интервенцијата. Се работи за фебрилно-реуматск...
Introduction: With the advent of the porcelain, the use of the polymers diminished despite their ... more Introduction: With the advent of the porcelain, the use of the polymers diminished despite their improved features and expanded clinical applicability. Purpose: The purpose derives from the fact that there are absolute indications for the use of polymers as veneering materials for the dental bridges in the everyday dental practice. Methods As the material we used 200 patients divided into two groups. First group was professional boxers with dental bridges veneered with chained-linear polymers and second group was patients with bruxism with dental bridges veneered with cross-linked polymers. The measurements of color stability, strength and endurance to masticatory pressure were in 3 intervals: beginning, after 18 and 36 months. Results: In the first group, there were 0 polymer discolorations on the first measurement and 15(15%), 20(20%) on the second and third measurement respectively compared to the second group with 0 discolorations on the first and second and 30(30%) on the third...
Prilozi / Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite, Oddelenie za biološki i medicinski nauki = Contributions / Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Section of Biological and Medical Sciences, 2013
Acrylics are compounds polymerized from monomers of acrylic, metacrylic acid or acrylonitrates. T... more Acrylics are compounds polymerized from monomers of acrylic, metacrylic acid or acrylonitrates. The purpose of this paper is to present the technology and use of acrylics for provisional dentine protection in the practice of dental prosthodontics. For this reason, we followed 120 clinical cases from the everyday clinical practice, divided into 4 groups of 30 patients who needed prosthetic reconstruction. The first group included cases in which we applied celluloid crowns for dentine protection, for the second group we used acrylic teeth from a set of teeth for complete dentures; in the third and fourth groups the fabrication was done with the system of an impression matrix and the acrylic resin block technique respectively. In all the examined patients, the gingival index by Silness and Loe and the vitality of the dental pulp were verified clinically, after preparation and 8 days from the placement of the provisional crown. The value for dental sensitivity measured after preparation was 2.59, and 8 days after the placement of the provisional crown it bwas 3.1. From these results we can conclude that after the 8th day from the placement of the provisional crown, there was an adaptation period, characterized by a decrease in the painful sensations. The value of the Silness and Loe gingival index measured after the preparation was 1.34, аnd 8 days from the placement of the provisional crown was 0.94. The results inclined us to the fact that the provisional acrylic crowns facilitated the reparation of the periodontal tissue.
International Journal of Experimental Dental Science, 2018
Antigen-presenting cells are capable of participating in the stimulation of T cells by antigen pr... more Antigen-presenting cells are capable of participating in the stimulation of T cells by antigen presentation. Antigen-presenting cells are considered essential for the induction and expansion of the immune reaction because their interaction with antigen is the first step in immune induction. We have studied the distribution of class II expressing cells in developing, healthy and carious human teeth to clarify when human pulp acquires an immunologic defense potential. Antigen-expressing cells were identified immunohistochemically with HLA-DR monoclonal antibodies (for dendritic cells) and CD68 monoclonal antibodies (for macrophages). In the pulp of unerupted developing teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were distributed mainly in and around the odontoblast layer. A few CD68 positive cells were located more coronary around the blood vessels. In erupted teeth, HLA-DR-positive cells were located, for the most part just beneath the odontoblast layer. CD68 positive cells were also located coronary mainly around the blood vessels. Superficial caries lesions caused aggregation of HLA-DR-positive cells and macrophages in the dental pulp corresponding to the lesion. Our results showed that human teeth are already equipped with an immunological defense potential before the eruption. In the initial stage of caries infection, an immune response mediated by class II expressing cells is initiated in human dental pulp.
Denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia (epulis fissuratum) occurs in complete denture patients, beca... more Denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia (epulis fissuratum) occurs in complete denture patients, because of constant irritative action that induces the mucosa to grow under poorly fitting dentures. The epulis fissuratm usually occurs in the vestibular mucosa, where the denture flange contacts the tissue. It consists of painless folds of fibrous connective tissue that are firm to palpation. These lesions must be removed, and to avoid a relapse, new complete dentures should be made to maintain healthy surgical tissues. Aim: The purpose of this study was to present a case report of the surgical treatment of epulis fissuratum, as a support to clinical diagnosis with histopathological finding, and to provide satisfactory results of rehabilitation in oral function and tissue health with new denture. An epulis fissuratum is a benign condition but, if ulcerated, it can mimic more serious conditions like oral cancer. Thus, microscopic histopathological examination of the removed tissue is an imperative to be accomplished in order to confirm the doctor's clinical diagnosis.
Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2015
Background/Aim: Increased levels of matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) have been associated with ... more Background/Aim: Increased levels of matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) have been associated with risk of developing chronic periapical lesion (CPL). Gene polymorphisms are contributing factors in the pathogenesis of the inflammation. The aim of this study was to analyze polymorphism in the gene MMP-8 and its association and influence on clinical manifestation of CPL.Methods: A total of 240 unrelated Macedonian subjects were included in the present study. Polymorphism -799 C/T in the gene MMP-8 detected with restriction enzyme BgIII was studied in 120 patients with CPL and 120 controls without any signs of chronic or acute inflammatory process in the jaw. The amplification of the region of selected gene was made with polymerase chain reactionrestriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP).Results: Our results showed that there were differences in the allele and genotype frequencies of the MMP8 -799 C/T polymorphisms between patients with CPL and controls (p < 0.05). Also this ...
Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the condition, particular structure and properties of t... more Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the condition, particular structure and properties of the pulpal tissue by using various methods. Material and methods: The pulps used for this research had originated from intact teeth of healthy children, (five deciduous teeth without, and five deciduous teeth with physiological resorption). Immediately after the extraction (performed due to orthodontic reasons, under local anaesthesia), each tooth was cut perpendicularly to its long axis with a rotating carborundum disc under a water jet. The separated halves were dissected with plastic instrument, and the tooth pulp was excavated completely. Results and discussion: The extracellular matrix is the major constituent of the connective tissue. This is composed of ground substance and fibrillar proteins. The main cells of the connective tissue are the fibroblasts. The pulp also contains odontoblasts (the highest differentiated cells), undifferentiated mesenchymal cells, and immunocompetent cells (lymphocytes, macrophages, leucocytes Conclusion: The developments of models are needed for better investigation of deciduous dental pulp, but also for better her preservation.
Abstract Deciduous teeth contrary to permanent ones have relatively short lifetime and functional... more Abstract Deciduous teeth contrary to permanent ones have relatively short lifetime and functional duration; they are formed in a much shorter period of time, and are subordinated to an early physiological resorption of the roots, in order to make free space for lining of the permanent teeth. Dental pulp is a unique tissue, which is responsible for maintaining of the tooth vitality. In order to examine the reparatory pulp ability of deciduous teeth we investigated histological changes of the nerve fibers in the pulp. Histological findings were performed on a light microscope and on a Transmission Electron Microscope. Nerve fibers in deciduous dental pulp showed some disturbances when physiological resorption had been started. Under light microscopy, nerve fibers showed unclear pathological changes – they begain to loose the myelin coat because of increased edema. Using TEM, non-myelin nerve fibers showed disorder in the homogeneousness of the axoplasmal structure, less density of muc...
Stomatolos̆ki vjesnik. Stomatological review
A b s t r a c t: The aim of the study was to determine the F– content in the water of three main ... more A b s t r a c t: The aim of the study was to determine the F– content in the water of three main lakes in the Republic of Macedonia. The estimation of F-concentration was performed using a special ion-Analyzer Model EA 920 produced by ORION, and a special ion-selective F-electrode. The results were as follows: the water from lakes Dojran, Ohrid and Prespa contained 5.6 ppm F–, 0.08 ppmF– and 0.15 ppmF– respectively. High value on F– concentration in Dojran Lake could be attributed to it’s tectonic genesis and supplying with water courses from mountain of Belasica, which contains granitic rocks, characterized as very rich in fluorides mainly fluorite (CaF2), such as distribution of zooplankton, phytoplankton, higher aquatic plants. Also the high value on F concentration may be a result of under enormous anthropogenic influences derived from tourism and agricultural practices in the catchment area of the lake. Key words: fluoride; ion analyzer; lake
Previous studies have shown that follicular cysts are the most frequent cystic lesions around sup... more Previous studies have shown that follicular cysts are the most frequent cystic lesions around supernumerary teeth. Most often (in more than 90% of cases), they develop around the crown of a mesiodens in the upper jaw. Follicular cysts may grow to a large size before they are identified. Most are diagnosed upon investigation of a tooth that has failed to erupt, or as an incidental radiographic finding, as they are usually not painful unless secondarily infected. Many patients first become aware of the cyst as a slowly enlarging swelling. The purpose of this report is to describe a case of a large follicular cyst located in upper jaw with mesiodens in it. Anyway, the most applied approach for the surgical removal of follicular cysts is enucleation of the entire cyst including both the epithelial layer and the capsule and removal of the associated tooth with appropriate management of the resultant dead space. The prognosis for most histopathologically diagnosed follicular cysts is exce...