Zuida Ratih Hendrastuti - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Zuida Ratih Hendrastuti

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 13 Magelang Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar Bobbi Deporter

Union, Jul 18, 2023

This study aims to analyze student mathematical reasonings abilities in terms of learnings style ... more This study aims to analyze student mathematical reasonings abilities in terms of learnings style according to Bobbi DePorter. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this study was students of class VIII A and VIII F at SMPN 13 Magelang. The instruments used include learnings styles questionnaires, test questions with indicator of mathematical reasonings abilities, interviews, and documentation. The result of the study showed that from 58 students there were 30 students with visual learning styles, 15 students with auditory learning styles, and 13 students with kinesthetic learnings style. Class VIII students at SMPN 13 Magelang tend to have a visuals learnings style. The mathematical reasoning abilities of student with visuals learnings style is classified at the moderate level with a percentage of 61.8%, Auditory learning style is classified as medium level with a percentage of 69.3%, and kinesthetic learning style is classifieds as low level with a percentage of 54.7%. So it can be concludes that the mathematical reasonings abilities of class VIII student at SMPN 13 Magelang is classified as moderate.

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Penyusunan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) Bernuansa Hots (Higher Order Thinking Skill) Bagi Guru MTS DI Kota Magelang

Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilatarbelakangi adanya permasalahan pada mitra, yaitu ku... more Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilatarbelakangi adanya permasalahan pada mitra, yaitu kurangnya motivasi guru dalam merencanakan, menyusun, melaksanakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Berdasarkan survei dan wawancara pada bulan November 2019 terkait Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) guru di MTs Negeri 1 dan MTs Negeri 2 Kota Magelang diperoleh data baru ada 2 karya PTK dari sekitar 50 guru yang ada. Dengan kata lain baru 4% guru yang sudah menuliskan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK)  dalam kurun waktu 3 tahun terakhir. Selain itu keluhan para guru yang terhalang dalam kenaikan pangkat karena kurangnya komponen penelitian dan banyak guru yang belum mampu melaksanakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, maka mereka perlu dibekali pengetahuan tentang pelaksanaan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Oleh sebab itu, kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan akan dilakukan pada guru madrasah dengan alasan kedua sekolah memiliki kesamaan masalah, yaitu guru yang belum termotivasi untuk menyusun dan melaksanakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Pengabdian pada masyarakat ini  bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi guru dan meningkatkan pemahaman guru dalam menulis proposal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan penyusunan proposal. Pemahaman guru yang dimaksud meliputi pemahaman mengidentifikasi, memilih dan merumuskan topik dan judul; pemahaman menyusun kerangka tulisan (outline); pemahaman mengumpulkan bahan-bahan tulisan, mengorganisasikan, dan mengonsep tulisan; dan pemahaman menulis ilmiah dan menyunting. Pelatihan dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi, praktik-praktik, dan penugasan. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan empat kali pertemuan. Simpulan yang dapat diambil dari kegiatan program kemitraan ini adalah sebagai berikut. 1) Guru MTs Negeri 1 dan MTs Negeri 2 Magelang membutuhkan pendampingan secara intensif untuk meningkatkan motivasi dalam melakukan penelitian khususnya penelitian tindakan kelas. 2) Keterampilan guru MTs Negeri 1 dan MTs Negeri 2 Magelang meningkat dalam hal penyusunan proposal penelitian tindakan kelas. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari jumlah proposal penelitian tindakan kelas yang dihasilkan oleh gur

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Geogebra Berbasis Elita (E-Learning Untidar) DI Perguruan Tinggi

Delta: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika, Feb 7, 2020

Students of math teacher candidates often find geometric concepts that are difficult to understan... more Students of math teacher candidates often find geometric concepts that are difficult to understand. This leads to a decreased interest in geometry. The purpose of this research is to decrypt the impact of using the the GeoGebrabased ELITA on student learning achievement of mathematical teachers in field geometry. A total of 56 students were selected from the University of Tidar's Mathematics Education Study Program, a State university located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The experimental group (35) was taught about painting special lines on triangles using GeoGebra while the control group (36) was taught using conventional teaching methods. At the end of the study, student learning achievement was measured using posttest. The results showed that GeoGebra based ELITA is an effective tool for teaching and learning field geometry in college.

Research paper thumbnail of Efforts to Increase the Students' Level of Confidence in Mathematics Learning Using Numbered Head Together (NHT) Cooperative Learning Model Together

Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, Sep 30, 2019

This study aims to improve the students' confidence through the Numbered Head Together (NHT) lear... more This study aims to improve the students' confidence through the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model in learning mathematics in class VIII D of SMP N 3 Depok. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) using NHT model. The stages in this study consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research subjects include 32 students. The data collection techniques used are a test, questionnaires, and observation. The data collection instruments used are written tests to measure the students' cognitive learning outcomes, self-confidence questionnaire, and observation sheets to determine the feasibility of learning using the NHT technique. The data analysis technique uses percentages for the learning outcomes using observation sheets, data analysis of descriptive study completeness describing individual and group students' outcomes, and scoring for self-confidence questionnaire using Likert scale with five criteria intervals. The results of the analysis of this research indicate that mathematics learning increases student confidence by 10.22%. The students' outcomes (cognitive) have decreased, and one of them is the learning material that is more difficult than the cycle I. The basic competence for cycle I is to complete SPLDV (Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel) while for cycle II, the basic competence is to make and complete mathematical models of problems related to SPLDV. The implementation of learning using the NHT learning model has increased from 81.3% in the first cycle to 96.9% in the second one. It can be concluded that the NHT cooperative learning model is proven to improve the students' confidence.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik yang Berorientasi pada Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif, Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis, dan Rasa Percaya Diri Siswa SMP Kelas VII Semester Genap

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika dengan pendekat... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika dengan pendekatan pendidikan matematika realistik yang berorientasi pada kemampuan berpikir kreatif, kemampuan koneksi matematis, dan rasa percaya diri dengan kualitas baik. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan terdiri dari Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) dan Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS). Kualitas hasil pengembangan ditentukan berdasarkan kriteria Nieveen yaitu valid, praktis, dan efektif. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yang menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Penelitian dilakukan di SMP Negeri 1 Imogiri Kabupaten Bantul pada kelas VIIF dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 30 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah lembar validasi. Instrumen untuk mengukur kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran adalah lembar penilaian guru, lembar penilaian siswa, dan lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Instrumen untuk mengukur keefektifan adalah tes kemampuan berpikir kreatif, tes kemampuan koneksi matematis, dan angket rasa percaya diri. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara mengkonversi data kuantitatif berupa skor hasil penilaian menjadi data kualitatif berupa nilai standar skala lima. Penelitian ini menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika dengan pendekatan pendidikan matematika realistik yang berorientasi pada kemampuan berpikir kreatif, kemampuan koneksi matematis, dan rasa percaya diri siswa SMP kelas VII semester genap pada materi transformasi. Hasil penilaian kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran berdasarkan para ahli adalah valid dengan kategori sangat baik. Hasil kepraktisan berdasarkan penilaian guru mencapai kategori sangat baik, sedangkan berdasarkan penilaian siswa memiliki persentase sebesar 87.10% dengan kategori minimal baik, dan persentase lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran memiliki rata-rata sebesar 83.33%, sehingga dapat dikatakan perangkat pembelajaran praktis. Keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran terlihat dari tercapainya minimal 80% siswa yang nilainya minimal KKM yaitu untuk tes kemampuan berpikir kreatif sebesar 80%, untuk kemampuan koneksi matematis sebesar 83.33%, tes prestasi belajar sebesar 86.67%, serta angket rasa percaya diri sebesar 86.67% dengan kategori minimal tinggi. Oleh karena itu, perangkat pembelajaran ini layak untuk digunakan sebagai salah satu media pembelajaran matematika dan memenuhi aspek kualitas kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan

Research paper thumbnail of Desain Pembelajaran Inkuiri dengan Skema Online Terintegrasi Aktivitas Argumentasi: Analisis Capaian Pengetahuan Konseptual dan Respon Mahasiswa Calon Guru IPA

Journal of natural science and integration, May 1, 2021

This research was conducted because the importance of the online learning process in order to kee... more This research was conducted because the importance of the online learning process in order to keep it done with an emphasis on student activities to construct knowledge independently. This study aims to analyze conceptual knowledge and student responses to science teacher candidates when implementing an online inquiry learning process by integrating scientific argumentation activities. This research was used quantitative approach with pre-experiment design. The research activity was carried out by first determining the learning design, then applying the learning design to the students, totaling 38 students. In this study, a pretest and posttest were conducted to obtain data on the achievement of student conceptual knowledge. In addition, students also fill out a questionnaire to get student data responses to the learning process being carried out. The results showed that the learning activities carried out were able to increase the conceptual knowledge of students in the high category. In addition, the learning process generally received a positive response from students. The learning process is carried out in three sessions. The first session consisted of problem identification, conducting literature studies, and formulating hypotheses with provisional arguments. The second session consisted of investigation, data analysis, evaluation, evaluation and argumentation. The third session consisted of activities to communicate the experimental results.

Research paper thumbnail of Efforts to Increase The Students' Level of Confidence in Mathematics Learning Using Numbered Head Together (NHT) Model

Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, Oct 30, 2019

This study aims to improve the students' confidence through the Numbered Head Together (NHT) lear... more This study aims to improve the students' confidence through the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model in learning mathematics in class VIII D of SMP N 3 Depok. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) using NHT model. The stages in this study consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research subjects include 32 students. The data collection techniques used are a test, questionnaires, and observation. The data collection instruments used are written tests to measure the students' cognitive learning outcomes, self-confidence questionnaire, and observation sheets to determine the feasibility of learning using the NHT technique. The data analysis technique uses percentages for the learning outcomes using observation sheets, data analysis of descriptive study completeness describing individual and group students' outcomes, and scoring for self-confidence questionnaire using Likert scale with five criteria intervals. The results of the analysis of this research indicate that mathematics learning increases student confidence by 10.22%. The students' outcomes (cognitive) have decreased, and one of them is the learning material that is more difficult than the cycle I. The basic competence for cycle I is to complete SPLDV (Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel) while for cycle II, the basic competence is to make and complete mathematical models of problems related to SPLDV. The implementation of learning using the NHT learning model has increased from 81.3% in the first cycle to 96.9% in the second one. It can be concluded that the NHT cooperative learning model is proven to improve the students' confidence.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis Siswa Kelas X pada Materi Persamaan Logaritma Ditinjau dari Kemandirian Belajar

MATH LOCUS, Jun 30, 2021

Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, kemajuan teknologi yang semakin pesat sangat dipengaruhi oleh ... more Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, kemajuan teknologi yang semakin pesat sangat dipengaruhi oleh kualitas pendidikan. Mutu pendidikan yang baik pastinya akan menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang tinggi yang mampu berpikir kritis, kreatif, sistematis, mampu dalam memecahkan masalah, dan mempunyai akhlak yang baik. Kemampuan berpikir kritis merupakan salah satu keterampilan abad 21 yang penting dimiliki oleh peserta didik. Kemampuan berpikir kritis dapat ditinjau dari beberapa segi, salah satunya kemandirian belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis siswa ditinjau dari kemandirian belajar. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X MAN 2 Magelang. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah tes dan wawancara. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Siswa dengan tingkat kemandirian belajar tinggi dapat memenuhi semua indikator kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis dengan baik yaitu indikator interpretasi, analisis, evaluasi, dan inferensi. Siswa dengan tingkat kemandirian belajar sedang dapat memenuhi indikator berpikir kritis matematis yaitu indikator interpretasi, analisis, dan evaluasi. Namun, hasil masih kurang tepat dalam indikator inferensi. Siswa dengan kemandirian belajar rendah masih kurang dalam memenuhi semua indikator berpikir kritis matematis. Kata Kunci: kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis, kemandirian belajar, logaritma

Research paper thumbnail of Development of flash-based learning media to improve critical thinking ability of grade VII middle school students

Union: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika

The development of technology is certainly very helpful for developing the world of education. Bu... more The development of technology is certainly very helpful for developing the world of education. But, many learning activities are carried out using conventional methods, namely lectures with books and blackboards which result in boring learning and poor critical thinking skills on the initial test. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of validity, practicality, and effectiveness of interactive media used to improve critical thinking skills. Research using the ADDIE model shows that the developed interactive media has very valid criteria based on the media validator's assessment of 97.67 and the material validator's assessment of 57 categories. The media developed with very practical criteria based on student practicality questionnaires of 85.06% and teacher practicality questionnaires of 96% categories. In addition, the developed media obtained an effectiveness score of 90.63% based on the posttest of critical thinking skills. From the above findings, it can b...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 13 Magelang Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar Bobbi Deporter

Union: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika

Penelitian bertujuan menganalisa kemampuan penalaran matematika siswa dilihat dari gaya belajar m... more Penelitian bertujuan menganalisa kemampuan penalaran matematika siswa dilihat dari gaya belajar menurut Bobbi DePorter. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif jenis deskriptif. Subjek penelitian yakni siswa kelas VIII A dan VIII F di SMPN 13 Magelang. Alat yang dipakai ialah angket gaya belajar, tes dengan indikator kemampuan penalaran matematika, wawancara, serta dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 58 siswa terdapat 30 orang gaya belajar visual, 15 orang gaya belajar auditorial, serta 13 orang gaya belajar kinestetik. Siswa kelas VIII di SMPN 13 Magelang cenderung memiliki gaya belajar visual. Kemampuan penalaran matematika terhadap gaya belajar visual tergolong pada tingkat sedang dengan persentase 61,8%, gaya belajar auditorial tergolong pada tingkat sedang dengan persentase 69,3%, serta gaya belajar kinestetik tergolong rendah dengan persentase 54,7%. Dengan demikian diambil kesimpulan kemampuan bernalar matematika siswa kelas VIII di SMPN 13 Magela...

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Mathematics Learning Media Needs for Junior High School Students with Hearing Impairment

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

Students with disabilities face a wide range of obstacles to their academic and personal growth. ... more Students with disabilities face a wide range of obstacles to their academic and personal growth. Because of this, they require educational services tailored to the specific requirements of each student. Even with these disadvantages, deaf pupils must study mathematics. Therefore, there is a need for mathematical learning materials that take into account the specific characteristics and requirements of deaf children. This investigation is a case study of qualitative research. Deaf pupils are the focus of this study. Observation, questionnaires, and in-person interviews were employed to compile the data. In this study, we employ a validity technique known as "source triangulation." The research found that because deaf children rely so heavily on visual cues for knowledge acquisition, tactile learning materials are essential for them to succeed in mathematics. Knowledge can also be more effectively transmitted through the use of learning material that encourages dialogue betw...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Core Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa

Jurnal Karya Pendidikan Matematika

The purpose of this research is to describe the effectiveness of the application of the CORE lear... more The purpose of this research is to describe the effectiveness of the application of the CORE learning model with mathematical problem-solving skills. This research is quasi-experimental research using a control group pre-test and post-test design. The subjects of this research are students of grades VII A and VII B at SMP Negeri 13 Magelang. Problem-solving ability data were collected using tests and analyzed using a t-test for the first hypothesis and an N-gain test for the second hypothesis. The results of the study show (1) that there is a significant difference in problem-solving abilities in the application of the CORE learning model compared to the direct learning model, and (2) there is a significant increase in problem-solving abilities in the application of the CORE learning mode than the direct learning mode. It can be concluded that the CORE model is effective in increasing mathematical problem-solving abilities.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Flashcard Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis

Jurnal Lebesgue : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika, Matematika dan Statistika

The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the flashcard-assisted Problem Based Learni... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the flashcard-assisted Problem Based Learning learning model on the mathematical problem solving ability. The research design used in this study is quasi experimental design. The research method used is quantitative research. The population in this study was the entire class VIII which amounted to 120 students, then for the sample two classes were taken, namely class VIII A as an experimental class and class VIII B as a control class. The sample in this study was taken by cluster random sampling technique. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, tests, validation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the analysis of the average difference in significance test between the two groups with test prerequisites, namely normality tested using the Liliefors test and homogeneity tested using the Bartlett test. Based on the results of analysis and data processing using the t-test, it was obtained that...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Terhadap Kemampuan Literasi Matematis Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar Siswa SMP

Delta: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika

Kemampuan literasi matematis merupakan kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh setiap individu yang meliputi... more Kemampuan literasi matematis merupakan kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh setiap individu yang meliputi kemampuan komunikasi, penalaran, koneksi, representasi, dan memecahkan masalah yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning terhadap kemampuan literasi matematis siswa SMP, (2) Mengidentifikasi kemampuan literasi matematis siswa yang memiliki gaya belajar auditori, visual, dan kinestetik menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dengan model pembelajaran langsung (3) mengetahu apakah terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dan gaya belajar terhadap kemampuan literasi matematis. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi eksperimen yaitu nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 13 Magelang yang berjumlah 240 siswa. sedangkan pengambilan sampel dilakukan den...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Matematis pada Materi Segitiga dan Segiempat Ditinjau Berdasarkan Karakteristik Cara Berpikir

Research paper thumbnail of Distance learning for Indonesian Mathematics Students with Hearing Impairments in Pandemic Situation: A Case Study

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

The purpose of this study was to identify the distance learning process of deaf students during t... more The purpose of this study was to identify the distance learning process of deaf students during the pandemic. This research is qualitative research with a case study approach. The subjects of this study were mathematics teachers, deaf students, and stakeholders. The research was carried out at the SLBN Kota Magelang and SLB-B YPPALB Magelang . Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by questionnaires, interviews, and document studies. The main instrument in this study was the researcher, while the auxiliary instruments were questionnaires and interview guidelines. The validity used in this research is source triangulation. The results showed that the mathematics distance learning process for deaf students could be implemented in various ways and could be adapted to school conditions and student conditions. Distance learning can be done with the help of media in hand-out modules taken at school before the mathematics learning schedule is implemented. In addition, th...

Research paper thumbnail of Diagnosis kesulitan belajar siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal luas dan keliling segitiga di kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Yogyakarta tahun pelajaran 2011/2012

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kemampuan HOTS Siswa pada Materi Trigonometri Ditinjau dari Gaya Belajar David Kolb

UNION: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika, 2021

ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kemampuan HOTS siswa pada materi trigonometri be... more ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kemampuan HOTS siswa pada materi trigonometri berdasarkan gaya belajar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI MIPA 2 di MAN 2 Magelang sebanyak 34 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa instrumen tes. Analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Kemampuan HOTS siswa gaya belajar divergen, subjek mampu dalam indikator menganalisis dan mengevaluasi tetapi subjek belum mampu dalam indikator mencipta. Kemampuan HOTS siswa gaya belajar asimilasi, subjek mampu pada indikator mengevaluasi tetapi belum mampu pada indikator menganalisis dan mencipta. Kemampuan HOTS siswa gaya belajar konvergen, subjek mampu pada indikator menganalisis dan mengevaluasi tetapi belum mampu pada indikator menganalisis. Kemampuan HOTS siswa gaya belajar akomodasi, subjek mampu dalam indikator menganalisis dan mengevaluasi tetapi belum mampu pada indikator menci...

Research paper thumbnail of Efforts to Increase The Students' Level of Confidence in Mathematics Learning Using Numbered Head Together (NHT) Model

Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, 2019

This study aims to improve the students’ confidence through the Numbered Head Together (NHT) lear... more This study aims to improve the students’ confidence through the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model in learning mathematics in class VIII D of SMP N 3 Depok. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) using NHT model. The stages in this study consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research subjects include 32 students. The data collection techniques used are a test, questionnaires, and observation. The data collection instruments used are written tests to measure the students’ cognitive learning outcomes, self-confidence questionnaire, and observation sheets to determine the feasibility of learning using the NHT technique. The data analysis technique uses percentages for the learning outcomes using observation sheets, data analysis of descriptive study completeness describing individual and group students’ outcomes, and scoring for self-confidence questionnaire using Likert scale with five criteria intervals. The results of the analysis of this...

Research paper thumbnail of Desain Pembelajaran Inkuiri dengan Skema Online Terintegrasi Aktivitas Argumentasi: Analisis Capaian Pengetahuan Konseptual dan Respon Mahasiswa Calon Guru IPA

This research was conducted because the importance of the online learning process in order to kee... more This research was conducted because the importance of the online learning process in order to keep it done with an emphasis on student activities to construct knowledge independently. This study aims to analyze conceptual knowledge and student responses to science teacher candidates when implementing an online inquiry learning process by integrating scientific argumentation activities. This research was used quantitative approach with pre-experiment design. The research activity was carried out by first determining the learning design, then applying the learning design to the students, totaling 38 students. In this study, a pretest and posttest were conducted to obtain data on the achievement of student conceptual knowledge. In addition, students also fill out a questionnaire to get student data responses to the learning process being carried out. The results showed that the learning activities carried out were able to increase the conceptual knowledge of students in the high catego...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 13 Magelang Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar Bobbi Deporter

Union, Jul 18, 2023

This study aims to analyze student mathematical reasonings abilities in terms of learnings style ... more This study aims to analyze student mathematical reasonings abilities in terms of learnings style according to Bobbi DePorter. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this study was students of class VIII A and VIII F at SMPN 13 Magelang. The instruments used include learnings styles questionnaires, test questions with indicator of mathematical reasonings abilities, interviews, and documentation. The result of the study showed that from 58 students there were 30 students with visual learning styles, 15 students with auditory learning styles, and 13 students with kinesthetic learnings style. Class VIII students at SMPN 13 Magelang tend to have a visuals learnings style. The mathematical reasoning abilities of student with visuals learnings style is classified at the moderate level with a percentage of 61.8%, Auditory learning style is classified as medium level with a percentage of 69.3%, and kinesthetic learning style is classifieds as low level with a percentage of 54.7%. So it can be concludes that the mathematical reasonings abilities of class VIII student at SMPN 13 Magelang is classified as moderate.

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Penyusunan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) Bernuansa Hots (Higher Order Thinking Skill) Bagi Guru MTS DI Kota Magelang

Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilatarbelakangi adanya permasalahan pada mitra, yaitu ku... more Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilatarbelakangi adanya permasalahan pada mitra, yaitu kurangnya motivasi guru dalam merencanakan, menyusun, melaksanakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Berdasarkan survei dan wawancara pada bulan November 2019 terkait Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) guru di MTs Negeri 1 dan MTs Negeri 2 Kota Magelang diperoleh data baru ada 2 karya PTK dari sekitar 50 guru yang ada. Dengan kata lain baru 4% guru yang sudah menuliskan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK)  dalam kurun waktu 3 tahun terakhir. Selain itu keluhan para guru yang terhalang dalam kenaikan pangkat karena kurangnya komponen penelitian dan banyak guru yang belum mampu melaksanakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, maka mereka perlu dibekali pengetahuan tentang pelaksanaan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Oleh sebab itu, kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan akan dilakukan pada guru madrasah dengan alasan kedua sekolah memiliki kesamaan masalah, yaitu guru yang belum termotivasi untuk menyusun dan melaksanakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Pengabdian pada masyarakat ini  bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi guru dan meningkatkan pemahaman guru dalam menulis proposal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan penyusunan proposal. Pemahaman guru yang dimaksud meliputi pemahaman mengidentifikasi, memilih dan merumuskan topik dan judul; pemahaman menyusun kerangka tulisan (outline); pemahaman mengumpulkan bahan-bahan tulisan, mengorganisasikan, dan mengonsep tulisan; dan pemahaman menulis ilmiah dan menyunting. Pelatihan dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi, praktik-praktik, dan penugasan. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan empat kali pertemuan. Simpulan yang dapat diambil dari kegiatan program kemitraan ini adalah sebagai berikut. 1) Guru MTs Negeri 1 dan MTs Negeri 2 Magelang membutuhkan pendampingan secara intensif untuk meningkatkan motivasi dalam melakukan penelitian khususnya penelitian tindakan kelas. 2) Keterampilan guru MTs Negeri 1 dan MTs Negeri 2 Magelang meningkat dalam hal penyusunan proposal penelitian tindakan kelas. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari jumlah proposal penelitian tindakan kelas yang dihasilkan oleh gur

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Geogebra Berbasis Elita (E-Learning Untidar) DI Perguruan Tinggi

Delta: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika, Feb 7, 2020

Students of math teacher candidates often find geometric concepts that are difficult to understan... more Students of math teacher candidates often find geometric concepts that are difficult to understand. This leads to a decreased interest in geometry. The purpose of this research is to decrypt the impact of using the the GeoGebrabased ELITA on student learning achievement of mathematical teachers in field geometry. A total of 56 students were selected from the University of Tidar's Mathematics Education Study Program, a State university located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The experimental group (35) was taught about painting special lines on triangles using GeoGebra while the control group (36) was taught using conventional teaching methods. At the end of the study, student learning achievement was measured using posttest. The results showed that GeoGebra based ELITA is an effective tool for teaching and learning field geometry in college.

Research paper thumbnail of Efforts to Increase the Students' Level of Confidence in Mathematics Learning Using Numbered Head Together (NHT) Cooperative Learning Model Together

Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, Sep 30, 2019

This study aims to improve the students' confidence through the Numbered Head Together (NHT) lear... more This study aims to improve the students' confidence through the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model in learning mathematics in class VIII D of SMP N 3 Depok. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) using NHT model. The stages in this study consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research subjects include 32 students. The data collection techniques used are a test, questionnaires, and observation. The data collection instruments used are written tests to measure the students' cognitive learning outcomes, self-confidence questionnaire, and observation sheets to determine the feasibility of learning using the NHT technique. The data analysis technique uses percentages for the learning outcomes using observation sheets, data analysis of descriptive study completeness describing individual and group students' outcomes, and scoring for self-confidence questionnaire using Likert scale with five criteria intervals. The results of the analysis of this research indicate that mathematics learning increases student confidence by 10.22%. The students' outcomes (cognitive) have decreased, and one of them is the learning material that is more difficult than the cycle I. The basic competence for cycle I is to complete SPLDV (Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel) while for cycle II, the basic competence is to make and complete mathematical models of problems related to SPLDV. The implementation of learning using the NHT learning model has increased from 81.3% in the first cycle to 96.9% in the second one. It can be concluded that the NHT cooperative learning model is proven to improve the students' confidence.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik yang Berorientasi pada Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif, Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis, dan Rasa Percaya Diri Siswa SMP Kelas VII Semester Genap

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika dengan pendekat... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika dengan pendekatan pendidikan matematika realistik yang berorientasi pada kemampuan berpikir kreatif, kemampuan koneksi matematis, dan rasa percaya diri dengan kualitas baik. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan terdiri dari Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) dan Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS). Kualitas hasil pengembangan ditentukan berdasarkan kriteria Nieveen yaitu valid, praktis, dan efektif. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yang menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Penelitian dilakukan di SMP Negeri 1 Imogiri Kabupaten Bantul pada kelas VIIF dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 30 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah lembar validasi. Instrumen untuk mengukur kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran adalah lembar penilaian guru, lembar penilaian siswa, dan lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Instrumen untuk mengukur keefektifan adalah tes kemampuan berpikir kreatif, tes kemampuan koneksi matematis, dan angket rasa percaya diri. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara mengkonversi data kuantitatif berupa skor hasil penilaian menjadi data kualitatif berupa nilai standar skala lima. Penelitian ini menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika dengan pendekatan pendidikan matematika realistik yang berorientasi pada kemampuan berpikir kreatif, kemampuan koneksi matematis, dan rasa percaya diri siswa SMP kelas VII semester genap pada materi transformasi. Hasil penilaian kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran berdasarkan para ahli adalah valid dengan kategori sangat baik. Hasil kepraktisan berdasarkan penilaian guru mencapai kategori sangat baik, sedangkan berdasarkan penilaian siswa memiliki persentase sebesar 87.10% dengan kategori minimal baik, dan persentase lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran memiliki rata-rata sebesar 83.33%, sehingga dapat dikatakan perangkat pembelajaran praktis. Keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran terlihat dari tercapainya minimal 80% siswa yang nilainya minimal KKM yaitu untuk tes kemampuan berpikir kreatif sebesar 80%, untuk kemampuan koneksi matematis sebesar 83.33%, tes prestasi belajar sebesar 86.67%, serta angket rasa percaya diri sebesar 86.67% dengan kategori minimal tinggi. Oleh karena itu, perangkat pembelajaran ini layak untuk digunakan sebagai salah satu media pembelajaran matematika dan memenuhi aspek kualitas kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan

Research paper thumbnail of Desain Pembelajaran Inkuiri dengan Skema Online Terintegrasi Aktivitas Argumentasi: Analisis Capaian Pengetahuan Konseptual dan Respon Mahasiswa Calon Guru IPA

Journal of natural science and integration, May 1, 2021

This research was conducted because the importance of the online learning process in order to kee... more This research was conducted because the importance of the online learning process in order to keep it done with an emphasis on student activities to construct knowledge independently. This study aims to analyze conceptual knowledge and student responses to science teacher candidates when implementing an online inquiry learning process by integrating scientific argumentation activities. This research was used quantitative approach with pre-experiment design. The research activity was carried out by first determining the learning design, then applying the learning design to the students, totaling 38 students. In this study, a pretest and posttest were conducted to obtain data on the achievement of student conceptual knowledge. In addition, students also fill out a questionnaire to get student data responses to the learning process being carried out. The results showed that the learning activities carried out were able to increase the conceptual knowledge of students in the high category. In addition, the learning process generally received a positive response from students. The learning process is carried out in three sessions. The first session consisted of problem identification, conducting literature studies, and formulating hypotheses with provisional arguments. The second session consisted of investigation, data analysis, evaluation, evaluation and argumentation. The third session consisted of activities to communicate the experimental results.

Research paper thumbnail of Efforts to Increase The Students' Level of Confidence in Mathematics Learning Using Numbered Head Together (NHT) Model

Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, Oct 30, 2019

This study aims to improve the students' confidence through the Numbered Head Together (NHT) lear... more This study aims to improve the students' confidence through the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model in learning mathematics in class VIII D of SMP N 3 Depok. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) using NHT model. The stages in this study consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research subjects include 32 students. The data collection techniques used are a test, questionnaires, and observation. The data collection instruments used are written tests to measure the students' cognitive learning outcomes, self-confidence questionnaire, and observation sheets to determine the feasibility of learning using the NHT technique. The data analysis technique uses percentages for the learning outcomes using observation sheets, data analysis of descriptive study completeness describing individual and group students' outcomes, and scoring for self-confidence questionnaire using Likert scale with five criteria intervals. The results of the analysis of this research indicate that mathematics learning increases student confidence by 10.22%. The students' outcomes (cognitive) have decreased, and one of them is the learning material that is more difficult than the cycle I. The basic competence for cycle I is to complete SPLDV (Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel) while for cycle II, the basic competence is to make and complete mathematical models of problems related to SPLDV. The implementation of learning using the NHT learning model has increased from 81.3% in the first cycle to 96.9% in the second one. It can be concluded that the NHT cooperative learning model is proven to improve the students' confidence.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis Siswa Kelas X pada Materi Persamaan Logaritma Ditinjau dari Kemandirian Belajar

MATH LOCUS, Jun 30, 2021

Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, kemajuan teknologi yang semakin pesat sangat dipengaruhi oleh ... more Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, kemajuan teknologi yang semakin pesat sangat dipengaruhi oleh kualitas pendidikan. Mutu pendidikan yang baik pastinya akan menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang tinggi yang mampu berpikir kritis, kreatif, sistematis, mampu dalam memecahkan masalah, dan mempunyai akhlak yang baik. Kemampuan berpikir kritis merupakan salah satu keterampilan abad 21 yang penting dimiliki oleh peserta didik. Kemampuan berpikir kritis dapat ditinjau dari beberapa segi, salah satunya kemandirian belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis siswa ditinjau dari kemandirian belajar. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X MAN 2 Magelang. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah tes dan wawancara. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Siswa dengan tingkat kemandirian belajar tinggi dapat memenuhi semua indikator kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis dengan baik yaitu indikator interpretasi, analisis, evaluasi, dan inferensi. Siswa dengan tingkat kemandirian belajar sedang dapat memenuhi indikator berpikir kritis matematis yaitu indikator interpretasi, analisis, dan evaluasi. Namun, hasil masih kurang tepat dalam indikator inferensi. Siswa dengan kemandirian belajar rendah masih kurang dalam memenuhi semua indikator berpikir kritis matematis. Kata Kunci: kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis, kemandirian belajar, logaritma

Research paper thumbnail of Development of flash-based learning media to improve critical thinking ability of grade VII middle school students

Union: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika

The development of technology is certainly very helpful for developing the world of education. Bu... more The development of technology is certainly very helpful for developing the world of education. But, many learning activities are carried out using conventional methods, namely lectures with books and blackboards which result in boring learning and poor critical thinking skills on the initial test. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of validity, practicality, and effectiveness of interactive media used to improve critical thinking skills. Research using the ADDIE model shows that the developed interactive media has very valid criteria based on the media validator's assessment of 97.67 and the material validator's assessment of 57 categories. The media developed with very practical criteria based on student practicality questionnaires of 85.06% and teacher practicality questionnaires of 96% categories. In addition, the developed media obtained an effectiveness score of 90.63% based on the posttest of critical thinking skills. From the above findings, it can b...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 13 Magelang Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar Bobbi Deporter

Union: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika

Penelitian bertujuan menganalisa kemampuan penalaran matematika siswa dilihat dari gaya belajar m... more Penelitian bertujuan menganalisa kemampuan penalaran matematika siswa dilihat dari gaya belajar menurut Bobbi DePorter. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif jenis deskriptif. Subjek penelitian yakni siswa kelas VIII A dan VIII F di SMPN 13 Magelang. Alat yang dipakai ialah angket gaya belajar, tes dengan indikator kemampuan penalaran matematika, wawancara, serta dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 58 siswa terdapat 30 orang gaya belajar visual, 15 orang gaya belajar auditorial, serta 13 orang gaya belajar kinestetik. Siswa kelas VIII di SMPN 13 Magelang cenderung memiliki gaya belajar visual. Kemampuan penalaran matematika terhadap gaya belajar visual tergolong pada tingkat sedang dengan persentase 61,8%, gaya belajar auditorial tergolong pada tingkat sedang dengan persentase 69,3%, serta gaya belajar kinestetik tergolong rendah dengan persentase 54,7%. Dengan demikian diambil kesimpulan kemampuan bernalar matematika siswa kelas VIII di SMPN 13 Magela...

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Mathematics Learning Media Needs for Junior High School Students with Hearing Impairment

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

Students with disabilities face a wide range of obstacles to their academic and personal growth. ... more Students with disabilities face a wide range of obstacles to their academic and personal growth. Because of this, they require educational services tailored to the specific requirements of each student. Even with these disadvantages, deaf pupils must study mathematics. Therefore, there is a need for mathematical learning materials that take into account the specific characteristics and requirements of deaf children. This investigation is a case study of qualitative research. Deaf pupils are the focus of this study. Observation, questionnaires, and in-person interviews were employed to compile the data. In this study, we employ a validity technique known as "source triangulation." The research found that because deaf children rely so heavily on visual cues for knowledge acquisition, tactile learning materials are essential for them to succeed in mathematics. Knowledge can also be more effectively transmitted through the use of learning material that encourages dialogue betw...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Core Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa

Jurnal Karya Pendidikan Matematika

The purpose of this research is to describe the effectiveness of the application of the CORE lear... more The purpose of this research is to describe the effectiveness of the application of the CORE learning model with mathematical problem-solving skills. This research is quasi-experimental research using a control group pre-test and post-test design. The subjects of this research are students of grades VII A and VII B at SMP Negeri 13 Magelang. Problem-solving ability data were collected using tests and analyzed using a t-test for the first hypothesis and an N-gain test for the second hypothesis. The results of the study show (1) that there is a significant difference in problem-solving abilities in the application of the CORE learning model compared to the direct learning model, and (2) there is a significant increase in problem-solving abilities in the application of the CORE learning mode than the direct learning mode. It can be concluded that the CORE model is effective in increasing mathematical problem-solving abilities.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Flashcard Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis

Jurnal Lebesgue : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika, Matematika dan Statistika

The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the flashcard-assisted Problem Based Learni... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the flashcard-assisted Problem Based Learning learning model on the mathematical problem solving ability. The research design used in this study is quasi experimental design. The research method used is quantitative research. The population in this study was the entire class VIII which amounted to 120 students, then for the sample two classes were taken, namely class VIII A as an experimental class and class VIII B as a control class. The sample in this study was taken by cluster random sampling technique. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, tests, validation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the analysis of the average difference in significance test between the two groups with test prerequisites, namely normality tested using the Liliefors test and homogeneity tested using the Bartlett test. Based on the results of analysis and data processing using the t-test, it was obtained that...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Terhadap Kemampuan Literasi Matematis Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar Siswa SMP

Delta: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika

Kemampuan literasi matematis merupakan kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh setiap individu yang meliputi... more Kemampuan literasi matematis merupakan kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh setiap individu yang meliputi kemampuan komunikasi, penalaran, koneksi, representasi, dan memecahkan masalah yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning terhadap kemampuan literasi matematis siswa SMP, (2) Mengidentifikasi kemampuan literasi matematis siswa yang memiliki gaya belajar auditori, visual, dan kinestetik menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dengan model pembelajaran langsung (3) mengetahu apakah terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dan gaya belajar terhadap kemampuan literasi matematis. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi eksperimen yaitu nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 13 Magelang yang berjumlah 240 siswa. sedangkan pengambilan sampel dilakukan den...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Matematis pada Materi Segitiga dan Segiempat Ditinjau Berdasarkan Karakteristik Cara Berpikir

Research paper thumbnail of Distance learning for Indonesian Mathematics Students with Hearing Impairments in Pandemic Situation: A Case Study

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

The purpose of this study was to identify the distance learning process of deaf students during t... more The purpose of this study was to identify the distance learning process of deaf students during the pandemic. This research is qualitative research with a case study approach. The subjects of this study were mathematics teachers, deaf students, and stakeholders. The research was carried out at the SLBN Kota Magelang and SLB-B YPPALB Magelang . Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by questionnaires, interviews, and document studies. The main instrument in this study was the researcher, while the auxiliary instruments were questionnaires and interview guidelines. The validity used in this research is source triangulation. The results showed that the mathematics distance learning process for deaf students could be implemented in various ways and could be adapted to school conditions and student conditions. Distance learning can be done with the help of media in hand-out modules taken at school before the mathematics learning schedule is implemented. In addition, th...

Research paper thumbnail of Diagnosis kesulitan belajar siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal luas dan keliling segitiga di kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Yogyakarta tahun pelajaran 2011/2012

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kemampuan HOTS Siswa pada Materi Trigonometri Ditinjau dari Gaya Belajar David Kolb

UNION: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika, 2021

ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kemampuan HOTS siswa pada materi trigonometri be... more ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kemampuan HOTS siswa pada materi trigonometri berdasarkan gaya belajar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI MIPA 2 di MAN 2 Magelang sebanyak 34 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa instrumen tes. Analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Kemampuan HOTS siswa gaya belajar divergen, subjek mampu dalam indikator menganalisis dan mengevaluasi tetapi subjek belum mampu dalam indikator mencipta. Kemampuan HOTS siswa gaya belajar asimilasi, subjek mampu pada indikator mengevaluasi tetapi belum mampu pada indikator menganalisis dan mencipta. Kemampuan HOTS siswa gaya belajar konvergen, subjek mampu pada indikator menganalisis dan mengevaluasi tetapi belum mampu pada indikator menganalisis. Kemampuan HOTS siswa gaya belajar akomodasi, subjek mampu dalam indikator menganalisis dan mengevaluasi tetapi belum mampu pada indikator menci...

Research paper thumbnail of Efforts to Increase The Students' Level of Confidence in Mathematics Learning Using Numbered Head Together (NHT) Model

Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, 2019

This study aims to improve the students’ confidence through the Numbered Head Together (NHT) lear... more This study aims to improve the students’ confidence through the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model in learning mathematics in class VIII D of SMP N 3 Depok. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) using NHT model. The stages in this study consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research subjects include 32 students. The data collection techniques used are a test, questionnaires, and observation. The data collection instruments used are written tests to measure the students’ cognitive learning outcomes, self-confidence questionnaire, and observation sheets to determine the feasibility of learning using the NHT technique. The data analysis technique uses percentages for the learning outcomes using observation sheets, data analysis of descriptive study completeness describing individual and group students’ outcomes, and scoring for self-confidence questionnaire using Likert scale with five criteria intervals. The results of the analysis of this...

Research paper thumbnail of Desain Pembelajaran Inkuiri dengan Skema Online Terintegrasi Aktivitas Argumentasi: Analisis Capaian Pengetahuan Konseptual dan Respon Mahasiswa Calon Guru IPA

This research was conducted because the importance of the online learning process in order to kee... more This research was conducted because the importance of the online learning process in order to keep it done with an emphasis on student activities to construct knowledge independently. This study aims to analyze conceptual knowledge and student responses to science teacher candidates when implementing an online inquiry learning process by integrating scientific argumentation activities. This research was used quantitative approach with pre-experiment design. The research activity was carried out by first determining the learning design, then applying the learning design to the students, totaling 38 students. In this study, a pretest and posttest were conducted to obtain data on the achievement of student conceptual knowledge. In addition, students also fill out a questionnaire to get student data responses to the learning process being carried out. The results showed that the learning activities carried out were able to increase the conceptual knowledge of students in the high catego...