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Papers by agung ridlo

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi tentang kemandirian masyarakat dalam menghadapi pandemi pada Majelis Taklim Darun Nisa’ Kota Semarang

Community Empowerment Journal, Oct 27, 2023

Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan selama pandemi Covid-19 ini bertujuan membekali masya... more Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan selama pandemi Covid-19 ini bertujuan membekali masyarakat sehingga memiliki pengetahuan, kemampuan dan motivasi dalam menghadapi badai Covid-19. Adanya edukasi dan pendampingan ini diharapkan masyarakat siap dalam mengantisipasi semakin bertambahnya sebaran virus Covid-19 melalui penerapan pola hidup sehat dan bermasyarakat sesuai protokol kesehatan. Selain itu, masyarakat diharapkan mampu mandiri secara ekonomi, kebutuhan dan kebertahanan hidup tetap terpenuhi. Selama masa pandemi ini, roda perekonomian dituntut untuk terus berputar, semua kebutuhan hidup juga harus terpenuhi. Pengabdian ini menggunakan metode pendampingan dan pengedukasian masyarakat sasaran melalui Majelis Taklim Darun Nisa' Masjid Baitussalam di Kelurahan Ngaliyan, Kecamatan Ngaliyan, Kota Semarang. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat pada Majelis Taklim Darun Nisa' adalah jamaah telah memiliki kemampuan, kemandirian dan motivasi dalam berpartisipasi dengan melakukan upaya preventif dalam pencegahan penularan dan memutus penyebaran virus Covid-19 melalui perilaku hidup sehat dalam bermasyarakat, serta dapat memberikan penguatan peran Majelis Taklim Darun Nisa' dalam penanganan Covid-19 guna mewujudkan kampung amanah yang tangguh.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Bonus Demografi Terhadap Perkembangan Sosial Wilayah Peri-Urban (Studi Kasus: Desa Dukuhwaluuh dan Desa Ledug, Kecamatan Kembaran, Kabupaten Banyumas)

Prosiding Konferensi Ilmiah Mahasiswa Unissula (KIMU) Klaster Engineering, Dec 16, 2020

Bonus demografi dapat dilihat dari angka usia produktif yaitu usia kerja yang berkisar antara 15-... more Bonus demografi dapat dilihat dari angka usia produktif yaitu usia kerja yang berkisar antara 15-64 tahun lebih besar dibandingkan dengan angka usia non produktif yang berkisar antara 0-14 tahun dan 65 tahun ke atas. Saat ini, hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia memiliki angka usia kerja yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan angka usia non produktif. Selain terjadinya bonus demografi, Indonesia sendiri mengalami perkembangan wilayah peri-urban yang telah menyebar hampir di seluruh kota. Menurut Yunus (2001) salah satu penyebab perkembangan wilayah peri-urban salah satunya adalah aspek kependudukan. Perkembangan wilayah peri-urban yang bersamaan dengan terjadinya fenomena bonus demografi melatarbelakangi dilakukannya penelitian ini. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari fenomena bonus demografi terhadap perkembangan sosial wilayah peri-urban di Desa Dukuhwaluh dan Desa Ledug. Metode pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam menjawab pengaruh bonus demografi terhadap perkembangan sosial wilayah peri-urban ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan alat analisis berupa regresi sederhana. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data primer berupa observasi, kuesioner, dan wawancara serta pengumpulan data sekunder. Ada dan tidaknya pengaruh bonus demografi terhadap perkembangan sosial wilayah peri-urban dilihat dari uji nilai t dan uji nilai signifikansi, yang menghasilkan bahwa ada pengaruh bonus demografi terhadap perkembangan sosial wilayah peri-urban. Dampak tersebut terlihat dari periurbanisasi, kesejahteraan masyarakat, perilaku masyarakat, dan mata pencaharian Desa Dukuhwaluh dan Desa Ledug.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Guiding Block Pada Jalur Pejalan Kaki Jalan Pandanaran Kota Semarang

Prosiding Konstelasi Ilmiah Mahasiswa Unissula (KIMU) Klaster Engineering, Mar 23, 2021

Jalur pejalan kaki merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam suatu citra kota, selain untuk mempe... more Jalur pejalan kaki merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam suatu citra kota, selain untuk memperindah citra suatu kawasan, jalur pejalan kaki juga sebagai salah satu fasilitas publik guna mendukung aktivitas masyarakat dalam melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari. Jalan Pandanaran yang termasuk dalam segitiga emas Kota Semarang sehingga banyak aktivitasaktivitas di kawsan tersebut dan menuntut sirkulasi yang lancar, maka dari itu penting sekali keberadaan jalur pejalan kaki guna mendukung aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kondisi guiding block di jalur pejalan kaki Jalan Pandanaran dengan menilai dan mengukur berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum no 30 tahun 2006 dan asas aksesibilitas penyandang disabilitas. Metode yang digunakan adalah deduktif kualitatif rasionalistik dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guiding block dijalur pejalan kaki belum sepenuhnya baik, karena beberapa guiding block kondisinya rusak, tidak utuh, berbeda ukuran dibeberapa ruas, tertutup lantai plester, terhalang pohon, terhalang tiang listrik dan tiang lampu penerangan. Hal tersebut menjadi kendala bagi para tuna netra, selain tidak bisa maksimal dalam memanfaatkan guiding block, juga mengancam keselamatan mereka. Kerusakan guiding block tersebut disebabkan oleh aktivitas diatas jalur pejalan kaki dan desain jalur pejalan kaki. Aktivitas yang membuat kerusakan guiding block yaitu para PKL yang berjualan dijalur pejalan kaki dan kendaraan konsumen dari toko-toko atau rumah makan yang terparkir diatas jalur pejalan kaki. Selain itu desain guiding block yang tidak mengindahkan keselamatan pejalan kaki khususnya tuna netra membuat guiding block dijalur pejalan kaki Jalan Pandanaran perlu diperbaiki sehingga bisa dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh tuna netra tentunya dengan memperhatikan asas aksesibilitas penyandang disabilitas.

Research paper thumbnail of Study Determination About Receivers of Support for Rehabilitation "The Houses Unhabitable" in Slum Area, Indonesia

Pondasi, 2021

Abstract. Indonesia, a developing country, has launched a program with a target of 0% slum in urb... more Abstract. Indonesia, a developing country, has launched a program with a target of 0% slum in urban areas by 2020. It has been more than ten years since this program for handling urban slums has made many improvements. One aspect of the parameter that becomes an improvement in handling urban slum areas is the improvement of uninhabitable houses. This study investigates how the quality of urban slum settlements can be improved in the aspect of houses that are not habitable, especially in terms of determining the recipient of rehabilitation assistance for houses that are unhabitable in urban areas. This study used a qualitative methodology and analysis of the literature review in 21 scientific papers on selecting houses that are not habitable assistance and related regulations. The result is that there are two processes in determining Receivers of Support for Rehabilitation "The Houses Unhabitable", first through the aspects of the criteria for houses unhabitable which are t...

Research paper thumbnail of The Tidal Flooding Causes in the North Coast of Central Java: A Systemic Literature Review

Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2021

The North Coast (Pantura) of Central Java is a strategic location that is rapidly developing for ... more The North Coast (Pantura) of Central Java is a strategic location that is rapidly developing for various multi-sector activities. Land exploitation results from fast-growing development, and one of the consequences is tidal flooding. Tidal flooding has a significant impact on many aspects, including economic, social, and environmental. Understanding the causes of tidal flooding resulting from sea-level rise and global and local scale causes exemplifies differences between factors causing tidal flood and flood in general. In this study, we use a qualitative methodology with a systemic literature review approach to examine the literature on tidal flooding critically, in-depth, and comprehensively and to get the results of a detailed study of the causes of tidal flooding from a global to local scale in the Pantura area. The existing gap and conditions have been evaluated without being limited by a spatial basis, regional administrative boundaries, and subject matter areas. This systemi...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Literatur: Strategi Penanganan Permukiman Kumuh di Perkotaan

Jurnal Kajian Ruang, Mar 22, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Preferensi Generasi Milenial Dalam Memilih Hunian Studi Kasus: Dki Jakarta, Jakarta Barat, Dan Yogyakarta

Jurnal Kajian Ruang

Generasi milenial ialah generasi dengan populasi terbanyak di Indonesia, Generasi milenial dapat ... more Generasi milenial ialah generasi dengan populasi terbanyak di Indonesia, Generasi milenial dapat dikatakan penduduk yang lahir tenggang waktu tahun 1980 sampai tahun 2000. Berdasarkan data Survei Susenas yang bersumber dari data BPS jumlah penduduk milenial di Indonesia yaitu sebesar 33,75% dari jumlah penduduk Indonesia. Hal ini tentu saja mempengaruhi permintaan hunian. Pada penelitian ini penulis membahas mengenai preferensi generasi milenial dalam memilih hunian serta faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi acuan bagi generasi milenial dalam memilih hunian. Penyusunan artikel ini menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari jurnal, literatur serta data terkait. Berdasarkan kajian literatur yang telah dilakukan preferensi generasi milenial dalam memilih hunian untuk studi kasus yang ada di DKI Jakarta bentuk hunian perumahan maupun apartemen secara garis besar belum sesuai dengan preferensi generasi milenial. Sedangkan untuk studi kasus yang berada di Yogyakarta dalam memilih hunian...

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping Data Dan Informasi Pada Kawasan Pesisir Dan Zona Penyangga Kawasan Pesisir

Lay out paln is scientifically consept that was created as a manual of the development realizatio... more Lay out paln is scientifically consept that was created as a manual of the development realization. That is, in every discussion about development, lay out plan must be consistency obeyed as if dealt before. If only in its realization, there are any illegal or unsuitable actions about lay out plan, it can be said that improperly mechanism and process was happened along the development. In accordance with the statement above, this paper would try to discuss about fact finding in term of lay out’s problems in a certain city, then looked for its necessary expectation solutions. Basically, the lay outs problems in a certain city are intercorrelated problems, either externally and internally. In order to solve these problems, it may need willingness from all of the stakeholders. Key Words : Lay out plan, Hope, and Realization

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Literatur: Pengaruh Kawasan Pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi Terhadap Perubahan Guna Lahan

AB STRACT C ollege activity became one of the influences to change land use. Presence college act... more AB STRACT C ollege activity became one of the influences to change land use. Presence college activity can cause other activities like increasing demand for land, an increase in economic cause community request and others. This study uses literature study in influences to change of land use, with taking case study in UNNES, HALUOLEO, UNSOED, IPB, UNDIP, and other universities in Yogyakarta. The result of this study can be concluded that college activities have a role in the change of land use. College activity can be forms the land use and other activity that grow from the presence of college activity like an increase in economy and another infrastructure. K eyword: land use, college activity, university ABSTRAK Aktivitas perguruan tinggi menjadi salah satu yang mempengaruhi perubahan penggunaan lahan. Adanya perguruan tinggi dapat menimbulkan aktivitas-aktivitas lainnya seperti meningkatnya permintaan kebutuhan lahan, perekonomian yang meningkat karena sebuah permintaan dari kehidu...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect Of Middleman Behavior to Economic Space on TPI Tawang, Gempolsewu Village Rowosari District Kendal Regency

Fish Auction Place is an economic space that has great influence for fishermen in marketing their... more Fish Auction Place is an economic space that has great influence for fishermen in marketing their catch so that fishermen can sell their catch as short as possible with good price and can create healthy market through pure auction. Based on Local Regulation of Kendal Regency Number 10 of 2010 concerning management and retribution of fish auction place in Kendal Regency, mention that to guarantee the balance of management of fish auction place in order to improve prosperity and standard of living of fisherman /coastal communities in Kendal District. However, in TPI Tawang area there is a problem that is middleman activity. The activity is very influential on the economic space TPI Tawang. Based on the above problems, the researcher wants to know the influence of behavior middleman to economic space TPI Tawang Gempolsewu Village. To achieve these objectives, several analyzes were conducted, among others, activities of middleman, economic space in TPI Tawang area and analysis of influe...

Research paper thumbnail of Mengembangkan Kawasan Pesisir Pantai Kota Semarang Sebagai Ruang Publik

Hampir di seluruh kawasan pesisir Indonesia terjadi konflik dengan berbagai kepentingan. Penyebab... more Hampir di seluruh kawasan pesisir Indonesia terjadi konflik dengan berbagai kepentingan. Penyebab utama dari konflik adalah penataan ruang yang tidak memperhatikan sumberdaya pesisir yang ada. Berbagai pihak berkepentingan dengan tujuan, target, dan rencana sendiri-sendiri dalam mengeksploitasi sumberdaya pesisir. Hanya mementingkan keuntungan sektornya, mengabaikan akibat yang timbul terhadap sektor lain. Hal inilah yang mendorong terjadinya konflik pemanfaatan sumberdaya ( user conflict ) dan konflik kewenangan ( jurisdictional conflict ). Masalahnya sekarang adalah apakah pemanfaatan lahan di kawasan pesisir tersebut sudah memperhatikan aspek-aspek planologis secara komprehensif , baik secara fisik, sosial maupun ekonomi ? Melalui pendekatan ekologis administratif, pendekatan menyeluruh (komprehensif), pendekatan berorientasi pada kesejahteraan masyarakat, pendekatan berorientasi pada pertumbuhan ekonomi, pendekatan sarana prasarana pengelolaan di kawasan pesisir. Diharapkan dapa...

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping of Occupation on Communal Spaces in a Flat Building: A Case Study in Indonesia

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

The increase in the number of slum and uninhabitable settlements in urban areas will gradually ca... more The increase in the number of slum and uninhabitable settlements in urban areas will gradually cause prolonged social problems, thus, their existence needs to be addressed wisely through proper handling that the growth rate can be suppressed. Procurement of rental flat buildings is one of the efforts which has been taken by the Indonesian government to overcome these problems. Although it is proven to bring benefits, its existence needs to be reviewed to provide comfort for its residents. This study aimsed to study the phenomena in the flats for low-income people. This was a phenomenological deductive qualitative study involving 32 informants from different levels of the storeys as samples. Data were collected through interviews, observation and documentation and qualitatively analyzed through mapping the communal space, and an analysis matrix of daily activities of the residents. Result of the study indicated there were three different forms of occupation to communal space; 1) occu...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Manajemen Pasar Tradisional Berdasarkan Aspek Pelayanan Prima (Studi Kasus Pasar Tradisional Peterongan Semarang)

Jurnal Planologi, 2019

Efforts to control the management of traditional markets in terms of service excellence is... more Efforts to control the management of traditional markets in terms of service excellence is expected to be carried out in synergy and more directed to the traders, buyers and market manager Peterongan. In His understanding of management's evaluation of traditional markets in terms of excellent service performed quantitative descriptive approach (quantitative approach) with a rationalistic approach. Through this approach, the researchers were able to find common ground as well as perceptions of a diverse range of different data. As a measure of evaluation used 6 main parameters, which include a) the effectiveness, b) efficiency, c) adequacy, d) equity, e) responsiveness, f) accuracy. From the analysis conducted by researchers concluded that management is not optimal Peterongan market so that the evaluation results in terms of excellent service said to be "unfit". Especially in performing maintenance and care market, difficulties including costs and building m...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of potentials and problems of Semarang city

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022

Spatial planning very important and dynamic in meeting the needs of space that continues to incre... more Spatial planning very important and dynamic in meeting the needs of space that continues to increase in line with the rate of population growth. Urban infrastructure becomes very important and crucial in directing the development of the city. For Semarang City, infrastructure needs to be addressed immediately, especially in spatial planning. Is carried out thoroughly and taking into account the existing problems and potential. Rationalistic qualitative methods become the methodology in this study. The analysis tools used were, among others, the Administrative approach and the development approach with an environmental and sustainable perspective. An administrative approach was also used by reviewing applicable laws and links with coastal areas, such as law number 26 of 2007 concerning spatial planning; law number 27 of 2007 concerning Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands. While the development approach is environmentally friendly and sustainable, it is an attempt to approac...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pengelolaan Sampah DI Kawasan Pantai

Jurnal Kajian Ruang, 2022

ABSTRACTOne of the problems in a coastal or coastal area is waste management. Garbage can cause e... more ABSTRACTOne of the problems in a coastal or coastal area is waste management. Garbage can cause environmental problems if its existence is not handled properly. The purpose of this research is to find out the various types of waste and how to manage them. The method used is a qualitative method. In this study, prioritizing the meaning of the information obtained, including data on exiting conditions of coastal tourism attractions and data related to waste management. There are 2 types of waste produced in the coastal area, namely organic waste and inorganic waste, organic waste produced in the form of natural waste such as leaves, branches and some food scraps that have been consumed. As for inorganic waste, namely like. Drink cans, plastics, etc. that are not biodegradable. For waste management it self it can be processed such as distinguishing the types of waste, inorganic waste can be reprocessed or recycled and the results can be sold again in a different package.Keywords: Coast...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pengelolaan Sampah DI Kawasan Pantai

Jurnal Kajian Ruang, 2022

ABSTRACTOne of the problems in a coastal or coastal area is waste management. Garbage can cause e... more ABSTRACTOne of the problems in a coastal or coastal area is waste management. Garbage can cause environmental problems if its existence is not handled properly. The purpose of this research is to find out the various types of waste and how to manage them. The method used is a qualitative method. In this study, prioritizing the meaning of the information obtained, including data on exiting conditions of coastal tourism attractions and data related to waste management. There are 2 types of waste produced in the coastal area, namely organic waste and inorganic waste, organic waste produced in the form of natural waste such as leaves, branches and some food scraps that have been consumed. As for inorganic waste, namely like. Drink cans, plastics, etc. that are not biodegradable. For waste management it self it can be processed such as distinguishing the types of waste, inorganic waste can be reprocessed or recycled and the results can be sold again in a different package.Keywords: Coast...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Literature : Identifikasi Faktor Penyebab Terjadinya Permukiman Kumuh Di Kawasan Perkotaan

Jurnal Kajian Ruang, 2022

ABSTRACTThe city is the center of various human activities. Various activities are growing quite ... more ABSTRACTThe city is the center of various human activities. Various activities are growing quite rapidly, resulting in the emergence of new residential areas around the city center, including slums. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence the development of slums, especially in urban areas. The method used in this research uses qualitative research method by conducting analysis in solving problems. There are 6 case study areas in this study, namely in Medan City, Bukittinggi City, Tanah Kalikedinding Surabaya Village, Banjarmasin City, Kapasari SubDistrict Genteng Surabaya, and Surakarta City. Based on the results of the study showed that factors that influence the development of slums in urban areas include economic factors, socio-cultural factors, population density factors, building quality factors, population factors, land availability factors, facilities and infrastructure factors, accessibility, and government policy factors. The results of this res...

Research paper thumbnail of Theoretical Study Of Poverty In Urban Slum Settlements

To understand problems of poverty in a city, one of the ways is by understanding slum settlements... more To understand problems of poverty in a city, one of the ways is by understanding slum settlements in the city, because most of those living in slums are poor people. A qualitative descriptive approach was used to understand and describe the characteristics and features of poverty in relation to slum settlements, and to know the phenomena of the lives of the poor. Slum settlements, as a result of high rates of urbanization, become a specific problem that must be looked at with special observations and analysis measurement. Therefore, poverty is a national problem and, of course, the government’s responsibility, both on the needs of urban communities and the availability of jobs, wherever they live.

Research paper thumbnail of The Life Pattern of the Poor Society in Semarang City-Indonesia State

Actually the poverty is a problem that has already been since long time ago and almost can be sai... more Actually the poverty is a problem that has already been since long time ago and almost can be said that it will become “the eternal fact” in people’s life. The meaning of poverty itself as a scientific concept was born as the followed result from the development term. The poverty is considered as part of the development problem, whereby its existence is marked by the presence of the unemployment and underdevelopment that increases, become imbalance in the future. This study is intended to know the understand characteristics urban poverty to slums and squatters settlement in Semarang city. This study approach is done by analyzing the life pattern of the poor society descriptively-qualitatively from their environment physical condition, by establishing the variables of the environment life quality and the factors that can influence it such as: the economic social condition of its society and the environment physical condition that cover the provision of its environment facilities and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Permukiman Liar (Squatter Settlement) Di Jalur Kereta Api Kota Semarang

Squatter settlement is increasingly spreading in various urban corners of Indonesia, including in... more Squatter settlement is increasingly spreading in various urban corners of Indonesia, including in Semarang Metropolitan City. The reality of existing squatter settlements invaded vacant land, unpreserved and lacked (no) supervision from landowners, eventually forming slum enclaves, one of which was on the railway line in Semarang City. Railways should not be allowed to be used as residential areas. The squatter settlement is inhabited by people on low incomes (economically incapable). Research methods are conducted in a qualitative scriptive way, through empirical observation, interactively, with inductive methods. The approach of the room system is carried out to interpret circum citizen activity related to the request or zoning. Meanwhile, theoretical studies were conducted to help identify and analyze in this study. This research illustrates that squatter settlement occurs in addition to the retardation and poverty experienced by citizens, also due to the inability of the governm...

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi tentang kemandirian masyarakat dalam menghadapi pandemi pada Majelis Taklim Darun Nisa’ Kota Semarang

Community Empowerment Journal, Oct 27, 2023

Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan selama pandemi Covid-19 ini bertujuan membekali masya... more Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan selama pandemi Covid-19 ini bertujuan membekali masyarakat sehingga memiliki pengetahuan, kemampuan dan motivasi dalam menghadapi badai Covid-19. Adanya edukasi dan pendampingan ini diharapkan masyarakat siap dalam mengantisipasi semakin bertambahnya sebaran virus Covid-19 melalui penerapan pola hidup sehat dan bermasyarakat sesuai protokol kesehatan. Selain itu, masyarakat diharapkan mampu mandiri secara ekonomi, kebutuhan dan kebertahanan hidup tetap terpenuhi. Selama masa pandemi ini, roda perekonomian dituntut untuk terus berputar, semua kebutuhan hidup juga harus terpenuhi. Pengabdian ini menggunakan metode pendampingan dan pengedukasian masyarakat sasaran melalui Majelis Taklim Darun Nisa' Masjid Baitussalam di Kelurahan Ngaliyan, Kecamatan Ngaliyan, Kota Semarang. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat pada Majelis Taklim Darun Nisa' adalah jamaah telah memiliki kemampuan, kemandirian dan motivasi dalam berpartisipasi dengan melakukan upaya preventif dalam pencegahan penularan dan memutus penyebaran virus Covid-19 melalui perilaku hidup sehat dalam bermasyarakat, serta dapat memberikan penguatan peran Majelis Taklim Darun Nisa' dalam penanganan Covid-19 guna mewujudkan kampung amanah yang tangguh.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Bonus Demografi Terhadap Perkembangan Sosial Wilayah Peri-Urban (Studi Kasus: Desa Dukuhwaluuh dan Desa Ledug, Kecamatan Kembaran, Kabupaten Banyumas)

Prosiding Konferensi Ilmiah Mahasiswa Unissula (KIMU) Klaster Engineering, Dec 16, 2020

Bonus demografi dapat dilihat dari angka usia produktif yaitu usia kerja yang berkisar antara 15-... more Bonus demografi dapat dilihat dari angka usia produktif yaitu usia kerja yang berkisar antara 15-64 tahun lebih besar dibandingkan dengan angka usia non produktif yang berkisar antara 0-14 tahun dan 65 tahun ke atas. Saat ini, hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia memiliki angka usia kerja yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan angka usia non produktif. Selain terjadinya bonus demografi, Indonesia sendiri mengalami perkembangan wilayah peri-urban yang telah menyebar hampir di seluruh kota. Menurut Yunus (2001) salah satu penyebab perkembangan wilayah peri-urban salah satunya adalah aspek kependudukan. Perkembangan wilayah peri-urban yang bersamaan dengan terjadinya fenomena bonus demografi melatarbelakangi dilakukannya penelitian ini. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari fenomena bonus demografi terhadap perkembangan sosial wilayah peri-urban di Desa Dukuhwaluh dan Desa Ledug. Metode pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam menjawab pengaruh bonus demografi terhadap perkembangan sosial wilayah peri-urban ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan alat analisis berupa regresi sederhana. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data primer berupa observasi, kuesioner, dan wawancara serta pengumpulan data sekunder. Ada dan tidaknya pengaruh bonus demografi terhadap perkembangan sosial wilayah peri-urban dilihat dari uji nilai t dan uji nilai signifikansi, yang menghasilkan bahwa ada pengaruh bonus demografi terhadap perkembangan sosial wilayah peri-urban. Dampak tersebut terlihat dari periurbanisasi, kesejahteraan masyarakat, perilaku masyarakat, dan mata pencaharian Desa Dukuhwaluh dan Desa Ledug.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Guiding Block Pada Jalur Pejalan Kaki Jalan Pandanaran Kota Semarang

Prosiding Konstelasi Ilmiah Mahasiswa Unissula (KIMU) Klaster Engineering, Mar 23, 2021

Jalur pejalan kaki merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam suatu citra kota, selain untuk mempe... more Jalur pejalan kaki merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam suatu citra kota, selain untuk memperindah citra suatu kawasan, jalur pejalan kaki juga sebagai salah satu fasilitas publik guna mendukung aktivitas masyarakat dalam melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari. Jalan Pandanaran yang termasuk dalam segitiga emas Kota Semarang sehingga banyak aktivitasaktivitas di kawsan tersebut dan menuntut sirkulasi yang lancar, maka dari itu penting sekali keberadaan jalur pejalan kaki guna mendukung aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kondisi guiding block di jalur pejalan kaki Jalan Pandanaran dengan menilai dan mengukur berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum no 30 tahun 2006 dan asas aksesibilitas penyandang disabilitas. Metode yang digunakan adalah deduktif kualitatif rasionalistik dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guiding block dijalur pejalan kaki belum sepenuhnya baik, karena beberapa guiding block kondisinya rusak, tidak utuh, berbeda ukuran dibeberapa ruas, tertutup lantai plester, terhalang pohon, terhalang tiang listrik dan tiang lampu penerangan. Hal tersebut menjadi kendala bagi para tuna netra, selain tidak bisa maksimal dalam memanfaatkan guiding block, juga mengancam keselamatan mereka. Kerusakan guiding block tersebut disebabkan oleh aktivitas diatas jalur pejalan kaki dan desain jalur pejalan kaki. Aktivitas yang membuat kerusakan guiding block yaitu para PKL yang berjualan dijalur pejalan kaki dan kendaraan konsumen dari toko-toko atau rumah makan yang terparkir diatas jalur pejalan kaki. Selain itu desain guiding block yang tidak mengindahkan keselamatan pejalan kaki khususnya tuna netra membuat guiding block dijalur pejalan kaki Jalan Pandanaran perlu diperbaiki sehingga bisa dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh tuna netra tentunya dengan memperhatikan asas aksesibilitas penyandang disabilitas.

Research paper thumbnail of Study Determination About Receivers of Support for Rehabilitation "The Houses Unhabitable" in Slum Area, Indonesia

Pondasi, 2021

Abstract. Indonesia, a developing country, has launched a program with a target of 0% slum in urb... more Abstract. Indonesia, a developing country, has launched a program with a target of 0% slum in urban areas by 2020. It has been more than ten years since this program for handling urban slums has made many improvements. One aspect of the parameter that becomes an improvement in handling urban slum areas is the improvement of uninhabitable houses. This study investigates how the quality of urban slum settlements can be improved in the aspect of houses that are not habitable, especially in terms of determining the recipient of rehabilitation assistance for houses that are unhabitable in urban areas. This study used a qualitative methodology and analysis of the literature review in 21 scientific papers on selecting houses that are not habitable assistance and related regulations. The result is that there are two processes in determining Receivers of Support for Rehabilitation "The Houses Unhabitable", first through the aspects of the criteria for houses unhabitable which are t...

Research paper thumbnail of The Tidal Flooding Causes in the North Coast of Central Java: A Systemic Literature Review

Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2021

The North Coast (Pantura) of Central Java is a strategic location that is rapidly developing for ... more The North Coast (Pantura) of Central Java is a strategic location that is rapidly developing for various multi-sector activities. Land exploitation results from fast-growing development, and one of the consequences is tidal flooding. Tidal flooding has a significant impact on many aspects, including economic, social, and environmental. Understanding the causes of tidal flooding resulting from sea-level rise and global and local scale causes exemplifies differences between factors causing tidal flood and flood in general. In this study, we use a qualitative methodology with a systemic literature review approach to examine the literature on tidal flooding critically, in-depth, and comprehensively and to get the results of a detailed study of the causes of tidal flooding from a global to local scale in the Pantura area. The existing gap and conditions have been evaluated without being limited by a spatial basis, regional administrative boundaries, and subject matter areas. This systemi...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Literatur: Strategi Penanganan Permukiman Kumuh di Perkotaan

Jurnal Kajian Ruang, Mar 22, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Preferensi Generasi Milenial Dalam Memilih Hunian Studi Kasus: Dki Jakarta, Jakarta Barat, Dan Yogyakarta

Jurnal Kajian Ruang

Generasi milenial ialah generasi dengan populasi terbanyak di Indonesia, Generasi milenial dapat ... more Generasi milenial ialah generasi dengan populasi terbanyak di Indonesia, Generasi milenial dapat dikatakan penduduk yang lahir tenggang waktu tahun 1980 sampai tahun 2000. Berdasarkan data Survei Susenas yang bersumber dari data BPS jumlah penduduk milenial di Indonesia yaitu sebesar 33,75% dari jumlah penduduk Indonesia. Hal ini tentu saja mempengaruhi permintaan hunian. Pada penelitian ini penulis membahas mengenai preferensi generasi milenial dalam memilih hunian serta faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi acuan bagi generasi milenial dalam memilih hunian. Penyusunan artikel ini menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari jurnal, literatur serta data terkait. Berdasarkan kajian literatur yang telah dilakukan preferensi generasi milenial dalam memilih hunian untuk studi kasus yang ada di DKI Jakarta bentuk hunian perumahan maupun apartemen secara garis besar belum sesuai dengan preferensi generasi milenial. Sedangkan untuk studi kasus yang berada di Yogyakarta dalam memilih hunian...

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping Data Dan Informasi Pada Kawasan Pesisir Dan Zona Penyangga Kawasan Pesisir

Lay out paln is scientifically consept that was created as a manual of the development realizatio... more Lay out paln is scientifically consept that was created as a manual of the development realization. That is, in every discussion about development, lay out plan must be consistency obeyed as if dealt before. If only in its realization, there are any illegal or unsuitable actions about lay out plan, it can be said that improperly mechanism and process was happened along the development. In accordance with the statement above, this paper would try to discuss about fact finding in term of lay out’s problems in a certain city, then looked for its necessary expectation solutions. Basically, the lay outs problems in a certain city are intercorrelated problems, either externally and internally. In order to solve these problems, it may need willingness from all of the stakeholders. Key Words : Lay out plan, Hope, and Realization

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Literatur: Pengaruh Kawasan Pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi Terhadap Perubahan Guna Lahan

AB STRACT C ollege activity became one of the influences to change land use. Presence college act... more AB STRACT C ollege activity became one of the influences to change land use. Presence college activity can cause other activities like increasing demand for land, an increase in economic cause community request and others. This study uses literature study in influences to change of land use, with taking case study in UNNES, HALUOLEO, UNSOED, IPB, UNDIP, and other universities in Yogyakarta. The result of this study can be concluded that college activities have a role in the change of land use. College activity can be forms the land use and other activity that grow from the presence of college activity like an increase in economy and another infrastructure. K eyword: land use, college activity, university ABSTRAK Aktivitas perguruan tinggi menjadi salah satu yang mempengaruhi perubahan penggunaan lahan. Adanya perguruan tinggi dapat menimbulkan aktivitas-aktivitas lainnya seperti meningkatnya permintaan kebutuhan lahan, perekonomian yang meningkat karena sebuah permintaan dari kehidu...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect Of Middleman Behavior to Economic Space on TPI Tawang, Gempolsewu Village Rowosari District Kendal Regency

Fish Auction Place is an economic space that has great influence for fishermen in marketing their... more Fish Auction Place is an economic space that has great influence for fishermen in marketing their catch so that fishermen can sell their catch as short as possible with good price and can create healthy market through pure auction. Based on Local Regulation of Kendal Regency Number 10 of 2010 concerning management and retribution of fish auction place in Kendal Regency, mention that to guarantee the balance of management of fish auction place in order to improve prosperity and standard of living of fisherman /coastal communities in Kendal District. However, in TPI Tawang area there is a problem that is middleman activity. The activity is very influential on the economic space TPI Tawang. Based on the above problems, the researcher wants to know the influence of behavior middleman to economic space TPI Tawang Gempolsewu Village. To achieve these objectives, several analyzes were conducted, among others, activities of middleman, economic space in TPI Tawang area and analysis of influe...

Research paper thumbnail of Mengembangkan Kawasan Pesisir Pantai Kota Semarang Sebagai Ruang Publik

Hampir di seluruh kawasan pesisir Indonesia terjadi konflik dengan berbagai kepentingan. Penyebab... more Hampir di seluruh kawasan pesisir Indonesia terjadi konflik dengan berbagai kepentingan. Penyebab utama dari konflik adalah penataan ruang yang tidak memperhatikan sumberdaya pesisir yang ada. Berbagai pihak berkepentingan dengan tujuan, target, dan rencana sendiri-sendiri dalam mengeksploitasi sumberdaya pesisir. Hanya mementingkan keuntungan sektornya, mengabaikan akibat yang timbul terhadap sektor lain. Hal inilah yang mendorong terjadinya konflik pemanfaatan sumberdaya ( user conflict ) dan konflik kewenangan ( jurisdictional conflict ). Masalahnya sekarang adalah apakah pemanfaatan lahan di kawasan pesisir tersebut sudah memperhatikan aspek-aspek planologis secara komprehensif , baik secara fisik, sosial maupun ekonomi ? Melalui pendekatan ekologis administratif, pendekatan menyeluruh (komprehensif), pendekatan berorientasi pada kesejahteraan masyarakat, pendekatan berorientasi pada pertumbuhan ekonomi, pendekatan sarana prasarana pengelolaan di kawasan pesisir. Diharapkan dapa...

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping of Occupation on Communal Spaces in a Flat Building: A Case Study in Indonesia

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

The increase in the number of slum and uninhabitable settlements in urban areas will gradually ca... more The increase in the number of slum and uninhabitable settlements in urban areas will gradually cause prolonged social problems, thus, their existence needs to be addressed wisely through proper handling that the growth rate can be suppressed. Procurement of rental flat buildings is one of the efforts which has been taken by the Indonesian government to overcome these problems. Although it is proven to bring benefits, its existence needs to be reviewed to provide comfort for its residents. This study aimsed to study the phenomena in the flats for low-income people. This was a phenomenological deductive qualitative study involving 32 informants from different levels of the storeys as samples. Data were collected through interviews, observation and documentation and qualitatively analyzed through mapping the communal space, and an analysis matrix of daily activities of the residents. Result of the study indicated there were three different forms of occupation to communal space; 1) occu...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Manajemen Pasar Tradisional Berdasarkan Aspek Pelayanan Prima (Studi Kasus Pasar Tradisional Peterongan Semarang)

Jurnal Planologi, 2019

Efforts to control the management of traditional markets in terms of service excellence is... more Efforts to control the management of traditional markets in terms of service excellence is expected to be carried out in synergy and more directed to the traders, buyers and market manager Peterongan. In His understanding of management's evaluation of traditional markets in terms of excellent service performed quantitative descriptive approach (quantitative approach) with a rationalistic approach. Through this approach, the researchers were able to find common ground as well as perceptions of a diverse range of different data. As a measure of evaluation used 6 main parameters, which include a) the effectiveness, b) efficiency, c) adequacy, d) equity, e) responsiveness, f) accuracy. From the analysis conducted by researchers concluded that management is not optimal Peterongan market so that the evaluation results in terms of excellent service said to be "unfit". Especially in performing maintenance and care market, difficulties including costs and building m...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of potentials and problems of Semarang city

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022

Spatial planning very important and dynamic in meeting the needs of space that continues to incre... more Spatial planning very important and dynamic in meeting the needs of space that continues to increase in line with the rate of population growth. Urban infrastructure becomes very important and crucial in directing the development of the city. For Semarang City, infrastructure needs to be addressed immediately, especially in spatial planning. Is carried out thoroughly and taking into account the existing problems and potential. Rationalistic qualitative methods become the methodology in this study. The analysis tools used were, among others, the Administrative approach and the development approach with an environmental and sustainable perspective. An administrative approach was also used by reviewing applicable laws and links with coastal areas, such as law number 26 of 2007 concerning spatial planning; law number 27 of 2007 concerning Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands. While the development approach is environmentally friendly and sustainable, it is an attempt to approac...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pengelolaan Sampah DI Kawasan Pantai

Jurnal Kajian Ruang, 2022

ABSTRACTOne of the problems in a coastal or coastal area is waste management. Garbage can cause e... more ABSTRACTOne of the problems in a coastal or coastal area is waste management. Garbage can cause environmental problems if its existence is not handled properly. The purpose of this research is to find out the various types of waste and how to manage them. The method used is a qualitative method. In this study, prioritizing the meaning of the information obtained, including data on exiting conditions of coastal tourism attractions and data related to waste management. There are 2 types of waste produced in the coastal area, namely organic waste and inorganic waste, organic waste produced in the form of natural waste such as leaves, branches and some food scraps that have been consumed. As for inorganic waste, namely like. Drink cans, plastics, etc. that are not biodegradable. For waste management it self it can be processed such as distinguishing the types of waste, inorganic waste can be reprocessed or recycled and the results can be sold again in a different package.Keywords: Coast...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pengelolaan Sampah DI Kawasan Pantai

Jurnal Kajian Ruang, 2022

ABSTRACTOne of the problems in a coastal or coastal area is waste management. Garbage can cause e... more ABSTRACTOne of the problems in a coastal or coastal area is waste management. Garbage can cause environmental problems if its existence is not handled properly. The purpose of this research is to find out the various types of waste and how to manage them. The method used is a qualitative method. In this study, prioritizing the meaning of the information obtained, including data on exiting conditions of coastal tourism attractions and data related to waste management. There are 2 types of waste produced in the coastal area, namely organic waste and inorganic waste, organic waste produced in the form of natural waste such as leaves, branches and some food scraps that have been consumed. As for inorganic waste, namely like. Drink cans, plastics, etc. that are not biodegradable. For waste management it self it can be processed such as distinguishing the types of waste, inorganic waste can be reprocessed or recycled and the results can be sold again in a different package.Keywords: Coast...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Literature : Identifikasi Faktor Penyebab Terjadinya Permukiman Kumuh Di Kawasan Perkotaan

Jurnal Kajian Ruang, 2022

ABSTRACTThe city is the center of various human activities. Various activities are growing quite ... more ABSTRACTThe city is the center of various human activities. Various activities are growing quite rapidly, resulting in the emergence of new residential areas around the city center, including slums. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence the development of slums, especially in urban areas. The method used in this research uses qualitative research method by conducting analysis in solving problems. There are 6 case study areas in this study, namely in Medan City, Bukittinggi City, Tanah Kalikedinding Surabaya Village, Banjarmasin City, Kapasari SubDistrict Genteng Surabaya, and Surakarta City. Based on the results of the study showed that factors that influence the development of slums in urban areas include economic factors, socio-cultural factors, population density factors, building quality factors, population factors, land availability factors, facilities and infrastructure factors, accessibility, and government policy factors. The results of this res...

Research paper thumbnail of Theoretical Study Of Poverty In Urban Slum Settlements

To understand problems of poverty in a city, one of the ways is by understanding slum settlements... more To understand problems of poverty in a city, one of the ways is by understanding slum settlements in the city, because most of those living in slums are poor people. A qualitative descriptive approach was used to understand and describe the characteristics and features of poverty in relation to slum settlements, and to know the phenomena of the lives of the poor. Slum settlements, as a result of high rates of urbanization, become a specific problem that must be looked at with special observations and analysis measurement. Therefore, poverty is a national problem and, of course, the government’s responsibility, both on the needs of urban communities and the availability of jobs, wherever they live.

Research paper thumbnail of The Life Pattern of the Poor Society in Semarang City-Indonesia State

Actually the poverty is a problem that has already been since long time ago and almost can be sai... more Actually the poverty is a problem that has already been since long time ago and almost can be said that it will become “the eternal fact” in people’s life. The meaning of poverty itself as a scientific concept was born as the followed result from the development term. The poverty is considered as part of the development problem, whereby its existence is marked by the presence of the unemployment and underdevelopment that increases, become imbalance in the future. This study is intended to know the understand characteristics urban poverty to slums and squatters settlement in Semarang city. This study approach is done by analyzing the life pattern of the poor society descriptively-qualitatively from their environment physical condition, by establishing the variables of the environment life quality and the factors that can influence it such as: the economic social condition of its society and the environment physical condition that cover the provision of its environment facilities and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Permukiman Liar (Squatter Settlement) Di Jalur Kereta Api Kota Semarang

Squatter settlement is increasingly spreading in various urban corners of Indonesia, including in... more Squatter settlement is increasingly spreading in various urban corners of Indonesia, including in Semarang Metropolitan City. The reality of existing squatter settlements invaded vacant land, unpreserved and lacked (no) supervision from landowners, eventually forming slum enclaves, one of which was on the railway line in Semarang City. Railways should not be allowed to be used as residential areas. The squatter settlement is inhabited by people on low incomes (economically incapable). Research methods are conducted in a qualitative scriptive way, through empirical observation, interactively, with inductive methods. The approach of the room system is carried out to interpret circum citizen activity related to the request or zoning. Meanwhile, theoretical studies were conducted to help identify and analyze in this study. This research illustrates that squatter settlement occurs in addition to the retardation and poverty experienced by citizens, also due to the inability of the governm...