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Papers by andi iswandi

Research paper thumbnail of Efektivitas Intervensi Pendidikan untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Keuangan Islam pada Mahasiswa: Studi Kasus di Universitas PTIQ Jakarta

This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of educational interventions in enhancing Isl... more This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of educational interventions in enhancing Islamic financial literacy among students at PTIQ Jakarta University. A qualitative approach was employed through a case study within the university environment. Data was gathered through in-depth interviews and observations of students participating in the educational intervention program. The research findings indicate that educational interventions play a crucial role in improving students' understanding of Islamic financial principles, such as the prohibition of riba (interest), zakat (obligatory charity), and sharia-compliant investments. Students who participated in the educational intervention program showed improvements in their financial attitudes and behaviors aligned with Sharia principles. They were more inclined to utilize Sharia-based financial products and services in their daily lives. Additionally, the students' educational background, religious understanding, and social environment also influenced the effectiveness of the educational interventions. This study offers recommendations for educational institutions and policymakers to develop more creative and innovative educational intervention programs to enhance Islamic financial literacy among students. Furthermore, the research highlights the significant role of universities in equipping students with knowledge and understanding of Sharia finance to become agents of change, contributing to sustainable economic development in line with Islamic values.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of The Factors That Influence The Perceptions of Culinary Business Owners Regarding Intention to Register For Halal Certificates

Perisai : Islamic banking and finance journal, May 9, 2023

Indonesia Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Assurance requires that by 2019 halal certification... more Indonesia Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Assurance requires that by 2019 halal certification should be effectively implemented for food and beverage products, as well as service products related to both. Out of the 1.6 million micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), only 10 percent have been halal certified. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the perceptions of culinary business owners regarding intention to register for halal certificates. Theory of Planned Behavior will be modified and implemented in preparing the frameworks of the dependent-independent variables. Using partial least square method, 200 sample of culinary producers-owners and managers-in Bogor were studied. Intention of producers is found to be significantly influenced by trust. Trust is also found to be sensitive to functional factor and subjective norm. Trust is also found to be determining attitude, together with functional factor and perceived behavioral norms. Trust is also significant in mediating the effect of perceived behavioral norms to intention, and also in mediating the effect of subjective norm to intention.The population of this study is the MSMEs culinary producers in Great Bogor Area, West Java, Indonesia. Only the respective owners and managers of the responding businesses were the main respondent. Similar research should be done for other types of halal product in order to generalize the results.This research modify TPB in setting the framework of determinants for halal certification intention. Variables added to the original TPB framework are trust and functional factor.This result concludes that trust is crucial in the effort to increase the number of halal certified products in Bogor. The halal certification authorities would have basis to review their policies, procedures, and technical guidelines for halal certification process. This study could be extended in terms of object and other potential determinant variables. Literatures related to halal certification has limited exposure to producers' motivation for halal certification

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Lembaga Ziswaf dalam Distribusi Ekonomi pada Saat Terjadi Pandemi Covid-19

Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisa peran Lembaga Ziswaf dalam distribusi ekonomi, dijelaskan juga ... more Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisa peran Lembaga Ziswaf dalam distribusi ekonomi, dijelaskan juga pelbagai upaya yang dilakukan oleh Lembaga Amil Zakat (BAZNAS) dan Lembaga Amil Zakat Nasional (LAZNAS) dalam membenahi diri untuk meningkatkan peran dalam mengentaskan pelbagai persoalan di Indonesia, khususnya masalah kemiskinan terutama saat terjadi pandemi Covid-19. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskripsi permasalahan yang terkait dengan peran lembaga amil zakat di Indonesia. Temuan penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa kebijakan distribusi ekonomi melalui lembaga Islam yang didirikan dengan dasar nirlaba harus didukung dan dijaga oleh pemerintah maupun sistem pengawasannya agar dipastikan segala upaya dan usaha lembaga dapat berjalan dengan baik. Peran pemerintah sangat krusial dalam hal memastikan Zakat Core Principles terlaksana sehingga tujuan distribusi ekonomi dan pemerataan pendapatan tercapai, sehingga kemiskinan dapat diminimalisir saat pandemi Covid-19 ini.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Rasio Profitabilitas sebagai Alat Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan Bank Syariah di Indonesia (Studi Kasus Laporan Tahun 2016-2018)

Penilaian tingkat keuangan suatu perusahaan dapat dilakukan dengan menganalisis laporan keuangan ... more Penilaian tingkat keuangan suatu perusahaan dapat dilakukan dengan menganalisis laporan keuangan perusahaan. Untuk mengetahui apakah keadaan keuangan perusahaan dalam kondisi yang baik dapat dilakukan berbagai analisa, salah satunya adalah analisis rasio. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja keuangan pada Bank BRI Syari'ah ditinjau dari analisis rasio keuangan. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif deskriptif menggunakan pengukuran rasio profitabilitas. Data dan informasi penelitian diperoleh dari Laporan keuangan Bank BRI Syari'ah. Berdasarkan rasio profitabilitas dari penelitian ini adalah kinerja keuangan bank BRI Syari'ah pada tahun 2016-2018 mengalami fluktuasi jika dilihat dari return on asset, net profit margin dan return on equity berada ditahun 2017 sedangkan pada tahun 2016 nilai rasio profitabilitas berada diposisi tertinggi baik secara return on asset, net profit margin dan return on equity yang menandakan bahwa kinerja keuangan tahun 2018 sangat menurun.

Research paper thumbnail of Ketentuan Masa ‘Iddah Wanita Hamil Yang Diceraikan Qobla Dukhul Menurut Mazhab Hanafi dan Syafi’i

Salam, Mar 29, 2023

This study aims to protect and prevent the author, especially Muslims in general, from falling in... more This study aims to protect and prevent the author, especially Muslims in general, from falling into the practices prohibited by Islam and to be able to understand the 'iddah regulations for divorced pregnant women to find out when the qobla dukhul occurred, which in this case the author is from the Hanafi school From the perspective of Shafiyi. The reason why the author only gives the views of the Hanafi and Shafi'i schools is that only these two schools believe that women who become pregnant through adultery can marry without waiting for the birth of a child. Her fetus. The research method used in this work is a qualitative method, which belongs to the type of library research (library research). Research analysis shows that Islam is a perfect religion and Allah has ordained everything that is good for the servant. An example in this case is how Islam strictly forbids adultery among its people, this is for the protection of Maqasid Sharia, one of which is to protect future generations. Also, the period of 'iddah for a pregnant woman divorced from Qobla Dukhul is determined according to the Hanafi and Syafi'i schools, so in this case the two schools of thought differ in the meaning of Qobla Dukhul, which may have legal implications. Therefore, the two schools of thought hardly differ in their determination. Keywords: The period of 'Iddah; Qobla Dukhul; Hanafi; Shafi'i Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjaga dan mencegah diri penulis secara khusus dan kaum muslimin secara umum agar tidak terjatuh pada perbuatan yang diharamkan oleh Islam serta dapat mengetahui ketentuan 'iddah wanita hamil yang diceraikan apabila terjadi qobla dukhul, yang dalam hal ini penulis ambil dari perspektif mazhab Hanafi dan Syafi'i. Adapun alasan penulis hanya mencukupkan perspektif mazhab Hanafi dan Syafi'i adalah karena hanya kedua mazhab inilah yang memandang bahwa wanita yang hamil karena sebab zina maka ia boleh dinikahi tanpa harus menunggu lahirnya janin yang ia kandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode Kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan (Library Research). Analisa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Islam adalah agama yang sempurna, sehingga segala hal yang merupakan hal baik bagi seoang hamba menurut Allah telah diatur dengan sedemikian rupa. Sebagai contoh dalam hal ini adalah bagaimana Islam itu melarang keras ummatnya melakukan zina, hal ini untuk menjaga maqashid syari'ah yang mana salah satunya adalah untuk menjaga keturunan. Begitu pula tentang penentuan masa 'iddah wanita hamil yang diceraikan qobla dukhul menurut mazhab Hanafi dan Syafi'i, maka dalam hal ini kedua mazhab tersebut berbeda pandangan dalam maksud dari qobla dukhul yang dapat berimplikasi hukum, sehingga dalam penentuannya ada sedikit perbedaan pandangan antara kedua mazhab tersebut.

Research paper thumbnail of Reorientasi Hukum Keluarga Islam Perspektif Para Guru Besar UIN di Indonesia

regarding their views in seeing the reality of Islamic Family Law in Indonesia from time to time.... more regarding their views in seeing the reality of Islamic Family Law in Indonesia from time to time. This study uses a descriptive normative and legal literature review approach, namely a description of the current situation regarding the views of academics in Islamic legal research. This research leads to the conclusion that the formation of the Islamic Law Compilation is responsible and consistent. Reorientation of Islamic Family Law is a necessity for a pluralistic Indonesian society and is constantly developing. Compilation of modern Islamic law and maintaining Indonesian culture with dignity becomes an integrated and interconnective Madani KHI between classical KHI, CLD-KHI, and RUU-HMPA. When this happens, the taqninization (Islamization) of national law will be realized.

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Etika Qur’ani Terhadap Sistem Ekonomi Islam

Al-Iqtishad: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah, Jan 28, 2014

Role of Ethics Qur'anic toward Islamic Economic Sistem. In the discourse of conventional economic... more Role of Ethics Qur'anic toward Islamic Economic Sistem. In the discourse of conventional economics, ethics in economic activity does not have an important role in his studies even denied. This view is based sphere of ethics that is different from the economic sphere. Ethics is more inclined to religious values are just talking about good-bad and the world hereafter. While the economy discussing with the sistem and the material welfare. In contrast to conventional economics, Islamic economics is the view that ethics plays a role in the economic activity, even ethics and economics can't be separated. In Islamic economics, ethics or morals qur'ani contained in the Quran has an important role on the formation of an Islamic economic system.

Research paper thumbnail of Maslahat Memelihara Harta Dalam Sistem Ekonomi Islam

Salam, Jun 4, 2015

The Benefits of Maintaining Property in Islamic Economic System. property in the Islamic economic... more The Benefits of Maintaining Property in Islamic Economic System. property in the Islamic economic system has an important position. Related in business activities of economic and ritual worship, in Sharia maqoshid, preserve or maintain the property is one of important point. It is the intent and purpose of God in order to give the benefit of the people to pray to serve as guidelines in the business and dealing with. The benefit in preserving and maintaining the property is an economic system that has been set by Allah swt. Economic system does not belong by any religion other than Islam. This system provides guidance on how humans earn their living, consuming materials, conduct transactions, distribute assets, and conduct religious activities like charity, donation and alms.

Research paper thumbnail of Komparasi Studi Fenomenologi dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Harta Warisan Ditinjau dari Perspektif Kompilasi Hukum Islam dan Undang-Undang Perkawinan di Indonesia

Qonuni: Jurnal Hukum dan Pengkajian Islam

This study compares the phenomenological approach in resolving inheritance disputes, with a focus... more This study compares the phenomenological approach in resolving inheritance disputes, with a focus on the views of the Compilation of Islamic Law and the Marriage Law in Indonesia. This study uses the phenomenological method to explore the experiences and meanings given by individuals or groups regarding the settlement of inheritance disputes. The results showed that the majority of participants had a strong understanding of the provisions of Islamic law and marriage laws in the context of inheritance distribution. They tend to believe that resolving inheritance disputes based on Islamic law is fairer than civil law. The role of the mediator is considered very crucial, and participants feel it is important to make settlement procedures more accessible and understandable to the community. The conclusion of this study shows that a strong understanding of Islamic law and marriage laws can affect the outcome of inheritance dispute resolution. Furthermore, giving the role of mediator and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapankonsep Taysîrdalam Sistem Ekonomi Islam

Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, Jul 28, 2014

Application of Taysîr in The Islamic Economic System. Studies about the taysîr concept are still ... more Application of Taysîr in The Islamic Economic System. Studies about the taysîr concept are still minimal but taysîr has a significant function in addressing issues of Islamic law, particularly in the field of mu'âmalah. In the field of mu'âmalah, the taysîr concept is not only needed, moreover it is a 'cure' in necessity to heal the morbidity of heretical behaviour in business and economics. Taysîr has also become the answer for groups of people who are contradictory when addressing the Shari'a law. Taysîr does not provide answers and support groups who are rigid against Shari'a law (al-mutasyaddid) and also does not provide answers and support groups who undermine the law (al-mutasâhil).

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Rasio Profitabilitas sebagai Alat Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan Bank Syariah di Indonesia (Studi Kasus Laporan Tahun 2016-2018)

Al-Tasyree: Jurnal Bisnis, Keuangan dan Ekonomi Syariah

Penilaian tingkat keuangan suatu perusahaan dapat dilakukan dengan menganalisis laporan keuangan ... more Penilaian tingkat keuangan suatu perusahaan dapat dilakukan dengan menganalisis laporan keuangan perusahaan. Untuk mengetahui apakah keadaan keuangan perusahaan dalam kondisi yang baik dapat dilakukan berbagai analisa, salah satunya adalah analisis rasio. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja keuangan pada Bank BRI Syari’ah ditinjau dari analisis rasio keuangan. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif deskriptif menggunakan pengukuran rasio profitabilitas. Data dan informasi penelitian diperoleh dari Laporan keuangan Bank BRI Syari’ah. Berdasarkan rasio profitabilitas dari penelitian ini adalah kinerja keuangan bank BRI Syari’ah pada tahun 2016-2018 mengalami fluktuasi jika dilihat dari return on asset, net profit margin dan return on equity berada ditahun 2017 sedangkan pada tahun 2016 nilai rasio profitabilitas berada diposisi tertinggi baik secara return on asset, net profit margin dan return on equity yang menandakan bahwa kinerja keuangan tahu...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Lembaga Ziswaf dalam Distribusi Ekonomi pada Saat Terjadi Pandemi Covid-19

Al-Tasyree: Jurnal Bisnis, Keuangan dan Ekonomi Syariah

Distribusi ekonomi, dijelaskan juga pelbagai upaya yang dilakukan oleh Lembaga Amil Zakat (BAZNAS... more Distribusi ekonomi, dijelaskan juga pelbagai upaya yang dilakukan oleh Lembaga Amil Zakat (BAZNAS) dan Lembaga Amil Zakat Nasional (LAZNAS) dalam membenahi diri untuk meningkatkan peran dalam mengentaskan pelbagai persoalan di Indonesia, khususnya masalah kemiskinan terutama saat terjadi pandemi Covid-19. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskripsi permasalahan yang terkait dengan peran lembaga amil zakat di Indonesia. Temuan penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa kebijakan distribusi ekonomi melalui lembaga Islam yang didirikan dengan dasar nirlaba harus didukung dan dijaga oleh pemerintah maupun sistem pengawasannya agar dipastikan segala upaya dan usaha lembaga dapat berjalan dengan baik. Peran pemerintah sangat krusial dalam hal memastikan Zakat Core Principles terlaksana sehingga tujuan distribusi ekonomi dan pemerataan pendapatan tercapai, sehingga kemiskinan dapat diminimalisir saat pandemi Covid-19 ini.

Research paper thumbnail of REVIEW PEMBATALAN PERKAWINAN YANG DISEBABKAN PENIPUAN PADA PENGADILAN AGAMA: Studi Kasus pada Pengadilan Agama Bandung

Perkawinan sebagai ikatan yang kokoh antara dua anak manusia untuk mewujudkan keluarga yang sakin... more Perkawinan sebagai ikatan yang kokoh antara dua anak manusia untuk mewujudkan keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah wa rahmah. Namun, bila perkawinan yang telah dilaksanakan tidak memenuhi syarat dan rukun perkawinan maka tentu ini akan  batal demi hukum. Penelitian dengan pendekatan  yuridis empiris integrasi yuridis sosiologis ini bertujuan menganalisis secara yuridis faktor pembatalan pernikahan yang disebabkan adanya penipuan, kemudian menganalisis faktor poligami yang disembunyikan termasuk kategori penipuan dan menganalisis dasar keputusan hakim membatalkan perkawinan yang disebabkan penipuan.  Penelitian ini sampai pada kesimpulan: Pertama, faktor penyebab pembatalan pernikahan: hubungan mahram, pernikahan saat belum tamyiz, penipuan dari segi mahar dan pihak yang melangsungkan pernikahan, murtad, cacat fisik, suami terputus sumber nafkah. Kedua, penipuan identitas dalam Islam merupakan upaya kebohongan untuk menyembunyikan kekurangan dalam diri seseorang. Ketiga, ha...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of The Factors That Influence The Perceptions of Culinary Business Owners Regarding Intention to Register For Halal Certificates

Perisai : Islamic Banking and Finance Journal

Indonesia Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Assurance requires that by 2019 halal certification... more Indonesia Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Assurance requires that by 2019 halal certification should be effectively implemented for food and beverage products, as well as service products related to both. Out of the 1.6 million micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), only 10 percent have been halal certified. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the perceptions of culinary business owners regarding intention to register for halal certificates. Theory of Planned Behavior will be modified and implemented in preparing the frameworks of the dependent-independent variables. Using partial least square method, 200 sample of culinary producers -owners and managers- in Bogor were studied. Intention of producers is found to be significantly influenced by trust. Trust is also found to be sensitive to functional factor and subjective norm. Trust is also found to be determining attitude, together with functional factor and perceived behavioral norms. Trust is also sign...

Research paper thumbnail of Ketentuan Masa ‘Iddah Wanita Hamil Yang Diceraikan Qobla Dukhul Menurut Mazhab Hanafi dan Syafi’i

SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar-i

This study aims to protect and prevent the author, especially Muslims in general, from falling in... more This study aims to protect and prevent the author, especially Muslims in general, from falling into the practices prohibited by Islam and to be able to understand the 'iddah regulations for divorced pregnant women to find out when the qobla dukhul occurred, which in this case the author is from the Hanafi school From the perspective of Shafiyi. The reason why the author only gives the views of the Hanafi and Shafi’i schools is that only these two schools believe that women who become pregnant through adultery can marry without waiting for the birth of a child. Her fetus. The research method used in this work is a qualitative method, which belongs to the type of library research (library research). Research analysis shows that Islam is a perfect religion and Allah has ordained everything that is good for the servant. An example in this case is how Islam strictly forbids adultery among its people, this is for the protection of Maqasid Sharia, one of which is to protect future gene...

Research paper thumbnail of Reorientasi Hukum Keluarga Islam Perspektif Para Guru Besar UIN di Indonesia

Qonuni: Jurnal Hukum dan Pengkajian Islam, Jun 21, 2021

regarding their views in seeing the reality of Islamic Family Law in Indonesia from time to time.... more regarding their views in seeing the reality of Islamic Family Law in Indonesia from time to time. This study uses a descriptive normative and legal literature review approach, namely a description of the current situation regarding the views of academics in Islamic legal research. This research leads to the conclusion that the formation of the Islamic Law Compilation is responsible and consistent. Reorientation of Islamic Family Law is a necessity for a pluralistic Indonesian society and is constantly developing. Compilation of modern Islamic law and maintaining Indonesian culture with dignity becomes an integrated and interconnective Madani KHI between classical KHI, CLD-KHI, and RUU-HMPA. When this happens, the taqninization (Islamization) of national law will be realized.

Research paper thumbnail of Review E-Commerce dalam Perspektif Bisnis Syariah

Al-Tasyree: Jurnal Bisnis, Keuangan dan Ekonomi Syariah, Jun 16, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Etika Qur’Ani Terhadap Sistem Ekonomi Islam

Al-Iqtishad: Journal of Islamic Economics, 2014

Role of Ethics Qur'anic toward Islamic Economic Sistem. In the discourse of conventional economic... more Role of Ethics Qur'anic toward Islamic Economic Sistem. In the discourse of conventional economics, ethics in economic activity does not have an important role in his studies even denied. This view is based sphere of ethics that is different from the economic sphere. Ethics is more inclined to religious values are just talking about good-bad and the world hereafter. While the economy discussing with the sistem and the material welfare. In contrast to conventional economics, Islamic economics is the view that ethics plays a role in the economic activity, even ethics and economics can't be separated. In Islamic economics, ethics or morals qur'ani contained in the Quran has an important role on the formation of an Islamic economic system.

Research paper thumbnail of Maslahat Memelihara Harta Dalam Sistem Ekonomi Islam

SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar'i, 2015

The Benefits of Maintaining Property in Islamic Economic System. property in the Islamic economic... more The Benefits of Maintaining Property in Islamic Economic System. property in the Islamic economic system has an important position. Related in business activities of economic and ritual worship, in Sharia maqoshid, preserve or maintain the property is one of important point. It is the intent and purpose of God in order to give the benefit of the people to pray to serve as guidelines in the business and dealing with. The benefit in preserving and maintaining the property is an economic system that has been set by Allah swt. Economic system does not belong by any religion other than Islam. This system provides guidance on how humans earn their living, consuming materials, conduct transactions, distribute assets, and conduct religious activities like charity, donation and alms.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Ekonomi Islam Perspektif Maøoshid Syariah

Sistem Ekonomi Islam Perspektif Maqoshid Syariah. Sebagai sebuah sistem, ekonomi Islam memiliki f... more Sistem Ekonomi Islam Perspektif Maqoshid Syariah. Sebagai sebuah sistem, ekonomi Islam memiliki formula yang berdiri kokoh berdasarkan syari’ah Islamiyah. Dimana al- Qur’an dan perangkat hukum syari’ah berperan penting membentuk formula yang dijadikan acuan di dalam sistem ekonomi Islam. Acuan ini tentunya tidak terlepas dari ‘Maksud dan tujuan Tuhan’ (Maqoshid Syari’ah) dalam rangka memberikan formula kemaslahatan kepada manusia untuk kiranya dijadikan sebagai pedoman di dalam aktifitas dan kegiatan bisnis ekonomi. Formula kemaslahatan ini terletak pada kaidah memelihara ataupun menjaga harta (S¹a²' aϔ⁄) yang merupakan sistem ekonomi Illahiah, yaitu sistem ekonomi yang tidak dimiliki oleh agama lain selain agama Islam. Sistem inilah yang memberikan pedoman bagaimana manusia mencari nafkah, mengkonsumsi materi, melakukan transaksi jual-beli, mendistribusikan harta, dan melakukan kegiatan ibadah seperti zakat, infak dan sedekah.

Research paper thumbnail of Efektivitas Intervensi Pendidikan untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Keuangan Islam pada Mahasiswa: Studi Kasus di Universitas PTIQ Jakarta

This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of educational interventions in enhancing Isl... more This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of educational interventions in enhancing Islamic financial literacy among students at PTIQ Jakarta University. A qualitative approach was employed through a case study within the university environment. Data was gathered through in-depth interviews and observations of students participating in the educational intervention program. The research findings indicate that educational interventions play a crucial role in improving students' understanding of Islamic financial principles, such as the prohibition of riba (interest), zakat (obligatory charity), and sharia-compliant investments. Students who participated in the educational intervention program showed improvements in their financial attitudes and behaviors aligned with Sharia principles. They were more inclined to utilize Sharia-based financial products and services in their daily lives. Additionally, the students' educational background, religious understanding, and social environment also influenced the effectiveness of the educational interventions. This study offers recommendations for educational institutions and policymakers to develop more creative and innovative educational intervention programs to enhance Islamic financial literacy among students. Furthermore, the research highlights the significant role of universities in equipping students with knowledge and understanding of Sharia finance to become agents of change, contributing to sustainable economic development in line with Islamic values.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of The Factors That Influence The Perceptions of Culinary Business Owners Regarding Intention to Register For Halal Certificates

Perisai : Islamic banking and finance journal, May 9, 2023

Indonesia Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Assurance requires that by 2019 halal certification... more Indonesia Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Assurance requires that by 2019 halal certification should be effectively implemented for food and beverage products, as well as service products related to both. Out of the 1.6 million micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), only 10 percent have been halal certified. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the perceptions of culinary business owners regarding intention to register for halal certificates. Theory of Planned Behavior will be modified and implemented in preparing the frameworks of the dependent-independent variables. Using partial least square method, 200 sample of culinary producers-owners and managers-in Bogor were studied. Intention of producers is found to be significantly influenced by trust. Trust is also found to be sensitive to functional factor and subjective norm. Trust is also found to be determining attitude, together with functional factor and perceived behavioral norms. Trust is also significant in mediating the effect of perceived behavioral norms to intention, and also in mediating the effect of subjective norm to intention.The population of this study is the MSMEs culinary producers in Great Bogor Area, West Java, Indonesia. Only the respective owners and managers of the responding businesses were the main respondent. Similar research should be done for other types of halal product in order to generalize the results.This research modify TPB in setting the framework of determinants for halal certification intention. Variables added to the original TPB framework are trust and functional factor.This result concludes that trust is crucial in the effort to increase the number of halal certified products in Bogor. The halal certification authorities would have basis to review their policies, procedures, and technical guidelines for halal certification process. This study could be extended in terms of object and other potential determinant variables. Literatures related to halal certification has limited exposure to producers' motivation for halal certification

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Lembaga Ziswaf dalam Distribusi Ekonomi pada Saat Terjadi Pandemi Covid-19

Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisa peran Lembaga Ziswaf dalam distribusi ekonomi, dijelaskan juga ... more Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisa peran Lembaga Ziswaf dalam distribusi ekonomi, dijelaskan juga pelbagai upaya yang dilakukan oleh Lembaga Amil Zakat (BAZNAS) dan Lembaga Amil Zakat Nasional (LAZNAS) dalam membenahi diri untuk meningkatkan peran dalam mengentaskan pelbagai persoalan di Indonesia, khususnya masalah kemiskinan terutama saat terjadi pandemi Covid-19. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskripsi permasalahan yang terkait dengan peran lembaga amil zakat di Indonesia. Temuan penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa kebijakan distribusi ekonomi melalui lembaga Islam yang didirikan dengan dasar nirlaba harus didukung dan dijaga oleh pemerintah maupun sistem pengawasannya agar dipastikan segala upaya dan usaha lembaga dapat berjalan dengan baik. Peran pemerintah sangat krusial dalam hal memastikan Zakat Core Principles terlaksana sehingga tujuan distribusi ekonomi dan pemerataan pendapatan tercapai, sehingga kemiskinan dapat diminimalisir saat pandemi Covid-19 ini.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Rasio Profitabilitas sebagai Alat Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan Bank Syariah di Indonesia (Studi Kasus Laporan Tahun 2016-2018)

Penilaian tingkat keuangan suatu perusahaan dapat dilakukan dengan menganalisis laporan keuangan ... more Penilaian tingkat keuangan suatu perusahaan dapat dilakukan dengan menganalisis laporan keuangan perusahaan. Untuk mengetahui apakah keadaan keuangan perusahaan dalam kondisi yang baik dapat dilakukan berbagai analisa, salah satunya adalah analisis rasio. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja keuangan pada Bank BRI Syari'ah ditinjau dari analisis rasio keuangan. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif deskriptif menggunakan pengukuran rasio profitabilitas. Data dan informasi penelitian diperoleh dari Laporan keuangan Bank BRI Syari'ah. Berdasarkan rasio profitabilitas dari penelitian ini adalah kinerja keuangan bank BRI Syari'ah pada tahun 2016-2018 mengalami fluktuasi jika dilihat dari return on asset, net profit margin dan return on equity berada ditahun 2017 sedangkan pada tahun 2016 nilai rasio profitabilitas berada diposisi tertinggi baik secara return on asset, net profit margin dan return on equity yang menandakan bahwa kinerja keuangan tahun 2018 sangat menurun.

Research paper thumbnail of Ketentuan Masa ‘Iddah Wanita Hamil Yang Diceraikan Qobla Dukhul Menurut Mazhab Hanafi dan Syafi’i

Salam, Mar 29, 2023

This study aims to protect and prevent the author, especially Muslims in general, from falling in... more This study aims to protect and prevent the author, especially Muslims in general, from falling into the practices prohibited by Islam and to be able to understand the 'iddah regulations for divorced pregnant women to find out when the qobla dukhul occurred, which in this case the author is from the Hanafi school From the perspective of Shafiyi. The reason why the author only gives the views of the Hanafi and Shafi'i schools is that only these two schools believe that women who become pregnant through adultery can marry without waiting for the birth of a child. Her fetus. The research method used in this work is a qualitative method, which belongs to the type of library research (library research). Research analysis shows that Islam is a perfect religion and Allah has ordained everything that is good for the servant. An example in this case is how Islam strictly forbids adultery among its people, this is for the protection of Maqasid Sharia, one of which is to protect future generations. Also, the period of 'iddah for a pregnant woman divorced from Qobla Dukhul is determined according to the Hanafi and Syafi'i schools, so in this case the two schools of thought differ in the meaning of Qobla Dukhul, which may have legal implications. Therefore, the two schools of thought hardly differ in their determination. Keywords: The period of 'Iddah; Qobla Dukhul; Hanafi; Shafi'i Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjaga dan mencegah diri penulis secara khusus dan kaum muslimin secara umum agar tidak terjatuh pada perbuatan yang diharamkan oleh Islam serta dapat mengetahui ketentuan 'iddah wanita hamil yang diceraikan apabila terjadi qobla dukhul, yang dalam hal ini penulis ambil dari perspektif mazhab Hanafi dan Syafi'i. Adapun alasan penulis hanya mencukupkan perspektif mazhab Hanafi dan Syafi'i adalah karena hanya kedua mazhab inilah yang memandang bahwa wanita yang hamil karena sebab zina maka ia boleh dinikahi tanpa harus menunggu lahirnya janin yang ia kandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode Kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan (Library Research). Analisa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Islam adalah agama yang sempurna, sehingga segala hal yang merupakan hal baik bagi seoang hamba menurut Allah telah diatur dengan sedemikian rupa. Sebagai contoh dalam hal ini adalah bagaimana Islam itu melarang keras ummatnya melakukan zina, hal ini untuk menjaga maqashid syari'ah yang mana salah satunya adalah untuk menjaga keturunan. Begitu pula tentang penentuan masa 'iddah wanita hamil yang diceraikan qobla dukhul menurut mazhab Hanafi dan Syafi'i, maka dalam hal ini kedua mazhab tersebut berbeda pandangan dalam maksud dari qobla dukhul yang dapat berimplikasi hukum, sehingga dalam penentuannya ada sedikit perbedaan pandangan antara kedua mazhab tersebut.

Research paper thumbnail of Reorientasi Hukum Keluarga Islam Perspektif Para Guru Besar UIN di Indonesia

regarding their views in seeing the reality of Islamic Family Law in Indonesia from time to time.... more regarding their views in seeing the reality of Islamic Family Law in Indonesia from time to time. This study uses a descriptive normative and legal literature review approach, namely a description of the current situation regarding the views of academics in Islamic legal research. This research leads to the conclusion that the formation of the Islamic Law Compilation is responsible and consistent. Reorientation of Islamic Family Law is a necessity for a pluralistic Indonesian society and is constantly developing. Compilation of modern Islamic law and maintaining Indonesian culture with dignity becomes an integrated and interconnective Madani KHI between classical KHI, CLD-KHI, and RUU-HMPA. When this happens, the taqninization (Islamization) of national law will be realized.

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Etika Qur’ani Terhadap Sistem Ekonomi Islam

Al-Iqtishad: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah, Jan 28, 2014

Role of Ethics Qur'anic toward Islamic Economic Sistem. In the discourse of conventional economic... more Role of Ethics Qur'anic toward Islamic Economic Sistem. In the discourse of conventional economics, ethics in economic activity does not have an important role in his studies even denied. This view is based sphere of ethics that is different from the economic sphere. Ethics is more inclined to religious values are just talking about good-bad and the world hereafter. While the economy discussing with the sistem and the material welfare. In contrast to conventional economics, Islamic economics is the view that ethics plays a role in the economic activity, even ethics and economics can't be separated. In Islamic economics, ethics or morals qur'ani contained in the Quran has an important role on the formation of an Islamic economic system.

Research paper thumbnail of Maslahat Memelihara Harta Dalam Sistem Ekonomi Islam

Salam, Jun 4, 2015

The Benefits of Maintaining Property in Islamic Economic System. property in the Islamic economic... more The Benefits of Maintaining Property in Islamic Economic System. property in the Islamic economic system has an important position. Related in business activities of economic and ritual worship, in Sharia maqoshid, preserve or maintain the property is one of important point. It is the intent and purpose of God in order to give the benefit of the people to pray to serve as guidelines in the business and dealing with. The benefit in preserving and maintaining the property is an economic system that has been set by Allah swt. Economic system does not belong by any religion other than Islam. This system provides guidance on how humans earn their living, consuming materials, conduct transactions, distribute assets, and conduct religious activities like charity, donation and alms.

Research paper thumbnail of Komparasi Studi Fenomenologi dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Harta Warisan Ditinjau dari Perspektif Kompilasi Hukum Islam dan Undang-Undang Perkawinan di Indonesia

Qonuni: Jurnal Hukum dan Pengkajian Islam

This study compares the phenomenological approach in resolving inheritance disputes, with a focus... more This study compares the phenomenological approach in resolving inheritance disputes, with a focus on the views of the Compilation of Islamic Law and the Marriage Law in Indonesia. This study uses the phenomenological method to explore the experiences and meanings given by individuals or groups regarding the settlement of inheritance disputes. The results showed that the majority of participants had a strong understanding of the provisions of Islamic law and marriage laws in the context of inheritance distribution. They tend to believe that resolving inheritance disputes based on Islamic law is fairer than civil law. The role of the mediator is considered very crucial, and participants feel it is important to make settlement procedures more accessible and understandable to the community. The conclusion of this study shows that a strong understanding of Islamic law and marriage laws can affect the outcome of inheritance dispute resolution. Furthermore, giving the role of mediator and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapankonsep Taysîrdalam Sistem Ekonomi Islam

Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, Jul 28, 2014

Application of Taysîr in The Islamic Economic System. Studies about the taysîr concept are still ... more Application of Taysîr in The Islamic Economic System. Studies about the taysîr concept are still minimal but taysîr has a significant function in addressing issues of Islamic law, particularly in the field of mu'âmalah. In the field of mu'âmalah, the taysîr concept is not only needed, moreover it is a 'cure' in necessity to heal the morbidity of heretical behaviour in business and economics. Taysîr has also become the answer for groups of people who are contradictory when addressing the Shari'a law. Taysîr does not provide answers and support groups who are rigid against Shari'a law (al-mutasyaddid) and also does not provide answers and support groups who undermine the law (al-mutasâhil).

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Rasio Profitabilitas sebagai Alat Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan Bank Syariah di Indonesia (Studi Kasus Laporan Tahun 2016-2018)

Al-Tasyree: Jurnal Bisnis, Keuangan dan Ekonomi Syariah

Penilaian tingkat keuangan suatu perusahaan dapat dilakukan dengan menganalisis laporan keuangan ... more Penilaian tingkat keuangan suatu perusahaan dapat dilakukan dengan menganalisis laporan keuangan perusahaan. Untuk mengetahui apakah keadaan keuangan perusahaan dalam kondisi yang baik dapat dilakukan berbagai analisa, salah satunya adalah analisis rasio. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja keuangan pada Bank BRI Syari’ah ditinjau dari analisis rasio keuangan. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif deskriptif menggunakan pengukuran rasio profitabilitas. Data dan informasi penelitian diperoleh dari Laporan keuangan Bank BRI Syari’ah. Berdasarkan rasio profitabilitas dari penelitian ini adalah kinerja keuangan bank BRI Syari’ah pada tahun 2016-2018 mengalami fluktuasi jika dilihat dari return on asset, net profit margin dan return on equity berada ditahun 2017 sedangkan pada tahun 2016 nilai rasio profitabilitas berada diposisi tertinggi baik secara return on asset, net profit margin dan return on equity yang menandakan bahwa kinerja keuangan tahu...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Lembaga Ziswaf dalam Distribusi Ekonomi pada Saat Terjadi Pandemi Covid-19

Al-Tasyree: Jurnal Bisnis, Keuangan dan Ekonomi Syariah

Distribusi ekonomi, dijelaskan juga pelbagai upaya yang dilakukan oleh Lembaga Amil Zakat (BAZNAS... more Distribusi ekonomi, dijelaskan juga pelbagai upaya yang dilakukan oleh Lembaga Amil Zakat (BAZNAS) dan Lembaga Amil Zakat Nasional (LAZNAS) dalam membenahi diri untuk meningkatkan peran dalam mengentaskan pelbagai persoalan di Indonesia, khususnya masalah kemiskinan terutama saat terjadi pandemi Covid-19. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskripsi permasalahan yang terkait dengan peran lembaga amil zakat di Indonesia. Temuan penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa kebijakan distribusi ekonomi melalui lembaga Islam yang didirikan dengan dasar nirlaba harus didukung dan dijaga oleh pemerintah maupun sistem pengawasannya agar dipastikan segala upaya dan usaha lembaga dapat berjalan dengan baik. Peran pemerintah sangat krusial dalam hal memastikan Zakat Core Principles terlaksana sehingga tujuan distribusi ekonomi dan pemerataan pendapatan tercapai, sehingga kemiskinan dapat diminimalisir saat pandemi Covid-19 ini.

Research paper thumbnail of REVIEW PEMBATALAN PERKAWINAN YANG DISEBABKAN PENIPUAN PADA PENGADILAN AGAMA: Studi Kasus pada Pengadilan Agama Bandung

Perkawinan sebagai ikatan yang kokoh antara dua anak manusia untuk mewujudkan keluarga yang sakin... more Perkawinan sebagai ikatan yang kokoh antara dua anak manusia untuk mewujudkan keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah wa rahmah. Namun, bila perkawinan yang telah dilaksanakan tidak memenuhi syarat dan rukun perkawinan maka tentu ini akan  batal demi hukum. Penelitian dengan pendekatan  yuridis empiris integrasi yuridis sosiologis ini bertujuan menganalisis secara yuridis faktor pembatalan pernikahan yang disebabkan adanya penipuan, kemudian menganalisis faktor poligami yang disembunyikan termasuk kategori penipuan dan menganalisis dasar keputusan hakim membatalkan perkawinan yang disebabkan penipuan.  Penelitian ini sampai pada kesimpulan: Pertama, faktor penyebab pembatalan pernikahan: hubungan mahram, pernikahan saat belum tamyiz, penipuan dari segi mahar dan pihak yang melangsungkan pernikahan, murtad, cacat fisik, suami terputus sumber nafkah. Kedua, penipuan identitas dalam Islam merupakan upaya kebohongan untuk menyembunyikan kekurangan dalam diri seseorang. Ketiga, ha...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of The Factors That Influence The Perceptions of Culinary Business Owners Regarding Intention to Register For Halal Certificates

Perisai : Islamic Banking and Finance Journal

Indonesia Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Assurance requires that by 2019 halal certification... more Indonesia Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Assurance requires that by 2019 halal certification should be effectively implemented for food and beverage products, as well as service products related to both. Out of the 1.6 million micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), only 10 percent have been halal certified. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the perceptions of culinary business owners regarding intention to register for halal certificates. Theory of Planned Behavior will be modified and implemented in preparing the frameworks of the dependent-independent variables. Using partial least square method, 200 sample of culinary producers -owners and managers- in Bogor were studied. Intention of producers is found to be significantly influenced by trust. Trust is also found to be sensitive to functional factor and subjective norm. Trust is also found to be determining attitude, together with functional factor and perceived behavioral norms. Trust is also sign...

Research paper thumbnail of Ketentuan Masa ‘Iddah Wanita Hamil Yang Diceraikan Qobla Dukhul Menurut Mazhab Hanafi dan Syafi’i

SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar-i

This study aims to protect and prevent the author, especially Muslims in general, from falling in... more This study aims to protect and prevent the author, especially Muslims in general, from falling into the practices prohibited by Islam and to be able to understand the 'iddah regulations for divorced pregnant women to find out when the qobla dukhul occurred, which in this case the author is from the Hanafi school From the perspective of Shafiyi. The reason why the author only gives the views of the Hanafi and Shafi’i schools is that only these two schools believe that women who become pregnant through adultery can marry without waiting for the birth of a child. Her fetus. The research method used in this work is a qualitative method, which belongs to the type of library research (library research). Research analysis shows that Islam is a perfect religion and Allah has ordained everything that is good for the servant. An example in this case is how Islam strictly forbids adultery among its people, this is for the protection of Maqasid Sharia, one of which is to protect future gene...

Research paper thumbnail of Reorientasi Hukum Keluarga Islam Perspektif Para Guru Besar UIN di Indonesia

Qonuni: Jurnal Hukum dan Pengkajian Islam, Jun 21, 2021

regarding their views in seeing the reality of Islamic Family Law in Indonesia from time to time.... more regarding their views in seeing the reality of Islamic Family Law in Indonesia from time to time. This study uses a descriptive normative and legal literature review approach, namely a description of the current situation regarding the views of academics in Islamic legal research. This research leads to the conclusion that the formation of the Islamic Law Compilation is responsible and consistent. Reorientation of Islamic Family Law is a necessity for a pluralistic Indonesian society and is constantly developing. Compilation of modern Islamic law and maintaining Indonesian culture with dignity becomes an integrated and interconnective Madani KHI between classical KHI, CLD-KHI, and RUU-HMPA. When this happens, the taqninization (Islamization) of national law will be realized.

Research paper thumbnail of Review E-Commerce dalam Perspektif Bisnis Syariah

Al-Tasyree: Jurnal Bisnis, Keuangan dan Ekonomi Syariah, Jun 16, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Etika Qur’Ani Terhadap Sistem Ekonomi Islam

Al-Iqtishad: Journal of Islamic Economics, 2014

Role of Ethics Qur'anic toward Islamic Economic Sistem. In the discourse of conventional economic... more Role of Ethics Qur'anic toward Islamic Economic Sistem. In the discourse of conventional economics, ethics in economic activity does not have an important role in his studies even denied. This view is based sphere of ethics that is different from the economic sphere. Ethics is more inclined to religious values are just talking about good-bad and the world hereafter. While the economy discussing with the sistem and the material welfare. In contrast to conventional economics, Islamic economics is the view that ethics plays a role in the economic activity, even ethics and economics can't be separated. In Islamic economics, ethics or morals qur'ani contained in the Quran has an important role on the formation of an Islamic economic system.

Research paper thumbnail of Maslahat Memelihara Harta Dalam Sistem Ekonomi Islam

SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar'i, 2015

The Benefits of Maintaining Property in Islamic Economic System. property in the Islamic economic... more The Benefits of Maintaining Property in Islamic Economic System. property in the Islamic economic system has an important position. Related in business activities of economic and ritual worship, in Sharia maqoshid, preserve or maintain the property is one of important point. It is the intent and purpose of God in order to give the benefit of the people to pray to serve as guidelines in the business and dealing with. The benefit in preserving and maintaining the property is an economic system that has been set by Allah swt. Economic system does not belong by any religion other than Islam. This system provides guidance on how humans earn their living, consuming materials, conduct transactions, distribute assets, and conduct religious activities like charity, donation and alms.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Ekonomi Islam Perspektif Maøoshid Syariah

Sistem Ekonomi Islam Perspektif Maqoshid Syariah. Sebagai sebuah sistem, ekonomi Islam memiliki f... more Sistem Ekonomi Islam Perspektif Maqoshid Syariah. Sebagai sebuah sistem, ekonomi Islam memiliki formula yang berdiri kokoh berdasarkan syari’ah Islamiyah. Dimana al- Qur’an dan perangkat hukum syari’ah berperan penting membentuk formula yang dijadikan acuan di dalam sistem ekonomi Islam. Acuan ini tentunya tidak terlepas dari ‘Maksud dan tujuan Tuhan’ (Maqoshid Syari’ah) dalam rangka memberikan formula kemaslahatan kepada manusia untuk kiranya dijadikan sebagai pedoman di dalam aktifitas dan kegiatan bisnis ekonomi. Formula kemaslahatan ini terletak pada kaidah memelihara ataupun menjaga harta (S¹a²' aϔ⁄) yang merupakan sistem ekonomi Illahiah, yaitu sistem ekonomi yang tidak dimiliki oleh agama lain selain agama Islam. Sistem inilah yang memberikan pedoman bagaimana manusia mencari nafkah, mengkonsumsi materi, melakukan transaksi jual-beli, mendistribusikan harta, dan melakukan kegiatan ibadah seperti zakat, infak dan sedekah.