behzad rostami - (original) (raw)
Papers by behzad rostami
82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition
Carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration in saline aquifers has been introduced as one of the most prac... more Carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration in saline aquifers has been introduced as one of the most practical, longterm, and safe solutions to tackle a growing threat originating from the emission of CO2. Successfully executing and planning the process necessitates a comprehensive understanding of CO2 transport propertiesparticularly the diffusion coefficient, influencing the behavior of CO2 dissolution in water/brine regarding the shape of viscous fingers, the onset of instabilities, etc. In this research, Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation was employed to compute the CO2 diffusion coefficient in various NaCl saline water concentrations (1-6 mol NaCl/kg water) under the broad spectrum of temperatures (294-423 K) and pressures (10-30 MPa) to acquire a data-set for the CO2 diffusion coefficient in different circumstances. According to the results, the NaCl concentration increase gives rise to a decrease in the CO2 diffusion coefficient, by which the reduction is most notably at higher tempe...
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
In this study, direct laboratory measurements of unsteady-state imbibition test are used in a new... more In this study, direct laboratory measurements of unsteady-state imbibition test are used in a new approach to obtain relative permeability curves with no predetermined functionality assumptions. Four equations of continuity, Darcy’s law, cumulative oil production, and water fractional flow are employed in combination together under certain assumptions to present the new approach which interprets these data. We assumed that capillary pressure was previously measured and used as the input data in the method. The main difference between this work and previous unsteady-state methods is to replace the saturation profile, needed to obtain relative permeability curves, with a new saturation-dependent graph which can be measured from recovery data rather than being recorded directly during experiments. The method is demonstrated by employing recovery data from the literature, and it is then verified by a numerical simulator. The results show that the accuracy of the proposed method is compa...
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects
In recent years, many studies have been conducted on the method of low-salinity water (LSW) injec... more In recent years, many studies have been conducted on the method of low-salinity water (LSW) injection and its effect on enhanced oil recovery (EOR) of oil reservoirs. The lower operating cost of th...
Transport in Porous Media
Gravity drainage is known as the controlling mechanism of oil recovery in naturally fractured res... more Gravity drainage is known as the controlling mechanism of oil recovery in naturally fractured reservoirs. The efficiency of this mechanism is controlled by block-to-block interactions through capillary continuity and/or reinfiltration processes. In this study, at first, several free-fall gravity drainage experiments were conducted on a well-designed three-block apparatus and the role of tilt angle, spacers’ permeability, wettability and effective contact area (representing a different status of the block-to-block interactions between matrix blocks) on the recovery efficiency were investigated. Then, an experimental-based numerical model of free-fall gravity drainage process was developed, validated and used for monitoring the saturation profiles along with the matrix blocks. Results showed that gas wetting condition of horizontal fracture weakens the capillary continuity and in consequence decreases the recovery factor in comparison with the original liquid wetting condition. Moreov...
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Abstract Role of viscous cross-flow and emulsification on foam displacement process, has been exp... more Abstract Role of viscous cross-flow and emulsification on foam displacement process, has been experimentally studied in a microfluidic device (consists of homogeneous matrix pattern and a fracture in one side) by changing the injectant type (gas/foam/aqueous solution of surfactant/water) and foam quality and presence of connate water. Two distinct regions have been identified during foam displacement: 1) A dynamic region where gas and foam saturation is low and it mostly consists of aqueous phase. Emulsions of oil phase is generated at the front of dynamic region. 2) A static region where foam saturation is high and fluids’ mobility is low. The discussion has been also supported by analysis of calculated oil recovery variation versus foam quality with a bell-shaped trend, matched with foam rheology reported in standard quality scan tests. Foam injection tests and gas injection ones as the case of no viscous cross-flow have been contrasted and the results confirmed the proposed role of viscous drives. Proper condition of emulsification has been discussed in foam injection tests and it has been shown that lack of such conditions in surfactant injection leads to weak emulsification. Moreover, foam generation mechanisms which have been observed during the experiments are snap-off and pinch-off.
Natural Resources Research
Implicit texture/empirical foam model is one of the most commonly used approaches for enhanced oi... more Implicit texture/empirical foam model is one of the most commonly used approaches for enhanced oil recovery; however, a comprehensive set of standard steps of a foam simulation study is not yet introduced. In this paper, a practical package consisting of different methods/steps has been compiled. In addition, their strengths, weaknesses, and challenges are described. This paper has shown that surfactant formula can have a substantial impact on probability of micro-emulsion (ME) creation or rock curves alteration during foam injection. Depending on the severity of surfactant influence on rock and fluid properties, capillary pressure and relative permeability curves should be modified or viscosity model should be corrected in the case of ME formation. This review has studied distinct approaches for the modification of rock curves or the correction of viscosity in the presence of ME. From a review of literature, foam flood experiments can be carried out in distinct media. Foam behavior, however, in core flood experiments resembles more the foam performance in reservoir condition. Various well-known algorithms for obtaining foam model parameters are explained and compared here. Based on differences between experimental conditions and pilot tests, up-scaling simulation parameters, including foam model and adsorption coefficients, are described extensively. Because media permeability has a significant effect on foam model parameters, it is also shown here that considering more than one foam model for simulation can increase the precision of results.
Generally, Secondary recovery in fractured reservoir expected to be lower than conventional reser... more Generally, Secondary recovery in fractured reservoir expected to be lower than conventional reservoir due to permeability heterogeneity. In these reservoirs, fluids are conducted to the production well by fractures, therefore considerable amount of oil will trapped in the matrix. The trapped oil could be produced by cross flows or mass transfer from the bypassed region. In this work, CO 2 injection is studied in first contact miscible, near miscible and immiscible condition of flow through matrix-fracture system. The aim of the conducted experiments is to investigate the performance of CO 2 injection into the carbonated fractured reservoirs. During the experiments cores are saturated by decane and CO 2 is injected through the fractures. The results of experiments show that the highest rate of recovery is obtained during the near miscible co2 injection flood. Where, 63 percent of trapped oil is recovered. At the same time the recovery factor of the first contact miscible and immiscible conditions are 36 and 8 percent respectively.
Advances in Water Resources
Abstract Injection of CO2 into saline aquifers causes the geochemical reaction of rock-fluid and ... more Abstract Injection of CO2 into saline aquifers causes the geochemical reaction of rock-fluid and salt precipitation due to the evaporation of water as a physical process. Well injectivity is an important issue in carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects because large volumes of CO2 must be stored for a long time and salt precipitation can significantly reduce injectivity by reducing the permeability. The impact of salt precipitation on the injectivity must therefore be specified in order to maintain the security of CCS projects and enable them to perform at a high level of practicality. The objective of this work is to investigate the influence of the injection rate and brine salinity on injectivity reduction due to evaporation and salt precipitation. In this study, we injected supercritical CO2 into a sandstone rock sample fully saturated with NaCl brine to characterize the salt precipitation induced by the evaporation process. Evaporation is investigated by mass measurement of the water and vapor produced. The extension in time of salt precipitation and the precipitation profile are analyzed by drying rate measurement, Capillary number and Peclet number. The consequences of salt precipitation on injectivity are specified by permeability and relative permeability analysis. The results show that a high drying rate in the early stage of injection induces rapid salt precipitation. The level of salt precipitation increases with salinity, within a permeability reduction range of 21–66%, and decreases with the injection rate, within a permeability reduction range of 43–62%. The relative permeability of CO2 is affected by both the injection rate and salinity.
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015
ABSTRACT Gas recovery from water drive gas reservoirs depends on many engineering and geologic fa... more ABSTRACT Gas recovery from water drive gas reservoirs depends on many engineering and geologic factors. Type of well completion, reservoir heterogeneity and layering pattern are typical factors which determine the ultimate gas recovery. This paper presents the effect of heterogeneity on performance of water drive gas reservoirs by considering recovery factor and cumulative water production. In this regard, Design of Experiments (DOE) and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) are used to investigate the simultaneous effect of effective parameters using a reservoir simulation model. Box-Behnken design (BBD) is applied to implement reservoir simulator. Factors that have been inspected include well inclination angle (Ө), layers permeability distribution (LPD), geometric mean of reservoir horizontal permeability (KG), permeability anisotropy (Kv/Kh), production rate (Qg) and level of heterogeneity in terms of Dykstra-Parsons coefficient (VDP). Three different permeability distribution of increasing downward, random and increasing upward have been considered. In simulation tests with systematic distribution of increasing upward, the permeability of layers increases within lower part towards the upper layer. However in cases with systematic distribution of increasing downward, the layers permeability increases from upper to the bottom layer of the model. Also in random distribution, the layers have random values of permeability.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2014
ABSTRACT There are various factors which determine the optimization and economic production from ... more ABSTRACT There are various factors which determine the optimization and economic production from water drive gas reservoirs. These factors play an important role in designing an effective reservoir development plan. The present study, in the first step, investigates the relation between recovery factor, volumetric sweep efficiency and cumulative water production with six different engineering and geologic factors using design of experiments (DOE) and response surface methodology (RSM). Next, all derived response functions are optimized simultaneously based on the concept of desirability. In this manner, part of water drive gas reservoirs is simulated using Box–Behnken design. Important factors that have been studied include reservoir horizontal permeability (Kh), permeability anisotropy (Kv/Kh), aquifer size (Vaq), gas production rate (Qg), perforated thickness (Hp) and tubing head pressure (THP). The results indicate that by combining various levels of factors and considering relative importance of each response function, optimized conditions could be raised in order to maximizing recovery factor, volumetric sweep efficiency and minimizing cumulative water production. Also high rates of gas production result poor volumetric sweep efficiency and early water breakthrough, hence ultimate recovery factor decreases by 3.2–8.4%.
Chemical Engineering Communications, 2015
ABSTRACT Prediction of the behavior of convective mixing and the effectiveness of this mechanism ... more ABSTRACT Prediction of the behavior of convective mixing and the effectiveness of this mechanism is essential for permanent sequestration of CO2 in deep saline aquifers. Simulation of the diffusion–convection mechanism at a large scale is very expensive and time-consuming; therefore, scaling relationships can be used to find suitable candidates for storage sites. In this study, scaling analysis is performed for the convective mixing of CO2 in saline aquifers based on experimental results. The scaling relationships are presented for the prediction of convective dissolution behavior. In the presented scaling analysis, different systems with a wide range of Rayleigh numbers were used. All experiments were conducted in a dissolution cell with different ranges of grain sizes. The pressure decay data are used to determine the dissolution rate of CO2, Sherwood number, and convective flux. In addition, the fraction of ultimate dissolution is calculated for each experiment to investigate the mixing regimes (convective mixing and diffusive mixing). The results indicate that the mixing of CO2 in water can be approximated by a scaling relationship for the Sherwood number and convective flux. These relations can be used in the implementation of large-scale CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers.
Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2014
Based on the conventional approach, the trapped oil in rock pores can be easily displaced when a ... more Based on the conventional approach, the trapped oil in rock pores can be easily displaced when a Winsor type (III) micro-emulsion is formed in the reservoir during surfactant flooding. On the other hand, the Winsor type (III) involves three phase flow of water, oil, and micro-emulsion that causes considerable oil phase trapping and surfactant retention. This work presents an experimental study on the effect of micro-emulsion phase behavior during surfactant flooding in sandstone and carbonate core samples. In this study, after accomplishing salinity scan of a cationic surfactant (C16–N(CH3)3Br), the effects of Winsor (I), Winsor (III) and Winsor (II) on oil recovery factor, differential pressure drop, relative permeability, and relative permeability ratio were investigated extensively. To carry out a comparative study, homogeneous and similar sandstone and carbonate rocks were selected and the effects of wettability alteration and dynamic surfactant adsorption were studied on them. ...
ABSTRACT Not finding what you're looking for? Some of the OnePetro partner societies have... more ABSTRACT Not finding what you're looking for? Some of the OnePetro partner societies have developed subject- specific wikis that may help. PetroWiki PetroWiki was created from the seven volume Petroleum Engineering Handbook (PEH) published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). The SEG Wiki The SEG Wiki is a useful collection of information for working geophysicists, educators, and students in the field of geophysics. The initial content has been derived from : Robert E. Sheriff's Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Geophysics, fourth edition.
82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition
Carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration in saline aquifers has been introduced as one of the most prac... more Carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration in saline aquifers has been introduced as one of the most practical, longterm, and safe solutions to tackle a growing threat originating from the emission of CO2. Successfully executing and planning the process necessitates a comprehensive understanding of CO2 transport propertiesparticularly the diffusion coefficient, influencing the behavior of CO2 dissolution in water/brine regarding the shape of viscous fingers, the onset of instabilities, etc. In this research, Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation was employed to compute the CO2 diffusion coefficient in various NaCl saline water concentrations (1-6 mol NaCl/kg water) under the broad spectrum of temperatures (294-423 K) and pressures (10-30 MPa) to acquire a data-set for the CO2 diffusion coefficient in different circumstances. According to the results, the NaCl concentration increase gives rise to a decrease in the CO2 diffusion coefficient, by which the reduction is most notably at higher tempe...
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
In this study, direct laboratory measurements of unsteady-state imbibition test are used in a new... more In this study, direct laboratory measurements of unsteady-state imbibition test are used in a new approach to obtain relative permeability curves with no predetermined functionality assumptions. Four equations of continuity, Darcy’s law, cumulative oil production, and water fractional flow are employed in combination together under certain assumptions to present the new approach which interprets these data. We assumed that capillary pressure was previously measured and used as the input data in the method. The main difference between this work and previous unsteady-state methods is to replace the saturation profile, needed to obtain relative permeability curves, with a new saturation-dependent graph which can be measured from recovery data rather than being recorded directly during experiments. The method is demonstrated by employing recovery data from the literature, and it is then verified by a numerical simulator. The results show that the accuracy of the proposed method is compa...
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects
In recent years, many studies have been conducted on the method of low-salinity water (LSW) injec... more In recent years, many studies have been conducted on the method of low-salinity water (LSW) injection and its effect on enhanced oil recovery (EOR) of oil reservoirs. The lower operating cost of th...
Transport in Porous Media
Gravity drainage is known as the controlling mechanism of oil recovery in naturally fractured res... more Gravity drainage is known as the controlling mechanism of oil recovery in naturally fractured reservoirs. The efficiency of this mechanism is controlled by block-to-block interactions through capillary continuity and/or reinfiltration processes. In this study, at first, several free-fall gravity drainage experiments were conducted on a well-designed three-block apparatus and the role of tilt angle, spacers’ permeability, wettability and effective contact area (representing a different status of the block-to-block interactions between matrix blocks) on the recovery efficiency were investigated. Then, an experimental-based numerical model of free-fall gravity drainage process was developed, validated and used for monitoring the saturation profiles along with the matrix blocks. Results showed that gas wetting condition of horizontal fracture weakens the capillary continuity and in consequence decreases the recovery factor in comparison with the original liquid wetting condition. Moreov...
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
Abstract Role of viscous cross-flow and emulsification on foam displacement process, has been exp... more Abstract Role of viscous cross-flow and emulsification on foam displacement process, has been experimentally studied in a microfluidic device (consists of homogeneous matrix pattern and a fracture in one side) by changing the injectant type (gas/foam/aqueous solution of surfactant/water) and foam quality and presence of connate water. Two distinct regions have been identified during foam displacement: 1) A dynamic region where gas and foam saturation is low and it mostly consists of aqueous phase. Emulsions of oil phase is generated at the front of dynamic region. 2) A static region where foam saturation is high and fluids’ mobility is low. The discussion has been also supported by analysis of calculated oil recovery variation versus foam quality with a bell-shaped trend, matched with foam rheology reported in standard quality scan tests. Foam injection tests and gas injection ones as the case of no viscous cross-flow have been contrasted and the results confirmed the proposed role of viscous drives. Proper condition of emulsification has been discussed in foam injection tests and it has been shown that lack of such conditions in surfactant injection leads to weak emulsification. Moreover, foam generation mechanisms which have been observed during the experiments are snap-off and pinch-off.
Natural Resources Research
Implicit texture/empirical foam model is one of the most commonly used approaches for enhanced oi... more Implicit texture/empirical foam model is one of the most commonly used approaches for enhanced oil recovery; however, a comprehensive set of standard steps of a foam simulation study is not yet introduced. In this paper, a practical package consisting of different methods/steps has been compiled. In addition, their strengths, weaknesses, and challenges are described. This paper has shown that surfactant formula can have a substantial impact on probability of micro-emulsion (ME) creation or rock curves alteration during foam injection. Depending on the severity of surfactant influence on rock and fluid properties, capillary pressure and relative permeability curves should be modified or viscosity model should be corrected in the case of ME formation. This review has studied distinct approaches for the modification of rock curves or the correction of viscosity in the presence of ME. From a review of literature, foam flood experiments can be carried out in distinct media. Foam behavior, however, in core flood experiments resembles more the foam performance in reservoir condition. Various well-known algorithms for obtaining foam model parameters are explained and compared here. Based on differences between experimental conditions and pilot tests, up-scaling simulation parameters, including foam model and adsorption coefficients, are described extensively. Because media permeability has a significant effect on foam model parameters, it is also shown here that considering more than one foam model for simulation can increase the precision of results.
Generally, Secondary recovery in fractured reservoir expected to be lower than conventional reser... more Generally, Secondary recovery in fractured reservoir expected to be lower than conventional reservoir due to permeability heterogeneity. In these reservoirs, fluids are conducted to the production well by fractures, therefore considerable amount of oil will trapped in the matrix. The trapped oil could be produced by cross flows or mass transfer from the bypassed region. In this work, CO 2 injection is studied in first contact miscible, near miscible and immiscible condition of flow through matrix-fracture system. The aim of the conducted experiments is to investigate the performance of CO 2 injection into the carbonated fractured reservoirs. During the experiments cores are saturated by decane and CO 2 is injected through the fractures. The results of experiments show that the highest rate of recovery is obtained during the near miscible co2 injection flood. Where, 63 percent of trapped oil is recovered. At the same time the recovery factor of the first contact miscible and immiscible conditions are 36 and 8 percent respectively.
Advances in Water Resources
Abstract Injection of CO2 into saline aquifers causes the geochemical reaction of rock-fluid and ... more Abstract Injection of CO2 into saline aquifers causes the geochemical reaction of rock-fluid and salt precipitation due to the evaporation of water as a physical process. Well injectivity is an important issue in carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects because large volumes of CO2 must be stored for a long time and salt precipitation can significantly reduce injectivity by reducing the permeability. The impact of salt precipitation on the injectivity must therefore be specified in order to maintain the security of CCS projects and enable them to perform at a high level of practicality. The objective of this work is to investigate the influence of the injection rate and brine salinity on injectivity reduction due to evaporation and salt precipitation. In this study, we injected supercritical CO2 into a sandstone rock sample fully saturated with NaCl brine to characterize the salt precipitation induced by the evaporation process. Evaporation is investigated by mass measurement of the water and vapor produced. The extension in time of salt precipitation and the precipitation profile are analyzed by drying rate measurement, Capillary number and Peclet number. The consequences of salt precipitation on injectivity are specified by permeability and relative permeability analysis. The results show that a high drying rate in the early stage of injection induces rapid salt precipitation. The level of salt precipitation increases with salinity, within a permeability reduction range of 21–66%, and decreases with the injection rate, within a permeability reduction range of 43–62%. The relative permeability of CO2 is affected by both the injection rate and salinity.
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015
ABSTRACT Gas recovery from water drive gas reservoirs depends on many engineering and geologic fa... more ABSTRACT Gas recovery from water drive gas reservoirs depends on many engineering and geologic factors. Type of well completion, reservoir heterogeneity and layering pattern are typical factors which determine the ultimate gas recovery. This paper presents the effect of heterogeneity on performance of water drive gas reservoirs by considering recovery factor and cumulative water production. In this regard, Design of Experiments (DOE) and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) are used to investigate the simultaneous effect of effective parameters using a reservoir simulation model. Box-Behnken design (BBD) is applied to implement reservoir simulator. Factors that have been inspected include well inclination angle (Ө), layers permeability distribution (LPD), geometric mean of reservoir horizontal permeability (KG), permeability anisotropy (Kv/Kh), production rate (Qg) and level of heterogeneity in terms of Dykstra-Parsons coefficient (VDP). Three different permeability distribution of increasing downward, random and increasing upward have been considered. In simulation tests with systematic distribution of increasing upward, the permeability of layers increases within lower part towards the upper layer. However in cases with systematic distribution of increasing downward, the layers permeability increases from upper to the bottom layer of the model. Also in random distribution, the layers have random values of permeability.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2014
ABSTRACT There are various factors which determine the optimization and economic production from ... more ABSTRACT There are various factors which determine the optimization and economic production from water drive gas reservoirs. These factors play an important role in designing an effective reservoir development plan. The present study, in the first step, investigates the relation between recovery factor, volumetric sweep efficiency and cumulative water production with six different engineering and geologic factors using design of experiments (DOE) and response surface methodology (RSM). Next, all derived response functions are optimized simultaneously based on the concept of desirability. In this manner, part of water drive gas reservoirs is simulated using Box–Behnken design. Important factors that have been studied include reservoir horizontal permeability (Kh), permeability anisotropy (Kv/Kh), aquifer size (Vaq), gas production rate (Qg), perforated thickness (Hp) and tubing head pressure (THP). The results indicate that by combining various levels of factors and considering relative importance of each response function, optimized conditions could be raised in order to maximizing recovery factor, volumetric sweep efficiency and minimizing cumulative water production. Also high rates of gas production result poor volumetric sweep efficiency and early water breakthrough, hence ultimate recovery factor decreases by 3.2–8.4%.
Chemical Engineering Communications, 2015
ABSTRACT Prediction of the behavior of convective mixing and the effectiveness of this mechanism ... more ABSTRACT Prediction of the behavior of convective mixing and the effectiveness of this mechanism is essential for permanent sequestration of CO2 in deep saline aquifers. Simulation of the diffusion–convection mechanism at a large scale is very expensive and time-consuming; therefore, scaling relationships can be used to find suitable candidates for storage sites. In this study, scaling analysis is performed for the convective mixing of CO2 in saline aquifers based on experimental results. The scaling relationships are presented for the prediction of convective dissolution behavior. In the presented scaling analysis, different systems with a wide range of Rayleigh numbers were used. All experiments were conducted in a dissolution cell with different ranges of grain sizes. The pressure decay data are used to determine the dissolution rate of CO2, Sherwood number, and convective flux. In addition, the fraction of ultimate dissolution is calculated for each experiment to investigate the mixing regimes (convective mixing and diffusive mixing). The results indicate that the mixing of CO2 in water can be approximated by a scaling relationship for the Sherwood number and convective flux. These relations can be used in the implementation of large-scale CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers.
Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2014
Based on the conventional approach, the trapped oil in rock pores can be easily displaced when a ... more Based on the conventional approach, the trapped oil in rock pores can be easily displaced when a Winsor type (III) micro-emulsion is formed in the reservoir during surfactant flooding. On the other hand, the Winsor type (III) involves three phase flow of water, oil, and micro-emulsion that causes considerable oil phase trapping and surfactant retention. This work presents an experimental study on the effect of micro-emulsion phase behavior during surfactant flooding in sandstone and carbonate core samples. In this study, after accomplishing salinity scan of a cationic surfactant (C16–N(CH3)3Br), the effects of Winsor (I), Winsor (III) and Winsor (II) on oil recovery factor, differential pressure drop, relative permeability, and relative permeability ratio were investigated extensively. To carry out a comparative study, homogeneous and similar sandstone and carbonate rocks were selected and the effects of wettability alteration and dynamic surfactant adsorption were studied on them. ...
ABSTRACT Not finding what you're looking for? Some of the OnePetro partner societies have... more ABSTRACT Not finding what you're looking for? Some of the OnePetro partner societies have developed subject- specific wikis that may help. PetroWiki PetroWiki was created from the seven volume Petroleum Engineering Handbook (PEH) published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). The SEG Wiki The SEG Wiki is a useful collection of information for working geophysicists, educators, and students in the field of geophysics. The initial content has been derived from : Robert E. Sheriff's Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Geophysics, fourth edition.