santosh bhargava - (original) (raw)

Papers by santosh bhargava

Research paper thumbnail of Association of birth weight and early growth with telomere length and cellular senescence in adults: Result from the "New Delhi Birth Cohort" (NDBC)

Research paper thumbnail of IndEcho study: cohort study investigating birth size, childhood growth and young adult cardiovascular risk factors as predictors of midlife myocardial structure and function in South Asians

BMJ open, Apr 10, 2018

South Asians have high rates of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and its risk factors (hypertension, ... more South Asians have high rates of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and its risk factors (hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidaemia and central obesity). Left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and dysfunction are features of these disorders and important predictors of CVD mortality. Lower birth and infant weight and greater childhood weight gain are associated with increased adult CVD mortality, but there are few data on their relationship to LV function. The IndEcho study will examine associations of birth size, growth during infancy, childhood and adolescence and CVD risk factors in young adulthood with midlife cardiac structure and function in South Asian Indians. We propose to study approximately 3000 men and women aged 43-50 years from two birth cohorts established in 1969-1973: the New Delhi Birth Cohort (n=1508) and Vellore Birth Cohort (n=2156). They had serial measurements of weight and height from birth to early adulthood. CVD risk markers (body composition, blood pressure, glucose tolera...

Research paper thumbnail of Community and the Newborn Survival in India: A Perspective

Journal of Neonatology, 2005

Page 1. Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale Downloaded From IP - 66.249.... more Page 1. Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale Downloaded From IP - on dated 2-Jan-2011 Journal of Neonatology Vol. 19, No. 1, Jan. - Mar. 2005 Community and the Newborn Survival in India : A Perspective ...

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter-02 Normal Growth-Birth Right of the Child

Computed Aided Tomography Case Histories-Brain, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of The challenge of neonatal mortality in India

Research paper thumbnail of Low birth weight and its sequelae: The Indian experience

The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 1980

... Indian Pcdia~r 10 : 61, 1973 Page 5. BtIARGAVA AND KISHAN : LOW BIRTH WEIGHT 12l 20. ... ICMR... more ... Indian Pcdia~r 10 : 61, 1973 Page 5. BtIARGAVA AND KISHAN : LOW BIRTH WEIGHT 12l 20. ... ICMR Bulletin 5 : 2, 1975 35. Bhat R, Vidyasagar D : Immediate and long term outcome of infants less than 1000 gm. Crit Care Mcd 6 (3): 147-50, 1978 36. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Height-for-age z scores increase despite increasing height deficits among children in 5 developing countries

The American journal of clinical nutrition, 2014

Growth failure remains a persistent challenge in many countries, and understanding child growth p... more Growth failure remains a persistent challenge in many countries, and understanding child growth patterns is critical to the development of appropriate interventions and their evaluation. The interpretation of changes in mean height-for-age z scores (HAZs) over time to define catch-up growth has been a subject of debate. Most studies of child growth have been cross-sectional or have focused on children through age 5 y. The aim was to characterize patterns of linear growth among individuals followed from birth into adulthood. We compared HAZs and difference in height (cm) from the WHO reference median at birth, 12 mo, 24 mo, mid-childhood, and adulthood for 5287 individuals from birth cohorts in Brazil, Guatemala, India, the Philippines, and South Africa. Mean HAZs were <0 at birth in the 3 cohorts with data and ranged from -0.6 (Brazil) to -2.9 (Guatemala) at age 24 mo. Between 24 mo and mid-childhood, HAZ values increased by 0.3-0.5 in South Africa, Guatemala, and the Philippines...

Research paper thumbnail of Non invasive continuous anterior fontanel tension monitoring in neonates

The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 1989

Anterior fontanel tension (AFT) has been shown to reflect the intracranial pressure (ICP). A new ... more Anterior fontanel tension (AFT) has been shown to reflect the intracranial pressure (ICP). A new transducer was designed for AFT measurement which overcomes the problems of replacement in subsequent use. Using the transducer AFT was monitored noninvasively over extended periods in about 200 normal and sick neonates. The results indicate that the technique can be used to identify elevated pressure due to different disease conditions and it has a potential to help in understanding physiological and pathological mechanisms causing alterations in the normal cerebrospinal dynamics. Further studies are underway to establish the full potentials of the technique.

Research paper thumbnail of Infant Feeding and School Attainment in Five Cohorts from Low- and Middle-Income Countries

PLoS ONE, 2013

Background: Performance in intelligence tests tends to be higher among individuals breastfed as i... more Background: Performance in intelligence tests tends to be higher among individuals breastfed as infants, but little is known about the association between breastfeeding and achieved schooling. We assessed the association of infant feeding with school achievement in five cohorts from low-and middle-income countries. Unlike high-income country settings where most previous studies come from, breastfeeding is not positively associated with socioeconomic position in our cohorts, thus reducing the likelihood of a spurious positive association. Methodology and Principal Findings: Participants included 10,082 young adults from five birth cohorts (Brazil, India, Guatemala, the Philippines, and South Africa). The exposures variables were whether the subject was ever breastfed, total duration of breastfeeding, and age at introduction of complementary foods. We adjusted the estimates for age at follow up, sex, maternal age, smoking during pregnancy, birthweight and socioeconomic position at birth. The key outcome was the highest grade achieved at school. In unadjusted analyses, the association between ever breastfeeding and schooling was positive in Brazil, inverse in the Philippines, and null in South Africa; in adjusted analyses, these associations were attenuated. In Brazil, schooling was highest among individuals breastfed for 3-12 months whereas in the Philippines duration of breastfeeding was inversely associated with schooling; and null associations were observed in South Africa and Guatemala. These associations were attenuated in adjusted models. Late introduction of solid foods was associated with lower schooling achievement in Brazil and South Africa. Measures of breastfeeding are not consistently related to schooling achievement in contemporary cohorts of young adults in lower and middle-income countries.

Research paper thumbnail of A longitudinal study of physical growth of small for date infants from birth to six years

Nutrition Research, 1985

In a longitudinal study 62 term small for date (SFD) and 63 term appropriate for gestational age ... more In a longitudinal study 62 term small for date (SFD) and 63 term appropriate for gestational age (AGA) control children were followed from birth to six years of age. Weight, height and head circumference were recorded at the specified ages of 3,6,9 and 12 months ~ 1 week in the first year and every 6 months + 2 week thereafter. Throughout the study period, the mean weight, height and head circumference of SFD group was significantly lower than the control group. However, the differences in mean weight, height and head circumference decreased from 41.4%, 10.4% and 7.3% at birth to 11.0%, 2.3% and 3.2% at 6 years respectively. The mean growth velocity of the SFD group was similar to the control group with the maximum velocity occuring in the first 3 months of life.

Research paper thumbnail of Relation of Serial Changes in Childhood Body-Mass Index to Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Young Adulthood

New England Journal of Medicine, 2004

The risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus is increased in people who have low birth weights and who su... more The risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus is increased in people who have low birth weights and who subsequently become obese as adults. Whether their obesity originates in childhood and, if so, at what age are unknown. Understanding the origin of obesity may be especially important in developing countries, where type 2 diabetes is rapidly increasing yet public health messages still focus on reducing childhood "undernutrition." methods We evaluated glucose tolerance and plasma insulin concentrations in 1492 men and women 26 to 32 years of age who had been measured at birth and at intervals of three to six months throughout infancy, childhood, and adolescence in a prospective, population-based study. results The prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance was 10.8 percent, and that of diabetes was 4.4 percent. Subjects with impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes typically had a low body-mass index up to the age of two years, followed by an early adiposity rebound (the age after infancy when body mass starts to rise) and an accelerated increase in body-mass index until adulthood. However, despite an increase in body-mass index between the ages of 2 and 12 years, none of these subjects were obese at the age of 12 years. The odds ratio for disease associated with an increase in the body-mass index of 1 SD from 2 to 12 years of age was 1.36 (95 percent confidence interval, 1.18 to 1.57; P<0.001). conclusions There is an association between thinness in infancy and the presence of impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes in young adulthood. Crossing into higher categories of body-mass index after the age of two years is also associated with these disorders.

Research paper thumbnail of Maternal Nutrition and Fetal Growth Retardation

Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 1983

... Downloaded from Page 3. SANTOSH K. BHARGAVA, USHA BHARGAVA,SUDARSHA... more ... Downloaded from Page 3. SANTOSH K. BHARGAVA, USHA BHARGAVA,SUDARSHAN KUMARI, NEERA BHARGAVA AND SHANT1 GHOSH ... Bull WHO 1962; 26:192-201 18. Gopalan C. J of Amer Diet Association, 1961; 39:129. 150 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Oral Therapy of Neonates and Young Infants with World Health Organization Rehydration Packets

Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 1986

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends an oral rehydration solution (ORS) that has been l... more The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends an oral rehydration solution (ORS) that has been linked with a risk of hypernatremia in young infants when extra water or dilute milk is withheld. A controlled, randomized study was therefore undertaken in 50 male infants aged 0-3 months to evaluate the relative safety, efficacy, and practicability of two methods of obviating this risk without negating the concept of a universal rehydrating packet. Twenty-five infants in Group A were rehydrated with a 2:1 regimen (two parts, i.e., 60 ml, WHO-ORS followed by one part, i.e., 30 ml, plain water in an alternating manner) whereas 25 infants in Group B received diluted WHO-ORS (1.5 L water instead of 1 L). In two patients, one in each group, oral therapy failed and they were excluded from analysis. Sub-Group Ac was comprised of 15 cases in Group A in whom the rehydrating instructions were followed correctly. Diluted WHO-ORS provided as safe and effective rehydration as the 2:1 regimen administered properly (sub-Group Ac). Both methods adequately corrected and maintained the hydration status and serum sodium levels, but a few infants in each group had subnormal serum K+/HCO-3 levels during therapy. Rehydrating instructions in Group A were misinterpreted in nine (37.5%) cases. Excessive ORS intake in five infants resulted in hypernatremia (three cases, 12.5%), periorbital edema (three cases, 12.5%), excessive irritability (two cases, 8.3%), and mild pedal edema (one case, 4.2%). Excessive water intake in comparison to ORS in four infants was responsible for delayed rehydration (three cases, 12.5%) and asymptomatic hyponatremia and hypokalemia (two cases, 8.3%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

Research paper thumbnail of Controlled Trial of Rice Powder and Glucose Rehydration Solutions as Oral Therapy for Acute Dehydrating Diarrhea in Infants

Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 1986

A controlled, randomized trial was conducted in 50 infants (3 to 18 months old) hospitalized with... more A controlled, randomized trial was conducted in 50 infants (3 to 18 months old) hospitalized with acute noncholera dehydrating diarrhea to compare the safety, efficacy, and acceptability of the standard World Health Organization (WHO) recommended glucose oral rehydration solution (ORS) (Group A: 25 infants) with that of a rice powder ORS (Group B: 25 infants), containing 30 g/L of rice powder instead of glucose (20 g/L). The electrolyte composition of both solutions was identical. The proportion of successfully treated patients in each group was 92%, and the two rehydrating solutions proved comparable in correcting and maintaining the hydration status and the serum sodium and potassium levels. The mean rehydration time, stool output, stool frequency, ORS intake, weight gain, and urine output were comparable (p greater than 0.05) in both groups. It is concluded that rice powder ORS is safe, effective, and acceptable as the standard WHO glucose ORS for the treatment of acute noncholera dehydrating diarrhea in infants.

Research paper thumbnail of Infant-feeding patterns and cardiovascular risk factors in young adulthood: data from five cohorts in low- and middle-income countries

International Journal of Epidemiology, 2011

The members of the COHORTS group are listed in the Acknowledgements.

Research paper thumbnail of Cohort Profile: The Consortium of Health-Orientated Research in Transitioning Societies

International Journal of Epidemiology, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Predictors of carotid intima–media thickness and carotid plaque in young Indian adults: The New Delhi Birth Cohort

International Journal of Cardiology, 2013

Background-Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and carotid plaques represent preclinical marker... more Background-Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and carotid plaques represent preclinical markers of atherosclerosis. We sought to describe predictors of CIMT and carotid plaques, including early life growth, in a young urban Indian cohort free of clinical cardiovascular disease (CVD). Methods-In 2006-2009, we performed B-mode carotid ultrasound on 600 participants (mean [SD] age 36 [1.1] years; 45% women) from the New Delhi Birth Cohort to evaluate CIMT and carotid plaques (> 1mm). Height and weight were recorded at birth, 2 and 11 years of age. Data on CVD risk factors, anthropometry, medical history, socioeconomic position, and lifestyle habits were collected in 1998-2002.

Research paper thumbnail of Indian Pediatrics and Child Health in India

Indian Pediatrics, 2013

The decade of 1980 was perhaps one of the most crucial period for Child Health in India. It is du... more The decade of 1980 was perhaps one of the most crucial period for Child Health in India. It is during this decade that child health issues, child health problems and child health policies were identified, recognized and announced by the Government of India. I took over as Editor of Indian Pediatrics in 1980 with a relatively young committee that included Dr.

Research paper thumbnail of Cohort profile: the consortium of health-orientated research in transitioning societies

Research paper thumbnail of Infant-feeding patterns and cardiovascular risk factors in young adulthood: data from five cohorts in low-and middle-income countries

The members of the COHORTS group are listed in the Acknowledgements.

Research paper thumbnail of Association of birth weight and early growth with telomere length and cellular senescence in adults: Result from the "New Delhi Birth Cohort" (NDBC)

Research paper thumbnail of IndEcho study: cohort study investigating birth size, childhood growth and young adult cardiovascular risk factors as predictors of midlife myocardial structure and function in South Asians

BMJ open, Apr 10, 2018

South Asians have high rates of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and its risk factors (hypertension, ... more South Asians have high rates of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and its risk factors (hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidaemia and central obesity). Left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and dysfunction are features of these disorders and important predictors of CVD mortality. Lower birth and infant weight and greater childhood weight gain are associated with increased adult CVD mortality, but there are few data on their relationship to LV function. The IndEcho study will examine associations of birth size, growth during infancy, childhood and adolescence and CVD risk factors in young adulthood with midlife cardiac structure and function in South Asian Indians. We propose to study approximately 3000 men and women aged 43-50 years from two birth cohorts established in 1969-1973: the New Delhi Birth Cohort (n=1508) and Vellore Birth Cohort (n=2156). They had serial measurements of weight and height from birth to early adulthood. CVD risk markers (body composition, blood pressure, glucose tolera...

Research paper thumbnail of Community and the Newborn Survival in India: A Perspective

Journal of Neonatology, 2005

Page 1. Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale Downloaded From IP - 66.249.... more Page 1. Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale Downloaded From IP - on dated 2-Jan-2011 Journal of Neonatology Vol. 19, No. 1, Jan. - Mar. 2005 Community and the Newborn Survival in India : A Perspective ...

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter-02 Normal Growth-Birth Right of the Child

Computed Aided Tomography Case Histories-Brain, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of The challenge of neonatal mortality in India

Research paper thumbnail of Low birth weight and its sequelae: The Indian experience

The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 1980

... Indian Pcdia~r 10 : 61, 1973 Page 5. BtIARGAVA AND KISHAN : LOW BIRTH WEIGHT 12l 20. ... ICMR... more ... Indian Pcdia~r 10 : 61, 1973 Page 5. BtIARGAVA AND KISHAN : LOW BIRTH WEIGHT 12l 20. ... ICMR Bulletin 5 : 2, 1975 35. Bhat R, Vidyasagar D : Immediate and long term outcome of infants less than 1000 gm. Crit Care Mcd 6 (3): 147-50, 1978 36. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Height-for-age z scores increase despite increasing height deficits among children in 5 developing countries

The American journal of clinical nutrition, 2014

Growth failure remains a persistent challenge in many countries, and understanding child growth p... more Growth failure remains a persistent challenge in many countries, and understanding child growth patterns is critical to the development of appropriate interventions and their evaluation. The interpretation of changes in mean height-for-age z scores (HAZs) over time to define catch-up growth has been a subject of debate. Most studies of child growth have been cross-sectional or have focused on children through age 5 y. The aim was to characterize patterns of linear growth among individuals followed from birth into adulthood. We compared HAZs and difference in height (cm) from the WHO reference median at birth, 12 mo, 24 mo, mid-childhood, and adulthood for 5287 individuals from birth cohorts in Brazil, Guatemala, India, the Philippines, and South Africa. Mean HAZs were <0 at birth in the 3 cohorts with data and ranged from -0.6 (Brazil) to -2.9 (Guatemala) at age 24 mo. Between 24 mo and mid-childhood, HAZ values increased by 0.3-0.5 in South Africa, Guatemala, and the Philippines...

Research paper thumbnail of Non invasive continuous anterior fontanel tension monitoring in neonates

The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 1989

Anterior fontanel tension (AFT) has been shown to reflect the intracranial pressure (ICP). A new ... more Anterior fontanel tension (AFT) has been shown to reflect the intracranial pressure (ICP). A new transducer was designed for AFT measurement which overcomes the problems of replacement in subsequent use. Using the transducer AFT was monitored noninvasively over extended periods in about 200 normal and sick neonates. The results indicate that the technique can be used to identify elevated pressure due to different disease conditions and it has a potential to help in understanding physiological and pathological mechanisms causing alterations in the normal cerebrospinal dynamics. Further studies are underway to establish the full potentials of the technique.

Research paper thumbnail of Infant Feeding and School Attainment in Five Cohorts from Low- and Middle-Income Countries

PLoS ONE, 2013

Background: Performance in intelligence tests tends to be higher among individuals breastfed as i... more Background: Performance in intelligence tests tends to be higher among individuals breastfed as infants, but little is known about the association between breastfeeding and achieved schooling. We assessed the association of infant feeding with school achievement in five cohorts from low-and middle-income countries. Unlike high-income country settings where most previous studies come from, breastfeeding is not positively associated with socioeconomic position in our cohorts, thus reducing the likelihood of a spurious positive association. Methodology and Principal Findings: Participants included 10,082 young adults from five birth cohorts (Brazil, India, Guatemala, the Philippines, and South Africa). The exposures variables were whether the subject was ever breastfed, total duration of breastfeeding, and age at introduction of complementary foods. We adjusted the estimates for age at follow up, sex, maternal age, smoking during pregnancy, birthweight and socioeconomic position at birth. The key outcome was the highest grade achieved at school. In unadjusted analyses, the association between ever breastfeeding and schooling was positive in Brazil, inverse in the Philippines, and null in South Africa; in adjusted analyses, these associations were attenuated. In Brazil, schooling was highest among individuals breastfed for 3-12 months whereas in the Philippines duration of breastfeeding was inversely associated with schooling; and null associations were observed in South Africa and Guatemala. These associations were attenuated in adjusted models. Late introduction of solid foods was associated with lower schooling achievement in Brazil and South Africa. Measures of breastfeeding are not consistently related to schooling achievement in contemporary cohorts of young adults in lower and middle-income countries.

Research paper thumbnail of A longitudinal study of physical growth of small for date infants from birth to six years

Nutrition Research, 1985

In a longitudinal study 62 term small for date (SFD) and 63 term appropriate for gestational age ... more In a longitudinal study 62 term small for date (SFD) and 63 term appropriate for gestational age (AGA) control children were followed from birth to six years of age. Weight, height and head circumference were recorded at the specified ages of 3,6,9 and 12 months ~ 1 week in the first year and every 6 months + 2 week thereafter. Throughout the study period, the mean weight, height and head circumference of SFD group was significantly lower than the control group. However, the differences in mean weight, height and head circumference decreased from 41.4%, 10.4% and 7.3% at birth to 11.0%, 2.3% and 3.2% at 6 years respectively. The mean growth velocity of the SFD group was similar to the control group with the maximum velocity occuring in the first 3 months of life.

Research paper thumbnail of Relation of Serial Changes in Childhood Body-Mass Index to Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Young Adulthood

New England Journal of Medicine, 2004

The risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus is increased in people who have low birth weights and who su... more The risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus is increased in people who have low birth weights and who subsequently become obese as adults. Whether their obesity originates in childhood and, if so, at what age are unknown. Understanding the origin of obesity may be especially important in developing countries, where type 2 diabetes is rapidly increasing yet public health messages still focus on reducing childhood "undernutrition." methods We evaluated glucose tolerance and plasma insulin concentrations in 1492 men and women 26 to 32 years of age who had been measured at birth and at intervals of three to six months throughout infancy, childhood, and adolescence in a prospective, population-based study. results The prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance was 10.8 percent, and that of diabetes was 4.4 percent. Subjects with impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes typically had a low body-mass index up to the age of two years, followed by an early adiposity rebound (the age after infancy when body mass starts to rise) and an accelerated increase in body-mass index until adulthood. However, despite an increase in body-mass index between the ages of 2 and 12 years, none of these subjects were obese at the age of 12 years. The odds ratio for disease associated with an increase in the body-mass index of 1 SD from 2 to 12 years of age was 1.36 (95 percent confidence interval, 1.18 to 1.57; P<0.001). conclusions There is an association between thinness in infancy and the presence of impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes in young adulthood. Crossing into higher categories of body-mass index after the age of two years is also associated with these disorders.

Research paper thumbnail of Maternal Nutrition and Fetal Growth Retardation

Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 1983

... Downloaded from Page 3. SANTOSH K. BHARGAVA, USHA BHARGAVA,SUDARSHA... more ... Downloaded from Page 3. SANTOSH K. BHARGAVA, USHA BHARGAVA,SUDARSHAN KUMARI, NEERA BHARGAVA AND SHANT1 GHOSH ... Bull WHO 1962; 26:192-201 18. Gopalan C. J of Amer Diet Association, 1961; 39:129. 150 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Oral Therapy of Neonates and Young Infants with World Health Organization Rehydration Packets

Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 1986

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends an oral rehydration solution (ORS) that has been l... more The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends an oral rehydration solution (ORS) that has been linked with a risk of hypernatremia in young infants when extra water or dilute milk is withheld. A controlled, randomized study was therefore undertaken in 50 male infants aged 0-3 months to evaluate the relative safety, efficacy, and practicability of two methods of obviating this risk without negating the concept of a universal rehydrating packet. Twenty-five infants in Group A were rehydrated with a 2:1 regimen (two parts, i.e., 60 ml, WHO-ORS followed by one part, i.e., 30 ml, plain water in an alternating manner) whereas 25 infants in Group B received diluted WHO-ORS (1.5 L water instead of 1 L). In two patients, one in each group, oral therapy failed and they were excluded from analysis. Sub-Group Ac was comprised of 15 cases in Group A in whom the rehydrating instructions were followed correctly. Diluted WHO-ORS provided as safe and effective rehydration as the 2:1 regimen administered properly (sub-Group Ac). Both methods adequately corrected and maintained the hydration status and serum sodium levels, but a few infants in each group had subnormal serum K+/HCO-3 levels during therapy. Rehydrating instructions in Group A were misinterpreted in nine (37.5%) cases. Excessive ORS intake in five infants resulted in hypernatremia (three cases, 12.5%), periorbital edema (three cases, 12.5%), excessive irritability (two cases, 8.3%), and mild pedal edema (one case, 4.2%). Excessive water intake in comparison to ORS in four infants was responsible for delayed rehydration (three cases, 12.5%) and asymptomatic hyponatremia and hypokalemia (two cases, 8.3%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

Research paper thumbnail of Controlled Trial of Rice Powder and Glucose Rehydration Solutions as Oral Therapy for Acute Dehydrating Diarrhea in Infants

Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 1986

A controlled, randomized trial was conducted in 50 infants (3 to 18 months old) hospitalized with... more A controlled, randomized trial was conducted in 50 infants (3 to 18 months old) hospitalized with acute noncholera dehydrating diarrhea to compare the safety, efficacy, and acceptability of the standard World Health Organization (WHO) recommended glucose oral rehydration solution (ORS) (Group A: 25 infants) with that of a rice powder ORS (Group B: 25 infants), containing 30 g/L of rice powder instead of glucose (20 g/L). The electrolyte composition of both solutions was identical. The proportion of successfully treated patients in each group was 92%, and the two rehydrating solutions proved comparable in correcting and maintaining the hydration status and the serum sodium and potassium levels. The mean rehydration time, stool output, stool frequency, ORS intake, weight gain, and urine output were comparable (p greater than 0.05) in both groups. It is concluded that rice powder ORS is safe, effective, and acceptable as the standard WHO glucose ORS for the treatment of acute noncholera dehydrating diarrhea in infants.

Research paper thumbnail of Infant-feeding patterns and cardiovascular risk factors in young adulthood: data from five cohorts in low- and middle-income countries

International Journal of Epidemiology, 2011

The members of the COHORTS group are listed in the Acknowledgements.

Research paper thumbnail of Cohort Profile: The Consortium of Health-Orientated Research in Transitioning Societies

International Journal of Epidemiology, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Predictors of carotid intima–media thickness and carotid plaque in young Indian adults: The New Delhi Birth Cohort

International Journal of Cardiology, 2013

Background-Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and carotid plaques represent preclinical marker... more Background-Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and carotid plaques represent preclinical markers of atherosclerosis. We sought to describe predictors of CIMT and carotid plaques, including early life growth, in a young urban Indian cohort free of clinical cardiovascular disease (CVD). Methods-In 2006-2009, we performed B-mode carotid ultrasound on 600 participants (mean [SD] age 36 [1.1] years; 45% women) from the New Delhi Birth Cohort to evaluate CIMT and carotid plaques (> 1mm). Height and weight were recorded at birth, 2 and 11 years of age. Data on CVD risk factors, anthropometry, medical history, socioeconomic position, and lifestyle habits were collected in 1998-2002.

Research paper thumbnail of Indian Pediatrics and Child Health in India

Indian Pediatrics, 2013

The decade of 1980 was perhaps one of the most crucial period for Child Health in India. It is du... more The decade of 1980 was perhaps one of the most crucial period for Child Health in India. It is during this decade that child health issues, child health problems and child health policies were identified, recognized and announced by the Government of India. I took over as Editor of Indian Pediatrics in 1980 with a relatively young committee that included Dr.

Research paper thumbnail of Cohort profile: the consortium of health-orientated research in transitioning societies

Research paper thumbnail of Infant-feeding patterns and cardiovascular risk factors in young adulthood: data from five cohorts in low-and middle-income countries

The members of the COHORTS group are listed in the Acknowledgements.