Prof. Benaouda Bensaid | Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University / İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi (original) (raw)

towards by Prof. Benaouda Bensaid

Research paper thumbnail of Risk and Financial Management Article The Need for Shari'ah-Compliant Awqāf Banks

Bridging global economic inequalities calls for effective financial alternatives such as awqāf ba... more Bridging global economic inequalities calls for effective financial alternatives such as awqāf banks to better attend to the needs of the poor and underprivileged. This is expected to address the root causes of poverty and ensuing economic gaps, improving much of the living standards whether pertaining to education, health, shelter, employment or basic social services while reducing the state's economic and financial burden. We envision awqāf banks as institutions which are established through cash awqāf and which operate multiple awqāf funds alongside an assortment of financial instruments. The main use of their awqāf funds are the issue of low-cost credit to the poor, economically disadvantaged and underprivileged, instead of focusing solely on generating and maximizing shareholder profits. This is to support the economy through of steady and sustainable growth, effectively raising the lower bar on per capita income and lifting multitudes out of poverty and need. This paper explores how low-cost credit can be provided to the poor or lower income demographics through awqāf banks, while addressing relevant issues such as Shari'ah compliance, services rendering, investment and awqāf distribution. This paper also examines current studies on awqāf in relation to finance and banking, the basic functions, and characteristics of the Shari'ah-compliant awqāf bank, as well as evaluations of awqāf banks. Current studies show that there is a legitimate need for Shari'ah-compliant awqāf banks which not only providing services for its beneficiaries but also manage investments and awqāf funds that contribute to overall national development and economic growth. This study would be of high relevance to experts, practitioners, financial managers, regulators, and policy makers in the fields of awqāf, banking and finance.

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Research paper thumbnail of COPING WITH COVID-19 Higher Education in the GCC Countries

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrating Makerspaces in Higher Education: Constructionism Approach to Learning

This study explored the impact of using makerspaces in higher education. The paper sought to inve... more This study explored the impact of using makerspaces in higher education. The paper sought to investigate the effects of constructionism approach on students learning outcomes in the setting of makerspaces which allows community members to design, prototype and manufacture items using tools that would otherwise be inaccessible or unaffordable such as 3-D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines, and CAD/CAM software. The case study involves students in the Design Program at Effat University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In such a makerspaces environment, results based on course learning outcomes in product design showed that students perform better learn creative ways to problem-solving, and engage effectively through creative experimentation. Further empirical research into the effectual relations between design and 3D constructions may further demonstrate the vital importance of makerspaces on students’ learning performance and mastery of skills in the context of higher learning.

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Research paper thumbnail of Smart Villages and the GCC Countries: Policies, Strategies, and Implications

Emerald, 2019

Abstract The majority of the population in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) lives in urban area... more Abstract
The majority of the population in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) lives in urban areas. In the year 2030, the percentage of the rural population is expected to be 14% in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 11% in the United Arab Emirates, 10% in Oman, 9% in Bahrain, 1% in Qatar, and will remain 0% in Kuwait. Like many other countries, however, GCC countries continue to invest efforts and resources toward their national agendas aimed at sustainable development. In this context, smart villages are of special interest as, increasingly, they serve as the crossroads between urban living and rural life embracing history, culture, tradition, spiritual values, and human capital. The objective of this chapter is to explore actions taken toward the development of smart villages in the GCC countries, with a comparative overview on pertaining approaches and strategies; challenges related to the implementation of these actions are identified. It is demonstrated that despite GCCs’ tremendous efforts toward developing infrastructure in urban centers, more infrastructure investment is needed with regard to key issues related to developing remote areas – including their smart networks, digital facilities, and e-governance. It is also highlighted that more research is needed, especially on issues related to the transformation of villages into smart villages, including the need for holistic approaches, policies, and strategies toward smart villages

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Jurnal Al-Tamaddun, 2019

The argument inherent in this study is that the Islamic framework on social coexistence and harmo... more The argument inherent in this study is that the Islamic framework on social coexistence and harmony stipulates moral capital as a bridge for community's inter-connectivity, interaction, and development, and that, for Muslims, morals act as an effective catalyst for constructing social coexistence and harmony. This study discusses the concept of Islamic social ethics and moral development in the context of society, followed by an inquiry into the ways and means according to which Muslim ethics may contribute and sustain social rapprochement, mutual support and social justice. The study aims to identify the prevalent framework for Muslim social morality, which can be of benefit to effective social policy, increasing civic engagement, developing an inclusive universal moral education, or furthering multicultural tolerance. Using textual approach, this study shows how Islam capitalizes on individual and collective morality towards the effective engineering of sustainable communities' relations and development. Further empirical studies on the contribution of Muslim morals in lieu of fortifying community development and social harmony would contribute to the way of elucidating the Muslim projection of theoretical moral ideals in real life conditions as well as tracing the convergences and divergences between Muslim theory and practices with regards to the application of morals to personal and communal settings, and more importantly in our context the shaping of communities' rapprochement, coexistence and harmony.

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Research paper thumbnail of Education Piety Special Reference to Abu Hamid al Ghazali and Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun20190917 18838 1xtw1j8

Global Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Paths in Islamic Education Copyright, 2020

This chapter seeks to explore the crossroads between learning in Islam and spirituality, and also... more This chapter seeks to explore the crossroads between learning in Islam and spirituality, and also the methods according to which Muslim instructors shape students' experiences in a context of piety development. This study also examines questions pertaining to the concept of spirituality in education, methods pedagogic principles that further merge spiritual discipline with knowledge acquisition. The theoretical research draws on the textual analysis of early works of Muslim scholars, more specifically on Abdul Ibn Khaldun and Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, given their prominent positions in the history of Muslim education. This study shows that the Islamic learning has always taken students' spiritual growth for granted and has, despite differences of practices across Muslim regions, always maintained the refining of learners' spiritual character.

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Research paper thumbnail of Crossroads between Islamic Spirituality and the Instruction of Science

The increased interest in understanding the influence of spirituality on the diverse domains of l... more The increased interest in understanding the influence of spirituality on the diverse domains of life, and alongside, the inherent pathways with science continues to draw the interest of both academicians and professionals. In the context of Muslim communities, however, and in view of their struggle for educational reforms, this issue is considered as highly critical, given Muslim active spiritual and religious take on life. This preliminary study explores the linkages associating Muslim spirituality to science and its instruction. This research shows that for science instruction, spirituality is naturally interconnected with science, helps broaden the horizon of exploration, nurtures Muslims' connection with the divine, and helps refine their ethical responsibility towards society and nature. Further empirical research on the effects of spirituality on students' learning attitudes to sciences and instructors' delivery would bring to light how Muslim spiritual values shape current personal and educational developments.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Struggle of Traditional Religious Education in West Africa: The Case of Mahdara in Mauritania

Over the course of time, the desert-based mahdara seminaries have made fundamental contributions ... more Over the course of time, the desert-based mahdara seminaries have made fundamental contributions to the preservation of the religious, spiritual, and cultural identity in West African societies. As an age-old nomadic entity, it was able to maintain a leading role in the promotion of socio-cultural traditions, as well as provide an indigenous model for public religious education in Mauritania. Following the country's independence and Mauritania's emergence as a nation state, modernity and political reform threatened and weakened the mahdara's prestige and glory. National educational reforms, globalization, weather crises and ensuing mass urbanization, in addition to ongoing political debates on the mahdara's model of instruction and its role in citizenship building, all had a role to play in its fate. The intense debate around the mahdara's reform continues to sharpen the divide between proponents of traditional religious learning, modernists, and proclaimed moderates. This paper explores the nature of the mahdara's struggle and the challenges shaping its position in the current religious, educational and political landscape, and leading to the adaptation and accommodation required for its survival. This study concludes that similar to other traditional institutions of Muslim learning, the survival of the mahdara in the face of insurmountable internal and external challenges and in view of its ambitions for progressive reform, the mahdara continues to celebrate itself as a unique model of religious learning whilst demonstrating an established core identity and reputation. Further research should highlight the interaction between tradition and modernity as seen in the case of the mahdara's survival and the necessity of the preservation of such endangered historical institutions of national and cultural identity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Breastfeeding as a Fundamental Islamic Human Right

The argument inherent in this paper is that the religious beliefs and values system deeply shape ... more The argument inherent in this paper is that the religious beliefs and values system deeply shape Muslims' breastfeeding culture and that mapping the religious ideals of Islam is essential given the potential inroads it offers toward enhanced neo-natal, prenatal and pediatric practices, as well as the mitigation of malpractice or cultural inhibitors. This paper discusses the Muslim religious, moral and spiritual understanding of breastfeeding as a basic natural right while exploring the peculiar perspectives of Islamic law and ethics on the matter, in an effort to present a relevant coherent overview. This research shows that for Muslims, breastfeeding is intertwined with Islam's system of beliefs and values and hence continues to play a vital role in improving health education and increasing rates of exclusive breastfeed-ing. Further empirical studies on Muslims' perception and practices of breastfeeding shall highlight the extent to which Muslims adhere to religious and spiritual teachings , the response to cultural, secular and liberal models of child upbringing, and how a Muslim religious discourse may further support and celebrate human lacta-tion and breastfeeding as a basic right.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mahdara ‘Camel University’: Continuity and Change in Muslim Religious Education"

Mahdara educational institution continues to play significant role in the shaping of Mauritania’s... more Mahdara educational institution continues to play significant role in the shaping of Mauritania’s religious and cultural identity. As nomadic entity, it could maintain key position over the course of hundreds of time, and develop a unique African Muslim model of education, culture and mass religious thinking. However, following independence from the French colonial, the rise of Mauritania as nation state, alongside other serious problems associated with climate, modernity, and globalization, the fate of deterioration was inevitable. Today, the intense debate of Mahdara reform continues to sharpen between those proponents of the traditional religious education, modernists, and seekers of middle ground. This paper explores the struggle of Mahdara with those problems to better understand the factors causing its slow decline. This study concludes that Mahdara may even be vulnerable to extinction in the near future should there not be rescuing approach of reform which would blend modernity with tradition system.

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Research paper thumbnail of On Incorporating Religious Spirituality in Scientific Instruction: An Islamic Perspective

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The attitude and knowledge of Muslim educators play a vital role in the efforts for Integrating o... more The attitude and knowledge of Muslim educators play a vital role in the efforts for Integrating of Knowledge, especially by infusing or integrating it with Islamic perspective. It is better still if the integration is held at early as possible in the education system. This paper reported the outcome from the survey given to the educators of Center for Foundation Studies (CFS), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in the process of infusion of Islamic perspective the Physics subject. The educators were given a developed chapter infused with the Islamic perspective to be taught to the students and their experience in using this integrated chapter was evaluated. This survey on the integrated chapter in the physic subject focused on its content and style, the infusion of Islamic perspective and the impact to the teaching and learning activities. The analysis of the survey shows that more than 90% of the educators agreed that the content and style of the book is sufficient and fulfills the CFS requirement and it is at par with the chapter in the current textbook used. In the aspect of the infusion of Islamic perspective, 85.3% of the educators claimed that the r infusion of Islamic perspective is adequate with contribution of the Muslim scientists is clearly presented and this chapter is not just a science chapter but also a tool to appreciate the creation of Allah. The educators also highlighted that students learning time were not increase with the infusion of the Islamic perspective in teaching, and not surprising it has inspired the students to know more about the relations between science and Al-Quran. The authors understand that this Islamic integrated chapter which is the part of the integrated physics textbook developed, is far from perfect but it is a good start to the integration of the Islamic perspective into science subject.

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Research paper thumbnail of Islam and Prejudice: Special Reference to Gordon W. Allport's Contact Hypothesis

This study explores the Muslim perspective on human interaction, relationships and prejudice. A s... more This study explores the Muslim perspective on human interaction, relationships and prejudice. A survey of the literature recognises Islam's fundamental acknowledgement of human diversity, drawing on a dynamic theological, moral, spiritual and legal philosophy revolving around the preservation and sustainment of non-prejudiced human contact. This study discusses the Muslim perspective of human contact, non-prejudice, and accordingly, revisits Gordon W. Allport's "Theory of Contact Hypothesis" in an effort to compare and contrast it with the Muslim perspective on related issues such as racial prejudice, gender inequity, age prejudice, disability discrimination, social status and classism. This research concludes that Islam has developed a framework necessary for cultivating religiosity and morality without risking the value of effective and harmonious human relations. Further empirical studies on the interplay between Muslim theory and practice on contact hypothesis and prejudice are required to further interpret the dynamics of Muslim values in working settings, and the viability of translating religious ideals into reality.

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The inherent argument in the study is that spirituality helps refine Muslims’ introspective and e... more The inherent argument in the study is that spirituality helps refine Muslims’ introspective and extrospective awareness and conception towards earth stewardship, extending the capacity for development and environmental sustainability. This study examines the pathways through which spirituality contributes to cultivating and promoting deeper awareness of sustainability and responsibility towards nature among Muslims, with inherent potential for catalyzing action on declining environmental conditions. This conceptual paper draws on the Muslims sources to discuss the framework according to which spirituality re-wires Muslims’ perceptions, attitudes and decision-making vis-à-vis the management of natural resources. This study concludes that Muslim spirituality brings forward relevant prospects to re-conceptualizing and re-packaging environmental sustainability and sustainable development in a multicultural and global context. Further research is essential to investigate potential added value by Muslim spiritual capital to a global agenda of sustainability and to cross- cultural environmental development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Positive thinking An Islamic Perspective

The topic of positive thinking is gaining widespread popularity while drawing increasing interest... more The topic of positive thinking is gaining widespread popularity while drawing increasing interests of academicians and health professionals. The most relevant literature to the topic however, generally appears to overlook major religious and socio-cultural differences of communities and societies. In an attempt to fill this lacuna, the current research investigates the nature and composition of positive thinking from an Islamic perspective. The current inquiry also contrasts both patterns of positive and negative thinking in order to determine the influence of belief and religiosity on healthy thinking and attitude. This inquiry reveals the distinct character and nature of positive thinking in Islam and suggests new areas of interest for researchers and health professionals interested in issues of thinking and personality in cross-religious and cultural settings.

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Research paper thumbnail of J A A S Sufism and Politics in Contemporary Egypt: A Study of Sufi Political Engagement in the Pre and Post-revolutionary Reality of January 2011

Experts on Sufi movements relegate a rather significant and critical role for Sufism in the forma... more Experts on Sufi movements relegate a rather significant and critical role for Sufism in the formation of redefined political forces on the new post-Arab Spring political map. This is particularly true for one of the most vibrant Sufi capitals of the Muslim world, Egypt, holding a record sum of more than 10 million Sufi members. In spite of this, however, one year after the Revolution in Egypt, political developments exhibited a pattern of failure of Sufis gaining political ground in the post-Mubarak political arena. This paper discusses contentions and problematic issues Sufis faced with respect to politics in Egypt, with particular focus given to their political experience in Egypt. This study seeks to explore the Sufi experience throughout the process of political struggle, while examining their contributions to the November 2011 elections in an attempt to unveil the factors culminating in their political setback in spite of their massive membership base, and the official favored support of the state, both on the local and international fronts. The study concludes that the nature of the Sufi practice itself contributed to a restraining of their political presence, in addition to their lack of political awareness, poor organization and populism, all of which acted critically toward creating a failed political journey for the Sufi orders in modern Egypt.

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Research paper thumbnail of Questioning Styles in the Qur’ān and Their Impact on Human Thinking a Conceptual Analysis

Intellectual Discourse, 2017

Questions and questioning represent one of the most important communicative and illust... more Questions and questioning represent one of the most important communicative and illustrative mediums of the Qur’an. Qur’ān exegetes devoted signifi cant efforts to the study of styles of questioning across various disciplines of the Qur’ān sciences, and as such, have addressed the topic of questions from the perspectives of language, theology, jurisprudence, dialectics, philosophy and ethics. Little interest, however, is shown to the relationship between questions and thinking. This textual analysis of selected Qur’ānic questions examine Qur’anic questions, their forms, scope, functions and effects with respect to development of human thought. This study shows that questions in the Qur’ān serve a broad range of objectives. The style of questioning inherent the Qur’ān presents an intuitive and familiar method that may be included in current Muslim education and learning to revive critical thinking and creativity known to early generation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Spiritual and Moral Reform of Muslims Inmates: The Model of Said Nursī

This paper examines the perspective of a prominent Muslim reformer in the twentieth century, Bedi... more This paper examines the perspective of a prominent Muslim reformer in the twentieth century, Bediüzzaman Said Nursī (1877–1960), on the spiritual and moral reform of incarcerated Muslims. Nursī model of the rehabilitation of Muslim inmates draws on a set of theological, spiritual, and moral themes, and interestingly, on his own personal experience of incarceration. The understanding of Nursi’s perspective on inmates’ rehabilitation primarily draws on his magnum opus, the Risale-iNur which, provide the reader with both the vision and techniques leading to the effective restoring of personality balance in the context of spiritual remembrance and universal brotherhood amidst Muslim inmates. An understanding of Nursī’s perspective of the reform of incarcerated Muslims not only provides us with the theological and spiritual theoretical framework necessary for behavioral modeling alongside the practical experience concerning rehabilitation of incarcerated Muslims but also enhances the effectiveness of the approaches, assessment, and management of current problems of Muslim inmates especially in pluralistic societies.

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In the morning of October 20 th 2014, Martin 'Ahmad' Rouleau or Ahmad Le Converti, a Canadian Mus... more In the morning of October 20 th 2014, Martin 'Ahmad' Rouleau or Ahmad Le Converti, a Canadian Muslim convert from Quebec, Canada, slammed a car into two Canadian Armed Forces members in the parking lot of a Service Canada in Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu. The attack caused the tragic death of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, a long-serving member of the Armed Forces. Rouleau was later pursued and killed. This incident not only manifests without doubt the disturbing and active manipulation of religious ideology, but also poses the beginning of complex and interrelated problems that cannot be singlehandedly dismissed; significant given the unique danger it poses to both national and international security. Rouleau's case presents us with an intense interplay between religious conversion, Canadian citizenship, religious interpretation, online religious learning, self-radicalization and the resultant shaping of a destructive malign 'lone-wolf' terrorist and the ensuing security threat it imposes. This paper would trace the journey of self-guided radicalization undergone by Rouleau, tracking the emotional, personal, psychological and religious influences that culminated in the unexpected violence that shook a nation that so strongly identifies with the preservation of human dignity and life.

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Research paper thumbnail of Desert-Based Muslim Religious Education: Mahdara as a Model

As one of the oldest surviving educational religious models in the history of Muslim education, M... more As one of the oldest surviving educational religious models in the history of Muslim education, Mahdara remains a poorly studied desert-based religious institution of traditional learning. In its Bedouin context, the Mahdara produced religious scholars no less competent in the mastery of religious Islamic sciences than graduates of other reputable Islamic learning institutions. This article explores the historical development of the Mahdara, its academic program, social system, and contribution to the Mauritanian community while highlighting the major problems modernity poses to it in its struggle to preserve its sociohistorical position in society.

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Research paper thumbnail of Risk and Financial Management Article The Need for Shari'ah-Compliant Awqāf Banks

Bridging global economic inequalities calls for effective financial alternatives such as awqāf ba... more Bridging global economic inequalities calls for effective financial alternatives such as awqāf banks to better attend to the needs of the poor and underprivileged. This is expected to address the root causes of poverty and ensuing economic gaps, improving much of the living standards whether pertaining to education, health, shelter, employment or basic social services while reducing the state's economic and financial burden. We envision awqāf banks as institutions which are established through cash awqāf and which operate multiple awqāf funds alongside an assortment of financial instruments. The main use of their awqāf funds are the issue of low-cost credit to the poor, economically disadvantaged and underprivileged, instead of focusing solely on generating and maximizing shareholder profits. This is to support the economy through of steady and sustainable growth, effectively raising the lower bar on per capita income and lifting multitudes out of poverty and need. This paper explores how low-cost credit can be provided to the poor or lower income demographics through awqāf banks, while addressing relevant issues such as Shari'ah compliance, services rendering, investment and awqāf distribution. This paper also examines current studies on awqāf in relation to finance and banking, the basic functions, and characteristics of the Shari'ah-compliant awqāf bank, as well as evaluations of awqāf banks. Current studies show that there is a legitimate need for Shari'ah-compliant awqāf banks which not only providing services for its beneficiaries but also manage investments and awqāf funds that contribute to overall national development and economic growth. This study would be of high relevance to experts, practitioners, financial managers, regulators, and policy makers in the fields of awqāf, banking and finance.

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Research paper thumbnail of COPING WITH COVID-19 Higher Education in the GCC Countries

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrating Makerspaces in Higher Education: Constructionism Approach to Learning

This study explored the impact of using makerspaces in higher education. The paper sought to inve... more This study explored the impact of using makerspaces in higher education. The paper sought to investigate the effects of constructionism approach on students learning outcomes in the setting of makerspaces which allows community members to design, prototype and manufacture items using tools that would otherwise be inaccessible or unaffordable such as 3-D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines, and CAD/CAM software. The case study involves students in the Design Program at Effat University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In such a makerspaces environment, results based on course learning outcomes in product design showed that students perform better learn creative ways to problem-solving, and engage effectively through creative experimentation. Further empirical research into the effectual relations between design and 3D constructions may further demonstrate the vital importance of makerspaces on students’ learning performance and mastery of skills in the context of higher learning.

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Research paper thumbnail of Smart Villages and the GCC Countries: Policies, Strategies, and Implications

Emerald, 2019

Abstract The majority of the population in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) lives in urban area... more Abstract
The majority of the population in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) lives in urban areas. In the year 2030, the percentage of the rural population is expected to be 14% in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 11% in the United Arab Emirates, 10% in Oman, 9% in Bahrain, 1% in Qatar, and will remain 0% in Kuwait. Like many other countries, however, GCC countries continue to invest efforts and resources toward their national agendas aimed at sustainable development. In this context, smart villages are of special interest as, increasingly, they serve as the crossroads between urban living and rural life embracing history, culture, tradition, spiritual values, and human capital. The objective of this chapter is to explore actions taken toward the development of smart villages in the GCC countries, with a comparative overview on pertaining approaches and strategies; challenges related to the implementation of these actions are identified. It is demonstrated that despite GCCs’ tremendous efforts toward developing infrastructure in urban centers, more infrastructure investment is needed with regard to key issues related to developing remote areas – including their smart networks, digital facilities, and e-governance. It is also highlighted that more research is needed, especially on issues related to the transformation of villages into smart villages, including the need for holistic approaches, policies, and strategies toward smart villages

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Jurnal Al-Tamaddun, 2019

The argument inherent in this study is that the Islamic framework on social coexistence and harmo... more The argument inherent in this study is that the Islamic framework on social coexistence and harmony stipulates moral capital as a bridge for community's inter-connectivity, interaction, and development, and that, for Muslims, morals act as an effective catalyst for constructing social coexistence and harmony. This study discusses the concept of Islamic social ethics and moral development in the context of society, followed by an inquiry into the ways and means according to which Muslim ethics may contribute and sustain social rapprochement, mutual support and social justice. The study aims to identify the prevalent framework for Muslim social morality, which can be of benefit to effective social policy, increasing civic engagement, developing an inclusive universal moral education, or furthering multicultural tolerance. Using textual approach, this study shows how Islam capitalizes on individual and collective morality towards the effective engineering of sustainable communities' relations and development. Further empirical studies on the contribution of Muslim morals in lieu of fortifying community development and social harmony would contribute to the way of elucidating the Muslim projection of theoretical moral ideals in real life conditions as well as tracing the convergences and divergences between Muslim theory and practices with regards to the application of morals to personal and communal settings, and more importantly in our context the shaping of communities' rapprochement, coexistence and harmony.

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Research paper thumbnail of Education Piety Special Reference to Abu Hamid al Ghazali and Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun20190917 18838 1xtw1j8

Global Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Paths in Islamic Education Copyright, 2020

This chapter seeks to explore the crossroads between learning in Islam and spirituality, and also... more This chapter seeks to explore the crossroads between learning in Islam and spirituality, and also the methods according to which Muslim instructors shape students' experiences in a context of piety development. This study also examines questions pertaining to the concept of spirituality in education, methods pedagogic principles that further merge spiritual discipline with knowledge acquisition. The theoretical research draws on the textual analysis of early works of Muslim scholars, more specifically on Abdul Ibn Khaldun and Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, given their prominent positions in the history of Muslim education. This study shows that the Islamic learning has always taken students' spiritual growth for granted and has, despite differences of practices across Muslim regions, always maintained the refining of learners' spiritual character.

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Research paper thumbnail of Crossroads between Islamic Spirituality and the Instruction of Science

The increased interest in understanding the influence of spirituality on the diverse domains of l... more The increased interest in understanding the influence of spirituality on the diverse domains of life, and alongside, the inherent pathways with science continues to draw the interest of both academicians and professionals. In the context of Muslim communities, however, and in view of their struggle for educational reforms, this issue is considered as highly critical, given Muslim active spiritual and religious take on life. This preliminary study explores the linkages associating Muslim spirituality to science and its instruction. This research shows that for science instruction, spirituality is naturally interconnected with science, helps broaden the horizon of exploration, nurtures Muslims' connection with the divine, and helps refine their ethical responsibility towards society and nature. Further empirical research on the effects of spirituality on students' learning attitudes to sciences and instructors' delivery would bring to light how Muslim spiritual values shape current personal and educational developments.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Struggle of Traditional Religious Education in West Africa: The Case of Mahdara in Mauritania

Over the course of time, the desert-based mahdara seminaries have made fundamental contributions ... more Over the course of time, the desert-based mahdara seminaries have made fundamental contributions to the preservation of the religious, spiritual, and cultural identity in West African societies. As an age-old nomadic entity, it was able to maintain a leading role in the promotion of socio-cultural traditions, as well as provide an indigenous model for public religious education in Mauritania. Following the country's independence and Mauritania's emergence as a nation state, modernity and political reform threatened and weakened the mahdara's prestige and glory. National educational reforms, globalization, weather crises and ensuing mass urbanization, in addition to ongoing political debates on the mahdara's model of instruction and its role in citizenship building, all had a role to play in its fate. The intense debate around the mahdara's reform continues to sharpen the divide between proponents of traditional religious learning, modernists, and proclaimed moderates. This paper explores the nature of the mahdara's struggle and the challenges shaping its position in the current religious, educational and political landscape, and leading to the adaptation and accommodation required for its survival. This study concludes that similar to other traditional institutions of Muslim learning, the survival of the mahdara in the face of insurmountable internal and external challenges and in view of its ambitions for progressive reform, the mahdara continues to celebrate itself as a unique model of religious learning whilst demonstrating an established core identity and reputation. Further research should highlight the interaction between tradition and modernity as seen in the case of the mahdara's survival and the necessity of the preservation of such endangered historical institutions of national and cultural identity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Breastfeeding as a Fundamental Islamic Human Right

The argument inherent in this paper is that the religious beliefs and values system deeply shape ... more The argument inherent in this paper is that the religious beliefs and values system deeply shape Muslims' breastfeeding culture and that mapping the religious ideals of Islam is essential given the potential inroads it offers toward enhanced neo-natal, prenatal and pediatric practices, as well as the mitigation of malpractice or cultural inhibitors. This paper discusses the Muslim religious, moral and spiritual understanding of breastfeeding as a basic natural right while exploring the peculiar perspectives of Islamic law and ethics on the matter, in an effort to present a relevant coherent overview. This research shows that for Muslims, breastfeeding is intertwined with Islam's system of beliefs and values and hence continues to play a vital role in improving health education and increasing rates of exclusive breastfeed-ing. Further empirical studies on Muslims' perception and practices of breastfeeding shall highlight the extent to which Muslims adhere to religious and spiritual teachings , the response to cultural, secular and liberal models of child upbringing, and how a Muslim religious discourse may further support and celebrate human lacta-tion and breastfeeding as a basic right.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mahdara ‘Camel University’: Continuity and Change in Muslim Religious Education"

Mahdara educational institution continues to play significant role in the shaping of Mauritania’s... more Mahdara educational institution continues to play significant role in the shaping of Mauritania’s religious and cultural identity. As nomadic entity, it could maintain key position over the course of hundreds of time, and develop a unique African Muslim model of education, culture and mass religious thinking. However, following independence from the French colonial, the rise of Mauritania as nation state, alongside other serious problems associated with climate, modernity, and globalization, the fate of deterioration was inevitable. Today, the intense debate of Mahdara reform continues to sharpen between those proponents of the traditional religious education, modernists, and seekers of middle ground. This paper explores the struggle of Mahdara with those problems to better understand the factors causing its slow decline. This study concludes that Mahdara may even be vulnerable to extinction in the near future should there not be rescuing approach of reform which would blend modernity with tradition system.

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Research paper thumbnail of On Incorporating Religious Spirituality in Scientific Instruction: An Islamic Perspective

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The attitude and knowledge of Muslim educators play a vital role in the efforts for Integrating o... more The attitude and knowledge of Muslim educators play a vital role in the efforts for Integrating of Knowledge, especially by infusing or integrating it with Islamic perspective. It is better still if the integration is held at early as possible in the education system. This paper reported the outcome from the survey given to the educators of Center for Foundation Studies (CFS), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in the process of infusion of Islamic perspective the Physics subject. The educators were given a developed chapter infused with the Islamic perspective to be taught to the students and their experience in using this integrated chapter was evaluated. This survey on the integrated chapter in the physic subject focused on its content and style, the infusion of Islamic perspective and the impact to the teaching and learning activities. The analysis of the survey shows that more than 90% of the educators agreed that the content and style of the book is sufficient and fulfills the CFS requirement and it is at par with the chapter in the current textbook used. In the aspect of the infusion of Islamic perspective, 85.3% of the educators claimed that the r infusion of Islamic perspective is adequate with contribution of the Muslim scientists is clearly presented and this chapter is not just a science chapter but also a tool to appreciate the creation of Allah. The educators also highlighted that students learning time were not increase with the infusion of the Islamic perspective in teaching, and not surprising it has inspired the students to know more about the relations between science and Al-Quran. The authors understand that this Islamic integrated chapter which is the part of the integrated physics textbook developed, is far from perfect but it is a good start to the integration of the Islamic perspective into science subject.

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Research paper thumbnail of Islam and Prejudice: Special Reference to Gordon W. Allport's Contact Hypothesis

This study explores the Muslim perspective on human interaction, relationships and prejudice. A s... more This study explores the Muslim perspective on human interaction, relationships and prejudice. A survey of the literature recognises Islam's fundamental acknowledgement of human diversity, drawing on a dynamic theological, moral, spiritual and legal philosophy revolving around the preservation and sustainment of non-prejudiced human contact. This study discusses the Muslim perspective of human contact, non-prejudice, and accordingly, revisits Gordon W. Allport's "Theory of Contact Hypothesis" in an effort to compare and contrast it with the Muslim perspective on related issues such as racial prejudice, gender inequity, age prejudice, disability discrimination, social status and classism. This research concludes that Islam has developed a framework necessary for cultivating religiosity and morality without risking the value of effective and harmonious human relations. Further empirical studies on the interplay between Muslim theory and practice on contact hypothesis and prejudice are required to further interpret the dynamics of Muslim values in working settings, and the viability of translating religious ideals into reality.

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The inherent argument in the study is that spirituality helps refine Muslims’ introspective and e... more The inherent argument in the study is that spirituality helps refine Muslims’ introspective and extrospective awareness and conception towards earth stewardship, extending the capacity for development and environmental sustainability. This study examines the pathways through which spirituality contributes to cultivating and promoting deeper awareness of sustainability and responsibility towards nature among Muslims, with inherent potential for catalyzing action on declining environmental conditions. This conceptual paper draws on the Muslims sources to discuss the framework according to which spirituality re-wires Muslims’ perceptions, attitudes and decision-making vis-à-vis the management of natural resources. This study concludes that Muslim spirituality brings forward relevant prospects to re-conceptualizing and re-packaging environmental sustainability and sustainable development in a multicultural and global context. Further research is essential to investigate potential added value by Muslim spiritual capital to a global agenda of sustainability and to cross- cultural environmental development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Positive thinking An Islamic Perspective

The topic of positive thinking is gaining widespread popularity while drawing increasing interest... more The topic of positive thinking is gaining widespread popularity while drawing increasing interests of academicians and health professionals. The most relevant literature to the topic however, generally appears to overlook major religious and socio-cultural differences of communities and societies. In an attempt to fill this lacuna, the current research investigates the nature and composition of positive thinking from an Islamic perspective. The current inquiry also contrasts both patterns of positive and negative thinking in order to determine the influence of belief and religiosity on healthy thinking and attitude. This inquiry reveals the distinct character and nature of positive thinking in Islam and suggests new areas of interest for researchers and health professionals interested in issues of thinking and personality in cross-religious and cultural settings.

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Research paper thumbnail of J A A S Sufism and Politics in Contemporary Egypt: A Study of Sufi Political Engagement in the Pre and Post-revolutionary Reality of January 2011

Experts on Sufi movements relegate a rather significant and critical role for Sufism in the forma... more Experts on Sufi movements relegate a rather significant and critical role for Sufism in the formation of redefined political forces on the new post-Arab Spring political map. This is particularly true for one of the most vibrant Sufi capitals of the Muslim world, Egypt, holding a record sum of more than 10 million Sufi members. In spite of this, however, one year after the Revolution in Egypt, political developments exhibited a pattern of failure of Sufis gaining political ground in the post-Mubarak political arena. This paper discusses contentions and problematic issues Sufis faced with respect to politics in Egypt, with particular focus given to their political experience in Egypt. This study seeks to explore the Sufi experience throughout the process of political struggle, while examining their contributions to the November 2011 elections in an attempt to unveil the factors culminating in their political setback in spite of their massive membership base, and the official favored support of the state, both on the local and international fronts. The study concludes that the nature of the Sufi practice itself contributed to a restraining of their political presence, in addition to their lack of political awareness, poor organization and populism, all of which acted critically toward creating a failed political journey for the Sufi orders in modern Egypt.

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Research paper thumbnail of Questioning Styles in the Qur’ān and Their Impact on Human Thinking a Conceptual Analysis

Intellectual Discourse, 2017

Questions and questioning represent one of the most important communicative and illust... more Questions and questioning represent one of the most important communicative and illustrative mediums of the Qur’an. Qur’ān exegetes devoted signifi cant efforts to the study of styles of questioning across various disciplines of the Qur’ān sciences, and as such, have addressed the topic of questions from the perspectives of language, theology, jurisprudence, dialectics, philosophy and ethics. Little interest, however, is shown to the relationship between questions and thinking. This textual analysis of selected Qur’ānic questions examine Qur’anic questions, their forms, scope, functions and effects with respect to development of human thought. This study shows that questions in the Qur’ān serve a broad range of objectives. The style of questioning inherent the Qur’ān presents an intuitive and familiar method that may be included in current Muslim education and learning to revive critical thinking and creativity known to early generation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Spiritual and Moral Reform of Muslims Inmates: The Model of Said Nursī

This paper examines the perspective of a prominent Muslim reformer in the twentieth century, Bedi... more This paper examines the perspective of a prominent Muslim reformer in the twentieth century, Bediüzzaman Said Nursī (1877–1960), on the spiritual and moral reform of incarcerated Muslims. Nursī model of the rehabilitation of Muslim inmates draws on a set of theological, spiritual, and moral themes, and interestingly, on his own personal experience of incarceration. The understanding of Nursi’s perspective on inmates’ rehabilitation primarily draws on his magnum opus, the Risale-iNur which, provide the reader with both the vision and techniques leading to the effective restoring of personality balance in the context of spiritual remembrance and universal brotherhood amidst Muslim inmates. An understanding of Nursī’s perspective of the reform of incarcerated Muslims not only provides us with the theological and spiritual theoretical framework necessary for behavioral modeling alongside the practical experience concerning rehabilitation of incarcerated Muslims but also enhances the effectiveness of the approaches, assessment, and management of current problems of Muslim inmates especially in pluralistic societies.

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In the morning of October 20 th 2014, Martin 'Ahmad' Rouleau or Ahmad Le Converti, a Canadian Mus... more In the morning of October 20 th 2014, Martin 'Ahmad' Rouleau or Ahmad Le Converti, a Canadian Muslim convert from Quebec, Canada, slammed a car into two Canadian Armed Forces members in the parking lot of a Service Canada in Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu. The attack caused the tragic death of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, a long-serving member of the Armed Forces. Rouleau was later pursued and killed. This incident not only manifests without doubt the disturbing and active manipulation of religious ideology, but also poses the beginning of complex and interrelated problems that cannot be singlehandedly dismissed; significant given the unique danger it poses to both national and international security. Rouleau's case presents us with an intense interplay between religious conversion, Canadian citizenship, religious interpretation, online religious learning, self-radicalization and the resultant shaping of a destructive malign 'lone-wolf' terrorist and the ensuing security threat it imposes. This paper would trace the journey of self-guided radicalization undergone by Rouleau, tracking the emotional, personal, psychological and religious influences that culminated in the unexpected violence that shook a nation that so strongly identifies with the preservation of human dignity and life.

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Research paper thumbnail of Desert-Based Muslim Religious Education: Mahdara as a Model

As one of the oldest surviving educational religious models in the history of Muslim education, M... more As one of the oldest surviving educational religious models in the history of Muslim education, Mahdara remains a poorly studied desert-based religious institution of traditional learning. In its Bedouin context, the Mahdara produced religious scholars no less competent in the mastery of religious Islamic sciences than graduates of other reputable Islamic learning institutions. This article explores the historical development of the Mahdara, its academic program, social system, and contribution to the Mauritanian community while highlighting the major problems modernity poses to it in its struggle to preserve its sociohistorical position in society.

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Research paper thumbnail of (

Proceedings International Conference on Application of Asmaul Husna in Innovation 2015 (ICAH2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrating Makerspaces in Higher Education: Constructionism Approach to Learning

This study explored the impact of using makerspaces in higher education. The paper sought to inve... more This study explored the impact of using makerspaces in higher education. The paper sought to investigate the effects of constructionism approach on students learning outcomes in the setting of makerspaces which allows community members to design, prototype and manufacture items using tools that would otherwise be inaccessible or unaffordable such as 3-D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines, and CAD/CAM software. The case study involves students in the Design Program at Effat University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In such a makerspaces environment, results based on course learning outcomes in product design showed that students perform better learn creative ways to problem-solving, and engage effectively through creative experimentation. Further empirical research into the effectual relations between design and 3D constructions may further demonstrate the vital importance of makerspaces on students’ learning performance and mastery of skills in the context of higher learning.

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Research paper thumbnail of Smart village and the GCC countries

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards Shari’ah Compliant Waqf Bank

The current socio-economic gaps among rich and poor continue to widen, especially with wealth con... more The current socio-economic gaps among rich and poor continue to widen, especially with wealth concentration in the hands of few alongside the increasingly prevailing materialistic and individualistic life philosophies. Bridging of those gaps among communities and nations calls for paradigm shift, and for many strategies including Waqf bank which in addition to lessening the gap, providing basic services such as education, shelter, and employment opportunities and social amenities to the poor, would eventually reduce the burden on the state. Waqf bank is held through use of cash waqf, and helps generate multiple waqf funds, and through their earnings, they would be able to issue low-cost credits to the poor and underprivileged. Those credits are usually unsecured and tend not to cause worry to the subscribers regardless of the financial status of poor or low income borrowers. This would in turn help the economy rise to higher notches with ultimate increase of and the per capita income, and certainly alleviation of poverty. This study explores how interest free and affordable loans can be provided to poor or lower income categories. This study introduces fundamental bank structures including Shari’a compliance, services rendering, investments and waqf distribution. This study shows that there is a need for Shari’a compliant waqf bank which would provide services for its beneficiaries, effectively manage investment and waqf funds while contributing to the overall sustainable development plans of the nation. This inquiry will be of use to academics and waqf and finance experts, waqf managers, policy makers and regulators in the field of waqf, banking and finance, and community development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Smart villages and the GCC Countries: Policies, strategies, and implications

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Research paper thumbnail of Değerlerin Toplumsal Hayattaki Önemi: Karakter ve Değer Eğitiminde Kültürlerarası Farklılaşma ve Birlikte Yaşama Kültürü

Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık eBooks, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of: "Religiously motivated terrorism: a systematic review exploring causal pathways

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Research paper thumbnail of Theory of maqasid and social sciences

International Islamic University Malaysia, 1994, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of An Islamic Spiritual Alternative to Addiction Treatment and Recovery

Al-jamiah, Jun 15, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Ethics in Muslim Writing and Research Methodology: The Case of Ibn Khaldun's Scholarly Writing

Journal of Al-Tamaddun

This study examines the concept and practice of scholarly writing among Muslim scholars, with a s... more This study examines the concept and practice of scholarly writing among Muslim scholars, with a special reference to 'Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun (d.1406). The research draws on a textual analysis of Ibn Khaldun’s Muqaddimah and other early Muslim works regarding the craft of writing while addressing the broader, wider context of writing ethicality and its influence on social consciousness. This study discusses the worldview and ethics of writing, concepts, and terminologies, sources and objectives, investigation, and styles of presentation according. This research demonstrates that Ibn Khaldun’s writing methodology and style continue to stand as a prime example for scholarship in the social sciences and that his spiritual beliefs and value system served to further enhance the originality and rigor of his writing and conceptual schemes. Further inductive research conducted across a larger body of Muslim literature will bring about interesting insights on the relationship between sp...

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Research paper thumbnail of إشكالية استثمار أموال الزكاة: رؤية أصولية مقاصدية

يعتبر استثمار أموال الزكاة من المستجدات الفقهية التي اختلف حول مشروعيتها الفقهاء، وهي من المسائل ... more يعتبر استثمار أموال الزكاة من المستجدات الفقهية التي اختلف حول مشروعيتها الفقهاء، وهي من المسائل التي تستحق المزيد من الدراسات الشرعية التي تعنى بالتأصيل والتطبيق في آن واحد. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تأصيل استثمار أموال الزكاة عن طريق مناقشة الأدلة النقلية والعقلية، وربطها بأصولها الشرعية والمقاصدية وما يتعلق بها من قواعد فقيهة. كما تهدف الدراسة أيضا إلى الوصول إلى القول الراجح بالشكل الذي تتحقق معه مقاصد الزكاة التربوية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية. يعتمد البحث منهج الاستقراء في استنباط الأدلة من مصادرها الأصلية والمعاصرة، وتحليلها ومقارنة الآراء من أجل ترجيح الأقوى والأقرب إلى تحقيق المصلحة الشرعية، وبذلك تفسح الدراسة مجالات جديدة في البحث العلمي ورؤية شرعية حول تطبيقات معاصرة في مجال المالية الإسلامية، وتفعيل مؤسسة الزكاة في إطار التنمية الإسلامية المستدامة الشاملة.

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Research paper thumbnail of Education Piety

Global Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Paths in Islamic Education, 2020

This chapter seeks to explore the crossroads between learning in Islam and spirituality, and also... more This chapter seeks to explore the crossroads between learning in Islam and spirituality, and also the methods according to which Muslim instructors shape students' experiences in a context of piety development. This study also examines questions pertaining to the concept of spirituality in education, methods pedagogic principles that further merge spiritual discipline with knowledge acquisition. The theoretical research draws on the textual analysis of early works of Muslim scholars, more specifically on Abdul Ibn Khaldun and Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, given their prominent positions in the history of Muslim education. This study shows that the Islamic learning has always taken students' spiritual growth for granted and has, despite differences of practices across Muslim regions, always maintained the refining of learners' spiritual character.

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Research paper thumbnail of Smart Villages and the GCC Countries: Policies, Strategies, and Implications

Smart Villages in the EU and Beyond, 2019

The majority of the population in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) lives in urban areas. In the... more The majority of the population in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) lives in urban areas. In the year 2030, the percentage of the rural population is expected to be 14% in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 11% in the United Arab Emirates, 10% in Oman, 9% in Bahrain, 1% in Qatar, and will remain 0% in Kuwait. Like many other countries, however, GCC countries continue to invest efforts and resources toward their national agendas aimed at sustainable development. In this context, smart villages are of special interest as, increasingly, they serve as the crossroads between urban living and rural life embracing history, culture, tradition, spiritual values, and human capital. The objective of this chapter is to explore actions taken toward the development of smart villages in the GCC countries, with a comparative overview on pertaining approaches and strategies; challenges related to the implementation of these actions are identified. It is demonstrated that despite GCCs’ tremendous efforts toward developing infrastructure in urban centers, more infrastructure investment is needed with regard to key issues related to developing remote areas – including their smart networks, digital facilities, and e-governance. It is also highlighted that more research is needed, especially on issues related to the transformation of villages into smart villages, including the need for holistic approaches, policies, and strategies toward smart villages.

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Research paper thumbnail of Crossroads between Islamic Spirituality and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Bogoslovni vestnik, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of In Service of God and Humanity

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrating Makerspaces in Higher Education: Constructionism Approach to Learning

Research & Innovation Forum 2019, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of The Mysterious Disappearance of MH370: Malaysian Muslim Spiritual and Religious Response

Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 2015

The disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 has led to a remarkable Muslim spiritual res... more The disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 has led to a remarkable Muslim spiritual response demonstrating a profound mass religious coping phenomenon, and understandably, an intense sense of spirituality; This includes significant, no less relevant issues, such as religious, preaching responses and theological interpretations, the pilots suicidal scenario, the bomohs, and interfaith rapprochement. This study not only highlights the social implications of the spiritual and religious capital inherent in Malaysian society, i.e., indicating of adaptable religious capital in Malaysian society at large, but also unveils to a large degree the extent to which the Malaysian Muslim religious and spiritual capital can play a potentially positive, and effective role in coping with disasters and calamities, and further identifies a collective religious pattern used for adapting to and managing national and international catastrophes and crisis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Автоматизация процесса разработки УМКД кафедры вуза

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Research paper thumbnail of An Overview of Muslim Spiritual Parenting

Religions, 2021

Muslim life on the individual, family, and community levels continues to revolve around fundament... more Muslim life on the individual, family, and community levels continues to revolve around fundamental spiritual principles, themes, and values with corresponding meanings that impact purpose of life and even lifestyle. Muslim parents pursue ways and means to nurture their children’s spirituality, strengthen their moral resilience, and shape their identity as effective members of society. This theoretical study explores Islamic insights into spiritual parenting, addressing questions around what defines spiritual parenting and constitutes its core tenets, characteristics and approaches, and principles and guidelines used by Muslims to raise spiritual children. This study identifies a rich Islamic conceptualization and theoretical approach to holistic spiritual parenting that engages with modernity and allows room for adaptation, creativity, and intercultural experience. Further empirical research is needed to shed light on the current dynamics of Muslim spiritual parenting, parents’ str...

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Research paper thumbnail of Coping with COVID-19: Higher Education in the GCC Countries

Research and Innovation Forum 2020, 2021

Today, the COVID-19 pandemic has, among many other things, tested the resilience of higher educat... more Today, the COVID-19 pandemic has, among many other things, tested the resilience of higher education institutions, but profoundly reshaped the management of learning, education and skills development, leading to a rethinking of perspectives and approaches within the education business as a whole This is in addition to prompting transformation systems to better adjust to the devastating effects and implications of this pandemic or other possible potential crises This study seeks to provide a general descriptive and analytical overview of the various responses of higher learning institutions in the context of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) amid seismic changes, with particular emphasis on the ways and means through which respective institutions have adopted to survive in the business of education, salvage the careers of its students’ population, all while challenged to protect their community well-being While events continue to unfold, this study also seeks to highlight the extent to which universities demonstrated their roles in preserving the standards of quality education and social responsibility in general, across the GCC countries during the pandemic of the COVID-19 and to draw attention to responses and coping mechanisms showcasing resilience, creativity, and re-imaginations of future educational business This study shows that institutions of higher education in the GCC, in their response to COVID-19, have implemented online learning effectively thanks to their already established distance education and digital transformation Through close coordination with their respective governments, GCC institutions of higher learning demonstrated good governance, showing due attention to the safety and welfare of their students, faculty, and staff, while giving attention to their roles in community service, whether in the form of promotion of awareness campaigns, volunteering, research support, and initiatives More research should explore the future of higher institutions in the post coronavirus world as well as the inter-communication and cooperation for better learning and education in the region © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG

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Research paper thumbnail of The Path to Self-Radicalization: Readings into the Case of Martin 'Ahmad' Couture-Rouleau (Ahmad Le Converti)

Journal of Al-Tamaddun, Jun 30, 2017

In the morning of October 20 th 2014, Martin 'Ahmad' Rouleau or Ahmad Le Converti... more In the morning of October 20 th 2014, Martin 'Ahmad' Rouleau or Ahmad Le Converti, a Canadian Muslim convert from Quebec, Canada, slammed a car into two Canadian Armed Forces members in the parking lot of a Service Canada in Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu. The attack caused the tragic death of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, a long-serving member of the Armed Forces. Rouleau was later pursued and killed. This incident not only manifests without doubt the disturbing and active manipulation of religious ideology, but also poses the beginning of complex and interrelated problems that cannot be singlehandedly dismissed; significant given the unique danger it poses to both national and international security. Rouleau's case presents us with an intense interplay between religious conversion, Canadian citizenship, religious interpretation, online religious learning, self-radicalization and the resultant shaping of a destructive malign 'lone-wolf' terrorist and the ensuing security threat it imposes. This paper would trace the journey of self-guided radicalization undergone by Rouleau, tracking the emotional, personal, psychological and religious influences that culminated in the unexpected violence that shook a nation that so strongly identifies with the preservation of human dignity and life.

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Research paper thumbnail of Crossroads between Muslim Sprituality and Environmental Sustainability

Journal of Al-Tamaddun, Jun 28, 2018

The inherent argument in the study is that spirituality helps refine Muslims’ introspective and e... more The inherent argument in the study is that spirituality helps refine Muslims’ introspective and extrospective awareness and conception towards earth stewardship, extending the capacity for development and environmental sustainability. This study examines the pathways through which spirituality contributes to cultivating and promoting deeper awareness of sustainability and responsibility towards nature among Muslims, with inherent potential for catalyzing action on declining environmental conditions. This conceptual paper draws on the Muslims sources to discuss the framework according to which spirituality re-wires Muslims’ perceptions, attitudes and decision-making vis-a-vis the management of natural resources. This study concludes that Muslim spirituality brings forward relevant prospects to re-conceptualizing and re-packaging environmental sustainability and sustainable development in a multicultural and global context. Further research is essential to investigate potential added value by Muslim spiritual capital to a global agenda of sustainability and to cross-cultural environmental development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards Shariah Compliant Waqf Bank

Bridging widening socioeconomic gaps calls for a paradigm shift and the use of effective strategi... more Bridging widening socioeconomic gaps calls for a paradigm shift and the use of effective strategies such as Waqf banks to develop and provide basic services and such as education, shelter, employment opportunities and social amenities to the poor, while reducing the state’s burden and working to constructively address the reasons for the gap. Waqf banks are set-up through the use of cash waqfs and would operate multiple waqf funds alongside an assortment of financial instruments. Their earnings however are issued as low-cost credits to the poor, economically disadvantaged and the underprivileged regardless of their financial status, instead of focusing exclusively on generating shareholder profits. This would significantly aid the economy in steady, sustainable growth; effectively raising the lower bar on per capita income and lifting untold multitudes out of poverty. This study explores how interest-free and affordable loans can be provided to the poor or lower income demographics,...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Struggle of Traditional Religious Education in West Africa: The Case of Mahdara in Mauritania

Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 2019

Mahdara educational institution continues to play significant role in the shaping of Mauritania’s... more Mahdara educational institution continues to play significant role in the shaping of Mauritania’s religious and cultural identity. As nomadic entity, it could maintain key position over the course of hundreds of time, and develop a unique African Muslim model of education, culture and mass religious thinking. However, following independence from the French colonial, the rise of Mauritania as nation state, alongside other serious problems associated with climate, modernity, and globalization, the fate of deterioration was inevitable. Today, the intense debate of Mahdara reform continues to sharpen between those proponents of the traditional religious education, modernists, and seekers of middle ground. This paper explores the struggle of Mahdara with those problems to better understand the factors causing its slow decline. This study concludes that Mahdara may even be vulnerable to extinction in the near future should there not be rescuing approach of reform which would blend moderni...

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Research paper thumbnail of Breastfeeding as a Fundamental Islamic Human Right

Journal of Religion and Health, 2019

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