Mateusz Kłagisz | Jagiellonian University (original) (raw)

Books by Mateusz Kłagisz

Research paper thumbnail of Research Approaches in Iranian Studies; Iran and Poland

Jagiellonian University , 2017

Historical and cultural relations between Poland and Iran have begun centuries ago. In 1474, Ambo... more Historical and cultural relations between Poland and Iran have begun centuries ago. In 1474, Amborgio Contarini, the envoy of Venice, delivered a letter of Uzun Hasan to the Polish king Casimir. The first documented visit of a Polish envoy, namely Sefer Muratowicz, in Persia took place in the years 1601-1602. Among other duties he was tasked to buy carpets for the Polish court. More than 540 years have passed since Poland and Iran established mutual diplomatic and trade relations. From the fifteenth century until the eighteenth century, Poland was active in dispatching different religious, commercial and diplomatic delegations to Iran. These relations were especially strong during the Safavid period. The fall of the Safavid capital of Isfahan (1722) coincides with the period of decline of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; similarly, the rise of the Qajars (1794) coincides with the final partitions of Poland (1795).

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Research paper thumbnail of Ze studiów nad średnioperskim utworem Mādīgān-ī Jōszt-ī Fr(i)jān. Historia o młodzieńcu z rodu Fr(i)jānów, Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka 2019 / A Study of the Middle Persian Text Mādīgān-ī Yōšt-ī Fr(i)yān: A Story of a Young Man from the Family of Fr(i)yān, Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka 2019.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pismo i ortografia języka perskiego / Script and orthography of Persian language

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Drafts by Mateusz Kłagisz

Research paper thumbnail of  تاریخچه ایران شناسی در لهستان / A Brief History of Iranian Studies in Poland - draft

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Papers on Afghan Topics by Mateusz Kłagisz

Research paper thumbnail of Postage Stamps Commemorating Afghanistan’s Independence Day, 1920–2019: An Analysis and Interpretation

Afghanistan [forthcoming]

This article focuses on the description and analysis of postage stamps printed in Afghanistan to ... more This article focuses on the description and analysis of postage stamps printed in Afghanistan to commemorate the anniversary of Independence Day. The study covers a period of one hundred years, from 1920 to 2019. Presented chronologically, the analysis identifies various symbols that are connected to the idea of independence and examines the relationships between these symbols and the dynamics of changes on the domestic political scene. The findings suggest a deliberate decision-making process in the selection of symbols, driven by specific ideological and political objectives, although the question regarding the factual influence of the stamp-oriented policy still needs to be researched. The article concludes with statistical data on the frequency of use of individual symbols and provides several examples of the postage stamps analyzed here.

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Research paper thumbnail of Concepts of hewād ‘Homeland’ and millat ‘Nation’ in Modern Pashto-Language Schoolbooks

Iran and the Caucasus 27(1): 39-53, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of A Few Comments on Selected Articles of the 1964 Constitution of Afghanistan

Folia Orientalia, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Khalilollah par Khalilollah: On Memoirs of Khalilollah Khalili as an Autobiographical Text

Folia Orientalia 58: 87-109, 2021

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[Research paper thumbnail of [co-author: Khalil A. Arab] On (self-)representations of masculinity in Siyāmak Herawiʼs short stories](

Manifestations of male image in the world's cultures, ed. Iwicka Renata, Kraków, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Pro-regime Posters in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan: Work in Progress

Iran and the Caucasus, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Landaje

Przegląd Orientalistyczny, 2020

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[Research paper thumbnail of Co znaczy być męczennikiem? Termin "szahid" w afgańskim i tadżyckim dyskursie politycznym w końcu XX w. [What Does Being a Martyr Mean? Construction of the Meanings of the Term Shahid in Afghan and Tajik Discourse at the End of the Twentieth Centur]](

Przegląd Orientalistyczny Nr 3-4 (267-268), 2018

This article is focused on the significance and the meaning of the term shahid in the context of ... more This article is focused on the significance and the meaning of the term shahid in the context of the socio-political changes in Afghanistan and Tajikistan during the last two decades of the twentieth century. Press materials and other materials in the Dari, Pashto and Tajik languages printed at that time were analysed. The findings have shown how the conflict between the various areas of interest led to the extension of the semantic field of the noun shahid and the changes in its use in everyday language. Both in Afghanistan and Tajikistan, this term grew in popularity and came to be used at an ideological level-and not only by the Islam-oriented fractions-to urge people to war and to increase its symbolic significance and the rank of its fatalities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Visual Propaganda in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan – Part 3. "The land belongs to those who till it!"

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series 7(1), 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Ḫalilullāh Ḫaliliʼs "Ayyār-i az Ḫorāsān (A Vagabond from Khorasan)." Romantic or Real Vision of Habibullāh Kalakāni (Bačče-ye saqqāʾ)?

Acta Orientalia Belgica, 2018

This paper aims to re-comment Ḫalilullāh Ḫaliliʼs "Ayyār-i az Ḫorāsān (A Vagabond from Khorasan)"... more This paper aims to re-comment Ḫalilullāh Ḫaliliʼs "Ayyār-i az Ḫorāsān (A Vagabond from Khorasan)" using the analytic category of '(re-)constructed'. The term 'constructed' suggests that a writer forms his literary characters, names them and endows with personalities, while 're-constructed' indicates that he uses previously existing figures rather than creating new ones. The following question arises here: Does Ḫalilullāh Ḫalili create his own version/vision of Habibullāh Kalakāni or does he merely set Habibullāh Kalakāni into the framework of his own book? In other words, does he present a romantic or real vision of Habibullāh Kalakāni? As we shall see, it is impossible to answer such questions unambiguously, omitting the issue of the literary genre represented by his novel.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kilka uwag o ruchu konstytucyjnym w Afganistanie

Przegląd Orientalistyczny, 2017

The constitutional movement in Afghanistan differed form its Turkish or Iranian counterparts due ... more The constitutional movement in Afghanistan differed form its Turkish or Iranian counterparts due to some historical features of the local political scene. Being a (semi-)tribal monarchy, Afghanistan firstly had to rebuild its political structure in order to become an absolute monarchy, before entering a new stage of development - a constitutional system. At the beginning, Abdurrahman-khan tried to consolidate his power and political position. Later, a few reformists represented by Mahmud Tarzi tried to implement modern concepts to change the political, social and economic status quo. In this article, some aspects of their efforts are discussed with particular reference to Abdurrahman-khan's biography (Taj-ot-tawarikh) and Mahumd Tarzi's manifesto (Aya che bayad kard).

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Research paper thumbnail of Visual Propaganda in the Democratic Republic  of Afghanistan – Part 2. Leading Role of the Party

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Research paper thumbnail of Między tradycją a nowoczesnością. Czterowiersze Chalilullaha Chaliliego / Between Tradition and Modernity. The Quatrains by Khalilullah Khalili

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Research paper thumbnail of «A Curse on Dostoyevski!» – Atiq Rahimi and his dialog with Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Literatury Azji i Afryki wobec problemów współczesności. Materiały XXXV Zjazdu Orientalistów Polskich Warszawa, 16-17 XI 2015, (red.) Marek M. Dziekan, Agata Bareja-Starzyńska

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Research paper thumbnail of Visual Propaganda in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan – Preliminary Report

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Research paper thumbnail of Parłin Peżłak. Wiersze

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Research paper thumbnail of Research Approaches in Iranian Studies; Iran and Poland

Jagiellonian University , 2017

Historical and cultural relations between Poland and Iran have begun centuries ago. In 1474, Ambo... more Historical and cultural relations between Poland and Iran have begun centuries ago. In 1474, Amborgio Contarini, the envoy of Venice, delivered a letter of Uzun Hasan to the Polish king Casimir. The first documented visit of a Polish envoy, namely Sefer Muratowicz, in Persia took place in the years 1601-1602. Among other duties he was tasked to buy carpets for the Polish court. More than 540 years have passed since Poland and Iran established mutual diplomatic and trade relations. From the fifteenth century until the eighteenth century, Poland was active in dispatching different religious, commercial and diplomatic delegations to Iran. These relations were especially strong during the Safavid period. The fall of the Safavid capital of Isfahan (1722) coincides with the period of decline of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; similarly, the rise of the Qajars (1794) coincides with the final partitions of Poland (1795).

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Research paper thumbnail of Ze studiów nad średnioperskim utworem Mādīgān-ī Jōszt-ī Fr(i)jān. Historia o młodzieńcu z rodu Fr(i)jānów, Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka 2019 / A Study of the Middle Persian Text Mādīgān-ī Yōšt-ī Fr(i)yān: A Story of a Young Man from the Family of Fr(i)yān, Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka 2019.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pismo i ortografia języka perskiego / Script and orthography of Persian language

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Research paper thumbnail of  تاریخچه ایران شناسی در لهستان / A Brief History of Iranian Studies in Poland - draft

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Research paper thumbnail of Postage Stamps Commemorating Afghanistan’s Independence Day, 1920–2019: An Analysis and Interpretation

Afghanistan [forthcoming]

This article focuses on the description and analysis of postage stamps printed in Afghanistan to ... more This article focuses on the description and analysis of postage stamps printed in Afghanistan to commemorate the anniversary of Independence Day. The study covers a period of one hundred years, from 1920 to 2019. Presented chronologically, the analysis identifies various symbols that are connected to the idea of independence and examines the relationships between these symbols and the dynamics of changes on the domestic political scene. The findings suggest a deliberate decision-making process in the selection of symbols, driven by specific ideological and political objectives, although the question regarding the factual influence of the stamp-oriented policy still needs to be researched. The article concludes with statistical data on the frequency of use of individual symbols and provides several examples of the postage stamps analyzed here.

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Research paper thumbnail of Concepts of hewād ‘Homeland’ and millat ‘Nation’ in Modern Pashto-Language Schoolbooks

Iran and the Caucasus 27(1): 39-53, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of A Few Comments on Selected Articles of the 1964 Constitution of Afghanistan

Folia Orientalia, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Khalilollah par Khalilollah: On Memoirs of Khalilollah Khalili as an Autobiographical Text

Folia Orientalia 58: 87-109, 2021

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[Research paper thumbnail of [co-author: Khalil A. Arab] On (self-)representations of masculinity in Siyāmak Herawiʼs short stories](

Manifestations of male image in the world's cultures, ed. Iwicka Renata, Kraków, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Pro-regime Posters in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan: Work in Progress

Iran and the Caucasus, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Landaje

Przegląd Orientalistyczny, 2020

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[Research paper thumbnail of Co znaczy być męczennikiem? Termin "szahid" w afgańskim i tadżyckim dyskursie politycznym w końcu XX w. [What Does Being a Martyr Mean? Construction of the Meanings of the Term Shahid in Afghan and Tajik Discourse at the End of the Twentieth Centur]](

Przegląd Orientalistyczny Nr 3-4 (267-268), 2018

This article is focused on the significance and the meaning of the term shahid in the context of ... more This article is focused on the significance and the meaning of the term shahid in the context of the socio-political changes in Afghanistan and Tajikistan during the last two decades of the twentieth century. Press materials and other materials in the Dari, Pashto and Tajik languages printed at that time were analysed. The findings have shown how the conflict between the various areas of interest led to the extension of the semantic field of the noun shahid and the changes in its use in everyday language. Both in Afghanistan and Tajikistan, this term grew in popularity and came to be used at an ideological level-and not only by the Islam-oriented fractions-to urge people to war and to increase its symbolic significance and the rank of its fatalities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Visual Propaganda in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan – Part 3. "The land belongs to those who till it!"

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series 7(1), 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Ḫalilullāh Ḫaliliʼs "Ayyār-i az Ḫorāsān (A Vagabond from Khorasan)." Romantic or Real Vision of Habibullāh Kalakāni (Bačče-ye saqqāʾ)?

Acta Orientalia Belgica, 2018

This paper aims to re-comment Ḫalilullāh Ḫaliliʼs "Ayyār-i az Ḫorāsān (A Vagabond from Khorasan)"... more This paper aims to re-comment Ḫalilullāh Ḫaliliʼs "Ayyār-i az Ḫorāsān (A Vagabond from Khorasan)" using the analytic category of '(re-)constructed'. The term 'constructed' suggests that a writer forms his literary characters, names them and endows with personalities, while 're-constructed' indicates that he uses previously existing figures rather than creating new ones. The following question arises here: Does Ḫalilullāh Ḫalili create his own version/vision of Habibullāh Kalakāni or does he merely set Habibullāh Kalakāni into the framework of his own book? In other words, does he present a romantic or real vision of Habibullāh Kalakāni? As we shall see, it is impossible to answer such questions unambiguously, omitting the issue of the literary genre represented by his novel.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kilka uwag o ruchu konstytucyjnym w Afganistanie

Przegląd Orientalistyczny, 2017

The constitutional movement in Afghanistan differed form its Turkish or Iranian counterparts due ... more The constitutional movement in Afghanistan differed form its Turkish or Iranian counterparts due to some historical features of the local political scene. Being a (semi-)tribal monarchy, Afghanistan firstly had to rebuild its political structure in order to become an absolute monarchy, before entering a new stage of development - a constitutional system. At the beginning, Abdurrahman-khan tried to consolidate his power and political position. Later, a few reformists represented by Mahmud Tarzi tried to implement modern concepts to change the political, social and economic status quo. In this article, some aspects of their efforts are discussed with particular reference to Abdurrahman-khan's biography (Taj-ot-tawarikh) and Mahumd Tarzi's manifesto (Aya che bayad kard).

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Research paper thumbnail of Visual Propaganda in the Democratic Republic  of Afghanistan – Part 2. Leading Role of the Party

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Research paper thumbnail of Między tradycją a nowoczesnością. Czterowiersze Chalilullaha Chaliliego / Between Tradition and Modernity. The Quatrains by Khalilullah Khalili

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Research paper thumbnail of «A Curse on Dostoyevski!» – Atiq Rahimi and his dialog with Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Literatury Azji i Afryki wobec problemów współczesności. Materiały XXXV Zjazdu Orientalistów Polskich Warszawa, 16-17 XI 2015, (red.) Marek M. Dziekan, Agata Bareja-Starzyńska

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Research paper thumbnail of Visual Propaganda in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan – Preliminary Report

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Research paper thumbnail of Parłin Peżłak. Wiersze

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Research paper thumbnail of Wojna w Afganistanie. "Ziemia i popioły" oraz "Kamień cierpliwości" Atiqa Rahimiego

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Research paper thumbnail of "Przywiozę ci synową z Lechistanu..." O powieści "Pług i kindżał" Wandy Pawlik

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Research paper thumbnail of Sytuacja społeczno-polityczna w Afganistanie i perspektywy jej rozwoju po zakończeniu misji ISAF

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Research paper thumbnail of Temporal Mystic and Religious Love The Poetry of the Taliban

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Coauthor: Oskar Podlasiński] A Few Comments on Kurosh Salehi and Arezou Nazar's "A Description of Fire Temples of Ancient Iran from the Perspective of Islamic Historians"](

Folia Orientalia vol. LVII, pages: 165-170, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Bābā-ye Dehqān in Central Asian Ethnography, and the Literary and Iconographic Motif of the Ploughman with Oxen in Sasanian Times

Res Orientales, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of An Iranian Vision of the Afterlife According to the Middle Persian 'Ardā Wīrāz-nāmag'

ARAM 32(1), 2020: 421-461., 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Middle Persian "Yōšt ī Fr(i)yān" as Proppʼs folk-tale

Proceedings of the Eight European Conference of Iranian Studies, vol. I, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Indo-Iranian animal offerings in the Light of the Essai sur la nature et la fonction du sacrifice by Hubert and Mauss

ARAM. Religious Offerings in the Anciet Near East, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Middle Persian Mādīgān ī Yōšt ī Fr(i)yān as a Magical Text?

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Research paper thumbnail of Czytając Mādīgān ī Jōszt ī Frijān w Teheranie

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Research paper thumbnail of Oral Character of Middle Persian Literature – New Perspective

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Research paper thumbnail of A Glance at New Persian Translations of the Middle Persian Texts

In Quest of Identity. Studies on the Persianate World, red. M. Michalak, M. Rodziewicz, Warszawa 2015, pp. 57-76.

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Research paper thumbnail of از رسم‌الخط فارسی تا مطالعه درباره ترجمه متن‌های پهلوی / From Persian Ortography to Research on Translation(s) of Middle Perisan Texts

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Research paper thumbnail of Le mot "čašm" (œil) et ses expressions figées dans la langue persane contemporaine

Czerska K., Kocik A., Piechnik I. (eds.), Sous les yeux du spectateur et du voyeur, Kraków 2022: 243-264.

Le kinésique se donne donc pour tâche, de même que la linguistique anthropologique, de rechercher... more Le kinésique se donne donc pour tâche, de même que la linguistique anthropologique, de rechercher les « élément répétitifs » dans le courant de la communication, de les abstraire et de tester leur signification structurale. Il s'agit d'abord d'isoler l'élément signifiant minimal de la position ou du mouvement, d'établir à l'aide d'une analyse oppositionnelle ses rapports avec les éléments d'une structure plus large, et, en répétant ce procédé, de construire un code à segments hiérarchisés (Kristeva 1969 : 106).

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Research paper thumbnail of The Polish lajkonik and the Tajik aspakbozī: a parallel ethnographic  phenomenon

Каримзода У. Н., Додхудоева Л. (ред.), Фарҳанги анъанавии тоҷикон дар нигораҳои осорxонаҳо: Маводи Конфронси байналмилалии илмӣ, бахшида ба 40-солагии таъсисёбии Осорхонаи мардумшиносии ба номи М. С. Андреев, Душанбе 19 ноябри соли 2021, Душанбе, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Архивные исследования: «Махак» и «пасхальная пальма»: Oб одном таджикско-польском параллельном этнографическом феномене

Муаррих [forthcoming]

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Research paper thumbnail of بابای دهقان و آغاز بهاری کارهای زراعتی

گنج کهن 3-4, 1401: 13-25, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of On a Wakhi cattle husbandry taboo

Taboo in languge, literature and culture, Krzysztof Ozga, Iwona Piechnik (eds.), 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The Dragoman and the Scholar: Two Polish Translations of Sa'di's Golestān

Iranian Studies - Special Selection: Sa'di at Large, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Are Zoroastrians a Nation? Different Identity Formations/Patterns of Iranian and Indian Zoroastrians

The article contributes to the debate on the modern transformations of collective identities and ... more The article contributes to the debate on the modern transformations of collective identities and nation-building processes. We compare different identity patterns of Zoroastrians in Iran and India and answer the question whether one can consider them as a nation or as separate ethno-religious communities. The paper is an answer to a suggestion made by Rashna Writer about national ties linking Zoroastrians worldwide. Basing on field research of Zoroastrians in Iran and India, we argue that among them there are no visible traits regarding the construction of a national identity, only certain trends to remember ties with their diasporas. We believe that among the factors shaping rather a sense of belonging to a local ethno-religious community, are the concept of local ethnohistory, the usage of the Zoroastrian Dari language, strong Iranian nationalism based on a common Iranian history and a culture effectively separating Iranian Zoroastrians from their Indian coreligionists.The focus of the article is collective identity understood as something socially constructed mainly by local community’s leaders. We compare the process of identity construction of Iranian and Indian Zoroastrians, considering it as something rooted in different historical, as well as sociocultural and political contexts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Irański czy perski?

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Research paper thumbnail of Języki a geny / Languages and genes

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Research paper thumbnail of French Le petit Nicolas and Iranian Nikolâ-kučulu – five essays

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Research paper thumbnail of Two New Persian equivalents of French buveur in Le Petit Prince, and their cultural background

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Research paper thumbnail of „Kolossalne” bałwany z Bamian – szkic historyczny / The Colossal Idols of Bamian

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Research paper thumbnail of Some observations on the linguistic centre and peripheries in contemporary Iran

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Research paper thumbnail of Irańska Gra w klasy / Iranian Hopscotch - Polish version

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Research paper thumbnail of Bar-gardān jā bāz-guji? (po polsku/in Polish)

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Research paper thumbnail of Hints on French Loanwords in Modern New Persian

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Research paper thumbnail of زمان فعل در زبان فارسی و لهستانی / Tenses in New Persian and Polish

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Research paper thumbnail of Once Again About Centre-Peripheries in the Iranian World

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Research paper thumbnail of Podwójny portret Tadżykistanu w powieści Brunona Jasieńskiego "Człowiek zmienia skórę"

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Research paper thumbnail of Mehmet Dicle, Gorączka. Wybór opowiadań kurdyjskich w opracowaniu filologicznym Joanny Bocheńskiej, Wydawnictwo Akademickie Dialog, Warszawa 2020, 356 stron.

Przegląd Orientalistyczny, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Paola Orsatti, Materials for a History of the Persian Narrative Tradition. Two Characters: Farhād and Turandot, Venezia: “Edizioni Ca’Foscari”, 2020.—115 pp.

Iran and the Caucasus no. 24, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Matthias Weinreich, "We are Here to Stay." Pashtun Migrants in the Northern Areas of Pakistan, Klaus Schwartz Verlag, Berlin 2009 (wydanie I), 2010 (wydanie II)

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Research paper thumbnail of Kinga Paraskiewicz, Historyczna wizyta Amanullaha Chana, króla Afganistanu w Europie (1927-1928), Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Paulina Niechciał, Mniejszość zaratusztriańska we współczesnym Teheranie, Nomos, Kraków 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Elżbieta Wnuk-Lisowska, Islam. Między herezją a ortodoksją, WUJ, Kraków 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Iranian Studies at Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

AIS Newsletter 40(1), 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Iranian Studies at Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

AIS Newsletter 39(2), 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Afganistan po zakończeniu operacji ISAF – szanse i wyzwania

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Research paper thumbnail of Foruq Farrochzad "Żal mi naszego ogrodu"

Miesięcznik Literacki Akant 9(321) Rok XXV: 5, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Języki i cywilizacje. Stulecie orientalistyki na Wydziale Filologicznym Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

Alma Mater. Miesięcznik Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego nr 213-214, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of W kraju czterech pór roku

Iran. Album fotograficzny, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Co znaczy być męczennikiem? : termin szahid w afgańskim i tadżyckim dyskursie politycznym w końcu XX w

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Research paper thumbnail of Are Zoroastrians a Nation? Different Identity Formations/Patterns of Iranian and Indian Zoroastrians

Iran and the Caucasus, 2016

The article contributes to the debate on the modern transformations of collective identities and ... more The article contributes to the debate on the modern transformations of collective identities and nation-building processes. We compare different identity patterns of Zoroastrians in Iran and India and answer the question whether one can consider them as a nation or as separate ethno-religious communities. The paper is an answer to a suggestion made by Rashna Writer about national ties linking Zoroastrians worldwide. Basing on field research of Zoroastrians in Iran and India, we argue that among them there are no visible traits regarding the construction of a national identity, only certain trends to remember ties with their diasporas. We believe that among the factors shaping rather a sense of belonging to a local ethno-religious community, are the concept of local ethnohistory, the usage of the Zoroastrian Dari language, strong Iranian nationalism based on a common Iranian history and a culture effectively separating Iranian Zoroastrians from their Indian coreligionists.The focus o...

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Research paper thumbnail of An Iranian vision of the afterlife accoridng to the Middle Persin "Ardā Wīrāz-nāmag

In this paper I (re-)discuss the otherworld journey of the pious Zoroastrian clergyman Wīrāz, the... more In this paper I (re-)discuss the otherworld journey of the pious Zoroastrian clergyman Wīrāz, the subject of the Middle Persian opus entitled Ardā Wīrāz-nāmag (Book of Pious Wīrāz). The paper consists of 15 chapters. I begin by discussing the issue of the afterlife (Chapter 0); Chapter 1 provides general information regarding the text. In Chapter 2 the protagonist’s name and sobriquet are discussed. Chapter 3 considers the reasons for undertaking the journey. Chapter 4 presents the questions that need to be answered by Wīrāz. In Chapter 5 I consider relations between the protagonist and his community, followed by the myth of paradise lost (Chapter 6), the protagonist’s trial (Chapter 7), and preparations for the journey (Chapter 8). I then discuss the dream visions themselves (Chapter 9), including the psychoactive drug used by the protagonist (Chapter 10), and the various afterlife locations he visits (Chapters 11-16). In Chapter 17 I discuss the nature of sin and retribution, as p...

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Research paper thumbnail of Widowisko ta’zije – przestrzeń dla pamięci w kulturze irańskiej

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Research paper thumbnail of Lajkonik – Chodzenie z kobyłką – Aspakbozi – Asb-e čubi. Zaproszenie do dyskusji o możliwościach i ograniczeniach w badaniach komparatystycznych w iranistyce (17.01.2022)

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