Jurnal Pendidikan Islam | The State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta (original) (raw)
Papers by Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam , 2012
The dualism of the nationally educational system has become the object of debate in various forum... more The dualism of the nationally educational system has become the object of debate in various forums and educational seminars. The dualism of the educational system is the continuity of history; both in history of the Muslims in particular and the history of Indonesian people in general. In addition, the discourse of dualism also gained back the education system due to political turmoil ideology. Whatever the reason, the dualism has some nationally negative impact to educational institutions in Indonesia mostly in Islamic educational institutions. Therefore, it was the time that education in Indonesia must be under the policy of the ministry of education to make one-policy of educational system.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam , 2012
Education is the process of transforming knowledge to become mature human beings plenary. How... more Education is the process of transforming knowledge to become mature human beings plenary. However, the knowledge that is released from religious values even bring adverse effects, in which the humanity of human demolished. Consequently, the process of transformation must involve two things at once: the knowledge and values. This is called integrative education. This type of education is not a utopian fantasy but rational necessity that finds justification in philosophical and theological arguments.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam , 2012
The term of multicultural education, religious education contains of two concepts combined, ... more The term of multicultural education, religious education contains of two concepts combined, i.e between multicultural education and religious education. Multicultural education as the basis of education values cultural diversity. Whereas, the religious education is as a basis of education on religious values to produce religious men. The combination of these two concepts of education aims to make an educational system that integrates from both of them, or reduce the advantages, especially to produce religious humanist students in a good character.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam , 2012
This study aims to improve the mastery of learning through the application of methods... more This study aims to improve the mastery of learning through the application of methods of stories on the subjects of Islamic religious education aspects of morality. This is a classroom action research that is carried out in three cycles. The cycle 1, the average of the student learning achievement values reached 82 with the completeness of
86%. Cycle 2, the average of the student learning achievement values reached 91.79 with the completeness of 92%.While on cycle 3, the average of the student learning achievement values reached 92.14 with the completeness of 96%. In Addition, Increased activity of teachers in the learning process also tends to increase of the cycle I reached 63.6%, the second cycle Increased to 85.5%, and 96.4%.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam , 2012
The theology subject taught at the school tends merely to reinforce the faith and its achievem... more The theology subject taught at the school tends merely to reinforce the faith and its achievements to go to heaven without consciousness for having dialogue with other religions. These conditions make religious education very exclusive and intolerant. Whereas, nowadays pluralism era, religious education must be done the philosophical- paradigmatic reorientation of how to make students understand about religion more inclusive, pluralistic, multicultural, humanistic, dialogue, persuasive, contextual, substantive and socially active. Therefore, in this study emphasizes the importance of the development of multicultural education in schools through a number of Islamic religious education materials.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam , 2012
This article aims to review and discuss the phenomenon of eminent school/ madrasah in internati... more This article aims to review and discuss the phenomenon of eminent school/ madrasah in international standard in Indonesia that has a tendency to be elitist and reproductive force is not productive force. There are two formulations of problem studied in this article, namely how the elitism emerges in the eminent school / madrasah in international standard? Then, how to recommend the eminent school / madrasah in order to ensure equitable access of education for all children throughout the community of nations, especially among the poor?
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam , 2012
In epistemology, Islam has a concept that is established more in translating science integrat... more In epistemology, Islam has a concept that is established more in translating science integration. When a Muslim does a scientific activity, then he should depart from the basic intentions and intrinsic motivation that comes out of the deepest conscience to meet the guidance of Allah. So that between science and con-science is a unity and totality that lead to the soul of rabbaniyyat. While we are developing and exploring the concept of theoretical and practical, we must not just stop at the fact but also the fact behind the fact at the time of spiritual or metaphysical sense expressed in each statement of physics.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2012
Islam is as a universal religion, as a religion for humanity (all humankind), or as a religion ... more Islam is as a universal religion, as a religion for humanity (all humankind), or as a religion for the entire world because of its’ mission as rahmatan li al-’alamin. To realize such mission in Indonesian context, education activity is aimed to raise up a multicultural wisdom and global awareness of the pupils, so in next time they will be able to contribute in preservation of heterogenity and to develop it for attaining a prosperious life, besides to face globalization current appropiately. In this case, islamic education has a duty in transfering inclusive-multiculturalism Islamic teachings to students so that they are able to appreciate global values of Islam, like inclusivism, humanism, tolerance, and democracy
Imam Hanafi 19 FENOMENA PENDIDIKAN ELITIS DALAM SEKOLAH/MADRASAH UNGGULAN BERSTANDAR INTERNASIONA... more Imam Hanafi 19 FENOMENA PENDIDIKAN ELITIS DALAM SEKOLAH/MADRASAH UNGGULAN BERSTANDAR INTERNASIONAL Andi Prastowo 31 URGENSI PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM BERBASIS MULTIKULTURAL DI SEKOLAH Erlan Muliadi 55 KETUNTASAN BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN PAI MELALUI METODE KISAH Pandi Kuswoyo 69 PENDIDIKAN MULTIKULTURAL-RELIGIUS UNTUK MEWUJUD-KAN KARAKTER PESERTA DIDIK YANG HUMANIS-RELIGIUS Zainal Arifin 89 PARADIGMA PENDIDIKAN AGAMA INTEGRATIF-TRANSFORMATIF Ibnu Rusydi 105 DEKONSTRUKSI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM SEBAGAI SUBSISTEM PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL Suyatno 121 v Abstract Islam is as a universal religion, as a religion for humanity (all humankind), or as a religion for the entire world because of its' mission as rahmatan li al-'alamin. To realize such mission in Indonesian context, education activity is aimed to raise up a multicultural wisdom and global awareness of the pupils, so in next time they will be able to contribute in preservation of heterogenity and to develop it for attaining a prosperious life, besides to face globalization current appropiately. In this case, islamic education has a duty in transfering inclusive-multiculturalism Islamic teachings to students so that they are able to appreciate global values of Islam, like inclusivism, humanism, tolerance, and democracy.
This research has been done to reveal the gender bias in text books of Islamic and Christian reli... more This research has been done to reveal the gender bias in text books of Islamic and Christian religious educationas as the basis for promoting gender concept religious education factually. These findings show that the text books of Islamic and Christian religious, which are learnt by students nowadays, are found only a little value of gender norm. Because of this, it is necessary for the religious education lessons are to be revised and implemented the comprehension of gender bias by professional teacher. This is as the innovative movement of religious education about equality and equity of women and men in the access of economic, social, cultural and political activities. Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menyingkap bias gender dalam buku teks pendidikan agama Islam dan Kristen sebagai dasar untuk mempromosikan pendidikan agama berwawasan gender secara faktual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa buku teks pelajaran pendidikan agama Islam dan Kristen yang dipelajari oleh siswa dewasa ini, hanya berisi sedikit nilai norma gender.Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya revisi materi pendidikan agama yang lazim diimplementasikan pemahaman tentang bias gender oleh para guru profesional. Hal ini sebagai gerakan inovasi pendidikan agama tentang kesetaraan (equality) dan keadilan (equity) antara perempuan dengan laki-laki dalam akses ekonomi, sosial budaya dan politik
These are Sir Muhammad Iqbal’s philophical views and his thoughts on Islamic education.This is a ... more These are Sir Muhammad Iqbal’s philophical views and his thoughts on Islamic education.This is a qualitative descriptive study that describes Iqbal’s philophical views and his thought on Islamic education. This is a qualitative descriptive study that
describes Iqbal’s philophical views and his thought on Islamic education. The study result is that the philophical views and his aim thought on Islamic education is how to create Insan Kamil. The Insan Kamil must be a basic goal of the aim education. According to Iqbal, there are main eight ideas to reconstruct the philosophically Islamic education by improving human dynamics and creativity. They are: the concept of individuality, the individual growth, the balance of spiritual and physical, uniting both individuality and society, an individual creativity, intelligence and intuition instruction, education of characters, and social education.
Philosophy of Islamic education, as a branch of philosophy, is a very important role for critics,... more Philosophy of Islamic education, as a branch of philosophy, is a very important role for critics, some scientists, and national generations to become good learners as well as
good and high moral educators. Strong capital religion should always be accompanied by criticism that no longer exist of stagnation thinking or apologetic attitude . The role
of educators. in criticizing the media is very important. Moreover, Islamic education should be paid more attention, and critical attitude towards the invasion of media. Because the (bad) influence of media can be quickly entered into our living space, into our subconscious, to act like what is desired by the latter media. Media that is out of control, must have already become a mouth piece of capitalism , or it is a capitalist
regime itself.
Intelligence has connectivity to the educational process as a concrete step in the development of... more Intelligence has connectivity to the educational process as a concrete step in the development of human character as caliph in the world to think of all God ‘s creation. Islamic education teaches a life of meaning to the concept of “amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar”. It is really clear that various concepts in Islamic education are not adjusted enough with the development period that is increasingly sophisticated and globalized. Islamic civilization has been built since the Prophet Muhammad SAW, and other thinkers in teaching a sense of knowledge that is based on Al- Quran and Al - Hadits as the main guideline.
Prophetic Intelligence provides illustration that in transforming education through the concrete steps for being “insan Kamil” that is “rahmatan lil alamin”. Intelligence Prophetic provides illustration that in transforming education through the concrete steps for being ‘Insan Kamil’ that is ‘rahmatan lil alamin’.
Toward the 21st century, there is an interesting change in the trend of education (read Islamic e... more Toward the 21st century, there is an interesting change in the trend of education (read Islamic education) in Indonesia . The dominance of educational institutions that consists of “Pesantren”,“Madrasah”, and Schools become different. It is based on the phenomenon that there is Integrated Islamic Schools in this country. The educational institutions,whicht have been spread to all parts of Indonesia, were established by some mosque activists at the ITB and UI campuses. The very rapid development of this school indicates that the Integrated Islamic School becomes the new trend of Islamic education
in Indonesia. In this school, it is emphasized on the education of religious moral values and the excellent modern education nowadays. This kind of Integrated Islamic School has also proved a new style of the middle reislamization class of Indonesian Muslims.
The discussion over the idea of multicultural education has never been finished. Multicultural ed... more The discussion over the idea of multicultural education has never been finished. Multicultural education is an educational philosophy and practical educational strategy that has been well developed in United States. It has been being developed in some countries, and so is Indonesia. The American schools have been developed and implemented the idea of multicultural education and the American government has supported them by giving multicultural values on education policies. In some Indonesian schools, it has also been tried to apply multicultural education, but there are some problems in developing and implementing it, because of the lack of experience in it and the supports from government.
Islamic view of human beings and life are formed by harmomy principle and the combination of sens... more Islamic view of human beings and life are formed by harmomy principle and the combination of senses , mind , and hearts of the faithful. The third harmony is the most fundamental epistemological base in Islamic philosophy .Thinking with full
comprehension is intended as an instrument or tool in conducting research based on the epistemological framework. Thinking activity is regarded as a sacred duty in Islam, and
thinking is a tool to deliver a progressive life, which is formed by absorbing the values of reality. The Islamic education should be a process that is able to produce “insan kamil”
to maximize his full potential . The methods of education should commonly reflect the condition of integrative – interconnective that is capable to stimulate the development
of maximum potency.
Philosophy of Islamic education is a field of study that has not been touched very much by the id... more Philosophy of Islamic education is a field of study that has not been touched very much by the idea of postmodernism. When it is interpreted and constructed, the project of
postmodernism is a critical metanarrative, the critic of knowledge objectivity and the critic of autonomy subject, that provides insight and new perspectives for the study of
Islamic philosophy. Philosophy of Islamic education is developed to appreciate the small narrative and local knowledge; examine the relation of knowledge and power, and
posture the subject instability.
Curriculum is used as well as the way, plans, rules, teaching materials, and guidelines in the le... more Curriculum is used as well as the way, plans, rules, teaching materials, and guidelines in the learning process. It is also meaningful as a map of reality. Curriculum is similar as a
road map and a map of the world that becomes a guidance and direction for people who are traveling. Curriculum is a map of reality because it becomes a clue, for example, any
form of reality and physical, metaphysical, mathematical, social-that can be reviewed and learnt by humans. As a map, it serves as a guideline to observe, to read, and to review some forms. In addition, the curriculum can be functioned and used as a tool by people to actualize their potency, so they can be professional in education.
t is the fact that religious extracurricular learning is done differently and variously by each e... more t is the fact that religious extracurricular learning is done differently and variously by each educational unit level. The interesting phenomenon happens in which is a learning
process of religious education extracurricular at a high school of MTA Surakarta. The high school is registered as the list of the fifty leading Islamic high school in Indonesia. This study of educational ideology analyzes is found that at the MTA high school is implemented the integral curriculum structure, that is national curriculum combined with diniyah curriculum . Although it is still in a small portion of the diniyah curriculum
made as its core curriculum. The Islamic extracurricular activities are implemented in various forms , such as the recitation on Sunday morning , a special recitation , Arba’in
Hadith studies and Riyadlus Shalihin, khitobah , BTA , Tahsin , Tahfidz , Muhadasah, and Tasyji’ul Lughoh and Nafar Ramadan.
Philosophy is the source of science and technology. The practice of Islamic Education works witho... more Philosophy is the source of science and technology. The practice of Islamic Education works without being guided by Tarbiyah (Islamic Education) Philosophy, but by the seculer thinking, It develops without orientation and it is hard to compete with others. It’s time the Islamic education pratice to guiding by the Tarbiyah Philosophy, Tarbiyah Theories and Tarbiyah Technology which is structurally and functionally built from Islamic philosophy. As of the basic idea of Islamic philosophy, the essential of Tarbiyah Philosophy is Ma’rifat Quotient wich means the activity for understand and realize the
presence of God in whole life, activities of man; that also means the knowledge about God and intimate relationship with Him. The practical of Tarbiyah Philosophy based
on Ma’rifat Quotient it both a creative solution for all kind of education problems and alternatif educational model. Based on Ma’rifat Quotient, it can be used to develop boarding school in more effcient way to accelerate qualities learning only 8 years for elementary to senior high school before join to university
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam , 2012
The dualism of the nationally educational system has become the object of debate in various forum... more The dualism of the nationally educational system has become the object of debate in various forums and educational seminars. The dualism of the educational system is the continuity of history; both in history of the Muslims in particular and the history of Indonesian people in general. In addition, the discourse of dualism also gained back the education system due to political turmoil ideology. Whatever the reason, the dualism has some nationally negative impact to educational institutions in Indonesia mostly in Islamic educational institutions. Therefore, it was the time that education in Indonesia must be under the policy of the ministry of education to make one-policy of educational system.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam , 2012
Education is the process of transforming knowledge to become mature human beings plenary. How... more Education is the process of transforming knowledge to become mature human beings plenary. However, the knowledge that is released from religious values even bring adverse effects, in which the humanity of human demolished. Consequently, the process of transformation must involve two things at once: the knowledge and values. This is called integrative education. This type of education is not a utopian fantasy but rational necessity that finds justification in philosophical and theological arguments.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam , 2012
The term of multicultural education, religious education contains of two concepts combined, ... more The term of multicultural education, religious education contains of two concepts combined, i.e between multicultural education and religious education. Multicultural education as the basis of education values cultural diversity. Whereas, the religious education is as a basis of education on religious values to produce religious men. The combination of these two concepts of education aims to make an educational system that integrates from both of them, or reduce the advantages, especially to produce religious humanist students in a good character.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam , 2012
This study aims to improve the mastery of learning through the application of methods... more This study aims to improve the mastery of learning through the application of methods of stories on the subjects of Islamic religious education aspects of morality. This is a classroom action research that is carried out in three cycles. The cycle 1, the average of the student learning achievement values reached 82 with the completeness of
86%. Cycle 2, the average of the student learning achievement values reached 91.79 with the completeness of 92%.While on cycle 3, the average of the student learning achievement values reached 92.14 with the completeness of 96%. In Addition, Increased activity of teachers in the learning process also tends to increase of the cycle I reached 63.6%, the second cycle Increased to 85.5%, and 96.4%.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam , 2012
The theology subject taught at the school tends merely to reinforce the faith and its achievem... more The theology subject taught at the school tends merely to reinforce the faith and its achievements to go to heaven without consciousness for having dialogue with other religions. These conditions make religious education very exclusive and intolerant. Whereas, nowadays pluralism era, religious education must be done the philosophical- paradigmatic reorientation of how to make students understand about religion more inclusive, pluralistic, multicultural, humanistic, dialogue, persuasive, contextual, substantive and socially active. Therefore, in this study emphasizes the importance of the development of multicultural education in schools through a number of Islamic religious education materials.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam , 2012
This article aims to review and discuss the phenomenon of eminent school/ madrasah in internati... more This article aims to review and discuss the phenomenon of eminent school/ madrasah in international standard in Indonesia that has a tendency to be elitist and reproductive force is not productive force. There are two formulations of problem studied in this article, namely how the elitism emerges in the eminent school / madrasah in international standard? Then, how to recommend the eminent school / madrasah in order to ensure equitable access of education for all children throughout the community of nations, especially among the poor?
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam , 2012
In epistemology, Islam has a concept that is established more in translating science integrat... more In epistemology, Islam has a concept that is established more in translating science integration. When a Muslim does a scientific activity, then he should depart from the basic intentions and intrinsic motivation that comes out of the deepest conscience to meet the guidance of Allah. So that between science and con-science is a unity and totality that lead to the soul of rabbaniyyat. While we are developing and exploring the concept of theoretical and practical, we must not just stop at the fact but also the fact behind the fact at the time of spiritual or metaphysical sense expressed in each statement of physics.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2012
Islam is as a universal religion, as a religion for humanity (all humankind), or as a religion ... more Islam is as a universal religion, as a religion for humanity (all humankind), or as a religion for the entire world because of its’ mission as rahmatan li al-’alamin. To realize such mission in Indonesian context, education activity is aimed to raise up a multicultural wisdom and global awareness of the pupils, so in next time they will be able to contribute in preservation of heterogenity and to develop it for attaining a prosperious life, besides to face globalization current appropiately. In this case, islamic education has a duty in transfering inclusive-multiculturalism Islamic teachings to students so that they are able to appreciate global values of Islam, like inclusivism, humanism, tolerance, and democracy
Imam Hanafi 19 FENOMENA PENDIDIKAN ELITIS DALAM SEKOLAH/MADRASAH UNGGULAN BERSTANDAR INTERNASIONA... more Imam Hanafi 19 FENOMENA PENDIDIKAN ELITIS DALAM SEKOLAH/MADRASAH UNGGULAN BERSTANDAR INTERNASIONAL Andi Prastowo 31 URGENSI PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM BERBASIS MULTIKULTURAL DI SEKOLAH Erlan Muliadi 55 KETUNTASAN BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN PAI MELALUI METODE KISAH Pandi Kuswoyo 69 PENDIDIKAN MULTIKULTURAL-RELIGIUS UNTUK MEWUJUD-KAN KARAKTER PESERTA DIDIK YANG HUMANIS-RELIGIUS Zainal Arifin 89 PARADIGMA PENDIDIKAN AGAMA INTEGRATIF-TRANSFORMATIF Ibnu Rusydi 105 DEKONSTRUKSI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM SEBAGAI SUBSISTEM PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL Suyatno 121 v Abstract Islam is as a universal religion, as a religion for humanity (all humankind), or as a religion for the entire world because of its' mission as rahmatan li al-'alamin. To realize such mission in Indonesian context, education activity is aimed to raise up a multicultural wisdom and global awareness of the pupils, so in next time they will be able to contribute in preservation of heterogenity and to develop it for attaining a prosperious life, besides to face globalization current appropiately. In this case, islamic education has a duty in transfering inclusive-multiculturalism Islamic teachings to students so that they are able to appreciate global values of Islam, like inclusivism, humanism, tolerance, and democracy.
This research has been done to reveal the gender bias in text books of Islamic and Christian reli... more This research has been done to reveal the gender bias in text books of Islamic and Christian religious educationas as the basis for promoting gender concept religious education factually. These findings show that the text books of Islamic and Christian religious, which are learnt by students nowadays, are found only a little value of gender norm. Because of this, it is necessary for the religious education lessons are to be revised and implemented the comprehension of gender bias by professional teacher. This is as the innovative movement of religious education about equality and equity of women and men in the access of economic, social, cultural and political activities. Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menyingkap bias gender dalam buku teks pendidikan agama Islam dan Kristen sebagai dasar untuk mempromosikan pendidikan agama berwawasan gender secara faktual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa buku teks pelajaran pendidikan agama Islam dan Kristen yang dipelajari oleh siswa dewasa ini, hanya berisi sedikit nilai norma gender.Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya revisi materi pendidikan agama yang lazim diimplementasikan pemahaman tentang bias gender oleh para guru profesional. Hal ini sebagai gerakan inovasi pendidikan agama tentang kesetaraan (equality) dan keadilan (equity) antara perempuan dengan laki-laki dalam akses ekonomi, sosial budaya dan politik
These are Sir Muhammad Iqbal’s philophical views and his thoughts on Islamic education.This is a ... more These are Sir Muhammad Iqbal’s philophical views and his thoughts on Islamic education.This is a qualitative descriptive study that describes Iqbal’s philophical views and his thought on Islamic education. This is a qualitative descriptive study that
describes Iqbal’s philophical views and his thought on Islamic education. The study result is that the philophical views and his aim thought on Islamic education is how to create Insan Kamil. The Insan Kamil must be a basic goal of the aim education. According to Iqbal, there are main eight ideas to reconstruct the philosophically Islamic education by improving human dynamics and creativity. They are: the concept of individuality, the individual growth, the balance of spiritual and physical, uniting both individuality and society, an individual creativity, intelligence and intuition instruction, education of characters, and social education.
Philosophy of Islamic education, as a branch of philosophy, is a very important role for critics,... more Philosophy of Islamic education, as a branch of philosophy, is a very important role for critics, some scientists, and national generations to become good learners as well as
good and high moral educators. Strong capital religion should always be accompanied by criticism that no longer exist of stagnation thinking or apologetic attitude . The role
of educators. in criticizing the media is very important. Moreover, Islamic education should be paid more attention, and critical attitude towards the invasion of media. Because the (bad) influence of media can be quickly entered into our living space, into our subconscious, to act like what is desired by the latter media. Media that is out of control, must have already become a mouth piece of capitalism , or it is a capitalist
regime itself.
Intelligence has connectivity to the educational process as a concrete step in the development of... more Intelligence has connectivity to the educational process as a concrete step in the development of human character as caliph in the world to think of all God ‘s creation. Islamic education teaches a life of meaning to the concept of “amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar”. It is really clear that various concepts in Islamic education are not adjusted enough with the development period that is increasingly sophisticated and globalized. Islamic civilization has been built since the Prophet Muhammad SAW, and other thinkers in teaching a sense of knowledge that is based on Al- Quran and Al - Hadits as the main guideline.
Prophetic Intelligence provides illustration that in transforming education through the concrete steps for being “insan Kamil” that is “rahmatan lil alamin”. Intelligence Prophetic provides illustration that in transforming education through the concrete steps for being ‘Insan Kamil’ that is ‘rahmatan lil alamin’.
Toward the 21st century, there is an interesting change in the trend of education (read Islamic e... more Toward the 21st century, there is an interesting change in the trend of education (read Islamic education) in Indonesia . The dominance of educational institutions that consists of “Pesantren”,“Madrasah”, and Schools become different. It is based on the phenomenon that there is Integrated Islamic Schools in this country. The educational institutions,whicht have been spread to all parts of Indonesia, were established by some mosque activists at the ITB and UI campuses. The very rapid development of this school indicates that the Integrated Islamic School becomes the new trend of Islamic education
in Indonesia. In this school, it is emphasized on the education of religious moral values and the excellent modern education nowadays. This kind of Integrated Islamic School has also proved a new style of the middle reislamization class of Indonesian Muslims.
The discussion over the idea of multicultural education has never been finished. Multicultural ed... more The discussion over the idea of multicultural education has never been finished. Multicultural education is an educational philosophy and practical educational strategy that has been well developed in United States. It has been being developed in some countries, and so is Indonesia. The American schools have been developed and implemented the idea of multicultural education and the American government has supported them by giving multicultural values on education policies. In some Indonesian schools, it has also been tried to apply multicultural education, but there are some problems in developing and implementing it, because of the lack of experience in it and the supports from government.
Islamic view of human beings and life are formed by harmomy principle and the combination of sens... more Islamic view of human beings and life are formed by harmomy principle and the combination of senses , mind , and hearts of the faithful. The third harmony is the most fundamental epistemological base in Islamic philosophy .Thinking with full
comprehension is intended as an instrument or tool in conducting research based on the epistemological framework. Thinking activity is regarded as a sacred duty in Islam, and
thinking is a tool to deliver a progressive life, which is formed by absorbing the values of reality. The Islamic education should be a process that is able to produce “insan kamil”
to maximize his full potential . The methods of education should commonly reflect the condition of integrative – interconnective that is capable to stimulate the development
of maximum potency.
Philosophy of Islamic education is a field of study that has not been touched very much by the id... more Philosophy of Islamic education is a field of study that has not been touched very much by the idea of postmodernism. When it is interpreted and constructed, the project of
postmodernism is a critical metanarrative, the critic of knowledge objectivity and the critic of autonomy subject, that provides insight and new perspectives for the study of
Islamic philosophy. Philosophy of Islamic education is developed to appreciate the small narrative and local knowledge; examine the relation of knowledge and power, and
posture the subject instability.
Curriculum is used as well as the way, plans, rules, teaching materials, and guidelines in the le... more Curriculum is used as well as the way, plans, rules, teaching materials, and guidelines in the learning process. It is also meaningful as a map of reality. Curriculum is similar as a
road map and a map of the world that becomes a guidance and direction for people who are traveling. Curriculum is a map of reality because it becomes a clue, for example, any
form of reality and physical, metaphysical, mathematical, social-that can be reviewed and learnt by humans. As a map, it serves as a guideline to observe, to read, and to review some forms. In addition, the curriculum can be functioned and used as a tool by people to actualize their potency, so they can be professional in education.
t is the fact that religious extracurricular learning is done differently and variously by each e... more t is the fact that religious extracurricular learning is done differently and variously by each educational unit level. The interesting phenomenon happens in which is a learning
process of religious education extracurricular at a high school of MTA Surakarta. The high school is registered as the list of the fifty leading Islamic high school in Indonesia. This study of educational ideology analyzes is found that at the MTA high school is implemented the integral curriculum structure, that is national curriculum combined with diniyah curriculum . Although it is still in a small portion of the diniyah curriculum
made as its core curriculum. The Islamic extracurricular activities are implemented in various forms , such as the recitation on Sunday morning , a special recitation , Arba’in
Hadith studies and Riyadlus Shalihin, khitobah , BTA , Tahsin , Tahfidz , Muhadasah, and Tasyji’ul Lughoh and Nafar Ramadan.
Philosophy is the source of science and technology. The practice of Islamic Education works witho... more Philosophy is the source of science and technology. The practice of Islamic Education works without being guided by Tarbiyah (Islamic Education) Philosophy, but by the seculer thinking, It develops without orientation and it is hard to compete with others. It’s time the Islamic education pratice to guiding by the Tarbiyah Philosophy, Tarbiyah Theories and Tarbiyah Technology which is structurally and functionally built from Islamic philosophy. As of the basic idea of Islamic philosophy, the essential of Tarbiyah Philosophy is Ma’rifat Quotient wich means the activity for understand and realize the
presence of God in whole life, activities of man; that also means the knowledge about God and intimate relationship with Him. The practical of Tarbiyah Philosophy based
on Ma’rifat Quotient it both a creative solution for all kind of education problems and alternatif educational model. Based on Ma’rifat Quotient, it can be used to develop boarding school in more effcient way to accelerate qualities learning only 8 years for elementary to senior high school before join to university