OLIMPIA NIGLIO | Kyoto University (original) (raw)
Quintana, Dec 31, 2021
El paisaje sagrado es el centro de la existencia, independientemente de su ubicación y materialid... more El paisaje sagrado es el centro de la existencia, independientemente de su ubicación y materialidad. El concepto de "paisaje sagrado" constituye, de hecho, un lugar indeinido, sin fronteras pero donde se contienen presencias tangibles y tridimensionales que construyen el espacio en el que vivimos. Es precisamente la percepción tridimensional la que caracteriza la arquitectura a la que tenemos que acercarnos a la cuarta dimensión, es decir, la dimensión temporal, y por tanto la presencia del "tiempo" lo que nos ayuda a analizar la evolución y transformación de la materialidad. Esta contribución tiene como objetivo desarrollar una relexión sobre el concepto de lugar y lugares de religiosidad y ritos, entendidos como un espacio material e intangible al mismo tiempo y donde el hombre se encuentra con su Dios, él mismo y la comunidad independientemente de dónde se haya ubicado este lugar y cómo se hizo. Se prestará especial atención al signiicado del valor sagrado y a cómo este concepto se regenera constantemente en la vida cotidiana de cada hombre.
Intersticios Sociales
Estrellita García Fernández y Agustín Vaca (coords). Patrimonio cultural: intertextos y paralelis... more Estrellita García Fernández y Agustín Vaca (coords). Patrimonio cultural: intertextos y paralelismo. México: El Colegio de Jalisco, 2017.
arquitectura en Colombia comenzó a manifestarse en la segunda mitad del siglo xx, cuando el arqui... more arquitectura en Colombia comenzó a manifestarse en la segunda mitad del siglo xx, cuando el arquitecto Carlos Arbeláez Camacho, profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, instituyó los primeros cursos de historia colombiana del arte. En marzo de 1948, llegó a la misma Universidad el ingeniero italiano Angiolo Mazzoni Del Grande para iniciar, en un primer momento, los cursos de Composición y Urbanismo y, luego, los cursos de Historia de las construcciones y de la arquitectura. La realidad política y social colombiana en aquellos años fue muy compleja y la cultura de la modernización había favorecido la demolición de muchos edificios históricos, tanto civiles como religiosas. En 1902 surgió la Academia Colombiana de Historia, con la finalidad de proteger el patrimonio cultural desde la época prehispánica hasta el siglo xx, pero no tuvo un valor decisional. Con referencia a estas premisas, el presente artículo tiene como finalidad analizar la seis contribución heredada en Colombia por el ingeniero Angiolo Mazzoni Del Grande, tanto como profesor en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia o como profesional de muchos proyectos de restauración en la ciudad de Bogotá. La postura fue extraída de un análisis deductivo a partir de la revisión de algunos artículos, proyectos arquitectónicos y entrevistas.
El texto analiza la búsqueda de un posible equilibrio entre patrimonio, comunidad, turismo y diál... more El texto analiza la búsqueda de un posible equilibrio entre patrimonio, comunidad, turismo y diálogo intercultural; todos ellos temas de interés general actual y fundamentales para una correcta relación entre los hombres y la sostenibilidad del planeta, pero necesariamente implican también la participación del sistema político y económico. Observando el panorama mundial vemos, sin excepciones, un sistema geopolítico que los expertos definen de resiliencia, es decir de capacidad para reorganizar con éxito la vida en medio de las dificultades y poder reconstruir esta misma vida valorando las oportunidades positivas. Sin embargo, esta condición se puede volver en una forma de deformación negativa sin posibilidad de retorno sino tenemos las herramientas necesarias como para prever y gestionar este proceso de deformación/trasformación. En este artículo se reflexiona sobre estos conceptos partiendo del vínculo existente entre la sostenibilidad y la pWLFD GHO YLDMH.
La nuova identità della città latino-americana: note introduttive Nel centro e sud America, a par... more La nuova identità della città latino-americana: note introduttive Nel centro e sud America, a partire dal XVI secolo, con la colonizzazione spagnola e portoghese si era affermato il modello della città reticolare e fortificata. Non sempre però le condizioni topografiche avevano reso possibile lo sviluppo corretto di questo modello urbano che trovava le sue origini nella cultura greco-romana. Tuttavia questo modello si era fortemente affermato nella fondazione delle principali città sia dell'area caraibica, quali Santo Domingo (1498), Santiago de Cuba (1515), La Avana (1519) ed ancora Panama (1519), nonché delle città più a sud del continente quali Quito (1535), Lima (1535), Bogotá (1538) e Santiago del Cile (1541) [1]. Del tutto differenti i riferimenti culturali tra gli spagnoli che pianificavano città fortificate lungo le coste e nelle zone più pianeggianti ed i portoghesi che invece prediligevano le alture. Tuttavia la particolare condizione orografica del territorio latino a...
Arquitectura & patrimonio sostenible
The significance of the cultural value and its various affirmations in the international cultural... more The significance of the cultural value and its various affirmations in the international cultural system
Transcultural Diplomacy and International Law in Heritage Conservation
This research project meets the premises at the different studies and academic experiences realiz... more This research project meets the premises at the different studies and academic experiences realized by two editors between Orient and Occident. Cultures are not self-enclosed or static entities. They overlap and interact, if only to distinguish themselves from one another. "Cultures are like clouds, their confines ever changing, coming together or moving apart […] and sometimes merging to produce new forms arising from those that preceded them yet differing from them entirely" (UNESCO, 2007) This research project meets the premises at the different studies and academic experiences realized by two editors between Orient and Occident. The concept of culture is deeply changed. Having undergone a dramatic transformation over the course of at least two centuries, the notion of culture is ubiquitous in political discourse yet conceptually elusive. Core debates revolve around the content of culture, its relationship to society and civilization as well as its function and role in the human condition. However, it is very difficult to meet a good cultural policy in the governmental programs in the world. Perhaps we must first ask ourselves what culture means: what does culture do? and what should culture do? Historically, the notion of culture was explicitly normative. This concept represented, more often than not, the eighteenth-and nineteenth-century humanistic understandings. Matthew Arnold's Culture and Anarchy analyzed this belief. Arnold held that culture is […] a pursuit of our total perfection by means of getting to know, on all the matters which most concern us, the best which has been thought and said in the world; and through this knowledge, turning a stream of fresh and free thought upon our stock notions and habits; the culture we recommend is, above all, an inward operation.
VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability
This work performed a comparative analysis between the construction process carried out when buil... more This work performed a comparative analysis between the construction process carried out when building the dome at the Temple of Santa Lucía, in Ambalema-Colombia and the typical process of an octagonal dome. Additionally, the structural stability is assessed of the dome of the case study against service and dynamic loads. To compare with the case study, known domes were taken as examples from structures in Italy and Spain. The analysis includes a study on the dome’s geometry and the constructive errors found. Methodology: The dome’s stability was evaluated through structural analysis software for which the dome was simplified into a system of four articulated arches. Conclusions: As a result, it was found that the dome of the temple of Santa Lucía does not have a system to counteract lateral thrusts (a drum or its similar), which permitted the appearance and widening of meridional cracks. These cracks propagate from the base to the crown, but do not compromise the structure’s stabil...
Transcultural Diplomacy and International Law in Heritage Conservation
El libro de investigacion internacional, “Patios de la Arquitectura Domestica”, es el resultado d... more El libro de investigacion internacional, “Patios de la Arquitectura Domestica”, es el resultado de interesantes ensayos sobre el tema del patio entre Europa y America Latina. El aporte multicultural de los autores participantes — de diversa formacion academica y pertenencia geografica — ha posibilitado realizar un trabajo muy articulado y de gran impacto cientifico a nivel intercontinental. Todo esto ha favorecido una lectura muy original sobre el tema del patio, con diferentes perspectivas, donde se relacionan las diversas disciplinas sociales: el urbanismo, la arquitectura, la historia, la antropologia, las artes, las letras, la sociologia, el patrimonio historico, etcetera. Hoy en dia, asi como en el pasado, estos espacios vacios definen el tejido urbano de centros y barrios centrales de diversas ciudades y son elementos importantes al interior de los procesos de patrimonializacion y transformacion de la herencia cultural. Esta investigacion internacional ha permitido evidenciar ...
Angiolo Mazzoni (1894-1979), Italian engineer and architect, after the end of World War II he was... more Angiolo Mazzoni (1894-1979), Italian engineer and architect, after the end of World War II he was exiled with the family in Colombia and he was professor at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He lived in Colombia until May 1963 when he comes back in Rome. In the last years of his life he dedicated himself to the arrangement of the archive of projects carried out between Italy and Colombia. This important archive is now kept at the Museum of Modern Art in Trento, and efforts are being made to ensure the conservation of his most important surviving buildings. Mazzoni in Colombia works a lot to the study of drawing; his stylistic approach varied dramatically, from the overtly bombastic and classical to the dynamically modern. This paper proposes a reflexion about the graphic production of Mazzoni in Colombia with a selection of watercolor and tempera drawings.
This research project meets the premises at the different studies and academic experiences realiz... more This research project meets the premises at the different studies and academic experiences realized by two editors between Orient and Occident. Cultures are not self-enclosed or static entities. They overlap and interact, if only to distinguish themselves from one another. "Cultures are like clouds, their confines ever changing, coming together or moving apart […] and sometimes merging to produce new forms arising from those that preceded them yet differing from them entirely" (UNESCO, 2007) This research project meets the premises at the different studies and academic experiences realized by two editors between Orient and Occident. The concept of culture is deeply changed. Having undergone a dramatic transformation over the course of at least two centuries, the notion of culture is ubiquitous in political discourse yet conceptually elusive. Core debates revolve around the content of culture, its relationship to society and civilization as well as its function and role in the human condition. However, it is very difficult to meet a good cultural policy in the governmental programs in the world. Perhaps we must first ask ourselves what culture means: what does culture do? and what should culture do? Historically, the notion of culture was explicitly normative. This concept represented, more often than not, the eighteenth-and nineteenth-century humanistic understandings. Matthew Arnold's Culture and Anarchy analyzed this belief. Arnold held that culture is […] a pursuit of our total perfection by means of getting to know, on all the matters which most concern us, the best which has been thought and said in the world; and through this knowledge, turning a stream of fresh and free thought upon our stock notions and habits; the culture we recommend is, above all, an inward operation.
The realization of the bastions, in the mid-sixteenth century, radically changed the urban image ... more The realization of the bastions, in the mid-sixteenth century, radically changed the urban image of Capua and, at a broader scale, the landscape context, preciously connoting the city as key stronghold of the Southern territory and place of experimentation of the adaptation of the fortifications to the innovations of the oxidative techniques, until the first half of the nineteenth century. The paper makes use of a remarkable corpus of unpublished graphs, found in different European archives, the reconsideration of those already known and of new documents (mainly of the eighteenth-century procurement) to trace, in one with a systematic analysis stratigraphy of the elevated, to identify the chronologies of the imposing surviving structures, proposing significant advancements of knowledge on the subject. This paper also reconsiders the relationship between the project experiments carried out in Italy during the first half of the sixteenth century and those conducted in the new world fo...
Angiolo Mazzoni Del Grande, his academic contribution at Universidad Nacional de Colombia (1948.1... more Angiolo Mazzoni Del Grande, his academic contribution at Universidad Nacional de Colombia (1948.1950) and your theory about the Restoration of Monuments.
Securing Urban Heritage considers the impact of securitization on access to urban heritage sites.... more Securing Urban Heritage considers the impact of securitization on access to urban heritage sites. Demonstrating that symbolic spaces such as these have increasingly become the location of choice for the practice and performance of contemporary politics in the last decade, the book shows how this has led to the securitization of urban public space. Highlighting specific changes that have been made, such as the installation of CCTV or the limitation of access to certain streets, plazas and buildings, the book analyses the impact of different approaches to securitization. Claiming that access to heritage sites is a precursor to an informed and thorough understanding of heritage, the editors and contributors to this volume argue that new forms of securing urban heritage, including community involvement and digitalization, offer possibilities for the protection and use of urban heritage. Looking more closely at the versatile relationship between access and securitization in this context, the book provides a theoretical framework for the relationship between urban heritage and securitization. Comparing case studies from cities in Angola, Bulgaria, Eritrea, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Suriname, Sweden, Turkey, UK, and the US the book reveals some of the key mechanisms that are used to regulate access to heritage sites around the world. Providing a much-needed insight into the diverse challenges of securitization for access and urban heritage, Securing Urban Heritage should be essential reading for academics, students and practitioners from the fields of heritage and urban studies, architecture, art history, conservation, urban planning and urban geography.
El principal objetivo de esta primera publicacion ha sido provocar una reflexion sobre el papel q... more El principal objetivo de esta primera publicacion ha sido provocar una reflexion sobre el papel que la cultura arquitectonica italiana tuvo en Colombia, mas que todo en la primera mitad el siglo XX. El estudio de los archivos italianos y colombianos sobre las obras de Angiolo Mazzoni nos ha permitido comprender la contribucion de su trabajo en una epoca historica muy importante para Colombia y el valor de su pensamiento acerca del significado del patrimonio cultural del pais. En realidad, la gran actualidad de Mazzoni en la Colombia de hoy se relaciona muy bien con el tema del rescate del Patrimonio Cultural del pais en todas sus caracteristicas y tambien con el tema del fortalecimiento de la formacion academica especializada. Ademas el compromiso entre Angiolo Mazzoni y Colombia siempre tuvo un alto valor para las relaciones diplomaticas y culturales entre Italia y Colombia en una epoca politicamente compleja pero importante para Colombia asi como para Italia y que cada vez continu...
The sacred values of the landscape and their meaning depend on the cultural contexts of reference... more The sacred values of the landscape and their meaning depend on the cultural contexts of reference that over time have consolidated or modified traditions, rituals and beliefs. The sacredness of the landscape has no connection with materiality except with the sensory perception that helps man to feel and know what can not be touched. The sacred landscape establishes the relationship between man and nature, through an aesthetic in which it is not always possible to find a rational dimension. A relationship that persists in the territory with the ability to acquire a greater degree of sustainability than other properties. The fear on the part of UNESCO and of the religious and secular communities of a weakening of this heritage requires facing the concept of "sacred value", starting from a refraiming of the sacred landscape, the “Property of Religious Interest (PRI)”, expression of a very rich cultural and natural biodiversity. Are the sacred landscapes at risk? Where and why...
This article explores the relationship between cultural and religious heritage. It describes the ... more This article explores the relationship between cultural and religious heritage. It describes the international conference "Conoscere, conservare, valorizzare. Patrimonio Religioso Culturale," hosted in Italy to understand how to best care for religious heritage, and to connect our understanding of religious heritage to culture at large.
Márgenes. Espacio Arte y Sociedad
El texto analiza la búsqueda de un posible equilibrio entre patrimonio, comunidad, turismo y dial... more El texto analiza la búsqueda de un posible equilibrio entre patrimonio, comunidad, turismo y dialogo intercultural; todos ellos temas de interés general actual y fundamentales para una correcta relación entre los hombres y la sostenibilidad del planeta, pero necesariamente implican también la participación del sistema político y económico. Observando el panorama mundial vemos, sin excepciones, un sistema geopolítico que los expertos definen de resiliencia, es decir de capacidad para reorganizar con éxito la vida en medio de las dificultades y poder reconstruir esta misma vida valorando las oportunidades positivas. Sin embargo, esta condición se puede volver en una forma de deformación negativa sin posibilidad de retorno sino tenemos las herramientas necesarias como para prever y gestionar este proceso de deformación/trasformación. En este artículo se reflexiona sobre estos conceptos partiendo de´l vínculo existente entre la sostenibilidad y la ética del viaje.
Objective: The authors analyze their experience with syringomyelia. The treatment was focused on ... more Objective: The authors analyze their experience with syringomyelia. The treatment was focused on identification of the primary etiological factor and its treatment. Methods: Depending on the etiological factors and treatment considerations the series was classified into three groups. Group 1 had cases where there was no definite demonstrable etiological factor. Group 2 cases had basilar invagination and/or Chiari malformation, and Group 3 consisted of cases where the syrinx was secondary to an obvious aetiology, such as a mass lesion either in the posterior cranial fossa or in the spine or a severe kyphotic spinal deformity. Post-traumatic syringomyelia and syrinx in association with spina bifida were not studied. There is a significant subgroup where no cause is identified when evaluated by conventional radiological parameters. However, atlantoaxial dislocation was identified when assessed by Goel classification of facetal alignment. Results: In general, in Group 1 (or in idiopathic group), atlantoaxial instability was identified and was accordingly treated. In Group II, atlantoaxial instability was considered to be defining phenomenon. Accordingly atlantoaxial fixation was the treatment. In Group III the treatment was focused on the etiological factor. It was identified that direct syrinx drainage was not only not useful, but was harmful. It was observed that clinical outcome rather than radiological improvement is the reliable indicator of the surgical result. Conclusion: Syringomyelia is 'never' a primary pathological event but is secondary to a known or unknown (or unidentified) pathology. Treatment of the primary etiology is the goal in management of this condition
Quintana, Dec 31, 2021
El paisaje sagrado es el centro de la existencia, independientemente de su ubicación y materialid... more El paisaje sagrado es el centro de la existencia, independientemente de su ubicación y materialidad. El concepto de "paisaje sagrado" constituye, de hecho, un lugar indeinido, sin fronteras pero donde se contienen presencias tangibles y tridimensionales que construyen el espacio en el que vivimos. Es precisamente la percepción tridimensional la que caracteriza la arquitectura a la que tenemos que acercarnos a la cuarta dimensión, es decir, la dimensión temporal, y por tanto la presencia del "tiempo" lo que nos ayuda a analizar la evolución y transformación de la materialidad. Esta contribución tiene como objetivo desarrollar una relexión sobre el concepto de lugar y lugares de religiosidad y ritos, entendidos como un espacio material e intangible al mismo tiempo y donde el hombre se encuentra con su Dios, él mismo y la comunidad independientemente de dónde se haya ubicado este lugar y cómo se hizo. Se prestará especial atención al signiicado del valor sagrado y a cómo este concepto se regenera constantemente en la vida cotidiana de cada hombre.
Intersticios Sociales
Estrellita García Fernández y Agustín Vaca (coords). Patrimonio cultural: intertextos y paralelis... more Estrellita García Fernández y Agustín Vaca (coords). Patrimonio cultural: intertextos y paralelismo. México: El Colegio de Jalisco, 2017.
arquitectura en Colombia comenzó a manifestarse en la segunda mitad del siglo xx, cuando el arqui... more arquitectura en Colombia comenzó a manifestarse en la segunda mitad del siglo xx, cuando el arquitecto Carlos Arbeláez Camacho, profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, instituyó los primeros cursos de historia colombiana del arte. En marzo de 1948, llegó a la misma Universidad el ingeniero italiano Angiolo Mazzoni Del Grande para iniciar, en un primer momento, los cursos de Composición y Urbanismo y, luego, los cursos de Historia de las construcciones y de la arquitectura. La realidad política y social colombiana en aquellos años fue muy compleja y la cultura de la modernización había favorecido la demolición de muchos edificios históricos, tanto civiles como religiosas. En 1902 surgió la Academia Colombiana de Historia, con la finalidad de proteger el patrimonio cultural desde la época prehispánica hasta el siglo xx, pero no tuvo un valor decisional. Con referencia a estas premisas, el presente artículo tiene como finalidad analizar la seis contribución heredada en Colombia por el ingeniero Angiolo Mazzoni Del Grande, tanto como profesor en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia o como profesional de muchos proyectos de restauración en la ciudad de Bogotá. La postura fue extraída de un análisis deductivo a partir de la revisión de algunos artículos, proyectos arquitectónicos y entrevistas.
El texto analiza la búsqueda de un posible equilibrio entre patrimonio, comunidad, turismo y diál... more El texto analiza la búsqueda de un posible equilibrio entre patrimonio, comunidad, turismo y diálogo intercultural; todos ellos temas de interés general actual y fundamentales para una correcta relación entre los hombres y la sostenibilidad del planeta, pero necesariamente implican también la participación del sistema político y económico. Observando el panorama mundial vemos, sin excepciones, un sistema geopolítico que los expertos definen de resiliencia, es decir de capacidad para reorganizar con éxito la vida en medio de las dificultades y poder reconstruir esta misma vida valorando las oportunidades positivas. Sin embargo, esta condición se puede volver en una forma de deformación negativa sin posibilidad de retorno sino tenemos las herramientas necesarias como para prever y gestionar este proceso de deformación/trasformación. En este artículo se reflexiona sobre estos conceptos partiendo del vínculo existente entre la sostenibilidad y la pWLFD GHO YLDMH.
La nuova identità della città latino-americana: note introduttive Nel centro e sud America, a par... more La nuova identità della città latino-americana: note introduttive Nel centro e sud America, a partire dal XVI secolo, con la colonizzazione spagnola e portoghese si era affermato il modello della città reticolare e fortificata. Non sempre però le condizioni topografiche avevano reso possibile lo sviluppo corretto di questo modello urbano che trovava le sue origini nella cultura greco-romana. Tuttavia questo modello si era fortemente affermato nella fondazione delle principali città sia dell'area caraibica, quali Santo Domingo (1498), Santiago de Cuba (1515), La Avana (1519) ed ancora Panama (1519), nonché delle città più a sud del continente quali Quito (1535), Lima (1535), Bogotá (1538) e Santiago del Cile (1541) [1]. Del tutto differenti i riferimenti culturali tra gli spagnoli che pianificavano città fortificate lungo le coste e nelle zone più pianeggianti ed i portoghesi che invece prediligevano le alture. Tuttavia la particolare condizione orografica del territorio latino a...
Arquitectura & patrimonio sostenible
The significance of the cultural value and its various affirmations in the international cultural... more The significance of the cultural value and its various affirmations in the international cultural system
Transcultural Diplomacy and International Law in Heritage Conservation
This research project meets the premises at the different studies and academic experiences realiz... more This research project meets the premises at the different studies and academic experiences realized by two editors between Orient and Occident. Cultures are not self-enclosed or static entities. They overlap and interact, if only to distinguish themselves from one another. "Cultures are like clouds, their confines ever changing, coming together or moving apart […] and sometimes merging to produce new forms arising from those that preceded them yet differing from them entirely" (UNESCO, 2007) This research project meets the premises at the different studies and academic experiences realized by two editors between Orient and Occident. The concept of culture is deeply changed. Having undergone a dramatic transformation over the course of at least two centuries, the notion of culture is ubiquitous in political discourse yet conceptually elusive. Core debates revolve around the content of culture, its relationship to society and civilization as well as its function and role in the human condition. However, it is very difficult to meet a good cultural policy in the governmental programs in the world. Perhaps we must first ask ourselves what culture means: what does culture do? and what should culture do? Historically, the notion of culture was explicitly normative. This concept represented, more often than not, the eighteenth-and nineteenth-century humanistic understandings. Matthew Arnold's Culture and Anarchy analyzed this belief. Arnold held that culture is […] a pursuit of our total perfection by means of getting to know, on all the matters which most concern us, the best which has been thought and said in the world; and through this knowledge, turning a stream of fresh and free thought upon our stock notions and habits; the culture we recommend is, above all, an inward operation.
VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability
This work performed a comparative analysis between the construction process carried out when buil... more This work performed a comparative analysis between the construction process carried out when building the dome at the Temple of Santa Lucía, in Ambalema-Colombia and the typical process of an octagonal dome. Additionally, the structural stability is assessed of the dome of the case study against service and dynamic loads. To compare with the case study, known domes were taken as examples from structures in Italy and Spain. The analysis includes a study on the dome’s geometry and the constructive errors found. Methodology: The dome’s stability was evaluated through structural analysis software for which the dome was simplified into a system of four articulated arches. Conclusions: As a result, it was found that the dome of the temple of Santa Lucía does not have a system to counteract lateral thrusts (a drum or its similar), which permitted the appearance and widening of meridional cracks. These cracks propagate from the base to the crown, but do not compromise the structure’s stabil...
Transcultural Diplomacy and International Law in Heritage Conservation
El libro de investigacion internacional, “Patios de la Arquitectura Domestica”, es el resultado d... more El libro de investigacion internacional, “Patios de la Arquitectura Domestica”, es el resultado de interesantes ensayos sobre el tema del patio entre Europa y America Latina. El aporte multicultural de los autores participantes — de diversa formacion academica y pertenencia geografica — ha posibilitado realizar un trabajo muy articulado y de gran impacto cientifico a nivel intercontinental. Todo esto ha favorecido una lectura muy original sobre el tema del patio, con diferentes perspectivas, donde se relacionan las diversas disciplinas sociales: el urbanismo, la arquitectura, la historia, la antropologia, las artes, las letras, la sociologia, el patrimonio historico, etcetera. Hoy en dia, asi como en el pasado, estos espacios vacios definen el tejido urbano de centros y barrios centrales de diversas ciudades y son elementos importantes al interior de los procesos de patrimonializacion y transformacion de la herencia cultural. Esta investigacion internacional ha permitido evidenciar ...
Angiolo Mazzoni (1894-1979), Italian engineer and architect, after the end of World War II he was... more Angiolo Mazzoni (1894-1979), Italian engineer and architect, after the end of World War II he was exiled with the family in Colombia and he was professor at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He lived in Colombia until May 1963 when he comes back in Rome. In the last years of his life he dedicated himself to the arrangement of the archive of projects carried out between Italy and Colombia. This important archive is now kept at the Museum of Modern Art in Trento, and efforts are being made to ensure the conservation of his most important surviving buildings. Mazzoni in Colombia works a lot to the study of drawing; his stylistic approach varied dramatically, from the overtly bombastic and classical to the dynamically modern. This paper proposes a reflexion about the graphic production of Mazzoni in Colombia with a selection of watercolor and tempera drawings.
This research project meets the premises at the different studies and academic experiences realiz... more This research project meets the premises at the different studies and academic experiences realized by two editors between Orient and Occident. Cultures are not self-enclosed or static entities. They overlap and interact, if only to distinguish themselves from one another. "Cultures are like clouds, their confines ever changing, coming together or moving apart […] and sometimes merging to produce new forms arising from those that preceded them yet differing from them entirely" (UNESCO, 2007) This research project meets the premises at the different studies and academic experiences realized by two editors between Orient and Occident. The concept of culture is deeply changed. Having undergone a dramatic transformation over the course of at least two centuries, the notion of culture is ubiquitous in political discourse yet conceptually elusive. Core debates revolve around the content of culture, its relationship to society and civilization as well as its function and role in the human condition. However, it is very difficult to meet a good cultural policy in the governmental programs in the world. Perhaps we must first ask ourselves what culture means: what does culture do? and what should culture do? Historically, the notion of culture was explicitly normative. This concept represented, more often than not, the eighteenth-and nineteenth-century humanistic understandings. Matthew Arnold's Culture and Anarchy analyzed this belief. Arnold held that culture is […] a pursuit of our total perfection by means of getting to know, on all the matters which most concern us, the best which has been thought and said in the world; and through this knowledge, turning a stream of fresh and free thought upon our stock notions and habits; the culture we recommend is, above all, an inward operation.
The realization of the bastions, in the mid-sixteenth century, radically changed the urban image ... more The realization of the bastions, in the mid-sixteenth century, radically changed the urban image of Capua and, at a broader scale, the landscape context, preciously connoting the city as key stronghold of the Southern territory and place of experimentation of the adaptation of the fortifications to the innovations of the oxidative techniques, until the first half of the nineteenth century. The paper makes use of a remarkable corpus of unpublished graphs, found in different European archives, the reconsideration of those already known and of new documents (mainly of the eighteenth-century procurement) to trace, in one with a systematic analysis stratigraphy of the elevated, to identify the chronologies of the imposing surviving structures, proposing significant advancements of knowledge on the subject. This paper also reconsiders the relationship between the project experiments carried out in Italy during the first half of the sixteenth century and those conducted in the new world fo...
Angiolo Mazzoni Del Grande, his academic contribution at Universidad Nacional de Colombia (1948.1... more Angiolo Mazzoni Del Grande, his academic contribution at Universidad Nacional de Colombia (1948.1950) and your theory about the Restoration of Monuments.
Securing Urban Heritage considers the impact of securitization on access to urban heritage sites.... more Securing Urban Heritage considers the impact of securitization on access to urban heritage sites. Demonstrating that symbolic spaces such as these have increasingly become the location of choice for the practice and performance of contemporary politics in the last decade, the book shows how this has led to the securitization of urban public space. Highlighting specific changes that have been made, such as the installation of CCTV or the limitation of access to certain streets, plazas and buildings, the book analyses the impact of different approaches to securitization. Claiming that access to heritage sites is a precursor to an informed and thorough understanding of heritage, the editors and contributors to this volume argue that new forms of securing urban heritage, including community involvement and digitalization, offer possibilities for the protection and use of urban heritage. Looking more closely at the versatile relationship between access and securitization in this context, the book provides a theoretical framework for the relationship between urban heritage and securitization. Comparing case studies from cities in Angola, Bulgaria, Eritrea, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Suriname, Sweden, Turkey, UK, and the US the book reveals some of the key mechanisms that are used to regulate access to heritage sites around the world. Providing a much-needed insight into the diverse challenges of securitization for access and urban heritage, Securing Urban Heritage should be essential reading for academics, students and practitioners from the fields of heritage and urban studies, architecture, art history, conservation, urban planning and urban geography.
El principal objetivo de esta primera publicacion ha sido provocar una reflexion sobre el papel q... more El principal objetivo de esta primera publicacion ha sido provocar una reflexion sobre el papel que la cultura arquitectonica italiana tuvo en Colombia, mas que todo en la primera mitad el siglo XX. El estudio de los archivos italianos y colombianos sobre las obras de Angiolo Mazzoni nos ha permitido comprender la contribucion de su trabajo en una epoca historica muy importante para Colombia y el valor de su pensamiento acerca del significado del patrimonio cultural del pais. En realidad, la gran actualidad de Mazzoni en la Colombia de hoy se relaciona muy bien con el tema del rescate del Patrimonio Cultural del pais en todas sus caracteristicas y tambien con el tema del fortalecimiento de la formacion academica especializada. Ademas el compromiso entre Angiolo Mazzoni y Colombia siempre tuvo un alto valor para las relaciones diplomaticas y culturales entre Italia y Colombia en una epoca politicamente compleja pero importante para Colombia asi como para Italia y que cada vez continu...
The sacred values of the landscape and their meaning depend on the cultural contexts of reference... more The sacred values of the landscape and their meaning depend on the cultural contexts of reference that over time have consolidated or modified traditions, rituals and beliefs. The sacredness of the landscape has no connection with materiality except with the sensory perception that helps man to feel and know what can not be touched. The sacred landscape establishes the relationship between man and nature, through an aesthetic in which it is not always possible to find a rational dimension. A relationship that persists in the territory with the ability to acquire a greater degree of sustainability than other properties. The fear on the part of UNESCO and of the religious and secular communities of a weakening of this heritage requires facing the concept of "sacred value", starting from a refraiming of the sacred landscape, the “Property of Religious Interest (PRI)”, expression of a very rich cultural and natural biodiversity. Are the sacred landscapes at risk? Where and why...
This article explores the relationship between cultural and religious heritage. It describes the ... more This article explores the relationship between cultural and religious heritage. It describes the international conference "Conoscere, conservare, valorizzare. Patrimonio Religioso Culturale," hosted in Italy to understand how to best care for religious heritage, and to connect our understanding of religious heritage to culture at large.
Márgenes. Espacio Arte y Sociedad
El texto analiza la búsqueda de un posible equilibrio entre patrimonio, comunidad, turismo y dial... more El texto analiza la búsqueda de un posible equilibrio entre patrimonio, comunidad, turismo y dialogo intercultural; todos ellos temas de interés general actual y fundamentales para una correcta relación entre los hombres y la sostenibilidad del planeta, pero necesariamente implican también la participación del sistema político y económico. Observando el panorama mundial vemos, sin excepciones, un sistema geopolítico que los expertos definen de resiliencia, es decir de capacidad para reorganizar con éxito la vida en medio de las dificultades y poder reconstruir esta misma vida valorando las oportunidades positivas. Sin embargo, esta condición se puede volver en una forma de deformación negativa sin posibilidad de retorno sino tenemos las herramientas necesarias como para prever y gestionar este proceso de deformación/trasformación. En este artículo se reflexiona sobre estos conceptos partiendo de´l vínculo existente entre la sostenibilidad y la ética del viaje.
Objective: The authors analyze their experience with syringomyelia. The treatment was focused on ... more Objective: The authors analyze their experience with syringomyelia. The treatment was focused on identification of the primary etiological factor and its treatment. Methods: Depending on the etiological factors and treatment considerations the series was classified into three groups. Group 1 had cases where there was no definite demonstrable etiological factor. Group 2 cases had basilar invagination and/or Chiari malformation, and Group 3 consisted of cases where the syrinx was secondary to an obvious aetiology, such as a mass lesion either in the posterior cranial fossa or in the spine or a severe kyphotic spinal deformity. Post-traumatic syringomyelia and syrinx in association with spina bifida were not studied. There is a significant subgroup where no cause is identified when evaluated by conventional radiological parameters. However, atlantoaxial dislocation was identified when assessed by Goel classification of facetal alignment. Results: In general, in Group 1 (or in idiopathic group), atlantoaxial instability was identified and was accordingly treated. In Group II, atlantoaxial instability was considered to be defining phenomenon. Accordingly atlantoaxial fixation was the treatment. In Group III the treatment was focused on the etiological factor. It was identified that direct syrinx drainage was not only not useful, but was harmful. It was observed that clinical outcome rather than radiological improvement is the reliable indicator of the surgical result. Conclusion: Syringomyelia is 'never' a primary pathological event but is secondary to a known or unknown (or unidentified) pathology. Treatment of the primary etiology is the goal in management of this condition
Architetti e Artisti nella Diaspora Italiana in America Latina. Diplomazia culturale in azione. | Arquitectos y Artistas en la Diáspora Italiana en Latinoamérica. Diplomacia cultural en acción, 2021
The work, the result of an international research project that sees the collaboration of scholars... more The work, the result of an international research project that sees the collaboration of scholars from Mexico, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Spain and Italy, is the result of an important dialogue of scientific diplomacy that explains and illustrates, through the biographies of many Italian architects and artists, projects that are often the result of complex compromises but from which extraordinary cultural inheritances have been generated. An innovative perspective that has also made it possible to give light to many important stories of Italians who so far have not had the good fortune to be appreciated, even though their works have had important meanings in the territories in which they have developed. This commitment of scientific diplomacy is therefore dedicated to all Italians in the world who have done but who also continue to make great projects but whose exploration continues because there is still so much to discover, know and enhance. Now we invite you to read this book and enjoy its contents. Enjoy the reading.
Historic Towns between East and West
The concept of "historic town" has been recognized in the West, especially in Europe, since the n... more The concept of "historic town" has been recognized in the West, especially in Europe, since the nineteenth century. Since the emergence of the first significant definitions with the birth of modern town planning, the definition of “historic town” has generated a diverse range of cultural and political debates in particular following the Second World War.
The historic town is a monument, a witness of history, of its communitarian development and social and economic culture. Within different cultures of the world the concept of "historic town" finds different interpretations and definitions. Particularly today, in the West as in the East, the "historic town" is a point of extensive debate on the possible dialogue between historic architecture and contemporary architecture. Certainly the "historic town" represents a cultural heritage where the word culture is a heritage of old and new ideas, a multicultural dialogue of large social values establishing a relationship between history and modernity.
Under this premise, the main objective of the monograph has been to investigate and explore the different cognitive approaches and methodologies to define the concept of the “historic town”, to plan its valorisation and most importantly its continuity into the future. The scientific contributions strongly highlight the different cultural approaches between the West and East as made evident through theoretical research, projects and construction.
Notas Universitarias, Universidad de Ibague, Colombia, 2012
Avrà sede a Verona, il 22 marzo 2018 alle ore 17.00 presso San Pietro in Archivolto il seminario ... more Avrà sede a Verona, il 22 marzo 2018 alle ore 17.00 presso San Pietro in Archivolto il seminario sul Patrimonio Culturale Religioso “amanuenses, pictores, architecti ... Artefici e custodi del patrimonio culturale religioso, ieri e oggi”. Non solo specialisti di architettura e storia dell'arte, ma soprattutto studiosi appassionati, “interessati a condividere” - extra moenia - le loro specifiche competenze, le più varie e le più innovative, sulle problematiche della valorizzazione e della custodia del patrimonio di interesse religioso presente nella città di Verona. Oltre i relatori in programma, don Luigi Cottarelli, don Martino Signoretto, Olimpia Niglio e Nadia Scardeoni, sono stati invitati a partecipare anche tanti giovani studiosi e contribuiranno con loro interventi anche Erika Prandi, Alessandro Corradi, Ermanno Benetti. Il seminario è stato patrocinato da istituzioni sia nazionali tra cui Diocesi di Verona, Comune di Verona, MIUR USR Veneto e numerose associazioni culturali, che internazionali come Icomos Italia, cattedre Unesco e Club per l’Unesco Verona.
Contatti: addsarchivio@gmail.com
John Ruskin (1819 – 1900), art writers of the 19th century, describes this concept in the book ... more John Ruskin (1819 – 1900), art writers of the 19th century, describes this concept in the book The Seven Lamps of Architecture. This concept of restoration will be discussed in the seminar and will be compared with other literary theories. This approach to cultural heritage was and continues to be highly influential, informing the difference between the terms restoration and conservation.
Almatourusm International Journal, 2018
The sacred values of the landscape and their meaning depend on the cultural contexts of reference... more The sacred values of the landscape and their meaning depend on the cultural contexts of reference that over time have consolidated or modified traditions, rituals and beliefs. The sacredness of the landscape has no connection with materiality except with the sensory perception that helps man to feel and know what can not be touched. The sacred landscape establishes the relationship between man and nature, through an aesthetic in which it is not always possible to find a rational dimension. A relationship that persists in the territory with the ability to acquire a greater degree of sustainability than other properties. The fear on the part of UNESCO and of the religious and secular communities of a weakening of this heritage requires facing the concept of "sacred value", starting from a refraiming of the sacred landscape, the " Property of Religious Interest (PRI) " , expression of a very rich cultural and natural biodiversity. Are the sacred landscapes at risk? Where and why? Is it possible rewriting the landscape or not? What is the behavior of local communities and different target users? The contribution aims to analyze the concept of "sacred value" of the landscape with the support also of some significant examples taken from different cultural and geographical areas, very important case studies for a qualitative methodology with a global approach.
The paper analyzes the investigation about a possible balance between Heritage, Community, Touris... more The paper analyzes the investigation about a possible balance between Heritage, Community, Tourism and Dialogue among culture. Today all these topics are interesting in worldwide and fundamental for a correct relationship among men and for the sustainability of the planet but necessarily all these issues also involve the participation of the political and economic system.
by Massimo Visone, Paolo Caratelli, Olimpia Niglio, OLIMPIA NIGLIO, eva battis, Britta Rudolff, Manfredo Manfredini, Koompong Noobanjong, Koompong Noobanjong, Naima Benkari, Julia Gatley, Maurizio Boriani, Andreas Giacumacatos, Uģis Bratuškins, Slavica Stamatovic Vuckovic, Anda-Lucia Spânu, Nilufer Baturayoglu Yoney, Fedir Gontsa, M P García Cuetos, and Yıldız Salman
The role of architectural history and the conservation rules within the recognition process for t... more The role of architectural history and the conservation rules within the recognition process for twentieth-century architecture are of high relevance for the contemporary critical debate.
The historical survey and preservation strategies of modern architecture are being gradually associated with sustainability, while twentieth-century buildings are becoming an integral part of multiple strategies for the development of urban landscapes. Today, new critical perspectives and protection policies contribute to the deployment of projects related to the study, classification, listing, conservation and promotion of modern architecture.
These issues are confronted in Time Frames: Conservation Policies for Twentieth-Century Architectural Heritage (Routledge, 2017) by exploring the policies used to designate buildings as heritage sites worldwide. The editors of the book focus on the so-called ‘time rule’ which elapses between a building’s construction and its protection, if it exists. What emerges is a variable definition of what is “contemporary”, ie architecture which has not yet become “historic”.
Il tema della riscoperta e della valorizzazione dei centri storici non è sicuramente nuovo ed è s... more Il tema della riscoperta e della valorizzazione dei centri storici non è sicuramente nuovo ed è stato affrontato spesso e con risultati incerti. Centro come luogo fisico e mentale, concretizzato in questo caso in un centro storico che viene assunto come emblema.
Fontanellato, dunque, come specifico centro storico emiliano: borgo in sé quasi perfetto: proprio per questo deve essere ora “riconosciuto” attraverso strade diverse da quella di una sua prevedibile musealizzazione, che piò significare spesso perdita di vita e immobilità. La questione posta è quindi quella dello sviluppo dei piccoli centri storici, sospesi tra un passato presunto glorioso e un futuro incerto, in cui predominante diventa il tema dell’identità.
Grande è la nostra responsabilità in quanto architetti, professionisti che dovrebbero essere in grado di valutare i bisogni che i luoghi esprimono per giungere a una sintesi proponendo soluzioni in grado di coinvolgere la città e le persone.
Gli edifici destinati all'accoglienza diffusi sulle strade italiane durante i secoli del Grand To... more Gli edifici destinati all'accoglienza diffusi sulle strade italiane durante i secoli del Grand Tour (XVII-XVIII) e sviluppatisi nel corso dei successivi (XIX-XX), siano essi di natura pubblica (stazioni di posta, dogane, presidi ferroviari o case cantoniere) oppure privata (locande, alberghi, osterie), presentano caratteristiche architettoniche peculiari: si tratta di fabbricati utilitaristici che rispondono al gusto del tempo e alle consuetudini del viaggio stesso. Obiettivo primario della sessione sarà quello di analizzare le caratteristiche architettoniche peculiari di questi edifici, il rapporto con il contesto paesaggistico e cronologico nei quali sono sorti e le trasformazioni dei quali sono stati protagonisti, attraverso i mutamenti delle modalità del viaggio stesso, nonché gli usi attuali. Questa sessione è aperta ad un confronto per lo studio delle architetture ricettive stradali di respiro internazionale ed è dedicata -ma non limitata -a storici dell'arte, dell'architettura e agli studiosi di discipline affini.