lunastar_icons - Profile (original) (raw)

on 24 January 2008 (#14754825)

No stealingNo dramaNo hotlinkingUse your mannersJoin and friend the communityPlease don't be a request hogCredit the maker and communityPlease do not post our icons elsewhereIcons are for use on LJ ONLYNo promoting your own journal or other communities without our permissionTextless icons are NOT bases unless otherwise stated. Want to add your own text? Just ask us if it's ok
lunastar_icons is owned and moderated by ★Laura kitten23 and ★Liz luna683 We are currently CLOSED to new members and OPEN to new makers! Our membership, however is moderated for the moment. Laura kitten23 → (Examples)Lizluna683 → (Examples)
Awards (more can be seen at the webpage):Photobucket
Lunastar_icons' Website FAQ'sShooting StarsLaura's ExamplesLiz's ExamplesFO BannersResourcesMaker ApplicationOther links to interesting sites: Affiliate list and application Check out comm_promo and _p_r_o_m_o_t_e_ for more communities to join!
Promote us! Choose a button, and copy and paste the code beside it.CLICK HERE FOR MORE PROMO BUTTONS!
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