Enes Ilyas SARI | Maltepe University (original) (raw)

Booklet by Enes Ilyas SARI

Research paper thumbnail of The booklet of several observations and reflections about ELT and education in Turkey

Teaching Docs by Enes Ilyas SARI

Research paper thumbnail of B1 Level - Sample Examination for English Language Learners

Research paper thumbnail of A1 Level-  Sample Examination for English Language Learners

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Reading 3

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Grammar 2

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Reading 2

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Reading

 To make students' knowledge of English words better.  Students will be able to assess the give... more  To make students' knowledge of English words better.  Students will be able to assess the given statements as true or false and matching activity by comprehending the text.  Their reading skill will be activated and shifted by video and reading source.  Their experience of doing activities is extended by different tasks in handouts.

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Vocabulary

Time : 15 minutes Subject : English Class : 8th grade Level : B1 Language Focus : Vocabulary Topi... more Time : 15 minutes Subject : English
Class : 8th grade Level : B1
Language Focus : Vocabulary Topic : Adjectives

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Listening 2

Time : 15 minutes Subject : English Class : 9th grade Level : B1 Language Focus : Listening Topic... more Time : 15 minutes Subject : English
Class : 9th grade Level : B1
Language Focus : Listening Topic : Street Market
Mercedes Benz (Song)

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Listening

Time : 5 minutes Subject : English Class : 3th grade Level : A1 Language ... more Time : 5 minutes Subject : English
Class : 3th grade Level : A1
Language Focus : Listening Topic : Knowledge

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Speaking

Time : 5 minutes Subject : English Class : 5th grade Level : A2 Languag... more Time : 5 minutes Subject : English
Class : 5th grade Level : A2
Language Focus : Speaking Topic : Questions

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Grammar

Time : 5 minutes Subject : English Class : 4th grade Level : A2 Language F... more Time : 5 minutes Subject : English
Class : 4th grade Level : A2
Language Focus : Grammar Topic : Adjectives

School Experience ( TURKISH ) by Enes Ilyas SARI

Research paper thumbnail of BİTİRME VE DEĞERLENDİRME RAPORU

Research paper thumbnail of DERSHANELER VE ÖZEL DERSHANELER


Research paper thumbnail of DERS KİTAPLARI


Research paper thumbnail of DERSİN YÖNETİMİ VE SINIF KONTROLÜ

Research paper thumbnail of MUDUR YARDIMCILARI VE GOREVLERI

Research paper thumbnail of DÖNEM PLANI

Research paper thumbnail of The booklet of several observations and reflections about ELT and education in Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of B1 Level - Sample Examination for English Language Learners

Research paper thumbnail of A1 Level-  Sample Examination for English Language Learners

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Reading 3

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Grammar 2

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Reading 2

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Reading

 To make students' knowledge of English words better.  Students will be able to assess the give... more  To make students' knowledge of English words better.  Students will be able to assess the given statements as true or false and matching activity by comprehending the text.  Their reading skill will be activated and shifted by video and reading source.  Their experience of doing activities is extended by different tasks in handouts.

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Vocabulary

Time : 15 minutes Subject : English Class : 8th grade Level : B1 Language Focus : Vocabulary Topi... more Time : 15 minutes Subject : English
Class : 8th grade Level : B1
Language Focus : Vocabulary Topic : Adjectives

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Listening 2

Time : 15 minutes Subject : English Class : 9th grade Level : B1 Language Focus : Listening Topic... more Time : 15 minutes Subject : English
Class : 9th grade Level : B1
Language Focus : Listening Topic : Street Market
Mercedes Benz (Song)

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Listening

Time : 5 minutes Subject : English Class : 3th grade Level : A1 Language ... more Time : 5 minutes Subject : English
Class : 3th grade Level : A1
Language Focus : Listening Topic : Knowledge

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Speaking

Time : 5 minutes Subject : English Class : 5th grade Level : A2 Languag... more Time : 5 minutes Subject : English
Class : 5th grade Level : A2
Language Focus : Speaking Topic : Questions

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan - Grammar

Time : 5 minutes Subject : English Class : 4th grade Level : A2 Language F... more Time : 5 minutes Subject : English
Class : 4th grade Level : A2
Language Focus : Grammar Topic : Adjectives

Research paper thumbnail of BİTİRME VE DEĞERLENDİRME RAPORU

Research paper thumbnail of DERSHANELER VE ÖZEL DERSHANELER


Research paper thumbnail of DERS KİTAPLARI


Research paper thumbnail of DERSİN YÖNETİMİ VE SINIF KONTROLÜ

Research paper thumbnail of MUDUR YARDIMCILARI VE GOREVLERI

Research paper thumbnail of DÖNEM PLANI

Research paper thumbnail of OKUL MUDURU VE OKUL KURALLARI

Research paper thumbnail of OKUL TARİHÇESİ VE TESİSLERİ

Research paper thumbnail of OKUL VE TOPLUM


Research paper thumbnail of ÖĞRENCİNİN OKULDAKİ BİR GÜNÜ

Research paper thumbnail of ÖĞRETİM YÖNTEMLERİ

Research paper thumbnail of ÖĞRETMENİN OKULDAKİ BİR GÜNÜ


Research paper thumbnail of ÖĞRETMENLERİN İDARİ GÖREVLERİ

Maltepe Ortaokulu da eğiti vere .sı ıflar Tarih dersi zü resi aşka lığı yapa Seda Koç öğret e ile... more Maltepe Ortaokulu da eğiti vere .sı ıflar Tarih dersi zü resi aşka lığı yapa Seda Koç öğret e ile hakkı da ko uş uş olduğu Öğret e leri idari görevleri adlı gözle raporu konusunda edi diği ilgilere göre hazırla ış olduğu u raporda , Milli Eğiti Baka lığı' ı öğret e ler içi hazırladığı idari görevler listesi de faydala ıl aktadır .

Research paper thumbnail of REHBERLİK FAALİYETLERİ

Research paper thumbnail of SINAV HAZIRLAMA

Research paper thumbnail of SPOR FAALİYETLERİ

Ma a a Eğiti Ku u la ı Spo Tesisle i , Spo Bölü ü Koo di atö ü ola Nu ullah Bıyıklı öğ et e ile y... more Ma a a Eğiti Ku u la ı Spo Tesisle i , Spo Bölü ü Koo di atö ü ola Nu ullah Bıyıklı öğ et e ile yaptığı gö üş ede edi diği okuldaki spo a yö elik ilgile ge el ola ak özetle işti . Spo Tesisle i , çam o a la ı içi de şehi yaşa ı ı hızlı ve yo u u te posu da uzak, sizle e p ofesyo elle e destekle e sağlıklı i yaşa su aktadı . Bi çok spo dalı ı ü yesi de toplaya Ma a a Eğiti Ku u la ı Spo tesisle i ge ek doğayla iç içeliği , gerekse sporu i sa ı yaşa ı daki ö e i e i a ı ile üyele i i yal ız a ede le i e değil , uhla ı a da katkı sağla aktadı . Ge çle e ve ge ç kal ak isteyenlere tam destek veren tesislerde yüzme , tenis , basketbol , voleybol , futbol , fitness , fitness , step , ae o ik spo dalla ı da öğ e ile ke dile i e uygu ola ı seç ekte özgü dü le .

Research paper thumbnail of Figurative Language Examples

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing of Text in the field of Functional Grammar's Metafunctions

the speech of Charles Manson from an interview is analyzed in the field of Halliday's three diffe... more the speech of Charles Manson from an interview is analyzed in the field of Halliday's three different Metafuncitons of Functional Grammar.

Research paper thumbnail of Critical Reading of "Avrupalı olmak bizim neyimize!"


Tarama modeli çok sayıda elemandan oluşan bir evrende, evren hakkında genel bir yargıya varmak am... more Tarama modeli çok sayıda elemandan oluşan bir evrende, evren hakkında genel bir yargıya varmak amacı ile evrenin ya da ondan alınacak bir grup örnek ya da örneklem üzerinde yapılan tarama düzenlemeleridir. (Karasar, 2016)

Research paper thumbnail of Translation Project

Doğru duydun, kahpe. Ne oldu, battı mı? Yiyorsa o zinciri uygula yemiyorsa da al müsait biryerine... more Doğru duydun, kahpe. Ne oldu, battı mı? Yiyorsa o zinciri uygula yemiyorsa da al müsait biryerine sok. Duydun işte,aptal . Sağır değilsin ya. Al o emir-komuta zincirini... gerisini söylemeyeyim. İşte öyle. Aynen öyle dedim, duydun. Sonra da yumruk sallamaya başladı angut. He laughs hysterically.-Merle deli gibi güler. Merle: Oh, you should've seen the look on his face when I punched out his front teeth. Yeah, five of 'em. Pow! Pow! Just like that. Huh. Oh my god. 16 months in the stockade… Oh, that's what them teeth cost me. That was… That was hard time, but by god, it was worth every minute of it Just to see that prick spit his teeth out on the ground. Yes sir, worth every minute. O yüzünün hâlini... görmen lazımdı. Yumruğu yiyince ön dişleri elinde kaldı. Beşi birden. Aynen böyle. Vay be. O dişlerin bedeli de... 16 ay mahpusta yatmak oldu işte. Zor... Zor zamanlardı. Ama Tanrı biliyor ya... o puştun dişlerini dökmek... her anına değerdi. Evet, Her anına değerdi.

Research paper thumbnail of The Internet

The Internet has various sources for people all around the world and it feeds every profession's ... more The Internet has various sources for people all around the world and it feeds every profession's needs like English Teacher's. When we say " teacher", something awkward and old comes into our minds and we begin to imagine a classroom with many students, tables, blackboard and of course teacher. As we say it is old and this is the land space of state or private schools in the late 90's. Actually, the internet comes with technology, I mean that the technology brings the internet to us to use it in a good way. So, Should we and English teachers from past try to achieve using the internet as a useful and beneficial skill for teaching English in our classrooms? Yes, for sure.

Research paper thumbnail of ex-Change

As I discussed in the last reflection paper, Internet and its beneficial sources for learners of ... more As I discussed in the last reflection paper, Internet and its beneficial sources for learners of English must be applied in the classrooms where is highly developed with computers and technological vehicles and tools for the education of English language. We know the importance of computer and internet but know less what about their offer. One thing took my attention what is called EXCHANGE and this is the best offer for both students and teachers.

Research paper thumbnail of Classroom Management

Managing something to make it better than what was it before means that the manager should give w... more Managing something to make it better than what was it before means that the manager should give worth and importance to his or her profession as a teacher. Whether it is exhausting or not, the only aim of the teacher should be to make the classroom valid to earn, achieve, acquire and learn what teacher teaches. The process of learning may take much more time than expected but if you as an English language teacher know your students' specializations and their limitations in the field of learning, that is really okay. Crowded classrooms, different language levels, different characteristics of students, odd attitudes might play big roles in the language acquisition process of students and language teaching process of the teacher.

Research paper thumbnail of Extensive Reading

Reading is good for you. Reading is the only way, the only way we become good readers, develop a ... more Reading is good for you. Reading is the only way, the only way we become good readers, develop a good writing style, an adequate vocabulary, advanced grammar, and the only way we become good spellers but there is a big gap in educational purposes of language acquisition. Actually, Extensive reading what includes information and fills the gaps should be the main gaining part of mankind. Here in Turkey, our teachers do not give much importance to make the real reading happens. Grammar-based classrooms or local curriculum they have to apply may not let them make reading in an extensive way. ER is really idealist approach with its benefits of usage in the classroom. Second language learners should be triggered to find the reading sources but in Turkey, most of the English teachers always teach the rules of TL instead of giving them any task of reading whatever they would like to read in English. Let's look at the advantages of the ER approach to what our local second language teachers do not know. If they realize the ER's role in illuminating chance of language acquisition, they must apply the ER as the main methodology in EL teaching process. There are many reasons why Extensive Reading is good for language development.

Research paper thumbnail of The role of materials in foreign language classroom

Research paper thumbnail of Videos

Research paper thumbnail of The Family

The humankind We are all humankind , people are born , meet , have relationship , marry and creat... more The humankind We are all humankind , people are born , meet , have relationship , marry and create the new generation for goodness of world. We are all same. No differences or no similarities. Maybe we have different characteristic specialities but I do not wanna write about these kind of things. I have a family and we as a person are same each other. Firstly , I do never agree with a idea of people who ask questions about anybody's family. To me , it is wrong because nobody has to talk about their family members. If they have to write something , believe me the topic should not be "the family". Family is special for all sons and daughters because of the life style and culture in Turkey or any countries on the earthquake. And who asks me that how much I love my parents or whom I love more is easy person for me. Nobody has a right to ask me anything about my family and their specialities. Nobody has a right to compare them between eachother. I do NOT like this and never recomend to someone does it. If it happens , my attitudes are gonna be bad and my words are gonna be slangs. Family is special and information of all families are secret for their children. The last and the best sentence is here and shows itself to us " Family or parents or whatever , special for people ". This eaaigful tet was writtee E.I.Sarı aad It iludes strog eotios eeause of psshologial situations of the writing moment.

Research paper thumbnail of Mastery Learning

Research paper thumbnail of Touch Sb's Life

Firstly , we as future teachers should know how to touch someone's life in a good way . People ju... more Firstly , we as future teachers should know how to touch someone's life in a good way . People just think that teachers of Turkey are just doing their jobs in order to make money and people who think like that are %50 right about their ideas . Many of teachers do not give much importance to the education and can't figure out the situation of being teacher . They generally act like a teacher as an ordinary goal but they do not know how to catch the main goal and major aim to be "the teacher". As we say %50 or more of the teachers are doing their job for making their lives . What about the other %50 of the teachers ? We should face with the reality that shows us many of state school's teachers act like a teacher , they think only their salary .The students , classroom or , if process of education is going well or not and if students are acquiring the knowledge or not .. These kind of terms are not handled by the teachers who act like a teacher . And now , let's discuss our brainstorming question again " what about the other %50 of the teachers ?" They are the real people who have responsibilities about educational side of their lives . They CARE what they do on their students and they do their tasks as if they have to do . Actually , they do not have to but they feel that they need to have to because they are the real ones . They have many purposes to be a teacher and they know the main idea and major target to be a teacher , good teacher and excellent teacher these mean that the person who knows how to touch someone's life , how to change someone's future in a good way , how to understand and solve wrong situations in bad moments. These activities can be taken place not only in education but also other perspectives and other fields of life . In Turkey , religion is the most important thing people give importance and it always come first . Many people agree with this idea and they know religion is sensetive side of their whole lives . So , politicians are touching people's life by using religion because it is the most important thing for the people in Turkey . I know it was a bad example for describing "touching life" but it was based on real life .

Research paper thumbnail of How does Education happen ?

Research paper thumbnail of Anatomy of Education

Everything has to change itself by time , this is the rule of the life in the World. Like humanbo... more Everything has to change itself by time , this is the rule of the life in the World. Like humanbody , it has cells and these cells re-born after they die again and again. And the new cells become stronger and heavier than the cells what die in order to give their turns to the new cells. We can say same things for also education. Education changes itself according to life and social conditions of people and time. In the past , there are no place like school and collage. Actually there are but they are connected with the religious oppurtunities and they do not add any advantages to people and do not teach them how to live and how to survive in the World. Because of this problem , people themselves try to solve these kind of troubles by education their own lifes. They bring the new generation to the world and they teach them how to live and how to survive by remembering and recalling their past experiences about the life. But as we say that life is changing itself and it brings to us the technology , science , cultures , history and more. So , people needs increase because they want to know about the world more and more. There are no well educated parents and it causes that children cannot have any facilities to learn math , literature , physics and other areas of education. And people of the past try to find masters of education. And this search make them set the system up called apprentice system. Parents begin to hire masters to make their children learn educational terms of that period of time but it costs very much. This issue causes a basic problem between rich and poor parents. Well , rich parents can easily hire a master for their child or children and and these children become more succesful and more intelligent than the children of poor parents in many terms and areas of life and education On the other hand , the poor parents begin to complain about this difference in education because also their children have right to learn and acquire but they cannot because their parents do not have enough money to make them educated. After all , the concept which called like "school" occurs in society. The school comes in order to give the rights of education to the children by saving all children both rich and poor. They are educated by masters and if there are poor ones , the masters of the education make them have the same level of education with the rich ones. So , people do not need to be divided into two groups like practice and theory. The school gives them information about how to make practice with acquired knowledge learned from the masters of the school and make them shift their practices by using theories. EIS | 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Gaps

Gaps in education but whose the gaps are is the question we try to give an answer for. Well , tea... more Gaps in education but whose the gaps are is the question we try to give an answer for. Well , teachers have different and several ways to teach their courses to students and the students also have different capabilities of acquiring the course teacher teaches , we can see clearly why gaps occur. The differences what both students and teachers have cause the gaps occur in learning. These gaps may be bigger or smaller depend on the teachers and students. If teachers use faulty teaching methods in their classrooms , the topic what students learn will be fossilizated by students. Because using the faulty or wrong teaching methods make the students learn the specific topic with wrong informations and the gaps of the students become bigger. As we say they both have differences , students also have trouble with studying the topic their teachers teach them correctly. Actually , this trouble or problem occurs because of the students' responsibility of learning. Each students should revisit the topic they learn in the same day in order not to make their gaps bigger. If the gaps are smaller , the real education will show itself to us naturally. Passive students who are not interested in the lesson have bigger gaps in their educational file , they do not have any plans to study regulary and these makes them passive but proactive learners or students who have learning responsibility have always plan about the next topic they will learn and have an idea about how to learn. The basic rule of making gaps smaller is what proactive learners do. They listen the lesson and take notes about the topic they acquire. And after the lesson finishes , they study what they learn today. This action is called revisiting. To revisit something makes that thing stronger and tough and the proactive learners use that strategy to make the information they learn from the lesson stronger and be learned. To me , gaps that whether bigger or smaller can be filled by person who has gaps. It is not that hard because all the person needs is learning responsibilty what makes the person decides to learn really. Gaps are not important for me because I would like to teach my students how to learn learning and how it happens in mental way and physical way of humanbeing. EIS | 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Education for Politics

This refers to education for political expectations. Education is to make something can be acquir... more This refers to education for political expectations. Education is to make something can be acquired by learners and when someone who educates people for their futures not his or her purposes , this person is the teacher. But unfortunatelly , young learners grow up with policitical informations and their minds are being fossilizated by their liberal teachers. In religional high schools in Turkey , we can give many examples that how political stuffs can be entered into the classrooms and into the young minds of learners. But there is a trick of the government of Turkey in this situation and this trick is put into the schools where people is being educated right now. Politicians and liberals need people in order them to support their group or party and the schools are the best way to having amount of young people because young people come to school in order to be well educated and be good person and civilian for their goverment but they all do not know and can not realize the trick that their government gives tax-supported education to them with propagandas of the government and liberals and these are given by the teacher who extremely supports to the government. As we say , young learners have young minds and this sentence gives a hidden message to us. To me ; this message means that lessons and courses are mixed with politics and religion by the teachers and young learners who have young minds are completely damaged by the teacher. When they put evidences about the govermental terms of the country they live in into their courses , young learners acquire this information unconsciously and this make them support the party , group or government in given message. Well , I am graduated from religional high school and I swear because this is my huge regret. Religion , policics and other topics of the Turkey are choosen as courses and the teachers of this school want their students to go and vote the party the teacher supports. And also they pray to God in order the group or party they give support eliminates the others and come to be head of the Turkey. Can you imagine that what kind of mind and ideology they have and what they feel when they hear or see the party they support is beaten by the other party and the sad thing is that these kind of people became teacher in the past and they are still want us to be a member of their bullshit ideology and try to make us agree with their ideas about politics. There is no education and there is no God for these kind of people. All they want is World and its fake treasures. EIS | 2017

Research paper thumbnail of The creator

The creator creates creatures and gives them a chance to live with the mind. The creator put many... more The creator creates creatures and gives them a chance to live with the mind. The creator put many seeds named natural potentials into the livings minds and their souls. The humankind need to know that they already have the seeds and they should put some water on them in order to make seeds become visible by eyes. The water refers to knowledge what can be acquired from education and people can find the water from teachers. Teachers are people who know how to make actual education happens and they also know the different names of the seeds placed in human mind. Well , seeds are natural potentials such as walking , thinking , body skills , imagining , acting etc. But many people are using the limitated versions of these terms and that time , we understand the importance of the teacher and process of education. The questions what need to be answered by us are : How to be a teacher ? How do teachers encourage us to get the real meanings of natural potentials ? How do they teach us to discover ourselves ? First question is often handled by the people. To me the answer is easy to give and it should be said like " as we know , teachers are coming into the classroom , making some speech about the lesson , giving homework and answering the student's questions at the finish of the lesson as ordinary task. This explaining should be named " what teacher is as a job " but as we remember the information from first reflection , the real teachers always care what they do , what they teach , whom they teach to etc. So , these goals are showing us how to be a teacher clearly." The second question can be very important topic for an argument. The teachers who touch people's life know the meaning of education and life. They put them together , mix them and finally produce the thing what makes the seeds grow up. Whenever the humankind learn how to do something , this situation encourages them to do more and more. This is what the teachers do on their students to make them know how to develop their natural potentials. The third and last question takes important place in real life. The teachers should prepare us to survive in the real world and help us to know where we should stay in the real life. Actually , they give us advices for living easier and happier , they do because they know our personal specializations. Our seeds are growing up day by day while they are teaching us how to improve our natural skills and how to use them in real life. So , this means that the education in classroom should be about the life and should be used in the real life by the students. EIS | 2017

Research paper thumbnail of " I am human , I do not "

I would like to think about the key and mutual point of the topics what we have talked about befo... more I would like to think about the key and mutual point of the topics what we have talked about before. What was our purpose of talking about these topic ? Have we solved anything in perpective of education ? There are not any questions which cannot be answered by us. So , let's try to find some answers and illuminate our minds. We have already known what is going on in Turkey and its public but the important part of this public , I mean teachers are our real topic. All we have done is to find some solutions of the teachers' errors in Turkey. What kind of solutions ? Manners , paradigms , methods of teachers. We can easily say that there are so many ways to make errors correct. The right way of making the education happen by the teacher by using the terms of solutions is to know how we do and what we do for. If we say " he is a teacher " , some ideas what show that he is well educated , well cultured , he knows how to teach and how to make students shifted to acquire the topic of the lesson , he is prepared and smart , he always care his students needs and he knows how to touch their lives should come in our minds. Actually , our purpose is to make teachers excellent and to make the society make positive reaction when they talk about teachers. Everybody has experienced something in the way of education in short or long period of their lives and teachers have played very big roles in their past and future life .

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher should ...

The transformation needs process of changing person himself or herself. Everything begins with tr... more The transformation needs process of changing person himself or herself. Everything begins with transformation and it causes the changing happens by time. Also the teachers should make theirselves covered by this process in order to realize the needs of being the real teacher. The teachers should begin to change their targets in education ,their way of teaching refers to methodology in the classroom environment and their way or ways of thinking to have a clear vision for well education. All of these are hard to make them happen for the people who are acting like a teacher. So , we as teachers must know the differences , these are what we discussed in other reflections before. Real teachers are able to make the education happens in anytime and anywhere because they are the people who know the real acquirements of being teacher. Their specializations can be seen by heart and can be understood easily from the other people. Actually , the real teachers do not use the ego of their jobs. In Turkey , teacher as a job are really important job and who does this job is very valuable for the public. And the person who does this job for only making his or her life is using the situation of his or her job to be valuable in school where he or she works and in street where he or she lives. There is no meaning for a teacher in this situation and this person who wants to be valuable has ego in highly degree. Ego makes you feel something important in the society and the people who have ego always look down on the other people , this means that they are unable to have good relations between themselves and other people and this also show us they use the situational advantage and benefits of have a job called "teacher". They do their job but they cannot break and destroy the walls where they are placed into their minds and into their souls. Teacher to student relations are important but the major importance is knowing how to make human to human relation , the ego and the difference between the fake and real teacher can be seen clearly and easily. The other thing we should hold is inner talk , it means that the process of questioning ourselves , it shows us how to go further and how to destroy the walls we put

Research paper thumbnail of Paradigm

Research paper thumbnail of Advices for EL Teachers

Research paper thumbnail of Cooperative Language Learning

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Planning

Enes Ilyas SARI 161002510 A lesson plan is a lesson "project" written down on paper. It is only a... more Enes Ilyas SARI 161002510 A lesson plan is a lesson "project" written down on paper. It is only a "project" because a lot of unpredictable events occur in the classroom.It is also a dreaded part of instruction that most teachers detest. It nevertheless provides a guide for managing the learning environment. As one of the teacher's roles is that of designer and implementer of instruction, the preparation of lesson plan will ensure the organization of the English lesson according to some criteria. Regardless of the format, all teachers need to make wise decisions about the strategies and methods they will employ to help students move systematically toward learner goals. The more organized a teacher is, the more effective the teaching, and thus the learning, is. Writing daily lesson plans is a large part of being organized. According to me , teachers should need to have a precise notion of educational goals / objectives / standards / competences and the content should be chosen according to the level and needs of the learners. It must be interesting and appealing to them. The effective teacher should also needs to develop a plan to provide direction toward the attainment of the selected objectives. Teachers should decide how to sequence the teaching items according to the methodology and approach they opted for. Sequencing may be from easy to difficult, from known to unknown, from familiar to unfamiliar and the teacher certainly controls the way time is used. Effective teachers systematically and carefully plan for productive use of instructional time. Even teachers who develop highly structured and detailed plans rarely strictly stick to them. Such rigidity would probable impede, rather than help, the teaching-learning process. The elements of your lesson plan should be thought of as guiding principlesto be applied as aids, but not blueprints, to systematic instruction. Precise preparation must allow for flexible delivery. During actual classroom interaction, the instructor needs to make adaptations and to add artistry to each lesson plan and classroom delivery.