I Nyoman Natanael | Maranatha Christian University (original) (raw)
Papers by I Nyoman Natanael
Waca Cipta Ruang
Museum Universitas Kristen Maranatha telah resmi berdiri pada 16 Oktober 2015, bertepatan dengan ... more Museum Universitas Kristen Maranatha telah resmi berdiri pada 16 Oktober 2015, bertepatan dengan nuansa Dies Natalis ke-50 Universitas Kristen Maranatha. Museum yang diberi nama “Museum Maranatha” menghadirkan koleksi benda-benda bersejarah berkaitan dengan perjalanan Universitas Kristen Maranatha sejak berdiri pada tahun 1965. Namun, Museum Maranatha masih memiliki kendala berupa terbatasnya akses pengunjung, terutama pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Di sisi lain, teknologi informasi serta media yang berkembang pesat pada saat ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai solusi atas terbatasnya akses pengunjung pada ruang publik. Hal ini yang kemudian melatarbelakangi penelitian ini sebagai upaya untuk menghadirkan ruang-ruang baru berwujud virtual, sehingga akses menjadi tidak terbatas sehingga tujuan penyebaran informasi dan edukasi mengenai pentingnya aspek sejarah berdirinya Universitas Kristen Maranatha dapat lebih luas diketahui oleh publik, khususnya dalam lingkup Universitas Kristen Maranatha...
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
An orphanage is a foster home for individuals who do not have parents and need a place to live an... more An orphanage is a foster home for individuals who do not have parents and need a place to live and foster parents. The Arrahman Foundation, based in Magelang as a social institution, has carried out various social activities and managed orphanages in Central Java. Community service activities began with the hope of the Arrahman Foundation to increase the number of foster children at the Yogyakarta branch of the orphanage. The orphanage's interior planning needs to support this hope, which can accommodate more foster children by always considering functional and aesthetic aspects. Therefore, the interior redesign is carried out as a Community Service activity to renovate the existing orphanage space with a new one with a more attractive and accommodating design. This interior redesign activity also provides direction and advice regarding interior design to the foundation's management so that it can be applied to other room renovations. The executor of the service, which was c...
DEKAVE : Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual
Sampah makanan semakin menjadi masalah yang serius dewasa ini. Tumpukan sampahnya dapat mencapai ... more Sampah makanan semakin menjadi masalah yang serius dewasa ini. Tumpukan sampahnya dapat mencapai 23-48 ton per tahun menurut data Bappenas yang bekerja sama dengan World Resources Institute dan Waste For Change. Sampah makanan dapat dibagi menjadi dua yaitu food waste dan food loss. Food waste merupakan sampah makanan hasil aktivitas konsumen, sedangkan food loss merupakan sampah makanan sebelum sampai pada konsumen. Sektor terbesar penyumbang tumpukan sampah makanan berasal dari food waste yaitu sampah hasil aktivitas konsumen akibat makanan yang tidak dihabiskan. Dengan demikian, tujuan perancangan ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi masyarakat mengenai sebab akibat adanya sampah makanan yang dapat terjadi serta pengaruhnya bagi masa depan Indonesia. Metode perancangan yang digunakan berdasarkan hasil studi literature dan kuesioner berupa video animasi tentang edukasi singkat berisi pemaparan data terkait sampah makanan dan pengaruhnya untuk media sosial dan Youtube. Konsep komuni...
KACANEGARA Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat
SENDIMAS 2017, Sep 12, 2017
Jurnal Dimensi DKV Seni Rupa dan Desain, 2021
User Experience Analysis for Realism Aspect in 3D Digital Game. The reality(realism) that is pres... more User Experience Analysis for Realism Aspect in 3D Digital Game. The reality(realism) that is presented in digital games through a first or third-person perspectiveis usually owned by games with the role-playing type, where the player seems to play a role as a character according to the storyline contained in the game. This will further strengthen the realism aspect that is felt by the player. The realism aspect is one of the aspects that supports the immersive nature of a game, the player will feel very deeply involved in the role of the game being played so that it seems as if they are in the game world. The experience of playing at an immersive level will bring joy to the players so that the realism aspect is one aspect that plays a role in the success of a game. This study examines the player’s experience according to its realism aspect in 3D games and the results can be used in the development process of a game. AbstrakKajian User Experience Terhadap Aspek Realisme dalam Game Di...
Jurnal Desain, 2021
Teknologi pemindaian 3D memiliki peran penting dalam membantu mendokumentasikan artefak bersejara... more Teknologi pemindaian 3D memiliki peran penting dalam membantu mendokumentasikan artefak bersejarah secara digital. Kemajuan teknologi tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai bidang salah satunya bidang pendidikan. Dengan teknologi ini memungkinkan peneliti atau institusi untuk memiliki aset digital objek penting dengan dokumentasi yang lebih baik dan juga dapat memberikan informasi kepada generasi berikutnya dengan pendekatan yang lebih menarik. Penelitian ini mendokumentasikan benda-benda bersejarah yang tersimpan di ruang museum secara digital tiga dimensi. Studi kasus museum yang dipilih adalah Museum Universitas Kristen Maranatha yang terletak di kota Bandung. Museum Universitas Kristen Maranatha memiliki banyak koleksi benda-benda bersejarah yang dapat memberikan nilai & informasi yang akurat dan bermanfaat bagi seluruh civitas akademika di lingkungan Universitas Kristen Maranatha dan juga masyarakat luas. Hasil penelitian ini berupa aset visual dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut untuk perancangan media digital interaktif seperti museum virtual. Metode yang digunakan berupa survei dan eksperimen dengan proses pendokumentasian benda-benda bersejarah yang dibuat menyerupai benda aslinya, baik dalam bentuk geometris, dimensi maupun teksturnya. Objek museum akan dipindai menggunakan teknik 3D scanning, fotogrametri, dan fotografi, yang kemudian direkonstruksi menjadi objek tiga dimensi.
Journal of Games, Game Art, and Gamification, 2021
The Peh Cun tradition is an Indonesian tradition that is acculturated with Chinese culture. The c... more The Peh Cun tradition is an Indonesian tradition that is acculturated with Chinese culture. The celebration of the Peh Cun tradition in Tangerang City is one of the oldest Peh Cun celebrations in Indonesia. In the celebration of Peh Cun there are many activities carried out such as: prayer, dragon boat race, eating Bacang, and also the people's market. The purpose of this design is to participate in preserving and introducing the Peh Cun tradition of the Chinese Benteng community in Tangerang to the Indonesian people with an age range of 7-20 years through the medium of short animated films. The benefits of this design are expected to increase public knowledge about one of the acculturation cultures that exist in Indonesia so that this culture remains sustainable. The design of the short animated film is carried out in a two-dimensional style suitable for cartoon type films so that it can be enjoyed by various ages, and the distribution of this short film is carried out through ...
Serat Rupa Journal of Design, 2018
Drawing produced by the children is usually different from that produced by adults, because it ha... more Drawing produced by the children is usually different from that produced by adults, because it has a distinctive visual language which is universal and can be classified as an earlier visual language. It turns out the difference between the results obtained drawing of children who are not participating with children who are studying in the studio drawing. But there is also a difference in the drawing between children who learn in different drawing studio. This is caused partly because of the learning method taught to children. This study examines the impact of the learning method taught to children, in terms of visual language that appears on the results of the children's drawings Keywords: children; drawing; language; studio; visual
This work is an environmental concept in a 3D game based on First Person, which was inspired by t... more This work is an environmental concept in a 3D game based on First Person, which was inspired by the film “Pengabdi Setan (Satan’s Slave)” which screened in 2017. The game with the theme “Survival Horror” is trying to re-create the atmosphere of the design environment as closely as possible as at the location set of the film shooting which is located in the area of Pangalengan, Bandung Regency.
Player’s User Experience to Realism Aspects in 3D Digital Games in Role-Play Genre. The developme... more Player’s User Experience to Realism Aspects in 3D Digital Games in Role-Play Genre. The development of digital games , especially 3D has increased dramatically over the past three decades. Technology and information have a very important role in improving the quality of 3D graphics. 3D digital games provide a different experience when compared to 2D games , which in reality everyday people like seeing a 3D display (perspective). Thus the 3D game seems to display fake reality in the minds of the players. This study will examine the experience of players in the aspect of realism in the role-play genre game from the perspective of First Person or Third Person. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method with an approach based on the player's experience of the game with the 3D role-play genre, especially on aspects of reality as graphics that appear in the game . The results of this study are expected to be able to find out the unique experience gained by players, so that la...
The Peh Cun tradition is an Indonesian tradition that is acculturated with Chinese culture. The P... more The Peh Cun tradition is an Indonesian tradition that is acculturated with Chinese culture. The Peh Cun tradition in Tangerang City is one of the oldest Peh Cun celebrations in Indonesia. In the celebration of Peh Cun, there are many activities carried out such as prayer, dragon boat race, eating Bacang, and the people's market. The research problem on this topic is the result of the COVID-19 pandemic that has occurred since early 2020, so the Peh Cun celebrations has been canceled for the past two years, and it is feared that it will reduce the interest of the younger generation towards the Peh Cun tradition. This design aims to preserve and introduce the Peh Cun tradition of the Chinese Benteng community in Tangerang to the Indonesian people with an age range of 7-20 years through the medium of short animated films. The benefits of this design are expected to increase public knowledge about one of the acculturation cultures that exist in Indonesia so that this culture remains sustainable. The design of the short animated film is carried out in a two-dimensional style suitable for cartoon-type films so that various ages can enjoy it, and the distribution of this short film is carried out through social media such as Instagram and Youtube educational function.
The Peh Cun tradition is an Indonesian tradition that is acculturated with Chinese culture. The P... more The Peh Cun tradition is an Indonesian tradition that is acculturated with Chinese culture. The Peh Cun tradition in Tangerang City is one of the oldest Peh Cun celebrations in Indonesia. In the celebration of Peh Cun, there are many activities carried out such as prayer, dragon boat race, eating Bacang, and the people's market. The research problem on this topic is the result of the COVID-19 pandemic that has occurred since early 2020, so the Peh Cun celebrations has been canceled for the past two years, and it is feared that it will reduce the interest of the younger generation towards the Peh Cun tradition. This design aims to preserve and introduce the Peh Cun tradition of the Chinese Benteng community in Tangerang to the Indonesian people with an age range of 7-20 years through the medium of short animated films. The benefits of this design are expected to increase public knowledge about one of the acculturation cultures that exist in Indonesia so that this culture remains sustainable. The design of the short animated film is carried out in a two-dimensional style suitable for cartoon-type films so that various ages can enjoy it, and the distribution of this short film is carried out through social media such as Instagram and Youtube educational function.
Jurnal Dimensi DKV Seni Rupa dan Desain, 2021
User Experience Analysis for Realism Aspect in 3D Digital Game. The reality (realism) that is pre... more User Experience Analysis for Realism Aspect in 3D Digital Game. The reality (realism) that is presented in digital games through a first or third-person perspective is usually owned by games with the role-playing type, where the player seems to play a role as a character according to the storyline contained in the game. This will further strengthen the realism aspect that is felt by the player. The realism aspect is one of the
aspects that supports the immersive nature of a game, the player will feel very deeply involved in the role of the game being played so that it seems as if they are in the game world. The experience of playing at an immersive level will bring joy to the players so that the realism aspect is one aspect that plays a role in the success of a game. This study examines the player’s experience according to its realism aspect in 3D gamesand the results can be used in the development process of a game.
Keywords: 3D game, first-person, role-playing game, third person, user experience
Serat Rupa Journal of Design, 2016
ABSTRAK Gambar yang dihasilkan oleh anak-anak biasanya berbeda dengan yang dihasilkan oleh orang... more ABSTRAK
Gambar yang dihasilkan oleh anak-anak biasanya berbeda dengan yang dihasilkan oleh orang dewasa, karena gambar anak memiliki bahasa rupa khas yang universal dan dapat digolongkan sebagai bahasa rupa pendahulu. Ternyata didapat perbedaan antara hasil gambar anak-anak yang tidak mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran di sanggar menggambar dengan anak-anak yang belajar di sanggar menggambar. Namun juga terdapat perbedaan hasil gambar antara anak-anak yang belajar di sanggar menggambar yang berbeda. Hal tersebut disebabkan antara lain karena faktor metoda pembelajaran yang diajarkan kepada anak-anak. Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai dampak dari metoda pembelajaran yang diajarkan kepada anak-anak, ditinjau dari bahasa rupa yang muncul pada hasil gambar anak-anak tersebut.
Kata kunci: anak, bahasa, gambar, rupa, sanggar
Drawing produced by the children is usually different from that produced by adults, because it has a distinctive visual language which is universal and can be classified as an earlier visual language. It turns out the difference between the results obtained drawing of children who are not participating with children who are studying in the studio drawing. But there is also a difference in the drawing between children who learn in different drawing studio. This is caused partly because of the learning method
taught to children. This study examines the impact of the learning method taught to children, in terms of visual language that appears on the results of the children's drawings
Keywords: children, drawing, language, studio, visual
Waca Cipta Ruang
Museum Universitas Kristen Maranatha telah resmi berdiri pada 16 Oktober 2015, bertepatan dengan ... more Museum Universitas Kristen Maranatha telah resmi berdiri pada 16 Oktober 2015, bertepatan dengan nuansa Dies Natalis ke-50 Universitas Kristen Maranatha. Museum yang diberi nama “Museum Maranatha” menghadirkan koleksi benda-benda bersejarah berkaitan dengan perjalanan Universitas Kristen Maranatha sejak berdiri pada tahun 1965. Namun, Museum Maranatha masih memiliki kendala berupa terbatasnya akses pengunjung, terutama pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Di sisi lain, teknologi informasi serta media yang berkembang pesat pada saat ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai solusi atas terbatasnya akses pengunjung pada ruang publik. Hal ini yang kemudian melatarbelakangi penelitian ini sebagai upaya untuk menghadirkan ruang-ruang baru berwujud virtual, sehingga akses menjadi tidak terbatas sehingga tujuan penyebaran informasi dan edukasi mengenai pentingnya aspek sejarah berdirinya Universitas Kristen Maranatha dapat lebih luas diketahui oleh publik, khususnya dalam lingkup Universitas Kristen Maranatha...
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
An orphanage is a foster home for individuals who do not have parents and need a place to live an... more An orphanage is a foster home for individuals who do not have parents and need a place to live and foster parents. The Arrahman Foundation, based in Magelang as a social institution, has carried out various social activities and managed orphanages in Central Java. Community service activities began with the hope of the Arrahman Foundation to increase the number of foster children at the Yogyakarta branch of the orphanage. The orphanage's interior planning needs to support this hope, which can accommodate more foster children by always considering functional and aesthetic aspects. Therefore, the interior redesign is carried out as a Community Service activity to renovate the existing orphanage space with a new one with a more attractive and accommodating design. This interior redesign activity also provides direction and advice regarding interior design to the foundation's management so that it can be applied to other room renovations. The executor of the service, which was c...
DEKAVE : Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual
Sampah makanan semakin menjadi masalah yang serius dewasa ini. Tumpukan sampahnya dapat mencapai ... more Sampah makanan semakin menjadi masalah yang serius dewasa ini. Tumpukan sampahnya dapat mencapai 23-48 ton per tahun menurut data Bappenas yang bekerja sama dengan World Resources Institute dan Waste For Change. Sampah makanan dapat dibagi menjadi dua yaitu food waste dan food loss. Food waste merupakan sampah makanan hasil aktivitas konsumen, sedangkan food loss merupakan sampah makanan sebelum sampai pada konsumen. Sektor terbesar penyumbang tumpukan sampah makanan berasal dari food waste yaitu sampah hasil aktivitas konsumen akibat makanan yang tidak dihabiskan. Dengan demikian, tujuan perancangan ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi masyarakat mengenai sebab akibat adanya sampah makanan yang dapat terjadi serta pengaruhnya bagi masa depan Indonesia. Metode perancangan yang digunakan berdasarkan hasil studi literature dan kuesioner berupa video animasi tentang edukasi singkat berisi pemaparan data terkait sampah makanan dan pengaruhnya untuk media sosial dan Youtube. Konsep komuni...
KACANEGARA Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat
SENDIMAS 2017, Sep 12, 2017
Jurnal Dimensi DKV Seni Rupa dan Desain, 2021
User Experience Analysis for Realism Aspect in 3D Digital Game. The reality(realism) that is pres... more User Experience Analysis for Realism Aspect in 3D Digital Game. The reality(realism) that is presented in digital games through a first or third-person perspectiveis usually owned by games with the role-playing type, where the player seems to play a role as a character according to the storyline contained in the game. This will further strengthen the realism aspect that is felt by the player. The realism aspect is one of the aspects that supports the immersive nature of a game, the player will feel very deeply involved in the role of the game being played so that it seems as if they are in the game world. The experience of playing at an immersive level will bring joy to the players so that the realism aspect is one aspect that plays a role in the success of a game. This study examines the player’s experience according to its realism aspect in 3D games and the results can be used in the development process of a game. AbstrakKajian User Experience Terhadap Aspek Realisme dalam Game Di...
Jurnal Desain, 2021
Teknologi pemindaian 3D memiliki peran penting dalam membantu mendokumentasikan artefak bersejara... more Teknologi pemindaian 3D memiliki peran penting dalam membantu mendokumentasikan artefak bersejarah secara digital. Kemajuan teknologi tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai bidang salah satunya bidang pendidikan. Dengan teknologi ini memungkinkan peneliti atau institusi untuk memiliki aset digital objek penting dengan dokumentasi yang lebih baik dan juga dapat memberikan informasi kepada generasi berikutnya dengan pendekatan yang lebih menarik. Penelitian ini mendokumentasikan benda-benda bersejarah yang tersimpan di ruang museum secara digital tiga dimensi. Studi kasus museum yang dipilih adalah Museum Universitas Kristen Maranatha yang terletak di kota Bandung. Museum Universitas Kristen Maranatha memiliki banyak koleksi benda-benda bersejarah yang dapat memberikan nilai & informasi yang akurat dan bermanfaat bagi seluruh civitas akademika di lingkungan Universitas Kristen Maranatha dan juga masyarakat luas. Hasil penelitian ini berupa aset visual dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut untuk perancangan media digital interaktif seperti museum virtual. Metode yang digunakan berupa survei dan eksperimen dengan proses pendokumentasian benda-benda bersejarah yang dibuat menyerupai benda aslinya, baik dalam bentuk geometris, dimensi maupun teksturnya. Objek museum akan dipindai menggunakan teknik 3D scanning, fotogrametri, dan fotografi, yang kemudian direkonstruksi menjadi objek tiga dimensi.
Journal of Games, Game Art, and Gamification, 2021
The Peh Cun tradition is an Indonesian tradition that is acculturated with Chinese culture. The c... more The Peh Cun tradition is an Indonesian tradition that is acculturated with Chinese culture. The celebration of the Peh Cun tradition in Tangerang City is one of the oldest Peh Cun celebrations in Indonesia. In the celebration of Peh Cun there are many activities carried out such as: prayer, dragon boat race, eating Bacang, and also the people's market. The purpose of this design is to participate in preserving and introducing the Peh Cun tradition of the Chinese Benteng community in Tangerang to the Indonesian people with an age range of 7-20 years through the medium of short animated films. The benefits of this design are expected to increase public knowledge about one of the acculturation cultures that exist in Indonesia so that this culture remains sustainable. The design of the short animated film is carried out in a two-dimensional style suitable for cartoon type films so that it can be enjoyed by various ages, and the distribution of this short film is carried out through ...
Serat Rupa Journal of Design, 2018
Drawing produced by the children is usually different from that produced by adults, because it ha... more Drawing produced by the children is usually different from that produced by adults, because it has a distinctive visual language which is universal and can be classified as an earlier visual language. It turns out the difference between the results obtained drawing of children who are not participating with children who are studying in the studio drawing. But there is also a difference in the drawing between children who learn in different drawing studio. This is caused partly because of the learning method taught to children. This study examines the impact of the learning method taught to children, in terms of visual language that appears on the results of the children's drawings Keywords: children; drawing; language; studio; visual
This work is an environmental concept in a 3D game based on First Person, which was inspired by t... more This work is an environmental concept in a 3D game based on First Person, which was inspired by the film “Pengabdi Setan (Satan’s Slave)” which screened in 2017. The game with the theme “Survival Horror” is trying to re-create the atmosphere of the design environment as closely as possible as at the location set of the film shooting which is located in the area of Pangalengan, Bandung Regency.
Player’s User Experience to Realism Aspects in 3D Digital Games in Role-Play Genre. The developme... more Player’s User Experience to Realism Aspects in 3D Digital Games in Role-Play Genre. The development of digital games , especially 3D has increased dramatically over the past three decades. Technology and information have a very important role in improving the quality of 3D graphics. 3D digital games provide a different experience when compared to 2D games , which in reality everyday people like seeing a 3D display (perspective). Thus the 3D game seems to display fake reality in the minds of the players. This study will examine the experience of players in the aspect of realism in the role-play genre game from the perspective of First Person or Third Person. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method with an approach based on the player's experience of the game with the 3D role-play genre, especially on aspects of reality as graphics that appear in the game . The results of this study are expected to be able to find out the unique experience gained by players, so that la...
The Peh Cun tradition is an Indonesian tradition that is acculturated with Chinese culture. The P... more The Peh Cun tradition is an Indonesian tradition that is acculturated with Chinese culture. The Peh Cun tradition in Tangerang City is one of the oldest Peh Cun celebrations in Indonesia. In the celebration of Peh Cun, there are many activities carried out such as prayer, dragon boat race, eating Bacang, and the people's market. The research problem on this topic is the result of the COVID-19 pandemic that has occurred since early 2020, so the Peh Cun celebrations has been canceled for the past two years, and it is feared that it will reduce the interest of the younger generation towards the Peh Cun tradition. This design aims to preserve and introduce the Peh Cun tradition of the Chinese Benteng community in Tangerang to the Indonesian people with an age range of 7-20 years through the medium of short animated films. The benefits of this design are expected to increase public knowledge about one of the acculturation cultures that exist in Indonesia so that this culture remains sustainable. The design of the short animated film is carried out in a two-dimensional style suitable for cartoon-type films so that various ages can enjoy it, and the distribution of this short film is carried out through social media such as Instagram and Youtube educational function.
The Peh Cun tradition is an Indonesian tradition that is acculturated with Chinese culture. The P... more The Peh Cun tradition is an Indonesian tradition that is acculturated with Chinese culture. The Peh Cun tradition in Tangerang City is one of the oldest Peh Cun celebrations in Indonesia. In the celebration of Peh Cun, there are many activities carried out such as prayer, dragon boat race, eating Bacang, and the people's market. The research problem on this topic is the result of the COVID-19 pandemic that has occurred since early 2020, so the Peh Cun celebrations has been canceled for the past two years, and it is feared that it will reduce the interest of the younger generation towards the Peh Cun tradition. This design aims to preserve and introduce the Peh Cun tradition of the Chinese Benteng community in Tangerang to the Indonesian people with an age range of 7-20 years through the medium of short animated films. The benefits of this design are expected to increase public knowledge about one of the acculturation cultures that exist in Indonesia so that this culture remains sustainable. The design of the short animated film is carried out in a two-dimensional style suitable for cartoon-type films so that various ages can enjoy it, and the distribution of this short film is carried out through social media such as Instagram and Youtube educational function.
Jurnal Dimensi DKV Seni Rupa dan Desain, 2021
User Experience Analysis for Realism Aspect in 3D Digital Game. The reality (realism) that is pre... more User Experience Analysis for Realism Aspect in 3D Digital Game. The reality (realism) that is presented in digital games through a first or third-person perspective is usually owned by games with the role-playing type, where the player seems to play a role as a character according to the storyline contained in the game. This will further strengthen the realism aspect that is felt by the player. The realism aspect is one of the
aspects that supports the immersive nature of a game, the player will feel very deeply involved in the role of the game being played so that it seems as if they are in the game world. The experience of playing at an immersive level will bring joy to the players so that the realism aspect is one aspect that plays a role in the success of a game. This study examines the player’s experience according to its realism aspect in 3D gamesand the results can be used in the development process of a game.
Keywords: 3D game, first-person, role-playing game, third person, user experience
Serat Rupa Journal of Design, 2016
ABSTRAK Gambar yang dihasilkan oleh anak-anak biasanya berbeda dengan yang dihasilkan oleh orang... more ABSTRAK
Gambar yang dihasilkan oleh anak-anak biasanya berbeda dengan yang dihasilkan oleh orang dewasa, karena gambar anak memiliki bahasa rupa khas yang universal dan dapat digolongkan sebagai bahasa rupa pendahulu. Ternyata didapat perbedaan antara hasil gambar anak-anak yang tidak mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran di sanggar menggambar dengan anak-anak yang belajar di sanggar menggambar. Namun juga terdapat perbedaan hasil gambar antara anak-anak yang belajar di sanggar menggambar yang berbeda. Hal tersebut disebabkan antara lain karena faktor metoda pembelajaran yang diajarkan kepada anak-anak. Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai dampak dari metoda pembelajaran yang diajarkan kepada anak-anak, ditinjau dari bahasa rupa yang muncul pada hasil gambar anak-anak tersebut.
Kata kunci: anak, bahasa, gambar, rupa, sanggar
Drawing produced by the children is usually different from that produced by adults, because it has a distinctive visual language which is universal and can be classified as an earlier visual language. It turns out the difference between the results obtained drawing of children who are not participating with children who are studying in the studio drawing. But there is also a difference in the drawing between children who learn in different drawing studio. This is caused partly because of the learning method
taught to children. This study examines the impact of the learning method taught to children, in terms of visual language that appears on the results of the children's drawings
Keywords: children, drawing, language, studio, visual