Diego Peirano | Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (M.I.U.R.) (original) (raw)
Papers by Diego Peirano
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2023
This paper offers a survey of the uses of Iasian marbles and their relationships with other stone... more This paper offers a survey of the uses of Iasian marbles and their relationships with other stones. In the 6th century, these marbles were used for wall cladding and flooring, with an aim to alternate with or frame lighter marbles, as was the case in Iasos, in the Agora Basilica. Similar combinations were attested in the cladding of synthronoi of the basilicas A and C of Nea Anchialos. In the latter, the sides of the presbytery were framed with red cipollino slabs of different lengths and widths. In the prostoon, verde antico was added to red and white veined marbles. Other examples seem to demonstrate the use of the red cipollino to mark thresholds and passageways, as was the case of the solea of Hagia Sophia and the presbytery of the basilica of St. John in Ephesos. There, the templon stylobate and bases made of Iasian marble supported columns of verde antico and gray marbles; some slabs would have been of the openwork type; thus, the variety of marbles, their textures and workmanship must have contributed to the deep impact of the arrangement.
Antiquité Tardive, 2021
After the Ward Perkins’ pioneering studies, research works on marble marks have experienced in th... more After the Ward Perkins’ pioneering studies, research works on marble marks have experienced in the last few decades a growing interest, as evidence of exports, construction logistical processes, as well as the socio-economic implications of building activities. However, as remarked by the author, some persons involved in extraction or in the carving of architectural blocks, along with the planning and building activities, have received little attention from scholars. Almost completely unknown are those persons assigned to bureaucratic-administrative duties, especially those involved in the checking of marbles and their sorting. Despite the significant number of these attestations in the Mediterranean area, there is currently no comprehensive study on the subject.
Bollettino dell'Associazione Iasos di Caria, 28, 2022
Lo scavo del vano settentrionale del cosiddetto edificio tripartito che si trova alle spalle dell... more Lo scavo del vano settentrionale del cosiddetto edificio tripartito che si trova alle spalle della stoà orientale dell’agorà di Iasos ha portato alla luce, in situ, un lacerto di intonaco dipinto a secco lungo 0.64 m e alto 0.10 con venature orizzontali, imitanti la texture ondulata del marmo Cipollino iasio. Un secondo e più piccolo frammento si trova più in alto di 0.33 m, vicino all’angolo tra la parete e il muro che divide l’ambiente dal vano
centrale. Entrambi imitano le grandi lastre marmoree che, durante il VI secolo, furono usate per rivestire le pareti dei più prestigiosi monumenti religiosi di area mediterranea.
Bollettino dell'Associazione Iasos di Caria, 27, pp. 32-38., 2021
Nella Guide illustré des sculptures grecques, romaines et byzantines dei Musei Archeologici di Is... more Nella Guide illustré des sculptures grecques, romaines et byzantines dei Musei Archeologici di Istanbul del 1935 si segnala la presenza, nei giardini, di un capitello d’imposta proveniente da Iasos (inv. 3198,). La Guida non riporta alcuna data di entrata. Lo stesso capitello nella scheda di catalogo risulta invece di provenienza locale (da Gülhane), con un ingresso nelle collezioni nel 1913. Questo tipo di capitello trova in Iasos quattro esempi, tutti pertinenti alla basilica dell’agorà: due esposti nell’antiquarium del Balık Pazarı (inv. 6656 e 6657), uno (privo di numero d’inventario) in situ e l’ultimo (inv. 6720) fino a non molto tempo fa
conservato presso la Casa della Missione.
Aquam ducere IV, Atti del convegno di studi internazionale "L'acqua e la città in età romana" (Feltre, 3-4 novembre 2017, pp. 317-332, 2022
Basato sulle risultanze delle campagne di survey, poi di scavo, infine di restauro, condotte tra i... more Basato sulle risultanze delle campagne di survey, poi di scavo, infine di restauro, condotte tra il 2005 e il 2008 e seguite da una prolungata elaborazione che si è conclusa solo nel 2018, il volume raccoglie una quantità di dati veramente importante sui mosaici del primo periodo bizantino scoperti nell’antica città di Hadrianopolis (presso la moderna Eskipazar) e li mette a confronto con esempi di area anatolica o del Mediterraneo centro-orientale.
Riassunto. Nei primi anni di scavi a Iasos fu scoperta ai piedi del lato orientale delle fortific... more Riassunto. Nei primi anni di scavi a Iasos fu scoperta ai piedi del lato orientale delle fortificazioni dell’acropoli una basilica a tre navate preceduta da un atrio e provvista di nartece. Le navate erano divise da file di quattro colonne composte di tre rocchi lisci, nessuno dei quali ancora in posto. Le tre navate conservavano buona parte della pavimentazione a mosaico, quasi scomparsa successivamente. All’interno acquisivano grande rilievo gli arredi liturgici (il synthronon, l’ambone, il ciborio, le transenne che chiudevano il presbiterio). Lo studio già avviato dell’edificio, che ebbe radicali trasformazioni strutturali, prosegue ora con la presentazione del rilievo fotogrammetrico che, riunendo la precedente documentazione, permette di analizzare il repertorio
decorativo dei mosaici. Inoltre si presentano alcune ipotesi circa la collocazione di alcuni blocchi marmorei ricurvi e dotati di iscrizione ritrovati nell’atrio.
Περίληψη. Τα πρώτα χρόνια των ανασκαφών στην Ιασό αποκαλύφθηκε στους πρόποδες της ανατολικής πλευράς της οχύρωσης της ακρόπολης μια τρίκλιτη βασιλική με νάρθηκα και αίθριο.Τα κλίτη χωρίζονταν από σειρές τεσσάρων κιόνων αποτελούμενων από τρεις λείους σφονδύλους, από τους οποίους κανείς δεν βρίσκεται κατά χώραν. Τα τρία κλίτη διατηρούν μεγάλο τμήμα του ψηφιδωτού
δαπέδου, που εξαφανίστηκε σχεδόν στη συνέχεια. Στο εσωτερικό αποκτούσαν ιδιαίτερη σημασία τα σημεία που σχετίζονταν με τη λειτουργία (το σύνθρονον, ο άμβων, το κιβώριον, το διάτρητο φράγμα που έκλεινε το ιερόν). Η μελέτη του κτηρίου που είχε υποστεί ριζικές κατασκευαστικές μετατροπές συνεχίζεται τώρα με την παρουσίαση της φωτογραμμετρικής αποτύπωσης που, ενώνοντας την
προγενέστερη τεκμηρίωση, μας επιτρέπει να αναλύσουμε το διακοσμητικό θεματολόγιο των ψηφιδωτών. Παρουσιάζονται επίσης μερικές υποθέσεις γύρω από τη θέση κάποιων κυρτών μαρμάρινων λιθοπλίνθων με επιγραφή που βρέθηκαν στο αίθριο.
Abstract. In the first few years of excavation at Iasos a three aisled basilica preceded by an atrium with a narthex was found below the east side of the acropolis fortifications. The aisles were divided by means of two rows of four columns, each made of three smooth drums, none of which remain in situ. The three aisles largely preserved their mosaic flooring at the time of excavation but have almost completely disappeared since. In the interior the furnishings acquired great importance: the synthronon, an ambo, a ciborium and the transennae that enclosed the presbytery. The studies begun on the building – that underwent radical structural transformations – continue here with the presentation of the photogrammetric survey; this gathers the previous documentation, allowing the analysis of the mosaic decorative repertory. Furthermore some hypotheses are presented regarding the position of a number of curved blocks with inscriptions found in the atrium.
Hortus Artium Medievalium, 2018
This paper would suggest how -despite the apparent resemblance— the perception of the interior of... more This paper would suggest how -despite the apparent resemblance— the perception of the interior of three aisled basilicas were very different to each other; this is because there were different categories of clerics and faithfuls and who were asked to follow certain paths or/and to hold a certain position before or during the celebrations. These positions or common movements were driven by the presence of fixed or mobile separations and certain liturgical furnishings such as ambos and secondary tables. Consequently the various positions, together with the disparate revetments used into the spaces derived from these divisions and their degree of brightness, could completely change the perception of the inner space of the different categories of the faithful who moved in these spaces.
Twelve contributions are included in the fourth edition of Minima medievalia, focused on artistic... more Twelve contributions are included in the fourth edition of Minima medievalia, focused on artistic episodes whose developments are rooted directly in Byzantine lands or in sites deeply infl uenced by their culture. A series of liturgical proto-byzantine structures – main and secondary altars – from Asia Minor are examined in close connection with the liturgical praxis adopted in those regions (Diego Peirano). Th e structural, documentary and critical features of the Baptistery of Santa Severina (Calabria) are analysed on the grounds of the unpublished reports of Paolo Orsi, a pioneer scholar of Southern Italy from Trento (Tancredi Bella). Th e iconography of a fabric fragment kept in Rome receives a new interpretation, thanks to clarifi cations that also help to clarify the chronology (Silvia Pedone). A conspicuous corpus of mostly unpublished or marginally known fragments of liturgical furnishings from Saint Mary in Torcello, is collected and rigorously analysed for the fi rst time, even in relation to the second presbytery fence, still present in the basilica (Diego Valenti). A reconstructive hypothesis is given for an extensively reworked capital from Grassaga, near San Donà di Piave, closely akin to the aforementioned objects as concern chronology and geographical location (Fabio Coden). Two essays concern a group of erroneously assessed or unpublished materials, stored in the deposit of the National Museum of Ravenna and in which the Eastern sources and the progressively predominant Latin style are intertwined (Paola Novara). Th e problematic ceramic basins embedded in the façade of the church of Madonna della Stra' in Belfi ore, near Verona, are carefully explored in order to fi gure out the contacts between the Byzantine and the Islamic world in the Mediterranean and its consequences on the regions of the Peninsula (Marica Menon). Subsequently, thanks to unpublished documents discovered in the archives of the Frick Collection, the four historiated columns belonging to the ciborium of Saint Mark in Venice, are reexamined with a highly critical approach which will reopen the debate about the controversial chronology of these very elaborated sculptures (Maria Aimé Villano). Two essays deal with an enkolpion from Rorai Piccolo (Pordenone) – likely of Russian origin, but with a clear Byzantine style – and concentrate both on the iconographic quality and the interpretation of the complicated ancient Cyrillic epigraphs, in order to defi nitely dispel any doubt on the workshop responsible for the artefact (Fabio Coden and Alberto Alberti). Th e last essay draws attention to the relationship between the equestrian representation of the Byzantine Emperor and that of certain Knight Saints depicted in some icons of the XIII th century, through an in-depth analysis of several details which have escaped even the most meticulous critical studies so far (Andrea Babuin).
in D. Moreau et alii (eds.), Archaeology of a World of Changes. Late Roman and Early Byzantine Architecture, Sculpture and Landscapes. Selected Papers from the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Belgrade, 22–27 August 2016) – In memoriam Claudiae Barsanti, 2020
ASMOSIA XI, Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone, Proceedings of the XI International Conference of ASMOSIA. Split: University of Split, Arts Academy in Split; University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy, 2018. pp. 123-130.
Iasian marble seemed to reach the highest point of its reputation in the 6th century when it appe... more Iasian marble seemed to reach the highest point of its reputation in the 6th century when it appeared in three of the most important edifices built by Justinian: in the Constantinopolitan churches of Hagia Sofia and of the Holy Apostles and in the church of San Vitale in Ravenna. At the time, evidence of this material also became more frequent in Iasos. Firstly, the raw blocks found at Balık Pazarı1, some ready to be sawn into slabs, then the columns and colonnettes discovered in the neighbouring quarries and in two of the Iasian churches. Here the marble also appears as mosaic tesserae in the acropolis basilica and as tiles in the agora basilica. Similarly, furniture such as tables made with marmor iassense, both rectangular and sigma-shaped, were found in secondary places everywhere throughout Iasos. A study of these elements, concerning their shapes, processing techniques and functions, is in progress. The preliminary results are here presented.
by Eugenio Tamburrino, Massimo Brando, Valentina Pica, Francesco Marco Paolo Carrera, dario rose, Gervasio Illiano, Davide Gangale Risoleo, Ugo Fusco, Daniele De Simone, Alka Starac, Paolo Bonini, Gatti Sandra, Mark Locicero, Sven Kühn, Dylan K Rogers, Diego Peirano, Saskia Kerschbaum, Santiago Sánchez de la Parra Pérez, Raffaella Iovine, Giovanni Polizzi, Eleonora Romanò, Fabiana Susini, Marina Marcelli, and Francesco Maria Cifarelli
Libro degli abstract del convegno di studi "L'acqua e la città in età romana - Water and the Roma... more Libro degli abstract del convegno di studi "L'acqua e la città in età romana - Water and the Roman cities and settlements" - Feltre (BL - Italia), 3/4 Novembre 2017.
Bollettino dell'Associazione Iasos di Caria, 2017
Schizzo della piattaforma superiore dell'ambone di Sinuri (particolare della ).
Hortus Artium Medievalium 22, 2016, pp. 178-189
Placed inside one of the deep inlets indenting the Carian Coast, Iasos knew a period of economic ... more Placed inside one of the deep inlets indenting the Carian Coast, Iasos knew a period of economic prosperity in Justinian times, thanks to the increased demand of the polychrome marble quarried locally. At that time the marble, extracted from the nearby reliefs, was used mainly in revetment slabs. These were used in open book compositions which embellished many imperial buildings. The marbles were sawn into slabs in the quadriporticus of the mausoleum of the 2nd century A.D. placed nearby the East harbor. In that building, placed close to the aqueduct, were found numerous marble blocks, showing saw traces, abandoned over thick emery layers. The East harbor seems therefore the starting place for the marble artifacts diffusion, ascertained on eastern Mediterranean shores and Italy. At the time probably the quarries were imperial properties; so it is likely that here worked also Constantinopolitan stonemasons. These exchanges with Constantinople brought in Iasos the coloristic taste typical of the period: this is attested by the agora basilica, where, in the Justinian age, different kinds of marble were used, some maybe imported from the capital.
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2023
This paper offers a survey of the uses of Iasian marbles and their relationships with other stone... more This paper offers a survey of the uses of Iasian marbles and their relationships with other stones. In the 6th century, these marbles were used for wall cladding and flooring, with an aim to alternate with or frame lighter marbles, as was the case in Iasos, in the Agora Basilica. Similar combinations were attested in the cladding of synthronoi of the basilicas A and C of Nea Anchialos. In the latter, the sides of the presbytery were framed with red cipollino slabs of different lengths and widths. In the prostoon, verde antico was added to red and white veined marbles. Other examples seem to demonstrate the use of the red cipollino to mark thresholds and passageways, as was the case of the solea of Hagia Sophia and the presbytery of the basilica of St. John in Ephesos. There, the templon stylobate and bases made of Iasian marble supported columns of verde antico and gray marbles; some slabs would have been of the openwork type; thus, the variety of marbles, their textures and workmanship must have contributed to the deep impact of the arrangement.
Antiquité Tardive, 2021
After the Ward Perkins’ pioneering studies, research works on marble marks have experienced in th... more After the Ward Perkins’ pioneering studies, research works on marble marks have experienced in the last few decades a growing interest, as evidence of exports, construction logistical processes, as well as the socio-economic implications of building activities. However, as remarked by the author, some persons involved in extraction or in the carving of architectural blocks, along with the planning and building activities, have received little attention from scholars. Almost completely unknown are those persons assigned to bureaucratic-administrative duties, especially those involved in the checking of marbles and their sorting. Despite the significant number of these attestations in the Mediterranean area, there is currently no comprehensive study on the subject.
Bollettino dell'Associazione Iasos di Caria, 28, 2022
Lo scavo del vano settentrionale del cosiddetto edificio tripartito che si trova alle spalle dell... more Lo scavo del vano settentrionale del cosiddetto edificio tripartito che si trova alle spalle della stoà orientale dell’agorà di Iasos ha portato alla luce, in situ, un lacerto di intonaco dipinto a secco lungo 0.64 m e alto 0.10 con venature orizzontali, imitanti la texture ondulata del marmo Cipollino iasio. Un secondo e più piccolo frammento si trova più in alto di 0.33 m, vicino all’angolo tra la parete e il muro che divide l’ambiente dal vano
centrale. Entrambi imitano le grandi lastre marmoree che, durante il VI secolo, furono usate per rivestire le pareti dei più prestigiosi monumenti religiosi di area mediterranea.
Bollettino dell'Associazione Iasos di Caria, 27, pp. 32-38., 2021
Nella Guide illustré des sculptures grecques, romaines et byzantines dei Musei Archeologici di Is... more Nella Guide illustré des sculptures grecques, romaines et byzantines dei Musei Archeologici di Istanbul del 1935 si segnala la presenza, nei giardini, di un capitello d’imposta proveniente da Iasos (inv. 3198,). La Guida non riporta alcuna data di entrata. Lo stesso capitello nella scheda di catalogo risulta invece di provenienza locale (da Gülhane), con un ingresso nelle collezioni nel 1913. Questo tipo di capitello trova in Iasos quattro esempi, tutti pertinenti alla basilica dell’agorà: due esposti nell’antiquarium del Balık Pazarı (inv. 6656 e 6657), uno (privo di numero d’inventario) in situ e l’ultimo (inv. 6720) fino a non molto tempo fa
conservato presso la Casa della Missione.
Aquam ducere IV, Atti del convegno di studi internazionale "L'acqua e la città in età romana" (Feltre, 3-4 novembre 2017, pp. 317-332, 2022
Basato sulle risultanze delle campagne di survey, poi di scavo, infine di restauro, condotte tra i... more Basato sulle risultanze delle campagne di survey, poi di scavo, infine di restauro, condotte tra il 2005 e il 2008 e seguite da una prolungata elaborazione che si è conclusa solo nel 2018, il volume raccoglie una quantità di dati veramente importante sui mosaici del primo periodo bizantino scoperti nell’antica città di Hadrianopolis (presso la moderna Eskipazar) e li mette a confronto con esempi di area anatolica o del Mediterraneo centro-orientale.
Riassunto. Nei primi anni di scavi a Iasos fu scoperta ai piedi del lato orientale delle fortific... more Riassunto. Nei primi anni di scavi a Iasos fu scoperta ai piedi del lato orientale delle fortificazioni dell’acropoli una basilica a tre navate preceduta da un atrio e provvista di nartece. Le navate erano divise da file di quattro colonne composte di tre rocchi lisci, nessuno dei quali ancora in posto. Le tre navate conservavano buona parte della pavimentazione a mosaico, quasi scomparsa successivamente. All’interno acquisivano grande rilievo gli arredi liturgici (il synthronon, l’ambone, il ciborio, le transenne che chiudevano il presbiterio). Lo studio già avviato dell’edificio, che ebbe radicali trasformazioni strutturali, prosegue ora con la presentazione del rilievo fotogrammetrico che, riunendo la precedente documentazione, permette di analizzare il repertorio
decorativo dei mosaici. Inoltre si presentano alcune ipotesi circa la collocazione di alcuni blocchi marmorei ricurvi e dotati di iscrizione ritrovati nell’atrio.
Περίληψη. Τα πρώτα χρόνια των ανασκαφών στην Ιασό αποκαλύφθηκε στους πρόποδες της ανατολικής πλευράς της οχύρωσης της ακρόπολης μια τρίκλιτη βασιλική με νάρθηκα και αίθριο.Τα κλίτη χωρίζονταν από σειρές τεσσάρων κιόνων αποτελούμενων από τρεις λείους σφονδύλους, από τους οποίους κανείς δεν βρίσκεται κατά χώραν. Τα τρία κλίτη διατηρούν μεγάλο τμήμα του ψηφιδωτού
δαπέδου, που εξαφανίστηκε σχεδόν στη συνέχεια. Στο εσωτερικό αποκτούσαν ιδιαίτερη σημασία τα σημεία που σχετίζονταν με τη λειτουργία (το σύνθρονον, ο άμβων, το κιβώριον, το διάτρητο φράγμα που έκλεινε το ιερόν). Η μελέτη του κτηρίου που είχε υποστεί ριζικές κατασκευαστικές μετατροπές συνεχίζεται τώρα με την παρουσίαση της φωτογραμμετρικής αποτύπωσης που, ενώνοντας την
προγενέστερη τεκμηρίωση, μας επιτρέπει να αναλύσουμε το διακοσμητικό θεματολόγιο των ψηφιδωτών. Παρουσιάζονται επίσης μερικές υποθέσεις γύρω από τη θέση κάποιων κυρτών μαρμάρινων λιθοπλίνθων με επιγραφή που βρέθηκαν στο αίθριο.
Abstract. In the first few years of excavation at Iasos a three aisled basilica preceded by an atrium with a narthex was found below the east side of the acropolis fortifications. The aisles were divided by means of two rows of four columns, each made of three smooth drums, none of which remain in situ. The three aisles largely preserved their mosaic flooring at the time of excavation but have almost completely disappeared since. In the interior the furnishings acquired great importance: the synthronon, an ambo, a ciborium and the transennae that enclosed the presbytery. The studies begun on the building – that underwent radical structural transformations – continue here with the presentation of the photogrammetric survey; this gathers the previous documentation, allowing the analysis of the mosaic decorative repertory. Furthermore some hypotheses are presented regarding the position of a number of curved blocks with inscriptions found in the atrium.
Hortus Artium Medievalium, 2018
This paper would suggest how -despite the apparent resemblance— the perception of the interior of... more This paper would suggest how -despite the apparent resemblance— the perception of the interior of three aisled basilicas were very different to each other; this is because there were different categories of clerics and faithfuls and who were asked to follow certain paths or/and to hold a certain position before or during the celebrations. These positions or common movements were driven by the presence of fixed or mobile separations and certain liturgical furnishings such as ambos and secondary tables. Consequently the various positions, together with the disparate revetments used into the spaces derived from these divisions and their degree of brightness, could completely change the perception of the inner space of the different categories of the faithful who moved in these spaces.
Twelve contributions are included in the fourth edition of Minima medievalia, focused on artistic... more Twelve contributions are included in the fourth edition of Minima medievalia, focused on artistic episodes whose developments are rooted directly in Byzantine lands or in sites deeply infl uenced by their culture. A series of liturgical proto-byzantine structures – main and secondary altars – from Asia Minor are examined in close connection with the liturgical praxis adopted in those regions (Diego Peirano). Th e structural, documentary and critical features of the Baptistery of Santa Severina (Calabria) are analysed on the grounds of the unpublished reports of Paolo Orsi, a pioneer scholar of Southern Italy from Trento (Tancredi Bella). Th e iconography of a fabric fragment kept in Rome receives a new interpretation, thanks to clarifi cations that also help to clarify the chronology (Silvia Pedone). A conspicuous corpus of mostly unpublished or marginally known fragments of liturgical furnishings from Saint Mary in Torcello, is collected and rigorously analysed for the fi rst time, even in relation to the second presbytery fence, still present in the basilica (Diego Valenti). A reconstructive hypothesis is given for an extensively reworked capital from Grassaga, near San Donà di Piave, closely akin to the aforementioned objects as concern chronology and geographical location (Fabio Coden). Two essays concern a group of erroneously assessed or unpublished materials, stored in the deposit of the National Museum of Ravenna and in which the Eastern sources and the progressively predominant Latin style are intertwined (Paola Novara). Th e problematic ceramic basins embedded in the façade of the church of Madonna della Stra' in Belfi ore, near Verona, are carefully explored in order to fi gure out the contacts between the Byzantine and the Islamic world in the Mediterranean and its consequences on the regions of the Peninsula (Marica Menon). Subsequently, thanks to unpublished documents discovered in the archives of the Frick Collection, the four historiated columns belonging to the ciborium of Saint Mark in Venice, are reexamined with a highly critical approach which will reopen the debate about the controversial chronology of these very elaborated sculptures (Maria Aimé Villano). Two essays deal with an enkolpion from Rorai Piccolo (Pordenone) – likely of Russian origin, but with a clear Byzantine style – and concentrate both on the iconographic quality and the interpretation of the complicated ancient Cyrillic epigraphs, in order to defi nitely dispel any doubt on the workshop responsible for the artefact (Fabio Coden and Alberto Alberti). Th e last essay draws attention to the relationship between the equestrian representation of the Byzantine Emperor and that of certain Knight Saints depicted in some icons of the XIII th century, through an in-depth analysis of several details which have escaped even the most meticulous critical studies so far (Andrea Babuin).
in D. Moreau et alii (eds.), Archaeology of a World of Changes. Late Roman and Early Byzantine Architecture, Sculpture and Landscapes. Selected Papers from the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Belgrade, 22–27 August 2016) – In memoriam Claudiae Barsanti, 2020
ASMOSIA XI, Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone, Proceedings of the XI International Conference of ASMOSIA. Split: University of Split, Arts Academy in Split; University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy, 2018. pp. 123-130.
Iasian marble seemed to reach the highest point of its reputation in the 6th century when it appe... more Iasian marble seemed to reach the highest point of its reputation in the 6th century when it appeared in three of the most important edifices built by Justinian: in the Constantinopolitan churches of Hagia Sofia and of the Holy Apostles and in the church of San Vitale in Ravenna. At the time, evidence of this material also became more frequent in Iasos. Firstly, the raw blocks found at Balık Pazarı1, some ready to be sawn into slabs, then the columns and colonnettes discovered in the neighbouring quarries and in two of the Iasian churches. Here the marble also appears as mosaic tesserae in the acropolis basilica and as tiles in the agora basilica. Similarly, furniture such as tables made with marmor iassense, both rectangular and sigma-shaped, were found in secondary places everywhere throughout Iasos. A study of these elements, concerning their shapes, processing techniques and functions, is in progress. The preliminary results are here presented.
by Eugenio Tamburrino, Massimo Brando, Valentina Pica, Francesco Marco Paolo Carrera, dario rose, Gervasio Illiano, Davide Gangale Risoleo, Ugo Fusco, Daniele De Simone, Alka Starac, Paolo Bonini, Gatti Sandra, Mark Locicero, Sven Kühn, Dylan K Rogers, Diego Peirano, Saskia Kerschbaum, Santiago Sánchez de la Parra Pérez, Raffaella Iovine, Giovanni Polizzi, Eleonora Romanò, Fabiana Susini, Marina Marcelli, and Francesco Maria Cifarelli
Libro degli abstract del convegno di studi "L'acqua e la città in età romana - Water and the Roma... more Libro degli abstract del convegno di studi "L'acqua e la città in età romana - Water and the Roman cities and settlements" - Feltre (BL - Italia), 3/4 Novembre 2017.
Bollettino dell'Associazione Iasos di Caria, 2017
Schizzo della piattaforma superiore dell'ambone di Sinuri (particolare della ).
Hortus Artium Medievalium 22, 2016, pp. 178-189
Placed inside one of the deep inlets indenting the Carian Coast, Iasos knew a period of economic ... more Placed inside one of the deep inlets indenting the Carian Coast, Iasos knew a period of economic prosperity in Justinian times, thanks to the increased demand of the polychrome marble quarried locally. At that time the marble, extracted from the nearby reliefs, was used mainly in revetment slabs. These were used in open book compositions which embellished many imperial buildings. The marbles were sawn into slabs in the quadriporticus of the mausoleum of the 2nd century A.D. placed nearby the East harbor. In that building, placed close to the aqueduct, were found numerous marble blocks, showing saw traces, abandoned over thick emery layers. The East harbor seems therefore the starting place for the marble artifacts diffusion, ascertained on eastern Mediterranean shores and Italy. At the time probably the quarries were imperial properties; so it is likely that here worked also Constantinopolitan stonemasons. These exchanges with Constantinople brought in Iasos the coloristic taste typical of the period: this is attested by the agora basilica, where, in the Justinian age, different kinds of marble were used, some maybe imported from the capital.
Il colore rosso cupo del marmo iasio rendeva questo litotipo uno dei più decorativi dell’antichit... more Il colore rosso cupo del marmo iasio rendeva questo litotipo uno dei più decorativi dell’antichità.
I tre sottotipi del marmo iasio sono stati sporadicamente usati in città dalla tarda età del bronzo e non sembrano essere stati esportati prima del II secolo. Dalla varietà brecciata si ricavarono colonne e piccole sculture, da quella di colore uniforme sculture di pregio. Dalla varietà venata, usata
inizialmente per colonne, si iniziarono a ricavare lastre che andarono a decorare, soprattutto in età giustinianea, alcuni tra gli edifici più importanti dell’impero. Per ricavare queste lastre si recuperò l’uso di un acquedotto di età imperiale e di un adiacente tomba dotata di quadriportico: quì il cipollino iasio veniva segato in sottili lastre mediante la forza idrica. L’analisi dei 108 blocchi abbandonati nella tomba e il confronto con le lastre ancora in opera forniscono importanti informazioni su questa
6th Conference “Poles in the Near East”, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, 8-10th June 2022, 9 June 2022 10:40-11.00, 2022
Among other studies, in recent years Iasos marble was considered in the light of its use in conte... more Among other studies, in recent years Iasos marble was considered in the light of its use in context and its relationship with other materials, mainly in the 6th century, the time of its floruit.
In Iasos the stone, otherwise little attested, was used in the agora basilica north narthex, alternated with white marble. In Gortyna cathedral Iasos marble marks a lane orthogonal to the path made of white marble linking the central entrance, ambo and presbytery. Tiles of Iasos marble alternating with white veined ones plated the synthronoi of the basilicas A and C of Nea Anchialos. In the latter the presbytery short sides were framed with medium-large slabs made of red cipollino with different length and width. However, such differences had to be hardly noticeable because the surviving opus sectile panels show intricate motifs and those lost should have had the same character. The presence of a ciborium and of high barriers should also have dissimulated these differences, respectively from within and from outside. Here, in the prostoon preceding the presbytery, green breccia is added to red and white marbles.
The wavy veins of red cipollino were also used to dramatize the Ephesus’ St. John presbytery. Even if it is not possible to reconstruct the whole original elevation the templon stylobate and the bases were made of iasian marble, the remaining columns are made of green breccia and grey marbles; at least some of the slabs would have been of the open work type.
The Izmir Center of the Archaeology of Western Anatolia (EKVAM) is organizing a symposium entitle... more The Izmir Center of the Archaeology of Western Anatolia (EKVAM) is organizing a symposium entitled „Archaeology and History of Lydia from Early Lydian Period to the Late Antiquity (8th Cent. B.C.-5th Cent. A.D.)” that will take place on May 17-18, 2017 at the Dokuz Eylul University (DEU) in Izmir, Turkey. Lydia was an ancient region, located in inner western Anatolia, and compared to the coastline of western Asia Minor its archaeology is not well-known. We warmly invite contributions by scholars and graduate students from a variety of disciplines of ancient studies related to this region. The aim of this symposium is to report on the state of research concerning Lydia between ca. 8th century B.C. and 6th century A.D.
Iasos red cipollino slabs: from use in coating to their pictorial imitation, XIII International Conference ASMOSIA, 21 September , 2022
Recent researches on Iasian marble have focused on its use in sculptures and on its aesthetics, w... more Recent researches on Iasian marble have focused on its use in sculptures
and on its aesthetics, with special reference to the associations with other
marbles (ASMOSIA XII). The latter research is still ongoing. The large
imperial tomb built against the aqueduct named »Balik Pazari« at the
beginning of the 6th century was turned into a sawing workshop, using
waterpower. On a thick layer of sand used to saw marble 114 blocks
were found. Their dimensions were compared to those of slabs still in
place in coeval monuments, both in flooring that in wall cladding.
Thanks to the cooperation of Archaiologiki Etaireia and Ephorate of
Antiquities of Magnesia it was possible to examine the Red Cipollino
slabs used in Nea Anchialos basilica C. Here the presbytery’s short
sides were framed with medium-large slabs with different length and
width. However, such differences had to be hardly noticeable because
the conserved opus sectile panels show intricate motifs and those
lost should had the same character. The presence of a ciborium and
of high barriers should also dissimulate these differences, respectively
from within and from outside. With regard to marble association both
presbytery flooring and synthronon alternates white veined marble
with Red Cipollino while in the short Solea Green Breccia is added.
As to the differences between floor slabs, observing how marbles in
wall cladding were arranged in mirror-like or open stain disposition,
a possibility of unpaired stock slabs should be considered, marbles
sawn to be arranged in a paired disposition but whose vein suddenly
It seems that in its floruit era, and in times of difficult supplying, the
wavy veins of Red Cipollino began to be imitated by painting on walls
or by mosaic in flooring. We found its painted imitation in Iasos, where
the marble never appears in wall coating, in the north room of the
»tripartite building«. In Ravenna, in the Arian Baptistery, the painted
Red Cipollino stands out in the window arches and on the wall. In
domestic settings Iasos marble seems to appear in Hadrianopolis in
Paphlagonia, in a room of the domus where a plinth imitates book
matched slabs, and surely in a luxury house in Sardis where painting
reproduces large slabs. A reference of marble imitated by mosaic could
be found in the Teodorician villa at Galeata, where the veins of Iasos
marble appear in a threshold leading to the octagonal hall.
The research on stone marks from the region of Alexandria, Cyprus and Cyrenaica: a case study of ... more The research on stone marks from the region of Alexandria, Cyprus and Cyrenaica: a case study of marks engraved on the Tauchira Gate in Ptolemais, Cyrenaica 11:00 Aleksandra Brzozowska-Jawornicka Stone marks on pieces of architectural decoration in the Maloutena region of Nea Paphos 11:20 Marcin Romaniuk Masons' marks from the Western Courtyard of the 'Hellenistic' House in Nea Paphosmethodological aspects of the research 11:40 Arleta Kowalewska, Michael Eisenberg Masons' Marks in Syria-Palaestina and Arabiaan Update from Hippos and the Region 12:00 Giulia Marsili Stone and marble elements with multiple marks: new insights into their distribution, function and meaning Dyskusja / Discussion 12:20 12:40 Podsumowanie obrad / Conclusion Przerwa obiadowa / Lunch break
La Società Storica Vercellese e l'Associazione "Piemonte Medievale. Paesaggi Arte Storia" sono li... more La Società Storica Vercellese e l'Associazione "Piemonte Medievale. Paesaggi Arte Storia" sono liete di invitare la S. V. alla presentazione del volume
Placed inside one of the deep inlets indenting the Carian Coast, Iasos had two ports and based hi... more Placed inside one of the deep inlets indenting the Carian Coast, Iasos had two ports and based his ancient economy on olive oil and wine production, fishing and the manufacturing of columns made of local marble.
Since the 4th century B.C. the city had a defensive wall circuit enclosing the peninsula and part of the mainland; this course was modified in the late antiquity with the inclusion of the north quarters.
The ancient city experienced an initial moment of crisis with the agora’s porticoes fall in the 5th century: later, some habitations were built into north stoa, respecting the original alignments and conserving the pavement of the portico.
In the 5th century, a new city begins to grow: the Christian polis; his first center seems an extra-mural basilica with necropolis placed near the eastern port.
At the time this area seemed very vital: near the basilica the quadriporticus of a mausoleum of the 2nd century A.D. was transformed into a sawmill using the water of nearby aqueduct. Here were found many marble blocks, showing saw traces, abandoned over thick emery layers. The crosses scratched on the blocks attested that the people who worked here were Christians. Since the attestations of Iasian sawn marble began in the 6th century, it seems that tomb’s transformation
take place at that time. The water powered stone saw used aqueduct water, so it is possible that both quarries and workshop were fiscal property. Besides, a sledge road between the quarry of Karaoğlan Deresi and the below port was found; in some parts it splits up into two tracks with different levels, in order to facilitate the passages of men, animals and handcarts.
Between the end of the 5th century and the Justinian’s era two basilicas were built with reused materials in areas subject to transformation: one on the acropolis, one in the former agora. This last was transformed into a residential and productive area with furnaces; even if the porticoes were fallen, his monumental entrance, the dipylon, was still in use.
The area of the temple stoas near the agora was subject to systematic spoliation during Byzantine period; the marble columns were smashed with sledgehammers and wedges to obtain new building material or lime.
After the 7th century the coin circulation stopped and resumed in 9-10th centuries.
Between 8th-11th centuries the acropolis and agora basilica were rebuilt in smaller shapes;around them two necropolis began to spread.
In the 11th century the fortification system was renewed with the construction of the isthmus castle between the two ports; the castle had a ditch toward the former agora, now residential and productive area. After the construction of the castle the outer space was kept unbuilt.
It seems that in the same period it was built the tower that closed the east jetty of the west harbor.
In the late Byzantine period, near the east harbor was built the so-called “Lascarid church”.
The fortification of the city continued in the 14th century with the building of the acropolis castle. The citadel, that included reused materials, had towers with various sections and without access from inside the castle, but only from the upper walkways. Some of the towers were fireplaces.
In Iasos the Byzantine times seem to conclude with the excavation of mass graves for the inhumation of many individuals, maybe died in a plague; it cannot be a case that these were found around the Lascarid church, outside the city and near a port, from where usually this kind of diseases came.
Con questo volume 26 esponenti del ricco e sfaccettato panorama degli studi sul Piemonte medieval... more Con questo volume 26 esponenti del ricco e sfaccettato panorama degli studi sul Piemonte medievale rendono omaggio ad Angelo Marzi, studioso che nella sua lunga e articolata carriera ha privilegiato le ricerche sull'architettura e sull'urbanistica di età medievale nel territorio subalpino, con particolare attenzione per i borghi di nuova fondazione, le fortificazioni e le chiese dei secoli XI-XII, ma – complici un vasto orizzonte culturale e un'inesauribile curiosità – ha spaziato con risultati eccellenti in ambiti molto diversificati: dalle tracce della frequentazione preistorica alla statuaria dei Sacri Monti in età moderna, dall'architettura dell'eclettismo ottocentesco ai delicati problemi urbanistici del XX secolo. L'approccio “integrato” nella lettura del territorio e dei singoli contesti, sempre presente nel percorso di ricerca di Marzi, è alla base delle metodologie utilizzate dagli storici, archeologi, storici dell'architettura, storici dell'arte, architetti, ingegneri che hanno voluto impreziosire il libro con i loro contributi.
Saggi offerti ad Angelo Marzi da Claudio Anselmo, Silvia Beltramo, Andrea Bertani, Simone Caldano, Alessandro D'Alfonso, Loris Dadam, Piero de Gennaro, Andrea Del Duca, Fernando Delmastro, Francesca Garanzini, Gian Battista Garbarino, Valentina Gili Borghet, Paola Greppi, Giorgio Ingaramo, Andrea Longhi, Carlo Manni, Grado G. Merlo, Gabriella Pantò, Lorenzo Parodi, Diego Peirano, Simone Riccardi, Aldo A. Settia, Fabrizio Spegis, Ivana Teruggi, Dorino Tuniz, Giuseppe Zorgno.
in F. Berti (a cura di), Forme del sacro. Scritti in memoria di Doro Levi, Annuario della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, Supplemento 5, , 2019
Nei primi anni di scavi a Iasos fu scoperta ai piedi del lato orientale delle fortificazioni dell... more Nei primi anni di scavi a Iasos fu scoperta ai piedi del lato orientale delle fortificazioni dell’acropoli una basilica a tre navate preceduta da un atrio e provvista di nartece. Le navate erano divise da file di quattro colonne composte di tre rocchi lisci, nessuno dei quali ancora in posto. Le tre navate conservavano buona parte della pavimentazione a mosaico, quasi scomparsa successivamente. All’interno acquisivano grande rilievo gli arredi liturgici (il synthronon, l’ambone, il ciborio, le transenne che chiudevano il presbiterio). Lo studio già avviato dell’edificio, che ebbe radicali trasformazioni strutturali, prosegue ora con la presentazione del rilievo fotogrammetrico che, riunendo la precedente documentazione, permette di analizzare il repertorio decorativo dei mosaici. Inoltre si presentano alcune ipotesi circa la collocazione di alcuni blocchi marmorei ricurvi e dotati di iscrizione ritrovati nell’atrio.
Archaeology of a World of Changes. Late Roman and Early Byzantine Architecture, Sculpture and Landscapes. In memoriam Claudiae Barsanti. Edited by Dominic Moreau, Carolyn S. Snively, Alessandra Guiglia, Isabella Baldini, Ljubomir Milanović, Ivana Popović, Nicolas Beaudry and Orsolya Heinrich-Tamáska, 2020
Iasos, during the long period from Late Antiquity to Turkish settlement, underwent a variety of u... more Iasos, during the long period from Late Antiquity to Turkish settlement, underwent a variety of urban changes. A first economic expansion phase, due to the exploitation of the local marble quarries, was accompanied by the building of important basilicas. Later on, a progressive occupation of public spaces occurred, first of all in the agora area, where the initial construction of houses was followed by manufacturing activities. These difficulties seem to reach their apex in the seventh century, when the circulation of money stopped, restarting in the ninth to tenth century. Recovery, following the eleventh century, brought important projects for restoration and widening of the fortifications, having as their main objective control of the harbour rather than defence of the town, which by that time appears to have been depopulated and of little importance.
Durant la longue période qui s’étend de la plus haute Antiquité jusqu’à la domination turque, l’urbanisme de Iasos a connu plusieurs transformations. Une première phase d’expansion économique, liée à l’exploitation des carrières de marbre locales, s’est accompagnée de la
construction de vastes basiliques. Survint ensuite une occupation progressive des espaces publics, à commencer par l’agora, où s’installèrent d’abord des habitations, puis des activités de production. Ces difficultés semblent atteindre leur sommet au VIIe siècle, marqué par l’arrêt de la circulation monétaire qui ne reprit qu’à partir des IXe-Xe siècles. La reprise qui suivit au XIe siècle amena d’importants travaux de restauration et d’agrandissement des fortifications, avec pour objectif le contrôle des ports, plutôt que la défense de la ville qui apparaissait désormais dépeuplée et sans importance.
Während der langen Zeit von der Spätantike bis zur türkischen Besiedelung machte Iasos mehrere urbane Veränderungen durch. Die erste wirtschaftliche Blüte war durch die Ausbeutung der lokalen Marmorsteinbrüche mit der Einrichtung von wichtigen Basiliken verbunden. Später folgte die fortschreitende Aneignung öffentlicher Räume, vor allem die Aneignung der Agora, wo man zuerst Häuser errichtete und anschließend handwerkliche Tätigkeiten ausübte. Die
Krise erreichte ihren Höhepunkt im 7. Jh., als der Münzverkehr erlosch. Erst während des 9.-10. Jhs. lässt er sich erneut nachweisen. Der Aufschwung setze sich im 11. Jh. fort, es wurden wichtige Bauprojekte wie die Erweiterung der Befestigung durchgeführt. Diese zielte mehr auf
die Sicherung des Hafens als auf die der Stadt, deren Einwohnerzahl um diese Zeit zurückging und die insgesamt zu dieser Zeit weniger wichtig zu sein scheint.
Iasos, nel lungo periodo che intercorre tra la tarda antichità e lo stanziamento turco, dopo una prima fase di espansione economica legata allo sfruttamento delle locali cave di marmo, cui si accompagnò anche la costruzione di ampie basiliche, vide una progressiva occupazione
degli spazi pubblici, prima tra tutti l’agorà, entro cui si ricavarono inizialmente abitazioni e poi attività produttive. Queste difficoltà sembrano raggiungere il loro apice nel VII secolo quando s’interrompe la circolazione della moneta che riprende nel IX-X secolo. Alla ripresa seguente l’XI secolo si accompagnarono importanti opere di recupero e di ampliamento delle fortificazioni, finalizzate però più al controllo dei porti che alla difesa della città, che appare oramai spopolata e priva d’importanza.