Alexandru Ratiu | Romanian National History Museum (original) (raw)

Books by Alexandru Ratiu

Research paper thumbnail of Ioan Carol OPRIȘ, Alexandru RAȚIU, CAPIDAVA II. Building C1 – Contributions to the history of annona militaris in the 6th century (with contributions by: Andrei Gândilă, Tomasz Ważny, Peter I. Kuniholm, Charlotte L. Pearson, Adriana Rizzo and Choi Mak), Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2017

This monograph comes as a result of the research carried out by the authors (Ioan Carol Opriș and... more This monograph comes as a result of the research carried out by the authors (Ioan Carol Opriș and Alexandru Rațiu) between 1993-1996, 2006-2010, as well as from several other survey ditches in 2011 and 2014 on a building of approx. 10 x 11 m and a surface of 109.5 m2 situated in the southern part of the fort at Capidava, next to the main gate. The building C1 functioned during the 6th c. until a violent attack destroyed it in 582 or subsequently, in the early years of Mauricius Tiberius` reign. On this occasion the whole southeastern side of the fort (curtains G and H, as well as the gate tower no 7 and the largest building known so far intra muros – a granary/ horreum) has been heavily burnt.

Both the planimetric distribution, along the via principalis in the vicinity of the gate, and its specific architectural features, corroborated with the analysis of the finds, allowed us to establish the function of the building C1 as storage facility with commercial destination for the local distribution of annona goods (in LR 1 and LR2 amphorae), besides other expensive merchandise in Cretan, Western Asia Minor and above all Levantine containers. The latter are the unmistakable and so called Carthage LR 4 amphorae produced in Gaza - Palaestina Prima for the famous vinum Gazetum (Gazetina, Gazeticum).

Three annexes follow the text: the first one focused on the numismatic analysis of an emergency hoard of bronze folles found in situ (Andrei Gândilă – Univ. of Alabama in Huntsville) and offers key elements of further dating the moment when the building was destroyed, under heavy attack; the second is dedicated to the dendrochronology of the building, based upon its wooden elements saved from the incendium post 582 (Tomasz Ważny, Peter I. Kuniholm, Charlotte L. Pearson - Univ. of Arizona in Tucson); the third is the analysis report of an organic sample collected from inside a Pontic amphora, indicating a content of pine tar, most likely needed in treating the boats sailing on the Danube (Adriana Rizzo and Choi Mak - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).

Papers by Alexandru Ratiu

Research paper thumbnail of A 6th Century Iron Spangenhelm from Capidava

Cercetări Arheologice, 2024

The paper presents the discovery of a fragmentary iron helmet (23 fragments), during the 1990 arc... more The paper presents the discovery of a fragmentary iron helmet (23 fragments), during the 1990 archaeological campaign at Capidava (Constanța County). The helmet was found inside the horreum, in a room (an enclosed complex) that ended its functioning during the N2 of Phase IV, in the 580s AD. The intra muros granary (horreum frumentarium) is a three-aisled building preceded by a portico, close to the Main Gate and Gate Tower no 7. The helmet is a Spangenhelm of the Dair-el-Medineh type, made entirely out of iron. All 23 fragments belonged to the bowl of the helmet, with none from an eventual aventail, cheek pieces, or nose guard. As a first restoration method, before the physical one, we chose virtual restoration (anastylosis) of the existing fragments and virtual reconstruction of the helmet.

Rezumat: Un coif din fier de tip Spangenhelm descoperit la Capidava (sec. VI p.chr.)

Articolul prezintă un coif fragmentar din fier (23 de fragmente), descoperit în timpul campaniei arheologice din 1990 la Capidava (județul Constanța). Coiful a fost găsit în interiorul horreum-ului, într-o încăpere (un complex închis) care și-a încheiat funcționarea în timpul etapei N2 din faza IV de funcționare a fortificației romane, cândva în penultimul deceniu al sec. VI p.Chr. Grânarul (horreum frumentarium) este o clădire intra muros, cu trei nave precedată de un portic, aproape de Poarta Principală și Turnul (de poartă) nr. 7. Coiful este un Spangenhelm, din tipul Dair-el-Medineh, fiind realizat în întregime din fier. Toate cele 23 de fragmente au aparținut calotei coifului, dar niciunul nu provine de la un eventual aventail, piese de obrăzar sau apărători pentru nas. Ca primă metodă de restaurare, înaintea celei fizice, am ales restaurarea virtuală (anastiloza) a fragmentelor existente și reconstrucția virtuală a coifului.

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetări arheologice preventive în zona Baloteşti (jud. Ilfov)

Cercetări Arheologice, 2010

A series of preliminary cvidences conceming the archaeological sites along the banks of the Cocio... more A series of preliminary cvidences conceming the archaeological sites along the banks of the Cociovalişte valley wcre indicated in the • 80s and '90s throughout a series of field-walkings in the area. Yet, during the last decade, the residential development in the areas north to Bucharest impacted such vestiges, only in few cases being possible to undertake a preventive research prior to the construction works. This study provides an insight upon a preliminary analysis of landscape archaeology in the Baloteşti area, as well as presents the results of the archaeological excavations conducted on a plot of land, situated on the right bank of the Cociovalişte valley. Significantly damaged by subsequent agricultural works and other human activities, the archaeological contexts investigated in here provided a rather large quantity of fragmentary pottery, dated to the 2"d-I ' 1 c. AD, certain vessels having analogies on other Late Latene sites from the south-eastem part ofnowadays Romania.

Research paper thumbnail of Arms and Military Equipment from Mălăiești Roman Fort

Roman Dacia and the Roman Army. Papers Dedicated to Liviu Petculescu on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday, 2023

Mălăiesti Roman Fort is one of the fortifications raised by Emperor Trajan during the Dacian camp... more Mălăiesti Roman Fort is one of the fortifications raised by Emperor Trajan during the Dacian campaigns in the northwest of Wallachia. It was garrisoned by a unit whose name remains unknown.
This paper presents the weapons and military equipment discovered as a result of recent archaeological excavations. The fort seems to have been garrisoned by a cavalry unit active in the Dacian campaigns, a fact suggested by the high density of barracks within (oriented per strigas). The discovery of some items of equine equipment, and of other related artefacts, also attests to the stationing of some cavalry forces. An interesting discussion is related to the discovery of a harness phalera, whose typological dating doesn’t go beyond the Flavian period. Items of equipment characteristic to the legions may indicate a promotion of auxiliary officers from among the legionnaires. It is very likely that they were promoted from the ranks of the legionnaires to command positions in the unit stationed at Mălăiesti. On the other hand, one cannot exclude the possibility that legionary detachments were stationed in these barracks. In this context, we also con nected the discussion of two socket pila, which, like the phalera, seem to have been ‘démodé’ items.

Research paper thumbnail of Samian Ware in Early Roman Contexts at Capidava

Cercetări arheologice, 2023

The present paper is part of a series of publications related to the research carried out in the ... more The present paper is part of a series of publications related to the research carried out in the last decade in the early Roman contexts from Capidava (Constanța County), as well. The subject of the article is a batch of 17 fragmentary ceramic vessels, belonging to the terra sigillata category. Of these, the first 16 items (Cat. nos. 1-16) are fragments of imported vessels produced in the famous ceramic production centre of La Graufesenque, in South Gaul. The last vessel, Cat. no. 17, is of local production, from the category called Pontic sigillata decorated by the barbotine technique. The entire batch of ceramic material was discovered during the archaeological excavation carried out at the Late Roman headquarters building (principia), during which the foundations of this building were also excavated. Beneath these foundations were discovered the ruins of an early Roman habitation level represented by military barracks-type buildings, a stone-paved street, a well, a rubbish pit and a waste drain that led to that pit. The material presented by us comes from this earliest context, respectively from all the urban planning elements listed above, especially from the waste drain and the rubbish pit. The dating of the material is early, namely the Flavian era until the end of Trajan’s reign. From this point of view, the ceramic material presented here completes the picture provided by other categories of material previously published from the same archaeological context.

Lucrarea de față face parte dintr-o serie de publicații referitoare la cercetările din ultimul deceniu desfășurate și în contextele romane timpurii de la Capidava (jud. Constanța). Subiectul articolului este un lot de 17 vase ceramice fragmentare, aparținând categoriei ceramicii fine de tip terra sigillata. Dintre acestea primele 16 piese (cat. nr. 1-16) sunt fragmente din vase de import produse în importantul centru de la La Graufesenque, din Galia de Sud. Ultimul vas, cat. nr. 17, este de producție locală, din categoria sigillatelor pontice decorate în tehnica barbotinei. Întregul lot de piese a fost descoperit cu ocazia săpăturii arheologice desfășurate la clădirea comandamentului (principia) de perioadă Romană târzie, ocazie cu care s-au săpat și fundațiile acestei clădiri. Sub aceste fundații au fost descoperite ruinele unui nivel de locuire roman timpuriu reprezentat prin clădiri de tip barăci militare, o stradelă pavată cu piatră, o fântână, o groapă de gunoi și un canal de scurgere a deșeurilor spre acea groapa. Materialul prezentat de noi provine din acest cel mai vechi context, respectiv din toate elementele urbanistice enumerate mai sus, în special din canal și groapa de gunoi. Datarea materialului este una timpurie, acoperind întreaga epocă flaviană și putând ajunge până la sfârșitul domniei lui Traian. Din acest punct de vedere materialul ceramic prezentat aici completează imaginea oferită de alte categorii de material publicate anterior din același context arheologic.

Research paper thumbnail of The Roman Sports Cavalry Helmet from Islaz (Teleorman County, Romania)

Cercetări Arheologice 30.2, 2023

The topic of this paper is a Roman cavalry sports helmet, or more specifically two halves of the ... more The topic of this paper is a Roman cavalry sports helmet, or more specifically two halves of the same item, made out of copper alloy. It is part of a category of highly decorated military equipment, designed for parade or, more precisely, used in equestrian games/processions by cavalrymen of the Roman army. It was discovered in the area of the Islaz Roman fortifications, on the Olt River Roman frontier, the so-called limes Alutanus. The discovery in itself is spectacular. Both parts of the helmet were discovered almost in the same place, in two separate occasions, both accidental, by private citizens, in a time span of four months. The two fragments that form a whole helmet are well preserved and they present a strong point for the Roman presence at Islaz. The item in itself is a rare and beautiful find, this helmet in particular being the second of its kind (type) known to be found in the world. The helmet is from the Vechten Type, or pseudo-Phrygian type, named after its only analogy, the helmet from Vechten (Netherlands).

Research paper thumbnail of The Glassware from Mălăiești Roman Fort and bath

Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2023

Excavations at Mălăiești Roman Fort and bath (Romania, Prahova County) revealed a small roman for... more Excavations at Mălăiești Roman Fort and bath (Romania, Prahova County) revealed a small roman fortification and its baths. This paper will attempt to show the significance of the glassware finds through a social-cultural analysis resulting from the way the finds were distributed within the site. Our study describes the glassware fragments found during recent excavations and offers an analysis in the context of the manufacturing processes, spatial distribution, and the circumstances of their discovery as well as the chemical analysis of the typical samples. As an end result, we were able to determine their chronological, morphological, and typological properties.


Cercetări Arheologice 30.1, 2023

The Late Roman principia from Capidava was built at the end of the 3 rd-beginning of the 4 th cen... more The Late Roman principia from Capidava was built at the end of the 3 rd-beginning of the 4 th century, most likely during the general reconstruction (phase II) of the fort, as a result of the bellum Scythicum. The building was fully excavated in successive campaigns between 2013-2019. This paper is a follow-up to an initial article, published in 2017, dealing with the fine pottery finds discovered during the 2013-2014 campaigns. In what follows, we will focus on the same category of finds, resulting from the systematic excavation during the 2016 campaign. The 66 items in our catalogue belong to six different classes: African Red Slip Ware, Late Roman C / Phocean Ware, Pontic Sigillata Ware, Early Pontic Red Slip Ware, Pontic Red Slip Ware and Late Roman Light Colored Ware. Within each class our objects have been divided into several types and sub-types according to the extensive existing bibliography. The high degree of fragmentation of the vessels is also the result of the overlap of the living in the building with the semi-deep dwellings built in the final so-called Middle Byzantine period (9 th-11 th centuries). Rezumat: Ceramică fină din "Principia" de epocă romană-târzie de la Capidava (II) Principia romană târzie de la Capidava a fost construită la sfârșitul secolului al III-lea-începutul secolului al IV-lea, cel mai probabil cu ocazia reconstrucției generale (faza a II-a) a fortului, ca urmare a bellum Scythicum. Obiectivul a fost săpat integral în campanii succesive între anii 2013-2019. Această lucrare este o continuare a unui articol inițial, publicat în 2017, care se ocupa de ceramica fină descoperită în timpul campaniilor 2013-2014. În cele ce urmează ne vom concentra pe aceeași categorie, de data aceasta rezultată în urma săpăturii sistematice a 9 suprafețe (S6-S14) de 4 x 4m fiecare, în cadrul campaniei din anul 2016. Cele 66 de vase din catalogul nostru se înscriu în șase clase distincte: African Red Slip Ware, Late Roman C / Phocean Ware, Pontic Sigillata Ware, Early Pontic Red Slip Ware, Pontic Red Slip Ware și Late Roman Light Coloured Ware. În cadrul fiecărei clase obiectele noastre au fost împărțite în mai multe tipuri și subtipuri, potrivit extinsei literaturi de specialitate. Gradul ridicat de fragmentare al vaselor este rezultat și din suprapunerea locuirii în fostul ansamblu cu rol oficial (militar) de locuințe semi-adâncite construite în perioada finală de ocupare a sitului, cunoscută sub denumirea de mediobizantină (sec. IX-XI p.Chr.).

Research paper thumbnail of Roman military baths from Capidava (2nd – 3rd century AD)

Roman Army and Local Society in the Limes Provinces of the Roman Empire. Papers of an International Conference, Iași, June 4th–6th, 2018, Pharos. Studien zur griechisch-römischen Antike 42, Rhaden (Westf.): Marie Leidorf, ISBN 978-3867572705, 2019

The military bath house (balneum) from Capidava was excavated first in 1988-1993, by a team lead ... more The military bath house (balneum) from Capidava was excavated first in 1988-1993, by a team lead by V. Cheluță-Georgescu, but unfortunately was never published. The authors of this paper made a second excavation of the building in 2017, and together with the few data from the first excavation, are trying to shed some light on this subject. The building is a small bathing complex, with a simple circuit, erected during the reign of Trajan. It has two main phases, an early 2nd century phase and another dating from early 3rd century, with several reparations or enlargements in between. The only dating elements are those resulted from the comparative typology of the brick stamps, namely the legio XI Claudia pia fidelis (in tabula ansata) type from the first decade of the 2nd century to the early 3rd century legio XI Claudia Antoniniana one (LEGXICPF/ LEGXICL/ LEGXICLANT, with ANT in ligature). One should also add several early stamps of the legio V Macedonica (LEGVMAC, with MA in ligature), supposedly used for building interventions to the balneum, happening no later than 168 AD, when the legion left the headquarters in Troesmis for its new assignment in Dacia, at Potaissa. As an interesting feature one should mention the presence of a sudatio/laconicum (hot sauna), quite uncommon for the smaller baths such as this.

Research paper thumbnail of Horsemen from the Rhine. Early Roman military equipment from Capidava (I)

Cercetări Arheologice, 2021

Rezumat: Articolul aduce în prim plan descoperirile de echipament militar roman din ultimile patr... more Rezumat:
Articolul aduce în prim plan descoperirile de echipament militar roman din ultimile patru campanii de la Capidava, respectiv între anii 2015 și 2019. Echipamentul prezentat este, în marea parte a sa, caracteristic echipamentului călăreților auxiliari romani din secolele I-II p. Chr. Piesele au fost descoperite în contextul cel mai timpuriu cercetat vreodată la Capidava, respectiv prima fază de piatră a castrului, mai exact ruinele unor clădiri, pe care le bănuim a fi barăci militare, situate în retentura dextra. Aceste clădiri au fost descoperite cu ocazia cercetării arheologice exhaustive a edificiului numit Principia romană târzie, o clădire mare cu absidă, care datează din secolul IV p. Chr. Acesta suprapune barăcile timpurii, care au fost anterior demolate până la nivelul primei asize de elevație din zidărie de piatră legată cu pământ.

This paper emphasizes on the discoveries of Roman military equipment from the last four campaigns form Capidava (2015-2019). The equipment presented is, for the most part, characteristic of the equipment of Roman auxiliary horsemen from the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. The artefacts were discovered in the earliest context ever researched at Capidava, respectively the first stone-masonry phase of the fort, more precisely the remains of some buildings, which we believe to be military barracks, located in the retentura dextra. These buildings were discovered during the exhaustive archaeological research of the building that we believe to be the Late Roman Principia, a large building with an apse, dating from the 4th century AD. It overlaps the early barracks, which were previously demolished to the level of the first elevation course, made from stone masonry bonded with earth mortar.

Research paper thumbnail of Frontiera romană din Dobrogea. O trecere în revistă și o actualizare / Roman frontier in Dobrudja. A review and an update

Cercetări arheologice, 2019

This paper is a preliminary report of the newest results from pluridisciplinary research undertak... more This paper is a preliminary report of the newest results from pluridisciplinary research undertaken on the Lower Danube limes, between Durostorum and Dunavățu de Jos. Our goal is to bring up to date the available information regarding the fortifications located on the Early and Later Roman limes in Dobrudja, in a similar manner to the reports on the various areas/sites of the frontiers of the Roman Empire, published periodically in the proceedings of the international Limes congresses. For Dobrudja, the most recent ones were published almost two decades ago (1997-2005).

The data were gathered throughout the progress of the Romanian National Limes Programme. The monuments were identified through multiple approaches, as specified in the Action Plan of the programme, such as field walking and sampling, topographical measurements and drone flights (aerial photography, oblique, orthophotography and recordings) and compared to the available archives. We focus on the fortifications and the adjacent areas in order to establish a proper protection plan management and to include these sites on the World Heritage list.

Research paper thumbnail of Hostes ante portas! Cercetări arheologice recente asupra turnurilor porții principale de la Capidava/ Hostes ante portas! Recent archaeological research on the towers of the main gate from Capidava

Cercetări Arheologice, XXVI, 2019

The preventive excavations of the entire complex of the southeastern gate (main gate) of the Capi... more The preventive excavations of the entire complex of the southeastern gate (main gate) of the Capidava fort took place during August-September 2015 (more precisely 13.08-05.09.2015) and was part of a general investigation on the precincts and towers of the Late Roman fort. The respective project was entitled ”Restoration, consolidation, protection, conservation and enhancement of the archaeological site Capidava fort”. It belongs to the Regional Operational Program 2007-2013, Priority Axis 5, Major Field of intervention 5.1. The beneficiary of the project are the Constanța County Council and the appointed general designer SC Abral Art Product SRL, under the coordination of architect Ioan Aurel Botez (project leader) and architect Anișoara Sion (deputy project leader).

Despite the fact that the area and the period of the excavation might seem reduced, the research was intensive and undoubtedly represents an essential contribution to the evolution of the Roman and the Romano-Byzantine fortifications from Capidava.

To summarize, the results of the investigation revealed four constructive phases of the gate tower: the first phase dates from the 2nd century to the first half of the 3rd century AD and had ended violently during the great Gothic invasions that took place in mid-3rd century AD. Phase 2 dates from the second half of the 3rd century, sometime between the reign of Emperors Aurelian, Probus and Diocletian (284-305), enclosing the remains of the previous tower and having a much larger front. It is the stage that corresponds to the erection of smaller U shaped towers (towers 3, 5 and 9), along the eastern and southern precincts. Phases 3 and 4 were built either to follow or in some places to amplify the limits of the previous phase. Their dating covers the 4th century, respectively the last part of the 5th to the beginning of the 6th century AD. The last construction phase most likely happened sometime during the reign of Emperor Anastasius (491-518), also involved in the repair of Curtain Wall H, attached to
the gate tower. This construction logic ended during the 9th decade of the 6th century after the dramatic attacks that occurred between 582-586 AD, when the curtains G and H together with the gate and the gate tower, were destroyed. Sometime, at the end of the 6th century - the beginning of the 7th century AD. (these events took place
after 595/596 or maybe even in the time of Emperor Phocas) a “late castellum” was hastily erected in the southern quarter of the fort, but it was just an ephemeral defensive ensemble. The heroic “life among ruins” and precarious living structures lasted until the second decade of the 7th century as proven by a last follis, issued under Emperor Heraclius and dated around 612/613 AD.

The re-documenting and redefining of all levels of construction of the military precinct brought new, precious information, allowing multiple interpretations and associations with dramatic events from the history of the Lower Danube limes throughout early 2nd to early 7th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Băile romane de la Capidava. Raport de cercetare arheologică preventivă/ Roman Baths from Capidava. Preventive excavation report

Cercetări Arheologice, XXV, 2018

Rezumat Băile militare de la Capidava au fost săpate pentru prima dată în 1988-1993 de un alt co... more Rezumat

Băile militare de la Capidava au fost săpate pentru prima dată în 1988-1993 de un alt colectiv, dar din păcate nu au fost niciodată publicate. Autorii prezentei lucrări au întreprins o a doua săpătură a clădirii în 2017 și, împreună cu puținele date din prima săpătură, încearcă să aducă în lumină acest subiect. Clădirea este un mic complex de îmbăiere, cu un circuit simplu, ridicat în timpul domniei lui Traian. Are două faze, o fază timpurie a secolului al II-lea și alta datând din secolul al III-lea, cu mai multe reparații intermediare între ele. Singurele elemente de datare sunt ștampilele tegulare, respectiv tipologia lor comparativă, în special cele aparținând legiunii XI Claudia pia fidelis sau în sec. III p. Chr. legiunii XI Claudia Antoniniana. Ca o caracteristică interesantă menționăm prezența unui/unei sudatio/laconicum (saună fierbinte), destul de neobișnuit pentru băile de dimensiuni reduse precum aceasta.

Abstract (Roman Baths from Capidava. Preventive archaeological excavation report)

The military bath from Capidava was excavated first in 1988-1993, by a different team, but unfortunately was never published. The authors of this paper made a second excavation of the building, in 2017, and in addition to the few data from the first excavation, are trying to shed some light on this subject. The building is a small bathing complex with a simple circuit, erected during the reign of Trajan. It has two phases, an early 2nd century phase and another dating from early 3rd century, with several reparations in between. The only dating elements are the brick stamps, namely their comparative typology, especially those from legio XI Claudia pia fidelis and the early 3rd century legio XI Claudia Antoniniana. As an interesting feature we mention the presence of a sudatio/laconicum (hot sauna), quite uncommon for the smaller baths such as this.

Cuvinte cheie: Băi romane, legiunea XI Claudia, limes-ul Dunării de Jos, castru auxiliar

Key words: Roman Baths, Legio XI Claudia, Lower Danube limes, auxiliary Roman fort

Research paper thumbnail of The northern supply chain in Quaestura Exercitus. 6th to early 7th century amphorae at Capidava – archaeology of the annona for Limes Scythicus

RAIA Bulletin I (Romanian Archaeological Institute in Athens Bulletin), 2019

This paper is a development from a recently published monograph, i.e. Ioan Carol Opriș, Alexandru... more This paper is a development from a recently published monograph, i.e. Ioan Carol Opriș, Alexandru Rațiu, CAPIDAVA II. Building C1 - Contributions to the history of annona militaris in the 6th century (with contributions by Andrei Gandilă, Tomasz Ważny, Peter I. Kuniholm, Charlotte L. Pearson, Adriana Rizzo and Choi Mak), Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2017.

The topic deals with the current state of research on the annona system in the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire during the 6th century AD, precisely after the creation by Justinian of the quaestura exercitus in 536 AD. Estimations of the military manpower in the Balkans and along the limes in the Danubian Provinces, guideline figures on the total of the civilian population depending on this distribution system, as well as reliable quantitative data regarding the circulation of amphora types carrying the annona goods and associated merchandise have been reassessed.

Research paper thumbnail of Al. RAȚIU, Ioan C. OPRIŞ, M. DUCA, Fine Wares from the Late Roman ”Principia” at Capidava (I)

Cercetari arheologice, Muzeul National de Istorie a Romaniei, Bucuresti, 2017

Our paper is analyzing a first series of fine imported tableware (vasa escaria) found during the ... more Our paper is analyzing a first series of fine imported tableware (vasa escaria) found during the excavation seasons 2013-2015 at Capidava (Constanța county, Romania). The architectural object where these records came from is a large building (cca 23 by 16 m), with an apsis facing south; it was previously known as Principia - Late Roman Headquarters. The excavations fully confirmed this function for late 3rd - 4th century AD.

The analyzed tableware (belonging to Çandarli and Phocean /Late Roman C Wares, African Red Slip Wares, respectively) was found in the area from the northern corner of the edifice, in Late Roman (4th-5th century) and Early Byzantine (6th century) contexts. The assemblage is made of 31 fragmentary plates and bowls used for table service. One should point out # 7 in the catalogue, belonging to form ARS Hayes 103A. Its morphological details and above all the unique outer rim grooves make up a kind of a ”missing link” between the ARS 84, 86 and the typical ARS 103 analogies known. The direct lineage was postulated by J.W. Hayes already in his Late Roman Pottery (1972). This unicum might represent an early product (103 A), dated in the first part of the 6th century.

This paper is the first from a series dedicated to the above-mentioned architectural object, conceived as preliminary steps to the future monograph of the ensemble. The Late Roman Headquarters actually represents the most important official building identified so far intra muros at Capidava.

Research paper thumbnail of Capidava – The Late Fortlet (end of the 6th – beginning of the 7th c. AD). Chronological Issues, Limes XXIII. Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies Ingolstadt 2015, Limes Sonderband 4/II, Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag, Mainz, 2018, p. 763-771

Während der im letzten Jahrzehnt in Capidava durchgeführten systematischen Ausgrabungen konnten ... more Während der im letzten Jahrzehnt in Capidava durchgeführten systematischen Ausgrabungen konnten im Verlauf mehrerer Kampagnen Teile der späten Befestigungsanlage direkt oder indirekt erforscht werden. Es handelt sich dabei um die letzten römischen Befestigungsbemühungen im südlichen Bereich des alten römischen Lagers am Ende des 6. und zu Beginn des 7. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. Durch die archäologischen Grabungen, die an mehreren Stellen entlang des Verlaufs der späten Befestigung und deren Verteidigungsgraben durchgeführt wurden, insbesondere auf der Nordostseite entlang der via principalis, konnten stratigrafische und chronologische Abschnitte aus dem 4.–6. Jahrhundert bis zur Zerstörung der gesamten Befestigung in den letzten Jahrzehnten des 6. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. erfasst werden. Erst durch diese Zerstörung kam es zur notgedrungenen und temporären Umgestaltung der Befestigung im südlichen Viertel.

Research paper thumbnail of Ioan Carol OPRIȘ, Alexandru RAȚIU, Roman customs station from Capidava. Statio for publicum portorii Illyrici in the 2nd century AD and a hypothetical model for interactions with Barbaricum in the 4th century AD

Vitalie BÂRCĂ (ed.), Orbis Romanus and Barbaricum. The Barbarians around the Province of Dacia and Their Relations with the Roman Empire, Mega Publishing House, Cluj Napoca, 2016, p. 89-109, 2016

Two inscriptions from the 2nd century AD found during the early archaeological research at Capida... more Two inscriptions from the 2nd century AD found during the early archaeological research at Capidava are related to equestrians involved with the customs
station (statio portorii) functioning on the right bank of the Danube. Cohors Germanorum having its garrison in the fort supervised the toll station, the ford of the
river, as well as both civil and military navigation along the Danube. The inscriptions
revisited mention a conductor – T. Iulius Saturninus and most likely a procurator,
from the late reign of Antoninus Pius and from the time of Marcus Aurelius
or Commodus, subsequently. On this occasion has been tackled the whole file mentioning stationes portorii in both Dacian provinces and Moesia Inferior, administratively composing the same tertia pars within the large customs district of Illyricum.
Historical data (archaeological and toponymical elements, maps) regarding the
fording of the river at Capidava and the corresponding crossing point to the Romanian
Plain at Bordușani, have been inventored and revealed a territoriality pattern
for the functioning of the buffer zone between Roman right bank and Barbaricum
during the 2nd–3rd centuries. Based upon literary texts (Themistius, Oration X), as
well as founding inscriptions from the 4th century at Cius (Gârliciu) and Carcaliu,
we aimed at offering a functional image of the two sides – Romans and Gothic Sântana de Mureș – Chernyakhov one separated by the marshy 10–20 km wide buffer
territory of Balta Brăilei and Balta Ialomiței. To this respect, an updated mapping
of the Sântana de Mureș – Chernyakhov archaeological finds has been provided.

Keywords: statio (publici) portorii, publicum portorium Illyrici utriusque et ripae
Thraciae, publicum portorium vectigalis Illyrici, T. Iulius Saturninus, Carcaliu, Cius,
Sântana de Mureș-Chernyakhov, Valens, Themistius – Oration X

Research paper thumbnail of Venus Pudica on a bone distaff from Capidava, in Cercetări Arheologice, XXIII, 2016, 137-150

Nota de față face referire la o descoperire recentă (campania 2016) de la Capidava din sectorul V... more Nota de față face referire la o descoperire recentă (campania 2016) de la Capidava din sectorul VII al șantierului arheologic, în cadrul cercetării obiectivului denumit în bibliografia sitului Capidava drept Principia din faza târzie. Cercetarea la edificiul cu absidă de la Capidava a început în anii '50 când s-au cercetat o parte din bordeiele medio-bizantine ce suprapun clădirea. În anul 2013 cercetările au fost reluate, urmând ca an de an să se deschidă noi unități de săpătură, conform unui caroiaj prestabilit de 4 × 4 m, care numără 26 carouri în total. În cadrul campaniei din anul 2016, cercetând nivelul romano-bizantin din secolul al VI-lea p. Chr., ultimul nivel de locuire antică al edificiului, pe podeaua din lut bătătorit s-a descoperit o furcă de tors cu inel, confecționată din os. Furca a fost descoperită pe podea la cca un metru distanță de zidul de nord-est al edificiului, în apropierea colțului de est al clădirii. Pe baza analizei descoperirilor din cadrul aceluiași context arheologic piesa se datează în secolul al VI-lea p. Chr.


With this contribution we intend to bring to the attention of the specialists in lychnologycal st... more With this contribution we intend to bring to the attention of the specialists in lychnologycal studies a group of 23 ceramic lamps from the collection of the Bucharest Municipality Museum. From the beginning we mention that none of these lamps had an established archaeological provenance, they come from donations and purchases from private individuals. The artefacts are diverse in terms of typology, and their chronology spans throughout the Roman presence in the Lower Danube region, namely the 1 st – 7 th c. A.D. The dating of the artefacts was established by studying their typological characteristics, using the analogies quoted in the catalogue at the end of the present paper. All ceramic lamps described in this catalog are illustrated – drawings and photographs.

Prin această contribuţie dorim să aducem în atenţia specialiştilor în studiul lychnologiei un lot de 23 de opaiţe din ceramică aflate în colecţia Muzeului Municipiului Bucureşti. Încă de la început menţionăm faptul că niciunul dintre aceste opaiţe nu au o provenienţă arheologică clară, ci provin din donaţii şi achiziţii de la persoane private. Piesele sunt diverse din punct de vedere tipologic, iar cronologic se întind pe toată perioada prezenţei romane la Dunărea de Jos, respectiv secolele I-VII p. Chr. Datarea pieselor s-a făcut tipologic, folosind analogiile citate în catalogul de la finalul lucrării. Toate piesele descrise în acest catalog sunt ilustrate, atât grafic cât şi fotografic.

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetări recente privind ultima incintă romană fortificată de la Capidava/ Recent research concerning the last fortified Roman precinct from Capidava, Cercetări Arheologice, XXII, București, 2015, 23-40 (8 pl.)

In order to construct a „Belvedere” tower as part of the restoration project from Capidava, an ex... more In order to construct a „Belvedere” tower as part of the restoration project from Capidava, an extensive archaeological research was undertaken in 2015 by opening an initial excavation surface of 6 × 6m, conventionally referred to as S I (Pl. II/1–2), comprising the limits of its foundation. At the same time, from the beginning, two extensions of S I have been projected, namely S II (6 × 2m) and S III (3 × 2m), meant to provide a 15m cross-section, perpendicular on the ditch of the late fortlet and to research this defensive structure in the respective area where it was little known at the time.
Among the 7 different archaeological contexts (Pl. III), three walls have been found, discovered in contexts 5 and 6, conventionally referred as Z1, Z2 and Z3. The three walls can be attributed to the occupational levels from the 5th c. AD for Z1 and Z2, respectively 5th–6th c. AD for Z3. On this occasion, there have also been researched elements of the 7th c. fortlet (late castellum), identified on the ground by a defence ditch preceded by a wide berm and by a poorly built stone wall. The ditch is locally preserved at a maximum depth of 1.5m versus the maximum height of the berm; it has a “V” shape with equally inclined slopes, with a maximum opening of approx. 6m; the berm has a currently preserved height of approx. 0.3–0.4m versus its base construction level (a level clearly determined by the dismantling of Z3) and a maximum width of 7.22m; the stone wall that precedes the berm is 0.7m wide with a preserved height of aprox. 1m.

KEY WORDS: fortlet, defence ditch, African red slip ware, berm, dolia.
CUVINTE CHEIE: castellum, șanț de apărare, ceramică ștampilată africană, bermă, dolia.

Research paper thumbnail of Ioan Carol OPRIȘ, Alexandru RAȚIU, CAPIDAVA II. Building C1 – Contributions to the history of annona militaris in the 6th century (with contributions by: Andrei Gândilă, Tomasz Ważny, Peter I. Kuniholm, Charlotte L. Pearson, Adriana Rizzo and Choi Mak), Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2017

This monograph comes as a result of the research carried out by the authors (Ioan Carol Opriș and... more This monograph comes as a result of the research carried out by the authors (Ioan Carol Opriș and Alexandru Rațiu) between 1993-1996, 2006-2010, as well as from several other survey ditches in 2011 and 2014 on a building of approx. 10 x 11 m and a surface of 109.5 m2 situated in the southern part of the fort at Capidava, next to the main gate. The building C1 functioned during the 6th c. until a violent attack destroyed it in 582 or subsequently, in the early years of Mauricius Tiberius` reign. On this occasion the whole southeastern side of the fort (curtains G and H, as well as the gate tower no 7 and the largest building known so far intra muros – a granary/ horreum) has been heavily burnt.

Both the planimetric distribution, along the via principalis in the vicinity of the gate, and its specific architectural features, corroborated with the analysis of the finds, allowed us to establish the function of the building C1 as storage facility with commercial destination for the local distribution of annona goods (in LR 1 and LR2 amphorae), besides other expensive merchandise in Cretan, Western Asia Minor and above all Levantine containers. The latter are the unmistakable and so called Carthage LR 4 amphorae produced in Gaza - Palaestina Prima for the famous vinum Gazetum (Gazetina, Gazeticum).

Three annexes follow the text: the first one focused on the numismatic analysis of an emergency hoard of bronze folles found in situ (Andrei Gândilă – Univ. of Alabama in Huntsville) and offers key elements of further dating the moment when the building was destroyed, under heavy attack; the second is dedicated to the dendrochronology of the building, based upon its wooden elements saved from the incendium post 582 (Tomasz Ważny, Peter I. Kuniholm, Charlotte L. Pearson - Univ. of Arizona in Tucson); the third is the analysis report of an organic sample collected from inside a Pontic amphora, indicating a content of pine tar, most likely needed in treating the boats sailing on the Danube (Adriana Rizzo and Choi Mak - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).

Research paper thumbnail of A 6th Century Iron Spangenhelm from Capidava

Cercetări Arheologice, 2024

The paper presents the discovery of a fragmentary iron helmet (23 fragments), during the 1990 arc... more The paper presents the discovery of a fragmentary iron helmet (23 fragments), during the 1990 archaeological campaign at Capidava (Constanța County). The helmet was found inside the horreum, in a room (an enclosed complex) that ended its functioning during the N2 of Phase IV, in the 580s AD. The intra muros granary (horreum frumentarium) is a three-aisled building preceded by a portico, close to the Main Gate and Gate Tower no 7. The helmet is a Spangenhelm of the Dair-el-Medineh type, made entirely out of iron. All 23 fragments belonged to the bowl of the helmet, with none from an eventual aventail, cheek pieces, or nose guard. As a first restoration method, before the physical one, we chose virtual restoration (anastylosis) of the existing fragments and virtual reconstruction of the helmet.

Rezumat: Un coif din fier de tip Spangenhelm descoperit la Capidava (sec. VI p.chr.)

Articolul prezintă un coif fragmentar din fier (23 de fragmente), descoperit în timpul campaniei arheologice din 1990 la Capidava (județul Constanța). Coiful a fost găsit în interiorul horreum-ului, într-o încăpere (un complex închis) care și-a încheiat funcționarea în timpul etapei N2 din faza IV de funcționare a fortificației romane, cândva în penultimul deceniu al sec. VI p.Chr. Grânarul (horreum frumentarium) este o clădire intra muros, cu trei nave precedată de un portic, aproape de Poarta Principală și Turnul (de poartă) nr. 7. Coiful este un Spangenhelm, din tipul Dair-el-Medineh, fiind realizat în întregime din fier. Toate cele 23 de fragmente au aparținut calotei coifului, dar niciunul nu provine de la un eventual aventail, piese de obrăzar sau apărători pentru nas. Ca primă metodă de restaurare, înaintea celei fizice, am ales restaurarea virtuală (anastiloza) a fragmentelor existente și reconstrucția virtuală a coifului.

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetări arheologice preventive în zona Baloteşti (jud. Ilfov)

Cercetări Arheologice, 2010

A series of preliminary cvidences conceming the archaeological sites along the banks of the Cocio... more A series of preliminary cvidences conceming the archaeological sites along the banks of the Cociovalişte valley wcre indicated in the • 80s and '90s throughout a series of field-walkings in the area. Yet, during the last decade, the residential development in the areas north to Bucharest impacted such vestiges, only in few cases being possible to undertake a preventive research prior to the construction works. This study provides an insight upon a preliminary analysis of landscape archaeology in the Baloteşti area, as well as presents the results of the archaeological excavations conducted on a plot of land, situated on the right bank of the Cociovalişte valley. Significantly damaged by subsequent agricultural works and other human activities, the archaeological contexts investigated in here provided a rather large quantity of fragmentary pottery, dated to the 2"d-I ' 1 c. AD, certain vessels having analogies on other Late Latene sites from the south-eastem part ofnowadays Romania.

Research paper thumbnail of Arms and Military Equipment from Mălăiești Roman Fort

Roman Dacia and the Roman Army. Papers Dedicated to Liviu Petculescu on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday, 2023

Mălăiesti Roman Fort is one of the fortifications raised by Emperor Trajan during the Dacian camp... more Mălăiesti Roman Fort is one of the fortifications raised by Emperor Trajan during the Dacian campaigns in the northwest of Wallachia. It was garrisoned by a unit whose name remains unknown.
This paper presents the weapons and military equipment discovered as a result of recent archaeological excavations. The fort seems to have been garrisoned by a cavalry unit active in the Dacian campaigns, a fact suggested by the high density of barracks within (oriented per strigas). The discovery of some items of equine equipment, and of other related artefacts, also attests to the stationing of some cavalry forces. An interesting discussion is related to the discovery of a harness phalera, whose typological dating doesn’t go beyond the Flavian period. Items of equipment characteristic to the legions may indicate a promotion of auxiliary officers from among the legionnaires. It is very likely that they were promoted from the ranks of the legionnaires to command positions in the unit stationed at Mălăiesti. On the other hand, one cannot exclude the possibility that legionary detachments were stationed in these barracks. In this context, we also con nected the discussion of two socket pila, which, like the phalera, seem to have been ‘démodé’ items.

Research paper thumbnail of Samian Ware in Early Roman Contexts at Capidava

Cercetări arheologice, 2023

The present paper is part of a series of publications related to the research carried out in the ... more The present paper is part of a series of publications related to the research carried out in the last decade in the early Roman contexts from Capidava (Constanța County), as well. The subject of the article is a batch of 17 fragmentary ceramic vessels, belonging to the terra sigillata category. Of these, the first 16 items (Cat. nos. 1-16) are fragments of imported vessels produced in the famous ceramic production centre of La Graufesenque, in South Gaul. The last vessel, Cat. no. 17, is of local production, from the category called Pontic sigillata decorated by the barbotine technique. The entire batch of ceramic material was discovered during the archaeological excavation carried out at the Late Roman headquarters building (principia), during which the foundations of this building were also excavated. Beneath these foundations were discovered the ruins of an early Roman habitation level represented by military barracks-type buildings, a stone-paved street, a well, a rubbish pit and a waste drain that led to that pit. The material presented by us comes from this earliest context, respectively from all the urban planning elements listed above, especially from the waste drain and the rubbish pit. The dating of the material is early, namely the Flavian era until the end of Trajan’s reign. From this point of view, the ceramic material presented here completes the picture provided by other categories of material previously published from the same archaeological context.

Lucrarea de față face parte dintr-o serie de publicații referitoare la cercetările din ultimul deceniu desfășurate și în contextele romane timpurii de la Capidava (jud. Constanța). Subiectul articolului este un lot de 17 vase ceramice fragmentare, aparținând categoriei ceramicii fine de tip terra sigillata. Dintre acestea primele 16 piese (cat. nr. 1-16) sunt fragmente din vase de import produse în importantul centru de la La Graufesenque, din Galia de Sud. Ultimul vas, cat. nr. 17, este de producție locală, din categoria sigillatelor pontice decorate în tehnica barbotinei. Întregul lot de piese a fost descoperit cu ocazia săpăturii arheologice desfășurate la clădirea comandamentului (principia) de perioadă Romană târzie, ocazie cu care s-au săpat și fundațiile acestei clădiri. Sub aceste fundații au fost descoperite ruinele unui nivel de locuire roman timpuriu reprezentat prin clădiri de tip barăci militare, o stradelă pavată cu piatră, o fântână, o groapă de gunoi și un canal de scurgere a deșeurilor spre acea groapa. Materialul prezentat de noi provine din acest cel mai vechi context, respectiv din toate elementele urbanistice enumerate mai sus, în special din canal și groapa de gunoi. Datarea materialului este una timpurie, acoperind întreaga epocă flaviană și putând ajunge până la sfârșitul domniei lui Traian. Din acest punct de vedere materialul ceramic prezentat aici completează imaginea oferită de alte categorii de material publicate anterior din același context arheologic.

Research paper thumbnail of The Roman Sports Cavalry Helmet from Islaz (Teleorman County, Romania)

Cercetări Arheologice 30.2, 2023

The topic of this paper is a Roman cavalry sports helmet, or more specifically two halves of the ... more The topic of this paper is a Roman cavalry sports helmet, or more specifically two halves of the same item, made out of copper alloy. It is part of a category of highly decorated military equipment, designed for parade or, more precisely, used in equestrian games/processions by cavalrymen of the Roman army. It was discovered in the area of the Islaz Roman fortifications, on the Olt River Roman frontier, the so-called limes Alutanus. The discovery in itself is spectacular. Both parts of the helmet were discovered almost in the same place, in two separate occasions, both accidental, by private citizens, in a time span of four months. The two fragments that form a whole helmet are well preserved and they present a strong point for the Roman presence at Islaz. The item in itself is a rare and beautiful find, this helmet in particular being the second of its kind (type) known to be found in the world. The helmet is from the Vechten Type, or pseudo-Phrygian type, named after its only analogy, the helmet from Vechten (Netherlands).

Research paper thumbnail of The Glassware from Mălăiești Roman Fort and bath

Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2023

Excavations at Mălăiești Roman Fort and bath (Romania, Prahova County) revealed a small roman for... more Excavations at Mălăiești Roman Fort and bath (Romania, Prahova County) revealed a small roman fortification and its baths. This paper will attempt to show the significance of the glassware finds through a social-cultural analysis resulting from the way the finds were distributed within the site. Our study describes the glassware fragments found during recent excavations and offers an analysis in the context of the manufacturing processes, spatial distribution, and the circumstances of their discovery as well as the chemical analysis of the typical samples. As an end result, we were able to determine their chronological, morphological, and typological properties.


Cercetări Arheologice 30.1, 2023

The Late Roman principia from Capidava was built at the end of the 3 rd-beginning of the 4 th cen... more The Late Roman principia from Capidava was built at the end of the 3 rd-beginning of the 4 th century, most likely during the general reconstruction (phase II) of the fort, as a result of the bellum Scythicum. The building was fully excavated in successive campaigns between 2013-2019. This paper is a follow-up to an initial article, published in 2017, dealing with the fine pottery finds discovered during the 2013-2014 campaigns. In what follows, we will focus on the same category of finds, resulting from the systematic excavation during the 2016 campaign. The 66 items in our catalogue belong to six different classes: African Red Slip Ware, Late Roman C / Phocean Ware, Pontic Sigillata Ware, Early Pontic Red Slip Ware, Pontic Red Slip Ware and Late Roman Light Colored Ware. Within each class our objects have been divided into several types and sub-types according to the extensive existing bibliography. The high degree of fragmentation of the vessels is also the result of the overlap of the living in the building with the semi-deep dwellings built in the final so-called Middle Byzantine period (9 th-11 th centuries). Rezumat: Ceramică fină din "Principia" de epocă romană-târzie de la Capidava (II) Principia romană târzie de la Capidava a fost construită la sfârșitul secolului al III-lea-începutul secolului al IV-lea, cel mai probabil cu ocazia reconstrucției generale (faza a II-a) a fortului, ca urmare a bellum Scythicum. Obiectivul a fost săpat integral în campanii succesive între anii 2013-2019. Această lucrare este o continuare a unui articol inițial, publicat în 2017, care se ocupa de ceramica fină descoperită în timpul campaniilor 2013-2014. În cele ce urmează ne vom concentra pe aceeași categorie, de data aceasta rezultată în urma săpăturii sistematice a 9 suprafețe (S6-S14) de 4 x 4m fiecare, în cadrul campaniei din anul 2016. Cele 66 de vase din catalogul nostru se înscriu în șase clase distincte: African Red Slip Ware, Late Roman C / Phocean Ware, Pontic Sigillata Ware, Early Pontic Red Slip Ware, Pontic Red Slip Ware și Late Roman Light Coloured Ware. În cadrul fiecărei clase obiectele noastre au fost împărțite în mai multe tipuri și subtipuri, potrivit extinsei literaturi de specialitate. Gradul ridicat de fragmentare al vaselor este rezultat și din suprapunerea locuirii în fostul ansamblu cu rol oficial (militar) de locuințe semi-adâncite construite în perioada finală de ocupare a sitului, cunoscută sub denumirea de mediobizantină (sec. IX-XI p.Chr.).

Research paper thumbnail of Roman military baths from Capidava (2nd – 3rd century AD)

Roman Army and Local Society in the Limes Provinces of the Roman Empire. Papers of an International Conference, Iași, June 4th–6th, 2018, Pharos. Studien zur griechisch-römischen Antike 42, Rhaden (Westf.): Marie Leidorf, ISBN 978-3867572705, 2019

The military bath house (balneum) from Capidava was excavated first in 1988-1993, by a team lead ... more The military bath house (balneum) from Capidava was excavated first in 1988-1993, by a team lead by V. Cheluță-Georgescu, but unfortunately was never published. The authors of this paper made a second excavation of the building in 2017, and together with the few data from the first excavation, are trying to shed some light on this subject. The building is a small bathing complex, with a simple circuit, erected during the reign of Trajan. It has two main phases, an early 2nd century phase and another dating from early 3rd century, with several reparations or enlargements in between. The only dating elements are those resulted from the comparative typology of the brick stamps, namely the legio XI Claudia pia fidelis (in tabula ansata) type from the first decade of the 2nd century to the early 3rd century legio XI Claudia Antoniniana one (LEGXICPF/ LEGXICL/ LEGXICLANT, with ANT in ligature). One should also add several early stamps of the legio V Macedonica (LEGVMAC, with MA in ligature), supposedly used for building interventions to the balneum, happening no later than 168 AD, when the legion left the headquarters in Troesmis for its new assignment in Dacia, at Potaissa. As an interesting feature one should mention the presence of a sudatio/laconicum (hot sauna), quite uncommon for the smaller baths such as this.

Research paper thumbnail of Horsemen from the Rhine. Early Roman military equipment from Capidava (I)

Cercetări Arheologice, 2021

Rezumat: Articolul aduce în prim plan descoperirile de echipament militar roman din ultimile patr... more Rezumat:
Articolul aduce în prim plan descoperirile de echipament militar roman din ultimile patru campanii de la Capidava, respectiv între anii 2015 și 2019. Echipamentul prezentat este, în marea parte a sa, caracteristic echipamentului călăreților auxiliari romani din secolele I-II p. Chr. Piesele au fost descoperite în contextul cel mai timpuriu cercetat vreodată la Capidava, respectiv prima fază de piatră a castrului, mai exact ruinele unor clădiri, pe care le bănuim a fi barăci militare, situate în retentura dextra. Aceste clădiri au fost descoperite cu ocazia cercetării arheologice exhaustive a edificiului numit Principia romană târzie, o clădire mare cu absidă, care datează din secolul IV p. Chr. Acesta suprapune barăcile timpurii, care au fost anterior demolate până la nivelul primei asize de elevație din zidărie de piatră legată cu pământ.

This paper emphasizes on the discoveries of Roman military equipment from the last four campaigns form Capidava (2015-2019). The equipment presented is, for the most part, characteristic of the equipment of Roman auxiliary horsemen from the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. The artefacts were discovered in the earliest context ever researched at Capidava, respectively the first stone-masonry phase of the fort, more precisely the remains of some buildings, which we believe to be military barracks, located in the retentura dextra. These buildings were discovered during the exhaustive archaeological research of the building that we believe to be the Late Roman Principia, a large building with an apse, dating from the 4th century AD. It overlaps the early barracks, which were previously demolished to the level of the first elevation course, made from stone masonry bonded with earth mortar.

Research paper thumbnail of Frontiera romană din Dobrogea. O trecere în revistă și o actualizare / Roman frontier in Dobrudja. A review and an update

Cercetări arheologice, 2019

This paper is a preliminary report of the newest results from pluridisciplinary research undertak... more This paper is a preliminary report of the newest results from pluridisciplinary research undertaken on the Lower Danube limes, between Durostorum and Dunavățu de Jos. Our goal is to bring up to date the available information regarding the fortifications located on the Early and Later Roman limes in Dobrudja, in a similar manner to the reports on the various areas/sites of the frontiers of the Roman Empire, published periodically in the proceedings of the international Limes congresses. For Dobrudja, the most recent ones were published almost two decades ago (1997-2005).

The data were gathered throughout the progress of the Romanian National Limes Programme. The monuments were identified through multiple approaches, as specified in the Action Plan of the programme, such as field walking and sampling, topographical measurements and drone flights (aerial photography, oblique, orthophotography and recordings) and compared to the available archives. We focus on the fortifications and the adjacent areas in order to establish a proper protection plan management and to include these sites on the World Heritage list.

Research paper thumbnail of Hostes ante portas! Cercetări arheologice recente asupra turnurilor porții principale de la Capidava/ Hostes ante portas! Recent archaeological research on the towers of the main gate from Capidava

Cercetări Arheologice, XXVI, 2019

The preventive excavations of the entire complex of the southeastern gate (main gate) of the Capi... more The preventive excavations of the entire complex of the southeastern gate (main gate) of the Capidava fort took place during August-September 2015 (more precisely 13.08-05.09.2015) and was part of a general investigation on the precincts and towers of the Late Roman fort. The respective project was entitled ”Restoration, consolidation, protection, conservation and enhancement of the archaeological site Capidava fort”. It belongs to the Regional Operational Program 2007-2013, Priority Axis 5, Major Field of intervention 5.1. The beneficiary of the project are the Constanța County Council and the appointed general designer SC Abral Art Product SRL, under the coordination of architect Ioan Aurel Botez (project leader) and architect Anișoara Sion (deputy project leader).

Despite the fact that the area and the period of the excavation might seem reduced, the research was intensive and undoubtedly represents an essential contribution to the evolution of the Roman and the Romano-Byzantine fortifications from Capidava.

To summarize, the results of the investigation revealed four constructive phases of the gate tower: the first phase dates from the 2nd century to the first half of the 3rd century AD and had ended violently during the great Gothic invasions that took place in mid-3rd century AD. Phase 2 dates from the second half of the 3rd century, sometime between the reign of Emperors Aurelian, Probus and Diocletian (284-305), enclosing the remains of the previous tower and having a much larger front. It is the stage that corresponds to the erection of smaller U shaped towers (towers 3, 5 and 9), along the eastern and southern precincts. Phases 3 and 4 were built either to follow or in some places to amplify the limits of the previous phase. Their dating covers the 4th century, respectively the last part of the 5th to the beginning of the 6th century AD. The last construction phase most likely happened sometime during the reign of Emperor Anastasius (491-518), also involved in the repair of Curtain Wall H, attached to
the gate tower. This construction logic ended during the 9th decade of the 6th century after the dramatic attacks that occurred between 582-586 AD, when the curtains G and H together with the gate and the gate tower, were destroyed. Sometime, at the end of the 6th century - the beginning of the 7th century AD. (these events took place
after 595/596 or maybe even in the time of Emperor Phocas) a “late castellum” was hastily erected in the southern quarter of the fort, but it was just an ephemeral defensive ensemble. The heroic “life among ruins” and precarious living structures lasted until the second decade of the 7th century as proven by a last follis, issued under Emperor Heraclius and dated around 612/613 AD.

The re-documenting and redefining of all levels of construction of the military precinct brought new, precious information, allowing multiple interpretations and associations with dramatic events from the history of the Lower Danube limes throughout early 2nd to early 7th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Băile romane de la Capidava. Raport de cercetare arheologică preventivă/ Roman Baths from Capidava. Preventive excavation report

Cercetări Arheologice, XXV, 2018

Rezumat Băile militare de la Capidava au fost săpate pentru prima dată în 1988-1993 de un alt co... more Rezumat

Băile militare de la Capidava au fost săpate pentru prima dată în 1988-1993 de un alt colectiv, dar din păcate nu au fost niciodată publicate. Autorii prezentei lucrări au întreprins o a doua săpătură a clădirii în 2017 și, împreună cu puținele date din prima săpătură, încearcă să aducă în lumină acest subiect. Clădirea este un mic complex de îmbăiere, cu un circuit simplu, ridicat în timpul domniei lui Traian. Are două faze, o fază timpurie a secolului al II-lea și alta datând din secolul al III-lea, cu mai multe reparații intermediare între ele. Singurele elemente de datare sunt ștampilele tegulare, respectiv tipologia lor comparativă, în special cele aparținând legiunii XI Claudia pia fidelis sau în sec. III p. Chr. legiunii XI Claudia Antoniniana. Ca o caracteristică interesantă menționăm prezența unui/unei sudatio/laconicum (saună fierbinte), destul de neobișnuit pentru băile de dimensiuni reduse precum aceasta.

Abstract (Roman Baths from Capidava. Preventive archaeological excavation report)

The military bath from Capidava was excavated first in 1988-1993, by a different team, but unfortunately was never published. The authors of this paper made a second excavation of the building, in 2017, and in addition to the few data from the first excavation, are trying to shed some light on this subject. The building is a small bathing complex with a simple circuit, erected during the reign of Trajan. It has two phases, an early 2nd century phase and another dating from early 3rd century, with several reparations in between. The only dating elements are the brick stamps, namely their comparative typology, especially those from legio XI Claudia pia fidelis and the early 3rd century legio XI Claudia Antoniniana. As an interesting feature we mention the presence of a sudatio/laconicum (hot sauna), quite uncommon for the smaller baths such as this.

Cuvinte cheie: Băi romane, legiunea XI Claudia, limes-ul Dunării de Jos, castru auxiliar

Key words: Roman Baths, Legio XI Claudia, Lower Danube limes, auxiliary Roman fort

Research paper thumbnail of The northern supply chain in Quaestura Exercitus. 6th to early 7th century amphorae at Capidava – archaeology of the annona for Limes Scythicus

RAIA Bulletin I (Romanian Archaeological Institute in Athens Bulletin), 2019

This paper is a development from a recently published monograph, i.e. Ioan Carol Opriș, Alexandru... more This paper is a development from a recently published monograph, i.e. Ioan Carol Opriș, Alexandru Rațiu, CAPIDAVA II. Building C1 - Contributions to the history of annona militaris in the 6th century (with contributions by Andrei Gandilă, Tomasz Ważny, Peter I. Kuniholm, Charlotte L. Pearson, Adriana Rizzo and Choi Mak), Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2017.

The topic deals with the current state of research on the annona system in the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire during the 6th century AD, precisely after the creation by Justinian of the quaestura exercitus in 536 AD. Estimations of the military manpower in the Balkans and along the limes in the Danubian Provinces, guideline figures on the total of the civilian population depending on this distribution system, as well as reliable quantitative data regarding the circulation of amphora types carrying the annona goods and associated merchandise have been reassessed.

Research paper thumbnail of Al. RAȚIU, Ioan C. OPRIŞ, M. DUCA, Fine Wares from the Late Roman ”Principia” at Capidava (I)

Cercetari arheologice, Muzeul National de Istorie a Romaniei, Bucuresti, 2017

Our paper is analyzing a first series of fine imported tableware (vasa escaria) found during the ... more Our paper is analyzing a first series of fine imported tableware (vasa escaria) found during the excavation seasons 2013-2015 at Capidava (Constanța county, Romania). The architectural object where these records came from is a large building (cca 23 by 16 m), with an apsis facing south; it was previously known as Principia - Late Roman Headquarters. The excavations fully confirmed this function for late 3rd - 4th century AD.

The analyzed tableware (belonging to Çandarli and Phocean /Late Roman C Wares, African Red Slip Wares, respectively) was found in the area from the northern corner of the edifice, in Late Roman (4th-5th century) and Early Byzantine (6th century) contexts. The assemblage is made of 31 fragmentary plates and bowls used for table service. One should point out # 7 in the catalogue, belonging to form ARS Hayes 103A. Its morphological details and above all the unique outer rim grooves make up a kind of a ”missing link” between the ARS 84, 86 and the typical ARS 103 analogies known. The direct lineage was postulated by J.W. Hayes already in his Late Roman Pottery (1972). This unicum might represent an early product (103 A), dated in the first part of the 6th century.

This paper is the first from a series dedicated to the above-mentioned architectural object, conceived as preliminary steps to the future monograph of the ensemble. The Late Roman Headquarters actually represents the most important official building identified so far intra muros at Capidava.

Research paper thumbnail of Capidava – The Late Fortlet (end of the 6th – beginning of the 7th c. AD). Chronological Issues, Limes XXIII. Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies Ingolstadt 2015, Limes Sonderband 4/II, Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag, Mainz, 2018, p. 763-771

Während der im letzten Jahrzehnt in Capidava durchgeführten systematischen Ausgrabungen konnten ... more Während der im letzten Jahrzehnt in Capidava durchgeführten systematischen Ausgrabungen konnten im Verlauf mehrerer Kampagnen Teile der späten Befestigungsanlage direkt oder indirekt erforscht werden. Es handelt sich dabei um die letzten römischen Befestigungsbemühungen im südlichen Bereich des alten römischen Lagers am Ende des 6. und zu Beginn des 7. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. Durch die archäologischen Grabungen, die an mehreren Stellen entlang des Verlaufs der späten Befestigung und deren Verteidigungsgraben durchgeführt wurden, insbesondere auf der Nordostseite entlang der via principalis, konnten stratigrafische und chronologische Abschnitte aus dem 4.–6. Jahrhundert bis zur Zerstörung der gesamten Befestigung in den letzten Jahrzehnten des 6. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. erfasst werden. Erst durch diese Zerstörung kam es zur notgedrungenen und temporären Umgestaltung der Befestigung im südlichen Viertel.

Research paper thumbnail of Ioan Carol OPRIȘ, Alexandru RAȚIU, Roman customs station from Capidava. Statio for publicum portorii Illyrici in the 2nd century AD and a hypothetical model for interactions with Barbaricum in the 4th century AD

Vitalie BÂRCĂ (ed.), Orbis Romanus and Barbaricum. The Barbarians around the Province of Dacia and Their Relations with the Roman Empire, Mega Publishing House, Cluj Napoca, 2016, p. 89-109, 2016

Two inscriptions from the 2nd century AD found during the early archaeological research at Capida... more Two inscriptions from the 2nd century AD found during the early archaeological research at Capidava are related to equestrians involved with the customs
station (statio portorii) functioning on the right bank of the Danube. Cohors Germanorum having its garrison in the fort supervised the toll station, the ford of the
river, as well as both civil and military navigation along the Danube. The inscriptions
revisited mention a conductor – T. Iulius Saturninus and most likely a procurator,
from the late reign of Antoninus Pius and from the time of Marcus Aurelius
or Commodus, subsequently. On this occasion has been tackled the whole file mentioning stationes portorii in both Dacian provinces and Moesia Inferior, administratively composing the same tertia pars within the large customs district of Illyricum.
Historical data (archaeological and toponymical elements, maps) regarding the
fording of the river at Capidava and the corresponding crossing point to the Romanian
Plain at Bordușani, have been inventored and revealed a territoriality pattern
for the functioning of the buffer zone between Roman right bank and Barbaricum
during the 2nd–3rd centuries. Based upon literary texts (Themistius, Oration X), as
well as founding inscriptions from the 4th century at Cius (Gârliciu) and Carcaliu,
we aimed at offering a functional image of the two sides – Romans and Gothic Sântana de Mureș – Chernyakhov one separated by the marshy 10–20 km wide buffer
territory of Balta Brăilei and Balta Ialomiței. To this respect, an updated mapping
of the Sântana de Mureș – Chernyakhov archaeological finds has been provided.

Keywords: statio (publici) portorii, publicum portorium Illyrici utriusque et ripae
Thraciae, publicum portorium vectigalis Illyrici, T. Iulius Saturninus, Carcaliu, Cius,
Sântana de Mureș-Chernyakhov, Valens, Themistius – Oration X

Research paper thumbnail of Venus Pudica on a bone distaff from Capidava, in Cercetări Arheologice, XXIII, 2016, 137-150

Nota de față face referire la o descoperire recentă (campania 2016) de la Capidava din sectorul V... more Nota de față face referire la o descoperire recentă (campania 2016) de la Capidava din sectorul VII al șantierului arheologic, în cadrul cercetării obiectivului denumit în bibliografia sitului Capidava drept Principia din faza târzie. Cercetarea la edificiul cu absidă de la Capidava a început în anii '50 când s-au cercetat o parte din bordeiele medio-bizantine ce suprapun clădirea. În anul 2013 cercetările au fost reluate, urmând ca an de an să se deschidă noi unități de săpătură, conform unui caroiaj prestabilit de 4 × 4 m, care numără 26 carouri în total. În cadrul campaniei din anul 2016, cercetând nivelul romano-bizantin din secolul al VI-lea p. Chr., ultimul nivel de locuire antică al edificiului, pe podeaua din lut bătătorit s-a descoperit o furcă de tors cu inel, confecționată din os. Furca a fost descoperită pe podea la cca un metru distanță de zidul de nord-est al edificiului, în apropierea colțului de est al clădirii. Pe baza analizei descoperirilor din cadrul aceluiași context arheologic piesa se datează în secolul al VI-lea p. Chr.


With this contribution we intend to bring to the attention of the specialists in lychnologycal st... more With this contribution we intend to bring to the attention of the specialists in lychnologycal studies a group of 23 ceramic lamps from the collection of the Bucharest Municipality Museum. From the beginning we mention that none of these lamps had an established archaeological provenance, they come from donations and purchases from private individuals. The artefacts are diverse in terms of typology, and their chronology spans throughout the Roman presence in the Lower Danube region, namely the 1 st – 7 th c. A.D. The dating of the artefacts was established by studying their typological characteristics, using the analogies quoted in the catalogue at the end of the present paper. All ceramic lamps described in this catalog are illustrated – drawings and photographs.

Prin această contribuţie dorim să aducem în atenţia specialiştilor în studiul lychnologiei un lot de 23 de opaiţe din ceramică aflate în colecţia Muzeului Municipiului Bucureşti. Încă de la început menţionăm faptul că niciunul dintre aceste opaiţe nu au o provenienţă arheologică clară, ci provin din donaţii şi achiziţii de la persoane private. Piesele sunt diverse din punct de vedere tipologic, iar cronologic se întind pe toată perioada prezenţei romane la Dunărea de Jos, respectiv secolele I-VII p. Chr. Datarea pieselor s-a făcut tipologic, folosind analogiile citate în catalogul de la finalul lucrării. Toate piesele descrise în acest catalog sunt ilustrate, atât grafic cât şi fotografic.

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetări recente privind ultima incintă romană fortificată de la Capidava/ Recent research concerning the last fortified Roman precinct from Capidava, Cercetări Arheologice, XXII, București, 2015, 23-40 (8 pl.)

In order to construct a „Belvedere” tower as part of the restoration project from Capidava, an ex... more In order to construct a „Belvedere” tower as part of the restoration project from Capidava, an extensive archaeological research was undertaken in 2015 by opening an initial excavation surface of 6 × 6m, conventionally referred to as S I (Pl. II/1–2), comprising the limits of its foundation. At the same time, from the beginning, two extensions of S I have been projected, namely S II (6 × 2m) and S III (3 × 2m), meant to provide a 15m cross-section, perpendicular on the ditch of the late fortlet and to research this defensive structure in the respective area where it was little known at the time.
Among the 7 different archaeological contexts (Pl. III), three walls have been found, discovered in contexts 5 and 6, conventionally referred as Z1, Z2 and Z3. The three walls can be attributed to the occupational levels from the 5th c. AD for Z1 and Z2, respectively 5th–6th c. AD for Z3. On this occasion, there have also been researched elements of the 7th c. fortlet (late castellum), identified on the ground by a defence ditch preceded by a wide berm and by a poorly built stone wall. The ditch is locally preserved at a maximum depth of 1.5m versus the maximum height of the berm; it has a “V” shape with equally inclined slopes, with a maximum opening of approx. 6m; the berm has a currently preserved height of approx. 0.3–0.4m versus its base construction level (a level clearly determined by the dismantling of Z3) and a maximum width of 7.22m; the stone wall that precedes the berm is 0.7m wide with a preserved height of aprox. 1m.

KEY WORDS: fortlet, defence ditch, African red slip ware, berm, dolia.
CUVINTE CHEIE: castellum, șanț de apărare, ceramică ștampilată africană, bermă, dolia.

Research paper thumbnail of Repertoriul peisajului funerar din zona confluenței Siretului cu Dunărea – studiu preliminar

Cercetări Arheologice 22, 189–270, 2015



This study represents a summary of the funerary features identified in the confluence area of Siret and Danube rivers. The tumuli in question, representing the main subject of our presentation, were mapped on a relatively large area, both within the „Galati vallum” and its outer surroundings. Our initial research theme aimed the Roman necropolis from Barboși, which was a starting point for a wider analysis concerning
the funerary landscape in the site’s vicinity.
Our first contact with this area took place during the preventive archaeological excavation carried out in the eastern part of the Barboși necropolis, situated on Dunărea neighborhood, in the city of Galați.
During 2008–2009 we undertook non-invasive field surveys and aerial photographs in the area, in the framework of the STRATEG research project. Upon analyzing this documentation and after corroborating the entire relevant information, we started to develop different scenarios for the complex distribution of the funerary features identified in the archaeological landscape of the named area. The aerial photographical campaign was doubled by a field walking campaign to identify and confirm the information. In addition, new features were identified, mainly through the discovery of ceramic material. The field walking campaigns continued during the years 2010 and 2012.
This article aims to provide first a status of research to the topic; the final conclusions will follow after the completion of the analysis and mapping of the findings. Our discussion is based on an ample repertoire with correspondence to the maps illustrating this paper

Research paper thumbnail of Sarmizegetusa. Începuturile Daciei romane / Sarmizegetusa. The beginning of Roman Dacia

Sarmizegetusa. Începuturile Daciei romane / Sarmizegetusa. The beginning of Roman Dacia , 2017

Design & layout: Andrei Cîmpeanu -arhitect / architect Amenajare spațiu expozițional / The Set-up... more Design & layout: Andrei Cîmpeanu -arhitect / architect Amenajare spațiu expozițional / The Set-up of the exhibition: Ovidiu Țentea -cercetător științific / scientific researcher Alexandru Rațiu -muzeograf / curator Mihai Duca -asistent cercetare / research assistant Ioana Manea -asistent cercetare / research assistant Au mai contribuit la realizarea expoziției / Other support staff involved in the organization of the exhibition: Raluca Sidon, Corina Borș, Radu Bălănescu, Gabriela Dragomir (conservation / restoration), Mariana Ghinea (achiziții publice / public acquisitions), Rodica Mihai (achiziții publice / public acquisitions), Roxana Stăncescu (MCDR), Cristina Moisescu (contabilitate / accounting), Ionel Ene -tâmplar / carpenter, Ioan Banu -lăcătuș / locksmith