Marius Bâsceanu | Oltenia Museum Craiova (original) (raw)
Papers by Marius Bâsceanu
Three hair rings, previously mentioned in the archaeological literature but undocumented, were re... more Three hair rings, previously mentioned in the archaeological literature but
undocumented, were recently identified in the collection of the Oltenia Museum of Craiova. They come from the excavations conducted by C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor in the 1920s in the burial mounds of Plenița-"Măgura Mare", Plenița-"Via lui Ion St. Bârțan", and Perișor-"Măgura Cerbului". Taking these artefacts as a starting point, this article presents
new results of interdisciplinary research involving restoration and metallographic analyses, radiocarbon dates of graves, and identification of burial mounds excavated in this region on old maps. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the current knowledge on burial mounds investigated in the plain region of Oltenia, covering the final part of the fourth millennium BC and the first half of the third millennium BC, and to contextualise the discoveries in the wider region of south-eastern Europe. The relative chronology indicates that these funerary monuments emerged in a time frame contemporary to the Coțofeni culture, and continued to be raised and used subsequently. Most burial mounds can be assigned to the Yamna funerary horizon, and illustrate the characteristics of the standardised burial ritual of these communities, as attested in neighbouring areas. However, given our gap in knowledge, research questions on the emergence of burial mounds in Oltenia at the end of the fourth millennium BC and the relation with Coțofeni communities, as well as the arrival of Yamna communities in the region, their interactions with the local environment, and finally, their dissolution, remain unanswered and require new excavations and interdisciplinary research.
Vasile Diaconu, Alexandru Gafincu (ed.), The Bronze Age in Eastern Europe: multidisciplinary approaches, 2023
Three hair rings, previously mentioned in the archaeological literature but undocumented, were re... more Three hair rings, previously mentioned in the archaeological literature but
undocumented, were recently identified in the collection of the Oltenia Museum of Craiova. They come from the excavations conducted by C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor in the 1920s in the burial mounds of Plenița-"Măgura Mare", Plenița-"Via lui Ion St. Bârțan", and Perișor-"Măgura Cerbului". Taking these artefacts as a starting point, this article presents new results of interdisciplinary research involving restoration and metallographic analyses, radiocarbon dates of graves, and identification of burial mounds excavated in this region on old maps. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the current knowledge on burial mounds investigated in the plain region of Oltenia, covering the final part of the fourth millennium BC and the first half of the third millennium BC, and to contextualise the discoveries in the wider region of south-eastern Europe. The relative chronology indicates that these funerary monuments emerged in a time frame contemporary to the Coțofeni culture, and continued to be raised and used subsequently. Most burial mounds can be assigned to the Yamna funerary horizon, and illustrate the characteristics of the standardised burial ritual of these communities, as attested in neighbouring areas. However, given our gap in knowledge, research questions on the emergence of burial mounds in Oltenia at the end of the fourth millennium BC and the relation with Coțofeni communities, as well as the arrival of Yamna communities in the region, their interactions with the local environment, and finally, their dissolution, remain unanswered and require new excavations and interdisciplinary research.
Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Arheologie-Istorie., vol.26, 2019
In many sites belonging to the Neolithic, Eneolithic and Bronze Age in our country, several anthr... more In many sites belonging to the Neolithic, Eneolithic and Bronze Age in our country, several anthropomorphic figures have been discovered that made it possible to create an image about the plastic of the prehistoric communities. Masculine anthropomorphic representations are present in a much smaller percentage compared to female ones and they are not very spectacular neither in terms of artistic expression, nor of the technical means used.
A phallus from the collection of the Museum of Oltenia, present among the materials from the excavations carried out between the 6-9 decades of the 20th century, but for which we do not have any information regarding the place and the context of the discovery, represented the starting point of the present study.
Most phallus type objects can be attributed to the Eneolithic, but are present also in the Neolithic and the Bronze age.
The artifacts analyzed in this study highlight the fact that we are in front of two categories of objects.
Some are made according to the anatomical structure of the male sexual organ, while others are schematic representations.
If the conclusions are clear regarding the typology for the first category, the second category has allowed numerous speculations regarding the identification, the role and the utilitarian or cultic destination of this
type of object.
Apart from phallic figurines and phallus-shaped vessels or with such handles, a number of phallus-shaped Eneolithic objects are considered by some authors to have been used as tuyeres in metallurgical activity.
In the pages of the study are presented the fibulae discovered in Desa (Dolj county), site „Castr... more In the pages of the study are presented the fibulae discovered in Desa (Dolj county), site „Castravița”, during the archaeological researches from 2017 and 2018. The 11 discoveries join the 23 fibulae already published, thus the total number of the fibulae discovered on „Castravița” sandhill, within the Early Iron Age tumuli or in their vicinity, is today 34. From the 11 fragmentary fibulae presented, 7 are to be included in the category of the double looped bow fibulae with a sandglass catchplate, while one fibula has a Boeotian catchplate. It is not to be excluded the possibility that a small bronze tutulus discovered near a fibula to have been part of a spectacle type fibula, in which case the total number of the fibulae from Desa dated in the Basarabi period would be 35. From a chronological point of view, the fibulae discovered in „Castravița” can be framed in a time span comprised between the mid 8th c. BC and mid 7th c. BC.
by Oltenia IstorieArheologie, Marius Bâsceanu, Popescu-Vava Lucian, Borislava Galabova, Cristiana Tataru, Silviu - Constantin Nedelcu, Maria Gabriela Groza, popovici sabin, Cătălin Borangic, Popescu Irina, and Mircea Cristian Pricop
by Oltenia IstorieArheologie, Patroi Nicolae Catalin, Marius Bâsceanu, popovici sabin, Florin Ciulavu, Mircea Cristian Pricop, Popescu-Vava Lucian, Dan Balteanu, Popescu Irina, Mihai Neagu, Tabara Radu, Raoul Marius Septilici, and Muzeu Rabinca
Oltenia. Studii și Comunicări. Arheologie-Istorie, 2017
Rezumat: De peste un deceniu, studierea ruinelor sau a clădirilor abandonate contemporane a deven... more Rezumat: De peste un deceniu, studierea ruinelor sau a clădirilor abandonate contemporane a devenit o
temă de interes pentru arheologi. În textul de mai jos este descris cazul fostului pichet de grăniceri din
dreptul localității Desa (jud. Dolj), aflat în apropiere de malul Dunării, care în prezent se zbate între
abandonare și uitare. Acesta și-a început existența în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea și și-a încetat-o cândva, între anii 1997-2001, când militarii au trebuit să îl părăsească datorită noii politici de securizare a
frontierelor în condițiile tratativelor pentru aderare la Uniunea Europeană și Pactul Nord-Atlantic. În urma
abandonării sale, una din clădiri a fost transformată în casă de vacanță pentru angajații Ministerului de
Interne. Apoi, în 2002 și între 2005-2008 a fost utilizat ca tabără arheologică, pentru ca, în cele din urmă să
fie utilizat și transformat în crescătorie de porci. Articolul se dorește un demers în scopul recuperării
memoriei acestui loc.
Abstract: In the past decade, the study of contemporary ruins or abandoned buildings has become a
research theme for archaeologists. In the text below is described the case of the former border guard station
in the vecinity of Desa (Dolj county), near the Danube bank, which now struggles between abandonment and
forgetness. This station began its existence in the second half of the XIXth century and ended it sometime
between 1997-2001, when the military men had to leave it in the context of the negociations for joining the
EU and NATO. After it was deserted, one of the buildings was used as a holiday hut for the employees of the
Interior Ministry. Then, in 2002 and between 2005-2008 it was used as an archaeological camp, while, in
the end, it was used and trasnformed in a pigsty. The article is desired to be a step forward in recovering the
memory of this place.
Oltenia. Studii și Comunicări. Arheologie-Istorie, 2016
Începând cu anul 2001, în localitatea Desa (jud. Dolj) se desfăşoară cercetări arheologice siste... more Începând cu anul 2001, în localitatea Desa (jud. Dolj) se desfăşoară cercetări arheologice
sistematice în punctul „Castraviţa”, un grind aflat în apropierea Dunării, în dreptul ostrovului Acalia (km
fluvial 766). Aici au fost cercetaţi până în prezent 11 tumuli de tip Basarabi, din prima epocă a fierului, în
care au fost documentate 52 de morminte de inhumaţie. Una din cele mai numeroase şi variate categorii de
descoperiri în cadrul tumulilor o reprezintă piesele de podoabă şi vestimentaţie. În rândul acestora, de o
mare importanţă, mai ales din punct de vedere cronologic, sunt cele 23 de fibule din fier, bronz sau fier
placat cu bronz. Toate fibulele fac parte din categoria celor arcuite cu două resorturi cu diverse tipuri de
portagrafe (în formă de clepsidră, de scut beotic şi triunghiulare), având bune analogii în descoperirile
similare din necropolele tumulare de la Basarabi, Balta Verde, Gogoşu, Ostrovu Mare, Vajuga-Pesak, etc.
Din punct de vedere cronologic, acestea se datează între mijlocul secolului VIII a.Chr. şi mijlocul secolului
VII a.Chr., în acest interval de timp încadrându-se şi necropola tumulară de aici.
Since 2001, in Desa (Dolj county) are systematicaly organised archaeological excavations at
„Castraviţa”, a sandhill located near the Danube, opposite Acalia islet (766 river km). Until present day,
here have been researched 11 Basarabi type tumuli, dating from the Early Iron Age, in which were found 52
inhumation graves. One of the numerous and varied category of artefacts is represented by adorments and
clothing accessories. Within this category, of great importance, from a chronological point of view, are the
23 fibulae made of iron, bronze or of iron plated with bronze. All the fibulae are included in the category of
double-looped bow fibulae with different types of catchplates (sanglass, Beotian shield or triangular), with
good analogies in the similar findings from the tumular cemeteries from Basarabi, Balta Verde, Gogoşu,
Ostrovu Mare, Vajuga-Pesak, etc. Chronologically, they can be dated between the middle of the 8th c. BC
and the middle of the 7th c. BC, within this time range being framed also the tumular necropolis from here.
Analele Universității din Craiova. Seria Istorie, 2011
Starting with the year 2001, in Desa (Dolj county), researches are conducted in two archaeologica... more Starting with the year 2001, in Desa (Dolj county), researches are conducted in two archaeological sites dating from Roman and Roman-Byzantine periods, known in literature under the names of „La Ruptură” and „Castraviţa”.
Along the years, were discovered aproximatively 161 Roman Imperial coins, of wich 122 are from a hoard. The monetary circulation in Desa area proves that the development of the Roman settlement from here was in strong connection with the situation of the Roman Empire, generally, and with that of colonia Ratiaria, especially.
Analele Universității din Craiova. Seria Istorie, 2010
Starting with the year 2001, in Desa (Dolj county), researches are conducted in two archaeologica... more Starting with the year 2001, in Desa (Dolj county), researches are conducted in two archaeological sites dating from the Roman and Roman-Byzantine periods, known in literature under the names of „La Ruptură” and „Castraviţa”.
In 2001, at „La Ruptură” was descovered, along with Geto-Dacian pottery fragments, a sica type dagger , and, in 2007 and 2009, at „Castraviţa” were discovered two bronze Scordisci type fibulae, one from the IIIrd century B.C., which was dated with C14 (Figures 2 and 3), while the second one was dated in the IInd century B.C.
Books by Marius Bâsceanu
Lucrarea prezintă sub forma unui catalog totalitatea monumentelor dedicate Primului Război Mondia... more Lucrarea prezintă sub forma unui catalog totalitatea monumentelor dedicate Primului Război Mondial din județul Dolj. Pentru fiecare monument s-a încercat o descriere cât mai completă (autor, material din care a fost realizat, formă, anul ridicării, etc.). Cartea începe cu un studiu introductiv privind motivele realizării lucrării, metodologia de cercetare și semnificația acestor monumente, atât din punct de vedere istoric, cât și arheologic; se continuă cu catalogul-album propriu-zis, iar la final sunt prezentate câteva imagini-document de epocă cu unele monumente prezentate în lucrare aflate în colecțiile Muzeului Olteniei Craiova.
by Miroslav Razum, Ivica Pleština, Gábor Kalla, Marius Bâsceanu, Neda Mirković-Marić, Martina Celhar, Sonja Kacar, Ina Miloglav, Nedko Elenski, Alexandra Comsa, Zrinka Premužić, Carmen Cuenca-García, Ivan Vranic, Damjan Donev, Vasilka Dimitrovska, Lujana Paraman, Petya Georgieva, Tzvetana Popova, Lilian Dogiama, Dragan Jovanovic, Seta Štuhec, Ana Đuričić, Catherine COMMENGE, Lidija Kovacheva, Jan Zachar, Snježana Vrdoljak ex Karavanić, Katalin Sebők, Marta Rakvin, Alexandra Anders, Roxana Munteanu, Iharka Szücs-Csillik, Gianluca Cantoro, Nataša Miladinović-Radmilović, Maja Kuzmanovic, Marina Vladimirova, and Jovan D . Mitrović
Settlements, Culture and Population Dynamics in Balkan Prehistory - ABSTRACTS OF THE ORAL AND POSTER PRESENTATIONS, Mar 9, 2015
HAEMUS - Center for Scientific Research and Promotion of Culture Settlemen... more HAEMUS - Center for Scientific Research and Promotion of Culture
Settlements, Culture and Population Dynamics in Balkan Prehistory
International Conference
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
General Editor: Vasilka Dimitrovska
Cover Design: Vasilka Dimitrovska, Elka Anastasova
Design: Elka Anastasova
Editing and English proofreading: Mark Branov
Teaching Documents by Marius Bâsceanu
In many sites belonging to the Neolithic, Eneolithic and Bronze Age in our country, several anthr... more In many sites belonging to the Neolithic, Eneolithic and Bronze Age in our country, several anthropomorphic figures have been discovered that made it possible to create an image about the plastic of the prehistoric communities. Masculine anthropomorphic representations are present in a much smaller percentage compared to female ones and they are not very spectacular neither in terms of artistic expression, nor of the technical means used.
A phallus from the collection of the Museum of Oltenia, present among the materials from the excavations carried out between the 6-9 decades of the 20th century, but for which we do not have any information regarding the place and the context of the discovery, represented the starting point of the present study.
Most phallus type objects can be attributed to the Eneolithic, but are present also in the Neolithic and the Bronze age.
The artifacts analyzed in this study highlight the fact that we are in front of two categories of objects.
Some are made according to the anatomical structure of the male sexual organ, while others are schematic representations.
If the conclusions are clear regarding the typology for the first category, the second category has allowed numerous speculations regarding the identification, the role and the utilitarian or cultic destination of this
type of object.
Apart from phallic figurines and phallus-shaped vessels or with such handles, a number of phallus-shaped Eneolithic objects are considered by some authors to have been used as tuyeres in metallurgical activity.
Three hair rings, previously mentioned in the archaeological literature but undocumented, were re... more Three hair rings, previously mentioned in the archaeological literature but
undocumented, were recently identified in the collection of the Oltenia Museum of Craiova. They come from the excavations conducted by C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor in the 1920s in the burial mounds of Plenița-"Măgura Mare", Plenița-"Via lui Ion St. Bârțan", and Perișor-"Măgura Cerbului". Taking these artefacts as a starting point, this article presents
new results of interdisciplinary research involving restoration and metallographic analyses, radiocarbon dates of graves, and identification of burial mounds excavated in this region on old maps. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the current knowledge on burial mounds investigated in the plain region of Oltenia, covering the final part of the fourth millennium BC and the first half of the third millennium BC, and to contextualise the discoveries in the wider region of south-eastern Europe. The relative chronology indicates that these funerary monuments emerged in a time frame contemporary to the Coțofeni culture, and continued to be raised and used subsequently. Most burial mounds can be assigned to the Yamna funerary horizon, and illustrate the characteristics of the standardised burial ritual of these communities, as attested in neighbouring areas. However, given our gap in knowledge, research questions on the emergence of burial mounds in Oltenia at the end of the fourth millennium BC and the relation with Coțofeni communities, as well as the arrival of Yamna communities in the region, their interactions with the local environment, and finally, their dissolution, remain unanswered and require new excavations and interdisciplinary research.
Vasile Diaconu, Alexandru Gafincu (ed.), The Bronze Age in Eastern Europe: multidisciplinary approaches, 2023
Three hair rings, previously mentioned in the archaeological literature but undocumented, were re... more Three hair rings, previously mentioned in the archaeological literature but
undocumented, were recently identified in the collection of the Oltenia Museum of Craiova. They come from the excavations conducted by C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor in the 1920s in the burial mounds of Plenița-"Măgura Mare", Plenița-"Via lui Ion St. Bârțan", and Perișor-"Măgura Cerbului". Taking these artefacts as a starting point, this article presents new results of interdisciplinary research involving restoration and metallographic analyses, radiocarbon dates of graves, and identification of burial mounds excavated in this region on old maps. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the current knowledge on burial mounds investigated in the plain region of Oltenia, covering the final part of the fourth millennium BC and the first half of the third millennium BC, and to contextualise the discoveries in the wider region of south-eastern Europe. The relative chronology indicates that these funerary monuments emerged in a time frame contemporary to the Coțofeni culture, and continued to be raised and used subsequently. Most burial mounds can be assigned to the Yamna funerary horizon, and illustrate the characteristics of the standardised burial ritual of these communities, as attested in neighbouring areas. However, given our gap in knowledge, research questions on the emergence of burial mounds in Oltenia at the end of the fourth millennium BC and the relation with Coțofeni communities, as well as the arrival of Yamna communities in the region, their interactions with the local environment, and finally, their dissolution, remain unanswered and require new excavations and interdisciplinary research.
Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Arheologie-Istorie., vol.26, 2019
In many sites belonging to the Neolithic, Eneolithic and Bronze Age in our country, several anthr... more In many sites belonging to the Neolithic, Eneolithic and Bronze Age in our country, several anthropomorphic figures have been discovered that made it possible to create an image about the plastic of the prehistoric communities. Masculine anthropomorphic representations are present in a much smaller percentage compared to female ones and they are not very spectacular neither in terms of artistic expression, nor of the technical means used.
A phallus from the collection of the Museum of Oltenia, present among the materials from the excavations carried out between the 6-9 decades of the 20th century, but for which we do not have any information regarding the place and the context of the discovery, represented the starting point of the present study.
Most phallus type objects can be attributed to the Eneolithic, but are present also in the Neolithic and the Bronze age.
The artifacts analyzed in this study highlight the fact that we are in front of two categories of objects.
Some are made according to the anatomical structure of the male sexual organ, while others are schematic representations.
If the conclusions are clear regarding the typology for the first category, the second category has allowed numerous speculations regarding the identification, the role and the utilitarian or cultic destination of this
type of object.
Apart from phallic figurines and phallus-shaped vessels or with such handles, a number of phallus-shaped Eneolithic objects are considered by some authors to have been used as tuyeres in metallurgical activity.
In the pages of the study are presented the fibulae discovered in Desa (Dolj county), site „Castr... more In the pages of the study are presented the fibulae discovered in Desa (Dolj county), site „Castravița”, during the archaeological researches from 2017 and 2018. The 11 discoveries join the 23 fibulae already published, thus the total number of the fibulae discovered on „Castravița” sandhill, within the Early Iron Age tumuli or in their vicinity, is today 34. From the 11 fragmentary fibulae presented, 7 are to be included in the category of the double looped bow fibulae with a sandglass catchplate, while one fibula has a Boeotian catchplate. It is not to be excluded the possibility that a small bronze tutulus discovered near a fibula to have been part of a spectacle type fibula, in which case the total number of the fibulae from Desa dated in the Basarabi period would be 35. From a chronological point of view, the fibulae discovered in „Castravița” can be framed in a time span comprised between the mid 8th c. BC and mid 7th c. BC.
by Oltenia IstorieArheologie, Marius Bâsceanu, Popescu-Vava Lucian, Borislava Galabova, Cristiana Tataru, Silviu - Constantin Nedelcu, Maria Gabriela Groza, popovici sabin, Cătălin Borangic, Popescu Irina, and Mircea Cristian Pricop
by Oltenia IstorieArheologie, Patroi Nicolae Catalin, Marius Bâsceanu, popovici sabin, Florin Ciulavu, Mircea Cristian Pricop, Popescu-Vava Lucian, Dan Balteanu, Popescu Irina, Mihai Neagu, Tabara Radu, Raoul Marius Septilici, and Muzeu Rabinca
Oltenia. Studii și Comunicări. Arheologie-Istorie, 2017
Rezumat: De peste un deceniu, studierea ruinelor sau a clădirilor abandonate contemporane a deven... more Rezumat: De peste un deceniu, studierea ruinelor sau a clădirilor abandonate contemporane a devenit o
temă de interes pentru arheologi. În textul de mai jos este descris cazul fostului pichet de grăniceri din
dreptul localității Desa (jud. Dolj), aflat în apropiere de malul Dunării, care în prezent se zbate între
abandonare și uitare. Acesta și-a început existența în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea și și-a încetat-o cândva, între anii 1997-2001, când militarii au trebuit să îl părăsească datorită noii politici de securizare a
frontierelor în condițiile tratativelor pentru aderare la Uniunea Europeană și Pactul Nord-Atlantic. În urma
abandonării sale, una din clădiri a fost transformată în casă de vacanță pentru angajații Ministerului de
Interne. Apoi, în 2002 și între 2005-2008 a fost utilizat ca tabără arheologică, pentru ca, în cele din urmă să
fie utilizat și transformat în crescătorie de porci. Articolul se dorește un demers în scopul recuperării
memoriei acestui loc.
Abstract: In the past decade, the study of contemporary ruins or abandoned buildings has become a
research theme for archaeologists. In the text below is described the case of the former border guard station
in the vecinity of Desa (Dolj county), near the Danube bank, which now struggles between abandonment and
forgetness. This station began its existence in the second half of the XIXth century and ended it sometime
between 1997-2001, when the military men had to leave it in the context of the negociations for joining the
EU and NATO. After it was deserted, one of the buildings was used as a holiday hut for the employees of the
Interior Ministry. Then, in 2002 and between 2005-2008 it was used as an archaeological camp, while, in
the end, it was used and trasnformed in a pigsty. The article is desired to be a step forward in recovering the
memory of this place.
Oltenia. Studii și Comunicări. Arheologie-Istorie, 2016
Începând cu anul 2001, în localitatea Desa (jud. Dolj) se desfăşoară cercetări arheologice siste... more Începând cu anul 2001, în localitatea Desa (jud. Dolj) se desfăşoară cercetări arheologice
sistematice în punctul „Castraviţa”, un grind aflat în apropierea Dunării, în dreptul ostrovului Acalia (km
fluvial 766). Aici au fost cercetaţi până în prezent 11 tumuli de tip Basarabi, din prima epocă a fierului, în
care au fost documentate 52 de morminte de inhumaţie. Una din cele mai numeroase şi variate categorii de
descoperiri în cadrul tumulilor o reprezintă piesele de podoabă şi vestimentaţie. În rândul acestora, de o
mare importanţă, mai ales din punct de vedere cronologic, sunt cele 23 de fibule din fier, bronz sau fier
placat cu bronz. Toate fibulele fac parte din categoria celor arcuite cu două resorturi cu diverse tipuri de
portagrafe (în formă de clepsidră, de scut beotic şi triunghiulare), având bune analogii în descoperirile
similare din necropolele tumulare de la Basarabi, Balta Verde, Gogoşu, Ostrovu Mare, Vajuga-Pesak, etc.
Din punct de vedere cronologic, acestea se datează între mijlocul secolului VIII a.Chr. şi mijlocul secolului
VII a.Chr., în acest interval de timp încadrându-se şi necropola tumulară de aici.
Since 2001, in Desa (Dolj county) are systematicaly organised archaeological excavations at
„Castraviţa”, a sandhill located near the Danube, opposite Acalia islet (766 river km). Until present day,
here have been researched 11 Basarabi type tumuli, dating from the Early Iron Age, in which were found 52
inhumation graves. One of the numerous and varied category of artefacts is represented by adorments and
clothing accessories. Within this category, of great importance, from a chronological point of view, are the
23 fibulae made of iron, bronze or of iron plated with bronze. All the fibulae are included in the category of
double-looped bow fibulae with different types of catchplates (sanglass, Beotian shield or triangular), with
good analogies in the similar findings from the tumular cemeteries from Basarabi, Balta Verde, Gogoşu,
Ostrovu Mare, Vajuga-Pesak, etc. Chronologically, they can be dated between the middle of the 8th c. BC
and the middle of the 7th c. BC, within this time range being framed also the tumular necropolis from here.
Analele Universității din Craiova. Seria Istorie, 2011
Starting with the year 2001, in Desa (Dolj county), researches are conducted in two archaeologica... more Starting with the year 2001, in Desa (Dolj county), researches are conducted in two archaeological sites dating from Roman and Roman-Byzantine periods, known in literature under the names of „La Ruptură” and „Castraviţa”.
Along the years, were discovered aproximatively 161 Roman Imperial coins, of wich 122 are from a hoard. The monetary circulation in Desa area proves that the development of the Roman settlement from here was in strong connection with the situation of the Roman Empire, generally, and with that of colonia Ratiaria, especially.
Analele Universității din Craiova. Seria Istorie, 2010
Starting with the year 2001, in Desa (Dolj county), researches are conducted in two archaeologica... more Starting with the year 2001, in Desa (Dolj county), researches are conducted in two archaeological sites dating from the Roman and Roman-Byzantine periods, known in literature under the names of „La Ruptură” and „Castraviţa”.
In 2001, at „La Ruptură” was descovered, along with Geto-Dacian pottery fragments, a sica type dagger , and, in 2007 and 2009, at „Castraviţa” were discovered two bronze Scordisci type fibulae, one from the IIIrd century B.C., which was dated with C14 (Figures 2 and 3), while the second one was dated in the IInd century B.C.
Lucrarea prezintă sub forma unui catalog totalitatea monumentelor dedicate Primului Război Mondia... more Lucrarea prezintă sub forma unui catalog totalitatea monumentelor dedicate Primului Război Mondial din județul Dolj. Pentru fiecare monument s-a încercat o descriere cât mai completă (autor, material din care a fost realizat, formă, anul ridicării, etc.). Cartea începe cu un studiu introductiv privind motivele realizării lucrării, metodologia de cercetare și semnificația acestor monumente, atât din punct de vedere istoric, cât și arheologic; se continuă cu catalogul-album propriu-zis, iar la final sunt prezentate câteva imagini-document de epocă cu unele monumente prezentate în lucrare aflate în colecțiile Muzeului Olteniei Craiova.
by Miroslav Razum, Ivica Pleština, Gábor Kalla, Marius Bâsceanu, Neda Mirković-Marić, Martina Celhar, Sonja Kacar, Ina Miloglav, Nedko Elenski, Alexandra Comsa, Zrinka Premužić, Carmen Cuenca-García, Ivan Vranic, Damjan Donev, Vasilka Dimitrovska, Lujana Paraman, Petya Georgieva, Tzvetana Popova, Lilian Dogiama, Dragan Jovanovic, Seta Štuhec, Ana Đuričić, Catherine COMMENGE, Lidija Kovacheva, Jan Zachar, Snježana Vrdoljak ex Karavanić, Katalin Sebők, Marta Rakvin, Alexandra Anders, Roxana Munteanu, Iharka Szücs-Csillik, Gianluca Cantoro, Nataša Miladinović-Radmilović, Maja Kuzmanovic, Marina Vladimirova, and Jovan D . Mitrović
Settlements, Culture and Population Dynamics in Balkan Prehistory - ABSTRACTS OF THE ORAL AND POSTER PRESENTATIONS, Mar 9, 2015
HAEMUS - Center for Scientific Research and Promotion of Culture Settlemen... more HAEMUS - Center for Scientific Research and Promotion of Culture
Settlements, Culture and Population Dynamics in Balkan Prehistory
International Conference
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
General Editor: Vasilka Dimitrovska
Cover Design: Vasilka Dimitrovska, Elka Anastasova
Design: Elka Anastasova
Editing and English proofreading: Mark Branov
In many sites belonging to the Neolithic, Eneolithic and Bronze Age in our country, several anthr... more In many sites belonging to the Neolithic, Eneolithic and Bronze Age in our country, several anthropomorphic figures have been discovered that made it possible to create an image about the plastic of the prehistoric communities. Masculine anthropomorphic representations are present in a much smaller percentage compared to female ones and they are not very spectacular neither in terms of artistic expression, nor of the technical means used.
A phallus from the collection of the Museum of Oltenia, present among the materials from the excavations carried out between the 6-9 decades of the 20th century, but for which we do not have any information regarding the place and the context of the discovery, represented the starting point of the present study.
Most phallus type objects can be attributed to the Eneolithic, but are present also in the Neolithic and the Bronze age.
The artifacts analyzed in this study highlight the fact that we are in front of two categories of objects.
Some are made according to the anatomical structure of the male sexual organ, while others are schematic representations.
If the conclusions are clear regarding the typology for the first category, the second category has allowed numerous speculations regarding the identification, the role and the utilitarian or cultic destination of this
type of object.
Apart from phallic figurines and phallus-shaped vessels or with such handles, a number of phallus-shaped Eneolithic objects are considered by some authors to have been used as tuyeres in metallurgical activity.