Iharka Szücs-Csillik | Romanian Academy of Science (original) (raw)

Papers by Iharka Szücs-Csillik

Research paper thumbnail of Expanded Terminological List in Astronomy and Space Sciences from English to Romanian

Romanian Astronomical Journal, Feb 1, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of The Two-Body Problem in the Point Mass Approximation Field. IV. Symmetries

Romanian Astronomical Journal, 2002


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Research paper thumbnail of The influence of the Sun and the Moon on the life of Neolithic communities

Anuarul Muzeului Etnografic al Transilvaniei, Dec 20, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Some pivotal constellations in the Neolithic Era

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

Supravegherea și urmărirea trecerii timpului a fost esențială pentru primii agricultori care au t... more Supravegherea și urmărirea trecerii timpului a fost esențială pentru primii agricultori care au trăit aproape de natură și ciclurile pământului precum ale anotimpurilor. Strămoșii noștri au constatat că apariția ciclică a unor grupări de stele coincide cu trecerea de la un anotimp la alta. Aceste constatări au fost confirmate după observații sistematice ale cerului dealungul timpului. Mișcarea grupărilor de stele strălucitoare nu este fixă în timp, ci este cauzat de precesia echinocțiilor, adică a deplasării retrograde ale echinocțiilor (primăvara și toamna) datorat mișcării de precesie a axei de rotație a Pământului. În Neoliticul târziu (circa 4500 BC) a avut loc un fenomen ciudat, și anume la echinocțiul de primăvară și de toamnă Soarele se afla la intersecția a trei planuri cerești: ecliptica, ecuatorul ceresc și planul galactic. În jurul punctelor echinocțiale se aflau grupările de stele din constelațiile Gemeni, Taur, Auriga, Orion și Săgetător, Scorpia, Șarpele, Omul cu șarpe...

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Research paper thumbnail of Andesite Sun in Carpathian Mountain

Sarmizegetusa Regia (III-I BC) was the most important Dacian religious, military and politically ... more Sarmizegetusa Regia (III-I BC) was the most important Dacian religious, military and politically center. On the plateau from Sarmizegetusa Regia (near Hunedoara) is the sacred zone, which contains several circular and rectangular sanctuaries and the Andesite Sun. We will present the Andesite Sun from Sarmizegetusa Regia and our results about the ten solar radiuses on the top of the Sun altar.

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Research paper thumbnail of Orientarea astronomică a unor cetății dacice

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Research paper thumbnail of Andesite Sun in Carpathian Mountain

Sarmizegetusa Regia (III-I BC) was the most important Dacian religious, military and politically ... more Sarmizegetusa Regia (III-I BC) was the most important Dacian religious, military and politically center. On the plateau from Sarmizegetusa Regia (near Hunedoara) is the sacred zone, which contains several circular and rectangular sanctuaries and the Andesite Sun. We will present the Andesite Sun from Sarmizegetusa Regia and our results about the ten solar radiuses on the top of the Sun altar.

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Research paper thumbnail of Archaeoastronomical methodology to study skeletons' orientations

ABSTRACT In this paper we present the methodology for the study of the skeletons’ orientation. By... more ABSTRACT In this paper we present the methodology for the study of the skeletons’ orientation. By determining the Northern axis and the long axis of the skeleton (head-spin-legs), we can calculate the azimuth measured from North in a counter-clockwise direction. Accurate measurements (azimuth) are important for obtaining more accurate, precise skeletons’ alignments. These detailed measurements, along with other important information about the skeleton and grave, we collect in a database of the cemetery. In order to show some specific measurements, we will attach images of skeletons with established axis extracted from our database. The last phase would be the data processing, where we calculate the distribution of the skeletons for our orientation study. Accurate measurements of the horizon and of the skeletons are important for determining the accurate solar arc, and the exact position of the skeletons around the solar arc. Using this methodology one can establish if the population in the cemetery had practised the solar cult. It would be very useful, when we had an aerial image of the cemetery with the skeletons and their established axis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Studiul necropolelor Gumelnita

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Research paper thumbnail of Orientarea astronomica a fortificatiei medievale de la Fundu Hertii/The astronomical orientation of the Fundu Hertii fortress

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Research paper thumbnail of The east-west alignment in Neolithic on the south-eastern Romania

Alignment is a static orientation of some objects, or set of objects, in relation to others. In a... more Alignment is a static orientation of some objects, or set of objects, in relation to others. In archaeoastronomy we can separate stone alignments (stone rows) and alignments connected with orientation (e.g. graves, or skeletons orientation). The object of our research is to emphasize the importance of orientation in the Neolithic time, which we can determine by using a magnetic compass. Our collected data led us to conclude that solar observation was the determinant of orientation. More particularly, the rising of the sun above the horizon and possibly, though less frequently, the setting sun, provided the alignment. It was possible to show a close correlation with sunrise, or sunset at feast days, that is, the day on which the venerated God was celebrated, at Easter and on true east, determined by equinoctial sunrise. We consider the orientation of burials in the Neolithic, on the south-eastern Romanian territory. These necropolises (Cernica, Grǎdiştea Ulmilor, etc.) show clearly t...

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Research paper thumbnail of An archaeoastronomical comparison between the Gumelnita necropoleis of Vărăşti-Grădiştea Ulmilor (Romania) and Durankulak (Bulgaria)

ABSTRACT From the archaeo-astronomical point of view, if a necropolis has the orientation between... more ABSTRACT From the archaeo-astronomical point of view, if a necropolis has the orientation between the solstice points for most of its skeletons, namely they are place on the so called “solar arcs”, then we can say that in the respective cemetery the burials had been arranged towards the Sun direction. Therefore, in that Neolithic community it was practiced the solar cult. In the Vărăşti – Grădiştea Ulmilor necropolis, the majority of skeletons was orientated between 70 and 114 degrees, which corresponds to the eastern solar arc. In the Durankulak necropolis, the orientation in the majority of the skeletons is between 330 and 17 degrees, which means that the orientation is to the North. Comparing both necropoleis of the Gumelnita culture, we expected that they would have been correlated. Yet, this fact was not confirmed by our study. In our opinion, the geographical position, as well as the main occupation of those populations could have changed their major religious beliefs. http://www.romarchaeomet.ro/en/events/symposium2013/rezumate/Abstract%20ARCHAEOMET%202013%20Comsa.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Celebrate IAU100 in Romania

Romanian Astronomical Journal, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis and prediction of Tiangong-1 reentry

Romanian Astronomical Journal, Dec 1, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Meteoroid's orbit determination

Romanian Astronomical Journal, Sep 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of New Regularization of the restricted three-body problem

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Research paper thumbnail of The generalized Levi-Civita and Kustaanheimo-Stiefel transformations

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Research paper thumbnail of A family of zero-velocity curves in the restricted three-body problem

The equilibrium points and the curves of zero-velocity (Roche varieties) are analysed in the fram... more The equilibrium points and the curves of zero-velocity (Roche varieties) are analysed in the frame of the regularized circular restricted three-body problem. The coordinate transformation is done with Levi-Civita generalized method, using polynomial functions of n degree. In the parametric plane, five families of equilibrium points are identified. These families of points correspond to the five equilibrium points in the physical plane L1, L2, ..., L5. The zero-velocity curves from the physical plane are transformed in Roche varieties in the parametric plane. The properties of these varieties are analysed and the Roche varieties for n = 1,2,...,6 are plotted. The equation of the asymptotic variety is obtained and its shape is analysed. The slope of the Roche variety in L11 point is obtained. For n = 1 the slope obtained by Plavec and Kratochvil (1964) in the physical plane was found.

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Research paper thumbnail of Archaeoastronomical World from Romania

ABSTRACT In Romania many researchers have interdisciplinary preoccupations, tackling the studied ... more ABSTRACT In Romania many researchers have interdisciplinary preoccupations, tackling the studied matter from many points of view. Such an interdisciplinary research group was established in Cluj-Napoca. These arhaeoastronomical researches investigated the Romanian territory, by using the astronomical orientation. Some of the arhaeoastronomical studied places, like sanctuaries, fortresses, and necropolises of the Neolithic time are found in Banat, Transylvania, Moldova and Muntenia. We enlisted just the well-known and published historical monuments: the Neolithic sanctuary from Parta (Banat Culture), the Neolithic necropolises from Baia-Hamangia (Hamangia Culture), Cernica (Boian Culture, Dudeşti Culture), Grădiştea Ulmilor (Gumelniţa Culture), Iclod (Iclod Cultural Aspect), Cucuteni (Cucuteni Culture), and the Dacian world from Sarmizegetusa-Regia (Romanian Stonehenge). We presented these locations, culture and the arhaeoastronomical results obtained.

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Research paper thumbnail of Eleven cranial trepanation on a woman's skull in India: Neolithic Alignments

An interdisciplinary work among anthropologist, archaeologist and astronomer can give a very inte... more An interdisciplinary work among anthropologist, archaeologist and astronomer can give a very interesting point of view of the problem like in this article.

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Research paper thumbnail of Expanded Terminological List in Astronomy and Space Sciences from English to Romanian

Romanian Astronomical Journal, Feb 1, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of The Two-Body Problem in the Point Mass Approximation Field. IV. Symmetries

Romanian Astronomical Journal, 2002


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Research paper thumbnail of The influence of the Sun and the Moon on the life of Neolithic communities

Anuarul Muzeului Etnografic al Transilvaniei, Dec 20, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Some pivotal constellations in the Neolithic Era

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

Supravegherea și urmărirea trecerii timpului a fost esențială pentru primii agricultori care au t... more Supravegherea și urmărirea trecerii timpului a fost esențială pentru primii agricultori care au trăit aproape de natură și ciclurile pământului precum ale anotimpurilor. Strămoșii noștri au constatat că apariția ciclică a unor grupări de stele coincide cu trecerea de la un anotimp la alta. Aceste constatări au fost confirmate după observații sistematice ale cerului dealungul timpului. Mișcarea grupărilor de stele strălucitoare nu este fixă în timp, ci este cauzat de precesia echinocțiilor, adică a deplasării retrograde ale echinocțiilor (primăvara și toamna) datorat mișcării de precesie a axei de rotație a Pământului. În Neoliticul târziu (circa 4500 BC) a avut loc un fenomen ciudat, și anume la echinocțiul de primăvară și de toamnă Soarele se afla la intersecția a trei planuri cerești: ecliptica, ecuatorul ceresc și planul galactic. În jurul punctelor echinocțiale se aflau grupările de stele din constelațiile Gemeni, Taur, Auriga, Orion și Săgetător, Scorpia, Șarpele, Omul cu șarpe...

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Research paper thumbnail of Andesite Sun in Carpathian Mountain

Sarmizegetusa Regia (III-I BC) was the most important Dacian religious, military and politically ... more Sarmizegetusa Regia (III-I BC) was the most important Dacian religious, military and politically center. On the plateau from Sarmizegetusa Regia (near Hunedoara) is the sacred zone, which contains several circular and rectangular sanctuaries and the Andesite Sun. We will present the Andesite Sun from Sarmizegetusa Regia and our results about the ten solar radiuses on the top of the Sun altar.

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Research paper thumbnail of Orientarea astronomică a unor cetății dacice

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Research paper thumbnail of Andesite Sun in Carpathian Mountain

Sarmizegetusa Regia (III-I BC) was the most important Dacian religious, military and politically ... more Sarmizegetusa Regia (III-I BC) was the most important Dacian religious, military and politically center. On the plateau from Sarmizegetusa Regia (near Hunedoara) is the sacred zone, which contains several circular and rectangular sanctuaries and the Andesite Sun. We will present the Andesite Sun from Sarmizegetusa Regia and our results about the ten solar radiuses on the top of the Sun altar.

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Research paper thumbnail of Archaeoastronomical methodology to study skeletons' orientations

ABSTRACT In this paper we present the methodology for the study of the skeletons’ orientation. By... more ABSTRACT In this paper we present the methodology for the study of the skeletons’ orientation. By determining the Northern axis and the long axis of the skeleton (head-spin-legs), we can calculate the azimuth measured from North in a counter-clockwise direction. Accurate measurements (azimuth) are important for obtaining more accurate, precise skeletons’ alignments. These detailed measurements, along with other important information about the skeleton and grave, we collect in a database of the cemetery. In order to show some specific measurements, we will attach images of skeletons with established axis extracted from our database. The last phase would be the data processing, where we calculate the distribution of the skeletons for our orientation study. Accurate measurements of the horizon and of the skeletons are important for determining the accurate solar arc, and the exact position of the skeletons around the solar arc. Using this methodology one can establish if the population in the cemetery had practised the solar cult. It would be very useful, when we had an aerial image of the cemetery with the skeletons and their established axis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Studiul necropolelor Gumelnita

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Research paper thumbnail of Orientarea astronomica a fortificatiei medievale de la Fundu Hertii/The astronomical orientation of the Fundu Hertii fortress

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Research paper thumbnail of The east-west alignment in Neolithic on the south-eastern Romania

Alignment is a static orientation of some objects, or set of objects, in relation to others. In a... more Alignment is a static orientation of some objects, or set of objects, in relation to others. In archaeoastronomy we can separate stone alignments (stone rows) and alignments connected with orientation (e.g. graves, or skeletons orientation). The object of our research is to emphasize the importance of orientation in the Neolithic time, which we can determine by using a magnetic compass. Our collected data led us to conclude that solar observation was the determinant of orientation. More particularly, the rising of the sun above the horizon and possibly, though less frequently, the setting sun, provided the alignment. It was possible to show a close correlation with sunrise, or sunset at feast days, that is, the day on which the venerated God was celebrated, at Easter and on true east, determined by equinoctial sunrise. We consider the orientation of burials in the Neolithic, on the south-eastern Romanian territory. These necropolises (Cernica, Grǎdiştea Ulmilor, etc.) show clearly t...

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Research paper thumbnail of An archaeoastronomical comparison between the Gumelnita necropoleis of Vărăşti-Grădiştea Ulmilor (Romania) and Durankulak (Bulgaria)

ABSTRACT From the archaeo-astronomical point of view, if a necropolis has the orientation between... more ABSTRACT From the archaeo-astronomical point of view, if a necropolis has the orientation between the solstice points for most of its skeletons, namely they are place on the so called “solar arcs”, then we can say that in the respective cemetery the burials had been arranged towards the Sun direction. Therefore, in that Neolithic community it was practiced the solar cult. In the Vărăşti – Grădiştea Ulmilor necropolis, the majority of skeletons was orientated between 70 and 114 degrees, which corresponds to the eastern solar arc. In the Durankulak necropolis, the orientation in the majority of the skeletons is between 330 and 17 degrees, which means that the orientation is to the North. Comparing both necropoleis of the Gumelnita culture, we expected that they would have been correlated. Yet, this fact was not confirmed by our study. In our opinion, the geographical position, as well as the main occupation of those populations could have changed their major religious beliefs. http://www.romarchaeomet.ro/en/events/symposium2013/rezumate/Abstract%20ARCHAEOMET%202013%20Comsa.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Celebrate IAU100 in Romania

Romanian Astronomical Journal, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis and prediction of Tiangong-1 reentry

Romanian Astronomical Journal, Dec 1, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Meteoroid's orbit determination

Romanian Astronomical Journal, Sep 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of New Regularization of the restricted three-body problem

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Research paper thumbnail of The generalized Levi-Civita and Kustaanheimo-Stiefel transformations

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Research paper thumbnail of A family of zero-velocity curves in the restricted three-body problem

The equilibrium points and the curves of zero-velocity (Roche varieties) are analysed in the fram... more The equilibrium points and the curves of zero-velocity (Roche varieties) are analysed in the frame of the regularized circular restricted three-body problem. The coordinate transformation is done with Levi-Civita generalized method, using polynomial functions of n degree. In the parametric plane, five families of equilibrium points are identified. These families of points correspond to the five equilibrium points in the physical plane L1, L2, ..., L5. The zero-velocity curves from the physical plane are transformed in Roche varieties in the parametric plane. The properties of these varieties are analysed and the Roche varieties for n = 1,2,...,6 are plotted. The equation of the asymptotic variety is obtained and its shape is analysed. The slope of the Roche variety in L11 point is obtained. For n = 1 the slope obtained by Plavec and Kratochvil (1964) in the physical plane was found.

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Research paper thumbnail of Archaeoastronomical World from Romania

ABSTRACT In Romania many researchers have interdisciplinary preoccupations, tackling the studied ... more ABSTRACT In Romania many researchers have interdisciplinary preoccupations, tackling the studied matter from many points of view. Such an interdisciplinary research group was established in Cluj-Napoca. These arhaeoastronomical researches investigated the Romanian territory, by using the astronomical orientation. Some of the arhaeoastronomical studied places, like sanctuaries, fortresses, and necropolises of the Neolithic time are found in Banat, Transylvania, Moldova and Muntenia. We enlisted just the well-known and published historical monuments: the Neolithic sanctuary from Parta (Banat Culture), the Neolithic necropolises from Baia-Hamangia (Hamangia Culture), Cernica (Boian Culture, Dudeşti Culture), Grădiştea Ulmilor (Gumelniţa Culture), Iclod (Iclod Cultural Aspect), Cucuteni (Cucuteni Culture), and the Dacian world from Sarmizegetusa-Regia (Romanian Stonehenge). We presented these locations, culture and the arhaeoastronomical results obtained.

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Research paper thumbnail of Eleven cranial trepanation on a woman's skull in India: Neolithic Alignments

An interdisciplinary work among anthropologist, archaeologist and astronomer can give a very inte... more An interdisciplinary work among anthropologist, archaeologist and astronomer can give a very interesting point of view of the problem like in this article.

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Research paper thumbnail of Settlements, Culture and Population Dynamics in Balkan Prehistory

by Miroslav Razum, Ivica Pleština, Gábor Kalla, Marius Bâsceanu, Neda Mirković-Marić, Martina Celhar, Sonja Kacar, Ina Miloglav, Nedko Elenski, Alexandra Comsa, Zrinka Premužić, Carmen Cuenca-García, Ivan Vranic, Damjan Donev, Vasilka Dimitrovska, Lujana Paraman, Petya Georgieva, Tzvetana Popova, Lilian Dogiama, Dragan Jovanovic, Seta Štuhec, Ana Đuričić, Catherine COMMENGE, Lidija Kovacheva, Jan Zachar, Snježana Vrdoljak ex Karavanić, Katalin Sebők, Marta Rakvin, Alexandra Anders, Roxana Munteanu, Iharka Szücs-Csillik, Gianluca Cantoro, Nataša Miladinović-Radmilović, Maja Kuzmanovic, Marina Vladimirova, and Jovan D . Mitrović

Settlements, Culture and Population Dynamics in Balkan Prehistory - ABSTRACTS OF THE ORAL AND POSTER PRESENTATIONS, Mar 9, 2015

HAEMUS - Center for Scientific Research and Promotion of Culture http://haemus.org.mk Settlemen... more HAEMUS - Center for Scientific Research and Promotion of Culture
Settlements, Culture and Population Dynamics in Balkan Prehistory
International Conference
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

General Editor: Vasilka Dimitrovska
Cover Design: Vasilka Dimitrovska, Elka Anastasova
Design: Elka Anastasova
Editing and English proofreading: Mark Branov

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