Vera Bogosavljevic | National Museum in Belgrade, Serbia (original) (raw)

Papers by Vera Bogosavljevic

Research paper thumbnail of Гeоморфолошка еволуција локалитета Лојаник 2 код Матарушке Бање (Централна Србија) Geomorphological Evolution of the Lojanik 2 Site in the Vicinity of Mataruška Banja (Central Serbia)

Наша Прошлост, 2022

Апстракт: Анализа рељефа локалитета Лојаник 2 спроведена је да би се утврдили генеза површинског ... more Апстракт: Анализа рељефа локалитета Лојаник 2 спроведена је да би се утврдили генеза површинског слоја седимената и врста земљишта на овом руднику камених сировина. Геоморфолошка истраживања малог обима допринела су да се прецизније одреди начин доспећа окресаних артефаката на позиције на којима су
затечени и приближно дефинише место њиховог првобитног депоновања после употребе. У раду је приказана геоморфолoшка анализа ширег и ужег окружeња локалитета Лојаник 2 и сонди Б и Ц, које се налазе на левој долинској страни потока Кремењак.
Матична стена представљена је серпентинисаним перидотитима и пироксенима палеозојске старости. Ове стене прекривене су иловасто-глиновитим колувијумом у којем су нађени камени артефакти из периода ране праисторије. Најважније питање које се овде покреће односи се на тумачење стратиграфије археолошког материјала, да ли је резултат људских активности in situ или је накнадно преталожен са веће удаљености. Утврђено је да артефакти потичу из блиског окружења, односно да су преталожени падинским процесима низбрдо до 20 м од места настанка. На овај закључак упућују два најзначајнија фактора: активни падински процеси и утицај вегетације на животну средину. Падине потока Кремењак зависиле су од колувијално-делувијалних процеса који су довели до спирања и преталожавања материјала. Експозиција терена, шумска вегетација и климатогени фактор, поготово учесталост и количина падавина, били су од пресудног утицаја за стварање бујичних токова и спирање површинског слоја који су покретали овај слој земљишта и седимента. На транспорт је утицала и гравитација кроз стрмину долинских страна потока Кремењак.
Кључне речи: падински процеси, геоморфолошка анализа, палеолит, тафономија, Централна Србија

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Research paper thumbnail of Opšta svojstva, razvoj i fenomeni duge upotrebe kamenog oruđa na Gradini - Zok

Praistorijska Gradina-Zok. Istraživanja Narodnog muzeja u Beogradu, 2022

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Zbornik Narodnog Muzeja Srbije, 2023

In 1956, the Institute of Archaeology and the National Museum in Belgrade carried out excavation... more In 1956, the Institute of Archaeology and the National Museum in Belgrade carried out excavations at the site of Supska, near Ćuprija, in Central Serbia. Based on the material culture findings, the site is mostly known as a Late Neolithic one; however, archaeological findings from other periods were discovered too. In the 1956 excavations, the cultural layers, and archaeological features with the Vinča culture archaeological materials were examined, as well as one grave, marked as Grave 1. The results of this excavation have been previously published in one monograph; however, an anthropological analysis of the individual found in Grave 1 has not been conducted before. In this paper, we present the results of contextual, bioanthropological, stable isotopes and C14 analyses of human skeletal remains found in Grave 1. The results showed that a young adult, who had experienced nonspecific metabolic stress during childhood, as evidenced by traces of linear enamel hypoplasia and porotic hyperostosis, was buried in this grave. AMS date revealed that this individual lived between 1280–1390 cal. AD, while the results of the stable isotope analyses suggested that it had mixed diet based on C4 plants (such as millet) and/or C3 plants, with larger amounts of animal protein, possible deriving from freshwater fish.

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Research paper thumbnail of Standardization of Chipped Stone Artefacts and Patterning of Lithic Raw Material  Procurement Strategies in the Late Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic in Serbia: Tradition, Strategy, or Request?

Artisan Rule: Product Standardization and Craft Specialization in Prehistoric Society, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The Becoming of a Prehistoric Landscape: Palaeolithic Occupations and Geomorphological Processes at Lojanik (Serbia)


Accomplishing long-term plans to harvest and modify natural resources has been a crucial skill fo... more Accomplishing long-term plans to harvest and modify natural resources has been a crucial skill for the survival of our species since early Prehistory. Research on this first step of production mostly focuses on the provenience study of lithic artifacts uncovered at archaeological sites, using petrographic and geochemical analyses to correlate the artifacts with potential geological outcrops. Although fundamental for understanding key aspects of landscape use and mobility, regional raw material economy, and extraction technology, Palaeolithic raw material sources have been less intensively investigated, as they are often difficult to locate and challenging to tackle with traditional archaeological approaches. Lojanik in the Central Balkans is one of the largest Prehistoric quarrying areas known in Europe, showing numerous lithic raw material outcrops exploited from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Chalcolithic periods, over an area of 18 hectares. In this paper, we present the results ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of the chipped stone industry in the Vinča culture in the territory of Serbia

Sinteza publikovanih podataka okresane industrije kamena omogućila je da se postavi niz pretposta... more Sinteza publikovanih podataka okresane industrije kamena omogućila je da se postavi niz pretpostavki koju su proveravane preko tri segmenta: petroarheoloških proučavanja, statističkih korelacije sa analizom kontekstualnih celina i putem analize upotrebe oruĎa uz izvoĎenje eksperimenata. Preliminarni rezultati su po prvi put konkretizovali litičku tehnologiju i produkciju za period vinčanske kulture. Kvantifikovanje sirovina za izradu oruĎa do količine žitarica neophodnih za ishranu prosečne porodice su podaci na teorijskom nivou koji su uticali na šira proučavanja kretanja ljudi, robe i ideja. Ukazali su na složeni socijalni program zajednice, od intervencija u prirodi do razmene artefakata i razvijanja uzajamnih praksi u bakru i kamenu. Tokom osam stoleća postojanja vinčanske kulture tehnologija okresanog kamena je visoko razvijena produkcija s promišljenom litičkom organizacijom. Stabilnost je osnovna karakteristika vinčanskog razvoja. Očekivanja da bi nastupilo smanjivanje produk...

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Research paper thumbnail of Human Jaw from the Late Neolithic Pločnik site: A Multidisciplinary Approach

On the Pločnik site in 1978, in Trench VIII A, within an infill with a working title Pit, or Surf... more On the Pločnik site in 1978, in Trench VIII A, within an infill with a working title Pit, or Surface 'West', a human jaw was found next to pottery and stone findings. During an examination and the temporary move of the depot of the National Museum in Belgrade in 2016, this jaw was 're-discovered' for the second time, together with a hand-written note on the sex and age of the individual, without any data on the person who gave the interpretation. In this paper, we present further analyses and possibilities of interpreting this mandible, as well as the results of bio-archaeological analyses, AMS dating. These newly obtained results, accompanied by the investigations of the indirect archaeological documentation, have provided us with an interpretation of the fieldwork process, as well as the archaeometallurgical aspects, time-frame, and details about this individual member of the Pločnik Late Neolithic community.

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Research paper thumbnail of History and current studies of petroarcheological data from the Neolithic and Eneolithic in Serbia

Neolithic and Eneolithic sites in Serbia generally occupy extensive areas on old terraces of the ... more Neolithic and Eneolithic sites in Serbia generally occupy extensive areas on old terraces of the rivers Danube, Velika, Zapadna and Južna Morava or in the lowlands of the central part of the country. Systematic excavations of these settlements have made possible the study of many assemblages of stone artefacts. In the middle of the 20th century the methodological approach to the study of such finds was based exclusively on typological analysis of the main tool types. In the next phase investigations expanded to technological questions until the 1980s when studies of stone artefacts started to include the raw material aspect of the problem. Many hypotheses have been suggested about the provenance of stone raw materials and the method of their procurement. These were well-presented stories without firm indications concerning the facts in the field. In order to demonstrate the necessity of the petroarchaeological approach we present the past development of these investigations and the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Grey zones of production: Discussing the technology of tools at the Lojanik quarry in west-central Serbia

Journal of Lithic Studies, 2018

Flaked stone artefacts found on the quarry Lojanik in west-central Serbia are good examples of ho... more Flaked stone artefacts found on the quarry Lojanik in west-central Serbia are good examples of how the function of non-diagnostic pieces could be determined through technological and use-wear analysis. In this study, we present the examples of surface clusters and artefacts from stratigraphic layers. Our attention is focused on the prevailing category of fragmented raw materials in the initial phase of knapping, preforms, debris, shattered pieces of anthropogenic origin and an immense number of artefacts and geofacts. The study of mines and quarries, as well as distribution of the raw materials that come from the central Balkans is an understudied phenomenon. Flaked stone artefacts found on the outcrops of the Lojanik hilltop is a good example of how we can apply technological, petrological and use-wear analysis on this type of site. Keeping in mind the loose context of the finds, as well as the lack of any datable material, this issue has to be approached with a lot of caution, sin...

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Research paper thumbnail of An archaeological experiment and new knowledge about the chipped stone industry from the Vinča culture

Journal of Lithic Studies, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The origin, production and use of quartz crystals in the Neolithic of Serbia: Vinča-Belo Brdo

Quaternary International, 2017

Abstract The scope and importance of utilisation of quartz crystals in the prehistoric period of ... more Abstract The scope and importance of utilisation of quartz crystals in the prehistoric period of Serbia were smaller in comparison with cherts, and the reasons for their manufacture and purpose are not sufficiently known. Definition of the origin of quartz crystals from the Grivac site, outside the assumed mine at Mali Sturac, and artefacts from Vinca-Belo Brdo from the mine on Avala, as well as definition of working operations carried out using quartz crystal tools represent the initial framework of a systematic approach to the investigation of this group of raw materials. Precise determination of the main components and the character of lithic organization of quartz crystals is one of the important markers of the exchange of raw materials and artefacts in the network of Neolithic settlements in the territory of Serbia. This paper opens up new questions of interrelationships among Vinca settlements of large and small areas and different demographic capacities in the Final Neolithic and during the Chalcolithic.

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Research paper thumbnail of Prehistoric mines in the central Balkans

Zbornik Narodnog muzeja-serija: …, 2005

... 35-47. Kaluđerović, Z., Đurić-Slavković, N. (1995) Kulturno geološki kompleks HumskaČuka-Krem... more ... 35-47. Kaluđerović, Z., Đurić-Slavković, N. (1995) Kulturno geološki kompleks HumskaČuka-Kremenac. ... 33, 111-118. 28. Vasić, MM (1932) Preistorijska Vinča. Beograd: Državnaštamparija, I - industrija cinabarita i kosmetika u Vinči: Uvod u proučavanje Vinče. 28. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Ka problemu identifikacije rudničkih i radioničkih nalazišta kamenih sirovina u periodu neolita i enolita

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Research paper thumbnail of Raw material studies of West Central Serbia

Journal of Lithic Studies, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Be-JA Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology Бе-СА Българско е-Списание за Археология History and current studies of petroarcheological data from the Neolithic and Eneolithic in Serbia The beginning of petroarchaeological investigations in Serbia

Neolithic and Eneolithic sites in Serbia generally occupy extensive areas on old terraces of the ... more Neolithic and Eneolithic sites in Serbia generally occupy extensive areas on old terraces of the rivers Danube, Velika, Zapadna and Južna Morava or in the lowlands of the central part of the country. Systematic excavations of these settlements have made possible the study of many assemblages of stone artefacts. In the middle of the 20 th century the methodologi-cal approach to the study of such finds was based exclusively on typological analysis of the main tool types. In the next phase investigations expanded to technological questions until the 1980s when studies of stone artefacts started to include the raw material aspect of the problem. Many hypotheses have been suggested about the provenance of stone raw materials and the method of their procurement. These were well-presented stories without firm indications concerning the facts in the field. In order to demonstrate the necessity of the petroarchaeological approach we present the past development of these investigations and th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Razvoj industrije okresanog kamena u vinčanskoj kulturi na teritoriji Srbije

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Based on the choice of stone raw materials, the way they were made and their even dimensions, mic... more Based on the choice of stone raw materials, the way they were made and
their even dimensions, microperforators from workshop 1 represent specialized
tools of Vinča inhabitants in the 46th century BC. Microlithic bases and penetrative
tips are the main characteristics of these artefacts. The use of microperforators is
connected to the increased manufacture of small dimensions openings on different
materials: malachite, bone, and leather specifically. A hiatus in their production on
the territory of Serbia, from the Epipaleolithic to the Late Neolithic and the Eneolithic,
could be interpreted in several ways. Is this a result of the limited excavation
scope of the Early Neolithic sites, or the insufficient insight into the archaeological
material stored in museum collections. It could as well be the consequence of
a rational orientation of one community towards other activities that did not align
with the use of this type of tool. Given the conducted experiments in the region, it
was possible to point out the type of activities and pose a series of questions regarding
the role of these tools in this paper.

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Рад пружа увид у конзерваторско-рестаураторске поступке при- мењене на низу керамичких предмета в... more Рад пружа увид у конзерваторско-рестаураторске поступке при-
мењене на низу керамичких предмета винчанске провенијенције који се чу-
вају у Збирци за млађи неолит и енеолит Народног музеја у Београду. У пи-
тању је антропоморфна пластика са различитих локалитета, од Винче, преко
Црнокалачке баре, Дреновца, до Плочника и насеља Градац. Рестаурација је
примењенa на делу фонда који треба да се изложи у посебно касетираној ви-
трини, посвећеној неолитској пластици и њеним дометима. С обзиром на по-
стигнуте резултате, овде је приказан процес с циљем да се истакне след по-
ступака и пружи пуна информација о могућностима коришћења материјала
на бази воска, у сврху рестаурације предмета од керамике и реконструкције
мање обимних површина. Такође се наводе и конзерваторски третмани при-
мењени на поменутим предметима, у виду чишћења, консолидације, као и це-
локупне припреме предмета за потребе сталног излагања у Народном музеју.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vera Bogosavljevic Petrovic Stara naselja na podrucju danasnjeg Kraljeva

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling the empty spaces: Mesolithic in the micro-region of central Serbia

Foraging Assemblages Volume 2, 2021

The only Mesolithic sites in Serbia have been discovered in an area covering a few hundred square... more The only Mesolithic sites in Serbia have been discovered in an area covering a few hundred square
kilometres along the Danube banks (the gorges of the Iron Gates and the plain of Ključ). The prevailing
opinion among scholars is that the rest of the Serbian territory was not settled at the time since there
are practically no other known sites. On the other hand, the Mesolithic is documented in neighbouring
areas with similar geomorphological characteristics. The Serbian Early Neolithic chipped stone industries,
besides the typical Neolithic augmentation of tools, still retain microlithic elements and are characterized
by the use of quartz/quartzite, providing useful criteria to infer pre-Neolithic occupation. In order to
support these opposing facts related to this ‘empty space’, we investigate whether there were ecologically
sustainable conditions for the development of Mesolithic communities at a micro-regional level. Three
main themes of the study are as follows: (a) indirect reconstructions of the palaeoenvironment (plant
macro-remains and pollen spectra, topography, geomorphological potentials); (b) Early Neolithic animal
resource management (presence of domesticates versus wild animals); and (c) stone raw materials and
lithic technology. The main conclusion suggests a prospective micro-zone that might have harboured
Mesolithic occupations in west-central Serbia, around the lower Ibar River area and the links with the West
Morava River drainage.
Keywords: Mesolithic, Early Neolithic, central Serbia, palaeoecology, lithics

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Research paper thumbnail of Гeоморфолошка еволуција локалитета Лојаник 2 код Матарушке Бање (Централна Србија) Geomorphological Evolution of the Lojanik 2 Site in the Vicinity of Mataruška Banja (Central Serbia)

Наша Прошлост, 2022

Апстракт: Анализа рељефа локалитета Лојаник 2 спроведена је да би се утврдили генеза површинског ... more Апстракт: Анализа рељефа локалитета Лојаник 2 спроведена је да би се утврдили генеза површинског слоја седимената и врста земљишта на овом руднику камених сировина. Геоморфолошка истраживања малог обима допринела су да се прецизније одреди начин доспећа окресаних артефаката на позиције на којима су
затечени и приближно дефинише место њиховог првобитног депоновања после употребе. У раду је приказана геоморфолoшка анализа ширег и ужег окружeња локалитета Лојаник 2 и сонди Б и Ц, које се налазе на левој долинској страни потока Кремењак.
Матична стена представљена је серпентинисаним перидотитима и пироксенима палеозојске старости. Ове стене прекривене су иловасто-глиновитим колувијумом у којем су нађени камени артефакти из периода ране праисторије. Најважније питање које се овде покреће односи се на тумачење стратиграфије археолошког материјала, да ли је резултат људских активности in situ или је накнадно преталожен са веће удаљености. Утврђено је да артефакти потичу из блиског окружења, односно да су преталожени падинским процесима низбрдо до 20 м од места настанка. На овај закључак упућују два најзначајнија фактора: активни падински процеси и утицај вегетације на животну средину. Падине потока Кремењак зависиле су од колувијално-делувијалних процеса који су довели до спирања и преталожавања материјала. Експозиција терена, шумска вегетација и климатогени фактор, поготово учесталост и количина падавина, били су од пресудног утицаја за стварање бујичних токова и спирање површинског слоја који су покретали овај слој земљишта и седимента. На транспорт је утицала и гравитација кроз стрмину долинских страна потока Кремењак.
Кључне речи: падински процеси, геоморфолошка анализа, палеолит, тафономија, Централна Србија

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Research paper thumbnail of Opšta svojstva, razvoj i fenomeni duge upotrebe kamenog oruđa na Gradini - Zok

Praistorijska Gradina-Zok. Istraživanja Narodnog muzeja u Beogradu, 2022

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Zbornik Narodnog Muzeja Srbije, 2023

In 1956, the Institute of Archaeology and the National Museum in Belgrade carried out excavation... more In 1956, the Institute of Archaeology and the National Museum in Belgrade carried out excavations at the site of Supska, near Ćuprija, in Central Serbia. Based on the material culture findings, the site is mostly known as a Late Neolithic one; however, archaeological findings from other periods were discovered too. In the 1956 excavations, the cultural layers, and archaeological features with the Vinča culture archaeological materials were examined, as well as one grave, marked as Grave 1. The results of this excavation have been previously published in one monograph; however, an anthropological analysis of the individual found in Grave 1 has not been conducted before. In this paper, we present the results of contextual, bioanthropological, stable isotopes and C14 analyses of human skeletal remains found in Grave 1. The results showed that a young adult, who had experienced nonspecific metabolic stress during childhood, as evidenced by traces of linear enamel hypoplasia and porotic hyperostosis, was buried in this grave. AMS date revealed that this individual lived between 1280–1390 cal. AD, while the results of the stable isotope analyses suggested that it had mixed diet based on C4 plants (such as millet) and/or C3 plants, with larger amounts of animal protein, possible deriving from freshwater fish.

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Research paper thumbnail of Standardization of Chipped Stone Artefacts and Patterning of Lithic Raw Material  Procurement Strategies in the Late Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic in Serbia: Tradition, Strategy, or Request?

Artisan Rule: Product Standardization and Craft Specialization in Prehistoric Society, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The Becoming of a Prehistoric Landscape: Palaeolithic Occupations and Geomorphological Processes at Lojanik (Serbia)


Accomplishing long-term plans to harvest and modify natural resources has been a crucial skill fo... more Accomplishing long-term plans to harvest and modify natural resources has been a crucial skill for the survival of our species since early Prehistory. Research on this first step of production mostly focuses on the provenience study of lithic artifacts uncovered at archaeological sites, using petrographic and geochemical analyses to correlate the artifacts with potential geological outcrops. Although fundamental for understanding key aspects of landscape use and mobility, regional raw material economy, and extraction technology, Palaeolithic raw material sources have been less intensively investigated, as they are often difficult to locate and challenging to tackle with traditional archaeological approaches. Lojanik in the Central Balkans is one of the largest Prehistoric quarrying areas known in Europe, showing numerous lithic raw material outcrops exploited from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Chalcolithic periods, over an area of 18 hectares. In this paper, we present the results ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of the chipped stone industry in the Vinča culture in the territory of Serbia

Sinteza publikovanih podataka okresane industrije kamena omogućila je da se postavi niz pretposta... more Sinteza publikovanih podataka okresane industrije kamena omogućila je da se postavi niz pretpostavki koju su proveravane preko tri segmenta: petroarheoloških proučavanja, statističkih korelacije sa analizom kontekstualnih celina i putem analize upotrebe oruĎa uz izvoĎenje eksperimenata. Preliminarni rezultati su po prvi put konkretizovali litičku tehnologiju i produkciju za period vinčanske kulture. Kvantifikovanje sirovina za izradu oruĎa do količine žitarica neophodnih za ishranu prosečne porodice su podaci na teorijskom nivou koji su uticali na šira proučavanja kretanja ljudi, robe i ideja. Ukazali su na složeni socijalni program zajednice, od intervencija u prirodi do razmene artefakata i razvijanja uzajamnih praksi u bakru i kamenu. Tokom osam stoleća postojanja vinčanske kulture tehnologija okresanog kamena je visoko razvijena produkcija s promišljenom litičkom organizacijom. Stabilnost je osnovna karakteristika vinčanskog razvoja. Očekivanja da bi nastupilo smanjivanje produk...

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Research paper thumbnail of Human Jaw from the Late Neolithic Pločnik site: A Multidisciplinary Approach

On the Pločnik site in 1978, in Trench VIII A, within an infill with a working title Pit, or Surf... more On the Pločnik site in 1978, in Trench VIII A, within an infill with a working title Pit, or Surface 'West', a human jaw was found next to pottery and stone findings. During an examination and the temporary move of the depot of the National Museum in Belgrade in 2016, this jaw was 're-discovered' for the second time, together with a hand-written note on the sex and age of the individual, without any data on the person who gave the interpretation. In this paper, we present further analyses and possibilities of interpreting this mandible, as well as the results of bio-archaeological analyses, AMS dating. These newly obtained results, accompanied by the investigations of the indirect archaeological documentation, have provided us with an interpretation of the fieldwork process, as well as the archaeometallurgical aspects, time-frame, and details about this individual member of the Pločnik Late Neolithic community.

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Research paper thumbnail of History and current studies of petroarcheological data from the Neolithic and Eneolithic in Serbia

Neolithic and Eneolithic sites in Serbia generally occupy extensive areas on old terraces of the ... more Neolithic and Eneolithic sites in Serbia generally occupy extensive areas on old terraces of the rivers Danube, Velika, Zapadna and Južna Morava or in the lowlands of the central part of the country. Systematic excavations of these settlements have made possible the study of many assemblages of stone artefacts. In the middle of the 20th century the methodological approach to the study of such finds was based exclusively on typological analysis of the main tool types. In the next phase investigations expanded to technological questions until the 1980s when studies of stone artefacts started to include the raw material aspect of the problem. Many hypotheses have been suggested about the provenance of stone raw materials and the method of their procurement. These were well-presented stories without firm indications concerning the facts in the field. In order to demonstrate the necessity of the petroarchaeological approach we present the past development of these investigations and the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Grey zones of production: Discussing the technology of tools at the Lojanik quarry in west-central Serbia

Journal of Lithic Studies, 2018

Flaked stone artefacts found on the quarry Lojanik in west-central Serbia are good examples of ho... more Flaked stone artefacts found on the quarry Lojanik in west-central Serbia are good examples of how the function of non-diagnostic pieces could be determined through technological and use-wear analysis. In this study, we present the examples of surface clusters and artefacts from stratigraphic layers. Our attention is focused on the prevailing category of fragmented raw materials in the initial phase of knapping, preforms, debris, shattered pieces of anthropogenic origin and an immense number of artefacts and geofacts. The study of mines and quarries, as well as distribution of the raw materials that come from the central Balkans is an understudied phenomenon. Flaked stone artefacts found on the outcrops of the Lojanik hilltop is a good example of how we can apply technological, petrological and use-wear analysis on this type of site. Keeping in mind the loose context of the finds, as well as the lack of any datable material, this issue has to be approached with a lot of caution, sin...

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Research paper thumbnail of An archaeological experiment and new knowledge about the chipped stone industry from the Vinča culture

Journal of Lithic Studies, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The origin, production and use of quartz crystals in the Neolithic of Serbia: Vinča-Belo Brdo

Quaternary International, 2017

Abstract The scope and importance of utilisation of quartz crystals in the prehistoric period of ... more Abstract The scope and importance of utilisation of quartz crystals in the prehistoric period of Serbia were smaller in comparison with cherts, and the reasons for their manufacture and purpose are not sufficiently known. Definition of the origin of quartz crystals from the Grivac site, outside the assumed mine at Mali Sturac, and artefacts from Vinca-Belo Brdo from the mine on Avala, as well as definition of working operations carried out using quartz crystal tools represent the initial framework of a systematic approach to the investigation of this group of raw materials. Precise determination of the main components and the character of lithic organization of quartz crystals is one of the important markers of the exchange of raw materials and artefacts in the network of Neolithic settlements in the territory of Serbia. This paper opens up new questions of interrelationships among Vinca settlements of large and small areas and different demographic capacities in the Final Neolithic and during the Chalcolithic.

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Research paper thumbnail of Prehistoric mines in the central Balkans

Zbornik Narodnog muzeja-serija: …, 2005

... 35-47. Kaluđerović, Z., Đurić-Slavković, N. (1995) Kulturno geološki kompleks HumskaČuka-Krem... more ... 35-47. Kaluđerović, Z., Đurić-Slavković, N. (1995) Kulturno geološki kompleks HumskaČuka-Kremenac. ... 33, 111-118. 28. Vasić, MM (1932) Preistorijska Vinča. Beograd: Državnaštamparija, I - industrija cinabarita i kosmetika u Vinči: Uvod u proučavanje Vinče. 28. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Ka problemu identifikacije rudničkih i radioničkih nalazišta kamenih sirovina u periodu neolita i enolita

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Research paper thumbnail of Raw material studies of West Central Serbia

Journal of Lithic Studies, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Be-JA Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology Бе-СА Българско е-Списание за Археология History and current studies of petroarcheological data from the Neolithic and Eneolithic in Serbia The beginning of petroarchaeological investigations in Serbia

Neolithic and Eneolithic sites in Serbia generally occupy extensive areas on old terraces of the ... more Neolithic and Eneolithic sites in Serbia generally occupy extensive areas on old terraces of the rivers Danube, Velika, Zapadna and Južna Morava or in the lowlands of the central part of the country. Systematic excavations of these settlements have made possible the study of many assemblages of stone artefacts. In the middle of the 20 th century the methodologi-cal approach to the study of such finds was based exclusively on typological analysis of the main tool types. In the next phase investigations expanded to technological questions until the 1980s when studies of stone artefacts started to include the raw material aspect of the problem. Many hypotheses have been suggested about the provenance of stone raw materials and the method of their procurement. These were well-presented stories without firm indications concerning the facts in the field. In order to demonstrate the necessity of the petroarchaeological approach we present the past development of these investigations and th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Razvoj industrije okresanog kamena u vinčanskoj kulturi na teritoriji Srbije

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Based on the choice of stone raw materials, the way they were made and their even dimensions, mic... more Based on the choice of stone raw materials, the way they were made and
their even dimensions, microperforators from workshop 1 represent specialized
tools of Vinča inhabitants in the 46th century BC. Microlithic bases and penetrative
tips are the main characteristics of these artefacts. The use of microperforators is
connected to the increased manufacture of small dimensions openings on different
materials: malachite, bone, and leather specifically. A hiatus in their production on
the territory of Serbia, from the Epipaleolithic to the Late Neolithic and the Eneolithic,
could be interpreted in several ways. Is this a result of the limited excavation
scope of the Early Neolithic sites, or the insufficient insight into the archaeological
material stored in museum collections. It could as well be the consequence of
a rational orientation of one community towards other activities that did not align
with the use of this type of tool. Given the conducted experiments in the region, it
was possible to point out the type of activities and pose a series of questions regarding
the role of these tools in this paper.

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Рад пружа увид у конзерваторско-рестаураторске поступке при- мењене на низу керамичких предмета в... more Рад пружа увид у конзерваторско-рестаураторске поступке при-
мењене на низу керамичких предмета винчанске провенијенције који се чу-
вају у Збирци за млађи неолит и енеолит Народног музеја у Београду. У пи-
тању је антропоморфна пластика са различитих локалитета, од Винче, преко
Црнокалачке баре, Дреновца, до Плочника и насеља Градац. Рестаурација је
примењенa на делу фонда који треба да се изложи у посебно касетираној ви-
трини, посвећеној неолитској пластици и њеним дометима. С обзиром на по-
стигнуте резултате, овде је приказан процес с циљем да се истакне след по-
ступака и пружи пуна информација о могућностима коришћења материјала
на бази воска, у сврху рестаурације предмета од керамике и реконструкције
мање обимних површина. Такође се наводе и конзерваторски третмани при-
мењени на поменутим предметима, у виду чишћења, консолидације, као и це-
локупне припреме предмета за потребе сталног излагања у Народном музеју.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vera Bogosavljevic Petrovic Stara naselja na podrucju danasnjeg Kraljeva

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling the empty spaces: Mesolithic in the micro-region of central Serbia

Foraging Assemblages Volume 2, 2021

The only Mesolithic sites in Serbia have been discovered in an area covering a few hundred square... more The only Mesolithic sites in Serbia have been discovered in an area covering a few hundred square
kilometres along the Danube banks (the gorges of the Iron Gates and the plain of Ključ). The prevailing
opinion among scholars is that the rest of the Serbian territory was not settled at the time since there
are practically no other known sites. On the other hand, the Mesolithic is documented in neighbouring
areas with similar geomorphological characteristics. The Serbian Early Neolithic chipped stone industries,
besides the typical Neolithic augmentation of tools, still retain microlithic elements and are characterized
by the use of quartz/quartzite, providing useful criteria to infer pre-Neolithic occupation. In order to
support these opposing facts related to this ‘empty space’, we investigate whether there were ecologically
sustainable conditions for the development of Mesolithic communities at a micro-regional level. Three
main themes of the study are as follows: (a) indirect reconstructions of the palaeoenvironment (plant
macro-remains and pollen spectra, topography, geomorphological potentials); (b) Early Neolithic animal
resource management (presence of domesticates versus wild animals); and (c) stone raw materials and
lithic technology. The main conclusion suggests a prospective micro-zone that might have harboured
Mesolithic occupations in west-central Serbia, around the lower Ibar River area and the links with the West
Morava River drainage.
Keywords: Mesolithic, Early Neolithic, central Serbia, palaeoecology, lithics

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Research paper thumbnail of Археолошки ПРЕГЛЕД  н . с. 1 (2003) /Archaeological REPORTS n. s. 1 (2003)

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Research paper thumbnail of Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva 32

by Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva, Miroslav Marić, Neda Mirković-Marić, Emilija Nikolić, Ljubisa Vasiljevic, Dušan S Rašković, Radmila Balaban, Vera Bogosavljevic, Srpsko Arheološko Društvo, Martin Husár, Marija Jović, Mirjana Vojvoda, Anđa Petrović, Vladimir Pecikoza, Zorica Kostic, and jelena A Vasic Derimanovic

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UISPP Commission on Flint Mining in Pre- and Protohistoric Times “Mining and Quarrying. Geologica... more UISPP Commission on Flint Mining in Pre- and Protohistoric Times
“Mining and Quarrying. Geological Characterisation, Knapping Processes and Distribution Networks during Pre- and Protohistoric Times“
7th International Conference in Mons and Spiennes (Belgium)
28th September – 1st October 2016


Lojanik, West-Central Serbia. Catena of prehistoric mining through time and space

Lojanik hill rises immediately above the modern settlement of Mataruška Spa (West Central Serbia), 200 km south of Belgrade. It represents a unique site of paleobotanical and archaeological character. This is the area where fossil remains of a silicified forest and remains of a long-lasting mining activity have been found, from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Early Neolithic and the Late Neolithic, with the indications of exploitation during the Bronze Age.
Silicification was caused by Tertiary volcanic activity, i.e. action of hot hydrothermal solutions on organic matter of wood. On Lojanik, the forms of mining and of stone raw materials, zones of intensive workshop activities, but also modern exploitation from the seventies of the 20th century were separated. The aims and models of exploitation changed during time regarding the selection of raw materials, but the source of ores remained the same. In order to assess the terrain expression and map the surface distribution of lithic raw/processed material clusters, close range photogrammetry procedures were implemented on site, using a pole mounted DSLR camera to acquire imagery data.
The economy of settlements from the close vicinity of Lojanik, such as the Early Neolithic settlement of Crkvine, or the Palaeolithic open-air site, Joldovića houses were crucially dependent on opal and other siliceous rocks from Lojanik. Based on macroscopic petrological analyses, a part of artefacts from Early Neolithic settlements of Central Šumadija (over 50 km far away) may originate from Lojanik.
Archaeological research of Lojanik is important for several reasons, and two of them are emphasized here. It is the first mine of stone raw materials from the territory of Serbia which is the topic of a separate scientific-research project. The second reason lies in the fact that investigations into the relationship between the mine and settlements both in a narrower and a wider territory can be conducted and that a hypothesis on the distribution network can be set up. It is often impossible to connect mining activity with concrete communities in the surroundings. In the case of Lojanik, two settlements from two different time periods have been confirmed as the consumers of its mining activity.

Keywords: mining, circulation of raw materials, workshop, characterisation of raw material, Palaeolithic, Neolithic

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Research paper thumbnail of -Exploitation of Raw Materials in Belovode (Serbia): Sourcing, Processing and Distribution

Belovode is one of the most important settlements of the Vinča culture, which has been excavated ... more Belovode is one of the most important settlements of the Vinča culture, which has been excavated in the last two decades in Serbia. Its development lasted over 650 years (5400-4600 cal BC). The main reason why Belovode was positioned there could be explained from an archaeometallurgical point of view, since there is a huge amount of metal ore deposits whose extraction was highly developed and continuously performed. Also, other aspects of community
processes at Belovode indicate a high level in all spheres of life.
The origin and use of siliceous minerals and sediments was considered incidental to the general remarks on the suitability of the environment for local exploitation until extensive research of resources, production and distribution of chipped artefacts has recently been undertaken. General characteristics of Belovode production are the reduction process of tools, the existence of a group of typologically and technologically defined blades of white cherts, as well as multifunctional tools and a high percentage of recycled artefacts. On the other hand, correlation of the structure of raw materials from the village and systematic "covering" of the territory by sampling geological deposits within a radius of 50 km have questioned a number of previous statements, such as: local acquisition, the importance of making stone artefacts for the community in favour of primary activities of metal crafts specialization, the extent of land use and the effect of people on their environment. The basic analyses applied are: macroscopic petrological examination and systematization of data obtained by microscopic analyses. The main result of the study of stone resources boils down to the fact that only 10 % of local lithic raw materials were in use at the site. Also, it is important to mention that there was an extensively developed concept of exchange and acquisition from communities of the wider environment, which included various types of siliceous rocks, as well as other goods.

Keywords: Sourcing, Distribution, Stone Raw Materials, Local Acquisition, Provenance, Archaeopetrological Studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vera Bogosavljević Petrović, Book Review: Dušan Borić, Posmrtni obredi na Lepenskom viru. Obrasci pogrebne prakse: istraživanja Dragoslava Srejovića/Deathways at Lepenski Vir, Patterns in Mortuary Practice: excavations of Dragoslav Srejović

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Research paper thumbnail of Artisans Rule: Product Standardization and Craft Specialization in Prehistoric Society

Craft production and its significance for understanding social relations are one of the essential... more Craft production and its significance for understanding social relations are one of the essential topics in prehistoric archaeology. Standardization of raw materials, products, and manufacturing procedures, and the presence or absence of specialized artisans still challenge scholars engaged in the studies of technology, social archaeology, exchange and distribution networks and economy in the past. In this volume, seven case studies covering a chronological span from the Neolithic to La Tène Europe explore the notions of standardization and specialization, the nature of their interrelationship, the methods for assessing their presence in the archaeological record, and their significance for the reconstruction of social relations and emergence of social complexity, while two ethnoarchaeological studies focus on the organization of production and methods of estimation of a number of artisans. This volume brings together research from prominent scholars, based on different theoretical perspectives, thus giving new insight into the fundamental issues related to artisans and their crafts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of Space in a Late Neolithic/Early Eneolithic Building at the  Site of Vinča-Belo Brdo in the Central Balkans

Making Spaces into Places: The North Aegean, the Balkans and Western Anatolia in the Neolithic, 2020

The Late Neolithic/Early Eneolithic Building 01/06 at the site of Vinča-Belo Brdo on the Danube b... more The Late Neolithic/Early Eneolithic Building 01/06 at the site of Vinča-Belo Brdo on the Danube burned suddenly. The daub sealed the interior of the three-room structure and preserved its contents as they stood in the 46th century BC. The building was preserved so well that the
details of its interior can be reconstructed. On the floor, under thick layers of destruction, ovens, querns, and deposits of artefacts and ecofacts were discovered, capturing a moment in time. The systematic retrieval of remarkably well-preserved plant macro-remains and other materials, and subsequent analyses, offer new information about practices such as food processing and storage and the use of space towards the end of the occupation of the site. In this article, we present a
detailed examination of the interior architecture, and of finds of ceramics, stone, plant and animal remains within each of the three rooms of Building 01/06. Our detailed contextual analysis of the
building’s internal configuration and of its contents, coupled with the precise dating of organic material, provides new data for the interpretation of a Vinča-style building and its use.

This material has been published as Chapter 12 in "Making Spaces into Places," BAR S3001 edited by Nenad N. Tasić, Dushka Urem-Kotsou and Marcel Burić, published by BAR Publishing (Oxford, 2020).

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Neolithic Building at Vinca Site – Use of space – 3D reconstruction

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