nat_therapist - Profile (original) (raw)

on 22 August 2004 (#4276893)

Professional Natural Therapists

This community is for professional (or students or teachers of) natural therapists to meet and discuss aspects of their work together. As therapists of different sorts, many of us work alone and this can be quite isolating. I would love to talk to other therapists about all sorts of aspects of our work - problems, funny things, qualifications, good and bad colleges and professional bodies, marketing and everything that comes with doing this sort of thing.

I want this community to be open to therapists of all persuasions - from osteopathy to reflexology, from crystal healers to sports therapists. I've written a list of interests, but please feel free to suggest additions to be as incusive as possible. Initially membership will be open, but later it will be moderated to keep the members relavant to the community.

I'm sure this doesn't need to be said, but please, no identifying information about clients, and anything sensitive, please place in a locked entry.

Please note: this is not a community for non-professionals to talk about therapies - this is not because i want to discriminate against such people - but there are already communities for those with a general interest.
This is for: students, those interested in studying, qualified therapists, lapsed therapists, practicing therapists teachers of therapies.

When you join, please introduce yourself with this information:
What therapies you work with:
(Roughly)where you are:
How long you've been practicing/been a student for:
Why you're thinking of training?
Where you're thinking of training?
Any special areas of interest.
If there's any new training you're planning on doing soon.

acupressure, acupuncture, alexander technique, alternative, amma, anatomy and physiology, aromatherapy, auriculartherapy, ayurvedic, baby massage, bach flower remedies, bowen, bowen technique, bush flower essences, chair massage, chakras, chi, chi gung, chinese medicine, chiropractic, classical massage, colonic irrigation, complementary, counselling, cryotherapy, crystal healing, cupping, detox, detoxing, doula, energy, essential oils, flower remedies, healing, health, herbalism, herbs, holistic, homeopathy, hopi ear candles, hot stone massage, hydrotherapy, hypnotherapy, indian head massage, infant massage, iridology, la stone, lavender, life coaching, manual lymphatic drainage, massage, meditation, meridians, midwifery, minerals, myofacial release, natropathy, natural, natural beauty, natural birth, neurolinguistic programming, nlp, nutrition, oils, on-site massage, organic, osteomyology, osteopathy, physical therapy, physiotherapy, phytotherapy, pilates, plants, prana, pregnancy massage, reflexology, reiki, relaxation, remedial, rescue remedy, rmt, scenar, shiatsu, sound healing, spa, sports massage, sports therapy, stone massage, stress, supplements, swedish massage, tcm, tea tree, tens, thai massage, therapy, thermo-auricular therapy, thermotherapy, tissue salts, vitamins, yoga, zero balancing, zone therapy