Samuel Sotillo | North Carolina State University (original) (raw)

Samuel Sotillo

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Papers by Samuel Sotillo

Research paper thumbnail of IPv 6 Security Issues

Deployment of a new generation of Internet protocols is on its way. It is a process that may take... more Deployment of a new generation of Internet protocols is on its way. It is a process that may take several years to complete. In the meantime, the deployment raises considerable new issues, being security one of the most compelling. This paper reviews some of the improvements associated with the new Internet Protocol version 6, with an emphasis on its security-related functionality. At the end, it concludes summarizing some of the most common security concerns the new suite of protocols creates.

Research paper thumbnail of IPv6 Security Issues

This presentation discusses new IPv6 security issues/characteristics, giving an overview of diffe... more This presentation discusses new IPv6 security issues/characteristics, giving an overview of different types of attacks, discussing mixed IPv4/IPv6 networks, and finally coming up with a list of IPv6 security recommendations.

Research paper thumbnail of A Note on a Review of Blood Meridian by Robert Bolaño

Cormac McCarthy Journal, 2011

Page 1. 78 Cormac McCarthy Journal Fall 2010 A Note on a Review of Blood Meridian by Roberto Bola... more Page 1. 78 Cormac McCarthy Journal Fall 2010 A Note on a Review of Blood Meridian by Roberto Bolaño Samuel Soltillo n June 2001, Las Últimas Noticias, a Chilean tabloid, published a short review by Chilean writer Roberto ...

Research paper thumbnail of IPv6 Security Issues

… . com/text_resources/pdf/IPv6_SSotillo. p df, 2006

For more than three decades now, the Internet's end-to-end model has functioned remarkably w... more For more than three decades now, the Internet's end-to-end model has functioned remarkably well. This model has allowed the evolution of a transparent network architecture that efficiently supports the transport of data without caring what the data it-self represents [7]. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Zfone : A New Approach for Securing VoIP Communication

This paper reviews some security challenges currently faced by VoIP systems as well as their pote... more This paper reviews some security challenges currently faced by VoIP systems as well as their potential solutions. Particularly, it focuses on Zfone, a vendor-neutral security solution developed by PGP’s creator, Phil Zimmermann. Zfone is based on the Z Real-time Transport Protocol (ZRTP), which is an extension of the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). ZRTP offers a very simple and robust approach to providing protection against the most common type of VoIP threats. Basically, the protocol offers a mechanism to guarantee high entropy in a DiffieHellman key exchange by using a session key that is computed through the hashing several secrets, including a short authentication string that is read aloud by callers. The common shared secret is calculated and used only for one session at a time. However, the protocol allows for a part of the shared secret to be cached for future sessions. The mechanism provides for protection for man-in-the-middle, call hijack, spoofing, and other common t...

Research paper thumbnail of Extensible Authentication Protocol ( EAP ) Security Issues

Research paper thumbnail of IPv 6 Security Issues

Deployment of a new generation of Internet protocols is on its way. It is a process that may take... more Deployment of a new generation of Internet protocols is on its way. It is a process that may take several years to complete. In the meantime, the deployment raises considerable new issues, being security one of the most compelling. This paper reviews some of the improvements associated with the new Internet Protocol version 6, with an emphasis on its security-related functionality. At the end, it concludes summarizing some of the most common security concerns the new suite of protocols creates.

Research paper thumbnail of IPv6 Security Issues

This presentation discusses new IPv6 security issues/characteristics, giving an overview of diffe... more This presentation discusses new IPv6 security issues/characteristics, giving an overview of different types of attacks, discussing mixed IPv4/IPv6 networks, and finally coming up with a list of IPv6 security recommendations.

Research paper thumbnail of A Note on a Review of Blood Meridian by Robert Bolaño

Cormac McCarthy Journal, 2011

Page 1. 78 Cormac McCarthy Journal Fall 2010 A Note on a Review of Blood Meridian by Roberto Bola... more Page 1. 78 Cormac McCarthy Journal Fall 2010 A Note on a Review of Blood Meridian by Roberto Bolaño Samuel Soltillo n June 2001, Las Últimas Noticias, a Chilean tabloid, published a short review by Chilean writer Roberto ...

Research paper thumbnail of IPv6 Security Issues

… . com/text_resources/pdf/IPv6_SSotillo. p df, 2006

For more than three decades now, the Internet's end-to-end model has functioned remarkably w... more For more than three decades now, the Internet's end-to-end model has functioned remarkably well. This model has allowed the evolution of a transparent network architecture that efficiently supports the transport of data without caring what the data it-self represents [7]. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Zfone : A New Approach for Securing VoIP Communication

This paper reviews some security challenges currently faced by VoIP systems as well as their pote... more This paper reviews some security challenges currently faced by VoIP systems as well as their potential solutions. Particularly, it focuses on Zfone, a vendor-neutral security solution developed by PGP’s creator, Phil Zimmermann. Zfone is based on the Z Real-time Transport Protocol (ZRTP), which is an extension of the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). ZRTP offers a very simple and robust approach to providing protection against the most common type of VoIP threats. Basically, the protocol offers a mechanism to guarantee high entropy in a DiffieHellman key exchange by using a session key that is computed through the hashing several secrets, including a short authentication string that is read aloud by callers. The common shared secret is calculated and used only for one session at a time. However, the protocol allows for a part of the shared secret to be cached for future sessions. The mechanism provides for protection for man-in-the-middle, call hijack, spoofing, and other common t...

Research paper thumbnail of Extensible Authentication Protocol ( EAP ) Security Issues

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