Sevtap Günay Köprülü | Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University (original) (raw)

Books by Sevtap Günay Köprülü

Research paper thumbnail of Terminological Equivalence in Translation of Medical Text

Schriften zur Sprache und Literatur VII, 2023

Medical language and terminology play a key role in the healthy and comprehensible exchange of in... more Medical language and terminology play a key role in the healthy and comprehensible exchange of information between people from different languages as well as between people using the same language. In this regard, two important issues stand out. One of them is the medical language and terminology used in the source text. The medical language used in the source text (whether it is a language dominated by medical terminology of Latin and Greek origin or an easy-to-understand language using commonly used medical terms) is influential in determining the terms to be used in translation. The other is the target audience. Will the translation be done for people who are familiar with medical terminology and who are in the medical field, or will it be done for people who are not from the field, with little or no knowledge of the terminology? Because it is essential to use a language that the target audience can understand. This study focuses on medical terms used in medical texts that serve to inform the public. The aim of the study is to investigate whether the linguistic features of terms are taken into account in translation, i.e. whether equivalence is achieved at the term level, and to reveal the importance of equivalence for the target audience.

Research paper thumbnail of Yazınsal Eserlerde Örtmece ve Çevirisi

Sosyal Bilimlerde Yeni Yaklaşımlar, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of GÖRSEL-İŞİTSEL ÇEVİRİ

Görsel-İşitsel Çeviri, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Türk Eğitim Sisteminde Almanca Dersi Öğretim Programı

Özel Öğretim Yöntemleri, 2018

Kitap içeriğinin tüm sorumluluğu yazarlarına aittir.

Research paper thumbnail of FİLM ÇEVİRİSİ DUBLAJDA EŞLEME


Film çevirisi sayesinde, dünyanın başka bir yerinde tamamen yabancı kültürlerden insanları, mekân... more Film çevirisi sayesinde, dünyanın başka bir yerinde tamamen yabancı kültürlerden insanları, mekânları, olayları kendi ortamımızda ve kendi dilimizde izleyebiliriz. Olaylar ya New York’ta, ya Paris’te, Berlin’de ya da çok daha farklı yerlerde geçer, ancak konuşulan dil bizim dilimizdir. Bunu sağlayan ise dublajdır. Film çeviri yöntemlerinden olan dublajda, kendi dilimizde bir filmi izliyormuşuz izlenimini yaşayabilmemiz için birçok etken dikkate alınmak zorundadır. Bunların başında eşleme gelir. Eşleme kavramıyla kastedilen genel anlamda görüntü ve sesin uyumudur, birbiriyle örtüşmesidir. Eşleme başka birçok şey gibi, değeri ancak yokluğunda anlaşılan bir olgudur; ses-görüntü uyumunda bir aksama olması izleyicinin hemen dikkatini çeker.
Dublaj yöntemiyle film çevirisinin odağını oluşturan eşleme, bu çalışmanın da odak noktasını oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada, çeviribilime genel bir bakıştan sonra, film ve sinema, film çevirisi, film çeviri yöntemleri, dublaj ve eşlemeye ilişkin kuramsal bilgilere yer verilmiştir. Kuramsal bilgilerle uygulamayı bütünleştirmek amacıyla da yabancı bir filmin çevirisi, dublajda eşlemenin nasıl sağlandığı, eşlemede karşılaşılan çeviri sorunları, bu sorunların nasıl aşılabildiği, neden aşılamadığı açılarından incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmanın, dublajda eşlemeyi teorik ve ampirik olarak detaylı bir şekilde ele alması açısından öncü niteliği taşıyan bir eser olması sebebiyle film çevirisiyle ilgilenen herkese katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Altyazı Çevirmenini Kısıtlayan Etkenler

Eğitim Bilimlerinde Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 2017

Bu çalışmada altyazı çevirmenini etkileyen, kısıtlayan başlıca etkenler, bu etkenlerin çeviri met... more Bu çalışmada altyazı çevirmenini etkileyen, kısıtlayan başlıca etkenler, bu etkenlerin çeviri metnine yansımaları ve çevirmeni nasıl yönlendirdiği araştırılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Altyazı Yöntemiyle Film Çevirisi

Sosyal Bilimlerde Stratejik Araştırmalar, 2016

Film çevirisi, son yıllarda üzerinde sıkça araştırma yapılan bir çeviri türüdür. Ağırlıklı olarak... more Film çevirisi, son yıllarda üzerinde sıkça araştırma yapılan bir çeviri türüdür. Ağırlıklı olarak sinema filmlerinin, TV filmlerinin ve belgesellerin çevirisinin yer aldığı bu çeviri türü üzerine yapılan araştırmalar uygulamada çevirmene yol göstererek film çevirilerinin kalitesinin artmasına da katkı sağlamaktadır. Film çevirisi kapsamında dublaj ve altyazı önde gelen film çeviri yöntemleridir. Kimi ülkelerde, sinema ve televizyonlarda gösterilen filmlerde yaygın olarak altyazı, kimi ülkelerde ise dublaj kullanılmaktadır. Dublaj ve altyazının haricinde film çevirisinde voice-over yöntemini kullanan ülkeler de bulunmaktadır. Bu seçimlerin temelinde yatan başlıca faktörler arasında yöntemlerin maliyetleri ve ülkenin okuma yazma oranı yer almaktadır. Film çeviri yöntemlerinin her birinin farklı teknik özellikleri bulunmaktadır. Bu teknik özellikleri itibariyle de yazınsal metin çevirilerinden farklılık göstermektedir. Altyazı, orijinal filmin işitsel ve görsel düzlem bilgilerinde herhangi bir değişikliğin yapılmadığı, (genel anlamda) filmde geçen konuşmaların hedef dile çevrilerek yazı diline aktarıldığı bir yöntemdir. Bu nedenle, orijinal sesin çıkarılarak hedef dilde yeniden seslendirilme yapıldığı dublaj veya orijinal sesin arka planda kaldığı hedef dilde seslendirmenin baskın olduğu voice-over gibi film çeviri yöntemlerinden farklı teknik kullanımlar söz konusudur. Başarılı bir altyazıdan bahsedebilmek için çevirmenin, her iki dile hakimiyetinin yanı sıra satır ve karakter sayısı, altyazının giriş ve çıkış zamanlaması (spotlama), ekranda kalış süresi, noktalama işaretlerinin kullanım yerleri gibi teknik bilgilere de hakim olması gerekmektedir. Zira bu teknik ayrıntılar, bilimsel araştırmalara dayanmaktadır. Örneğin izleyicilerin okuma hızına ilişkin yapılan araştırmalardan elde edilen sonuçlar, altyazının ekranda kalış süresini belirleyen etkenler arasında yer almaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Medical Texts’ Translation in Terms of Theoretical Perspectives: The Importance of Target Group

Schriften zur Sprache und LiteraturII, 2018

Medicine is a closely followed field all over the world today. In a country a development or an i... more Medicine is a closely followed field all over the world today. In a country a development or an invention in the area of medicine, an improved vaccine or a drug that can be used in the treatment of diseases concerns the whole world. This type of development in the field of medicine takes place on newspapers, press, congresses, and textbooks and so on for the purposes of information. And in the international circulation of knowledge plays the translation an important role. This study, which is a descriptive research, examines the theoretical knowledge about the translation of medical texts. Current examples of the application of this theoretical knowledge are given.

Research paper thumbnail of Synchrony Types which have an effect on the translation in Voice-Over Transfer Mode

Research on Communication

Papers by Sevtap Günay Köprülü

Research paper thumbnail of Comprehensibility in translation of medical texts

RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023

Medicine is a field that is being closely followed as a scientific field worldwide and in which t... more Medicine is a field that is being closely followed as a scientific field worldwide and in which there are continuous developments. Because it is a science that covers the necessary applications to prevent and treat diseases, as well as to protect and improve health. This field of science, whose history is as old as the history of humanity, has its own terminology, which comes from Greek and Latin. Therefore, the (difficult) comprehensibility of the medical language is one of the issues emphasized. Medical professionals know this terminology well and understand it easily. Lay people, however, may have difficulty understanding medical language. The (difficulty) level of language used in medical texts varies according to the target audience. If the target audience of the text is professionals, a language dominated by sophisticated medical terminology of Greek and Latin origin is used. The reason for this is that medical terminology facilitates communication, as it is a shared language worldwide. However, if the target audience of the text is lay people, people tend to use easier-tounderstand language and more common medical terms and known to the public. This is because the text should be accurate and easy to understand. This should also be the aim of translations of medical texts. This present study analyzed the Turkish translations of German texts published on the website of an official institution and produced to inform the public about infectious diseases. Informative texts about 32 different diseases on the website were analyzed, and eight texts were selected as different examples of ‘comprehensibility in translation’. The study focused on medical terms and expressions that are unclear, misunderstood, or cause ambiguity in translation texts and investigated the causes of the clarity problem. As a result of the study, it was observed that the literal translation approach in the translation of medical texts in which equivalents in their own language replace medical terminology (i.e. national medical terms) since the target audience since the target audience is lay people, leads to the emergence of 'comprehensibility' problems. / Günay Köprülü, S.

Research paper thumbnail of Topics and Language Change in the Literary Works of Turks Living in Germany

Söylem Filoloji Dergisi, 2020

Trains did not just carry guest workers, but also emotions such as hope, longing, and missing fro... more Trains did not just carry guest workers, but also emotions such as hope, longing, and missing from Turkey to Germany in the early years of 1960s. This adventure, which started with the thought of returning to the homeland after saving some money, has never been able to end; Turks
in Germany have reached the fifth generation. The problems such as foreign culture, foreign language and foreign people experienced in the first years of the foreign country were reflected in the literary works written in the mother tongue. As the return period was extended, foreign
language and foreign culture were adopted, but this time different problems such as the search for identity emerged. Different literary works were started to be written with new themes in the language of the new homeland together with the new generations. In this study, the language and theme used in the literary works written by Turks living in Germany were investigated, and the differences among generations were examined.

Research paper thumbnail of Übersetzungsstrategien der Kinderliteratur Eine Analyse am Beispiel der türkischen Übersetzung von Michael Endes Der Teddy und die Tiere

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections of Migration on Literature and Cinema

Human history has witnessed many migrations depending on various reasons. Geographical factors, e... more Human history has witnessed many migrations depending on various reasons. Geographical factors, economic problems, population growth, and political reasons are among the reasons for these migrations. Migrations after the Second World War were also due to similar reasons. Labour migration from Türkiye to abroad occurred in the late 1950s due to labour force problems in some developed European countries and unemployment problems in underdeveloped countries. Germany was the country most preferred by the Turks in this migration process, supported by agreements between states since the beginning of the 1960s. Turks migrated to Germany for economic reasons or better working conditions. This migration has been complex for those who went abroad and those who stayed behind. The problems experienced by migrants going abroad to save some money and return due to language and cultural differences, social problems such as life differences, and feelings such as longing for those left behind and homesickness were expressed in the works of the period. Migration as a phenomenon has been the subject of not only
poems, stories, and novels but also cinema.
This study investigates how the first years of worker migration to Germany reflected two different branches of art. For this reason, prominent themes in novels and movies regarding migration are discussed. Furthermore, this study deals with the differences between the reflections of writers who experienced migration and those of filmmakers who did not experience migration. Since the labour migration started in the 1960s continued also with family reunifications in the 70s and 80s, the works published in these years are examined. The results reveal that there are common themes as well as differences between the novels and movies examined within the scope of the present study.

Research paper thumbnail of Personennamen in DaF-Lehrwerken als Repräsentanten ihres Herkunftslandes

In foreign language teaching, along with language, the culture of that language is also taught. F... more In foreign language teaching, along with language, the culture of that language is also taught. For this reason, textbooks contain much information about the target language’s culture and country, such as their traditions, eating and drinking habits, idioms, and celebrities. These include personal names and they, too, provide information about the country and its culture.
This study aimed to investigate how the personal names in German textbooks represented the target language’s country and culture. It was also investigated whether the personal names had accompanying nationality information. Moreover, it was attempted to determine the prevalence/popularity of the names and whether there was a difference in German and Turkish names in this respect. Within the scope of the research, the first units of three local A1.1 level German language textbooks, Deutsch, Plus+Deutsch and Wie Bitte? used in Turkey’s high schools were examined.

Research paper thumbnail of Schuldmotiv im Roman “Ohne Maria”

International Journal of Language Academy, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Almanya'da Yaşayan Türklerin Yazınsal Eserlerinde Tema ve Dil Değişimi

SÖYLEM Filoloji Dergisi, 2020

1960’lı yılların başlarında Türkiye’den Almanya’ya trenler sadece misafir işçileri değil aynı zam... more 1960’lı yılların başlarında Türkiye’den Almanya’ya trenler sadece misafir işçileri değil aynı zamanda umut, hasret, özlem gibi duyguları da taşımışlardır. Bir miktar para biriktirdikten sonra vatana geri dönme düşüncesiyle başlayan bu macera bir türlü bitememiş, Almanya’daki Türkler beşinci kuşağa ulaşmıştır. Gurbette ilk yıllarda yaşanan yabancı kültür, yabancı dil, yabancı insanlar gibi sorunlar anadilde yazılan yazınsal eserlerde yansıtılmıştır. Geri dönüş süresi uzadıkça yabancı dil ve yabancı kültür benimsenmiş ancak bu kez de kimlik arayışı gibi farklı sorunlar ortaya çıkmıştır. Yeni kuşaklarla birlikte yeni vatanın dilinde yeni temalarla farklı yazınsal eserler kaleme alınmaya başlanmıştır.
Bu çalışmada, Almanya’da yaşayan Türklerin yazmış oldukları yazınsal eserlerde kullanılan dil ve tema araştırılmış olup, kuşaklar arasındaki farklılaşmalar incelenmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Çocuk Yazini Çevi̇ri̇leri̇ni̇n Çocuğun Di̇l Geli̇şi̇mi̇ne Etki̇si̇

Kafkas Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Translation Problems in Dubbing Based on Synchronization

Route Educational and Social Science Journal, 2014

Films, emerged in the end of 19th century as public entertainment, today, shapes the masses of th... more Films, emerged in the end of 19th century as public entertainment, today, shapes the masses of the public in ideological, linguistic and cultural perspective. For these reasons, translations of foreign films are of great importance. With this study, in which we have considered film translation in the scope of translation study, after emphasizing hypothetical information pertaining to dubbing, the most preferred method in translation of the films which today have an important place in intercultural information transfer, translation problems based on synchronization are expressed. In this study, it is targeted to explain that audiovisual synchronization is necessary in dubbing process, what the source of synchronization problem is, how synchronization guides the dubbing process and how it affects the translation product. In the end of the study it has been figured out that the methods, applied with synchronization concerns, sometimes become successful, and that they sometimes cause unnatural expression, information losses and distortions in meaning in targeted language. In the study, recommendations have been made to overcome synchronization problem in a way to provide equivalence for content and formation in the targeted language system. Turkish dubbed version of a German made film comprises the exemplification of the study.

Research paper thumbnail of The Inner Monologue in Herrad Schenk’s Novel „Am Ende“

Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2014

In Herrad Schenk's novel "Am Ende" which is about old age, inner life of a woman caring for her o... more In Herrad Schenk's novel "Am Ende" which is about old age, inner life of a woman caring for her old and bed confined husband is described. How an elderly woman resists against being needy is relayed to the reader from her perspectives by portraying elderly human type, his life style, thoughts and feelings. Many expression types in the fiction world of the writing are in fact reflection of the real life. And one of them is action of thinking named "inner monologue"and which a person does it by talking to himself. German author Herrad Schenk uses this expression element very often in his novel. Together with the way this expression element is formed in the subject novel of the author, how expression element of the protagonist Elli in the form of inner monologue is formed, how it is applied and how it is used in the context are tried to be studied in this article.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Child Literature Translation on the Linguistic Development of Children

Kafkas Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2015

Children's literature, by appealing to their imaginary world, provides contribution to their ment... more Children's literature, by appealing to their imaginary world, provides contribution to their mental, emotional, social and linguistic development; therefore, it should be appropriate for the child's intellectual and emotional world and linguistic development. In short, it should be "for the child". In this sense, the relevance of the language and style, the clear and comprehensible expressions are the basic features that children's literature should entail. In this study, first, children's linguistic development, child literature translation and the characteristics of tales have been considered from a theoretical perspective and then, samples from "Little Red Riding Hood" of Grimm Brothers that were translated into Turkish have been analyzed. The appropriateness of the language and style, syntax and the morphological structure of the words used in the text examined within the scope of translation studies and they have been evaluated for their effects on children’s linguistic development.

Research paper thumbnail of Terminological Equivalence in Translation of Medical Text

Schriften zur Sprache und Literatur VII, 2023

Medical language and terminology play a key role in the healthy and comprehensible exchange of in... more Medical language and terminology play a key role in the healthy and comprehensible exchange of information between people from different languages as well as between people using the same language. In this regard, two important issues stand out. One of them is the medical language and terminology used in the source text. The medical language used in the source text (whether it is a language dominated by medical terminology of Latin and Greek origin or an easy-to-understand language using commonly used medical terms) is influential in determining the terms to be used in translation. The other is the target audience. Will the translation be done for people who are familiar with medical terminology and who are in the medical field, or will it be done for people who are not from the field, with little or no knowledge of the terminology? Because it is essential to use a language that the target audience can understand. This study focuses on medical terms used in medical texts that serve to inform the public. The aim of the study is to investigate whether the linguistic features of terms are taken into account in translation, i.e. whether equivalence is achieved at the term level, and to reveal the importance of equivalence for the target audience.

Research paper thumbnail of Yazınsal Eserlerde Örtmece ve Çevirisi

Sosyal Bilimlerde Yeni Yaklaşımlar, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of GÖRSEL-İŞİTSEL ÇEVİRİ

Görsel-İşitsel Çeviri, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Türk Eğitim Sisteminde Almanca Dersi Öğretim Programı

Özel Öğretim Yöntemleri, 2018

Kitap içeriğinin tüm sorumluluğu yazarlarına aittir.

Research paper thumbnail of FİLM ÇEVİRİSİ DUBLAJDA EŞLEME


Film çevirisi sayesinde, dünyanın başka bir yerinde tamamen yabancı kültürlerden insanları, mekân... more Film çevirisi sayesinde, dünyanın başka bir yerinde tamamen yabancı kültürlerden insanları, mekânları, olayları kendi ortamımızda ve kendi dilimizde izleyebiliriz. Olaylar ya New York’ta, ya Paris’te, Berlin’de ya da çok daha farklı yerlerde geçer, ancak konuşulan dil bizim dilimizdir. Bunu sağlayan ise dublajdır. Film çeviri yöntemlerinden olan dublajda, kendi dilimizde bir filmi izliyormuşuz izlenimini yaşayabilmemiz için birçok etken dikkate alınmak zorundadır. Bunların başında eşleme gelir. Eşleme kavramıyla kastedilen genel anlamda görüntü ve sesin uyumudur, birbiriyle örtüşmesidir. Eşleme başka birçok şey gibi, değeri ancak yokluğunda anlaşılan bir olgudur; ses-görüntü uyumunda bir aksama olması izleyicinin hemen dikkatini çeker.
Dublaj yöntemiyle film çevirisinin odağını oluşturan eşleme, bu çalışmanın da odak noktasını oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada, çeviribilime genel bir bakıştan sonra, film ve sinema, film çevirisi, film çeviri yöntemleri, dublaj ve eşlemeye ilişkin kuramsal bilgilere yer verilmiştir. Kuramsal bilgilerle uygulamayı bütünleştirmek amacıyla da yabancı bir filmin çevirisi, dublajda eşlemenin nasıl sağlandığı, eşlemede karşılaşılan çeviri sorunları, bu sorunların nasıl aşılabildiği, neden aşılamadığı açılarından incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmanın, dublajda eşlemeyi teorik ve ampirik olarak detaylı bir şekilde ele alması açısından öncü niteliği taşıyan bir eser olması sebebiyle film çevirisiyle ilgilenen herkese katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Altyazı Çevirmenini Kısıtlayan Etkenler

Eğitim Bilimlerinde Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 2017

Bu çalışmada altyazı çevirmenini etkileyen, kısıtlayan başlıca etkenler, bu etkenlerin çeviri met... more Bu çalışmada altyazı çevirmenini etkileyen, kısıtlayan başlıca etkenler, bu etkenlerin çeviri metnine yansımaları ve çevirmeni nasıl yönlendirdiği araştırılmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Altyazı Yöntemiyle Film Çevirisi

Sosyal Bilimlerde Stratejik Araştırmalar, 2016

Film çevirisi, son yıllarda üzerinde sıkça araştırma yapılan bir çeviri türüdür. Ağırlıklı olarak... more Film çevirisi, son yıllarda üzerinde sıkça araştırma yapılan bir çeviri türüdür. Ağırlıklı olarak sinema filmlerinin, TV filmlerinin ve belgesellerin çevirisinin yer aldığı bu çeviri türü üzerine yapılan araştırmalar uygulamada çevirmene yol göstererek film çevirilerinin kalitesinin artmasına da katkı sağlamaktadır. Film çevirisi kapsamında dublaj ve altyazı önde gelen film çeviri yöntemleridir. Kimi ülkelerde, sinema ve televizyonlarda gösterilen filmlerde yaygın olarak altyazı, kimi ülkelerde ise dublaj kullanılmaktadır. Dublaj ve altyazının haricinde film çevirisinde voice-over yöntemini kullanan ülkeler de bulunmaktadır. Bu seçimlerin temelinde yatan başlıca faktörler arasında yöntemlerin maliyetleri ve ülkenin okuma yazma oranı yer almaktadır. Film çeviri yöntemlerinin her birinin farklı teknik özellikleri bulunmaktadır. Bu teknik özellikleri itibariyle de yazınsal metin çevirilerinden farklılık göstermektedir. Altyazı, orijinal filmin işitsel ve görsel düzlem bilgilerinde herhangi bir değişikliğin yapılmadığı, (genel anlamda) filmde geçen konuşmaların hedef dile çevrilerek yazı diline aktarıldığı bir yöntemdir. Bu nedenle, orijinal sesin çıkarılarak hedef dilde yeniden seslendirilme yapıldığı dublaj veya orijinal sesin arka planda kaldığı hedef dilde seslendirmenin baskın olduğu voice-over gibi film çeviri yöntemlerinden farklı teknik kullanımlar söz konusudur. Başarılı bir altyazıdan bahsedebilmek için çevirmenin, her iki dile hakimiyetinin yanı sıra satır ve karakter sayısı, altyazının giriş ve çıkış zamanlaması (spotlama), ekranda kalış süresi, noktalama işaretlerinin kullanım yerleri gibi teknik bilgilere de hakim olması gerekmektedir. Zira bu teknik ayrıntılar, bilimsel araştırmalara dayanmaktadır. Örneğin izleyicilerin okuma hızına ilişkin yapılan araştırmalardan elde edilen sonuçlar, altyazının ekranda kalış süresini belirleyen etkenler arasında yer almaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Medical Texts’ Translation in Terms of Theoretical Perspectives: The Importance of Target Group

Schriften zur Sprache und LiteraturII, 2018

Medicine is a closely followed field all over the world today. In a country a development or an i... more Medicine is a closely followed field all over the world today. In a country a development or an invention in the area of medicine, an improved vaccine or a drug that can be used in the treatment of diseases concerns the whole world. This type of development in the field of medicine takes place on newspapers, press, congresses, and textbooks and so on for the purposes of information. And in the international circulation of knowledge plays the translation an important role. This study, which is a descriptive research, examines the theoretical knowledge about the translation of medical texts. Current examples of the application of this theoretical knowledge are given.

Research paper thumbnail of Synchrony Types which have an effect on the translation in Voice-Over Transfer Mode

Research on Communication

Research paper thumbnail of Comprehensibility in translation of medical texts

RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023

Medicine is a field that is being closely followed as a scientific field worldwide and in which t... more Medicine is a field that is being closely followed as a scientific field worldwide and in which there are continuous developments. Because it is a science that covers the necessary applications to prevent and treat diseases, as well as to protect and improve health. This field of science, whose history is as old as the history of humanity, has its own terminology, which comes from Greek and Latin. Therefore, the (difficult) comprehensibility of the medical language is one of the issues emphasized. Medical professionals know this terminology well and understand it easily. Lay people, however, may have difficulty understanding medical language. The (difficulty) level of language used in medical texts varies according to the target audience. If the target audience of the text is professionals, a language dominated by sophisticated medical terminology of Greek and Latin origin is used. The reason for this is that medical terminology facilitates communication, as it is a shared language worldwide. However, if the target audience of the text is lay people, people tend to use easier-tounderstand language and more common medical terms and known to the public. This is because the text should be accurate and easy to understand. This should also be the aim of translations of medical texts. This present study analyzed the Turkish translations of German texts published on the website of an official institution and produced to inform the public about infectious diseases. Informative texts about 32 different diseases on the website were analyzed, and eight texts were selected as different examples of ‘comprehensibility in translation’. The study focused on medical terms and expressions that are unclear, misunderstood, or cause ambiguity in translation texts and investigated the causes of the clarity problem. As a result of the study, it was observed that the literal translation approach in the translation of medical texts in which equivalents in their own language replace medical terminology (i.e. national medical terms) since the target audience since the target audience is lay people, leads to the emergence of 'comprehensibility' problems. / Günay Köprülü, S.

Research paper thumbnail of Topics and Language Change in the Literary Works of Turks Living in Germany

Söylem Filoloji Dergisi, 2020

Trains did not just carry guest workers, but also emotions such as hope, longing, and missing fro... more Trains did not just carry guest workers, but also emotions such as hope, longing, and missing from Turkey to Germany in the early years of 1960s. This adventure, which started with the thought of returning to the homeland after saving some money, has never been able to end; Turks
in Germany have reached the fifth generation. The problems such as foreign culture, foreign language and foreign people experienced in the first years of the foreign country were reflected in the literary works written in the mother tongue. As the return period was extended, foreign
language and foreign culture were adopted, but this time different problems such as the search for identity emerged. Different literary works were started to be written with new themes in the language of the new homeland together with the new generations. In this study, the language and theme used in the literary works written by Turks living in Germany were investigated, and the differences among generations were examined.

Research paper thumbnail of Übersetzungsstrategien der Kinderliteratur Eine Analyse am Beispiel der türkischen Übersetzung von Michael Endes Der Teddy und die Tiere

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections of Migration on Literature and Cinema

Human history has witnessed many migrations depending on various reasons. Geographical factors, e... more Human history has witnessed many migrations depending on various reasons. Geographical factors, economic problems, population growth, and political reasons are among the reasons for these migrations. Migrations after the Second World War were also due to similar reasons. Labour migration from Türkiye to abroad occurred in the late 1950s due to labour force problems in some developed European countries and unemployment problems in underdeveloped countries. Germany was the country most preferred by the Turks in this migration process, supported by agreements between states since the beginning of the 1960s. Turks migrated to Germany for economic reasons or better working conditions. This migration has been complex for those who went abroad and those who stayed behind. The problems experienced by migrants going abroad to save some money and return due to language and cultural differences, social problems such as life differences, and feelings such as longing for those left behind and homesickness were expressed in the works of the period. Migration as a phenomenon has been the subject of not only
poems, stories, and novels but also cinema.
This study investigates how the first years of worker migration to Germany reflected two different branches of art. For this reason, prominent themes in novels and movies regarding migration are discussed. Furthermore, this study deals with the differences between the reflections of writers who experienced migration and those of filmmakers who did not experience migration. Since the labour migration started in the 1960s continued also with family reunifications in the 70s and 80s, the works published in these years are examined. The results reveal that there are common themes as well as differences between the novels and movies examined within the scope of the present study.

Research paper thumbnail of Personennamen in DaF-Lehrwerken als Repräsentanten ihres Herkunftslandes

In foreign language teaching, along with language, the culture of that language is also taught. F... more In foreign language teaching, along with language, the culture of that language is also taught. For this reason, textbooks contain much information about the target language’s culture and country, such as their traditions, eating and drinking habits, idioms, and celebrities. These include personal names and they, too, provide information about the country and its culture.
This study aimed to investigate how the personal names in German textbooks represented the target language’s country and culture. It was also investigated whether the personal names had accompanying nationality information. Moreover, it was attempted to determine the prevalence/popularity of the names and whether there was a difference in German and Turkish names in this respect. Within the scope of the research, the first units of three local A1.1 level German language textbooks, Deutsch, Plus+Deutsch and Wie Bitte? used in Turkey’s high schools were examined.

Research paper thumbnail of Schuldmotiv im Roman “Ohne Maria”

International Journal of Language Academy, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Almanya'da Yaşayan Türklerin Yazınsal Eserlerinde Tema ve Dil Değişimi

SÖYLEM Filoloji Dergisi, 2020

1960’lı yılların başlarında Türkiye’den Almanya’ya trenler sadece misafir işçileri değil aynı zam... more 1960’lı yılların başlarında Türkiye’den Almanya’ya trenler sadece misafir işçileri değil aynı zamanda umut, hasret, özlem gibi duyguları da taşımışlardır. Bir miktar para biriktirdikten sonra vatana geri dönme düşüncesiyle başlayan bu macera bir türlü bitememiş, Almanya’daki Türkler beşinci kuşağa ulaşmıştır. Gurbette ilk yıllarda yaşanan yabancı kültür, yabancı dil, yabancı insanlar gibi sorunlar anadilde yazılan yazınsal eserlerde yansıtılmıştır. Geri dönüş süresi uzadıkça yabancı dil ve yabancı kültür benimsenmiş ancak bu kez de kimlik arayışı gibi farklı sorunlar ortaya çıkmıştır. Yeni kuşaklarla birlikte yeni vatanın dilinde yeni temalarla farklı yazınsal eserler kaleme alınmaya başlanmıştır.
Bu çalışmada, Almanya’da yaşayan Türklerin yazmış oldukları yazınsal eserlerde kullanılan dil ve tema araştırılmış olup, kuşaklar arasındaki farklılaşmalar incelenmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Çocuk Yazini Çevi̇ri̇leri̇ni̇n Çocuğun Di̇l Geli̇şi̇mi̇ne Etki̇si̇

Kafkas Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Translation Problems in Dubbing Based on Synchronization

Route Educational and Social Science Journal, 2014

Films, emerged in the end of 19th century as public entertainment, today, shapes the masses of th... more Films, emerged in the end of 19th century as public entertainment, today, shapes the masses of the public in ideological, linguistic and cultural perspective. For these reasons, translations of foreign films are of great importance. With this study, in which we have considered film translation in the scope of translation study, after emphasizing hypothetical information pertaining to dubbing, the most preferred method in translation of the films which today have an important place in intercultural information transfer, translation problems based on synchronization are expressed. In this study, it is targeted to explain that audiovisual synchronization is necessary in dubbing process, what the source of synchronization problem is, how synchronization guides the dubbing process and how it affects the translation product. In the end of the study it has been figured out that the methods, applied with synchronization concerns, sometimes become successful, and that they sometimes cause unnatural expression, information losses and distortions in meaning in targeted language. In the study, recommendations have been made to overcome synchronization problem in a way to provide equivalence for content and formation in the targeted language system. Turkish dubbed version of a German made film comprises the exemplification of the study.

Research paper thumbnail of The Inner Monologue in Herrad Schenk’s Novel „Am Ende“

Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2014

In Herrad Schenk's novel "Am Ende" which is about old age, inner life of a woman caring for her o... more In Herrad Schenk's novel "Am Ende" which is about old age, inner life of a woman caring for her old and bed confined husband is described. How an elderly woman resists against being needy is relayed to the reader from her perspectives by portraying elderly human type, his life style, thoughts and feelings. Many expression types in the fiction world of the writing are in fact reflection of the real life. And one of them is action of thinking named "inner monologue"and which a person does it by talking to himself. German author Herrad Schenk uses this expression element very often in his novel. Together with the way this expression element is formed in the subject novel of the author, how expression element of the protagonist Elli in the form of inner monologue is formed, how it is applied and how it is used in the context are tried to be studied in this article.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Child Literature Translation on the Linguistic Development of Children

Kafkas Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2015

Children's literature, by appealing to their imaginary world, provides contribution to their ment... more Children's literature, by appealing to their imaginary world, provides contribution to their mental, emotional, social and linguistic development; therefore, it should be appropriate for the child's intellectual and emotional world and linguistic development. In short, it should be "for the child". In this sense, the relevance of the language and style, the clear and comprehensible expressions are the basic features that children's literature should entail. In this study, first, children's linguistic development, child literature translation and the characteristics of tales have been considered from a theoretical perspective and then, samples from "Little Red Riding Hood" of Grimm Brothers that were translated into Turkish have been analyzed. The appropriateness of the language and style, syntax and the morphological structure of the words used in the text examined within the scope of translation studies and they have been evaluated for their effects on children’s linguistic development.

Research paper thumbnail of Erken Yaşta Yabancı Dil Öğreniminde Çizgi Filmlerin Yeri

Diyalog Interkulturelle Zeitschrift Für Germanistik, 2016

The Role of Cartoon Films in Foreign Language Learning at an Early Age While discussions about th... more The Role of Cartoon Films in Foreign Language Learning at an Early Age
While discussions about the appropriate age of learning a second language are going on, as in many developed countries, in our country also, children are taught foreign languages starting from kindergarten. In foreign language learning, to hear the correct pronunciation of the speech sounds and words by means of audiovisual devices, to be able to repeat them, and know the culture of the target language is very important. In that case, the role of cartoons in foreign language learning is an important issue which needs to be addressed. In this study, the role of cartoons in learning a foreign language of children has been investigated. In this context, the age of foreign language learning and foreign language teaching methods have been considered theoretically; which type of cartoons are more effective and useful in foreign language learning at an early age has tried to be identified.

Research paper thumbnail of Çizgi Film Çevirisinde Onomastik Etki

Söylem Filoloji Dergisi, 2016

The children spend most of the day by watching cartoons on television. In addition to the native cartoons they watch, there are also many foreign cartoons translated into Turkish. Children often imitate the events they see and the people they love. Hence, it is possible to say that they are influenced by what they see in terms of language and behavior. For this reason, cartoon translation is a topic that needs to be emphasized and scientifically studied more. In this paper, the translation of the names of characters and places in cartoons into the target language is discussed. For this purpose, the proper nouns used in foreign cartoons that have recently been broadcasted on television and cinema, the matter of how they are translated into the target language and the translation methods used for this purpose are scrutinized and exemplified. This research states that there is no specific criterion in the translation of proper nouns in cartoons, some names are localized, some are adapted/translated depending on the meaning and connotation they have, and some are left
as they are and lastly, some are ignored.

Research paper thumbnail of Görsel-İşitsel Çeviri

International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching, 2016

AUDIOVISUAL TRANSLATION Audiovisual translation dating back to the silent film era is a special t... more AUDIOVISUAL TRANSLATION
Audiovisual translation dating back to the silent film era is a special translation method which has been developed for the translation of the movies and programs shown on TV and cinema. Therefore, in the beginning, the term "film translation" was used for this type of translation. Due to the growing number of audiovisual texts it has attracted the interest of scientists and has been assessed under the translation studies. Also in our country the concept of film translation was used for this area, but recently, the concept of audiovisual has been used. Since it not only encompasses the films but also covers all the audiovisual communicatian tools as well, especially in scientific field. In this study, the aspects are analyzed which should be taken into consideration by the translator during the audiovisual translation process within the framework of source text, translated text, film, technical knowledge and knowledge. At the end of the study, it is shown that there are some factors, apart from linguistic and paralinguistic factors and they must be considered carefully as they can influence the quality of the translation. And it is also shown that the given factors require technical knowledge in translation. In this sense, the audiovisual translation is accessed from a different angle compared to the other researches which have been done.

Research paper thumbnail of Reklam Filmi Çeviri Sorunsalı

Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2016

The purpose of this study is clarify the translation issues, linguistic and non-linguistic factors effecting translation encountered in the target language translation of the foreign production advertising films broadcasted on televisions. In this context, the main purpose to be considered in translation of television adverts and the translation methods from which translator benefits were focused on. In this study, primarily advertising language and text, advertising text in terms of text genre within the scope of science of translation, translation methods and equivalence were discussed; the problems encountered in the translation of television adverts were evaluated in terms of translation terms by taking examples from foreign television adverts and some suggestions were provided at the end.

Research paper thumbnail of Film Çevirisinde Fonetik Eşleme

Ordu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2016

The translation of foreign movies not only reach to pretty much audience but it also effects linguistic, non-linguistic and technical details that emphasizes the importance and the difference of the translation. The requirement of expert translator makes the evaluation of film translation in the scientific field is inevitable. In this study, in relate to the film translations, the voice-lips mismatch, which is one of the main factors that effects the audience, is emphasized. This mismatch, in translation study field, is called "phonetic synchrony" and it's assumed as a problem of translation and this phonetic synchrony not only affects dubbing process but also the quality of the translation and causes misunderstandings in many examples.

Research paper thumbnail of Tıbbi Terminoloji ve Prospektüs (Kullanma Talimatı) Çevirisi

Eurasscience Journals, 2017

Medical information and new discoveries in the medical field are developing rapidly in parallel with the medical terminology. And this terminology requires constant updating. These new developments in the medical world are shared among countries and this can be done through translation. Cross-country circulation of medicines for the treatment of diseases is quite common. Therefore, the translation of patient information leaflets which contain information on the content of medicines, usage areas, usage and dosage etc. is important.
In this study, related information on medical language and terminology, definitions, types of medical texts and translations, patient information leaflets in medical texts has been given. And then the German, English and Turkish patient information leaflets of a drug product of the German pharmaceutical company have been compared.
The similarities and differences of the medical terms in the primary sources and translation texts have been revealed afterwards.

Research paper thumbnail of Tıbbi Çeviri ve Zorlukları

Turkish Studies , 2017

Medical science, one of the earliest scientific fields, is a science
discipline that is closely followed throughout the world and that always
keeps abreast of change and evolves constantly. Due to the fact that it is
related to human health, most information in this field such as a new
inventions, technological developments, and treatment methods are
shared among scientist around the world. This sharing occurs through
translation. Translations made in the field of medicine are defined by a
number of different terms, namely medical translation, translation for
medicine, medical text translation, translation of medical documents.
Translators who make translations in this area have zero tolerance to
errors. This is because even the slightest misunderstanding about health
can lead to fatal outcomes. In addition, many factors such as the unique
terminology used in medical language, Greek and Latin based terms, the
types of usage of these terms in the target language, and target language
equivalents make the task of translators - who are under such a heavy
burden - even more difficult. For this reason, medical translations cannot
be made by any translator. Not only that it is not enough to master both
languages (the translated and the target) but at the same time the
translator must have a certain knowledge and experience in the field.
In this study, the medical language and terminology and theoretical
information on the method of medical translation has been included in
the beginning. Then, the medical language and terminology in medical
texts, how international medical terminology adapts countries to their
own languages, and their equivalents in the daily language (intralingual
translation) have been examined. Finally, wrong translation approaches
and translation problems, which raise difficulties for translators and lead
to misconceptions and error, are highlighted and a number of possible
solutions are offered.

Research paper thumbnail of Translation Problems of Comedy Movies

The movie translation, nowadays in the scope of "audio-visual translation", reaches audiences fro... more The movie translation, nowadays in the scope of "audio-visual translation", reaches audiences from two different channels both visual and auditory. Therefore, the movie translation involves translation difficulties that depend on factors much different than the types of translations that arrive at a single channel recipient. In movie translation, among the linguistic elements that force the translator is the translation of linguistic uses to the target language, which causes smile or even laughter in the viewer.In this study, the translatability-untranslatability of the linguistic elements that create comic effects in movies and the proposed translation strategies have been considered in the scope of translation studies. And then, it has been researched what kinds of linguistic elements are difficult for the translator in a comedy film, how these elements are translated or why they can not be translated, and which translation strategies are used by the translator. For this, the Turkish dubbed version (Öğretmenin Böylesi 2) of the German comedy movie (Fack ju Göhte 2) directed by Bora Dağtekin, which was published in 2015, was examined. As a result of the review, it was determined that the translation of linguistic elements that make comic effect are quite a problem, for this reason, it was seen that the vast majority of the original movie comic effects disappear in the translation.

Research paper thumbnail of The role of subtitle in foreign language teaching

Today, engaging in real language environments and exposing to the target culture often are seen a... more Today, engaging in real language environments and exposing to the target culture often are seen as more appropriate to learn a second language. In this sense, movies in foreign language teaching are important audiovisual tools in terms of reflecting the language, culture, customs and traditions, clothes and lifestyle of a community. In language teaching, it is very important to know how words and expressions are used in different contexts and to pronounce them correctly. Many language learners benefit from these audiovisual tools because of the contributions of movies to foreign language learning. Especially in the development of listening comprehension skills, learners prefer to watch movies in foreign language. There are three options: watching the movie in its original language without subtitles, watching the movie in its original language with subtitles in source language and watching the movie in its original language through subtitle translation in target language. In this study, 68 English Language Teaching prospective teachers have been investigated for their attitudes towards developing their English language skills outside of the educational setting, whether they use English movies to improve their language skills, which genre they choose and their subtitle preferences. Therefore, the factors that should be considered in the selection of movies to be used in foreign language learning, the subtitle as a method of movie translation, the place and importance of subtitles in language learning, the positive and negative aspects of movie translation with the subtitle method have been studied and some suggestions have been made. As a research tool, appropriate sampling questionnaire has been distributed to the students and the collected data has been analyzed by SPSS program. As a result of the research, students believe that watching movies has improved their listening comprehension skills and has a positive contribution to the development of their speaking skills. Thus, they prefer English subtitles more.

Research paper thumbnail of Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretimi Ders Kitapları Yazınsal Metinlerinde Anatomik İsimlerin Kullanım Bağlamları

Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Sempozyumu Tam Metin Kitabı, 2018

Yabancı dil öğretiminde ders kitaplarında ilk seviyelerden itibaren anatomik isimler vücudu tanım... more Yabancı dil öğretiminde ders kitaplarında ilk seviyelerden itibaren anatomik isimler vücudu tanıma isimler metin içerisinde farklı bağlamlarda temel anlaml Anatomik isimler, deyimlerde ve atasözlerinde kullanımları ve anlamları, mecaz anlamlarda kullanımları gibi kazanımlar için metinlerde ele alınmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Yedi İklim öğretim setinin C1 seviyesi ile İstanbul öğretim setinin C1 seviyesinde yer alan yazınsal metinlerde deyim içerisinde geçen anatomik isimler incelenmiştir. Bu isimlerin deyim içerisinde hangi bağlamda nasıl kullanıldığı incelenerek bir karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. toplam 18 yazınsal metin, İstanbul Yabancılar için Türkçe Öğretim Seti C1 Seviyesi'nde ise toplam 17 yazınsal metin tespit edilerek inceleme yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda, İstanbul Yabancılar için Türkçe Öğretim S isimlerin daha fazla olduğu tespit edilmiştir. ABSTRACT Anatomical names such as head, face and neck are included in body recognition sections from the beginning levels of. However, these names can be used outside of their basic meanings in different contexts in advancin metaphorical meanings as their use and meaning in idioms and proverbs. U ciences Uluslararası Sosyal ders kitaplarında ilk seviyelerden itibaren baş, yüz, boyun gibi vücudu tanıma bölümlerinde yer almaktadır. Ancak ilerleyen seviyelerde bu isimler metin içerisinde farklı bağlamlarda temel anlamları dışında da kullanılabilmektedir. Anatomik isimler, deyimlerde ve atasözlerinde kullanımları ve anlamları, mecaz anlamlarda kullanımları gibi kazanımlar için metinlerde ele alınmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Yedi İklim öğretim setinin C1 seviyesi ile İstanbul Yabancılar için Türkçe öğretim setinin C1 seviyesinde yer alan yazınsal metinlerde deyim içerisinde geçen anatomik isimler incelenmiştir. Bu isimlerin deyim içerisinde hangi bağlamda nasıl kullanıldığı incelenerek bir karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. Yedi İklim Türkçe Öğretim Seti C1 Seviyesi'nde , İstanbul Yabancılar için Türkçe Öğretim Seti C1 Seviyesi'nde ise toplam 17 yazınsal metin tespit edilerek inceleme yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda, İstanbul Yabancılar için Türkçe Öğretim Seti C1 seviyesinde deyimlerde kullanılan anatomik isimlerin daha fazla olduğu tespit edilmiştir.