nsw_teachers - Profile (original) (raw)
on 22 August 2006 (#10969618)
This is an LJ community for anyone teaching, learning to teach or interested in teaching in New South Wales.
When you join the community, please make an introductory post, filling out the following questionaire:
What age group do you teach? Primary, secondary, etc?
If primary, what year group are you teaching at the moment?
If secondary, which subject areas do you teach?
Are you at a metropolitan/suburban/regional/rural school?
How long have you been teaching?
Are you casual or full-time?
Do you teach any extra-curriculars?
What do you most enjoy about teaching?
What do you least enjoy about teaching?
art, australian teachers federation, biology, board of studies, casual teachers, catholic schools, chemistry, commerce, curriculum, design and technology, det, drama, early childhood education, economics, education, english, esl, geography, gifted and talented, higher school certificate, history, hsc, hsc exams, hsie, ict, independent schools, infants, international baccalaureate, languages, legal studies, marking schemes, maths, music, nsw, nsw curriculum, nsw syllabus, physics, prac teachers, practicum, primary school, primary teaching, school certificate, science, secondary schools, secondary teaching, society and culture, state schools, student teachers, studies of religion, substitute teachers, tafe, teachers, teaching, teaching resources, tesol, textbooks, trial hsc exams, uai, unions, university admissions index
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