photograph_247 (original) (raw)

06 January 2012 @ 08:23 pm

Nikon D7000, Nikon af-s 50/1.4, 1/160 сек, f/1.4, ISO 250.

After getting home from work this afternoon, and ordering food for dinner, I had a nice surprise when I went to leave to pick up dinner. I stepped out my front door and turned to walk to my car, only to find two visiting Morning Doves sitting on my driveway. Naturally, I popped back inside grabbed my camera and took some photos of them. I managed to get to within four feet of the pair before they flew off.

( Bird VisitCollapse )

Current Mood: amusedamused

Since I had a proper weekend off, my dad and I went to the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest (about 20mins away from our city) and took some pictures in the forest. We then went up Mt. Pilchuck a bit (the part where we can drive) and got stuck where the snow level suddenly appeared. All in all, it was a beautiful and warm day. My Daleks all came with me on the trip, but I took only six with me into the woods.

Daleks Planemo and Skaro II absolutely loved the moss-covered floor of this one section of the trail. There's something to be said about the serenity the forest can bring. We heard the river rushing below us and then above that, the wind gently blowing through the trees. It was gorgeous and serene. My Daleks fell in love with the forest.

( +12 photos of the trees, the river, and my DaleksCollapse )


Current Mood: contemplativecontemplative

It is official. I have started my Doctor Who collection and it began with two Daleks. Dalek Thay and an Assault Dalek, plus The Doctor.

Funny thing is...the Daleks took over my car.

Dalek Thay led the way on my car's dashboard demanding that I drive. Of course, I couldn't really drive anywhere since I was getting ready to go in for an interview.

When I came out though, they were sitting there waiting for me to return and immediately began demanding that I drive, or face "Extermination". So, I did just that, after moving them to the seat where they would pose less of a risk of falling down and geting in the way of the accelerator and brake pedal.

Current Mood: amusedamused

These pictures were taken across from Whidbey Island on Sunday. I brought all six of my Daleks (along with K-9) out to the beach. It was cloudy with some scattered sunshine, so things were a bit windy. Due to the steepness of the shore, I didn't want to bring my Daleks down to the actual water out of fear that they'd get washed away. Fortunately, the beach provided enough areas of photographic opportunities, including a piece of driftwood, a ferry boat, a lighthouse, and many daffodils.

( This is about as warm as the Pacific Northwest gets in MarchCollapse )


Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful

Current Music: various "VeggieTales" songs

This year I had the chance to go check out the Chicago Auto Show and took plenty of pictures. However, of the pictures I took I will only share a few here as I took about a hundred photos or so.


( A taste of the Auto ShowCollapse )

The other day while cleaning my room I realized that the Empire was taking over my bookcase. So I figured I would snap a few shots and see what happened.

First, before things started getting ugly everyone was happy. Even a few Elves were making sure the peace was upheld.

( Let the battle beginCollapse )

Current Mood: amusedamused

It finally started raining today! Now, while I am a big fan of the sunshine, I prefer our rainy evenings for the fact that it helps to really set the tone of my stories. Not only that, but in my state, the evergreens as well as the grass, and any flowers tend to really pop out. I was very eager to grab my camera and head outdoors to get some shots of the daffodils and the rain in the grass, but my Daleks on the otherhand, wanted nothing to do the project.

So after a bit of convincing, I coaxed them all into the makeshift "spaceship" and transported them outside. My Daleks quickly adjusted and found things to do.

( I can tell that we're going to be friendsCollapse )


Current Mood: amusedamused

Current Music: "We're Going to be Friends" by Jack Johnson

Normally, baking cupcakes doesn't involve supervision, but on Friday, I was being observed (and helped) by two Daleks who wanted to learn a little bit more about some human traditions. Um, Pillsbury, I hope you don't mind this bit of free advertising. Your baked goods are awesome, by the way...

( And the baking riot begins...Collapse )

And so ended my attempt, once again, to bring a little joy to my little Daleks' lives. It failed... again...

Current Mood: amusedamused

Here are a few pictures I took while at my church picnic this last summer. I changed the colouring on two of the pictures to give them a bit more character. I have a bunch more pictures of various farm equipment they had scattered about the grounds. I'll post those later.

( On to the pictures...Collapse )

Current Mood: amusedamused

Current Music: We Are The Ones - New Heights, Worlds EP