alessandro mantelero | Politecnico di Torino (original) (raw)

Books by alessandro mantelero

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of international legally binding instruments

Coucil of Europe. Towards Regulation of AI Systems, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Regulating AI within the Human Rights Framework: A Roadmapping Methodology

In European Yearbook on Human Rights 2020 by Philip Czech, Lisa Heschl, Karin Lukas, Manfred Nowak and Gerd Oberleitner (eds.), 2020

The ongoing European debate on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly polarised between the... more The ongoing European debate on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly polarised between the initial ethics-based approach and the growing focus on human rights. The prevalence of one or the other of these two approaches is not neutral and entails consequences in terms of regulatory outcomes and underlying interests.
The basic assumption of this study is the need to consider the pivotal role of ethics as a complementary element of a regulatory strategy , which must have human rights principles at its core. Based on this premise, this contribution focuses on the role that the international human rights framework can play in defining common binding principles for AI regulation.
The first challenge in considering human rights as a frame of reference in AI regulation is to define the exact nature of the subject matter. Since a wide range of AI-based services and products have only emerged as a recent development of the digital economy, many of the existing international legal instruments are not tailored to the specific issues raised by AI. Moreover, certain binding principles and safeguards were shaped in a different technological era and social context.
Against this background, we need to examine the existing binding international human rights instruments and their non-binding implementations to extract the key principles that should underpin AI development and govern its groundbreaking applications.
However, the paradigm shift brought about by the latest wave of AI
development means that the principles embodied in international legally binding instruments cannot be applied in their current form, and this contribution sets out to contextualise these guiding principles for the AI era.
Given the broad application of AI solutions in a variety of fields, we might look at the entire corpus of available international binding instruments. However, taking a methodological approach, this analysis focuses on two key areas – data protection and healthcare – to provide an initial assessment of the regulatory issues and a possible roadmap to addressing them.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, A. 2019. Artificial Intelligence, dati e diritti: spunti di riflessione per i regolatori. In Bertoli P., Ferrari F., Ripamonti G., Tiberi G. (a cura di). Data protection tra Unione europea, Italia e Svizzera (Torino), 23-39 [versione preprint]](

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Research paper thumbnail of Comité Consultatif de la Convention pour la protection des personnes à l'égard du traitement automatisé des données à caractère personnel (Convention 108) RAPPORT SUR L'INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE Intelligence artificielle et protection des données

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Research paper thumbnail of Consultative Committee of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (Convention 108) Report on Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection: Challenges and Possible Remedies

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Research paper thumbnail of Legal Aspects of Information Science, Data Science and Big Data

1. Introduction. The legal challenges of the use of data. – 1.1 Data collection and data processi... more 1. Introduction. The legal challenges of the use of data. – 1.1 Data collection and data processing. The fundamentals of data protection regulations. – 1.1.1 The EU model. From Data Protection Directive to GDPR – 1.1.2 Use of data and risk-analysis. – 2. Use of data for decision-making purposes. From individual to collective dimension of data processing. – 2.1 Data-centered approach and socio-ethical impacts. – 2.2 Multiple-risk assessment and collective interests. – 2.3 The guidelines adopted by the Council of Europe on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data in a world of Big Data. – 3. Data prediction: social control and social surveillance. – 3.1 Use of data during the investigation: reasonable doubt vs reasonable suspicion. – 3.2 Big Data and social surveillance: Public and Private Interplay in Social Control – 3.3 The E.U. reform on data protection.

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Research paper thumbnail of Group Privacy to Collective Privacy: Towards a New Dimension of Privacy and Data Protection in the Big Data Era. In 	Taylor L., Floridi L., van der Sloot B. (Eds), Group Privacy New Challenges of Data Technologies (Springer, 2017)

Group Privacy to Collective Privacy: Towards a New Dimension of Privacy and Data Protection in th... more Group Privacy to Collective Privacy: Towards a New Dimension of Privacy and Data Protection in the Big Data Era. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-46608-8_8. pp.139-158. In Group Privacy New Challenges of Data Technologies - ISBN:978-3-319-46606-4

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, A., Vaciago G., Social media and big data, in Akhgar B., Staniforth A. and Bosco F.M. (eds.) Cyber Crime & Cyber Terrorism. Investigators’ Handbook

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Research paper thumbnail of Responsabilità aquiliana per uso della Rete e responsabilità del provider, in F. Delfini, G. Finocchiaro (ed.), Diritto privato dell’informatica, 785-828

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Research paper thumbnail of Il ruolo dello Stato nelle dinamiche della responsabilità civile da danni di massa. Tre variazioni sul tema: uranio impoverito, emoderivati e Vajont

Cosa induce ad accostare la morte dei militari italiani in missione nelle aree dove sono stati us... more Cosa induce ad accostare la morte dei militari italiani in missione nelle aree dove sono stati usate armi all’uranio impoverito, coloro che hanno contratto l’infezione da HIV in seguito all’uso di farmaci emoderivati e le centinaia di morti del disastro del Vajont?

Sono vicende eterogenee ed apparentemente lontane fra loro che hanno però diversi aspetti in comune.

In primo luogo sono tutte vicende accadute a causa della colpa umana, non di rado accompagnata da rilevanti interessi economici che sono prevalsi sull’esigenza di tutela delle persone e delle comunità.

Sono poi tutti casi in cui un ruolo rilevante è attribuito alla tecnologia e alla scienza. In cui gli aspetti inerenti il rischio e la sua gestione, specie con riferimento ai rischi da “ignoto tecnologico”, assumono un ruolo preponderante.

Infine sono tutti casi di danni di massa, ovvero di danni caratterizzati da un’ampia diffusività dei pregiudizi ingenerati in termini di numerosità dei soggetti lesi. Trattasi dunque di ipotesi connotate da una sproporzione rispetto alla dimensione ordinaria dei danni, capace di generare dinamiche sconosciute nella normalità dei casi. Si è quindi in presenza di vicende in grado di coinvolgere non solo le pretese delle vittime, ma anche il ruolo dello Stato, stante la difficoltà di gestire tale tipologia di eventi avversi avvalendosi del solo strumento risarcitorio.

Nella varietà dei danni di massa è dunque possibile scorgere un elemento unificante nel ruolo che solitamente viene ad assumere l’intervento pubblico in relazione a tali fattispecie, tanto nella fase precedente l’accadimento dannoso quanto in quella successiva.

Al fine di delineare una prima analisi delle dinamiche caratterizzanti tali danni nella complessità della loro dimensione – sociale, economica e tecnologica –, il volume adotta un approccio casistico, nella convinzione che solo un’analisi empirica consenta di mettere a fuoco la peculiarità e le criticità dei danni di massa. Peculiarità correlate all’entità e diffusività del danno ed al conseguente intersecarsi di dinamiche di intervento e mediazione sociale che vedono coinvolti diversi portatori di interessi, a partire dalle associazioni delle vittime fino agli interlocutori politici ed istituzionali.

In tal contesto il ruolo della responsabilità civile appare strumentale, volto ad indurre una più ampia mediazione politico-istituzionale che, in molti casi, sfocia nell’intervento diretto o indiretto dello Stato a favore dei soggetti lesi e, con riguardo al contenzioso giuridico potenziale o in atto, in soluzioni di tipo transattivo.

Si delineano dunque traiettorie e soluzioni differenti da quelle usuali del danno extracontrattuale, le quali necessitano di un diverso approccio di indagine, maggiormente attento ai profili sociali.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, A., "Il dirito all'oblio dalla carta stampata ad Internet"

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, A., "La tutela del diritto d'autore verso nuove strategie nei rapporti fra titolari ed intermediari"

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, I danni di massa da farmaci, in A. Belvedere-S. Riondato, Le responsabilità in medicina, nel Trattato di Biodiritto, diretto da S. Rodotà e P. Zatti, Giuffrè, Milano, 2011

damages - Product liability - Pharmaceuticals

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, Diritti assoluti della personalità alla salute e alla privacy, in R. Cavallo Perin-L. Lenti-G.M. Racca-A. Rossi (a cura di), I diritti sociali come diritti della personalità, ESI, Napoli. 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, Il costo della privacy tra valore della persona e ragione d'impresa, Giuffrè, Milano, 2007

Il volume si presenta come un'opera a più registri narrativi, laddove allo studio dottrinale si a... more Il volume si presenta come un'opera a più registri narrativi, laddove allo studio dottrinale si affiancano l'analisi normativa e la ricerca operativa. Nella specie si distinguono tre differenti parti: la definizione della nozione di right to privacy e delle autonome categorie di diritto alla riservatezza e di diritto sui dati, affermatesi in Italia; la disamina degli aspetti più controversi in materia di trattamento dei dati personali all'interno del contesto d'impresa; l'indagine operativa sui livelli di attuazione del D.lgs. 196/03 da parte degli operatori economici e sui costi correlati. Quest'ultimo aspetto costituisce uno dei punti di maggior attenzione dell'opera in quanto rappresenta il primo studio empirico, su oltre 120 imprese di diverse dimensioni, sui "costi della privacy".

The book is divided into three parts:
- the origin of Italian right to respect for private and family life as autonomous from US right to privacy
- the analysis of the implementation of Italian data protection law in an enterprise context
- a survey on the level of implementation of the law in more than 120 enterprises of different sizes and the analysis of the related costs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, Attività di impresa in Internet e tutela della persona, CEDAM, Padova, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Bergadano-Mantelero-Ruffo-Sartor, Privacy digitale. Giuristi e informatici a confronto, Giappichelli, Torino, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, Disposizioni relative a particolari mutue assicuratrici. Artt. 52-56, in M. Bin (a cura di), Commentario al Codice delle Assicurazioni. Decreto legislativo 7 settembre 2005, n. 209, CEDAM, Padova, 2006

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Papers by alessandro mantelero

Research paper thumbnail of An evidence-based methodology for human rights impact assessment (HRIA) in the development of AI data-intensive systems

Computer Law & Security Review, 41 (2021) in press, 2021

An evidence-based methodology for human rights impact assessment (HRIA) in the development of AI ... more An evidence-based methodology for human rights impact assessment (HRIA) in the development of AI data-intensive systems. Computer Law & Security Review, 41 (2021) in press Different approaches have been adopted in addressing the challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI), some centred on personal data and others on ethics, respectively narrowing and broadening the scope of AI regulation. This contribution aims to demonstrate that a third way is possible, starting from the acknowledgement of the role that human rights can play in regulating the impact of data-intensive systems. The focus on human rights is neither a paradigm shift nor a mere theoretical exercise. Through the analysis of more than 700 decisions and documents of the data protection authorities of six countries, we show that human rights already underpin the decisions in the field of data use. Based on empirical analysis of this evidence, this work presents a methodology and an assessment model for a Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA). The methodology and related assessment models are focused on AI applications, whose nature and scale require a proper contextualisation of HRIA methodology. Moreover, the proposed models provide a more measurable approach to risk assessment which is consistent with the regulatory proposals centred on risk thresholds. The proposed methodology is tested in concrete case-studies to prove its feasibility and effectiveness. The overall goal is to respond to the growing interest in HRIA, moving from a mere theoretical debate to a concrete and context-specific implementation in the field of data-intensive applications based on AI.

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Research paper thumbnail of Regolare la tecnologia. Il Reg. Ue 2016-679 e la protezione dei dati personali. Un dialogo tra Italia e Spagna (a cura di A. Mantelero e D. Poletti).pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of international legally binding instruments

Coucil of Europe. Towards Regulation of AI Systems, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Regulating AI within the Human Rights Framework: A Roadmapping Methodology

In European Yearbook on Human Rights 2020 by Philip Czech, Lisa Heschl, Karin Lukas, Manfred Nowak and Gerd Oberleitner (eds.), 2020

The ongoing European debate on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly polarised between the... more The ongoing European debate on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly polarised between the initial ethics-based approach and the growing focus on human rights. The prevalence of one or the other of these two approaches is not neutral and entails consequences in terms of regulatory outcomes and underlying interests.
The basic assumption of this study is the need to consider the pivotal role of ethics as a complementary element of a regulatory strategy , which must have human rights principles at its core. Based on this premise, this contribution focuses on the role that the international human rights framework can play in defining common binding principles for AI regulation.
The first challenge in considering human rights as a frame of reference in AI regulation is to define the exact nature of the subject matter. Since a wide range of AI-based services and products have only emerged as a recent development of the digital economy, many of the existing international legal instruments are not tailored to the specific issues raised by AI. Moreover, certain binding principles and safeguards were shaped in a different technological era and social context.
Against this background, we need to examine the existing binding international human rights instruments and their non-binding implementations to extract the key principles that should underpin AI development and govern its groundbreaking applications.
However, the paradigm shift brought about by the latest wave of AI
development means that the principles embodied in international legally binding instruments cannot be applied in their current form, and this contribution sets out to contextualise these guiding principles for the AI era.
Given the broad application of AI solutions in a variety of fields, we might look at the entire corpus of available international binding instruments. However, taking a methodological approach, this analysis focuses on two key areas – data protection and healthcare – to provide an initial assessment of the regulatory issues and a possible roadmap to addressing them.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, A. 2019. Artificial Intelligence, dati e diritti: spunti di riflessione per i regolatori. In Bertoli P., Ferrari F., Ripamonti G., Tiberi G. (a cura di). Data protection tra Unione europea, Italia e Svizzera (Torino), 23-39 [versione preprint]](

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Research paper thumbnail of Comité Consultatif de la Convention pour la protection des personnes à l'égard du traitement automatisé des données à caractère personnel (Convention 108) RAPPORT SUR L'INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE Intelligence artificielle et protection des données

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Research paper thumbnail of Consultative Committee of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (Convention 108) Report on Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection: Challenges and Possible Remedies

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Research paper thumbnail of Legal Aspects of Information Science, Data Science and Big Data

1. Introduction. The legal challenges of the use of data. – 1.1 Data collection and data processi... more 1. Introduction. The legal challenges of the use of data. – 1.1 Data collection and data processing. The fundamentals of data protection regulations. – 1.1.1 The EU model. From Data Protection Directive to GDPR – 1.1.2 Use of data and risk-analysis. – 2. Use of data for decision-making purposes. From individual to collective dimension of data processing. – 2.1 Data-centered approach and socio-ethical impacts. – 2.2 Multiple-risk assessment and collective interests. – 2.3 The guidelines adopted by the Council of Europe on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data in a world of Big Data. – 3. Data prediction: social control and social surveillance. – 3.1 Use of data during the investigation: reasonable doubt vs reasonable suspicion. – 3.2 Big Data and social surveillance: Public and Private Interplay in Social Control – 3.3 The E.U. reform on data protection.

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Research paper thumbnail of Group Privacy to Collective Privacy: Towards a New Dimension of Privacy and Data Protection in the Big Data Era. In 	Taylor L., Floridi L., van der Sloot B. (Eds), Group Privacy New Challenges of Data Technologies (Springer, 2017)

Group Privacy to Collective Privacy: Towards a New Dimension of Privacy and Data Protection in th... more Group Privacy to Collective Privacy: Towards a New Dimension of Privacy and Data Protection in the Big Data Era. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-46608-8_8. pp.139-158. In Group Privacy New Challenges of Data Technologies - ISBN:978-3-319-46606-4

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, A., Vaciago G., Social media and big data, in Akhgar B., Staniforth A. and Bosco F.M. (eds.) Cyber Crime & Cyber Terrorism. Investigators’ Handbook

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Research paper thumbnail of Responsabilità aquiliana per uso della Rete e responsabilità del provider, in F. Delfini, G. Finocchiaro (ed.), Diritto privato dell’informatica, 785-828

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Research paper thumbnail of Il ruolo dello Stato nelle dinamiche della responsabilità civile da danni di massa. Tre variazioni sul tema: uranio impoverito, emoderivati e Vajont

Cosa induce ad accostare la morte dei militari italiani in missione nelle aree dove sono stati us... more Cosa induce ad accostare la morte dei militari italiani in missione nelle aree dove sono stati usate armi all’uranio impoverito, coloro che hanno contratto l’infezione da HIV in seguito all’uso di farmaci emoderivati e le centinaia di morti del disastro del Vajont?

Sono vicende eterogenee ed apparentemente lontane fra loro che hanno però diversi aspetti in comune.

In primo luogo sono tutte vicende accadute a causa della colpa umana, non di rado accompagnata da rilevanti interessi economici che sono prevalsi sull’esigenza di tutela delle persone e delle comunità.

Sono poi tutti casi in cui un ruolo rilevante è attribuito alla tecnologia e alla scienza. In cui gli aspetti inerenti il rischio e la sua gestione, specie con riferimento ai rischi da “ignoto tecnologico”, assumono un ruolo preponderante.

Infine sono tutti casi di danni di massa, ovvero di danni caratterizzati da un’ampia diffusività dei pregiudizi ingenerati in termini di numerosità dei soggetti lesi. Trattasi dunque di ipotesi connotate da una sproporzione rispetto alla dimensione ordinaria dei danni, capace di generare dinamiche sconosciute nella normalità dei casi. Si è quindi in presenza di vicende in grado di coinvolgere non solo le pretese delle vittime, ma anche il ruolo dello Stato, stante la difficoltà di gestire tale tipologia di eventi avversi avvalendosi del solo strumento risarcitorio.

Nella varietà dei danni di massa è dunque possibile scorgere un elemento unificante nel ruolo che solitamente viene ad assumere l’intervento pubblico in relazione a tali fattispecie, tanto nella fase precedente l’accadimento dannoso quanto in quella successiva.

Al fine di delineare una prima analisi delle dinamiche caratterizzanti tali danni nella complessità della loro dimensione – sociale, economica e tecnologica –, il volume adotta un approccio casistico, nella convinzione che solo un’analisi empirica consenta di mettere a fuoco la peculiarità e le criticità dei danni di massa. Peculiarità correlate all’entità e diffusività del danno ed al conseguente intersecarsi di dinamiche di intervento e mediazione sociale che vedono coinvolti diversi portatori di interessi, a partire dalle associazioni delle vittime fino agli interlocutori politici ed istituzionali.

In tal contesto il ruolo della responsabilità civile appare strumentale, volto ad indurre una più ampia mediazione politico-istituzionale che, in molti casi, sfocia nell’intervento diretto o indiretto dello Stato a favore dei soggetti lesi e, con riguardo al contenzioso giuridico potenziale o in atto, in soluzioni di tipo transattivo.

Si delineano dunque traiettorie e soluzioni differenti da quelle usuali del danno extracontrattuale, le quali necessitano di un diverso approccio di indagine, maggiormente attento ai profili sociali.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, A., "Il dirito all'oblio dalla carta stampata ad Internet"

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, A., "La tutela del diritto d'autore verso nuove strategie nei rapporti fra titolari ed intermediari"

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, I danni di massa da farmaci, in A. Belvedere-S. Riondato, Le responsabilità in medicina, nel Trattato di Biodiritto, diretto da S. Rodotà e P. Zatti, Giuffrè, Milano, 2011

damages - Product liability - Pharmaceuticals

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, Diritti assoluti della personalità alla salute e alla privacy, in R. Cavallo Perin-L. Lenti-G.M. Racca-A. Rossi (a cura di), I diritti sociali come diritti della personalità, ESI, Napoli. 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, Il costo della privacy tra valore della persona e ragione d'impresa, Giuffrè, Milano, 2007

Il volume si presenta come un'opera a più registri narrativi, laddove allo studio dottrinale si a... more Il volume si presenta come un'opera a più registri narrativi, laddove allo studio dottrinale si affiancano l'analisi normativa e la ricerca operativa. Nella specie si distinguono tre differenti parti: la definizione della nozione di right to privacy e delle autonome categorie di diritto alla riservatezza e di diritto sui dati, affermatesi in Italia; la disamina degli aspetti più controversi in materia di trattamento dei dati personali all'interno del contesto d'impresa; l'indagine operativa sui livelli di attuazione del D.lgs. 196/03 da parte degli operatori economici e sui costi correlati. Quest'ultimo aspetto costituisce uno dei punti di maggior attenzione dell'opera in quanto rappresenta il primo studio empirico, su oltre 120 imprese di diverse dimensioni, sui "costi della privacy".

The book is divided into three parts:
- the origin of Italian right to respect for private and family life as autonomous from US right to privacy
- the analysis of the implementation of Italian data protection law in an enterprise context
- a survey on the level of implementation of the law in more than 120 enterprises of different sizes and the analysis of the related costs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, Attività di impresa in Internet e tutela della persona, CEDAM, Padova, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Bergadano-Mantelero-Ruffo-Sartor, Privacy digitale. Giuristi e informatici a confronto, Giappichelli, Torino, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, Disposizioni relative a particolari mutue assicuratrici. Artt. 52-56, in M. Bin (a cura di), Commentario al Codice delle Assicurazioni. Decreto legislativo 7 settembre 2005, n. 209, CEDAM, Padova, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of An evidence-based methodology for human rights impact assessment (HRIA) in the development of AI data-intensive systems

Computer Law & Security Review, 41 (2021) in press, 2021

An evidence-based methodology for human rights impact assessment (HRIA) in the development of AI ... more An evidence-based methodology for human rights impact assessment (HRIA) in the development of AI data-intensive systems. Computer Law & Security Review, 41 (2021) in press Different approaches have been adopted in addressing the challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI), some centred on personal data and others on ethics, respectively narrowing and broadening the scope of AI regulation. This contribution aims to demonstrate that a third way is possible, starting from the acknowledgement of the role that human rights can play in regulating the impact of data-intensive systems. The focus on human rights is neither a paradigm shift nor a mere theoretical exercise. Through the analysis of more than 700 decisions and documents of the data protection authorities of six countries, we show that human rights already underpin the decisions in the field of data use. Based on empirical analysis of this evidence, this work presents a methodology and an assessment model for a Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA). The methodology and related assessment models are focused on AI applications, whose nature and scale require a proper contextualisation of HRIA methodology. Moreover, the proposed models provide a more measurable approach to risk assessment which is consistent with the regulatory proposals centred on risk thresholds. The proposed methodology is tested in concrete case-studies to prove its feasibility and effectiveness. The overall goal is to respond to the growing interest in HRIA, moving from a mere theoretical debate to a concrete and context-specific implementation in the field of data-intensive applications based on AI.

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Research paper thumbnail of Regolare la tecnologia. Il Reg. Ue 2016-679 e la protezione dei dati personali. Un dialogo tra Italia e Spagna (a cura di A. Mantelero e D. Poletti).pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Regulating big data. The guidelines of the Council of Europe in the context of the European data protection framework

Computer Law & Security Review Volume 33, Issue 5, October 2017, Pages, 2017

In January 2017 the Consultative Committee of Convention 108 adopted its Guidelines on the Protec... more In January 2017 the Consultative Committee of Convention 108 adopted its Guidelines on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data in a World of Big Data. These are the first guidelines on data protection provided by an international body which specifically address the issues surrounding big data applications.

This article examines the main provisions of these Guidelines and highlights the approach adopted by the Consultative Committee, which contextualises the traditional principles of data protection in the big data scenario and also takes into account the challenges of the big data paradigm. The analysis of the different provisions adopted focuses primarily on the core of the Guidelines namely the risk assessment procedure. Moreover, the article discusses the novel solutions provided by the Guidelines with regard to the data subject's informed consent, the by-design approach, anonymization, and the role of the human factor in big data-supported decisions.

This critical analysis of the Guidelines introduces a broader reflection on the divergent approaches of the Council of Europe and the European Union to regulating data processing. Where the principle-based model of the Council of Europe differs from the approach adopted by the EU legislator in the detailed Regulation (EU) 2016/679. In the light of this, the provisions of the Guidelines and their attempt to address the major challenges of the new big data paradigm set the stage for concluding remarks about the most suitable regulatory model to deal with the different issues posed by the development of technology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Responsabilità e rischio nel Reg. UE 2016/679

Le Nuove Leggi Civili Comm.,, 2017

Il presente contributo, muove da un’analisi critica del nuovo Regolamento UE 2016/679, mettendo ... more Il presente contributo, muove da un’analisi critica del nuovo Regolamento UE 2016/679, mettendo in luce come quest’ultimo non tenga adeguatamente in conto delle implicazioni delle forme più avanzate di elaborazione dei dati. In tale ottica, viene sottolineato come le sfide correlate a tali nuove forme di analisi debbano trovare proprio nella gestione del rischio un’efficace risposta. Guardando alla disciplina in materia di responsabilità e rischio delineata dal nuovo Regolamento, emerge tuttavia come tale modello, pur costituendo un indubbio avanzamento verso un’efficace tutela dei singoli, presenti ancora limiti e criticità applicative, nonché sia carente di una visione che guardi al rischio nella sua multiforme complessità e nella sua dimensione collettiva.

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Research paper thumbnail of Right to be Forgotten and Public Registers - A Request to the European Court of Justice for a Preliminary Ruling

European Data Protection Law Review, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Personal data for decisional purposes in the age of analytics: From an individual to a collective dimension of data protection

Computer Law & Security Review , 2016

In the big data era, new technologies and powerful analytics make it possible to collect and anal... more In the big data era, new technologies and powerful analytics make it possible to collect and analyse large amounts of data in order to identify patterns in the behaviour of groups, communities and even entire countries.

Existing case law and regulations are inadequate to address the potential risks and issues related to this change of paradigm in social investigation. This is due to the fact that both the right to privacy and the more recent right to data protection are protected as individual rights. The social dimension of these rights has been taken into account by courts and policymakers in various countries. Nevertheless, the rights holder has always been the data subject and the rights related to informational privacy have mainly been exercised by individuals.

This atomistic approach shows its limits in the existing context of mass predictive analysis, where the larger scale of data processing and the deeper analysis of information make it necessary to consider another layer, which is different from individual rights. This new layer is represented by the collective dimension of data protection, which protects groups of persons from the potential harms of discriminatory and invasive forms of data processing.

On the basis of the distinction between individual, group and collective dimensions of privacy and data protection, the author outlines the main elements that characterise the collective dimension of these rights and the representation of the underlying interests.

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Research paper thumbnail of Children online and the future EU data protection framework: empirical evidences and legal analysis

International Journal of Technology Policy and Law 40 vol. 2 (2/3/4), 2016

Many international declarations and national regulations explicitly recognise the right to privac... more Many international declarations and national regulations explicitly recognise the right to privacy of the child, as well as the right to the protection of personal data to each individual, regardless of her or his age. In order to take into account the new forms of social interaction, these provisions have to carefully consider the existing online context and the increasing interplay between the online and offline dimensions, which characterises teen life. From this perspective, the article examines a number of empirical studies on teen online behaviour, conducted in Europe and in other countries, as well as a recent survey conducted by the author. On the basis of the output of these studies, the author analyses the related legal implications within the EU legal
framework. In light of the above, this article investigates whether the provisions of the new EU proposal adequately address the issues related to teen online behaviour.

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Research paper thumbnail of Smart cities, movilidad inteligente y protección de los datos personales

IDP. Revista de Internet, Derecho y Política. 2015 (21): 37-49, 2015

En este artículo el autor afronta las cuestiones relativas a la protección de datos en el context... more En este artículo el autor afronta las cuestiones relativas a la protección de datos en el contexto de amplios proyectos de movilidad territorial. En la primera parte, se describen brevemente los sistemas de movilidad inteligente y los problemas que de ellos se derivan, con especial atención a su incidencia sobre la dimensión individual y colectiva de la protección de datos. La segunda parte del artículo analiza cómo se han afrontado estos aspectos en Italia en el ámbito de un proyecto piloto concreto que ha involucrado a entes de transporte, gobiernos locales y a la academia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Right to be forgotten e pubblici registri. I giudici italiani chiedono lumi alla Corte di Giustizia, ma lasciano poche possibilità al diritto alla cancellazione dei dati

Muovendo dalle argomentazioni offerte dalla Cassazione nell’ordinanza di rinvio pregiudiziale al... more Muovendo dalle argomentazioni offerte dalla Cassazione nell’ordinanza di rinvio pregiudiziale alla Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea, il commento esamina gli aspetti critici inerenti all’applicabilità del c.d. «right to be forgotten» nel contesto dei pubblici registri. Nello specifico, viene messo in luce come occorra distinguere fra cancellazione o trasformazione in forma anonima dei dati e limitazione all’ostensibilità di questi ultimi, ove tale seconda opzione pare più corretta nel caso delle informazioni contenute nel registro delle imprese. Da ultimo, viene allargata l’indagine ad alcune riflessioni sul rapporto fra dati contenuti in pubblici registri e diritto all’oblio, inteso quale diritto alla cancellazione dei dati non più rilevanti.

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Research paper thumbnail of Il trattamento dati nelle imprese nel post Safe Harbour. Strategie di breve, medio e lungo periodo

The Safe Harbour agreement was the result of an economic and political compromise between the Eur... more The Safe Harbour agreement was the result of an economic and political compromise between the European Union and the United States in the field of data protection, where the European regulatory model has demonstrated its influence in an interdependent world. The ECJ judgement has put an end to this compromise. Against this background, the author points out the different solutions that private companies may adopt in the short-, medium- and long-term. In this light, the article considers the chance of reaching a new international bilateral agreement in short time and the limits posed by the ECJ decision to this potential agreement. Focusing on the medium-term scenario, the author takes into account the impact of the Schrems case on the different legal alternatives for data transfer (data subject’s consent, standard contractual clauses, and binding corporate rules) and discusses the consequences of this judgement on business strategies. In the long-term scenario, a more optimistic outlook is possible, given the increasing demand for data protection coming from U.S. companies and society at large, as demonstrated by the support provided the U.S. business community to new regulatory initiatives and by the In re Microsoft Corp. case.

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Research paper thumbnail of Data protection in a big data society. Ideas for a future regulation

Digital Investigation, 2015

Big data society has changed the traditional forms of data analysis and created a new predictive ... more Big data society has changed the traditional forms of data analysis and created a new predictive approach to knowledge and investigation. In this light, it is necessary to consider the impact of this new paradigm on the traditional notion of data protection and its regulation.

Focussing on the individual and communal dimension of data use, encompassing digital investigations, the authors outline the challenges that big data poses for individual information self-determination, reasonable suspicion and collective interests. Therefore, the article suggests some innovative proposals that may update the existing data protection legal framework and contribute to make it respondent to the present algorithmic society.

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Research paper thumbnail of The protection of the right to be forgotten: lessons and perspectives from open data

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Research paper thumbnail of L’ECJ invalida l’accordo per il trasferimento dei dati personali fra EU ed USA. Quali scenari per cittadini ed imprese?

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Research paper thumbnail of Data protection, e-ticketing, and intelligent systems for public transport

International Data Privacy Law, 2015

Smart mobility systems make it possible to collect a huge amount of information about passenger’s... more Smart mobility systems make it possible to collect a huge amount of information about passenger’s movements that can reveal users’ behaviour and social relations.
In the light of the above, these systems should adopt adequate privacy-oriented solutions in order to avoid the risk of transforming mobility architecture into generalized territorial surveillance systems.
Adopting a case study approach, the article analyses the role played by data management, data anonymization, and pseudonymization in reducing the potential negative impact of e-ticketing technologies on individual and social privacy.
In a context characterized by public subsidies provided by regional governments to transport companies, the author shows how privacy-oriented strategies adopted by regional governments are an important factor to induce mobility policies that focus on service quality and citizen privacy protection.
Finally, the case study shows the importance of the adoption of a multi-stakeholder approach to define privacy-oriented mobility systems in line with the idea of a participatory and inclusive smart community.

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Research paper thumbnail of Toward a New Approach to Data Protection in the Big Data Era. In Gasser, U., Zittrain, J., Robert, F. and Heacock Jones, R. (Eds) (2014). Internet Monitor 2014: Reflections on the Digital World (Cambridge, Ma: Berkman Center for Internet and Society), 84-86

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The decision of the European Court of Justice on the Google case has re-opened the debate on the ... more The decision of the European Court of Justice on the Google case has re-opened the debate on the importance of remembering and forgetting in the digital age. For this reason, the decision induces to reconsider the provisions of the Article 17 of the EU Proposal for a General Data Protection Regulation.
The future EU regulation should consider the peculiar nature of search engines and introduce an "ad hoc" legal provision, which excludes the direct enforcement of the right to erasure carried out by data controllers and requires a complaint direct to a court or data protection authority (DPA).
At the same time, this provision should also impose to data controllers the temporary removal (e.g. 20-30 days) of the links in dispute, which will be reactivated if the data subject does not take legal action within this time.

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Research paper thumbnail of The future of consumer data protection in the E.U. Rethinking the “notice and consent” paradigm in the new era of predictive analytics

Computer Law and Security Review 2014, 30 (6) 643–660

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Research paper thumbnail of Il futuro regolamento EU sui dati personali e la valenza “politica” del caso Google: ricordare e dimenticare nella digital economy

Dir. informaz. informatica, 2014, (4-5) 681-701

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Research paper thumbnail of Teens online and data protection in Europe

Contratto e Impresa Europa, 2014, 442-450, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of La riforma della data protection in Europa: un’opportunità per le imprese

Giustizia Civile, Mar 3, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Data Protection in a Global World

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Research paper thumbnail of Cloud computing e pubblica amministrazione: criticità e vantaggi

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Research paper thumbnail of I percorsi della memoria: la memoria nella Rete

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Research paper thumbnail of Cloud computing e processi di outsourcing dei servizi informatici

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Research paper thumbnail of Il danno da farmaci (Product liability-pharmaceuticals)

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Research paper thumbnail of Mantelero, A. 2019. Artificial Intelligence, dati e diritti: spunti di riflessione per i regolatori. In Bertoli P., Ferrari F., Ripamonti G., Tiberi G. (a cura di). Data protection tra Unione europea, Italia e Svizzera (Torino), 23-39

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Research paper thumbnail of Da Safe Harbour a Privacy Shield, cosa è cambiato?

La risposta corretta è " non si sa ". In giorni in cui tutti esprimono giudizi ed opinioni sul nu... more La risposta corretta è " non si sa ". In giorni in cui tutti esprimono giudizi ed opinioni sul nuovo accordo (in fieri) fra US ed EU sui flussi transfrontalieri dei dati, la posizione più corretta è quella adottata dall' Article 29 Working Party: aspettiamo a vedere i contenuti dell'accordo, studiamoli e poi giudichiamo. Molti purtroppo, per ragion politica o per presunta competenza, si sono espressi in giudizi pro e contro un accordo che, sotto il profilo documentale, ancora non c'è. Certo abbiamo una lista di buone intenzioni (" The new arrangement will provide stronger obligations on companies in the U.S. to protect the personal data of Europeans " , " stronger monitoring and enforcement by the U.S. Department of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) " , " increased cooperation with European Data Protection Authorities " , " commitments by the U.S. that possibilities under U.S. law for public authorities to access personal data transferred under the new arrangement will be subject to clear conditions, limitations and oversight, preventing generalised access " , " Europeans will have the possibility to raise any enquiry or complaint in this context with a dedicated new Ombudsperson "). Purtroppo, come tutti sanno, le buone intenzioni si possono tradurre in norme che, nel gioco fra regola ed eccezione, finiscono per limitarne non poco la portata finale. Più nel dettaglio, si dice che i data importer statunitensi dovranno " to commit to robust obligations on how personal data is processed and individual rights are guaranteed " con una vigilanza differente ed incrociata del Department of Commerce e della Federal Trade Commission. Se però ci si ferma a questa dichiarazione generale, senza dettagli applicativi, potrebbe anche rimanere tutto invariato rispetto allo stato attuale. Già il DoC era competente per gli elenchi delle imprese iscritte al Safe Harbour e la FTC tenuta a vigilare, ma qualcosa non ha funzionato (anche a prescindere dalla questione degli accessi ai dati da parte delle agenzie governative). Riguardo all'attività di monitoraggio posta in essere dalle agenzie governative U.S., nel comunicato della Commissione sul nuovo accordo si dice che " the US has given the EU written assurances that the access of public authorities for law enforcement and national security will be subject to clear limitations, safeguards and oversight mechanisms. These exceptions must be used only to the extent necessary and proportionate. The U.S. has ruled out indiscriminate mass surveillance on the personal data transferred to the US under the new arrangement ". Di nuovo, " clear limitations, safeguards and oversight mechanisms " sono concetti che possono essere declinati in varie forme, tanto che anche ad oggi non si può dire che mancasse una qualche forma di limitazione e controllo rispetto alle attività di sorveglianza, ma con i risultati a tutti noti.

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Research paper thumbnail of "L'entrata in vigore del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679: la riforma alla prova della prassi in Italia e in Spagna. I° incontro di studi italo-spagnolo in materia di protezione dei dati personali" (Pisa, 8-9 giugno 2018)

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