pregnant_au - Profile (original) (raw)
on 2 February 2007 (#12189725)
The Australian Pregnancy Community
Welcome to the Australian Pregnancy Community. This is a place where Australian parents and parents to be can discuss pregnancy and parenting related issues from an Australian perspective. Whether you're looking for information that is uniquely Australian (hospital or caregiver information, Medicare, Australian organisations and associations) or you simply like using Celsius and talking about the heat in December, this is the place for you.Our cross-Tasman cousins are also welcome: birth practices are a bit different in New Zealand, but at least you have the seasons the right way around. =) |
Please conduct your behaviour within this community in a respectful manner. This includes refraining from flaming other members. If you disagree with another member, please do so in a respectful manner. Name-calling and personal attacks, or any other form of ad hominem arguments are not permitted. If you find you really do not agree with a post or comment, consider limiting yourself to a couple of comments in that thread. This should give you the opportunity to make your point and clarify if requested, but discourages the endless wank that is sometimes seen elsewhere. Succinct, constructive criticism is very encouraged in these circumstances. It's okay to let someone else have the last word: this is the internet, and there are no prizes for the winner. Harassment is not permitted under any circumstance, and offenders will be banned. Harassment includes but is not limited to "stalking" a person back to their own journal, or re-posting any post or comment from this community without permission. Directing drama communities to posts in this community will also result in immediate banning. Don't be a sheep. If a question is asked and your advice is identical or very similar to that given in any three other comments on the post, consider if the OP really wants their inbox filled with variations of the same comment. Comments that agree but also add some information are great: "me too!" comments get a bit old. We are, unless otherwise stated, not medical professionals. No advice here should in any way replace that of a qualified medical professional. No responsibility will be accepted for decisions made on advice from community members. Please use an for multiple, large or NSFW pictures, and for longer or potentially offensive/disturbing text posts. This is a family-friendly community and while posts relating to pregnancy can often be of a personal nature, somebody's boss may not be so forgiving of the details of your baby's conception. Finally, while allowing that pregnancy often affects spelling capabilities, it would be strongly appreciated if you would refrain from using netspeak or cRazY CApS at all times in this community. It's not just a matter of personal taste: many internet users, and many Australians, speak English as a second or third language. Netspeak and other personal adaptations of English can make it very difficult for some people to read and understand your post. |
You are responsible for anything you post to this community, either in posts or comments. If you feel that a discussion has run its course, you are entitled to delete your own post. You are also entitled to delete your own comments, but in a spirit of open dialogue this is not encouraged except in cases where you've commented to the wrong thread, or have corrected a posting error of some kind. At no time may you delete anyone else's comment: to do so may incur a ban. If you have an issue with anything another member has posted, please contact the moderators for further action at the email address listed above. Moderators also have responsibility for content posted to community journals: if you post anything offensive, illegal, 'spam' of any kind (including unsolicited advertising), or anything markedly off-topic, the moderators will delete your post or comment.For further information on responsibility and control of posted content, please see LiveJournal's Terms Of Service. |
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