Fable by Ramala on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Fable Page Doll by Naviira

Name: Fable

Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Height: 36"
Weight: 110
Build: He is tall, lithe, lanky, but built with solid, sinewy muscle. His stork-ish legs make him quite tall, but he's not a physically giant wolf. His face looks earnest and puppy-ish, and he has fairly large ears and paws. His coat long and smooth, and has a tendency to lay fairly flat- sticking up on points of his body or where the grain changes direction. His eyes are very dark, appearing nearly black except when in direct sunlight.
Scars: One long, thin scar along one foreleg from when he and Rutnik became blood brothers.

Territory: Fellfang
Rank: Jarl (Alpha)
Mate: Polaris
Pups: TBA
Family: Story (Brother, Deceased), Lore (Half-Sister, Deceased)
Adopted Family: Rutnik (Blood brother), Nach (Bondson)

Other Info


Dissociative amnesia and post-traumatic behavioral symptoms. The violent fits that are exacerbated by this are known in Fellfang as "The Curse of Arn", a condition that runs in his family. 🆕 He is slowly recovering bits of his memory over time, but will he ever remember everything?

The Curse of Arn:

A condition in Fable's bloodline that is made worse by his post-traumatic flashbacks. The condition entails a volatile state that flips on in times of stress which renders the sufferer extremely violent, and not entirely in control of their actions until they've recovered.


Fable's issues are most often triggered by wolf vs. wolf violence, or the smell of blood. It can also sometimes be triggered by the word "Story".

Other Details:

He is an extremely talented tracker, extremely observant, tends to have bad posture, is very eager to connect with others.




Very resonant and rich, but spoken extremely softly.

Theme Song:

Monster - Imagine Dragons


Slightly sweet- Rain, tree bark, the scent of air under deep forest.


Before the Jarlship: At first glance, Fable can seem quiet, even vacant. His eyes are wide and pup-like, soaking in everything he sees with a ravenous naivete. His interaction with other wolves can be awkward because of his soft-spoken, often disarming level of innocence for a wolf his age. BUT underneath this layer, he is deeply sensitive, deep-thinking with a profound power of empathy. What seems "simple" on the outside is in fact an elegant machine of intricate clockwork ticking in his skull, he is extremely intelligent, and very perceptive and observant. Very little can go past Fable unnoticed- his one weakness being reading "between the lines", or subtle implications or other communication that comes naturally to other wolves. Because of this, he tends to think the best of everyone and can be easily manipulated by those that understand this about him.

His extreme, seemingly incorruptible innocence is in part due to the fact that his dark side is locked away by dissociative amnesia and other related issues. He is aware of this about himself, and actively tries to avoid stimulants that will trigger his "dark side". The main stimulant being violence, another being betrayal (the reason for this explained in his history). If something is to trigger this element of Fable, one will discover a sudden, violent, sometimes cruel temper. It's not a different personality, just a sudden snap that Fable isn't entirely in control of. Normally, Fable is all fluff and no fight- but when experiencing this, he is an effective, lethal fighter (because of his upbringing), and he can be surprisingly cruel- which he later deeply regrets.

🆕 Since the Jarlship: When Fable became the Jarl of Fellfang, he faced a hard transition from being a quiet, sweet-tempered loner to being the leader of a pack who had to open up his small worldview to a whole new group of wolves. It was awkward at first, leadership was something he had never expected to experience in his life, and something he was not immediately thrilled to accept. However, over time, he flourished in his new way of life. He is extremely paternal about everyone within the Skuld, whether they've been there for days or years. He has become an excellent counselor and confidante for pack members, and demonstrates a wisdom beyond his years. He feels profoundly and deeply for his Skuldmates, and their pains and troubles become his.

Ever since he returned to Fellfang and began to recover bits of his memory, his condition (Arn's Curse) has been more under control. He still lives with the fear and insecurity that it will catch up to him someday.

## Pre-Group History:

Fable was the second eldest son of the Alpha of his old pack. Because they resided in a densely populated, competitive area- this pack exercised a gruesome tradition of training all their pups from birth (particularly males), to be ruthless, highly trained killing machines. Like. Seriously horrible. In doing this, they would intentionally beat the scruples and empathy out of their pups, the goal being to basically eliminate any of the pup's original personality. Fable was always an extremely sensitive individual, so this upbringing caused his amnesia-issues to start fairly young. His brother discovered this, as well as Fable's dynamic temper. His brother orchestrated an assassination of their father for which Fable was present, but after the fact, it had all been blocked out so he couldn't remember what had happened. His brother blamed him for the death of the alpha, and Fable was unable to confirm or deny the accusation. He never found out whether he actually had killed his father, or his brother had. The pack cast him out, and his brother became alpha.

The tricky part? Fable didn't remember any of this. He just lives with the consequences, with the occasional ghost of a memory.

Fable remembers most of what happened after that event, his memory is actually quite good, except for the things it locks away.

Group History:

-Fable Joins Chandor
- Fable encounters Sloan, where he is induced to fight, but they eventually call a truce, finding a new-found respect for each other.
- Fable saves Vivien from drowning in the river to the north of the Chandor territory, where he then invites her to join the pack.
-Fable meets Saba in the stretch of forest in between their two territories. Despite the storm that begins to rage, Fable helps Saba track and bring down her first large kill. They become fast friends until Saba accidentally triggers Fable's violent half. Her confidence in him shaken, Fable opens up and explains his condition, and they eventually make up. Fable goes with Saba and spends the night in the Kausen territory.
-He meets and speaks with Gabitrix, a wolf he'd seen around in Chandor that he'd never spoken too. Turns out, they both have pasts they don't talk about for different reasons, which they bonded over.
-Fable and Aethelynda encounter to bachelor males, hoping to find refuge in Chandor. Fable quickly discerns that they killed the pups of their previous alpha, and mean ill in Chandor as well. Fable wards them off with Lyn, and admits his secret to her, after she witnesses his stress-triggered transformation.
-Fable comes across Wren, who had accidentally incurred the wrath of a giant mother bear. They're both quite injured in the fight, but manage to ward the bear off. Wren treats their wounds, and they spend the night in a small cave to recuperate from their wounds. They talk, bond, and become good friends.
-He encounters a stranger in the woods who seems to recognize him from a time before Fable's memory failed him. The wolf seems to know him well, though Fable has no memory of him. The enigmatic stranger doesn't tell him much, but that it's rumored that Fable had possibly killed the alpha of his pack years ago, and that there was someone out there that would hunt him down and kill him if they ever found out Fable was still alive. Armed with only this knowledge, Fable decides he needs to find out what happened, and that he needs to protect Chandor from the potential danger that is following him.
-Fable reluctantly leaves Chandor, becoming a loner while he searches for clues as to his mysterious past.
-He meets Polaris, a young, beautiful wolf who seems to have a storied past of her own. Fable helps her fight off a band of brigands, after fleeing the fight, they get to know each other at last. They promise to help each other with the things that the other seeks. For Fable, it's his past, for Polaris, it's her missing father.
-He and Polaris find Fellfang, where he reluctantly overthrows his tyrannical brother, Story.
-Fable becomes Jarl of Fellfang.
-Fellfang is forced to evacuate their territory during a volcanic eruption, which kills Lore, his half-sister.
-Fellfang finds their ancestral territory and reclaims it as their home.
-Fable remembers his childhood friendship with Rutnik
-Fable and Polaris become mates :heart:


Fable's Bone Log from 2014-2016

January 2017: RP- Finally Us: +1
Becoming Mates with Polaris: -6
February 2017:
Collab- Finally Us: +1
RP- Up in Smoke: +1
Image- In the Deep: +1
March 2017:
RP- The Tying of Our Ends: +1
April 2017:
RP- Advice on Love: +1
-12 bones, bringing in "Valda" as new char
RP- The Final Reunion: Part II: +1
May 2017:
Image- The Aldinwitch: +1
Comic- The Nightmares are Back: +3
June 2017:
Image- Something Just Like This: +1
Collab- Season of Giving: +1
Collab- When the Night Closes In: +1
July 2017: Image- Allow Me: +1
August 2017: Image- Blood Curse Plot "Cover": +1
Literature- Under Her Spell: +1
September 2017:
RP- Imbalance part I and II: +1
December 2017:
Literature- It's in the Blood: +1
January 2018:
Image- Curse Closing In: +1
Collab- Where Are You: +1
February 2018:
RP- Words with the Jarl: +1
March 2018:
Image- Scattered Memories: +1
April 2018:
RP- Crossroads: +1
-15 For pups and pregnancy
May 2018:

June 2018:

July 2018:

August 2018:

September 2018:

November 2018:

December 2018:

January 2019:

March 2019:

April 2019:

May 2019:

June 2019:

July 2019:

September 2019:

October 2019:

January 2020:

Total: 60