Dmytro Zhelaha | Institute of Archaeology of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)
Papers by Dmytro Zhelaha
Археологія і давня історія України, 46(1), 41-58, 2023
У статті описано розписний посуд з поселення Ожеве-Острів та розглянуто питання порівняння його з... more У статті описано розписний посуд з поселення Ожеве-Острів та розглянуто питання порівняння його з іншими пам’ятками регіону та сусідніх територій. Також, завдяки аналізу цього посуду розглянуто питання місця поселення в культурно-хронологічній структурі Кукутень-Трипільського культурного комплексу етапу ВІ. У роботі викладаються також думки й гіпотези щодо процесів, що відбувалися серед населення КТКК цієї території на етапі ВІ, а також культурних зв'язків із сусідами
Археологія і давня історія України, 46(1), 59-83, 2023
Статтю присвячено планіграфічній одиниці поселення-гіганта Тальянки ― «Житлово-виробничому компле... more Статтю присвячено планіграфічній одиниці поселення-гіганта Тальянки ― «Житлово-виробничому комплексу сім’ї гончаря 2». Комплекс складався з п’яти жител, одного горна, кількох інших наземних та заглиблених об’єктів, один з яких є майстернею з виготовлення пластики. Комплекс реконструюється як місце проживання великосімейного колективу. Пропонується модель виникнення гончарного горна у Трипіллі, що починається від випалу в побутових печах і до складніших теплотехнічних приладів.
Archaeology and Early History of Ukraine, 50(1), 81-90, 2024
The anthropomorphic figurines from Trypillian sites reflect not only certain ideological views an... more The anthropomorphic figurines from Trypillian sites reflect not only certain ideological views and aesthetic preferences of the respective populations but also serve as reliable indicators for determining the placement of communities within the general structure of the Cucuteni-Trypillia cultural complex. This holds true for the figurines discovered by the Northern Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine during the recent research at three multi-layered sites in Kyiv region where the Trypillia horizon was identified among the cultural layers.
The first site originates from the territory of the Kyivan Rus’ settlement as part of the Dnieper fortified line southward from Hrebeni village. It is known in 19th-century publications but despite the extensive explorations in the region in the late past and the early current centuries it has been overlooked and was surveyed only in 2016. It was discovered that this site, in addition to layers from the Kyivan Rus’ period, contains Trypillia artifacts including the figurine discussed in this paper.
The second artifact was found in the medieval settlement of Khodosivka-Roslavske in the southern outskirts of Kyiv which was discovered in 2007. The site, explored over a wide area, proved to be multi-layered with the artifact found in Trypillia layers as follows.
The objects from both sites are represented by the upper parts of female statuettes with modeled heads, torsos, and buttocks. Despite some differences in the composition of the clay and the modeling of the head, arms, and breast, the figurines from these sites belong to fairly common examples of ceramic statuettes from the BII and CI stages of the Trypillia culture. Their analogies are reflected in the developed classification schemes and have been found not only in the Dnieper River area but also in the Southern Bug area, the Bug-Dniester interfluve, and the Middle Dniester basin.
The statuette from the adjacent multi-layered site which combines a Slavic settlement from the last quarter of the 1st millennium at the Kozakiv Yar and a Late Trypillia settlement at the Zotsieva Hora differs significantly morphologically and typologically from the mentioned examples. It has only one parallel in the Middle Dnieper area at the settlement Syrets I in Kyiv. Both settlements belong to Sofiyivka local group of CII stage.
The flat rounded body of the figurine, made of dense clay and fired in the oxidizing medium, is combined with the buttocks and legs with grooves in the upper part for attaching the head. Such statuettes are not typical for Trypillia sites but are inherent to synchronous sites beyond the Carpathians. According to scholars, they reflect cultural influences from the specified region defined in the literature as the process of «badenization».
В: Дяченко, О., Харпер, Т. К., Рассамакін, Ю., Собковяк-Табака, І. (ред.). Систематизація неолітичних і енеолітичних матеріалів Південно-Східної та Центральної Європи. Збірка наукових праць на пошану Сергія Рижова. Київ: ІА НАН України, с. 79-126., 2021
by Vitaliy Kalinichenko, Alexandru Berzovan, Sergiy Gorbanenko, Dmytro Zhelaha, Mykola Il'kiv, Fruzsina Alexandra Németh, Niculica Bogdan Petru, Rita Rakonczay, Taha Yasin Arslan, Iryna Yaremiy, and Олександр Руснак
VITA ANTIQUA 10, Prehistoric Networks in Southern and Eastern Europe, 118-125, 2018
The article deals with ornamental systems of Trypillian culture sites at the Middle Dniester area... more The article deals with ornamental systems of Trypillian culture sites at the Middle Dniester area, basic concepts of sites periodization at the BI period of this territory. The article describes the existence of three different ornamentation systems that are widespread on these sites. These differences are cultural and chronological markers, which will help us for the further investigations, connected with relative chronology. These markers also helps to understand existence of various cultural tendencies and impulses at these sites.
At the BI period in the Middle Dniester area appear ornamentation systems, which interact and displace the previous ones. The most widespread systems for BI period are Cucuteni and Borysivka (typical also for so-called “Borysivka” group) ornamentation systems. At some sites (such as Ozaryntsi, Mykhalkove, etc.) also still existed at the BI period features of the Precucuteni ornamentation system, which traditionally connected with period A. The base of development these ceramic complexes are the late Precucuteni sites of A and BI periods (Luka-Vrublivetska, Bernovo-Luka, etc.).
Periphery of the Precucuteni sites became an area of formation another different Borysivka ornamentation system that shows impulse from the painted pottery sites. A synthesis of these different traditions is reflected in imitation of painting at the deep ornamented pottery. The Borysivka system also started to fade away among the ceramic complexes. At the final stage of BI period at Middle Dniester area started to prevail the Cucuteni ornamentation system with painted pottery.
Distinguishing the differences between ornamentation systems allow grouping the ceramic complexes according to stylistic features and fixing the main cultural tendencies of the BI period sites development. Based on this differences further investigations will let the scientists make more detailed analysis that will give us more complete picture of Trypillian culture development.
The article considers the human impact on archaeological sites in the middle Dniester river area,... more The article considers the human impact on archaeological sites in the middle Dniester river area, their destroying and possible solutions. Specified short history of researching the sites and Ukrainian law about protection of the cultural heritage. The sites and locations of Trypillian
culture in this area are very important for researching of eneolithic cultural interactions in Eastern Europe. Citizens, building companies and local authorities do not care about archaeological sites because famous and popular information agencies mostly do not have qualitative content about cultural heritage protection and new studies of Ukrainian scientists (including archaeologists). Moreover, the lack of professionals in the government structures versed in heritage protection does not make the situation with local policy better. Resolving the problems with employment policy and changes in law will help to lessen the amount of destructed archaeological sites. Worldwide the archaeological studies help to develop small towns and increase respect for the World history.
Conference Presentations by Dmytro Zhelaha
І Всеукраїнський археологічний з’їзд: Програма роботи та анотації доповідей (Ніжин, 23—25 листопада 2018 р.). — Київ: ІАНАНУ, 2018
Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare Ediția 11, 2019
Books by Dmytro Zhelaha
The collection of scientific works is devoted to contemporary research on development and interac... more The collection of scientific works is devoted to contemporary research on development and interaction of prehistoric networks in the Holocene Europe. Chronologically, the collection covers the final phases of the Stone Age and the beginning of the age of early metals. Particular attention is paid to the process of Neolithization and interaction between different societies in Southern and Eastern Europe. The proposed collection will be useful for anyone interested in the prehistory, archaeology and geography of Europe – archaeologists, prehistorians, specialists in local history, ethnographers, museum workers, cultural heritage researchers and students of higher educational institutions.
Збірка наукових праць присвячена сучасним дослідженням питань розвитку та взаємодії первісних спільнот на території голоценової Європи. Хронологічно збірка охоплює заключні фази кам’яної доби та початку доби ранніх металів. Особлива увага приділена процесу неолітизації та взаємодії різних суспільств Південної та Східної Європи. Запропонована збірка буде корисною для всіх, хто цікавиться первісною історією, археологією та географією Європи – археологам, преісторикам, історикам-краєзнавцям, етнографам, музейним працівникам, дослідникам культурної спадщини, студентам вищих навчальних закладів.
Археологія і давня історія України, 46(1), 41-58, 2023
У статті описано розписний посуд з поселення Ожеве-Острів та розглянуто питання порівняння його з... more У статті описано розписний посуд з поселення Ожеве-Острів та розглянуто питання порівняння його з іншими пам’ятками регіону та сусідніх територій. Також, завдяки аналізу цього посуду розглянуто питання місця поселення в культурно-хронологічній структурі Кукутень-Трипільського культурного комплексу етапу ВІ. У роботі викладаються також думки й гіпотези щодо процесів, що відбувалися серед населення КТКК цієї території на етапі ВІ, а також культурних зв'язків із сусідами
Археологія і давня історія України, 46(1), 59-83, 2023
Статтю присвячено планіграфічній одиниці поселення-гіганта Тальянки ― «Житлово-виробничому компле... more Статтю присвячено планіграфічній одиниці поселення-гіганта Тальянки ― «Житлово-виробничому комплексу сім’ї гончаря 2». Комплекс складався з п’яти жител, одного горна, кількох інших наземних та заглиблених об’єктів, один з яких є майстернею з виготовлення пластики. Комплекс реконструюється як місце проживання великосімейного колективу. Пропонується модель виникнення гончарного горна у Трипіллі, що починається від випалу в побутових печах і до складніших теплотехнічних приладів.
Archaeology and Early History of Ukraine, 50(1), 81-90, 2024
The anthropomorphic figurines from Trypillian sites reflect not only certain ideological views an... more The anthropomorphic figurines from Trypillian sites reflect not only certain ideological views and aesthetic preferences of the respective populations but also serve as reliable indicators for determining the placement of communities within the general structure of the Cucuteni-Trypillia cultural complex. This holds true for the figurines discovered by the Northern Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine during the recent research at three multi-layered sites in Kyiv region where the Trypillia horizon was identified among the cultural layers.
The first site originates from the territory of the Kyivan Rus’ settlement as part of the Dnieper fortified line southward from Hrebeni village. It is known in 19th-century publications but despite the extensive explorations in the region in the late past and the early current centuries it has been overlooked and was surveyed only in 2016. It was discovered that this site, in addition to layers from the Kyivan Rus’ period, contains Trypillia artifacts including the figurine discussed in this paper.
The second artifact was found in the medieval settlement of Khodosivka-Roslavske in the southern outskirts of Kyiv which was discovered in 2007. The site, explored over a wide area, proved to be multi-layered with the artifact found in Trypillia layers as follows.
The objects from both sites are represented by the upper parts of female statuettes with modeled heads, torsos, and buttocks. Despite some differences in the composition of the clay and the modeling of the head, arms, and breast, the figurines from these sites belong to fairly common examples of ceramic statuettes from the BII and CI stages of the Trypillia culture. Their analogies are reflected in the developed classification schemes and have been found not only in the Dnieper River area but also in the Southern Bug area, the Bug-Dniester interfluve, and the Middle Dniester basin.
The statuette from the adjacent multi-layered site which combines a Slavic settlement from the last quarter of the 1st millennium at the Kozakiv Yar and a Late Trypillia settlement at the Zotsieva Hora differs significantly morphologically and typologically from the mentioned examples. It has only one parallel in the Middle Dnieper area at the settlement Syrets I in Kyiv. Both settlements belong to Sofiyivka local group of CII stage.
The flat rounded body of the figurine, made of dense clay and fired in the oxidizing medium, is combined with the buttocks and legs with grooves in the upper part for attaching the head. Such statuettes are not typical for Trypillia sites but are inherent to synchronous sites beyond the Carpathians. According to scholars, they reflect cultural influences from the specified region defined in the literature as the process of «badenization».
В: Дяченко, О., Харпер, Т. К., Рассамакін, Ю., Собковяк-Табака, І. (ред.). Систематизація неолітичних і енеолітичних матеріалів Південно-Східної та Центральної Європи. Збірка наукових праць на пошану Сергія Рижова. Київ: ІА НАН України, с. 79-126., 2021
by Vitaliy Kalinichenko, Alexandru Berzovan, Sergiy Gorbanenko, Dmytro Zhelaha, Mykola Il'kiv, Fruzsina Alexandra Németh, Niculica Bogdan Petru, Rita Rakonczay, Taha Yasin Arslan, Iryna Yaremiy, and Олександр Руснак
VITA ANTIQUA 10, Prehistoric Networks in Southern and Eastern Europe, 118-125, 2018
The article deals with ornamental systems of Trypillian culture sites at the Middle Dniester area... more The article deals with ornamental systems of Trypillian culture sites at the Middle Dniester area, basic concepts of sites periodization at the BI period of this territory. The article describes the existence of three different ornamentation systems that are widespread on these sites. These differences are cultural and chronological markers, which will help us for the further investigations, connected with relative chronology. These markers also helps to understand existence of various cultural tendencies and impulses at these sites.
At the BI period in the Middle Dniester area appear ornamentation systems, which interact and displace the previous ones. The most widespread systems for BI period are Cucuteni and Borysivka (typical also for so-called “Borysivka” group) ornamentation systems. At some sites (such as Ozaryntsi, Mykhalkove, etc.) also still existed at the BI period features of the Precucuteni ornamentation system, which traditionally connected with period A. The base of development these ceramic complexes are the late Precucuteni sites of A and BI periods (Luka-Vrublivetska, Bernovo-Luka, etc.).
Periphery of the Precucuteni sites became an area of formation another different Borysivka ornamentation system that shows impulse from the painted pottery sites. A synthesis of these different traditions is reflected in imitation of painting at the deep ornamented pottery. The Borysivka system also started to fade away among the ceramic complexes. At the final stage of BI period at Middle Dniester area started to prevail the Cucuteni ornamentation system with painted pottery.
Distinguishing the differences between ornamentation systems allow grouping the ceramic complexes according to stylistic features and fixing the main cultural tendencies of the BI period sites development. Based on this differences further investigations will let the scientists make more detailed analysis that will give us more complete picture of Trypillian culture development.
The article considers the human impact on archaeological sites in the middle Dniester river area,... more The article considers the human impact on archaeological sites in the middle Dniester river area, their destroying and possible solutions. Specified short history of researching the sites and Ukrainian law about protection of the cultural heritage. The sites and locations of Trypillian
culture in this area are very important for researching of eneolithic cultural interactions in Eastern Europe. Citizens, building companies and local authorities do not care about archaeological sites because famous and popular information agencies mostly do not have qualitative content about cultural heritage protection and new studies of Ukrainian scientists (including archaeologists). Moreover, the lack of professionals in the government structures versed in heritage protection does not make the situation with local policy better. Resolving the problems with employment policy and changes in law will help to lessen the amount of destructed archaeological sites. Worldwide the archaeological studies help to develop small towns and increase respect for the World history.
І Всеукраїнський археологічний з’їзд: Програма роботи та анотації доповідей (Ніжин, 23—25 листопада 2018 р.). — Київ: ІАНАНУ, 2018
Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare Ediția 11, 2019
The collection of scientific works is devoted to contemporary research on development and interac... more The collection of scientific works is devoted to contemporary research on development and interaction of prehistoric networks in the Holocene Europe. Chronologically, the collection covers the final phases of the Stone Age and the beginning of the age of early metals. Particular attention is paid to the process of Neolithization and interaction between different societies in Southern and Eastern Europe. The proposed collection will be useful for anyone interested in the prehistory, archaeology and geography of Europe – archaeologists, prehistorians, specialists in local history, ethnographers, museum workers, cultural heritage researchers and students of higher educational institutions.
Збірка наукових праць присвячена сучасним дослідженням питань розвитку та взаємодії первісних спільнот на території голоценової Європи. Хронологічно збірка охоплює заключні фази кам’яної доби та початку доби ранніх металів. Особлива увага приділена процесу неолітизації та взаємодії різних суспільств Південної та Східної Європи. Запропонована збірка буде корисною для всіх, хто цікавиться первісною історією, археологією та географією Європи – археологам, преісторикам, історикам-краєзнавцям, етнографам, музейним працівникам, дослідникам культурної спадщини, студентам вищих навчальних закладів.