Blanka Szeghy | Slovak Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)


Books by Blanka Szeghy

Research paper thumbnail of Od konfliktu ku zločinu. Skúmanie kriminality v minulosti (Obálka/Cover)

Research paper thumbnail of Od konfliktu ku zločinu. Skúmanie kriminality v minulosti (Tiráž, Obsah/Contents, Úvod, Abstracts)

FROM CONFLICT TO CRIME. Exploring Criminality in the Past, 2022

Kniha prináša najnovší výskum slovenskej a českej historiografie na široké spektrum tém týkajúcic... more Kniha prináša najnovší výskum slovenskej a českej historiografie na široké spektrum tém týkajúcich sa kriminality, súdnictva i disciplinácie. Skúma fungovanie súdnej praxe i konkrétne kriminálne prípady na úrovni rôznych súdnych inštancií, akými boli mestá, stolice, odvolací súd (Apelačný súd pre české mestá) i štatariálne súdy, ktoré zriaďovali panovníci ako mimoriadny právny prostriedok na potrestanie aktérov šľachtických, konfesionálnych či sedliackych nepokojov a povstaní. Niekoľko štúdií je zameraných i na oblasť nižšej súdnej právomoci na rôznych inštitucionálnych mikroúrovniach, na ktorých boli konflikty a prehrešky riešené v prvopočiatkoch. Patrili medzi ne sociálno-profesijné a cirkevné organizácie (cechy, reformovaná cirkev), špeciálne súdy pre baníkov (Dištriktuálny banský súd) a úrady s policajnými právomocami pre chránené územia (vinohrady, lesy). Obsiahnuté sú aj vybrané otázky právnej klasifikácie a teórie, príklady využitia matrík ako prameňa pri skúmaní kriminality, analýza sociálneho pozadia páchateľov, špecifické typy deliktov v období osmanského susedstva, význam a symbolika zneucťujúcich trestov a problematika žien v úlohe páchateliek i obetí.

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of Same Bodies, Different Women: ‘Other’ Women in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period Vol. 2, pages 1-223 Ed. Christopher Mielke, Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky

Same Bodies, Different Women: ‘Other’ Women in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period Vol. 2, pages 1-223 Ed. Christopher Mielke, Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky , 2019

This volume is a collection of essays focusing on marginalized women mostly in Central and Easter... more This volume is a collection of essays focusing on marginalized women mostly in Central and Eastern Europe from around 1350 to 1650. “Other” women are discussed in three different categories: women whose religious practices put them on the social margins, “common women” who are in society but not of society because they are in the sex trade, and women whose occupations were reason enough to shunt them. In order to fill a gap in gender history for countries east of the Rhine River, the studies included present how official city-funded brothels in medieval Austria worked, how a princess’ disability affected her life as Byzantine empress, how one unmarried Transylvanian woman who got pregnant dealt with being the center of a court case, and how enslaved women in medieval Hungary were treated as sexual property. The hope with this volume is that it will show the many interdisciplinary ways that women on the margins can be studied in this region, and to diminish the taboo of discussing this topic to begin with.

Research paper thumbnail of Súdnictvo a súdna prax v mestách Pentapolitany v 16. storočí_ OBALKA.pdf

Mgr. Blanka Szeghyová, PhD., je vedecká pra-covníčka Oddelenia raného novoveku Historic-kého ústa... more Mgr. Blanka Szeghyová, PhD., je vedecká pra-covníčka Oddelenia raného novoveku Historic-kého ústavu SAV. Venuje sa mestským dejinám a topografii, ako aj sociálnym a intelektuálnym témam, najmä histórii súdnej praxe a dobovému vnímaniu zločinu a trestu. Je autorkou i spolu-autorkou viacerých odborných štúdií a publiká-cií vydaných doma i v zahraničí a editorkou publikácie v angličtine The Role of Magic in the Past. Learned and Popular Magic, Popular Beliefs and Diversity of Attitudes (2005). Súdnictvo a súdna prax patria na Slovensku k málo prebádaným oblastiam histórie. Monografia je postavená na archívnom výsku-me v piatich východoslovenských, kedysi hornouhorských mestách v období 16. storočia. Išlo o mestá združené do regionálneho spo-ločenstva známeho pod menom Pentapolitana, medzi ktoré patrili Košice, Levoča, Bardejov, Prešov a Sabinov. Autorka skúma charak-ter mestského súdnictva a jeho fungovanie v praxi a na konkrétnych prípadoch rozoberá typické delikty i udelené tresty. Záverečná kapi-tola poukazuje na vplyv reformácie pri posudzovaní mravnostných deliktov a načrtáva dobovú mentalitu mešťana, jeho chápanie cti, spravodlivosti a trestu.

Research paper thumbnail of Súdnictvo a súdna prax v mestách Pentapolitany v 16. storočí.pdf

Súdnictvo a súdna prax v mestách Pentapolitany v 16. storočí, Blanka Szeghyová

Judiciary and Judicial Practice in the 16th Century Pentapolitana Towns

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Magic in the Past _ Cover image

The book is a very diverse collection of papers, in which alongside authors who are recognized ex... more The book is a very diverse collection of papers, in which alongside authors who are recognized experts in the topic and have published several books on the subject of magic are young scholars who have only recently joined the community of “magical” scholarship. Nevertheless, the majority of authors have their primary research interests elsewhere, but were still able to find enough relevant material to present and contribute to the scholarly discussion on the role of magic in the past. The book is rich in multiple approaches that can be taken when studying magical practices, beliefs and perceptions. Not only history and ethnology in general, but also historical anthropology, social history, history of science, art history, social psychology, psychology and history of religion, theology, philosophy, linguistics and literary studies can all with their specific approaches and methodology contribute to our better understanding of the magic phenomenon.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Magic in the Past

Blanka Szeghyová: The Role of Magic in the Past

The Role of Magic in the Past_text

Research paper thumbnail of Žena a právo. Právne a spoločenshé postavenie žien v minulosti

Research paper thumbnail of SZEGHYOVA_Blanka_Žena a zločin vo východoslovenských mestách v 16. storočí.pdf

Woman and Crime in the Upper Hungarian Towns in the 16th Century SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. Žena a zloči... more Woman and Crime in the Upper Hungarian Towns in the 16th Century

SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. Žena a zločin vo východoslovenských mestách v 16. storočí. In Žena a právo : právne a spoločenské postavenie žien v minulosti. Lengyelová, T. (ed.), Bratislava ; Bratislava : Academic Electronic Press : Historický ústav SAV, 2004, s. 67-85. ISBN 80-88880-59-9.

Papers by Blanka Szeghy

[Research paper thumbnail of Praniere v Uhorsku: Stav a perspektívy výskumu [Pillories in the Kingdom of Hungary: New Perspectives and the State of Research]](

Spravodlivosť pre všetkých... Igazságot mindenkinek..., 2020

SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. Praniere v Uhorsku: Stav a perspektívy výskumu [Pillories in the Kingdom of Hu... more SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. Praniere v Uhorsku: Stav a perspektívy výskumu [Pillories in the Kingdom of Hungary: New Perspectives and the State of Research]. In RÉPÁŠOVÁ, Katarína (prekl.). Spravodlivosť pre všetkých... PALUGA, Lukáš – RÉPÁSOVÁ, Katarína. - Bratislava : MV SR, Štátny archív v Nitre, pracovisko Archív Komárno, 2020, s. 157-167. ISBN 978-80-973527-2-1.

Research paper thumbnail of K otázke nevestincov v období neskorého stredoveku a na prahu novoveku

Historia mea vita, 2020

SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. K otázke nevestincov v období neskorého stredoveku a na prahu novoveku. In His... more SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. K otázke nevestincov v období neskorého stredoveku a na prahu novoveku. In Historia mea vita : zborník štúdií vydaný pri príležitosti životného jubilea Vladimíra Segeša. Zostavovateľ: Imrich Purdek. - Bratislava : Vojenský historický ústav, 2020, s. 213-216. ISBN 978-80-89523-63-4. (APVV - 17 - 0398 : Na ceste k modernej spoločnosti. Tri storočia novoveku. VEGA 2/0028/19 : Teoretické a metodologické otázky skúmania dejín kriminality Slovenska)

Research paper thumbnail of Marginalizované skupiny v stredovekom a ranonovovekom Uhorsku

Historický časopis, 2022

Marginalized Groups in Medieval and Early Modern Hungary The study presents the history of margi... more Marginalized Groups in Medieval and Early Modern Hungary

The study presents the history of marginalized groups, the theoretical background and a brief historiographical overview. Marginalized groups are collectively referred to as those that have limited opportunities for employment and are excluded from certain spheres of society. The defining criterion in identifying particular marginalized groups is the judgemental view of the majority or dominant society. Historians classify people on the margins into different categories according to certain characteristics such as extreme poverty, a vagrant or nomadic way of life, the pursuit of dishonest or defamed professions, criminal activities, as well as physical and mental disabilities and affiliation with religious or ethnic minorities. The study focuses on four main phenomena associated with marginalization-poverty, infamy, criminality and minority ethnicity with the examples of Roma and Jews. Marginalization took various forms, from demonstrations of disgust, hostility and physical violence, to segregation, stigmatization, legislative measures that criminalized certain groups, to their persecution and physical elimination. Apart from poverty, the main reasons for marginalization were prejudices, superstitions, myths and stereotypes, as well as intolerance and fear of the unknown, the strange and the other, that could be intertwined with rational dread of contagious diseases or hostile intentions.

Keywords: Marginalized groups. Social margin. Social exclusion/marginalization. Segregation. Stigmatization. Criminalization. Infamy. Poverty. Jews. Gypsies/Roma

SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. Marginalizované skupiny v stredovekom a nonovovekom Uhorsku. In: Historický časopis 70/4, 2022, 665–713, Bratislava.

Abstrakt: Štúdia prezentuje históriu marginalizovaných skupín, jej teoretické východiská a poskytuje stručný prehľad zahraničného i domáceho výskumu k tejto téme. Ako marginalizované skupiny sa súhrnne označujú jedinci, ktorí majú obmedzené možnosti uplatnenia sa a sú vylúčení z niektorých sfér života spoločnosti. Definičným kritériom pri identifikovaní jednotlivých okrajových skupín je odsudzujúci pohľad majoritnej, resp. dominantnej spoločnosti. Historici ľudí na okraji klasifikujú do rôznych okruhov podľa niektorých charakteristických vlastností ako sú extrémna chudoba, potulný, resp. kočovný spôsob života, vykonávanie nečestných povolaní, kriminálne aktivity, ale i telesné a duševné postihnutia, či príslušnosť k nábožensko-etnickým menšinám. Štúdia sa zameriava na štyri hlavné javy spájané s marginalizáciou- - na chudobu, nepočestnosť, kriminalitu a menšinovú etnicitu na prípade Rómov a Židov. Marginalizácia mala rôzne podoby, od prejavov odporu, nepriateľstva a fyzického násilia, cez segregáciu, stigmatizáciu, legislatívnych opatrení, ktoré kriminalizovali isté skupiny až po ich perzekúciu a fyzickú likvidáciu. Hlavnými dôvodmi marginalizácie boli okrem chudoby aj predsudky, povery, mýty a stereotypy, ako aj intolerancia a strach z neznámeho, cudzieho a iného, s ktorými sa mohli prepájať i racionálne obavy z nákazy či nepriateľských úmyslov.

Kľúčové slová: marginalizované skupiny, ľudia na okraji, marginalizácia, segregácia, stigmatizácia, kriminalizácia, nepočestnosť, chudoba, Židia, Cigáni/Rómovia

Research paper thumbnail of Criminality: Terminology and Interpretation

Research paper thumbnail of Sex Crimes in Hungarian Towns in the Age of the Protestant Reformation

Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs : Zeitschrift der Kommission für Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2019

The study examines typical patterns and individual strategies of urban courts in Hungary in the s... more The study examines typical patterns and individual strategies of urban courts in Hungary in the second half of the 16 th century when dealing with sex crimes. Secular authorities took over control of sexual behaviour and marital problems, previously exercised to a large extent by the church. The councillors had a relatively wide scope of measures and punishments that they could choose from and decided according to the individual circumstances of each case. Most cases involved fornication and adultery; other sex crimes appeared in court more rarely.

Research paper thumbnail of Fornicatrices, scortatrices et meretrices diabolares: Disciplining Women in Early Modern Hungarian Towns

Same Bodies, Different Women: ‘Other’ Women in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period , 2019

This article discusses the stance and strategies of town magistrates regarding various kinds of s... more This article discusses the stance and strategies of town magistrates regarding various kinds of sexual behaviour in the kingdom of Hungary in the second half of the sixteenth century. The study is based on the analyses of judicial cases of accused women. It examines not only the nature of sexual crimes and imposed punishments, but also how the language was used in the court records to name and label the offences and offenders in a way which reflects the moralistic discourse of the period. This period witnessed a crucial shift in the attitude towards extramarital sexuality, prostitution and brothels. While brothels existed in towns in the late medieval period and the beginning of the sixteenth century (some brothels even under the official control of the

Research paper thumbnail of Faces of Community in Central European Towns, Images, Symbols and Performances 1400-1700, EDITED BY KATEŘINA HORNÍČKOVÁ, Langham, Lexington Books 2018

EUROPE A N HISTORY • MEDIEVA L HISTORY " This is a work of real significance. By bringing togeth... more EUROPE A N HISTORY • MEDIEVA L HISTORY
" This is a work of real significance. By bringing together an international team of historians , this impressive study succeeds thanks to innovative and previously unapplied approaches. Using comparative methods, this volume challenges traditional views of medieval and early modern urban communities in the broader territory of Central Europe and constitutes a great example of what scholars can achieve through international cooperation. This book will definitely serve not only as a benchmark for future research, but I also expect to find it on the reading lists for university courses on premodern urban life and culture in general. " —Jaroslav Miller, Palacký University
" This is a highly original approach to the rich history and culture of the towns of Central Europe and a welcome reminder that its urban landscape extended well beyond Prague, Vienna, and Buda. This collection by Kateřina Horníčková and her colleagues is a marvelous example of how a close reading of material culture can deepen our understanding of this critical region. " —Howard Louthan, University of Minnesota
" This volume represents a new and innovative approach to the visual aspects of Central European towns in a transitory period of the later Middle Ages and the early modern era. The contributors are representatives of a new generation of Central European historians who take a fresh look on the role of images, symbolic communication, and visual representations on the urban centers of the region. This innovative collection of essays, based on strong theoretical background, will have a secure place on university reading lists and on the bookshelves of many interested students and professors. " —Balázs Nagy, Central European University
" This fascinating collection of essays provides a rich account of the changing character of Central European towns during the late medieval and early modern periods. Detailed exploration in each chapter of the visual culture of different towns across Bohemia and Moravia illuminates broader themes about the history of religious, social, and cultural life. The essays analyze how the identities of urban communities adapted in the face of turbulent political and religious changes. Peeling back the layers of Baroque embellishment, the contributors reveal evidence about the vibrant influence in Bohemian and Moravian towns of the Hussite, Lutheran, and Catholic churches, each leaving its own distinctive mark on the changing face of the region. " —Graeme Murdock, Trinity College Dublin

Research paper thumbnail of Szeghyová, Blanka. Punishment in Sixteenth-Century Hungarian Towns. In Friars, Nobles and Burghers - Sermons, Images and Prints : Studies of Culture and Society in Early- Modern Europe. Edited by Jaroslav Miller and László Kontler.  Budapest - New York: CEU Press, 2010, p. 361- 376.

Szeghyová, Blanka. Punishment in Sixteenth-Century Hungarian Towns. In Friars, Nobles and Burgher... more Szeghyová, Blanka. Punishment in Sixteenth-Century Hungarian Towns. In Friars, Nobles and Burghers - Sermons, Images and Prints : Studies of Culture and Society in Early- Modern Europe. Edited by Jaroslav Miller and László Kontler. Budapest - New York : Central European University Press, 2010, p. 361- 376. ISBN 978-963-9776-67-8.

Research paper thumbnail of Szeghyová, Blanka. Coexistence of Diversities: Social, Ethnic and Religious Frontiers and Identities in Early Modern Hungarian Towns. In Frontiers and Identities. III. Cities in Regions and Nations. Ed. Klusáková, Luďa - Teulières, Laure. Pisa : Edizioni Plus Pisa University Press, 2008, p.121-135.

Szeghyová, Blanka. Coexistence of Diversities: Social, Ethnic and Religious Frontiers and Identit... more Szeghyová, Blanka. Coexistence of Diversities: Social, Ethnic and Religious Frontiers and Identities in Early Modern Hungarian Towns. In Frontiers and Identities. III. Thematic work group 5. Cities in Regions and Nations. [Ed.]: Klusáková, Luďa - Teulières, Laure. Pisa : Edizioni Plus Pisa University Press, 2008, p.121-135. ISBN 978-88-8492-556-5.

Research paper thumbnail of Topografia súdnictva: Lokality, objekty, artefakty a symboly mestskej spravodlivosti v ranonovovekom Uhorsku

Topography of the justice system: places, objects, artefacts and symbols of urban justice in the ... more Topography of the justice system: places, objects, artefacts and symbols of urban justice in the early modern Hungarian kingdom
This paper is an introduction to the research project on „Topography of the justice system“ which seeks to visualize the urban justice system in the early modern era in the Kingdom of Hungary. The author examines places, objects, artefacts, symbols and rituals connected to the administration of justice in towns, which include 1) town halls with their interior and exterior decoration which represents the power and the autonomy the town 2) pillories, stocks and cages of shame; 3) prisons and torture chambers; and 4) executions sites. Judicial rituals, the omnipresent visual symbolism as the primary means of public communication and the selection of specific motifs to represent justice, all of this reflect the contemporary values and ideals as well as ideas on appropriate punishment.
Key words: justice system, topography, town hall, pillory, execution site

Research paper thumbnail of Úradníci a zamestnanci súdnej samosprávy v  mestách Pentapolitany v 16. storočí.pdf

Officials and Employees in the System of Judicial Self-Government in the Pentapolitana Towns in ... more Officials and Employees in the System of Judicial Self-Government in
the Pentapolitana Towns in the 16th Century. Historické štúdie, 2013, roč. 47, pp. 73 – 88.
This paper deals with the municipal self government of the Upper Hungarian towns of
Bardejov, Košice, Levoča, Prešov, and Sabinov in the 16th century, with special attention
to officials and employees involved in the judicial system. Judicial power was an integral
part of their municipal self-governmental rights. The five towns belonged in the highest
category of free royal towns and from the 1380´s were grouped in a regional association
called Pentapolitana.
History. Hungary/Slovakia. Urban History. 16th Century.

Research paper thumbnail of Od konfliktu ku zločinu. Skúmanie kriminality v minulosti (Obálka/Cover)

Research paper thumbnail of Od konfliktu ku zločinu. Skúmanie kriminality v minulosti (Tiráž, Obsah/Contents, Úvod, Abstracts)

FROM CONFLICT TO CRIME. Exploring Criminality in the Past, 2022

Kniha prináša najnovší výskum slovenskej a českej historiografie na široké spektrum tém týkajúcic... more Kniha prináša najnovší výskum slovenskej a českej historiografie na široké spektrum tém týkajúcich sa kriminality, súdnictva i disciplinácie. Skúma fungovanie súdnej praxe i konkrétne kriminálne prípady na úrovni rôznych súdnych inštancií, akými boli mestá, stolice, odvolací súd (Apelačný súd pre české mestá) i štatariálne súdy, ktoré zriaďovali panovníci ako mimoriadny právny prostriedok na potrestanie aktérov šľachtických, konfesionálnych či sedliackych nepokojov a povstaní. Niekoľko štúdií je zameraných i na oblasť nižšej súdnej právomoci na rôznych inštitucionálnych mikroúrovniach, na ktorých boli konflikty a prehrešky riešené v prvopočiatkoch. Patrili medzi ne sociálno-profesijné a cirkevné organizácie (cechy, reformovaná cirkev), špeciálne súdy pre baníkov (Dištriktuálny banský súd) a úrady s policajnými právomocami pre chránené územia (vinohrady, lesy). Obsiahnuté sú aj vybrané otázky právnej klasifikácie a teórie, príklady využitia matrík ako prameňa pri skúmaní kriminality, analýza sociálneho pozadia páchateľov, špecifické typy deliktov v období osmanského susedstva, význam a symbolika zneucťujúcich trestov a problematika žien v úlohe páchateliek i obetí.

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of Same Bodies, Different Women: ‘Other’ Women in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period Vol. 2, pages 1-223 Ed. Christopher Mielke, Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky

Same Bodies, Different Women: ‘Other’ Women in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period Vol. 2, pages 1-223 Ed. Christopher Mielke, Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky , 2019

This volume is a collection of essays focusing on marginalized women mostly in Central and Easter... more This volume is a collection of essays focusing on marginalized women mostly in Central and Eastern Europe from around 1350 to 1650. “Other” women are discussed in three different categories: women whose religious practices put them on the social margins, “common women” who are in society but not of society because they are in the sex trade, and women whose occupations were reason enough to shunt them. In order to fill a gap in gender history for countries east of the Rhine River, the studies included present how official city-funded brothels in medieval Austria worked, how a princess’ disability affected her life as Byzantine empress, how one unmarried Transylvanian woman who got pregnant dealt with being the center of a court case, and how enslaved women in medieval Hungary were treated as sexual property. The hope with this volume is that it will show the many interdisciplinary ways that women on the margins can be studied in this region, and to diminish the taboo of discussing this topic to begin with.

Research paper thumbnail of Súdnictvo a súdna prax v mestách Pentapolitany v 16. storočí_ OBALKA.pdf

Mgr. Blanka Szeghyová, PhD., je vedecká pra-covníčka Oddelenia raného novoveku Historic-kého ústa... more Mgr. Blanka Szeghyová, PhD., je vedecká pra-covníčka Oddelenia raného novoveku Historic-kého ústavu SAV. Venuje sa mestským dejinám a topografii, ako aj sociálnym a intelektuálnym témam, najmä histórii súdnej praxe a dobovému vnímaniu zločinu a trestu. Je autorkou i spolu-autorkou viacerých odborných štúdií a publiká-cií vydaných doma i v zahraničí a editorkou publikácie v angličtine The Role of Magic in the Past. Learned and Popular Magic, Popular Beliefs and Diversity of Attitudes (2005). Súdnictvo a súdna prax patria na Slovensku k málo prebádaným oblastiam histórie. Monografia je postavená na archívnom výsku-me v piatich východoslovenských, kedysi hornouhorských mestách v období 16. storočia. Išlo o mestá združené do regionálneho spo-ločenstva známeho pod menom Pentapolitana, medzi ktoré patrili Košice, Levoča, Bardejov, Prešov a Sabinov. Autorka skúma charak-ter mestského súdnictva a jeho fungovanie v praxi a na konkrétnych prípadoch rozoberá typické delikty i udelené tresty. Záverečná kapi-tola poukazuje na vplyv reformácie pri posudzovaní mravnostných deliktov a načrtáva dobovú mentalitu mešťana, jeho chápanie cti, spravodlivosti a trestu.

Research paper thumbnail of Súdnictvo a súdna prax v mestách Pentapolitany v 16. storočí.pdf

Súdnictvo a súdna prax v mestách Pentapolitany v 16. storočí, Blanka Szeghyová

Judiciary and Judicial Practice in the 16th Century Pentapolitana Towns

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Magic in the Past _ Cover image

The book is a very diverse collection of papers, in which alongside authors who are recognized ex... more The book is a very diverse collection of papers, in which alongside authors who are recognized experts in the topic and have published several books on the subject of magic are young scholars who have only recently joined the community of “magical” scholarship. Nevertheless, the majority of authors have their primary research interests elsewhere, but were still able to find enough relevant material to present and contribute to the scholarly discussion on the role of magic in the past. The book is rich in multiple approaches that can be taken when studying magical practices, beliefs and perceptions. Not only history and ethnology in general, but also historical anthropology, social history, history of science, art history, social psychology, psychology and history of religion, theology, philosophy, linguistics and literary studies can all with their specific approaches and methodology contribute to our better understanding of the magic phenomenon.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Magic in the Past

Blanka Szeghyová: The Role of Magic in the Past

The Role of Magic in the Past_text

Research paper thumbnail of Žena a právo. Právne a spoločenshé postavenie žien v minulosti

Research paper thumbnail of SZEGHYOVA_Blanka_Žena a zločin vo východoslovenských mestách v 16. storočí.pdf

Woman and Crime in the Upper Hungarian Towns in the 16th Century SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. Žena a zloči... more Woman and Crime in the Upper Hungarian Towns in the 16th Century

SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. Žena a zločin vo východoslovenských mestách v 16. storočí. In Žena a právo : právne a spoločenské postavenie žien v minulosti. Lengyelová, T. (ed.), Bratislava ; Bratislava : Academic Electronic Press : Historický ústav SAV, 2004, s. 67-85. ISBN 80-88880-59-9.

[Research paper thumbnail of Praniere v Uhorsku: Stav a perspektívy výskumu [Pillories in the Kingdom of Hungary: New Perspectives and the State of Research]](

Spravodlivosť pre všetkých... Igazságot mindenkinek..., 2020

SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. Praniere v Uhorsku: Stav a perspektívy výskumu [Pillories in the Kingdom of Hu... more SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. Praniere v Uhorsku: Stav a perspektívy výskumu [Pillories in the Kingdom of Hungary: New Perspectives and the State of Research]. In RÉPÁŠOVÁ, Katarína (prekl.). Spravodlivosť pre všetkých... PALUGA, Lukáš – RÉPÁSOVÁ, Katarína. - Bratislava : MV SR, Štátny archív v Nitre, pracovisko Archív Komárno, 2020, s. 157-167. ISBN 978-80-973527-2-1.

Research paper thumbnail of K otázke nevestincov v období neskorého stredoveku a na prahu novoveku

Historia mea vita, 2020

SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. K otázke nevestincov v období neskorého stredoveku a na prahu novoveku. In His... more SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. K otázke nevestincov v období neskorého stredoveku a na prahu novoveku. In Historia mea vita : zborník štúdií vydaný pri príležitosti životného jubilea Vladimíra Segeša. Zostavovateľ: Imrich Purdek. - Bratislava : Vojenský historický ústav, 2020, s. 213-216. ISBN 978-80-89523-63-4. (APVV - 17 - 0398 : Na ceste k modernej spoločnosti. Tri storočia novoveku. VEGA 2/0028/19 : Teoretické a metodologické otázky skúmania dejín kriminality Slovenska)

Research paper thumbnail of Marginalizované skupiny v stredovekom a ranonovovekom Uhorsku

Historický časopis, 2022

Marginalized Groups in Medieval and Early Modern Hungary The study presents the history of margi... more Marginalized Groups in Medieval and Early Modern Hungary

The study presents the history of marginalized groups, the theoretical background and a brief historiographical overview. Marginalized groups are collectively referred to as those that have limited opportunities for employment and are excluded from certain spheres of society. The defining criterion in identifying particular marginalized groups is the judgemental view of the majority or dominant society. Historians classify people on the margins into different categories according to certain characteristics such as extreme poverty, a vagrant or nomadic way of life, the pursuit of dishonest or defamed professions, criminal activities, as well as physical and mental disabilities and affiliation with religious or ethnic minorities. The study focuses on four main phenomena associated with marginalization-poverty, infamy, criminality and minority ethnicity with the examples of Roma and Jews. Marginalization took various forms, from demonstrations of disgust, hostility and physical violence, to segregation, stigmatization, legislative measures that criminalized certain groups, to their persecution and physical elimination. Apart from poverty, the main reasons for marginalization were prejudices, superstitions, myths and stereotypes, as well as intolerance and fear of the unknown, the strange and the other, that could be intertwined with rational dread of contagious diseases or hostile intentions.

Keywords: Marginalized groups. Social margin. Social exclusion/marginalization. Segregation. Stigmatization. Criminalization. Infamy. Poverty. Jews. Gypsies/Roma

SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. Marginalizované skupiny v stredovekom a nonovovekom Uhorsku. In: Historický časopis 70/4, 2022, 665–713, Bratislava.

Abstrakt: Štúdia prezentuje históriu marginalizovaných skupín, jej teoretické východiská a poskytuje stručný prehľad zahraničného i domáceho výskumu k tejto téme. Ako marginalizované skupiny sa súhrnne označujú jedinci, ktorí majú obmedzené možnosti uplatnenia sa a sú vylúčení z niektorých sfér života spoločnosti. Definičným kritériom pri identifikovaní jednotlivých okrajových skupín je odsudzujúci pohľad majoritnej, resp. dominantnej spoločnosti. Historici ľudí na okraji klasifikujú do rôznych okruhov podľa niektorých charakteristických vlastností ako sú extrémna chudoba, potulný, resp. kočovný spôsob života, vykonávanie nečestných povolaní, kriminálne aktivity, ale i telesné a duševné postihnutia, či príslušnosť k nábožensko-etnickým menšinám. Štúdia sa zameriava na štyri hlavné javy spájané s marginalizáciou- - na chudobu, nepočestnosť, kriminalitu a menšinovú etnicitu na prípade Rómov a Židov. Marginalizácia mala rôzne podoby, od prejavov odporu, nepriateľstva a fyzického násilia, cez segregáciu, stigmatizáciu, legislatívnych opatrení, ktoré kriminalizovali isté skupiny až po ich perzekúciu a fyzickú likvidáciu. Hlavnými dôvodmi marginalizácie boli okrem chudoby aj predsudky, povery, mýty a stereotypy, ako aj intolerancia a strach z neznámeho, cudzieho a iného, s ktorými sa mohli prepájať i racionálne obavy z nákazy či nepriateľských úmyslov.

Kľúčové slová: marginalizované skupiny, ľudia na okraji, marginalizácia, segregácia, stigmatizácia, kriminalizácia, nepočestnosť, chudoba, Židia, Cigáni/Rómovia

Research paper thumbnail of Criminality: Terminology and Interpretation

Research paper thumbnail of Sex Crimes in Hungarian Towns in the Age of the Protestant Reformation

Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs : Zeitschrift der Kommission für Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2019

The study examines typical patterns and individual strategies of urban courts in Hungary in the s... more The study examines typical patterns and individual strategies of urban courts in Hungary in the second half of the 16 th century when dealing with sex crimes. Secular authorities took over control of sexual behaviour and marital problems, previously exercised to a large extent by the church. The councillors had a relatively wide scope of measures and punishments that they could choose from and decided according to the individual circumstances of each case. Most cases involved fornication and adultery; other sex crimes appeared in court more rarely.

Research paper thumbnail of Fornicatrices, scortatrices et meretrices diabolares: Disciplining Women in Early Modern Hungarian Towns

Same Bodies, Different Women: ‘Other’ Women in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period , 2019

This article discusses the stance and strategies of town magistrates regarding various kinds of s... more This article discusses the stance and strategies of town magistrates regarding various kinds of sexual behaviour in the kingdom of Hungary in the second half of the sixteenth century. The study is based on the analyses of judicial cases of accused women. It examines not only the nature of sexual crimes and imposed punishments, but also how the language was used in the court records to name and label the offences and offenders in a way which reflects the moralistic discourse of the period. This period witnessed a crucial shift in the attitude towards extramarital sexuality, prostitution and brothels. While brothels existed in towns in the late medieval period and the beginning of the sixteenth century (some brothels even under the official control of the

Research paper thumbnail of Faces of Community in Central European Towns, Images, Symbols and Performances 1400-1700, EDITED BY KATEŘINA HORNÍČKOVÁ, Langham, Lexington Books 2018

EUROPE A N HISTORY • MEDIEVA L HISTORY " This is a work of real significance. By bringing togeth... more EUROPE A N HISTORY • MEDIEVA L HISTORY
" This is a work of real significance. By bringing together an international team of historians , this impressive study succeeds thanks to innovative and previously unapplied approaches. Using comparative methods, this volume challenges traditional views of medieval and early modern urban communities in the broader territory of Central Europe and constitutes a great example of what scholars can achieve through international cooperation. This book will definitely serve not only as a benchmark for future research, but I also expect to find it on the reading lists for university courses on premodern urban life and culture in general. " —Jaroslav Miller, Palacký University
" This is a highly original approach to the rich history and culture of the towns of Central Europe and a welcome reminder that its urban landscape extended well beyond Prague, Vienna, and Buda. This collection by Kateřina Horníčková and her colleagues is a marvelous example of how a close reading of material culture can deepen our understanding of this critical region. " —Howard Louthan, University of Minnesota
" This volume represents a new and innovative approach to the visual aspects of Central European towns in a transitory period of the later Middle Ages and the early modern era. The contributors are representatives of a new generation of Central European historians who take a fresh look on the role of images, symbolic communication, and visual representations on the urban centers of the region. This innovative collection of essays, based on strong theoretical background, will have a secure place on university reading lists and on the bookshelves of many interested students and professors. " —Balázs Nagy, Central European University
" This fascinating collection of essays provides a rich account of the changing character of Central European towns during the late medieval and early modern periods. Detailed exploration in each chapter of the visual culture of different towns across Bohemia and Moravia illuminates broader themes about the history of religious, social, and cultural life. The essays analyze how the identities of urban communities adapted in the face of turbulent political and religious changes. Peeling back the layers of Baroque embellishment, the contributors reveal evidence about the vibrant influence in Bohemian and Moravian towns of the Hussite, Lutheran, and Catholic churches, each leaving its own distinctive mark on the changing face of the region. " —Graeme Murdock, Trinity College Dublin

Research paper thumbnail of Szeghyová, Blanka. Punishment in Sixteenth-Century Hungarian Towns. In Friars, Nobles and Burghers - Sermons, Images and Prints : Studies of Culture and Society in Early- Modern Europe. Edited by Jaroslav Miller and László Kontler.  Budapest - New York: CEU Press, 2010, p. 361- 376.

Szeghyová, Blanka. Punishment in Sixteenth-Century Hungarian Towns. In Friars, Nobles and Burgher... more Szeghyová, Blanka. Punishment in Sixteenth-Century Hungarian Towns. In Friars, Nobles and Burghers - Sermons, Images and Prints : Studies of Culture and Society in Early- Modern Europe. Edited by Jaroslav Miller and László Kontler. Budapest - New York : Central European University Press, 2010, p. 361- 376. ISBN 978-963-9776-67-8.

Research paper thumbnail of Szeghyová, Blanka. Coexistence of Diversities: Social, Ethnic and Religious Frontiers and Identities in Early Modern Hungarian Towns. In Frontiers and Identities. III. Cities in Regions and Nations. Ed. Klusáková, Luďa - Teulières, Laure. Pisa : Edizioni Plus Pisa University Press, 2008, p.121-135.

Szeghyová, Blanka. Coexistence of Diversities: Social, Ethnic and Religious Frontiers and Identit... more Szeghyová, Blanka. Coexistence of Diversities: Social, Ethnic and Religious Frontiers and Identities in Early Modern Hungarian Towns. In Frontiers and Identities. III. Thematic work group 5. Cities in Regions and Nations. [Ed.]: Klusáková, Luďa - Teulières, Laure. Pisa : Edizioni Plus Pisa University Press, 2008, p.121-135. ISBN 978-88-8492-556-5.

Research paper thumbnail of Topografia súdnictva: Lokality, objekty, artefakty a symboly mestskej spravodlivosti v ranonovovekom Uhorsku

Topography of the justice system: places, objects, artefacts and symbols of urban justice in the ... more Topography of the justice system: places, objects, artefacts and symbols of urban justice in the early modern Hungarian kingdom
This paper is an introduction to the research project on „Topography of the justice system“ which seeks to visualize the urban justice system in the early modern era in the Kingdom of Hungary. The author examines places, objects, artefacts, symbols and rituals connected to the administration of justice in towns, which include 1) town halls with their interior and exterior decoration which represents the power and the autonomy the town 2) pillories, stocks and cages of shame; 3) prisons and torture chambers; and 4) executions sites. Judicial rituals, the omnipresent visual symbolism as the primary means of public communication and the selection of specific motifs to represent justice, all of this reflect the contemporary values and ideals as well as ideas on appropriate punishment.
Key words: justice system, topography, town hall, pillory, execution site

Research paper thumbnail of Úradníci a zamestnanci súdnej samosprávy v  mestách Pentapolitany v 16. storočí.pdf

Officials and Employees in the System of Judicial Self-Government in the Pentapolitana Towns in ... more Officials and Employees in the System of Judicial Self-Government in
the Pentapolitana Towns in the 16th Century. Historické štúdie, 2013, roč. 47, pp. 73 – 88.
This paper deals with the municipal self government of the Upper Hungarian towns of
Bardejov, Košice, Levoča, Prešov, and Sabinov in the 16th century, with special attention
to officials and employees involved in the judicial system. Judicial power was an integral
part of their municipal self-governmental rights. The five towns belonged in the highest
category of free royal towns and from the 1380´s were grouped in a regional association
called Pentapolitana.
History. Hungary/Slovakia. Urban History. 16th Century.

Research paper thumbnail of Korupcia v stredoveku a ranom novoveku

Blanka Szeghyová: Corruption in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period Perspectives of what ... more Blanka Szeghyová: Corruption in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period

Perspectives of what is corruption have been changing with the development of the society and according to the shifts of its values. The study examines not only activities that were considered morally wrong and corrupted in the middle ages and early modern period, but also those forms of behaviour that started to be generally considered corrupted only later. Anachronistic as this approach might seem, it gives us better insight into the slow process of changing attitudes towards some forms of corruption.
The study concentrates on three main areas in which corruption could be studied: church, government (both central and local) and last, but not least on judiciary. Church was criticised for widespread practice of simony and nepotism of the popes. The earliest criticism of corruption in politics and government can be found in the mirrors for princes (specula principum), a kind of political writings instructing rulers on good government and appropriate behaviour. Typically, a phenomenon started to be questioned firstly as corrupted by some intellectuals only. Their views, however, had for long none or only little influence on general perceptions, let alone on changes in legislation. Judiciary was the only sphere in which general public had ever strong negative and very sensitive attitudes against corruption and the fact was reflected in several works of art depicting cruel punishments for corrupted judges.
Given the limited time space for research and with only few case studies on corruption available in the periods of question, the paper is just a concise survey or introduction to the topic rather than a thorough analysis. Due to the lack of relevant research on corruption in the historic territory of the Hungarian kingdom, the paper follows general European development, adding Hungarian examples where local sources are available and known.

Research paper thumbnail of Násilie a riešenie konfliktov v každodennom živote mešťanov                                   v 16. storočí

Z Bardejova do Prešporku: Spoločnosť, súdnictvo a vzdelanosť v mestách v 13. – 17. storočí, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Príspevok k dejinám mestského súdnictva : (mestská súdna kniha Bardejova 1559-1649)

Slovenská archivistika, 2003

SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. Príspevok k dejinám mestského súdnictva : (mestská súdna kniha Bardejova 1559-... more SZEGHYOVÁ, Blanka. Príspevok k dejinám mestského súdnictva : (mestská súdna kniha Bardejova 1559-1649). In Slovenská archivistika. - Bratislava : Ministerstvo vnútra SR - odbor archívnictva a spisovej služby, 2003, roč. 38, č. 1, s. 46-61. ISSN 0231-6722. Typ: ADFBA

Contribution to the History of Municipal Justice. The Judicial Book of
the City of Bardejov 1559 - 1649.
The paper analyses the contents of a sentence book of the royal free town Bardejov. By classification of crimes, the author tries to find some punitive patterns and makes some conclusions about judicial practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Történelmi Szemle 2004/1-2    Blanka Szeghyová: Erőszak és konfliktuskezelés a polgárok mindennapi életében a 16. században 167

Research paper thumbnail of Právna norma verzus súdna prax / Ženy z polosveta. Neviestky, odalisky, konkubíny, kráľovské metresy a kurtizány v našich dejinách. Sondy do problematiky

Research paper thumbnail of Program medzinárodnej konferencie

Dejiny kriminality v strednej a východnej Európe od stredoveku do roku 1848, 2022

24. - 26. mája 2022, Východoslovenské Múzeum, Košice Organizuje: Historický ústav Slovenskej... more 24. - 26. mája 2022, Východoslovenské Múzeum, Košice

Organizuje: Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, Východoslovenské múzeum, Sekcia právnych dejín Slovenskej historickej spoločnosti a Katedra právnych dejín a právnej komparatistiky Právnickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave

Research paper thumbnail of Conference Programme

History of Crime in Central and Eastern Europe from the Middle Ages to 1848

24th – 26th MAY 2022 The East Slovak Museum (Východoslovenské Múzeum), Námestie Maratónu Mieru 2,... more 24th – 26th MAY 2022
The East Slovak Museum (Východoslovenské Múzeum), Námestie Maratónu Mieru 2, Košice, Slovakia

The Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the East Slovak Museum in Košice, the Slovak Historical Society, Department of Legal History and Comparative Law of the Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava


CALL for PAPERS FORUM HISTORIAE - Journal and portal for history and related disciplines



Call for Papers FORUM HISTORIAE _ Journal and Portal for History and Related Disciplines

Research paper thumbnail of Prihláška na konferenciu Dejiny kriminality v strednej a východnej Európe od stredoveku do roku 1848

24. - 26. mája 2022

Výzva na podávanie prihlášok na medzinárodnú konferenciu 24.-26. mája 2022 Košice Konferenciu... more Výzva na podávanie prihlášok na medzinárodnú konferenciu

24.-26. mája 2022 Košice

Konferenciu organizuje Historický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied v spolupráci s Východoslovenským múzeom v Košiciach, Slovenskou historickou spoločnosťou a Katedrou právnych dejín a právnej komparatistiky Právnickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského

Jazyky konferencie-slovensky, česky, poľsky, anglicky

Skúmanie dejín kriminality má za sebou vyše storočnú históriu a z periférie záujmu v počiatočnom období, často vo forme historických kuriozít sa postupne dostalo medzi popredné témy vedeckého bádania. V posledných niekoľkých desaťročiach bola kriminalita a jej sprievodné javy analyzovaná nielen na primárnej úrovni tradičným historicko-popisným spôsobom, prípadne doplneným o štatistiku, ale stala sa oblasťou výskumu študovanou z rozmanitých, aj interdisciplinárnych aspektov a s použitím rôznej metodológie. Ukazuje sa, že kriminalita nie je len spoločenskou patológiou, ale fenoménom, na základe ktorého je možné skúmať viaceré ďalšie spoločensko-ekonomické a kultúrne javy a myšlienkovofilozofické prúdy. Dejiny kriminality sa v začiatkoch rozvíjali predovšetkým v krajinách západnej Európy (v zmysle skôr politickom než geografickom), v skutočnosti i medzi krajinami strednej a východnej Európy bol vývoj značne nerovnomerný a individuálny. Cieľom konferencie je zamerať sa predovšetkým na túto oblasť Európy a umožniť vedeckú diskusiu a komparáciu výsledkov k dejinám kriminality a jej príbuzných javov a konceptov. Konferencia bude zameraná na najnovšie výsledky vedeckého bádania, vítané sú prípadové štúdie, ale aj prehľadové príspevky kriticky zhodnocujúce historiografiu dejín kriminality jednotlivých krajín, alebo vybranej subdisciplíny či koncepcie.

Research paper thumbnail of Conference CFP History of Crime in Central and Eastern Europe from the Middle Ages to 1848

May 24 - 26, 2022 Košice, Slovakia