hashing (original) (raw)

What is hashing?

Hashing is the process of transforming any given key or a string of characters into another value. This is usually represented by a shorter, fixed-length value or key that represents and makes it easier to find or employ the original string.

The most popular use of hashing is for setting up hash tables. A hash table stores key and value pairs in a list that's accessible through its index. Because the number of keys and value pairs is unlimited, the hash function maps the keys to the table size. A hash value then becomes the index for a specific element.

A hash function generates new values according to a mathematical hashing algorithm, known as a hash value or simply a hash. To prevent the conversion of a hash back into the original key, a good hash always uses a one-way hashing algorithm.

Hashing is relevant to but not limited to data indexing and retrieval, digital signatures, cybersecurity, and cryptography.

The process of encrypting a digital signature.

When someone creates and encrypts a digital signature with a private key, hash data is also created and encrypted. The signer's public key then enables the recipient to decrypt the signature.

How does hashing work?

Hashing involves three components:

Benefits of hashing

Hashing has applications in various fields such as cryptography, computer science and data management. Some common uses and benefits of hashing include the following:

A hash table and how it works.

This illustrates the process of converting key values into indexes.

Disadvantages of hashing

While hashing offers several benefits, it also has certain drawbacks and limitations, including the following:

What is hashing in data structure?

Hashing is used in data structures to efficiently store and retrieve data. The Dewey Decimal System, which enables books to be organized and stored based on their subject matter, has worked well in libraries for many years and the underlying concept works just as well in computer science. Software engineers can save both file space and time by shrinking the original data assets and input strings to short alphanumeric hash keys.

When someone is looking for an item on a data map, hashing narrows down the search. In this scenario, hash codes generate an index to store values. Here, hashing is used to index and retrieve information from a database because it helps accelerate the process. It's much easier to find an item using its shorter hashed key than its original value.

What is hashing in cybersecurity?

Many encryption algorithms are used to enhance cybersecurity, including MD5, SHA-256, SHA-512 and Bcrypt. Each algorithm has unique qualities and levels of security and the application's specific requirements determine which algorithm is used.

Hashed strings and inputs are meaningless to hackers without a decryption key. For example, if hackers breach a database and find data such as "John Doe, Social Security number 273-76-1989," they can immediately use that information for their nefarious activities. However, a hashed value such as "a87b3" is useless for threat actors unless they have a key to decipher it. As such, hashing secures passwords stored in a database.

What is hashing in cryptography?

The primary purpose of hashing in cryptography is to provide a unique and irreversible representation of data. Cryptography uses multiple hash functions to secure data.

The MD5 hashing algorithm.

The MD5 hashing algorithm and how it works in cryptography.

Some of the most popular cryptographic hashes include the following:

Message-digest hash functions such as MD2, MD4 and MD5 hash digital signatures. Once hashed, the signature is transformed into a shorter value called a message digest.

SHA is a standard algorithm used to create a larger 160-bit message digest. While it's similar to MD4 as well as good at database storage and retrieval, this isn't the best approach for cryptographic or error-checking purposes. SHA-2 is used to create a larger 224-bit message digest. SHA-3 is SHA-2's successor.

What is a collision?

Hashing in cybersecurity demands unidirectional processes that use a one-way hashing algorithm. It's a crucial step in stopping threat actors from reverse engineering a hash back to its original state.

It typically takes numerous brute force attempts to defeat a cryptographic hash function. A hacker would have to estimate the input until the corresponding output is produced to revert to a cryptographic hash function. However, separate inputs could produce the same outcome, which means two keys can end up generating an identical hash. This phenomenon is called a collision.

The following key points should be considered regarding a collision in hashing:

Hashing vs. encryption

Hashing and encryption are both cryptographic techniques used to protect data, but they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics.



Ensuring the integrity of online interactions is crucial for seamless business operations. Explore how to use a public and private key to handle electronic documents using digital signatures.

This was last updated in May 2024

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