Claudio Costa Pinheiro | Sephis (original) (raw)
Fresh & Forthcoming | Recentes & Prelo by Claudio Costa Pinheiro
A Teoria Sociologica para Além do Canone, 2023
A teoria sociológica para além do cânone (Sociological Theory Beyond the Canon) é um marco na his... more A teoria sociológica para além do cânone (Sociological Theory Beyond the Canon) é um marco na história global das ciências sociais. Por isso, e por uma série de outras razões não tão evidentes, é uma grande conquista que este livro esteja sendo traduzido para o português no Brasil.
A maneira mais acertada de ler este livro não é como um texto, mas como um projeto; um projeto que marca a carreira e os compromissos científicos de Syed Farid Alatas e Vineeta Sinha, e do qual ele e ela são artífices tanto quanto produtos. Além disso, este livro conecta as agendas político-acadêmicos de Alatas e Sinha com as pessoas biografadas nele. A forma como apresentam as contribuições de Ibn Khaldun, Karl Marx, Harriet Martineau, Max Weber, José Rizal, Émile Durkheim, Said Nursi, Pandita Ramabai Saraswati, Florence Nightingale e Benoy Kumar Sarkar rejeita a crença de que a mera representação da diversidade redime o cânone sociológico de seu caráter eurocêntrico. Meu argumento é que eles demonstram que alguns dessas e desses pensadores conceberam a sociologia, ou uma multiplicidade de sociologias, enquanto projetos sociológicos politicamente engajados, o que se identifica com a própria forma pela qual Alatas e Sinha se posicionam e atuam nas ciências sociais. Finalmente, este livro aborda a teoria sociológica para além do cânone e, eu sustento, para muito além da decolonialidade. Ainda que a tendência geral seja de acomodar este livro no cerne desse movimento, esse livro consolida um programa que extrapola a assim chamada virada decolonial, particularmente o que esse movimento se tornou na última década.
India e Brasil: 75 anos , 2023
Brazil and India: 75 years of diplomatic relations, 2023
Articles by Claudio Costa Pinheiro
American Anthropologist, 2020
African Studies Review, 2021
World History Association Bulletin, 2020
American Anthropologist, 2020
Interview with Claudio Costa Pinheiro (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) published in the Wor... more Interview with Claudio Costa Pinheiro (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) published in the World Anthropologies section of American Anthropologist.
Revista de Antropologia, 2019
Afro-Ásia 57. Revista do Centro de Estudos Afro Orientais da UFBA, 2018
The present article analyses international publications on Asian Studies submitted to the Book Pr... more The present article analyses international publications on Asian Studies submitted to the Book Prize of the International Conference on Asian Studies, comprising more than three hundred and fifty publications edited in the world between 2014 and 2017. The aim of this article is to observe the main aspects and priorities of international publishers helping to set a framework of Asian Studies at large. Finally, I take the chance to reflect on the peripheral position of Latin America within the international context of Asian Studies.
AEGS - Annual of European and Global Studies [The Moral Mappings of South and North], n. 4, June/July 2017, 2017
Sociologists and Economists are quite familiar with the expressive variety of terms used to defin... more Sociologists and Economists are quite familiar with the expressive variety of terms used to define Development in geographical terms – developed countries, peripheral areas, Third World etc – that become popular and fall in disuse from time to time.
The present article takes the circumstances around the coining of the acronym BRICS –referring the so-called emerging economies and societies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, so widespread after 2000s – as a departing point to consider exercises of place-imagining and place-making, as concerning representations and prophecies in Development Studies.
Taking Robert Merton's 1940s insights on social and sociological forecasting, the article intends to observe how representations and prophecies are analyzed as key components in three different intellectual enterprises: theories of development, narratives of modernity, and exercises of place-imagining and place-making. The article, first, observes how the vocabulary of Modernity was by and large organized around binary antinomic oppositions (identified with the rhetoric of development and its absence), and helped to define a semantics of the difference in studies of development. These vocabularies, second, referred to Modernity as a condition to imagine geographies associated with the past and poverty as well as to the future and expectations of prosperity. Finally, it considers the relevance of BRICS to the social sciences, referring the acronym to a description of geographies (of prosperity and its absence), and revisiting paradigms of place making within the sociological agenda (area studies and cultural areas debates).
Iḍāfāt إضافات – the Arab Journal of Sociology, 2016
Area studies can both develop capacities of intellectuals dedicated to the interdisciplinary stud... more Area studies can both develop capacities of intellectuals dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of specific spaces, whilst simultaneously isolate academics in self-contained realities. It has also validated the prevalence of a North Atlantic expertise, which has hindered the postcolonial peripheries from observing one another intellectually.
The present article provides a historical overview of Latin America’s curiosity about Asia, which challenges the hegemony of the Northern framework, helping to de-provincialize Asian Studies. This curiosity has passed through various phases; at first defined by Orientalist approaches emulating colonialist views, later by the theories of Development and Modernity; from a diffuse 19th century aristocratic inquisitiveness to the professional academic interest of post-WWII; from disperse connections between peripheral parts of the world to alternative models of modernization. Pinheiro advocates that supporting the institutionalization of Asian Studies in the Global South (particularly Latin America and Africa) can help to improve the progress of the field, to de-centralize Asian Studies, and to encourage debates that cross-disciplinary boundaries.
Along with the colonialist expansion of European Modern States, an intense circulation of natural... more Along with the colonialist expansion of European Modern States, an intense circulation of natural species, commodities and people took place throughout the world then known to the Europeans. Regarding the flow of people, an initial dilemma faced was how to understand the immense 'galaxy of different idioms' contacted with the advance of the colonial enterprise. The 'lingoas' (interpreters) were initially used as mediators between Europeans and the groups with which they came into contact. During the sixteenth century, Europeans began to 'civilise' the languages of those groups (in South America, Asia and later in Africa), by a process involving both grammaticalisation and dictionarisation, following an analogous and simultaneous movement that was occurring in Europe. Therefore, dictionaries, grammars and other instruments of translation were used to create understanding between languages, but also between cultures (habits, forms of sociability, etc.)-both within Europe as well as in the colonial settlements.
A Teoria Sociologica para Além do Canone, 2023
A teoria sociológica para além do cânone (Sociological Theory Beyond the Canon) é um marco na his... more A teoria sociológica para além do cânone (Sociological Theory Beyond the Canon) é um marco na história global das ciências sociais. Por isso, e por uma série de outras razões não tão evidentes, é uma grande conquista que este livro esteja sendo traduzido para o português no Brasil.
A maneira mais acertada de ler este livro não é como um texto, mas como um projeto; um projeto que marca a carreira e os compromissos científicos de Syed Farid Alatas e Vineeta Sinha, e do qual ele e ela são artífices tanto quanto produtos. Além disso, este livro conecta as agendas político-acadêmicos de Alatas e Sinha com as pessoas biografadas nele. A forma como apresentam as contribuições de Ibn Khaldun, Karl Marx, Harriet Martineau, Max Weber, José Rizal, Émile Durkheim, Said Nursi, Pandita Ramabai Saraswati, Florence Nightingale e Benoy Kumar Sarkar rejeita a crença de que a mera representação da diversidade redime o cânone sociológico de seu caráter eurocêntrico. Meu argumento é que eles demonstram que alguns dessas e desses pensadores conceberam a sociologia, ou uma multiplicidade de sociologias, enquanto projetos sociológicos politicamente engajados, o que se identifica com a própria forma pela qual Alatas e Sinha se posicionam e atuam nas ciências sociais. Finalmente, este livro aborda a teoria sociológica para além do cânone e, eu sustento, para muito além da decolonialidade. Ainda que a tendência geral seja de acomodar este livro no cerne desse movimento, esse livro consolida um programa que extrapola a assim chamada virada decolonial, particularmente o que esse movimento se tornou na última década.
India e Brasil: 75 anos , 2023
Brazil and India: 75 years of diplomatic relations, 2023
American Anthropologist, 2020
African Studies Review, 2021
World History Association Bulletin, 2020
American Anthropologist, 2020
Interview with Claudio Costa Pinheiro (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) published in the Wor... more Interview with Claudio Costa Pinheiro (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) published in the World Anthropologies section of American Anthropologist.
Revista de Antropologia, 2019
Afro-Ásia 57. Revista do Centro de Estudos Afro Orientais da UFBA, 2018
The present article analyses international publications on Asian Studies submitted to the Book Pr... more The present article analyses international publications on Asian Studies submitted to the Book Prize of the International Conference on Asian Studies, comprising more than three hundred and fifty publications edited in the world between 2014 and 2017. The aim of this article is to observe the main aspects and priorities of international publishers helping to set a framework of Asian Studies at large. Finally, I take the chance to reflect on the peripheral position of Latin America within the international context of Asian Studies.
AEGS - Annual of European and Global Studies [The Moral Mappings of South and North], n. 4, June/July 2017, 2017
Sociologists and Economists are quite familiar with the expressive variety of terms used to defin... more Sociologists and Economists are quite familiar with the expressive variety of terms used to define Development in geographical terms – developed countries, peripheral areas, Third World etc – that become popular and fall in disuse from time to time.
The present article takes the circumstances around the coining of the acronym BRICS –referring the so-called emerging economies and societies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, so widespread after 2000s – as a departing point to consider exercises of place-imagining and place-making, as concerning representations and prophecies in Development Studies.
Taking Robert Merton's 1940s insights on social and sociological forecasting, the article intends to observe how representations and prophecies are analyzed as key components in three different intellectual enterprises: theories of development, narratives of modernity, and exercises of place-imagining and place-making. The article, first, observes how the vocabulary of Modernity was by and large organized around binary antinomic oppositions (identified with the rhetoric of development and its absence), and helped to define a semantics of the difference in studies of development. These vocabularies, second, referred to Modernity as a condition to imagine geographies associated with the past and poverty as well as to the future and expectations of prosperity. Finally, it considers the relevance of BRICS to the social sciences, referring the acronym to a description of geographies (of prosperity and its absence), and revisiting paradigms of place making within the sociological agenda (area studies and cultural areas debates).
Iḍāfāt إضافات – the Arab Journal of Sociology, 2016
Area studies can both develop capacities of intellectuals dedicated to the interdisciplinary stud... more Area studies can both develop capacities of intellectuals dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of specific spaces, whilst simultaneously isolate academics in self-contained realities. It has also validated the prevalence of a North Atlantic expertise, which has hindered the postcolonial peripheries from observing one another intellectually.
The present article provides a historical overview of Latin America’s curiosity about Asia, which challenges the hegemony of the Northern framework, helping to de-provincialize Asian Studies. This curiosity has passed through various phases; at first defined by Orientalist approaches emulating colonialist views, later by the theories of Development and Modernity; from a diffuse 19th century aristocratic inquisitiveness to the professional academic interest of post-WWII; from disperse connections between peripheral parts of the world to alternative models of modernization. Pinheiro advocates that supporting the institutionalization of Asian Studies in the Global South (particularly Latin America and Africa) can help to improve the progress of the field, to de-centralize Asian Studies, and to encourage debates that cross-disciplinary boundaries.
Along with the colonialist expansion of European Modern States, an intense circulation of natural... more Along with the colonialist expansion of European Modern States, an intense circulation of natural species, commodities and people took place throughout the world then known to the Europeans. Regarding the flow of people, an initial dilemma faced was how to understand the immense 'galaxy of different idioms' contacted with the advance of the colonial enterprise. The 'lingoas' (interpreters) were initially used as mediators between Europeans and the groups with which they came into contact. During the sixteenth century, Europeans began to 'civilise' the languages of those groups (in South America, Asia and later in Africa), by a process involving both grammaticalisation and dictionarisation, following an analogous and simultaneous movement that was occurring in Europe. Therefore, dictionaries, grammars and other instruments of translation were used to create understanding between languages, but also between cultures (habits, forms of sociability, etc.)-both within Europe as well as in the colonial settlements.
Como um dos mais poderosos da era moderna, o império português estabeleceu colônias e possessões ... more Como um dos mais poderosos da era moderna, o império português estabeleceu colônias e possessões em vários continentes. Controlando vastas regiões, administrou ligações comerciais, de trânsito de mercadorias e pessoas entre estes pontos. Como conseqüência deste quadro, foi obrigado também a lidar com diferentes grupos populacionais. Neste processo, um vasto conhecimento foi gerado no sentido de se definir fórmulas de "governo" destas populações que foram, de uma forma ou outra, incorporadas ao império. Entre estes grupos populacionais estavam: "degredados", "gentios", "índios" etc; certamente um dos mais significativos (demográfica e simbolicamente) eram os "escravos". O presente trabalho procura observar como muitos destes grupos foram sendo construídos como grupos, em diferentes contextos sócio-geográficos (em especial o Rio de Janeiro e Goa), a partir de práticas de administração de territórios e experiências sociais do "governo" de populações dentro dos quadros de políticas imperiais do exercício do poder. Assim, parte-se desta démarche para introduzir a perspectiva de como a idéia (moderna) de "escravo", paulatinamente construída pelo império colonial português, foi subsumindo e obscurecendo diferentes formas de vivenciar o cativeiro ou seja, diferentes formas de trabalho compulsório que eram encontradas em algumas colônias.
Key Texts for Latin American Sociology, 2019
ISBN 978-1-5264-9026-1 ISBN 978-1-5264-9025-4 (pbk) At SAGE we take sustainability seriously. Mos... more ISBN 978-1-5264-9026-1 ISBN 978-1-5264-9025-4 (pbk) At SAGE we take sustainability seriously. Most of our products are printed in the UK using responsibly sourced papers and boards. When we print overseas we ensure sustainable papers are used as measured by the PREPS grading system. We undertake an annual audit to monitor our sustainability.
Chaguri, M. & Medeiros da Silva, M.. Rumos do Sul. Periferia e Pensamento Social. São Paulo: Alameda, 2018
Williams, James & Hentschke, Felicitas (eds). To be at Home. House, Work, and Self in the Modern World. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2018
Martin, E & Goebel, B. 2018. Desigualdades interdependentes e geopolítica do conhecimento: negociações, fluxos, assimetrias, 2018
Este capítulo se dedica a uma dimensão menos visitada da reflexão sobre o impacto de assimetrias ... more Este capítulo se dedica a uma dimensão menos visitada da reflexão sobre o impacto de assimetrias globais na produção de conhecimento: a observação de como prioridades do financiamento à ciência, tecnologia e educação superior, influenciam agendas e cânones da produção científica e de conhecimento, afetando a configuração de geografias morais da cooperação internacional, ulteriormente impactando aspectos como criatividade intelectual e dependência científico-acadêmica. Parte dos dados e reflexões aqui dispostos refletem uma investigação em andamento que procura observar e qualificar a chamada cooperação internacional com o Norte e com o Sul, tomada desde um país do Sul Global – com isso marcando a distinção entre cooperação científica e técnica.
Klengel & Ortiz. Sur/South: Poetics and Politics of Thinking Latin America/India. Frankfurt: Vervuert, 2016
O presente capítulo procura observar como o debate sobre os BRICS acompanha uma determinada leitu... more O presente capítulo procura observar como o debate sobre os BRICS acompanha uma determinada leitura e análises sobre Desenvolvimento, referida a um vocabulário de Antinomias da Modernidade -pares dicotômicos identificados com retóricas da prosperidade e de sua ausência ou seu ocaso - que refletem uma certa Semântica da Diferença. Esses vocabulários referiam--se a ideia de Modernidade, condicionando a imaginação de geografias associadas ao passado e a pobreza, tanto quanto ao devir e a expectativas de prosperidade.
It took God six days to create heaven and earth. He populated it with diverse plants, seeds, frui... more It took God six days to create heaven and earth. He populated it with diverse plants, seeds, fruits, animals, birds and also with man and woman. He created light and called it day, while the dark he called night. He labelled the firmament heaven, dry land earth and the waters seas. He populated the heavens with lights, including two greater lights, a larger to govern the day and a smaller to govern the night. On the seventh day of creation, contemplating the perfection of his acts and seeing that 'all was good', he rested.
Macagno, Lorenzo et allii (Org.). Histórias Conectadas: África, Ásia e Caribe séculos XIX e XX. Curitiba: Fundação Araucária., 2008
Stolze Lima, Ivana & Carmo, Laura do (Orgs). História Social da Língua Nacional. Rio de Janeiro
Revista De Antropologia, 62(1), 64-96. , 2019
The devastating fire in the 200-year-old Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro on September 2, 2018, d... more The devastating fire in the 200-year-old Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro on September 2, 2018, demonstrates the vital importance of the historiography of sciences and the arts. As most collections have vanished, it is left to the history of science to pick up the pieces and present past developments in their complexity and global entanglements. In this special issue we aim to do this for the work of German and German-speaking anthropologists in Latin America, with a special focus on Brazil, carried out between the 1880s and 1945.
Revista de Antropologia, 2019
It would be no exaggeration to say that German-speaking intellectual traditions are constitutive ... more It would be no exaggeration to say that German-speaking intellectual traditions are constitutive and certainly one the most important influences on Latin American academia, at least until the inter-wars period in the 20th century. Nonetheless, the influence of Austrian, German or Swiss scholars and scientific institutions in this continent is surprisingly absent from the master narrative of some disciplines, particularly in Anthropology. The present special issue brings fresh contributions based on extended archival research, accumulated discussions and publications to help revisiting and reviewing this circumstance. It aims at introducing hypothesis, ongoing research questions and recent findings that concur to observe regimes of obliteration of knowledge traditions. Our focus concerns the importance of German-speaking anthropological lineages to Latin America.
This film was born from an encounter with a group of Chitrakars, a caste of traditional storytell... more This film was born from an encounter with a group of Chitrakars, a caste of traditional storytellers and artists from the Naya village, Mednipur district, West Bengal, India.
Some of these artists were invited to paint and sing the history of the 15th and 16th century Portuguese navigations, their first arrival in India, their encounter with different lands, people and languages and the navigators’ experience of interpreting these newly discovered worlds.
The Chitrakars artists then used their own words, songs and paintings to recreate and retell the story of one of the most significant encounters between East and West.
O que se espera de alguém que queira dedicar sua vida à atividade intelectual? Interesse pela inf... more O que se espera de alguém que queira dedicar sua vida à atividade intelectual? Interesse pela informação qualificada, curiosidade por temas, problemas e questões de seu campo de estudos, capacidade de expressar suas pesquisas, habilidade de registrar suas descobertas, mais comumente pela escrita. Ler, pesquisar, refletir, expor (dialogar) e escrever. Trivial? Absolutamente não. Sobretudo nos dias atuais. A rotina nas universidades, das salas de aula, da orientação e na interlocução com os pares nos mostram o quanto o ofício das Ciências Sociais vem se adensando e desafiando os que procuram nele sua chance de profissionalização ou, melhor dizendo, seu lugar no mundo acadêmico. Mais competitivo? Mais exigente? Menos recursos? Novos parâmetros de avaliação? Este livro trata disto com um adicional importante: mostra ao leitor de que maneira tal ofício enfrenta seus percalços em contextos variados, ou seja, em dimensão comparada. O Ateliê do Pensamento Social é uma iniciativa de jovens e promissores intelectuais comprometidos com a formação de outros jovens, e quem sabe, também promissores, nos trajetos da pesquisa e da formação de cientistas sociais em tempos de profunda alteração nos parâmetros de interação.
Helena Bomeny (Professora Titular de Sociologia da UERJ)
Ateliê não é nome usualmente associado ao mundo intelectual. Porém,
The institutionalization of Asian Studies as a field in the Humanities and Social Sciences is gre... more The institutionalization of Asian Studies as a field in the Humanities and Social Sciences is greatly indebted to Western, especially North-Atlantic, traditions of thought, organized by the curiosity over regions and people historically connecting Europe and Asia. This ultimately led to distinct forms of compartmentalization of Western perception of alterity which was framed by patterns of Imperial curiosity and priorities of colonialism – especially until mid-20 th century, when European colonialism dwindled in most of Asia and Africa. The end of Second World War and the ensuing re-structuration of the world also affected models of knowledge production concerning different cultures, regions and populations. This is when imperial approaches gave way to " cultural " areas, a conceptualization boosted by the North-American area studies framework, which helped to reorganize international geopolitics in many aspects, including knowledge production. Area studies have both helped to develop capacities of scholars dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of specific spaces, whilst simultaneously isolated academics in compartmentalized frameworks, or " conceptual empires " – academic communities insulated into self-contained realities that, likewise, consecrated defined spaces to specific themes, methodological approaches, intellectual jargons, etc (van Schendel, 2002: 647-668). Another undesired effect of the area studies approach to international scholarship has been the concentration of expertise in regions of the Global South in Northern academies. The consequence is that postcolonial peripheries still suffer from the same and mutual isolation, blindness and ignorance that once affected them under colonialism. Asian, African and Latin American academies had very limited direct contact and are largely ignorant of one another´s intellectual agendas. It has even affected the geographical perception of these regions, sometimes reinforcing imperial boundaries drawn by colonialism. Correspondingly, international mainstream of Asian Studies is still deeply marked by the priorities (in terms of agenda, teaching and funding, for example) derived from North-Atlantic intellectual traditions largely overshadowing academic interests of Asia developed elsewhere in the world. How about the intellectual interest on Asia developed outside the North-Atlantic outline where area studies approach and confinement was not obligatorily resourced as a framework on Human Sciences?
ICAS (the International Convention of Asia Scholars), IIAS (the International Institute for Asian... more ICAS (the International Convention of Asia Scholars), IIAS (the International Institute for Asian Studies), SEPHIS (the South-South Exchange Programme for the Research on the History of Development), organize the international workshop Perspectives on Asian Studies in Latin America. The event brings to Rio de Janeiro, scholars, research institutions and agencies from Latin America, Asia, Africa, Europe and the US, to dialogue on the current international framework of Asian Studies and to promote a Latin American platform of Asian Studies. The initiative emulates previous joint efforts carried by these institutions in order to challenge the area studies framework confinement, promoting a direct and constructive dialogue between academies of the Global South.
Inaugurado en 2004, el IBP se ha restringido a las publicaciones en inglés y progresivamente en l... more Inaugurado en 2004, el IBP se ha restringido a las publicaciones en inglés y progresivamente en los idiomas. En 2019, o Programa Sephis inauguró o IBP nos idiomas español e portugués. Editores e autores de Europa, Asia y América Latina someterán libros en español e portugués. Los canales de media social atingieron casi 10,000 académicos e instituciones en todo el mundo. ¡El impresionante resultado fue que en español y portugués tornarse el segundo grupo, en numero de sumisiones, después apenas del inglés! En 2021, ampliamos nuestras redes de contacto y hemos tenido varios inscritos. Someta su libro monográfico o coetánea! Los premiados serán conocidos en 24 de agosto de 2021! Inscripciones-Informaciones-Reglas
Migration is a long-stablished theme for concerning academic and governmental agendas. It has rec... more Migration is a long-stablished theme for concerning academic and governmental agendas. It has recently gained new relevance with the humanitarian crises affecting Europe and parts of the Middle East, eventually helping to reframe international mobility – through topics as renewed nationalisms, refugees, religion and secularism or political extremism – both at media and academic agenda. This circumstance reinforces the misconception that migration consists of population movements from underdeveloped to developed areas, from the South to the North.
A historicized and globalized regard would show that 80% of the international migratory fluxes concerns South-South moves, with people relocating between developing contexts.
This seminar gathers scholars doing research in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East, not only to discuss the North-South divide on this agenda, but the very relevance of these concepts to comprehend nowadays international mobility and social change.
Migration is a long-stablished theme for concerning academic and governmental agendas. It has rec... more Migration is a long-stablished theme for concerning academic and governmental agendas. It has recently gained new relevance with the humanitarian crises affecting Europe and parts of the Middle East, eventually helping to reframe international mobility – through topics as renewed nationalisms, refugees, religion and secularism or political extremism – both at media and academic agenda. This circumstance reinforces the misconception that migration consists of population movements from underdeveloped to developed areas, from the South to the North.
A historicized and globalized regard would show that 80% of the international migratory fluxes concerns South-South moves, with people relocating between developing contexts.
This seminar gathers scholars doing research in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East, not only to discuss the North-South divide on this agenda, but the very relevance of these concepts to comprehend nowadays international mobility and social change.
Estabelecido em 2004, o IBP foi inicialmente restrito a publicações em inglês e progressivamente ... more Estabelecido em 2004, o IBP foi inicialmente restrito a publicações em inglês e progressivamente em oito idiomas. Em 2019, o Programa Sephis inaugurou o IBP nos idiomas espanhol e português. Editores e autores da Europa, Ásia e América Latina submeteram livros em espanhol e português. Os canais de midia social atingiram diretamente quase 10.000 acadêmicos e instituições em todo o mundo. O resultado impressionante foi que as publicações em espanhol e português se tornaram o segundo maior conjunto de livros enviados, somente depois do inglês! Em 2021, ampliamos nossas redes de parcerias e já temos várias inscrições. Submeta seu livro monográfico ou coletânea! Os vencedores serão conhecidos em 24 de agosto de 2021! Inscrições-Informações-Regras
ICAS 11 - Leiden - July 16-19, 2019 Rethinking Asian Studies in the Global South and beyond The Panel of the Latin American Consortium of Asian Studies, 2019
The Latin America-Asia Roundtable at ICAS 11 is the outcome and continuation of several initiativ... more The Latin America-Asia Roundtable at ICAS 11 is the outcome and continuation of several initiatives promoted to consolidate a knowledge platform on Asian Studies in Latin America around a consortium joining Universities, institutional initiatives, associations and scientific and funding institutions. It started with the workshop Perspectives on Asian Studies in Latin America (Sephis & Rio de Janeiro Federal University, November 2016), followed by the Latin America-Asia Panel at ICAS 10 (Chiang Mai, July 2017), and the Workshop of the platform of Asian Studies in Latin America at XVI ALADAA (Latin American Association of Asian and African Studies meeting in Lima, July 2018).
The debate around the North-South divide accumulates a significant amount of literature since the... more The debate around the North-South divide accumulates a significant amount of literature since the late 1960s. As a concept addressing spatial representations of inequality, the South is assumedly relevant for analyzing issues affecting peripheral societies (taken as a derivative effect of the expansion of colonialism and capitalism), but not having much to say on issues considered relevant in societies labeled as 'Northern'. Can the concept of the South speak to other aspects of social life outside the framework of development disparities-as those concerning the constitution of the self, for instance? As for knowledge production, the South has been suitable to stress the importance of diversity in Humanities, but with presumably less resonance in Natural/Pure Sciences. Can the term help challenge the basic Natural Sciences versus Humanities slit, referring to science and societies at large? The symposium focuses on the heuristic potential of the South to critically observe how hegemonic agendas in science and funding priorities impact the lack of diversity in knowledge as a whole-taken from the importance of theoretical diversity, intellectual creativity, gender balance, the role of language, the variety of ontological beings and forms of conviviality, and others, impacting the present world. How to apply We invite applicants to send a single pdf file containing a) an abstract of 350 words (max) and 5 keywords; b) a short bio-note of 150 words (max); c) indicating the panel number for which you apply; Deadline: July 15, 2019 To and to Travel expenses and accommodation will be provided for the selected participants We encourage applicants from around the world and from all Branches of Science The symposium is organized by Barbara Potthast (Cologne), Claudio Pinheiro (Rio de Janeiro) and Sinah Kloß (Cologne) and funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung.
Prémio de Publicacciones , 2019
Prazo | Deadline: Febrero 18, 2019
Prêmio de Publicações sobre Asia (Português e Espanhol), 2019
En 2004, la Convención Internacional de Académicos de Asia (ICAS, International Convention of Asi... more En 2004, la Convención Internacional de Académicos de Asia (ICAS, International Convention of Asia Scholars) creó el Premio del Libro ICAS (IBP). Concedida cada dos años, esta premiación tiene por objetivo dar visibilidad internacional a publicaciones académicas sobre Asia, aumentando así su proyección mundial y reconociendo las publicaciones de excelencia en el campo. Desde 2017, el IBP pasó a incluir los siguientes idiomas: chino, francés, alemán, japonés y coreano. A partir de 2019, agregó español, portugués, ruso y japonés en el que la premiación puede ser concedida.
For several years, researchers and academic institutions in Rio have promoted an intense developm... more For several years, researchers and academic institutions in Rio have promoted an intense development of Asian Studies.
Relying on this accumulated work, intellectuals from four universities of the Rio de Janeiro state meet to discuss strategies towards the development of Asian studies in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.
We invite researchers and undergraduate and graduate students interested in Asian Studies or in international cooperation with Asia to participate in this discussion.
Há alguns anos, pesquisadores/as e instituições acadêmicas fluminenses têm promovido o desenvolvi... more Há alguns anos, pesquisadores/as e instituições acadêmicas fluminenses têm promovido o desenvolvimento dos Estudos Asiáticos.
Confiando nesse acúmulo, intelectuais de quatro universidades do estado se reunirão para discutir o desenvolvimento dos estudos asiáticos no Rio de Janeiro e no Brasil.
Convidamos investigadores e estudantes de Graduação e Pós-Graduação interessados em Estudos Asiáticos ou em cooperação internacional com a Ásia a participar dessa discussão.
Volkswagen Stiftung Sephis Programme GSSC-UniKöln
Volkswagen Stiftung, 2021
Since the 1960s, the North-South divide has been used to express spatial representations of inequ... more Since the 1960s, the North-South divide has been used to express spatial representations of inequality, resulting from the expansion of European colonialism and Western capitalism. While the North relates to geographies of wealth and development, the South became a symbol of the lack thereof and illustrated life in peripheral spaces.
More recently, the South has been instrumentalized to highlight the importance of diversity in sciences, allegedly more relevant to humanities than to natural sciences. However, does the South represent an option to the encompassing hegemonic intellectual agendas of the North? How the North-South divide influences funding policies impacting on creativity and diversity of ideas, theories, and methods in the sciences, and vice-versa?
Our transdisciplinary symposium concentrates on the critical potential of the South for challenging established agendas and funding priorities in science. Speakers will explore the relevance of the South as a resourceful tool to address funding and publishing priorities in research, and to shed light on international asymmetries and inequalities in academia. Ultimately, South to geographies of inequality, to critical positionalities, but fundamentally to an attitude: a Southern Attitude, which embraces an invitation for amplifying forms of ethical engagement that address social justice in science production at large.
ICAS/Sephis Book Prize for Publications on Asian Studies in Spanish and Portuguese languages. Lon... more ICAS/Sephis Book Prize for Publications on Asian Studies in Spanish and Portuguese languages. Longlisted books and authors is comming on June 15.
Premio ICAS/Sephis de publicações sobre Estudos Asiáticos em Espanhol e Português, resultados de autorxs e obras selecionadxs, 15 de junho de 2021.
Premio ICAS/Sephis de publicaciones sobre Estudios Asiáticos en Español y Portugués, resultados de autorxs y obras seleccionadxs, 15 de junio de 2021.
Link to submitted books |
Sephis Programme Volkswagen Foundation GSSC
World History Bulletin, 2020
Abridged report of the International Workshop Perspectives on Asian Studies in Latin America, Rio... more Abridged report of the International Workshop Perspectives on Asian Studies in Latin America, Rio de Janeiro, November, 9-11 2017.
Sem grandes estardalhaços e sem que muita gente se desse conta, foi oficialmente sepultado, em 20... more Sem grandes estardalhaços e sem que muita gente se desse conta, foi oficialmente sepultado, em 2009, o Terceiro Mundo. Pelo menos foi o que vaticinou, em abril passado, o presidente do Banco Mundial, Robert Zoellick.
Revista Outrora, v. 2, n.1, 2020
Introdução Há décadas, intelectuais criticam a inadequação de ferramentais científicos produzidos... more Introdução Há décadas, intelectuais criticam a inadequação de ferramentais científicos produzidos no Norte para estudar sociedades do Sul Global. As formas ocidentais de pensar e conhecer o mundo dominam a vida intelectual. A desigualdade intelectual e científica são parte integrante da desigualdade socioeconômica. A força desse argumento concentrou-se na teoria enquanto espaço central de disputas de poder que reforça desigualdades e assimetrias no campo científico. Em contrapartida, os aportes metodológicos e as rotinas de ensino estão entre as dimensões menos observadas a respeito das práticas que reforçam hierarquias e exclusão. Proposta Este curso introduz duas propostas. Apresentar e analisar como as rotinas pedagógicas produzem silenciamento de pensadorxs e de ideias produzidas fora do mainstream internacional do campo científico. Além disso, pretendemos interferir criticamente nesse cenário, habilitando novas agendas de ensino e metodologias que revertam esse quadro. Instituições Participantes Wellesley College | Harvard University | PPGHIS | UFRJ Recursos e Produtos O curso inclui leituras e discussão, a realização de entrevistas com intelectuais, além de diversos exercícios em parcerias entre estudantes brasileirxs e estrangeiros.
Há décadas, intelectuais denunciam a inadequação de ferramentais científicos produzidos no Norte ... more Há décadas, intelectuais denunciam a inadequação de ferramentais científicos produzidos no Norte para estudar sociedades do Sul Global. A força desse argumento concentrou-se na Teoria enquanto espaço central de disputas de poder que reforça desigualdades e assimetrias no campo científico. Em contraste, os aportes metodológicos e as rotinas de ensino estão entre as dimensões menos observadas da forma como determinadas práticas reforçam hierarquias e exclusão.
Este curso introduz duas propostas. Apresentar e analisar como as rotinas pedagógicas produzem silenciamento de pensadoras/es e de ideias produzidas fora do mainstream internacional do campo científico. Além disso, pretendemos interferir criticamente nesse cenário, habilitando novas agendas de ensino e metodologias que revertam esse quadro. Recursos e
O curso inclui leituras e discussão de literatura referida ao tema, a realização de entrevistas ao vivo com intelectuais do Norte e do Sul Global e, ainda, a realização de filmes ficcionais sobre estratégias de ensino e reversão de assimetrias do campo cientifico internacional.
A disciplina será ministrada simultaneamente no Rio de Janeiro e em Boston, nas 2as feiras à tarde. As aulas serão tanto em português como em inglês (com tradução consecutiva) e com transmissão on-line ao vivo.
Inscrições de estudantes externos é encorajada e estudantes-ouvintes serão aceitos, dependendo da lotação da sala de aula. PPGHIS-Programa de Pós-graduação em História Social Largo de São Francisco, 1/sl. 205-Rio de Janeiro (21) 3178-2924 e | | |
This blog was designed by students of the course of History of Africa of the School of History of... more This blog was designed by students of the course of History of Africa of the School of History of Social Sciences of Getulio Vargas Foundation in partnership and under supervision of Prof. Claudio Pinheiro.
As soon as we begin to study on Africa we came across a great ignorance and stereotypes that reinforce the imagery of an exotic land. Our blog comes from the realization of this problem and of the limitations of resources and materials to teach and learn about Africa in Brazil. Our motivation is to contribute to discussions and actions that make public initiatives and creative methods for teaching in Africa.
The blog presents, develops and disseminates sources: Reviews (books, films, exhibitions and events), interviews (with teachers, artists, intellectuals and citizens - known and anonymous), Publications, Music, Events and other initiatives that increase interest in Africa, teaching and study in Brazil. We hope this platform will serve as a channel polyphonic issues on the continent.
What do Brazilians think about Africa? Departing from the “Morro da Baiana” (a favela neighbourho... more What do Brazilians think about Africa? Departing from the “Morro da Baiana” (a favela neighbourhood at the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro), crossing the quarters of Ramos and Bonsucesso, the documentary collects testimonies on ideas Brazilians have on Africa. The film is an exercise built as a footpath on the emotional connections and intellectual curiosity about the continent. The experience links two worlds, a Samba School and a Municipal School, where Africa is the key to discuss sentiments of belonging and forms of teaching about otherness. Two characters are the conductresses, Dona Eunice, a member the directory of Imperatriz Leopoldinense Samba School, and Patricia one of the teachers facing the task of introducing Africa to young high school students.
O que os brasileiros pensam da África? Partindo do Morro da Baiana, passando pelos bairros de Ramos e Bonsucesso, o documentário coleta depoimentos a respeito das imagens que alguns brasileiros têm da África. O filme é um exercício que se constrói como um passeio sobre relações afetivas e curiosidades intelectuais sobre a África. A experiência conecta dos mundos, uma escola de samba e uma escola municipal, aonde África é a chave para discutir sentimentos de pertencimento e formas de ensinar sobre alteridade. Duas personagens são nossas condutoras, Dona Eunice, membro da Velha Guarda da Imperatriz Leopoldinense, e a professora Patrícia, uma das responsáveis por introduzir África a jovens estudantes de escolas.
João Pedro Diaz, Luã Ferreira Leal e Sérgio Junior [Direction, Production and Editing]; João Pedro Diaz [Camera]; Cláudio Pinheiro [Academic Supervision]
At the paradisiac beach of Dois Rios (Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro), a small community lives from ... more At the paradisiac beach of Dois Rios (Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro), a small community lives from the memories of past Dmes. This is the former locaDon of the two most important poliDcal prisons in Brazil (1903-1954 and 1960-1994). The very few inhabitants who stayed behind a[er the demoliDon of the buildings, both former prisoners and guards, tell histories on their beliefs and disbeliefs about life, death and wraiths. Fears and supersDDons around the ruins of the small village. Ruins of houses, ruins of the prison, ruins of the memories of those who live and lived there. This film was produced as part of the workshop on Visual Ethnography, of the
deSde o trabalho seminal de Pierre Bourdieu, Homo academicus (1984), muitos autores têm se intere... more deSde o trabalho seminal de Pierre Bourdieu, Homo academicus (1984), muitos autores têm se interessado pelo papel da educação superior e dos sistemas universitários na formação de elites, uma vez que o sistema de ensino superior moderno tem sido um importante espaço de embates pela produção de cultura e pelas desigualdades sociais (Ringer, 1991; Sabour, 1988). No mundo árabe, existem diferentes tipos de universidades (públicas, seletivas e comerciais) que produzem diferentes tipos de elite com elos mais fracos ou mais fortes com as sociedades que as rodeiam.
Periferias históricas revisitadas. As leituras árabes-islâmicas de Al Baghdádi sobre o Brasil do ... more Periferias históricas revisitadas. As leituras árabes-islâmicas de Al Baghdádi sobre o Brasil do século XIX His tor i cal pe riph er ies re-ex am ined. The Al Baghdádi Arab-Is lamic read ings of Brazil in the 19th Cen tury
The article departs from the problem of academic dependency and how does it affect social science... more The article departs from the problem of academic dependency and how does it affect social sciences globally. Farid Alatas suggests that scholars cannot do much at the structural or material level of academic dependency as they are neither in charge of institutions nor the state. However, there is more that can be done at the intellectual or theoretical level. The article presents the concept of alternative discourses as source for a creative and autonomous social science. These are discourses that present themselves as alternatives to what they regard as the Orientalist or Eurocentric social sciences of the North on which the Southern social sciences are dependent. Examples of what may be considered as alternative discourses are provided, taking into account other types of narrative and imagination of social life.
KOROM, Frank. 2006. Village of Painters. Narrative Scrolls from West Bengal. Santa Fe: Museum of ... more KOROM, Frank. 2006. Village of Painters. Narrative Scrolls from West Bengal. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 119p, illus. (Paul J. Smutko Photographs). Jacketed Paper: $29.95; ISBN: 0-89013-489-8 / 978-0-89013-489-4.
Afro-Ásia, 2018
Em 2017, realizou-se a 7a Edição do Prêmio de Livros da 10a Reunião da Associação Internacional d... more Em 2017, realizou-se a 7a Edição do Prêmio de Livros da 10a Reunião da Associação Internacional de Pesquisadores de Ásia (ICAS), do qual participei como jurado. O júri analisou e premiou as melhores publicações dentre as mais de trezentos e cinquenta sobre a Ásia no mundo, editadas entre 2014 e 2017. Este artigo parte do Prêmio de Livros da ICAS para discorrer sobre o processo de premiação, refletindo a respeito de como a coleção de publicações recebidas nesse triênio permite observar o quadro internacional dos Estudos Asiáticos. Finalmente, procuro discutir o lugar periférico do Sul Global no contexto internacional de Estudos Asiáticos.Palavras-chave: Ásia - Publicações - Produção acadêmica internacional - Sul Global. In 2017, there occurred the 7th edition of the 10th ICAS (International Convention of Asian Scholars) Book Prize, in which I participated as member of the jury. The jury analyzed and awarded the best publications on Asian Studies edited between 2014 and 2017, selected...
The devastating fire in the 200-year-old Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro on September 2, 2018, d... more The devastating fire in the 200-year-old Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro on September 2, 2018, demonstrates the vital importance of the historiography of sciences and the arts. As most collections have vanished, it is left to the history of science to pick up the pieces and present past developments in their complexity and global entanglements. In this special issue we aim to do this for the work of German and German-speaking anthropologists in Latin America, with a special focus on Brazil, carried out between the 1880s and 1945