.:: Snow's Writings ::. (original) (raw)

14 December 2013 @ 02:26 am

Title: Another Mystery to Solve
Rating: G
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairings: hints of Doctor/Rose, and possibly implied Mickey/Rose
Length: 750 words
Summary: After her latest attempt to find the Doctor, Rose tries to find out some information.
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who, I'm just a fan. As in fanatic, not something that moves air.
Author's Notes: This is a sort of "deleted scene" inspired by katherine_b's fic Redemption featuring an alternate version of the War Doctor. If you haven't read her fic, this contains spoilers for Part 7.

( Another Mystery to SolveCollapse )

Title: Missing You
Rating: G
Fandom: Gilmore Girls
Pairings: Lane/Dave, mentions of Rory/Jess
Length: 1,346
Summary: Dave went off to college in California, but a few months later he's standing outside Lane's house and she has no idea what to do.
Disclaimer: Gilmore Girls isn't mine though at times I wish it was.
Author's Notes: I wrote this for svgurl who was one of the winners of my offer at help_japan for three ficlets. She wanted a Lane/Dave reunion and this is what I came up with. I hope you like it, svgurl!

( Missing YouCollapse )

Title: Breaking Down Future's Door
Rating: G
Fandom: Charmed
Pairings: Leo/Piper
Length: 1,176 words
Summary: Piper's locked herself in the bathroom and she won't come out. Both Prue and Phoebe want to know what she's been doing in there for so long and why she only responds to Leo.
Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed though I would like to own the Charmed Ones' Book of Shadows....
Author's Notes: I wrote this for thinkxpink who was one of the winners on my offering for three ficlets apiece at help_japan. She wanted Leo/Piper with a focus on family so I went for shortly after their wedding and before Prue's death. I hope you like it, thinkxpink!

( Breaking Down Future's DoorCollapse )

Title: It's Not Over
Rating: PG
Fandom: Secret Diary of a Call Girl
Pairings: Ben/Hannah
Length: 673 words
Summary: Ben realizes he made a mistake and that he wants Hannah back.
Disclaimer: I do not own Secret Diary of a Call Girl. I don't even have a secret diary to call my own
Author's Notes: *spoilers for episode 4.08* While I haven't watched the last two episodes of series four myself, I do know how the series ends and I'm not happy with it, I can't even bring myself to watch it a month later. I know it will make me too sad when I have been rooting for Ben/Hannah (or Ben/Belle, whichever you prefer) ever since the first episode. So this is my little fix it.

( It's Not OverCollapse )

Title: The Perfect Spot
Rating: G
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: Draco/Ginny
Length: 847 words
Summary: Ginny is trying to put the finishing touches on her new home with Draco, but there's one painting that they just can't seem to find a place for.
Disclaimer: No matter how much I wish I did, I do not own Harry Potter.
Author's Notes: I wrote this for thinkxpink who was one of the winners on my offering for three ficlets apiece at help_japan. Her prompt was 'Draco/Ginny with a focus on decorating the house'. Thanks for beta-ing as always, tamswitter! I hope you like it, thinkxpink!

( The Perfect SpotCollapse )

Title: The Intersecting Con
Rating: PG
Fandom: Chuck and Leverage crossover
Pairings: mentions of Chuck/Sarah and Nate/Sophie, implied Parker/Hardison
Length: 4,150 words
Summary: After a run in with each other that nearly cost them a mission, the CIA and NSA have to work with Nathan Ford's gang of thieves to fix it.
Disclaimer: I do not own Chuck, though sometimes I feel like I have the Intersect inside my head, only a different version of it. I do not own Leverage. I can't even figure out how most of the cons work before the big reveals.
Author's Notes: *spoilers for the Chuck episode 'The Push Mix' and the Leverage episode 'The San Lorenzo Job'* I wrote this fic for astridv after winning my offering at help_japan. Thanks, tamswitter, for beta-ing it for me even if you are only just now becoming a Chuck fan! I hope you like it, astridv!

( The Intersecting ConCollapse )

Title: An Afternoon Off in the South Pole
Rating: G
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pairings: none
Length: 493 words
Summary: Sokka and Katara find some time to have some fun in the days of the war before they find Aang.
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender otherwise there would have been a lot more scenes with Ty Lee showing off her pink aura.
Author's Notes: I wrote this for glockgal who posted a list of things she'd like to see more drawings/fics of. I chose her prompt of 'Sokka+Katara sibling antics'. I hope you like it, glockgal!

( An Afternoon Off in the South PoleCollapse )

Title: You're My Exception
Rating: G
Length: 259 words
Summary: A lonely teenaged girl thinks about how her life is going and realizes what one thing makes her truly happy in her life.
Author's Notes: I wrote this really quickly tonight right after the title (and character) came into my mind. It is somewhat depressing.

( You're My ExceptionCollapse )

Title: Forever In Her Dreams
Rating: G
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: Tom/Ginny, mention of Harry/Ginny
Length: 1,009 words
Summary: Sometimes when Ginny's asleep, she hears a voice calling to her. The voice is from her past, pulling her back through time. Through the fear, she realizes just what she's been missing.
Disclaimer: No matter how much I wish I did, I do not own Harry Potter.
Author's Notes: I wrote this fic for jacyevans as part of a charity fundraiser for Japan. The prompt was 'she still hears his voice in her dreams.' Just a warning, there is a mention of blood but it's nothing much. I hope you like it, jacyevans!

( Forever In Her DreamsCollapse )

Title: To Live In the Moment
Rating: G
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairings: Doctor/Rose, possibly implied Eleven/Amy, mention of Amy/Rory
Length: 703 words
Summary: Kazran's words strike a chord with the Doctor and he finds himself remembering something he'd rather forget because of the pain.
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who, I'm just a fan. As in fanatic, not something that moves air.
Author's Notes: *spoilers for the episode 'A Christmas Carol'* I've had the general idea for this since Christmas, ever since the ending scenes and I've just now been able to write and expand upon it and I'm really glad I did.

( To Live In the MomentCollapse )