Josef Wilczek | Sorbonne University (original) (raw)

Papers by Josef Wilczek

Research paper thumbnail of Discrimination of archaeological pottery surface treatment by deep learning

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2022

Paper available here: The study of pottery surface treatment is essentia... more Paper available here:

The study of pottery surface treatment is essential to understand techniques used by ancient potters, in order to explore the cultural and economic organisation of past societies. Pottery is one of the most abundant materials found in archaeological excavation, yet classification of pottery surface treatments remains challenging. The goal of this study is to propose a workflow to classify pottery surface treatments automatically, based on the extraction of images depicting surface geometry, calculated from 3D models. These images are then classified by Deep Learning. Three Convolutional Neural Network algorithms (VGG16 and VGG19 transfer learning, and a custom network) are quantitatively evaluated on an experimental dataset of 48 wheel-thrown vessels, created by a professional potter specifically for this study. To demonstrate workflow feasibility, six different surface treatments were applied to each vessel. Results obtained for all three classifiers (accuracy of 93 to 95%) surpass other state-of-the-art quantitative approaches proposed for pottery classification. The workflow is able to take into account the entire surface of the pottery, not only a pre-selected spatially limited area.

Research paper thumbnail of A computer tool to identify best matches for pottery fragments

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2021

Archaeologists working with pottery spend a considerable amount of time on a fundamental task-pro... more Archaeologists working with pottery spend a considerable amount of time on a fundamental task-providing precise descriptions of pottery fragments. This study presents a survey of existing computational solutions to identify the best matches for a given fragment, based on its shape. Four methods (ICP, DCT, RDP, and RTC) are compared, using a pottery dataset from Graufesenque (southern France), dated to the Roman Period. The first three methods produced successful and very similar results for rim fragments (within the five best candidates for 95% of the dataset). The ICP algorithm produced the best overall results for rim fragments, and can also be used for non-rim fragments. A practical computer application, including all the above methods, was developed in R programming language, with an easy-to-use graphical interface, and is now made freely available to the archaeological community for future studies, and further development.

Research paper thumbnail of Computer-Assisted Orientation and Drawing of Archaeological Pottery

Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 2018

Archaeologists spend considerable time orienting and drawing ceramic fragments by hand for docume... more Archaeologists spend considerable time orienting and drawing ceramic fragments by hand for documentation, to infer their manufacture, the nature of the discovery site and its chronology, and to develop hypotheses about commercial and cultural exchanges, social organisation, resource exploitation, and taphonomic processes. This study presents a survey of existing solutions to the time-consuming problem of orienting and drawing pottery fragments. Orientation is based on the 3D geometry of pottery models, which can now be acquired in minutes with low-cost 3D scanners. Several methods are presented: they are based on normal vectors, or circle fittings, or profile fittings. All these methods seek to determine the optimal position of the rotation axis. We also present and discuss new approaches and improvements to existing methods. We have developed a suite of functions for the computer-assisted orientation and drawing of archaeological pottery. The profile and contours of the fragment, as well as any possible decoration, can be depicted in various ways: photorealistic rendering or dotted patterns, calculated by ambient occlusion, combined or not with artificial light. The general workflow, evaluated using both synthetic and real-world fragments, is rapid, accurate, and reproducible. It drastically reduces the amount of routine work required to document ceramic artefacts. The information produced, together with the 3D representation of the fragments, can easily be archived and/or exchanged within the archaeological community for further research. The source code (built in the R environment), together with an installation notice and examples, is freely downloadable.

Research paper thumbnail of Documenting carved stones by 3D modelling-Example of Mongolian deer stones

Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2018

Rock art studies are facing major technical challenges for extensive documentation. Nowadays, rec... more Rock art studies are facing major technical challenges for extensive documentation. Nowadays, recording is essentially obtained from time-consuming tracing and rubbing, techniques that also require a high level of expertise. Recent advances in 3D modelling of natural objects and computational treatment of the modelled surfaces may provide an alternative, and reduce the current documentation bottleneck. The aim of this study is to examine the extent to which such treatments can be applied. The case study presented here concerns the famous deer stones erected by ancient Mongolian nomad populations. The 3D acquisition workflow is based on structure-from-motion, a versatile photogrammetric technique, well adapted to various field conditions. From the 3D geometry of objects of interest, elevation raster maps are produced by projection on four sides of the stela. These digital elevation models are then tested using algorithms based on differential geometry, sky visibility and local morphology, the general principles of which are briefly exposed. All these approaches may be appropriate with essentially planar surfaces. However, in the case of irregular carved surfaces, such as those of deer stones, the most efficient algorithm appears to be positive openness. In favourable cases, the incisions can be automatically delineated, facilitating the final drawing. Results obtained at the end of the process are comparable to the best drawings available in the literature, and can also include archaeological information about rock surface conditions. The procedure considerably accelerates the workflow in comparison with traditional techniques, reduces the level of expertise required, and provides 3D models, which can easily be shared, or further analysed by morphometric methods, for instance.

Research paper thumbnail of Morphometrics of (especially ceramic) Celtic artefacts - new methods of acquisition, systematization and valorization of the past

Wilczek, J., 2018. Morphometrics of (especially ceramic) Celtic artefacts - new methods of acquisition, systematization and valorization of the past. In: Wilczek, J., Cannot, A., Le Cozanet, T., Remy, J.-Interdisciplinarité et nouvelles approaches dans les recherches sur l'âge du Fer.MU Brno, 73-76., 2018

The work of archaeologists is generally based on the classification of archaeological artefacts. ... more The work of archaeologists is generally based on the classification of archaeological artefacts. Amongst all observable intrinsic descriptors (material, decoration, fabrication mode/chaine operatoire, etc.), the shape is often considered as the most important feature, giving clues to study chronological, social, religious or cultural aspects of ancient populations. Although ceramic classifications are well elaborated nowadays, they are sometimes considered as being subjective, ambiguous and hard to implement. The main goal of the project is therefore to bridge the gap between archaeology and recent developments in mathematics, statistics and 2D/3D imagery, in order to (semi-)automatize the process of ceramic classification and attribution. We hope that the project will bring a normative and standardized solution, allowing to overcome the linguistic, temporal and spatial limitations. We hope that this solution will be possible to be easily generalized and adopted to study other kinds of archaeological artefacts (axes, brooches, swords, etc.).

Research paper thumbnail of La production métallique au Bronze moyen entre la Manche et les Alpes

In : Lachenal (T.), Mordant (C.), Nicolas (T.), Véber (C.) (dir.) – Le Bronze moyen et l’origine du Bronze final en Europe occidentale, de la Méditerranée aux pays nordiques (xviie-xiiie siècle avant notre ère), pp. 837-848 (Mémoires d’Archéologie du Grand-Est 1)., 2017

Au milieu du deuxième millénaire avant notre ère, entre la Manche et les Alpes, péninsule bretonn... more Au milieu du deuxième millénaire avant notre ère, entre la Manche et les Alpes, péninsule bretonne et vallée de la Seine sont considérées comme jouant un rôle de grands centres producteurs. Dans les régions périphériques orientales, une partie importante des objets métalliques est qualifiée d’atlantique, ce qui montre des liens étroits entre les populations vivant au sein de ce territoire ; on considère ainsi, comme un modèle établi de longue date, que ces régions sont des aires de diffusion de la culture atlantique, en sous-entendant le fait qu’elles soient importatrices de produits finis venant des rivages de l’Atlantique et de la Manche. Cette contribution propose, à travers l’exposé d’analyses physicochimiques et morphologiques toutes récentes, une redéfinition du paysage culturel et de la production métallique entre la Manche et les Alpes. Dans ce nouveau modèle, plusieurs centres de production peuvent coexister au sein d’un même territoire défini par des liens forts existant entre ces centres, utilisant chacun de la matière première, des modèles d’objets et un savoir-faire spécifiques. Sans remettre en cause entièrement les modèles archéologiques classiques, ces récentes recherches proposent l’existence d’autres centres producteurs et d’autres systèmes d’approvisionnement et d’organisation que ceux généralement admis.

Research paper thumbnail of Applications de la photogrammétrie à la documentation de l'art rupestre, des chantiers de fouilles et du bâti - Missions du Musée d’Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco

Bulletin du Musée d'anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco, 2017

During his archaeological missions the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology tested the 3D modelling... more During his archaeological missions the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology tested the 3D modelling of several types of objects. His team chose the ‘Structure-from-Motion’ (SfM) method which works according the basic principle of stereoscopic photogrammetry, namely that 3D structure can be resolved from two or more overlapping, offset images. Most of other methods capable of surveying, at high resolution, often complex objects and landforms are very expensive and have a difficult portability. Using only a consumer-grade digital camera and a scale on the ground, the user moves through the environment, acquiring photographs of the area of interest from as many locations and perspectives as possible. Software is then used to reconstruct scene geometry. Results from example applications of the technique to engraving art, archaeological zone and architecture are presented. Such data are invaluable for the archaeological heritage inventory on difficult and remote field. To conclude, SfM output is directly compared with that obtained from a classic archaeological documentation.

Research paper thumbnail of Unsupervised model-based clustering for typological classification of Middle Bronze Age flanged axes

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2015

The classification of Western European flanged axes dating to the Middle Bronze Age (1650–1350 BC... more The classification of Western European flanged axes dating to the Middle Bronze Age (1650–1350 BC) is very complex. Many types of axe have been identified, some of which have numerous variant forms. In the current French terminology, all axes are divided into two generic groups: namely “Atlantic” (Atlantique) and “Eastern” (Orientale). Each of these generic groups, however, is highly polymorphic, so that it is often very difficult for the operator to classify individual axes with absolute confidence and certainty. In order to overcome such problems, a new shape classification is proposed, using morphometric analysis (Elliptic Fourier Analysis) followed by unsupervised model-based clustering and discriminant analysis, both based on Gaussian mixture modelling. Together, these methods produce a clearer pattern, which is independently validated by the spatial distribution of the findings, and multinomial scan statistics. This approach is fast, reproducible, and operator-independent, allowing artefacts of unknown membership to be classified rapidly. The method is designed to be amendable by the introduction of new artefacts, in the light of future discoveries. This method can be adapted to suit many other archaeological artefacts, providing information about the material, social and cultural relations of ancient populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Hrnčířské dílny ve Višňovém

WILCZEK, Josef. Hrnčířské dílny ve Višňovém. Pravěk NŘ, Ústav archeologické památkové péče Brno v.v.i., 2015, 22, p. 167-256. ISSN 1211-8338.

This paper deals with the Latène settlement which were found in 2005 in Višňové (Znojmo district)... more This paper deals with the Latène settlement which were found in 2005 in Višňové (Znojmo district). Three structures were excavated, two of them may be considered as a pottery workshops. Standard evaluation of ceramic pointed out to presence of several interesting phenomena related to the production of ceramic - frequent presence of traces caused by forming of vessels, “early state” of polishing, traces of string situated on bottoms, fingerprints, existence of an deformed vessel, etc. Instead of ceramic also others artefacts (iron brooches, weight balance, tweezers; glass bracelet and ring) and ecofacts (daub) were studied as well as residential, ritual (?) and especially production and food acquisition components.

Příspěvek vyhodnocuje část sídliště z doby laténské, jež bylo zachyceno v roce 2005 při záchranném výzkumu na katastru obce Višňové (okr. Znojmo). Archeologickým výzkumem byly zachyceny celkem tři objekty, z nichž dva lze považovat za hrnčířské dílny sloužící k výrobě keramiky. Standardním zhodnocením bylo poukázáno na výskyt několika zajímavých jevů souvisejících s výrobou keramiky – presence deformované nádoby, časté stopy po dotáčení, spirálovité kladení válečků, grafitování povrchu nádob, „započaté“ vhlazování a hlazení, stopy po struně na dnech nádob, otisky prstů, atd. Mimo keramiku byly vyhodnoceny i další artefakty (železné spony, závaží, pinzeta, skleněné náramky a prsten) a mazanice. Z komponent sídelních areálů byla, mimo rezidenční a rituální (?), věnována pozornost hlavně komponentě výrobní a komponentě získávání potravy.

Research paper thumbnail of Morphometrics of Second Iron Age ceramics - strengths, weaknesses, and comparison with traditional typology

Journal of Archaeological Science, 2014

Although the potential of geometric morphometrics for the study of archaeological artefacts is re... more Although the potential of geometric morphometrics for the study of archaeological artefacts is recognised, quantitative evaluations of the concordance between such methods and traditional typology are rare. The present work seeks to fill this gap, using as a case study a corpus of 154 complete ceramic vessels from the Bibracte oppidum (France), the capital of the Celtic tribe Aedui from the Second Iron Age. Two outline-based approaches were selected: the Elliptic Fourier Analysis and the Discrete Cosine Transform. They were combined with numerous methods of standardisation/normalisation. Although standardisations may use either perimeter or surface, the resulting morphospaces remain comparable, and, interestingly, are also comparable with the morphospace built from traditional typology. Geometric morphometrics also present the advantage of being easily implemented and automated for large sets of artefacts. The method is reproducible and provides quantitative estimates, such as mean shape, and shape diversity of ceramic assemblages, allowing objective inferences to be statistically tested. The approach can easily be generalised and adopted for other kinds of artefacts, to study the level of production standardisation and the evolution of shape over space and time, and to provide information about material and cultural exchanges.

Research paper thumbnail of Neřízené modely typologické klasifikace archeologických artefaktů

WILCZEK, Josef, Fabrice MONNA, Mareva GABILLOT, Nicolas NAVARRO, Lucille RUSCH a Carmela CHATEAU. Neřízené modely typologické klasifikace archeologických artefaktů. In Počítačová podpora v archeologii 13, Svratka (Česká republika). 2014. ISBN 978-80-87365-67-0.

Klasifikace seker s lištami datovanými do střední doby bronzové je velice složitá. V literatuře s... more Klasifikace seker s lištami datovanými do střední doby bronzové je velice složitá. V literatuře se lze setkat s obrovským množstvím různých typů seker, mnohé z nich se navíc skládají z řady variant. Například v současně uznávané francouzské terminologii jsou sekery s lištami prezentovány dvěma velkými skupinami: „atlantickými“ a „orientálními“ formami. Obě skupiny jsou nicméně velice polymorfní a často lze podle nich obtížně typologicky klasifikovat. Dokládá to například i fakt, že sekery typu Armorican tumuli (atlantická skupina) a Neyruz (orientální skupina), obě sestávající z celé řady variant, jsou si na první pohled vizuálně velice podobné. Tyto skutečnosti nicméně nebrání archeologům v interpretaci některých důležitých otázek; týkajících se například vlivu orientálního typu na atlantický a vice-versa. V prvé řadě jsme proto pomocí analýzy uzavřených kontur (Eliptická Fourierova Analýza) aplikované na siluety 268 seker testovali vhodnost stávajícího klasifikačního modelu. Jelikož tento model dobře nevysvětloval strukturování seker založené na tvarové podobnosti, navrhli jsme novou tvarovou klasifikaci za použití neřízených modelů shlukové analýzy a diskriminačních metod založených na Gaussovských modelech. Tato klasifikace byla následně validována pomocí prostorové distribuce nálezů za použití multinomiální skenovací statistiky. Poslední krok sestával z přiřazení jedinců s neznámým členstvím (sekery-ingoty) do jedné z nově vytvořených skupin.

The classification of flanged axes dated to the middle Bronze Age is very complex. Many types of axes exist, and most of them are composed by numerous variants. For example, in the recent and well-established French terminology, those axes are represented by two generic groups: namely “atlantic” and “oriental” forms. Both groups are nevertheless very polymorph so that it is often very difficult to classify the individuals. It can be illustrated for example by the fact that axes of armorican tumulus type (Atlantic group) and Neyruz type (Occidental group), both consisting of number of variants, are at the first sight visually very similar. Nevertheless, those facts do not prevent archaeologists from interpreting some important questions, for example those concerning the influences of oriental type on atlantic and vice-versa. At the first stage, we aimed at checking the pertinence of the current typology at the light of a morphometric analysis based on the treatment by a closed contour approach (Elliptic Fourier Analysis) of 268 axes. As the current typological model does not explain well the structuring of axes based on the shape similarity, we proposed a new formal classification, using an unsupervised clustering and discriminant methods based on the Gaussian mixture modelling. Once this step performed, we validated this classification via a spatial distribution of findings using a multinomial scan statistics. The final step consisted in introducing new individuals (axes-ingots) of unknown membership to attribute them to the one of the newly established groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Laténské sídliště v Blansku - "V Dílech"

WILCZEK, Josef. Laténské sídliště v Blansku - "V Dílech". Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. soc., Brno : Moravské zemské muzeum, Brno: Moravské zemské muzeum, 2013, roč. 98, č. 1, s. 75-108. ISSN 0323-0570.

Tento článek se zabývá vyhodnocením archeologického materiálu získaného během výzkumu v Blansku -... more Tento článek se zabývá vyhodnocením archeologického materiálu získaného během výzkumu v Blansku - "V Dílech". Hlavní důraz je kladen na analýzu keramických a dalších(kovových, skleněných a kamenných) artefaktů vyzvednutých jak ze zahloubených objektů, tak z kulturní vrstvy. Nálezy některých typů keramiky v Blansku ukazují velmi silný vztah k současnému sídlišti v Bořitově, jež bylo důležitým ekonomickým a komerčním centrem v regionu. Mimo laténského osídlení byly na lokalitě doloženy další dvě fáze osídlení - poukazující nepřímo na problematickou dataci archeologických zahloubených objektů bez toho, aniž by byly v potaz brány nálezy z kulturní vrstvy.

This paper deals with the analysis of archaeological material obtained during a research in Blansko - "V Dílech". The main focus is put on analyzing the ceramic and other (metallic, glass and stone) artifacts brought up from sunken structures as well as from the "cultural layer". The occurrence of certain types of ceramic findings in Blansko shows a very strong relationship to the contemporary settlement of Boritov, which was an important economic and commercial center of the region. Besides the late Latene period, another two phases of settlement at the site were proven - indirectly showing the problematic chronological association of archaeological structures and the need for excavating not only the sunken structures but also the "cultural layer".

Research paper thumbnail of Morfometrie keramiky mladší doby železné - výhody, nevýhody a porovnání s tradiční typologií

WILCZEK, Josef, Fabrice MONNA, Nicolas NAVARRO, Philippe BARRAL, Laure BURLET a Carmela CHATEAU. Morfometrie keramiky mladší doby železné - výhody, nevýhody a porovnání s tradiční typologií. In Počítačová podpora v archeologii 12, Kočovce (Slovenská republika). 2013. ISBN 978-80-223-3396-2.

Tato prezentace představuje kvantitativní určení konkordance mezi morfometrickými metodami a trad... more Tato prezentace představuje kvantitativní určení konkordance mezi morfometrickými metodami a tradiční typologií. Jako case study byl zvolen soubor 154 kompletně dochovaných keramických nádob z oppida Bibracte ve Francii. Byly zvoleny dvě metody založené na analýze kontur: eliptická Fourierova analýza a diskrétní kosinová transformace. Byly kombinovány několika standardizačními a normalizačními technikami. Tento přístup může být jednoduše generalizován a jednoduše aplikován na jakýkoliv druh archeologických artefaktů za účelem studia standardizace produkce a vývoje tvaru artefaktů v čase a prostoru stejně jako ke studiu materiálních a kulturních vztahů.

This presentation presents the quantitative evaluation of the concordance between morphometrical methods and traditional typology, with a corpus of 154 complete ceramic vessels from the Bibracte oppidum, France, used as a case study. Two outline-based approaches were selected: the Elliptic Fourier Analysis and the Discrete Cosine Transform. They were combined with numerous methods of standardisation/normalisation. The approach described here can easily be generalised and adopted for other kinds of artefacts, to study the level of production standardisation and the evolution of shape over space and time, and to provide information about material and cultural exchanges.

Research paper thumbnail of Hrnčířské dílny ve Višňové v kontextu laténského osídlení povodí řeky Jevišovky

Research paper thumbnail of Laténské sídliště v Blansku-" V Dílech

Conference Presentations by Josef Wilczek

Research paper thumbnail of Pré-Actes - Rencontres doctorales de l'EEPB 2015

Research paper thumbnail of DACORD - Computer-Assisted Drawing of Archaeological Pottery (the CADAPtable system)

MORPH2017: A Conference on the Archaeological Application of Geometric Morphometrics (4th-5th May 2017 Hosted and organised by the Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Aarhus University)

The DACORD functional system orients and draws archaeological pottery, based on 3D model geometry... more The DACORD functional system orients and draws archaeological pottery, based on 3D model geometry, using modern mathematical, graphical, optimization methods. The orientation workflow combines existing approaches (normal vectors, horizontal/vertical sections, etc.) with new methods, to segment fragments (external and internal surfaces), and to erase parts that provide no information about the rotational axis (fractures, plastic decoration, etc.). Archaeological illustrations adapted to most norms and standards of pottery drawings can then be produced from these correctly oriented models. All pottery orientation and drawing methods are implemented in DACORD software, developed in R. The DACORD system thus represents a new optimized solution for archaeology.

Research paper thumbnail of L'habitat laténien de Višňové

La fouille effectuée entre 2005 et 2006 par les chercheurs d’ÚAPP Brno a mis au jour trois struct... more La fouille effectuée entre 2005 et 2006 par les chercheurs d’ÚAPP Brno a mis au jour trois structures du second âge du Fer. Deux d’entre elles, datées à LT C2-D1 (J502, J504), ont servi d’ateliers de production de céramiques.
Cela est attesté par la présence de graphite moulu trouvé dans le fond des structures. La présence de fragments de graphite non transformé, d’un bol déformé et de tessons de céramique avec du graphite (61,8 %) sont également des indicateurs indirects de la fabrication sur place.
Le site était auparavant connu dans la littérature comme un centre de production céramique sans vraiment connaitre le spectre des vases produits sur le lieu. Le but de cette étude était ainsi de définir le spectre morpho-typologique des vases fabriqués dans Višňové et de déterminer, par des analyses pétrographiques et minéralogiques, si la composition des pâtes correspondait aux ressources naturelles trouvées dans les alentours du site. Les processus taphonomiques du comblement de deux structures ont été étudiés par la suite pour déterminer la nature du dépôt.

Conference Organisations by Josef Wilczek

Research paper thumbnail of Rencontres doctorales archéologiques de l’Ecole Européenne de Protohistoire de Bibracte (28 to 30 April 2015)

This doctoral meeting organized in part of the European School of Protohistory of Bibracte (EEPB ... more This doctoral meeting organized in part of the European School of Protohistory of Bibracte (EEPB in french) has for ambition to create contacts between the European’s PhD Students and post-PhD students working on the Iron Age. This project pursues the work of the « Colloque des Jeunes Chercheurs en Archéologie Celtique » organized in 2005 at Bibracte at the occasion of the creation of the EEPB. It aims to facilitate the discussion around interdisciplinary problematic, in different geographical and cultural contexts.

Research paper thumbnail of Ière Rencontres Doctorales de l'EEPB (Bibracte 2015) - Programme et résumés

by Anna Cannot, Thibault Le Cozanet, Josef Wilczek, Lindsey Büster, Thomas Hutin, Johnny Horn, Clara Filet, Rémy Wassong, Andrea Fochesato, Chloé Belard, David Brönnimann, Émilie Vannier-Aubazac, Christoph Baur, Scott Stetkiewicz, Przemysław Harasim, Steeve GENTNER, Katrin Ludwig, Asja Tonc, Franziska Faupel, Clément Bellamy, Mathilde VILLETTE, Guillaume Reich, Imke Westhausen, Zoran Čučković, Clémentine BARBAU, Quentin Sueur, Célia Basset, Thimo Jacob Brestel, Pauline Nuviala, Marie Philippe, Florine Sarry, Marine Lechenault, Aurélia Feugnet, Pierre-Antoine Lamy, Nicolas Delferrière, Simon Trixl, solazzo rita, and Șoni Roxana Morteanu

Research paper thumbnail of Discrimination of archaeological pottery surface treatment by deep learning

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2022

Paper available here: The study of pottery surface treatment is essentia... more Paper available here:

The study of pottery surface treatment is essential to understand techniques used by ancient potters, in order to explore the cultural and economic organisation of past societies. Pottery is one of the most abundant materials found in archaeological excavation, yet classification of pottery surface treatments remains challenging. The goal of this study is to propose a workflow to classify pottery surface treatments automatically, based on the extraction of images depicting surface geometry, calculated from 3D models. These images are then classified by Deep Learning. Three Convolutional Neural Network algorithms (VGG16 and VGG19 transfer learning, and a custom network) are quantitatively evaluated on an experimental dataset of 48 wheel-thrown vessels, created by a professional potter specifically for this study. To demonstrate workflow feasibility, six different surface treatments were applied to each vessel. Results obtained for all three classifiers (accuracy of 93 to 95%) surpass other state-of-the-art quantitative approaches proposed for pottery classification. The workflow is able to take into account the entire surface of the pottery, not only a pre-selected spatially limited area.

Research paper thumbnail of A computer tool to identify best matches for pottery fragments

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2021

Archaeologists working with pottery spend a considerable amount of time on a fundamental task-pro... more Archaeologists working with pottery spend a considerable amount of time on a fundamental task-providing precise descriptions of pottery fragments. This study presents a survey of existing computational solutions to identify the best matches for a given fragment, based on its shape. Four methods (ICP, DCT, RDP, and RTC) are compared, using a pottery dataset from Graufesenque (southern France), dated to the Roman Period. The first three methods produced successful and very similar results for rim fragments (within the five best candidates for 95% of the dataset). The ICP algorithm produced the best overall results for rim fragments, and can also be used for non-rim fragments. A practical computer application, including all the above methods, was developed in R programming language, with an easy-to-use graphical interface, and is now made freely available to the archaeological community for future studies, and further development.

Research paper thumbnail of Computer-Assisted Orientation and Drawing of Archaeological Pottery

Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 2018

Archaeologists spend considerable time orienting and drawing ceramic fragments by hand for docume... more Archaeologists spend considerable time orienting and drawing ceramic fragments by hand for documentation, to infer their manufacture, the nature of the discovery site and its chronology, and to develop hypotheses about commercial and cultural exchanges, social organisation, resource exploitation, and taphonomic processes. This study presents a survey of existing solutions to the time-consuming problem of orienting and drawing pottery fragments. Orientation is based on the 3D geometry of pottery models, which can now be acquired in minutes with low-cost 3D scanners. Several methods are presented: they are based on normal vectors, or circle fittings, or profile fittings. All these methods seek to determine the optimal position of the rotation axis. We also present and discuss new approaches and improvements to existing methods. We have developed a suite of functions for the computer-assisted orientation and drawing of archaeological pottery. The profile and contours of the fragment, as well as any possible decoration, can be depicted in various ways: photorealistic rendering or dotted patterns, calculated by ambient occlusion, combined or not with artificial light. The general workflow, evaluated using both synthetic and real-world fragments, is rapid, accurate, and reproducible. It drastically reduces the amount of routine work required to document ceramic artefacts. The information produced, together with the 3D representation of the fragments, can easily be archived and/or exchanged within the archaeological community for further research. The source code (built in the R environment), together with an installation notice and examples, is freely downloadable.

Research paper thumbnail of Documenting carved stones by 3D modelling-Example of Mongolian deer stones

Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2018

Rock art studies are facing major technical challenges for extensive documentation. Nowadays, rec... more Rock art studies are facing major technical challenges for extensive documentation. Nowadays, recording is essentially obtained from time-consuming tracing and rubbing, techniques that also require a high level of expertise. Recent advances in 3D modelling of natural objects and computational treatment of the modelled surfaces may provide an alternative, and reduce the current documentation bottleneck. The aim of this study is to examine the extent to which such treatments can be applied. The case study presented here concerns the famous deer stones erected by ancient Mongolian nomad populations. The 3D acquisition workflow is based on structure-from-motion, a versatile photogrammetric technique, well adapted to various field conditions. From the 3D geometry of objects of interest, elevation raster maps are produced by projection on four sides of the stela. These digital elevation models are then tested using algorithms based on differential geometry, sky visibility and local morphology, the general principles of which are briefly exposed. All these approaches may be appropriate with essentially planar surfaces. However, in the case of irregular carved surfaces, such as those of deer stones, the most efficient algorithm appears to be positive openness. In favourable cases, the incisions can be automatically delineated, facilitating the final drawing. Results obtained at the end of the process are comparable to the best drawings available in the literature, and can also include archaeological information about rock surface conditions. The procedure considerably accelerates the workflow in comparison with traditional techniques, reduces the level of expertise required, and provides 3D models, which can easily be shared, or further analysed by morphometric methods, for instance.

Research paper thumbnail of Morphometrics of (especially ceramic) Celtic artefacts - new methods of acquisition, systematization and valorization of the past

Wilczek, J., 2018. Morphometrics of (especially ceramic) Celtic artefacts - new methods of acquisition, systematization and valorization of the past. In: Wilczek, J., Cannot, A., Le Cozanet, T., Remy, J.-Interdisciplinarité et nouvelles approaches dans les recherches sur l'âge du Fer.MU Brno, 73-76., 2018

The work of archaeologists is generally based on the classification of archaeological artefacts. ... more The work of archaeologists is generally based on the classification of archaeological artefacts. Amongst all observable intrinsic descriptors (material, decoration, fabrication mode/chaine operatoire, etc.), the shape is often considered as the most important feature, giving clues to study chronological, social, religious or cultural aspects of ancient populations. Although ceramic classifications are well elaborated nowadays, they are sometimes considered as being subjective, ambiguous and hard to implement. The main goal of the project is therefore to bridge the gap between archaeology and recent developments in mathematics, statistics and 2D/3D imagery, in order to (semi-)automatize the process of ceramic classification and attribution. We hope that the project will bring a normative and standardized solution, allowing to overcome the linguistic, temporal and spatial limitations. We hope that this solution will be possible to be easily generalized and adopted to study other kinds of archaeological artefacts (axes, brooches, swords, etc.).

Research paper thumbnail of La production métallique au Bronze moyen entre la Manche et les Alpes

In : Lachenal (T.), Mordant (C.), Nicolas (T.), Véber (C.) (dir.) – Le Bronze moyen et l’origine du Bronze final en Europe occidentale, de la Méditerranée aux pays nordiques (xviie-xiiie siècle avant notre ère), pp. 837-848 (Mémoires d’Archéologie du Grand-Est 1)., 2017

Au milieu du deuxième millénaire avant notre ère, entre la Manche et les Alpes, péninsule bretonn... more Au milieu du deuxième millénaire avant notre ère, entre la Manche et les Alpes, péninsule bretonne et vallée de la Seine sont considérées comme jouant un rôle de grands centres producteurs. Dans les régions périphériques orientales, une partie importante des objets métalliques est qualifiée d’atlantique, ce qui montre des liens étroits entre les populations vivant au sein de ce territoire ; on considère ainsi, comme un modèle établi de longue date, que ces régions sont des aires de diffusion de la culture atlantique, en sous-entendant le fait qu’elles soient importatrices de produits finis venant des rivages de l’Atlantique et de la Manche. Cette contribution propose, à travers l’exposé d’analyses physicochimiques et morphologiques toutes récentes, une redéfinition du paysage culturel et de la production métallique entre la Manche et les Alpes. Dans ce nouveau modèle, plusieurs centres de production peuvent coexister au sein d’un même territoire défini par des liens forts existant entre ces centres, utilisant chacun de la matière première, des modèles d’objets et un savoir-faire spécifiques. Sans remettre en cause entièrement les modèles archéologiques classiques, ces récentes recherches proposent l’existence d’autres centres producteurs et d’autres systèmes d’approvisionnement et d’organisation que ceux généralement admis.

Research paper thumbnail of Applications de la photogrammétrie à la documentation de l'art rupestre, des chantiers de fouilles et du bâti - Missions du Musée d’Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco

Bulletin du Musée d'anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco, 2017

During his archaeological missions the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology tested the 3D modelling... more During his archaeological missions the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology tested the 3D modelling of several types of objects. His team chose the ‘Structure-from-Motion’ (SfM) method which works according the basic principle of stereoscopic photogrammetry, namely that 3D structure can be resolved from two or more overlapping, offset images. Most of other methods capable of surveying, at high resolution, often complex objects and landforms are very expensive and have a difficult portability. Using only a consumer-grade digital camera and a scale on the ground, the user moves through the environment, acquiring photographs of the area of interest from as many locations and perspectives as possible. Software is then used to reconstruct scene geometry. Results from example applications of the technique to engraving art, archaeological zone and architecture are presented. Such data are invaluable for the archaeological heritage inventory on difficult and remote field. To conclude, SfM output is directly compared with that obtained from a classic archaeological documentation.

Research paper thumbnail of Unsupervised model-based clustering for typological classification of Middle Bronze Age flanged axes

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2015

The classification of Western European flanged axes dating to the Middle Bronze Age (1650–1350 BC... more The classification of Western European flanged axes dating to the Middle Bronze Age (1650–1350 BC) is very complex. Many types of axe have been identified, some of which have numerous variant forms. In the current French terminology, all axes are divided into two generic groups: namely “Atlantic” (Atlantique) and “Eastern” (Orientale). Each of these generic groups, however, is highly polymorphic, so that it is often very difficult for the operator to classify individual axes with absolute confidence and certainty. In order to overcome such problems, a new shape classification is proposed, using morphometric analysis (Elliptic Fourier Analysis) followed by unsupervised model-based clustering and discriminant analysis, both based on Gaussian mixture modelling. Together, these methods produce a clearer pattern, which is independently validated by the spatial distribution of the findings, and multinomial scan statistics. This approach is fast, reproducible, and operator-independent, allowing artefacts of unknown membership to be classified rapidly. The method is designed to be amendable by the introduction of new artefacts, in the light of future discoveries. This method can be adapted to suit many other archaeological artefacts, providing information about the material, social and cultural relations of ancient populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Hrnčířské dílny ve Višňovém

WILCZEK, Josef. Hrnčířské dílny ve Višňovém. Pravěk NŘ, Ústav archeologické památkové péče Brno v.v.i., 2015, 22, p. 167-256. ISSN 1211-8338.

This paper deals with the Latène settlement which were found in 2005 in Višňové (Znojmo district)... more This paper deals with the Latène settlement which were found in 2005 in Višňové (Znojmo district). Three structures were excavated, two of them may be considered as a pottery workshops. Standard evaluation of ceramic pointed out to presence of several interesting phenomena related to the production of ceramic - frequent presence of traces caused by forming of vessels, “early state” of polishing, traces of string situated on bottoms, fingerprints, existence of an deformed vessel, etc. Instead of ceramic also others artefacts (iron brooches, weight balance, tweezers; glass bracelet and ring) and ecofacts (daub) were studied as well as residential, ritual (?) and especially production and food acquisition components.

Příspěvek vyhodnocuje část sídliště z doby laténské, jež bylo zachyceno v roce 2005 při záchranném výzkumu na katastru obce Višňové (okr. Znojmo). Archeologickým výzkumem byly zachyceny celkem tři objekty, z nichž dva lze považovat za hrnčířské dílny sloužící k výrobě keramiky. Standardním zhodnocením bylo poukázáno na výskyt několika zajímavých jevů souvisejících s výrobou keramiky – presence deformované nádoby, časté stopy po dotáčení, spirálovité kladení válečků, grafitování povrchu nádob, „započaté“ vhlazování a hlazení, stopy po struně na dnech nádob, otisky prstů, atd. Mimo keramiku byly vyhodnoceny i další artefakty (železné spony, závaží, pinzeta, skleněné náramky a prsten) a mazanice. Z komponent sídelních areálů byla, mimo rezidenční a rituální (?), věnována pozornost hlavně komponentě výrobní a komponentě získávání potravy.

Research paper thumbnail of Morphometrics of Second Iron Age ceramics - strengths, weaknesses, and comparison with traditional typology

Journal of Archaeological Science, 2014

Although the potential of geometric morphometrics for the study of archaeological artefacts is re... more Although the potential of geometric morphometrics for the study of archaeological artefacts is recognised, quantitative evaluations of the concordance between such methods and traditional typology are rare. The present work seeks to fill this gap, using as a case study a corpus of 154 complete ceramic vessels from the Bibracte oppidum (France), the capital of the Celtic tribe Aedui from the Second Iron Age. Two outline-based approaches were selected: the Elliptic Fourier Analysis and the Discrete Cosine Transform. They were combined with numerous methods of standardisation/normalisation. Although standardisations may use either perimeter or surface, the resulting morphospaces remain comparable, and, interestingly, are also comparable with the morphospace built from traditional typology. Geometric morphometrics also present the advantage of being easily implemented and automated for large sets of artefacts. The method is reproducible and provides quantitative estimates, such as mean shape, and shape diversity of ceramic assemblages, allowing objective inferences to be statistically tested. The approach can easily be generalised and adopted for other kinds of artefacts, to study the level of production standardisation and the evolution of shape over space and time, and to provide information about material and cultural exchanges.

Research paper thumbnail of Neřízené modely typologické klasifikace archeologických artefaktů

WILCZEK, Josef, Fabrice MONNA, Mareva GABILLOT, Nicolas NAVARRO, Lucille RUSCH a Carmela CHATEAU. Neřízené modely typologické klasifikace archeologických artefaktů. In Počítačová podpora v archeologii 13, Svratka (Česká republika). 2014. ISBN 978-80-87365-67-0.

Klasifikace seker s lištami datovanými do střední doby bronzové je velice složitá. V literatuře s... more Klasifikace seker s lištami datovanými do střední doby bronzové je velice složitá. V literatuře se lze setkat s obrovským množstvím různých typů seker, mnohé z nich se navíc skládají z řady variant. Například v současně uznávané francouzské terminologii jsou sekery s lištami prezentovány dvěma velkými skupinami: „atlantickými“ a „orientálními“ formami. Obě skupiny jsou nicméně velice polymorfní a často lze podle nich obtížně typologicky klasifikovat. Dokládá to například i fakt, že sekery typu Armorican tumuli (atlantická skupina) a Neyruz (orientální skupina), obě sestávající z celé řady variant, jsou si na první pohled vizuálně velice podobné. Tyto skutečnosti nicméně nebrání archeologům v interpretaci některých důležitých otázek; týkajících se například vlivu orientálního typu na atlantický a vice-versa. V prvé řadě jsme proto pomocí analýzy uzavřených kontur (Eliptická Fourierova Analýza) aplikované na siluety 268 seker testovali vhodnost stávajícího klasifikačního modelu. Jelikož tento model dobře nevysvětloval strukturování seker založené na tvarové podobnosti, navrhli jsme novou tvarovou klasifikaci za použití neřízených modelů shlukové analýzy a diskriminačních metod založených na Gaussovských modelech. Tato klasifikace byla následně validována pomocí prostorové distribuce nálezů za použití multinomiální skenovací statistiky. Poslední krok sestával z přiřazení jedinců s neznámým členstvím (sekery-ingoty) do jedné z nově vytvořených skupin.

The classification of flanged axes dated to the middle Bronze Age is very complex. Many types of axes exist, and most of them are composed by numerous variants. For example, in the recent and well-established French terminology, those axes are represented by two generic groups: namely “atlantic” and “oriental” forms. Both groups are nevertheless very polymorph so that it is often very difficult to classify the individuals. It can be illustrated for example by the fact that axes of armorican tumulus type (Atlantic group) and Neyruz type (Occidental group), both consisting of number of variants, are at the first sight visually very similar. Nevertheless, those facts do not prevent archaeologists from interpreting some important questions, for example those concerning the influences of oriental type on atlantic and vice-versa. At the first stage, we aimed at checking the pertinence of the current typology at the light of a morphometric analysis based on the treatment by a closed contour approach (Elliptic Fourier Analysis) of 268 axes. As the current typological model does not explain well the structuring of axes based on the shape similarity, we proposed a new formal classification, using an unsupervised clustering and discriminant methods based on the Gaussian mixture modelling. Once this step performed, we validated this classification via a spatial distribution of findings using a multinomial scan statistics. The final step consisted in introducing new individuals (axes-ingots) of unknown membership to attribute them to the one of the newly established groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Laténské sídliště v Blansku - "V Dílech"

WILCZEK, Josef. Laténské sídliště v Blansku - "V Dílech". Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. soc., Brno : Moravské zemské muzeum, Brno: Moravské zemské muzeum, 2013, roč. 98, č. 1, s. 75-108. ISSN 0323-0570.

Tento článek se zabývá vyhodnocením archeologického materiálu získaného během výzkumu v Blansku -... more Tento článek se zabývá vyhodnocením archeologického materiálu získaného během výzkumu v Blansku - "V Dílech". Hlavní důraz je kladen na analýzu keramických a dalších(kovových, skleněných a kamenných) artefaktů vyzvednutých jak ze zahloubených objektů, tak z kulturní vrstvy. Nálezy některých typů keramiky v Blansku ukazují velmi silný vztah k současnému sídlišti v Bořitově, jež bylo důležitým ekonomickým a komerčním centrem v regionu. Mimo laténského osídlení byly na lokalitě doloženy další dvě fáze osídlení - poukazující nepřímo na problematickou dataci archeologických zahloubených objektů bez toho, aniž by byly v potaz brány nálezy z kulturní vrstvy.

This paper deals with the analysis of archaeological material obtained during a research in Blansko - "V Dílech". The main focus is put on analyzing the ceramic and other (metallic, glass and stone) artifacts brought up from sunken structures as well as from the "cultural layer". The occurrence of certain types of ceramic findings in Blansko shows a very strong relationship to the contemporary settlement of Boritov, which was an important economic and commercial center of the region. Besides the late Latene period, another two phases of settlement at the site were proven - indirectly showing the problematic chronological association of archaeological structures and the need for excavating not only the sunken structures but also the "cultural layer".

Research paper thumbnail of Morfometrie keramiky mladší doby železné - výhody, nevýhody a porovnání s tradiční typologií

WILCZEK, Josef, Fabrice MONNA, Nicolas NAVARRO, Philippe BARRAL, Laure BURLET a Carmela CHATEAU. Morfometrie keramiky mladší doby železné - výhody, nevýhody a porovnání s tradiční typologií. In Počítačová podpora v archeologii 12, Kočovce (Slovenská republika). 2013. ISBN 978-80-223-3396-2.

Tato prezentace představuje kvantitativní určení konkordance mezi morfometrickými metodami a trad... more Tato prezentace představuje kvantitativní určení konkordance mezi morfometrickými metodami a tradiční typologií. Jako case study byl zvolen soubor 154 kompletně dochovaných keramických nádob z oppida Bibracte ve Francii. Byly zvoleny dvě metody založené na analýze kontur: eliptická Fourierova analýza a diskrétní kosinová transformace. Byly kombinovány několika standardizačními a normalizačními technikami. Tento přístup může být jednoduše generalizován a jednoduše aplikován na jakýkoliv druh archeologických artefaktů za účelem studia standardizace produkce a vývoje tvaru artefaktů v čase a prostoru stejně jako ke studiu materiálních a kulturních vztahů.

This presentation presents the quantitative evaluation of the concordance between morphometrical methods and traditional typology, with a corpus of 154 complete ceramic vessels from the Bibracte oppidum, France, used as a case study. Two outline-based approaches were selected: the Elliptic Fourier Analysis and the Discrete Cosine Transform. They were combined with numerous methods of standardisation/normalisation. The approach described here can easily be generalised and adopted for other kinds of artefacts, to study the level of production standardisation and the evolution of shape over space and time, and to provide information about material and cultural exchanges.

Research paper thumbnail of Hrnčířské dílny ve Višňové v kontextu laténského osídlení povodí řeky Jevišovky

Research paper thumbnail of Laténské sídliště v Blansku-" V Dílech

Research paper thumbnail of Pré-Actes - Rencontres doctorales de l'EEPB 2015

Research paper thumbnail of DACORD - Computer-Assisted Drawing of Archaeological Pottery (the CADAPtable system)

MORPH2017: A Conference on the Archaeological Application of Geometric Morphometrics (4th-5th May 2017 Hosted and organised by the Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Aarhus University)

The DACORD functional system orients and draws archaeological pottery, based on 3D model geometry... more The DACORD functional system orients and draws archaeological pottery, based on 3D model geometry, using modern mathematical, graphical, optimization methods. The orientation workflow combines existing approaches (normal vectors, horizontal/vertical sections, etc.) with new methods, to segment fragments (external and internal surfaces), and to erase parts that provide no information about the rotational axis (fractures, plastic decoration, etc.). Archaeological illustrations adapted to most norms and standards of pottery drawings can then be produced from these correctly oriented models. All pottery orientation and drawing methods are implemented in DACORD software, developed in R. The DACORD system thus represents a new optimized solution for archaeology.

Research paper thumbnail of L'habitat laténien de Višňové

La fouille effectuée entre 2005 et 2006 par les chercheurs d’ÚAPP Brno a mis au jour trois struct... more La fouille effectuée entre 2005 et 2006 par les chercheurs d’ÚAPP Brno a mis au jour trois structures du second âge du Fer. Deux d’entre elles, datées à LT C2-D1 (J502, J504), ont servi d’ateliers de production de céramiques.
Cela est attesté par la présence de graphite moulu trouvé dans le fond des structures. La présence de fragments de graphite non transformé, d’un bol déformé et de tessons de céramique avec du graphite (61,8 %) sont également des indicateurs indirects de la fabrication sur place.
Le site était auparavant connu dans la littérature comme un centre de production céramique sans vraiment connaitre le spectre des vases produits sur le lieu. Le but de cette étude était ainsi de définir le spectre morpho-typologique des vases fabriqués dans Višňové et de déterminer, par des analyses pétrographiques et minéralogiques, si la composition des pâtes correspondait aux ressources naturelles trouvées dans les alentours du site. Les processus taphonomiques du comblement de deux structures ont été étudiés par la suite pour déterminer la nature du dépôt.

Research paper thumbnail of Rencontres doctorales archéologiques de l’Ecole Européenne de Protohistoire de Bibracte (28 to 30 April 2015)

This doctoral meeting organized in part of the European School of Protohistory of Bibracte (EEPB ... more This doctoral meeting organized in part of the European School of Protohistory of Bibracte (EEPB in french) has for ambition to create contacts between the European’s PhD Students and post-PhD students working on the Iron Age. This project pursues the work of the « Colloque des Jeunes Chercheurs en Archéologie Celtique » organized in 2005 at Bibracte at the occasion of the creation of the EEPB. It aims to facilitate the discussion around interdisciplinary problematic, in different geographical and cultural contexts.

Research paper thumbnail of Ière Rencontres Doctorales de l'EEPB (Bibracte 2015) - Programme et résumés

by Anna Cannot, Thibault Le Cozanet, Josef Wilczek, Lindsey Büster, Thomas Hutin, Johnny Horn, Clara Filet, Rémy Wassong, Andrea Fochesato, Chloé Belard, David Brönnimann, Émilie Vannier-Aubazac, Christoph Baur, Scott Stetkiewicz, Przemysław Harasim, Steeve GENTNER, Katrin Ludwig, Asja Tonc, Franziska Faupel, Clément Bellamy, Mathilde VILLETTE, Guillaume Reich, Imke Westhausen, Zoran Čučković, Clémentine BARBAU, Quentin Sueur, Célia Basset, Thimo Jacob Brestel, Pauline Nuviala, Marie Philippe, Florine Sarry, Marine Lechenault, Aurélia Feugnet, Pierre-Antoine Lamy, Nicolas Delferrière, Simon Trixl, solazzo rita, and Șoni Roxana Morteanu

Research paper thumbnail of IIe Rencontres Doctorales de l'EEPB - Programme et résumés

Research paper thumbnail of Interdisciplinarité et nouvelles approches dans les recherches sur l’âge du Fer

Wilczek, J. Cannot, A. Le Cozanet, T. Remy, J. (eds.), 2018. Interdisciplinarité et nouvelles approaches dans les recherches sur l'âge du Fer. Dissertationes archaeologicae Brunenses/Pragensesque - Supplementum IV. Masarykova univerzita, Brno., 2018

This publication presents contributions from the international doctoral scientific conference of ... more This publication presents contributions from the international doctoral scientific conference of l’École Européenne de Protohistoire de Bibracte, “Interdisciplinarity and New Approaches in Research on the Iron Age”, organized in collaboration between Masaryk University (Brno), Université de Bourgogne (Dijon), and Université François-Rabelais (Tours), held at the Celtic oppidum of Bibracte (France) in 2015. The meeting, attended by over fifty young scientists from thirteen European countries, aimed to introduce and discuss innovative, interdisciplinary, epistemological topics related to research on the Iron Age at a wider European scale.

La publication présente les contributions à la conférence scientifique doctorale internationale de l’École Européenne de Protohistoire de Bibracte, intitulée « Interdisciplinarité et nouvelles approches dans la recherche sur l’âge du Fer », organisée en collaboration avec l’Université Masaryk (Brno), l’Université de Bourgogne (Dijon) et l’Université François-Rabelais (Tours), et tenue à l’oppidum celtique de Bibracte (France) en 2015. Les Rencontres, qui ont réunies plus de cinquante jeunes chercheurs de treize pays européens, avaient pour but d’introduire et de discuter des sujets innovants, interdisciplinaires et épistémologiques liés à la recherche sur l’âge du Fer à l’échelle européenne.

Research paper thumbnail of Discrimination of wheel-thrown pottery surface treatment by Deep Learning

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2022

The study of pottery surface treatment is essential to understand techniques used by ancient pott... more The study of pottery surface treatment is essential to understand techniques used by ancient potters, in order to explore the cultural and economic organisation of past societies. Pottery is one of the most abundant materials found in archaeological excavation, yet classification of pottery surface treatments remains challenging. The goal of this study is to propose a workflow to classify pottery surface treatments automatically, based on the extraction of images depicting surface geometry, calculated from 3D models. These images are then classified by Deep Learning. Three Convolutional Neural Network algorithms (VGG16 and VGG19 transfer learning, and a custom network) are quantitatively evaluated on an experimental dataset of 48 wheel-thrown vessels, created by a professional potter specifically for this study. To demonstrate workflow feasibility, six different surface treatments were applied to each vessel. Results obtained for all three classifiers (accuracy of 93 to 95%) surpass other state-of-the-art quantitative approaches proposed for pottery classification. The workflow is able to take into account the entire surface of the pottery, not only a pre-selected spatially limited area.