Muhammad Fachrurrazy | IAIN palopo (original) (raw)
Papers by Muhammad Fachrurrazy
Deleted Journal, Dec 19, 2021
The phenomenon of unmanaged and poorly managed waqf assets has become a polemic for neglect, swit... more The phenomenon of unmanaged and poorly managed waqf assets has become a polemic for neglect, switching and even changing ownership in a way that is against the law. If the waqf assets are managed and productively used as collateral for productive credit, the benefits of the waqf will be in accordance with their designation. However, what often happens is that waqf assets are taken over in ways that are tyrannical and against the law. The purpose and objective of this research is to analyze the benefits of waqf assets which are used as collateral for a debt loan with the aim that these waqf assets can be productive in terms of both Islamic law and positive law. The method of this research is normative juridical with an Islamic law study approach as a study material to analyze existing regulatory norms on empirical phenomena through qualitative analysis methods. The results of this study are in terms of aspects of Islamic law in accordance with empirical phenomena (Desa Bangun Jaya and DKI Jakarta) allowing the benefits of waqf property to be productive, either transferred to something more useful or used as a guarantee for financing a business/productive activity by referring to the views of the school of thought. Maliki whose ijtihad is that waqf can be justified. If we refer to the positive legal rules that apply in Indonesia through Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning Waqf, the designation of waqf must follow the time it was pledged, it is not possible to be transferred, pledged, sold, or even given away.
Asnaf, Dec 28, 2023
Purpose-This research was conducted to determine the level of suitability and implementation of t... more Purpose-This research was conducted to determine the level of suitability and implementation of the collection of professional zakat funds for the Civil Servants (ASN) in increasing muzzaki awareness. Method-This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach with primary and secondary data. Data collection methods used were observation, interviews and documentation. The informants for this research were two people from Baitul Mal Aceh Tamiang and from the BPKD, while the respondents were three people who had the status of muzakki at Baitul Mal Aceh Tamiang. The criteria for informants are that they are registered as official government amil and from the community perspective are mustahik who have received zakat Results-The results of the research show that the collection of professional zakat funds has not been fully effective because funds are collected through 2 ASN criteria, namely Active ASN and Passive ASN, there are still obstacles in Passive ASN which are still less aware of paying zakat, thus having a big impact in increasing awareness of muzakki paying zakat profession. Practical Implication-As a practical implication, the results of this research can be used as a reference to better understand the attitudes and regulations that must be taken to create new policies such as the use of digital advertising media to promote zakat to the public
Al-Bayyinah/Al Bayyinah, Dec 3, 2023 disebabkan oleh berbagai hal, data yang menggambarkan faktor... more disebabkan oleh berbagai hal, data yang menggambarkan faktor keluarga, faktor ekonomi, dan faktor adat merupakan aspek yang paling mempengaruhi seseorang menikah di usia dini. Kontribusi penelitian ini terletak pada sinkronisasi antara peraturan perundang-undangan, pertimbangan hakim, dan putusan perkara terkait dispensasi perkawinan untuk menemukan keselarasan antara norma hukum dan realitas sosial.
Al-Amwal : journal of islamic economic law, Mar 29, 2023
Islamic banking from year to year continues to experience very rapid growth. However, its market ... more Islamic banking from year to year continues to experience very rapid growth. However, its market share is still very small. Because there are still many Muslim citizens who prefer conventional banks to Islamic banks. The purpose of this study is to understand the comparison of the interest in saving in RT 03 Perum BRP society in Islamic banks and conventional banks. In this study, the methodology used is a qualitative method with sampling using the point of view that is distributed to the respondents. The population in this study was the community of RT 03 Perum BRP, totaling 149 people, while the research sample taken was 47 people. The research shows that the public interest in RT 03 Perum BRP towards conventional banks is still quite high compared to Islamic banks. The cause of this is due to external factors in the form of rules from the company or office as a condition for taking employee salaries.
Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah AICONOMIA, Dec 3, 2023
This research aims to provide an overview of the application of fines for late payment of financi... more This research aims to provide an overview of the application of fines for late payment of financing instalments. how to apply fines for late payment of sharia financing installments from the description of existing cases and the effectiveness of Sharia Economic Law on its application. fines imposed by Financial Institutions (PT. DANA MONETER BPRS Cab. Palopo). The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive data analysis method. The type and approach is empirical and the case study approach is to see how the law works (juridical empirical). Secondary data reports, several financing financial reports are used as data material in this research. collecting information from research informants, namely the BPRS Monetary Fund, using observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show that: the practice of applying mulct/fines to debtors who experience delays in paying financing installments at PT. The BPRS Palopo Branch Monetary Fund is. The results obtained by field researchers and informants were that the application of fines gave consumers who could afford it but deliberately delayed payments, but in fact PT. The BPRS Monetary Fund does not include additional customer installment fees, because the fines referred to here are only used as a warning DSN-MUI fatwa (number 17/DSN-MUI/IX/2000). Regarding the permissibility of fines, the Bank has strengthened the method of applying fines to customers. Sharia Economic Law perspective on the application of fines to PT. The BPRS Monetary Fund is based on the provisions of the Sharia Economic Law Collection (KHES) regarding sanctions against someone who breaks a promise, and because of his mistakes (articles 36 and 38) the sharia economic compilation mulct application is only aimed at customers. who have problems or are able to pay but deliberately delay payment.. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Pendahuluan Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah Dana Moneter disingkat BPRS Dana Moneter adalah bank yang menjalankan kegiatan usahanya dengan mengumpulkan dana dari masyarakat dalam bentuk simpanan (tabungan dan deposito berjangka) dan menyalurkannya kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk pembiayaan. Hal ini merupakan fungsi dan peran lembaga keuangan syariah dalam mengembangkan perekonomian Indonesia sesuai dengan prinsip syariah.
Al-Amwal : Journal of Islamic Economic Law
This research aims to analyze the form of legal protection for customers who suffer losses due to... more This research aims to analyze the form of legal protection for customers who suffer losses due to fraudulent funds in the capital market, the role and efforts of the Financial Services Authority in protecting customers in the capital market, and how Sharia economic law reviews in resolving disputes in the capital market.This type of research is normative legal research through a juridical approach which is carried out by examining various legal rules such as in Laws and Regulations No. 8 of 1995 concerning Capital Markets in Chapter X I concerning fraud, market manipulation and insider trading, as well as cases related to the capital market, namely the case of PT Sarijaya Permana Sekuritas. Related to dispute resolution in Islamic law explained in the Al-Quran surah Saad verse 26 Data collection techniques using Library Research techniques (literature study), namely a data collection technique that collects legal materials obtained from various sources such as books, journals, and ...
Al-Amwal : Journal of Islamic Economic Law
Artikel ini memiliki tujuan mendeksripsikan mekanisme perbankan syariah, konsep maqasid syariah d... more Artikel ini memiliki tujuan mendeksripsikan mekanisme perbankan syariah, konsep maqasid syariah dan implementasi maqasid syariah pada perbankan syariah. Kajian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian perpustakaan (library research). Di mana sumber data utama dikaji dari berbagai sumber relavan dengan tema kajian baik dari jurnal ilmiah, buku dan berbagai sumber lain yang mendukung. Kajian penelitian mengungkapakan bahwa Perbankan syariah dalam menjalankana kegiatan bisnis syariah mengaju pada ketentuan undang-undang perbankan syariah Pasal 1 ayat 20-25 dan ayat 28, terkait tentang Simpanan, Pembiayaan, dan jasa yang ditawarkan perbankan syariah. Selain itu perbankan syariah juga menerima dan mengelola dana zakat, infaq dan sedekah, hibah dan wakaf. Konsep maqasid syariah yaitu mengaju pada kemaslahatan sebagaimana tujuan syariat itu sendiri, Imam Syatibi merumuskan konsep maqasid menjadi tiga yaitu, yaitu: Dharuriyat, Hajiyat dan Tahsiniyat. sementara konsep maqasid syar...
AL-FALAH : Journal of Islamic Economics
Purpose: This study was to identify and analyze digital-based productive waqf management procedur... more Purpose: This study was to identify and analyze digital-based productive waqf management procedures according to existing regulations for the development of productive waqf in Islamic boarding schools in Palopo City.Design/Method/Approach: This research uses empirical and qualitative descriptive research as the method; the approach of this research is a case study. The subjects/informants of this research are elements of leadership and management at Datuk Sulaiman Islamic Boarding School and Muhammadyah Boarding School by means of observation, interviews, and documentation as the core analysis of research data.Findings: The result of this research is that Datuk Sulaiman Islamic Boarding School (PMDS) and Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School have great potential to realize an economic movement and independence with the concept of productive waqf in Islamic boarding schools. Supporting the management and optimization of existing (traditional) waqf by using productive waqf instruments ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Technology-based financial innovation has an important role to develop national economic, regulat... more Technology-based financial innovation has an important role to develop national economic, regulatory and surveillance controls haven"t completely protected against legal and illegal fintech breaches. This study aims to analyze government policies in monitoring and providing legal protection against conflict in fintech and sharia violations. Research show fintech arrangements and surveillance are currently on financial service authority (POJK) and Indonesian"s central bank regulations (PBI) as the main regulator, and then the Fatwa DSN-MUI and the council governors rule (PADG BI) as the fan regulator. Fintech surveillance regulations are currently not running optimal because current surveillance was applied to a pre-operational stage due to regulations and oversight barriers.
AL-SYAKHSHIYYAH Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam dan Kemanusiaan
Technology-based financial innovation has an important role to develop national economic, regulat... more Technology-based financial innovation has an important role to develop national economic, regulatory and surveillance controls haven"t completely protected against legal and illegal fintech breaches. This study aims to analyze government policies in monitoring and providing legal protection against conflict in fintech and sharia violations. Research show fintech arrangements and surveillance are currently on financial service authority (POJK) and Indonesian"s central bank regulations (PBI) as the main regulator, and then the Fatwa DSN-MUI and the council governors rule (PADG BI) as the fan regulator. Fintech surveillance regulations are currently not running optimal because current surveillance was applied to a pre-operational stage due to regulations and oversight barriers.
AL-SYAKHSHIYYAH Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam dan Kemanusiaan, 2020
Technology-based financial innovation has an important role to develop national economic, regulat... more Technology-based financial innovation has an important role to develop national economic, regulatory and surveillance controls haven"t completely protected against legal and illegal fintech breaches. This study aims to analyze government policies in monitoring and providing legal protection against conflict in fintech and sharia violations. Research show fintech arrangements and surveillance are currently on financial service authority (POJK) and Indonesian"s central bank regulations (PBI) as the main regulator, and then the Fatwa DSN-MUI and the council governors rule (PADG BI) as the fan regulator. Fintech surveillance regulations are currently not running optimal because current surveillance was applied to a pre-operational stage due to regulations and oversight barriers.
Deleted Journal, Dec 19, 2021
The phenomenon of unmanaged and poorly managed waqf assets has become a polemic for neglect, swit... more The phenomenon of unmanaged and poorly managed waqf assets has become a polemic for neglect, switching and even changing ownership in a way that is against the law. If the waqf assets are managed and productively used as collateral for productive credit, the benefits of the waqf will be in accordance with their designation. However, what often happens is that waqf assets are taken over in ways that are tyrannical and against the law. The purpose and objective of this research is to analyze the benefits of waqf assets which are used as collateral for a debt loan with the aim that these waqf assets can be productive in terms of both Islamic law and positive law. The method of this research is normative juridical with an Islamic law study approach as a study material to analyze existing regulatory norms on empirical phenomena through qualitative analysis methods. The results of this study are in terms of aspects of Islamic law in accordance with empirical phenomena (Desa Bangun Jaya and DKI Jakarta) allowing the benefits of waqf property to be productive, either transferred to something more useful or used as a guarantee for financing a business/productive activity by referring to the views of the school of thought. Maliki whose ijtihad is that waqf can be justified. If we refer to the positive legal rules that apply in Indonesia through Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning Waqf, the designation of waqf must follow the time it was pledged, it is not possible to be transferred, pledged, sold, or even given away.
Asnaf, Dec 28, 2023
Purpose-This research was conducted to determine the level of suitability and implementation of t... more Purpose-This research was conducted to determine the level of suitability and implementation of the collection of professional zakat funds for the Civil Servants (ASN) in increasing muzzaki awareness. Method-This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach with primary and secondary data. Data collection methods used were observation, interviews and documentation. The informants for this research were two people from Baitul Mal Aceh Tamiang and from the BPKD, while the respondents were three people who had the status of muzakki at Baitul Mal Aceh Tamiang. The criteria for informants are that they are registered as official government amil and from the community perspective are mustahik who have received zakat Results-The results of the research show that the collection of professional zakat funds has not been fully effective because funds are collected through 2 ASN criteria, namely Active ASN and Passive ASN, there are still obstacles in Passive ASN which are still less aware of paying zakat, thus having a big impact in increasing awareness of muzakki paying zakat profession. Practical Implication-As a practical implication, the results of this research can be used as a reference to better understand the attitudes and regulations that must be taken to create new policies such as the use of digital advertising media to promote zakat to the public
Al-Bayyinah/Al Bayyinah, Dec 3, 2023 disebabkan oleh berbagai hal, data yang menggambarkan faktor... more disebabkan oleh berbagai hal, data yang menggambarkan faktor keluarga, faktor ekonomi, dan faktor adat merupakan aspek yang paling mempengaruhi seseorang menikah di usia dini. Kontribusi penelitian ini terletak pada sinkronisasi antara peraturan perundang-undangan, pertimbangan hakim, dan putusan perkara terkait dispensasi perkawinan untuk menemukan keselarasan antara norma hukum dan realitas sosial.
Al-Amwal : journal of islamic economic law, Mar 29, 2023
Islamic banking from year to year continues to experience very rapid growth. However, its market ... more Islamic banking from year to year continues to experience very rapid growth. However, its market share is still very small. Because there are still many Muslim citizens who prefer conventional banks to Islamic banks. The purpose of this study is to understand the comparison of the interest in saving in RT 03 Perum BRP society in Islamic banks and conventional banks. In this study, the methodology used is a qualitative method with sampling using the point of view that is distributed to the respondents. The population in this study was the community of RT 03 Perum BRP, totaling 149 people, while the research sample taken was 47 people. The research shows that the public interest in RT 03 Perum BRP towards conventional banks is still quite high compared to Islamic banks. The cause of this is due to external factors in the form of rules from the company or office as a condition for taking employee salaries.
Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah AICONOMIA, Dec 3, 2023
This research aims to provide an overview of the application of fines for late payment of financi... more This research aims to provide an overview of the application of fines for late payment of financing instalments. how to apply fines for late payment of sharia financing installments from the description of existing cases and the effectiveness of Sharia Economic Law on its application. fines imposed by Financial Institutions (PT. DANA MONETER BPRS Cab. Palopo). The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive data analysis method. The type and approach is empirical and the case study approach is to see how the law works (juridical empirical). Secondary data reports, several financing financial reports are used as data material in this research. collecting information from research informants, namely the BPRS Monetary Fund, using observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show that: the practice of applying mulct/fines to debtors who experience delays in paying financing installments at PT. The BPRS Palopo Branch Monetary Fund is. The results obtained by field researchers and informants were that the application of fines gave consumers who could afford it but deliberately delayed payments, but in fact PT. The BPRS Monetary Fund does not include additional customer installment fees, because the fines referred to here are only used as a warning DSN-MUI fatwa (number 17/DSN-MUI/IX/2000). Regarding the permissibility of fines, the Bank has strengthened the method of applying fines to customers. Sharia Economic Law perspective on the application of fines to PT. The BPRS Monetary Fund is based on the provisions of the Sharia Economic Law Collection (KHES) regarding sanctions against someone who breaks a promise, and because of his mistakes (articles 36 and 38) the sharia economic compilation mulct application is only aimed at customers. who have problems or are able to pay but deliberately delay payment.. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Pendahuluan Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah Dana Moneter disingkat BPRS Dana Moneter adalah bank yang menjalankan kegiatan usahanya dengan mengumpulkan dana dari masyarakat dalam bentuk simpanan (tabungan dan deposito berjangka) dan menyalurkannya kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk pembiayaan. Hal ini merupakan fungsi dan peran lembaga keuangan syariah dalam mengembangkan perekonomian Indonesia sesuai dengan prinsip syariah.
Al-Amwal : Journal of Islamic Economic Law
This research aims to analyze the form of legal protection for customers who suffer losses due to... more This research aims to analyze the form of legal protection for customers who suffer losses due to fraudulent funds in the capital market, the role and efforts of the Financial Services Authority in protecting customers in the capital market, and how Sharia economic law reviews in resolving disputes in the capital market.This type of research is normative legal research through a juridical approach which is carried out by examining various legal rules such as in Laws and Regulations No. 8 of 1995 concerning Capital Markets in Chapter X I concerning fraud, market manipulation and insider trading, as well as cases related to the capital market, namely the case of PT Sarijaya Permana Sekuritas. Related to dispute resolution in Islamic law explained in the Al-Quran surah Saad verse 26 Data collection techniques using Library Research techniques (literature study), namely a data collection technique that collects legal materials obtained from various sources such as books, journals, and ...
Al-Amwal : Journal of Islamic Economic Law
Artikel ini memiliki tujuan mendeksripsikan mekanisme perbankan syariah, konsep maqasid syariah d... more Artikel ini memiliki tujuan mendeksripsikan mekanisme perbankan syariah, konsep maqasid syariah dan implementasi maqasid syariah pada perbankan syariah. Kajian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian perpustakaan (library research). Di mana sumber data utama dikaji dari berbagai sumber relavan dengan tema kajian baik dari jurnal ilmiah, buku dan berbagai sumber lain yang mendukung. Kajian penelitian mengungkapakan bahwa Perbankan syariah dalam menjalankana kegiatan bisnis syariah mengaju pada ketentuan undang-undang perbankan syariah Pasal 1 ayat 20-25 dan ayat 28, terkait tentang Simpanan, Pembiayaan, dan jasa yang ditawarkan perbankan syariah. Selain itu perbankan syariah juga menerima dan mengelola dana zakat, infaq dan sedekah, hibah dan wakaf. Konsep maqasid syariah yaitu mengaju pada kemaslahatan sebagaimana tujuan syariat itu sendiri, Imam Syatibi merumuskan konsep maqasid menjadi tiga yaitu, yaitu: Dharuriyat, Hajiyat dan Tahsiniyat. sementara konsep maqasid syar...
AL-FALAH : Journal of Islamic Economics
Purpose: This study was to identify and analyze digital-based productive waqf management procedur... more Purpose: This study was to identify and analyze digital-based productive waqf management procedures according to existing regulations for the development of productive waqf in Islamic boarding schools in Palopo City.Design/Method/Approach: This research uses empirical and qualitative descriptive research as the method; the approach of this research is a case study. The subjects/informants of this research are elements of leadership and management at Datuk Sulaiman Islamic Boarding School and Muhammadyah Boarding School by means of observation, interviews, and documentation as the core analysis of research data.Findings: The result of this research is that Datuk Sulaiman Islamic Boarding School (PMDS) and Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School have great potential to realize an economic movement and independence with the concept of productive waqf in Islamic boarding schools. Supporting the management and optimization of existing (traditional) waqf by using productive waqf instruments ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Technology-based financial innovation has an important role to develop national economic, regulat... more Technology-based financial innovation has an important role to develop national economic, regulatory and surveillance controls haven"t completely protected against legal and illegal fintech breaches. This study aims to analyze government policies in monitoring and providing legal protection against conflict in fintech and sharia violations. Research show fintech arrangements and surveillance are currently on financial service authority (POJK) and Indonesian"s central bank regulations (PBI) as the main regulator, and then the Fatwa DSN-MUI and the council governors rule (PADG BI) as the fan regulator. Fintech surveillance regulations are currently not running optimal because current surveillance was applied to a pre-operational stage due to regulations and oversight barriers.
AL-SYAKHSHIYYAH Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam dan Kemanusiaan
Technology-based financial innovation has an important role to develop national economic, regulat... more Technology-based financial innovation has an important role to develop national economic, regulatory and surveillance controls haven"t completely protected against legal and illegal fintech breaches. This study aims to analyze government policies in monitoring and providing legal protection against conflict in fintech and sharia violations. Research show fintech arrangements and surveillance are currently on financial service authority (POJK) and Indonesian"s central bank regulations (PBI) as the main regulator, and then the Fatwa DSN-MUI and the council governors rule (PADG BI) as the fan regulator. Fintech surveillance regulations are currently not running optimal because current surveillance was applied to a pre-operational stage due to regulations and oversight barriers.
AL-SYAKHSHIYYAH Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam dan Kemanusiaan, 2020
Technology-based financial innovation has an important role to develop national economic, regulat... more Technology-based financial innovation has an important role to develop national economic, regulatory and surveillance controls haven"t completely protected against legal and illegal fintech breaches. This study aims to analyze government policies in monitoring and providing legal protection against conflict in fintech and sharia violations. Research show fintech arrangements and surveillance are currently on financial service authority (POJK) and Indonesian"s central bank regulations (PBI) as the main regulator, and then the Fatwa DSN-MUI and the council governors rule (PADG BI) as the fan regulator. Fintech surveillance regulations are currently not running optimal because current surveillance was applied to a pre-operational stage due to regulations and oversight barriers.