Acai Sudirman | STIE SULTAN AGUNG PEMATANGSIANTAR (original) (raw)

Papers by Acai Sudirman

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Employee Engagement with Transformational Leadership and Organizational Climate as Predictors

International Journal of Social Science And Human Research, 2023

Employees who have a high level of work engagement will show their best performance; this is beca... more Employees who have a high level of work engagement will show their best performance; this is because these employees enjoy the work they do. When employees are attached to a company, employees have an awareness of the business. The main objective of this research is to analyze the influence of transformational leadership and organizational climate on employee engagement. The research methods include library and field research designs with a quantitative approach. The number of samples analyzed was 140 employees. This study uses a research instrument test consisting of validity and reliability tests. The quantitative analysis consists of a normality test, regression test, hypothesis test, correlation test, and coefficient of determination. The results of the data analysis conclude that transformational leadership, organizational climate, and employee engagement positively and significantly influence innovative work behavior. The results of further research confirm that transformational leadership and organizational climate significantly affect employee engagement. The research conclusion states that by combining transformational leadership and a positive organizational climate, organizations can create an environment where employees feel encouraged to give their best and feel that their contributions positively impact the organization's success. High employee engagement contributes to better productivity, retention, and continued organizational success.

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Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis

Achieving sustainable competitive advantage will be successful for those with competence, namely ... more Achieving sustainable competitive advantage will be successful for those with competence, namely someone with the knowledge, skills, and qualities of people that include actions, incentives, points, and sales actions needed to carry out a profession or activity. Achieving a sustainable competitive advantage requires the hard work of every SME actor. To face increasingly complex product competition requires a touch of entrepreneurial orientation, the adoption of qualified information technology, and the ability to apply a culture of innovation in every line of business. This study aims to analyze and examine the effect of entrepreneurial orientation, information technology adoption, and innovation culture on the sustainable competitive advantage of SMEs in Pematangsiantar City. This study uses a causal quantitative research design. The number of samples used in this study was 170 SME business actors. The data analysis method used is Partial Least Square (PLS). The data analysis test ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing Business Performance from Human Capital and Social Capital with Competitive Advantage as Mediating Variable

International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research

The development of technology, information, and the internet is growing rapidly and massively in ... more The development of technology, information, and the internet is growing rapidly and massively in various business sectors, including SMEs, which has created new changes. This situation certainly provides opportunities and challenges for every business actor. This study analyzes the effect of human capital, social capital, customer capital, and technological innovation on business performance. This study's research method includes library and field research design with a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. This study used 180 samples of small and medium business actors with convenience sampling. The data analysis method used is Partial Least Square (PLS). Findings. The study's results found that human capital positively and significantly affects business performance. Then social capital has a positive and significant effect on business performance. The results of this study also confirm that the c...

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Research paper thumbnail of Path Analysis of Economic Growth and Government Spending on Education Impact on the Human Development Index in Indonesia

Valid: Jurnal Ilmiah

Economic development is determined by many factors, for example by the state of natural resources... more Economic development is determined by many factors, for example by the state of natural resources, human resource capabilities, and technology. Many countries are expanding references to political-economic development that still focus on the availability of their natural resources. Experience in some developed countries such as Japan and Singapore shows that the availability of natural resources is in fact not a dominant factor in political-economic development. Countries with limited natural resources have, it turns out to have a comparative advantage in the field of human resources and technology. The development of human resources needs to get dominant attention due to the limitations of its natural resources. The responsibility for development lies with the community and the government.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Effect of Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, and Lifestyle Compatibility on Behavioral Intention QRIS in Indonesia

International Journal of Scientific Research and Management

The important objective of this study is to analyze the effect of performance expectancy, effort ... more The important objective of this study is to analyze the effect of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and lifestyle compatibility on behavioral intention toward QRIS in Indonesia. The data collected in this study are quantitative data using a quantitative approach. The population in this study is MSME actors in Indonesia, and the sample obtained using the convenience sampling method was as many as 140. Data analysis used instrument tests, normality tests, regression tests, hypothesis tests, correlation tests, and the coefficient of determination. The results showed that performance expectancy and lifestyle compatibility positively and significantly affected behavioral intention. At the same time, the other results show that effort expectancy has a positive but insignificant effect on behavioral intention. The study's conclusion confirms that to increase the enthusiasm of MSME actors to use QRIS as an alternative to non-cash payments, the government and relevant stakeholde...

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Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Behavior in Adopting Application-Based Transportation Services

International Journal of Global Optimization and Its Application

With the rapid development and use of information technology in various fields, who can say that ... more With the rapid development and use of information technology in various fields, who can say that information technology is the main pillar that provides added value to society in the development process towards a developed nation? Moreover, information technology has entered all fields or sectors, especially transportation. One transportation service that takes advantage of the speed of access to information is the JAKET application-based transportation. The urgency of this study is to determine the level of acceptance of consumer technology in adopting JAKET application-based transportation services using the UTAUT 2 model approach. The sample used in this study was 120 respondents who used the JAKET application. The data collection process will be carried out from January to February 2021. The data collection used a survey with 33 question constructs, summarized in eight manifest variables. This study uses Structural Equation Modeling with a variance-based or component-based appro...

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors Affecting Generation-Y Employee Engagement During a Pandemic: A Study from the Private Sector in Indonesia

KnE Social Sciences

It is important to assess the relationship between employees and the company they work for in ord... more It is important to assess the relationship between employees and the company they work for in order to build trust between both parties. This can lead to an increase in employee productivity. This study aimed to determine the effect of organizational trust, personal resources and work-life balance on employee engagement. The sample used in this study were workers belonging to Generation-Y with 190 respondents using a purposive sampling. Data collection was done through an online questionnaire. The SPSS application was used to analyze the data through research instrument testing with validity and reliability tests, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing. It is concluded that organizational trust, personal resources, and work-life balance have a significant effect on employee engagement. Keywords: organizational trust, personal resource, work-life balance, employee engagement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Meninjau Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Peran Entrepreneurial Orientation, Knowledge Management, Dan Marketing Innovation


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Research paper thumbnail of Raising the Tourism Industry as an Economic Driver Post COVID-19

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of Intention to Use the TikTok Application among Generation Z

Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya

The urgency of the study is to analyze the effect of perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, ... more The urgency of the study is to analyze the effect of perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, and facilitating conditions on the intention to use the TikTok application service in the generation Z group in Indonesia. This research instrument uses an online questionnaire distributed to 210 respondents who are none other than users of the TikTok application from the generation Z group. Next, the researchers tested the hypothesis using a variant-based Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) called Partial Least Square (PLS) and the SmartPLS version of the application. 3.0 as a tool to analyze it. The results of this research conclude that perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment and facilitating conditions have a positive and significant effect on intention to use. The results of this research prove that factors such as perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, and facilitating conditions are important components in the formation of intention to use, so for TikTok application develop...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing the Antecedents and Consequences of Teacher Job Satisfaction in the Digital 4.0 Era

Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif

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Research paper thumbnail of Reflection on Purchase Decisions for Ulos Handicraft Products from the Marketing Mix Aspect

KnE Social Sciences

Ulos is one of the handicrafts which is one of the typical Indonesian clothing and has been devel... more Ulos is one of the handicrafts which is one of the typical Indonesian clothing and has been developed from generation to generation by the Batak people, North Sumatra. The existence of Ulos handicraft products in the modern consumer market today cannot be separated from the efforts of Ulos artisans and Ulos marketers. This research is here to provide more profound knowledge related to aspects of the marketing mix (4P) which consists of elements of product, price, place and promotion on purchasing decisions of ulos handicraft products. The sample in this study amounted to 140 respondents who were determined by a convenience sampling approach. Data collection using a questionnaire instrument which is then distributed online. Data analysis using the SPSS application by displaying data processing results through research instrument tests with validity and reliability tests, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination, and hypothesis testing. Based on the results of data a...

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Research paper thumbnail of Innovative Work Behavior and Its Impact on Teacher Performance: The Role of Organizational Culture and Self Efficacy as Predictors

Journal of Education Research and Evaluation

The dynamics of significant and sudden changes from the current pandemic have made many education... more The dynamics of significant and sudden changes from the current pandemic have made many educational institutions experience challenges in fully adopting technology into the teaching and learning process. This condition makes every educator required to do work so that it is oriented to innovative work behavior. The consequences of an innovative work culture will encourage increased teacher performance during the current pandemic. This study aims to analyze how big organizational culture and self-efficacy contribute to innovative work behavior and its impact on teacher performance. The research design uses a causal quantitative approach. Then the acquisition of research data using an online questionnaire distribution instrument. The sample used in the study was 215 respondents. The basis for determining the sample is oriented to the non-probability sampling approach by using the purposive sampling formula. A structural equation modeling (SEM) approach using partial least squares (PLS)...

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Research paper thumbnail of Reflection on Teacher Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Antecedents of Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction

Journal of Education Research and Evaluation

Organizational citizenship behavior has recently received much attention among researchers, given... more Organizational citizenship behavior has recently received much attention among researchers, given its practical importance and implications for organizations. The importance of organizational citizenship behavior in teachers is because to achieve the school's vision and mission, organizational citizenship behavior is needed to make it happen. The primary purpose of this study was to analyze the contribution of perceived organizational support, organizational commitment and job satisfaction to organizational citizenship behavior. This research used a quantitative approach-oriented research design. For the acquisition of research data using documentation instruments and online questionnaire distribution. The sample used in the study were 110 respondents. The basis for determining the sample is oriented to the non-probability sampling approach by using the purposive sampling formula. This study concludes that perceived organizational support and job satisfaction have a significant ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Examining Teacher Job Satisfaction Levels During a Pandemic: The Role of Transformational Leadership, Work-Life Balance and Interpersonal Communication

Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors Affecting Teacher Organizational Commitment: A Study on Private High School Teachers in Pematangsiantar City

Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif

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Research paper thumbnail of Practices in Human Resources and Employee Turnover in the Hospitality Industry

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Teacher Performance in Terms of the Aspects of Principal Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Teacher Competence

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Decision Makers for Online Purchases of Fashion Products on Reebonz Online Shopping Sites

Trends Journal of Sciences Research, 2021

The level of business competition in several online shopping sites for fashion products is curren... more The level of business competition in several online shopping sites for fashion products is currently experiencing quite crucial dynamics. Competitive match will indirectly affect consumer purchasing decisions. This research explores what factors are dominantly influencing the level of product purchase decisions on online shopping sites in terms of product variety, price, brand image and promotion aspects. This research design uses a quantitative research design. Determination of the sample in this study using the convenience sampling method with a total of 110 respondents. Data collection uses a questionnaire distributed online during the period from May to June 2021. This study concludes that product variations and brand image have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. Then for the effect of price and promotion on purchasing decisions obtained a positive but not significant impact. This study confirms the importance of paying attention to aspects of pricing ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Behavior of Female Entrepreneurs in Tempe Small Micro Enterprises in Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java as Proof of Gender Equality Against AEC

Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on blended learning, educational technology and Innovation (ACBLETI 2020), 2021

MSEs are the primary modes of industry in Indonesia, up to 90% of them. However, there is a tende... more MSEs are the primary modes of industry in Indonesia, up to 90% of them. However, there is a tendency for entrepreneurs to be associated with big companies. The purposive sampling technique was carried out by selecting 121 respondents. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is often used to predict entrepreneurial activity. The findings of this analysis suggest that there are entrepreneurial traits in MSEs. There are more notable entrepreneurial characteristics in large-scale production, and these characteristics can be the initial capital of society, especially women, to face AEC. This positive characteristic needs great and serious support from the Tasikmalaya district government. Entrepreneurial characteristics have the most influence on entrepreneurial behavior. Besides, entrepreneurship also has a positive and important influence on company results. Thus, this research shows that entrepreneurship activity is still taking place in small industries, not just in big businesses.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Employee Engagement with Transformational Leadership and Organizational Climate as Predictors

International Journal of Social Science And Human Research, 2023

Employees who have a high level of work engagement will show their best performance; this is beca... more Employees who have a high level of work engagement will show their best performance; this is because these employees enjoy the work they do. When employees are attached to a company, employees have an awareness of the business. The main objective of this research is to analyze the influence of transformational leadership and organizational climate on employee engagement. The research methods include library and field research designs with a quantitative approach. The number of samples analyzed was 140 employees. This study uses a research instrument test consisting of validity and reliability tests. The quantitative analysis consists of a normality test, regression test, hypothesis test, correlation test, and coefficient of determination. The results of the data analysis conclude that transformational leadership, organizational climate, and employee engagement positively and significantly influence innovative work behavior. The results of further research confirm that transformational leadership and organizational climate significantly affect employee engagement. The research conclusion states that by combining transformational leadership and a positive organizational climate, organizations can create an environment where employees feel encouraged to give their best and feel that their contributions positively impact the organization's success. High employee engagement contributes to better productivity, retention, and continued organizational success.

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Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis

Achieving sustainable competitive advantage will be successful for those with competence, namely ... more Achieving sustainable competitive advantage will be successful for those with competence, namely someone with the knowledge, skills, and qualities of people that include actions, incentives, points, and sales actions needed to carry out a profession or activity. Achieving a sustainable competitive advantage requires the hard work of every SME actor. To face increasingly complex product competition requires a touch of entrepreneurial orientation, the adoption of qualified information technology, and the ability to apply a culture of innovation in every line of business. This study aims to analyze and examine the effect of entrepreneurial orientation, information technology adoption, and innovation culture on the sustainable competitive advantage of SMEs in Pematangsiantar City. This study uses a causal quantitative research design. The number of samples used in this study was 170 SME business actors. The data analysis method used is Partial Least Square (PLS). The data analysis test ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing Business Performance from Human Capital and Social Capital with Competitive Advantage as Mediating Variable

International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research

The development of technology, information, and the internet is growing rapidly and massively in ... more The development of technology, information, and the internet is growing rapidly and massively in various business sectors, including SMEs, which has created new changes. This situation certainly provides opportunities and challenges for every business actor. This study analyzes the effect of human capital, social capital, customer capital, and technological innovation on business performance. This study's research method includes library and field research design with a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. This study used 180 samples of small and medium business actors with convenience sampling. The data analysis method used is Partial Least Square (PLS). Findings. The study's results found that human capital positively and significantly affects business performance. Then social capital has a positive and significant effect on business performance. The results of this study also confirm that the c...

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Research paper thumbnail of Path Analysis of Economic Growth and Government Spending on Education Impact on the Human Development Index in Indonesia

Valid: Jurnal Ilmiah

Economic development is determined by many factors, for example by the state of natural resources... more Economic development is determined by many factors, for example by the state of natural resources, human resource capabilities, and technology. Many countries are expanding references to political-economic development that still focus on the availability of their natural resources. Experience in some developed countries such as Japan and Singapore shows that the availability of natural resources is in fact not a dominant factor in political-economic development. Countries with limited natural resources have, it turns out to have a comparative advantage in the field of human resources and technology. The development of human resources needs to get dominant attention due to the limitations of its natural resources. The responsibility for development lies with the community and the government.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Effect of Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, and Lifestyle Compatibility on Behavioral Intention QRIS in Indonesia

International Journal of Scientific Research and Management

The important objective of this study is to analyze the effect of performance expectancy, effort ... more The important objective of this study is to analyze the effect of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and lifestyle compatibility on behavioral intention toward QRIS in Indonesia. The data collected in this study are quantitative data using a quantitative approach. The population in this study is MSME actors in Indonesia, and the sample obtained using the convenience sampling method was as many as 140. Data analysis used instrument tests, normality tests, regression tests, hypothesis tests, correlation tests, and the coefficient of determination. The results showed that performance expectancy and lifestyle compatibility positively and significantly affected behavioral intention. At the same time, the other results show that effort expectancy has a positive but insignificant effect on behavioral intention. The study's conclusion confirms that to increase the enthusiasm of MSME actors to use QRIS as an alternative to non-cash payments, the government and relevant stakeholde...

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Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Behavior in Adopting Application-Based Transportation Services

International Journal of Global Optimization and Its Application

With the rapid development and use of information technology in various fields, who can say that ... more With the rapid development and use of information technology in various fields, who can say that information technology is the main pillar that provides added value to society in the development process towards a developed nation? Moreover, information technology has entered all fields or sectors, especially transportation. One transportation service that takes advantage of the speed of access to information is the JAKET application-based transportation. The urgency of this study is to determine the level of acceptance of consumer technology in adopting JAKET application-based transportation services using the UTAUT 2 model approach. The sample used in this study was 120 respondents who used the JAKET application. The data collection process will be carried out from January to February 2021. The data collection used a survey with 33 question constructs, summarized in eight manifest variables. This study uses Structural Equation Modeling with a variance-based or component-based appro...

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors Affecting Generation-Y Employee Engagement During a Pandemic: A Study from the Private Sector in Indonesia

KnE Social Sciences

It is important to assess the relationship between employees and the company they work for in ord... more It is important to assess the relationship between employees and the company they work for in order to build trust between both parties. This can lead to an increase in employee productivity. This study aimed to determine the effect of organizational trust, personal resources and work-life balance on employee engagement. The sample used in this study were workers belonging to Generation-Y with 190 respondents using a purposive sampling. Data collection was done through an online questionnaire. The SPSS application was used to analyze the data through research instrument testing with validity and reliability tests, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing. It is concluded that organizational trust, personal resources, and work-life balance have a significant effect on employee engagement. Keywords: organizational trust, personal resource, work-life balance, employee engagement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Meninjau Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Peran Entrepreneurial Orientation, Knowledge Management, Dan Marketing Innovation


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Research paper thumbnail of Raising the Tourism Industry as an Economic Driver Post COVID-19

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of Intention to Use the TikTok Application among Generation Z

Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya

The urgency of the study is to analyze the effect of perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, ... more The urgency of the study is to analyze the effect of perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, and facilitating conditions on the intention to use the TikTok application service in the generation Z group in Indonesia. This research instrument uses an online questionnaire distributed to 210 respondents who are none other than users of the TikTok application from the generation Z group. Next, the researchers tested the hypothesis using a variant-based Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) called Partial Least Square (PLS) and the SmartPLS version of the application. 3.0 as a tool to analyze it. The results of this research conclude that perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment and facilitating conditions have a positive and significant effect on intention to use. The results of this research prove that factors such as perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, and facilitating conditions are important components in the formation of intention to use, so for TikTok application develop...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing the Antecedents and Consequences of Teacher Job Satisfaction in the Digital 4.0 Era

Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif

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Research paper thumbnail of Reflection on Purchase Decisions for Ulos Handicraft Products from the Marketing Mix Aspect

KnE Social Sciences

Ulos is one of the handicrafts which is one of the typical Indonesian clothing and has been devel... more Ulos is one of the handicrafts which is one of the typical Indonesian clothing and has been developed from generation to generation by the Batak people, North Sumatra. The existence of Ulos handicraft products in the modern consumer market today cannot be separated from the efforts of Ulos artisans and Ulos marketers. This research is here to provide more profound knowledge related to aspects of the marketing mix (4P) which consists of elements of product, price, place and promotion on purchasing decisions of ulos handicraft products. The sample in this study amounted to 140 respondents who were determined by a convenience sampling approach. Data collection using a questionnaire instrument which is then distributed online. Data analysis using the SPSS application by displaying data processing results through research instrument tests with validity and reliability tests, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination, and hypothesis testing. Based on the results of data a...

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Research paper thumbnail of Innovative Work Behavior and Its Impact on Teacher Performance: The Role of Organizational Culture and Self Efficacy as Predictors

Journal of Education Research and Evaluation

The dynamics of significant and sudden changes from the current pandemic have made many education... more The dynamics of significant and sudden changes from the current pandemic have made many educational institutions experience challenges in fully adopting technology into the teaching and learning process. This condition makes every educator required to do work so that it is oriented to innovative work behavior. The consequences of an innovative work culture will encourage increased teacher performance during the current pandemic. This study aims to analyze how big organizational culture and self-efficacy contribute to innovative work behavior and its impact on teacher performance. The research design uses a causal quantitative approach. Then the acquisition of research data using an online questionnaire distribution instrument. The sample used in the study was 215 respondents. The basis for determining the sample is oriented to the non-probability sampling approach by using the purposive sampling formula. A structural equation modeling (SEM) approach using partial least squares (PLS)...

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Research paper thumbnail of Reflection on Teacher Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Antecedents of Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction

Journal of Education Research and Evaluation

Organizational citizenship behavior has recently received much attention among researchers, given... more Organizational citizenship behavior has recently received much attention among researchers, given its practical importance and implications for organizations. The importance of organizational citizenship behavior in teachers is because to achieve the school's vision and mission, organizational citizenship behavior is needed to make it happen. The primary purpose of this study was to analyze the contribution of perceived organizational support, organizational commitment and job satisfaction to organizational citizenship behavior. This research used a quantitative approach-oriented research design. For the acquisition of research data using documentation instruments and online questionnaire distribution. The sample used in the study were 110 respondents. The basis for determining the sample is oriented to the non-probability sampling approach by using the purposive sampling formula. This study concludes that perceived organizational support and job satisfaction have a significant ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Examining Teacher Job Satisfaction Levels During a Pandemic: The Role of Transformational Leadership, Work-Life Balance and Interpersonal Communication

Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors Affecting Teacher Organizational Commitment: A Study on Private High School Teachers in Pematangsiantar City

Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif

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Research paper thumbnail of Practices in Human Resources and Employee Turnover in the Hospitality Industry

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Teacher Performance in Terms of the Aspects of Principal Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Teacher Competence

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Decision Makers for Online Purchases of Fashion Products on Reebonz Online Shopping Sites

Trends Journal of Sciences Research, 2021

The level of business competition in several online shopping sites for fashion products is curren... more The level of business competition in several online shopping sites for fashion products is currently experiencing quite crucial dynamics. Competitive match will indirectly affect consumer purchasing decisions. This research explores what factors are dominantly influencing the level of product purchase decisions on online shopping sites in terms of product variety, price, brand image and promotion aspects. This research design uses a quantitative research design. Determination of the sample in this study using the convenience sampling method with a total of 110 respondents. Data collection uses a questionnaire distributed online during the period from May to June 2021. This study concludes that product variations and brand image have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. Then for the effect of price and promotion on purchasing decisions obtained a positive but not significant impact. This study confirms the importance of paying attention to aspects of pricing ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Behavior of Female Entrepreneurs in Tempe Small Micro Enterprises in Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java as Proof of Gender Equality Against AEC

Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on blended learning, educational technology and Innovation (ACBLETI 2020), 2021

MSEs are the primary modes of industry in Indonesia, up to 90% of them. However, there is a tende... more MSEs are the primary modes of industry in Indonesia, up to 90% of them. However, there is a tendency for entrepreneurs to be associated with big companies. The purposive sampling technique was carried out by selecting 121 respondents. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is often used to predict entrepreneurial activity. The findings of this analysis suggest that there are entrepreneurial traits in MSEs. There are more notable entrepreneurial characteristics in large-scale production, and these characteristics can be the initial capital of society, especially women, to face AEC. This positive characteristic needs great and serious support from the Tasikmalaya district government. Entrepreneurial characteristics have the most influence on entrepreneurial behavior. Besides, entrepreneurship also has a positive and important influence on company results. Thus, this research shows that entrepreneurship activity is still taking place in small industries, not just in big businesses.

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