suci S A N D I wachyuni | STP Sahid Jakarta (original) (raw)

Papers by suci S A N D I wachyuni


Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction, 2024

Millennial travellers currently constitute the largest demographic segment of the Indonesian tour... more Millennial travellers currently constitute the largest demographic segment of the Indonesian tourism business. Understanding the factors that influence tourists' decisions in choosing their locations is crucial for tourism stakeholders when establishing effective tourism marketing strategies. Identifying these characteristics enables stakeholders to concentrate on developing marketing strategies that cater to consumer needs, hence increasing the likelihood of domestic tourists selecting tourism locations. Culinary tourism is a fast increasing form of special interest tourism. The purpose of this study was to investigate the gastronomic preferences and habits of millennial visitors on culinary excursions. The research employed a quantitative methodology, utilising a sample of 115 participants who belonged to the millennial generation. The data collection method was the distribution of an online questionnaire. The method used for data analysis is quantitative descriptive statistics. The findings of this study indicate that the culinary preferences and choices of millennial visitors are influenced by various elements, with psychological, personal, social, and cultural factors being the most significant contributors. This research can serve as a valuable resource for the government and destination management in the development of culinary tourist destinations. In addition, this research can serve as a foundation for product creation and marketing strategies for culinary businesses in various destinations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Do Culinary Preferences Vary Across Generations? Yogyakarta Experiences

Journal of Tourism and Economic, 2024

The purpose of this research is to determine the culinary preferences of tourists in each generat... more The purpose of this research is to determine the culinary preferences of tourists in each generation, namely generation X, generation Y, and generation Z in Yogyakarta. Each generation has significant characteristic differences, as well as their culinary preferences. Generation X likes the practical nature of making consecutive visits to one restaurant that they think suits their taste. Generation Y tends to choose classy food with a fairly expensive price range which is in accordance with those who are at the peak of their careers. Generation Z will choose food by placing an order on an online application because of the high amount of using gadgets. To find out more about culinary preferences, a demographic segment analysis was carried out in each generation using quantitative research on data collection through library research and questionnaire surveys. Therefore, this research is expected to provide understanding and knowledge to readers regarding the culinary preferences that tourists are interested in each generation group, namely Y Generation, and Z Generation.

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Jurnal Bisnis Hospitaliti, 2024

In the current era of disruption 5.0, uploading digital information about a place to eat to socia... more In the current era of disruption 5.0, uploading digital information about a place to eat to social media users has become a cultural symbol that can depict a lifestyle. This phenomenon makes users afraid of missing out on the latest information and experiences, such as the emergence of Karen's Diner Jakarta restaurant, which went viral on social media. This study analyzes the phenomenon of FOMO (fear of missing out) in consumer purchasing decisions. With a quantitative approach through an online survey, this study captured 100 respondents selected based on purposive sampling... The people of Jakarta are the population of this research who are potential consumers. Meanwhile, the sample of this research is consumers who have made purchases at Karen's Diner Restaurant. The survey instrument includes questions about FOMO variables and purchasing decisions and is measured on a Likert scale. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, regression test, and hypothesis t-test. The study results show that FOMO positively affects purchasing decisions by 60%. This research shows the theoretical implication that the FOMO phenomenon, which includes a person's fear and worry of missing out on something new, affects purchasing decisions. Therefore, viral marketing has a significant impact on restaurant sales. The practical implication of this research is a recommendation for food and beverage businesses to maximize digital and viral marketing.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Digital Technology Adoption in Food Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises: A Case Study of Borobudur Area in Indonesia

South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics, 2024

Aim: To investigate the awareness of using digital technology in Food MSMEs and understand its be... more Aim: To investigate the awareness of using digital technology in Food MSMEs and understand its benefits. Study Design: This research uses a quantitative approach with hypothesis testing. Place and Duration of Study: The research location is in the Borobudur area, Borobudur District, Magelang Regency, Central Java, one of Indonesia's priority tourist destinations. The duration of the research study is approximately 6 months, from June to December 2023.

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Matakata Inspirasi, 2024

Keberadaan Destinasi Pariwisata Super Prioritas (DPSP) Borobudur menjadi perhatian dunia karena j... more Keberadaan Destinasi Pariwisata Super Prioritas (DPSP) Borobudur menjadi perhatian dunia karena jauh sebelumnya telah ditetapkan sebagai warisan budaya dunia oleh UNESCO. Dengan keindahan alamnya, lahan yang subur, dan keajaiban arsitektur candi seolah menyihir wisatawan dari seluruh dunia untuk berkunjung ke Borobudur. Namun, apakah keberadaan DPSP Borobudur telah memberikan dampak positif kepada ekosistem di sekitarnya? Hal ini tentu perlu direnungkan. Tentunya, sebuah destinasi yang berhasil semestinya sebanding dengan keberlanjutan sosial, budaya, serta kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat di sekitarnya. salah satunya, dengan memberdayakanvUsaha Kecil Mikro dan Menengah (UMKM). UMKM telah menjadi katalisator ekonomi pariwisata yang patut diperhitungkan, salah satunya yang menjadi kontributor terbesar PDB ekonomi kreatif di Indonesia adalah subsektor pangan/kuliner. Selain rantai pasok yang melimpah, pertumbuhan UMKM pangan lokal relatif stabil bahkan di masa-masa krisis. Buku ini membahas mulai dari hulu ke hilir ekosistem pangan lokal di DPSP Borobudur, mulai dari mulai dari potensi, rantai pasok, database UMKM Pangan Lokal, pemanfaatan teknologi, pengelolaan dana desa, peran stakeholder dalam pengembangan UMKM Pangan Lokal, hingga implementasi dan rekomendasi kebijakan UMKM Pangan lokal di Kawasan Borobudur. Pada setiap halaman dipaparkan beberapa realitas yang perlu kita renungkan dan evaluasi bersama untuk mensintesis strategi pengembangan ekosistem UMKM pangan lokal yang inklusif, berkelanjutan, dan berdaya saing terutama di era digital. Buku ini dapat menjadi buku referensi untuk para pemangku kepentingan seperti pemerintah, pengelola destinasi, industri, pelaku UMKM, akademisi dalam menyusun rekomendasi kebijakan dalam mengembangan UMKM Pangan lokal di DPSP Borobudur khususnya, dan destinasi pariwisata pada umumnya

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Research paper thumbnail of Factor Influencing Domestic Tourist to Visit Bali as a Medical Tourism Destination: A Preliminary Investigation

Jurnal Kajian Bali, 2024

The objective of this study was to examine the impact of destination image, perceived value of me... more The objective of this study was to examine the impact of destination image, perceived value of medical costs, and perceived value of medical facilities and services on the intention to visit Bali as a medical tourism destination. The research used quantitative methodology, employing a survey method. The population consisted of all of domestic tourists who visited Bali. The sample was 87 domestic tourists who came to Bali for medical tourism purposes. The research findings indicate that destination image, perceived value of medical costs, and perceived value of medical facilities and services have an impact on intention to visit Bali for medical tourism. However, the perception of Bali as a destination did not have any impact on tourists' intention to visit for medical tourism purposes. These findings provide both theoretical and practical implication. A collaborative effort involving several parties is necessary to enhance the branding and promotion of medical tourism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Manajemen katering dalam industri tambang


Salah satu industri bisnis yang cukup memikat saat ini dan dinilai memiliki prospek bagus untuk b... more Salah satu industri bisnis yang cukup memikat saat ini dan dinilai memiliki prospek bagus untuk berkembang terus adalah industri kuliner. Perkembangan industri ini memicu tumbuhnya bentuk sektor lain seperti kafe, restoran, rumah makan sederhana hingga jasa katering. Persaingan usaha dalam sektor industri ini cukup ketat dengan perkembangan yang cukup pesat. Bisnis Katering merupakan salah satu contoh usaha dengan segmen bisnis bidang kuliner yang memegang peranan penting dalam menjaga stabilitas perekonomian rakyat. Buku ini membahas bagaimana keunikan pengelolaan dan manajemen dalam industri tambang

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LKPI, 2024

Melalui buku ”DINAMIKA PENGELOLAAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN POTENSI PEDESAAN SEBAGAI DESA WISATA” ini, pe... more Melalui buku ”DINAMIKA PENGELOLAAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN POTENSI PEDESAAN SEBAGAI DESA WISATA” ini, peran heksahelix (akademisi, sektor bisnis, komunitas, pemerintah, media, dan parlemen) dapat diuraikan secara sistematis oleh para akademisi, praktisi, dan peneliti pariwisata. Olehkarenanya, karya tulisan ini diyakini dapat menjadi referensi bagi para pelaku Desa Wisata di Indonesia yang ingin mengembangkan potensi desa mereka.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Study of the Kangen Yogyakarta Market from the Viewpoint of a Traveler Experiencing the Culinary Festival


Culinary is intricately connected to the creation of processed foods and beverages that are chara... more Culinary is intricately connected to the creation of processed foods and beverages that are characteristic of a certain region. In Indonesia, a diverse range of gastronomic delights with distinct flavors may be found from Sabang to Merauke. Nevertheless, the swift advancement of technology in the culinary domain has led to novel breakthroughs in the creation of food and drink items, which have the potential to alter the presence of traditional local cuisine. In order to prevent the marginalization of local cuisine, several strategies are implemented to promote it, one of which is organizing a festival. Every year, Yogyakarta has a Pasar Kangen Festival. This festival has the capacity to "revive" or "showcase" the presence of local cuisine and enhance the economic status of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). This study employed a quantitative descriptive-analytic approach, utilizing Google Forms questionnaires to collect data from a sample size of 50 respondents. This study aims to assess the perception of individuals who have attended the Yogyakarta Pasar Kangen Festival regarding local food. The study population consisted of tourists who were visiting Yogyakarta, whereas the sample specifically included visitors who had visited the Pasar Kangen Festival. The findings of this survey suggest a prevailing public interest in visiting the Pasar Kangen as a whole. Moreover, the primary factors that attract visitors are the diverse culinary offerings and the distinctive local cuisine. Their primary incentive for visiting the Pasar Kangen is self-driven and external factors from the gratification they derive from the experience. The beauty and main draw of the Pasar Kangen Festival lies in its diverse and distinctive gastronomic offerings. The research aims to elucidate the theoretical implications by examining tourists' impression of festival events. The practical implication is to offer valuable information to the event manager and destination in order to enhance their focus on the diverse and distinctive food offerings at the festival, ultimately leading to increased tourist satisfaction.

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Research paper thumbnail of The influence of youtube food content reviews on customer purchasing decisions: lesson from Jakarta local street food

International Journal of Applied Sciences in Tourism and Events, 2023

The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of food review content on YouTube on purcha... more The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of food review content on YouTube on purchasing decisions for local culinary delights, specifically the Jakarta Nasi Goreng Kambing Kebon Sirih. It is the one of the favorite culinary place in Jakarta which sells lamb fried rice, it is located at Kebon Sirih Street. This research employed a quantitative approach with data analysis techniques such as descriptive statistics, linear regression test, t test, and coefficient of determination. The participants in this study are tourists on culinary trips in Jakarta. The samples were 100 tourists who went on a culinary trip and purchased fried rice for the Jakarta Kebon Sirih utilising non-probability sampling or purposive sampling techniques. The correlation coefficient test findings reveal that food reviews on YouTube have a remarkably strong relationship with Nasi Goreng Kambing Kebon Sirih purchasing decisions. Furthermore, the t test results indicate that food reviews on YouTube have a partially positive influence on the decision to purchase culinary products at the restaurant. The theoretical implication of this research is to provide an understanding that food reviews on YouTube have a significant contribution in the context of culinary products or culinary tourism. In the meantime, the findings of this study can be utilized as a reference for restaurant management in particular, and for local street food in general. Some of the limitations of this research that can be addressed in future research include the sample size and research scope.

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Mata Kata Inspirasi, 2023

Fenomena homogenisasi kuliner di Indonesia menjadi tantangan besar dalam mempertahankan kuliner l... more Fenomena homogenisasi kuliner di Indonesia menjadi tantangan besar dalam mempertahankan kuliner lokal sebagai identitas budaya Indonesia. Oleh karenanya buku ini dihadirkan untuk menjawab tantangan ini agar dapat menjadi ensiklopedia sebagai upaya pelestarian gastronomi Indonesia melalui pengetahuan dan pemahaman bagi masyarakat, khususnya generasi muda. Bagian pertama buku ini akan membahas filosofi makanan, kemudian bagaimana makanan menjadi sebuah identitas, sebagai representasi kekayaan alam dan budaya, dan gambaran sejarah daerah. Pembaca juga akan dapat memahami gastronomi secara lebih dalam dan perannya sebagai daya tarik wisata di destinasi. Setelah itu, bagian selanjutnya pembaca akan diajak berwisata gastronomi mulai dari Pulau Jawa, Sumatera. Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Maluku, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, hingga Papua. Buku ini bukan sekedar buku bacaan atau referensi, tetapi lebih cocok disebut sebagai sebuah perjalanan yang sayang sekali untuk dilewatkan. Selamat berwisata untuk mengagumi citarasa Gastronomi Indonesia.

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International Journal of Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurial Research, 2020

Purpose of the study: The phenomenon of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) or word of mouth communic... more Purpose of the study: The phenomenon of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) or word of mouth communication in marketing activities on digital media is one of the most important things in improving the purchasing decision of a product or services. This study aims to analyze the effect of celebrity endorsement on consumer purchase decisions, case studies at Nona Judes Restaurant. Methodology: This research is mixed-method, both qualitative and quantitative. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews and questionnaires that were measured using a Likert scale. The questionnaire was distributed to 100 respondents who were consumers of the Nona Judes restaurant. The data were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis. Main Findings: The results of this study indicate that celebrity endorsement influences product purchase decisions. The contribution of celebrity endorsement variables to product purchase decisions is 25.9%. Researchers concluded that there are several factors considered in selecting endorsers. These factors include big names and experiences, appearance, social media strength of endorsers, and communication skills. Implications: This study is offering suggestions for company management in determining celebrity for product endorsement. The orders of indicators to consider are (1) Power, (2) Credibility, (3) Attraction. Novelty/Originality of this study: This research specifically addresses the role of celebrity endorsement in product purchase decisions in restaurants. This study also produced endorser selection criteria and their indicators, i.e. 1) Power (fame, strengths on social media); 2) Credibility (the truth of information, endorser information skills); 3) Attractiveness (physical appearance, endorser's characters).

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Tourism Scientific Journal, 2020

The role of dessert in one food set menu becomes very important. Currently, many cafes or restaur... more The role of dessert in one food set menu becomes very important. Currently, many cafes or restaurants sell dessert as their main menu. Dessert products are generally sweet and fresh but often have a little functional value. In this study, researchers conducted an experimental study to make dessert innovations, namely Aloe vera jelly. Jelly is widely used in restaurants or hotels as ingredients for pudding, dessert mixes, ice jelly, to various pastry toppings. Aloe vera jelly is not only refreshing but also has health value. In addition to healthy hair and skin, aloe vera is also good for our health because aloe vera contains water that is needed for the body. Aloe vera also contains fat, protein, and carbohydrates that serve to provide energy. And aloe vera also contains vitamin A and vitamin C. Where vitamin A has a function for eye health, and vitamin C has a function to maintain immunity. The purpose of this study was to find techniques and formulations for making aloe vera jelly, to know the differences in the level of preference and level of jelly quality from several levels tested based on organoleptic assessment. The method used is an experimental method with quantitative data analysis techniques ANOVA and Duncan. The results of this study indicate that the best formulation is jelly with the addition of 10% gelatin. The majority of panelists said they liked aloe vera jelly. And there is a difference in the quality of aloe vera jelly with the use of gelatin with a percentage of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% in aspects of color, aroma, and texture, but not different for taste.

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Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction Volume 8 No.1 Juni 2020, E-ISSN: 2685-6026, 2020

The industrial revolution that entered the 4.0 phase encouraged the industry to innovate, where o... more The industrial revolution that entered the 4.0 phase encouraged the industry to innovate, where one of the developing industries was e-commerce. As part of the online travel agents (OTA), Agoda through its e-commerce offers not only products but also services. However, at the moment, referring to the 2019 top brand awards ranking, Agoda can be said to be left behind. Therefore, this research intends to examine the satisfaction of tourists (consumers) in using Agoda for booking hotels. This research is based on descriptive quantitative approach, where primary data is collected through questionnaire with indicators of customer satisfaction (Repurchase, Emotional Factor, Word of Mouth, Price, Brand Image, Service Quality, and Product Quality). The scale used is Likert scale (1-5), and the sampling method used is probability sampling, which is simple random sampling with a total of a hundred respondents. The secondary data is taken from Agoda's website, books, literature, and previous research. The study was conducted during June-July 2019. This study found that the average tourist was quite satisfied with Agoda's services in booking hotels. However, to maintain its existence, Agoda needs to make efforts to attract tourists, especially in improving the Agoda brand image. Also, the cooperation partners, which are hotels, will have high confidence in marketing their hotels through Agoda. Furthermore, in terms of the marketing segment, Agoda is very firmly attached to the millennial generation in meeting accommodation needs. However, it is interesting to investigate further the purpose of booking this accommodation, whether for travel needs or other vacation concepts, like one of the popular concepts nowadays, "staycation". This research is expected to provide information about service conditions and customer satisfaction using Agoda. The findings of this study can be useful not only for Agoda companies but also for other OTAs who offer similar products or services. Abstrak Revolusi industri yang memasuki fase 4.0 mendorong industri untuk berinovasi, di mana salah satu industri yang berkembang adalah e-commerce. Sebagai bagian dari agen perjalanan online (OTA), Agoda melalui perdagangan elektronik tidak hanya menawarkan produk tetapi juga layanan. Namun, saat ini, mengacu pada peringkat penghargaan merek teratas 2019, Agoda dapat dikatakan tertinggal. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menguji kepuasan wisatawan (konsumen) dalam menggunakan Agoda untuk pemesanan hotel. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif, di mana data primer dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dengan indikator kepuasan pelanggan (Pembelian Kembali, Faktor Emosional, dari mulut ke mulut, Harga, Citra Merek, Kualitas Layanan, dan Kualitas Produk). Skala yang digunakan adalah skala likert (1-5), dan metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah pengambilan sampel probabilitas, yaitu contoh acak sederhana dengan total seratus responden. Data sekunder diambil dari situs web Agoda, buku, literatur, dan penelitian sebelumnya. Studi ini dilakukan selama Juni-Juli 2019. Studi ini menemukan bahwa rata-rata turis cukup puas dengan layanan Agoda dalam memesan hotel. Namun, untuk mempertahankan keberadaannya, Agoda perlu melakukan upaya untuk menarik wisatawan, terutama dalam meningkatkan citra merek Agoda. Juga, mitra kerja sama, yang merupakan hotel, akan memiliki kepercayaan diri yang tinggi dalam memasarkan hotel mereka melalui Agoda. Selain itu, dalam hal segmen pemasaran, Agoda sangat terikat dengan generasi milenial dalam memenuhi kebutuhan akomodasi. Namun, menarik untuk menyelidiki lebih lanjut tujuan pemesanan akomodasi ini, baik untuk

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic: How are the Future Tourist Behavior

Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science 33(4): 67-76, 2020; Article no.JESBS.57217 ISSN: 2456-981X, 2020

Aims: This research examines tourist travel intentions after the end of the pandemic. Study Desi... more Aims: This research examines tourist travel intentions after the end of the pandemic.
Study Design: Descriptive quantitative study.
Place and Duration of Study: Research from February-April 2020 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Methodology: This research is a descriptive study describing the current situation using a quantitative approach. Probability sampling with simple random sampling. Data collection using survey methods by distributing online questionnaires (Google Form) through WhatsApp broadcast messages and reach 128 respondents. Simple quantitative data analysis.
Results: The travel preferences are (78%), or the majority of respondents said they would go back on tour. About (65%) will return to travel in the near term, which is 0-6 months after the pandemic is declared over, of the type of tourism desired by respondents is nature tourism by (66%), The majority of the desired tour duration is short-period, which is 1-4 days. The survey results show that travel intention mean value is higher than travel anxiety.
Conclusion: Empirical predictions of tourist behavior after this pandemic ends. There are passion and optimism that tourism will recover faster because the majority of respondents in this study have planned when and where they will immediately after COVID-19 pandemic end with new travel preferences.

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Research paper thumbnail of How are Holiday Photography Startups "Disrupting" Indonesia Tourism Business?

South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics, 2020

The era of disruption has had an effect on changing the business model of the tourism industry ba... more The era of disruption has had an effect on changing the business model of the tourism industry based on startups. This business model has changed a variety of tourism businesses, ranging from online travel agents (OTA) to culinary. One of the startups that are currently developing among the millennial generation is holiday photography. This phenomenon encourages researchers to examine the opportunities and challenges of the development of tourism startups, especially in the company "FAT" (under the pseudonym). More specifically, this study identifies business models and their market characteristics. Besides, this study also analyzes the opportunities and challenges of the emergence of these startups. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods to describe the phenomenon of disruption, startups business models, and illustrate the opportunities and challenges that may be faced in the future by "FAT" company. The sampling technique used in the study is Quota Sampling by involving 31 consumers who have used "FAT" services. This number is used by considering the limited number of consumers who have ever Original Research Article Yenny et al.; SAJSSE, 6(2): 62-77, 2020; Article no.SAJSSE.56081 63 used this startup service. The primary data in this study uses netnographic techniques by observing "FAT"'s website and social media, as well as conducting interviews with key informants from "FAT". Besides, this study also distributed e-questionnaires via Instagram's direct messages. The analytical method used for this research is interactive analysis, which divided into three stages, including data reduction, drawing conclusions, and presenting data. This research found that the tourism industry in the era of disruption emphasized efficiency and effectiveness strategies. This strategy is entirely appropriate when looking at market segments, most of which are millennials or active users of gadgets and social media. While some alternative strategies that can be done by a "FAT" company include focusing on brands, marketing techniques, attractive and popular tourist sites, service innovation, and collaboration with trusted local photographer partners. Considering the area of holiday photography research is still limited, this research expected to be a reference for further research, especially related to tourism startups. Besides, practically, the results of this study can be useful for tourism stakeholders to find out the challenges of business in the era of distraction and strategies for developing a business model based on startups.

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Journal of Tourism and Economic, 2020

The most popular technological and communication development innovations today are electronic pay... more The most popular technological and communication development innovations today are electronic payments without cash. GOPAY from PT Karya Anak Bangsa (GO-JEK) is the most widely used electronic payment in Indonesia. Yu Cha Indonesia is working with GOPAY to advance its business. There is currently a 20% GOPAY cashback promotion to attract more consumers. This study aims to look at the effect of the promotion of GOPAY (cashback) on the interest in buying bubble drinks at Yu Cha Indonesia. This research uses quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires to 99 respondents. Statistical analysis such as validation test, reliability test, normality test, and hypothesis test have been used. Data validation shows that all data is valid. Reliability tests are also reliable because the coefficient scores exceed Cronbach 'Alpha. The results of the r-score analysis are 0.707 which means that the two variables have a strong relationship. The r-square result is 0.499 and it can be concluded that the GOPAY cashback promotion affects product quality by 49.9% and the rest is influenced by other factors not discussed in this study. The results of this study show the positive and significant effect of the GOPAY (cashback) promotion program on consumer buying interest. Based on research results, the GOPAY promotion program (cashback) has a 49.9% effect on consumer buying interest.

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Research paper thumbnail of KINERJA PRAMUSAJI BERDASARKAN GENDER Studi Kasus di Restoran Amuz Gourmet Jakarta

Media Wisata, Volume 18, Nomor 1, Mei 2020, 2020

The issue of gender equality in tourism is also a hot topic. Men still dominate jobs in the world... more The issue of gender equality in tourism is also a hot topic. Men still dominate jobs in the world of tourism, especially in the food and beverage sector. In general, women are identical with a gentle and emotional while men are considered strong and rational. So that there are still many food and beverage sectors prefer male workers than women. Jobs in restaurants are required to carry a lot of goods and are dominated by other physical work. This study aims to analyze differences in service attendant performance by gender. Researchers took a case study at Amuz Gourmet Jakarta Restaurant. The research method used a mixed method. Quantitative analysis methods used are ANOVA and qualitative data triangulation. The results showed that there was no effect of gender differences on employee performance in Amuz Gourmet restaurants based on the assessed performance indicators. Waiters and waitresses both have good performance in doing their duties

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Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism, 2019

Based on the data from Transportation Department of Indonesia, commonly total of tourist bus comp... more Based on the data from Transportation Department of Indonesia, commonly total of tourist bus company and total unit of tour bus continues to increase every year. The increasing number of competitors will affect customers looking away easily from one service provider to another. Then, DAMRI as one of the providers, has to make efforts for maintaining and increasing customer's loyalty. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of service quality, customer perceived value, and customer satisfaction towards customer loyalty of DAMRI Tourist Bus. This research is a quantitative research. Sampling technique is non Probability Sampling, purposive sampling. Data collection is done through interview and questionnaires. Statistical analysis techniques is done through regression analysis and hypothesis testing t test and F test (SPSS 20.0). The results being obtained: service quality (X1) and customer perceived value (X2) significantly influence customer loyalty (Y). In other hand, customer satisfaction (X3) does not significantly influence customer loyalty (Y); But X1, X2, and X3 simultanously influence Y. The manager is advised to continously make efforts in order to improve customer loyalty. Further research is needed to identify the factors that have more influence over customer loyalty of DAMRI Tourist Bus.

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Proceedings the 5th International Conferences on Cultural Studies, Udayana University Towards the Development of Trans-Disciplinary Research Collaboration in the Era of Global Disruption , 2019

Local Culinary Development Strategy as a Tourist Attraction in D.I Yogyakarta. This arrangement a... more Local Culinary Development Strategy as a Tourist Attraction in D.I Yogyakarta. This arrangement aims to answer the question in this study to find out local tourist perceptions about local culinary in D.I Yogyakarta, and the strategy of local culinary development as a tourist attraction. This research methodology is qualitative research. The collection data for this study used direct field observations, interviews and documentation studies, while data analysis used a SWOT matrix for getting alternative strategies. Respondents in this study amounted to 12 people consisting of the regional tourism government, culinary entrepreneurs, and local tourists. In the pre-study, researchers conducted a survey of local tourist's perceptions of local culinary for 20 local tourists. The results showed that the perception of local culinary in the D.I Yogyakarta in general was good in the indicators of traditional food quality, traditional food portions, menu variations, traditional food hygiene, traditional presentation, traditional food prices, service quality, eating place atmosphere, and provision of entertainment in eating places. The results of the SWOT analysis show a number of alternative strategies that can be applied in developing local culinary in D.I Yogyakarta. There are divided by four strategy. The first one is SO (Strength-Opportunity) strategy is selling traditional food at tourist attractions, airports, and stations. The WO (Weakness-Opportunity) strategy is infrastructure development, culinary product innovation, and promotion. ST (Strength-Threats) strategy is to develop culinary place more comfortable and maintain local culinary quality. And for the WT (Weakness-Threat) strategy, product diversification adjusts to trends, enhances culinary facilities, and increases human resources in the culinary sector. The conclusion that can be taken is that local culinary can be one of the attractions in the tourism sector in Yogyakarta. But it needs to be developed more in order to attract tourists to come to D.I Yogyakarta.

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Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction, 2024

Millennial travellers currently constitute the largest demographic segment of the Indonesian tour... more Millennial travellers currently constitute the largest demographic segment of the Indonesian tourism business. Understanding the factors that influence tourists' decisions in choosing their locations is crucial for tourism stakeholders when establishing effective tourism marketing strategies. Identifying these characteristics enables stakeholders to concentrate on developing marketing strategies that cater to consumer needs, hence increasing the likelihood of domestic tourists selecting tourism locations. Culinary tourism is a fast increasing form of special interest tourism. The purpose of this study was to investigate the gastronomic preferences and habits of millennial visitors on culinary excursions. The research employed a quantitative methodology, utilising a sample of 115 participants who belonged to the millennial generation. The data collection method was the distribution of an online questionnaire. The method used for data analysis is quantitative descriptive statistics. The findings of this study indicate that the culinary preferences and choices of millennial visitors are influenced by various elements, with psychological, personal, social, and cultural factors being the most significant contributors. This research can serve as a valuable resource for the government and destination management in the development of culinary tourist destinations. In addition, this research can serve as a foundation for product creation and marketing strategies for culinary businesses in various destinations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Do Culinary Preferences Vary Across Generations? Yogyakarta Experiences

Journal of Tourism and Economic, 2024

The purpose of this research is to determine the culinary preferences of tourists in each generat... more The purpose of this research is to determine the culinary preferences of tourists in each generation, namely generation X, generation Y, and generation Z in Yogyakarta. Each generation has significant characteristic differences, as well as their culinary preferences. Generation X likes the practical nature of making consecutive visits to one restaurant that they think suits their taste. Generation Y tends to choose classy food with a fairly expensive price range which is in accordance with those who are at the peak of their careers. Generation Z will choose food by placing an order on an online application because of the high amount of using gadgets. To find out more about culinary preferences, a demographic segment analysis was carried out in each generation using quantitative research on data collection through library research and questionnaire surveys. Therefore, this research is expected to provide understanding and knowledge to readers regarding the culinary preferences that tourists are interested in each generation group, namely Y Generation, and Z Generation.

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Jurnal Bisnis Hospitaliti, 2024

In the current era of disruption 5.0, uploading digital information about a place to eat to socia... more In the current era of disruption 5.0, uploading digital information about a place to eat to social media users has become a cultural symbol that can depict a lifestyle. This phenomenon makes users afraid of missing out on the latest information and experiences, such as the emergence of Karen's Diner Jakarta restaurant, which went viral on social media. This study analyzes the phenomenon of FOMO (fear of missing out) in consumer purchasing decisions. With a quantitative approach through an online survey, this study captured 100 respondents selected based on purposive sampling... The people of Jakarta are the population of this research who are potential consumers. Meanwhile, the sample of this research is consumers who have made purchases at Karen's Diner Restaurant. The survey instrument includes questions about FOMO variables and purchasing decisions and is measured on a Likert scale. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, regression test, and hypothesis t-test. The study results show that FOMO positively affects purchasing decisions by 60%. This research shows the theoretical implication that the FOMO phenomenon, which includes a person's fear and worry of missing out on something new, affects purchasing decisions. Therefore, viral marketing has a significant impact on restaurant sales. The practical implication of this research is a recommendation for food and beverage businesses to maximize digital and viral marketing.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Digital Technology Adoption in Food Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises: A Case Study of Borobudur Area in Indonesia

South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics, 2024

Aim: To investigate the awareness of using digital technology in Food MSMEs and understand its be... more Aim: To investigate the awareness of using digital technology in Food MSMEs and understand its benefits. Study Design: This research uses a quantitative approach with hypothesis testing. Place and Duration of Study: The research location is in the Borobudur area, Borobudur District, Magelang Regency, Central Java, one of Indonesia's priority tourist destinations. The duration of the research study is approximately 6 months, from June to December 2023.

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Matakata Inspirasi, 2024

Keberadaan Destinasi Pariwisata Super Prioritas (DPSP) Borobudur menjadi perhatian dunia karena j... more Keberadaan Destinasi Pariwisata Super Prioritas (DPSP) Borobudur menjadi perhatian dunia karena jauh sebelumnya telah ditetapkan sebagai warisan budaya dunia oleh UNESCO. Dengan keindahan alamnya, lahan yang subur, dan keajaiban arsitektur candi seolah menyihir wisatawan dari seluruh dunia untuk berkunjung ke Borobudur. Namun, apakah keberadaan DPSP Borobudur telah memberikan dampak positif kepada ekosistem di sekitarnya? Hal ini tentu perlu direnungkan. Tentunya, sebuah destinasi yang berhasil semestinya sebanding dengan keberlanjutan sosial, budaya, serta kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat di sekitarnya. salah satunya, dengan memberdayakanvUsaha Kecil Mikro dan Menengah (UMKM). UMKM telah menjadi katalisator ekonomi pariwisata yang patut diperhitungkan, salah satunya yang menjadi kontributor terbesar PDB ekonomi kreatif di Indonesia adalah subsektor pangan/kuliner. Selain rantai pasok yang melimpah, pertumbuhan UMKM pangan lokal relatif stabil bahkan di masa-masa krisis. Buku ini membahas mulai dari hulu ke hilir ekosistem pangan lokal di DPSP Borobudur, mulai dari mulai dari potensi, rantai pasok, database UMKM Pangan Lokal, pemanfaatan teknologi, pengelolaan dana desa, peran stakeholder dalam pengembangan UMKM Pangan Lokal, hingga implementasi dan rekomendasi kebijakan UMKM Pangan lokal di Kawasan Borobudur. Pada setiap halaman dipaparkan beberapa realitas yang perlu kita renungkan dan evaluasi bersama untuk mensintesis strategi pengembangan ekosistem UMKM pangan lokal yang inklusif, berkelanjutan, dan berdaya saing terutama di era digital. Buku ini dapat menjadi buku referensi untuk para pemangku kepentingan seperti pemerintah, pengelola destinasi, industri, pelaku UMKM, akademisi dalam menyusun rekomendasi kebijakan dalam mengembangan UMKM Pangan lokal di DPSP Borobudur khususnya, dan destinasi pariwisata pada umumnya

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Research paper thumbnail of Factor Influencing Domestic Tourist to Visit Bali as a Medical Tourism Destination: A Preliminary Investigation

Jurnal Kajian Bali, 2024

The objective of this study was to examine the impact of destination image, perceived value of me... more The objective of this study was to examine the impact of destination image, perceived value of medical costs, and perceived value of medical facilities and services on the intention to visit Bali as a medical tourism destination. The research used quantitative methodology, employing a survey method. The population consisted of all of domestic tourists who visited Bali. The sample was 87 domestic tourists who came to Bali for medical tourism purposes. The research findings indicate that destination image, perceived value of medical costs, and perceived value of medical facilities and services have an impact on intention to visit Bali for medical tourism. However, the perception of Bali as a destination did not have any impact on tourists' intention to visit for medical tourism purposes. These findings provide both theoretical and practical implication. A collaborative effort involving several parties is necessary to enhance the branding and promotion of medical tourism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Manajemen katering dalam industri tambang


Salah satu industri bisnis yang cukup memikat saat ini dan dinilai memiliki prospek bagus untuk b... more Salah satu industri bisnis yang cukup memikat saat ini dan dinilai memiliki prospek bagus untuk berkembang terus adalah industri kuliner. Perkembangan industri ini memicu tumbuhnya bentuk sektor lain seperti kafe, restoran, rumah makan sederhana hingga jasa katering. Persaingan usaha dalam sektor industri ini cukup ketat dengan perkembangan yang cukup pesat. Bisnis Katering merupakan salah satu contoh usaha dengan segmen bisnis bidang kuliner yang memegang peranan penting dalam menjaga stabilitas perekonomian rakyat. Buku ini membahas bagaimana keunikan pengelolaan dan manajemen dalam industri tambang

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LKPI, 2024

Melalui buku ”DINAMIKA PENGELOLAAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN POTENSI PEDESAAN SEBAGAI DESA WISATA” ini, pe... more Melalui buku ”DINAMIKA PENGELOLAAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN POTENSI PEDESAAN SEBAGAI DESA WISATA” ini, peran heksahelix (akademisi, sektor bisnis, komunitas, pemerintah, media, dan parlemen) dapat diuraikan secara sistematis oleh para akademisi, praktisi, dan peneliti pariwisata. Olehkarenanya, karya tulisan ini diyakini dapat menjadi referensi bagi para pelaku Desa Wisata di Indonesia yang ingin mengembangkan potensi desa mereka.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Study of the Kangen Yogyakarta Market from the Viewpoint of a Traveler Experiencing the Culinary Festival


Culinary is intricately connected to the creation of processed foods and beverages that are chara... more Culinary is intricately connected to the creation of processed foods and beverages that are characteristic of a certain region. In Indonesia, a diverse range of gastronomic delights with distinct flavors may be found from Sabang to Merauke. Nevertheless, the swift advancement of technology in the culinary domain has led to novel breakthroughs in the creation of food and drink items, which have the potential to alter the presence of traditional local cuisine. In order to prevent the marginalization of local cuisine, several strategies are implemented to promote it, one of which is organizing a festival. Every year, Yogyakarta has a Pasar Kangen Festival. This festival has the capacity to "revive" or "showcase" the presence of local cuisine and enhance the economic status of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). This study employed a quantitative descriptive-analytic approach, utilizing Google Forms questionnaires to collect data from a sample size of 50 respondents. This study aims to assess the perception of individuals who have attended the Yogyakarta Pasar Kangen Festival regarding local food. The study population consisted of tourists who were visiting Yogyakarta, whereas the sample specifically included visitors who had visited the Pasar Kangen Festival. The findings of this survey suggest a prevailing public interest in visiting the Pasar Kangen as a whole. Moreover, the primary factors that attract visitors are the diverse culinary offerings and the distinctive local cuisine. Their primary incentive for visiting the Pasar Kangen is self-driven and external factors from the gratification they derive from the experience. The beauty and main draw of the Pasar Kangen Festival lies in its diverse and distinctive gastronomic offerings. The research aims to elucidate the theoretical implications by examining tourists' impression of festival events. The practical implication is to offer valuable information to the event manager and destination in order to enhance their focus on the diverse and distinctive food offerings at the festival, ultimately leading to increased tourist satisfaction.

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Research paper thumbnail of The influence of youtube food content reviews on customer purchasing decisions: lesson from Jakarta local street food

International Journal of Applied Sciences in Tourism and Events, 2023

The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of food review content on YouTube on purcha... more The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of food review content on YouTube on purchasing decisions for local culinary delights, specifically the Jakarta Nasi Goreng Kambing Kebon Sirih. It is the one of the favorite culinary place in Jakarta which sells lamb fried rice, it is located at Kebon Sirih Street. This research employed a quantitative approach with data analysis techniques such as descriptive statistics, linear regression test, t test, and coefficient of determination. The participants in this study are tourists on culinary trips in Jakarta. The samples were 100 tourists who went on a culinary trip and purchased fried rice for the Jakarta Kebon Sirih utilising non-probability sampling or purposive sampling techniques. The correlation coefficient test findings reveal that food reviews on YouTube have a remarkably strong relationship with Nasi Goreng Kambing Kebon Sirih purchasing decisions. Furthermore, the t test results indicate that food reviews on YouTube have a partially positive influence on the decision to purchase culinary products at the restaurant. The theoretical implication of this research is to provide an understanding that food reviews on YouTube have a significant contribution in the context of culinary products or culinary tourism. In the meantime, the findings of this study can be utilized as a reference for restaurant management in particular, and for local street food in general. Some of the limitations of this research that can be addressed in future research include the sample size and research scope.

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Mata Kata Inspirasi, 2023

Fenomena homogenisasi kuliner di Indonesia menjadi tantangan besar dalam mempertahankan kuliner l... more Fenomena homogenisasi kuliner di Indonesia menjadi tantangan besar dalam mempertahankan kuliner lokal sebagai identitas budaya Indonesia. Oleh karenanya buku ini dihadirkan untuk menjawab tantangan ini agar dapat menjadi ensiklopedia sebagai upaya pelestarian gastronomi Indonesia melalui pengetahuan dan pemahaman bagi masyarakat, khususnya generasi muda. Bagian pertama buku ini akan membahas filosofi makanan, kemudian bagaimana makanan menjadi sebuah identitas, sebagai representasi kekayaan alam dan budaya, dan gambaran sejarah daerah. Pembaca juga akan dapat memahami gastronomi secara lebih dalam dan perannya sebagai daya tarik wisata di destinasi. Setelah itu, bagian selanjutnya pembaca akan diajak berwisata gastronomi mulai dari Pulau Jawa, Sumatera. Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Maluku, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, hingga Papua. Buku ini bukan sekedar buku bacaan atau referensi, tetapi lebih cocok disebut sebagai sebuah perjalanan yang sayang sekali untuk dilewatkan. Selamat berwisata untuk mengagumi citarasa Gastronomi Indonesia.

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International Journal of Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurial Research, 2020

Purpose of the study: The phenomenon of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) or word of mouth communic... more Purpose of the study: The phenomenon of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) or word of mouth communication in marketing activities on digital media is one of the most important things in improving the purchasing decision of a product or services. This study aims to analyze the effect of celebrity endorsement on consumer purchase decisions, case studies at Nona Judes Restaurant. Methodology: This research is mixed-method, both qualitative and quantitative. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews and questionnaires that were measured using a Likert scale. The questionnaire was distributed to 100 respondents who were consumers of the Nona Judes restaurant. The data were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis. Main Findings: The results of this study indicate that celebrity endorsement influences product purchase decisions. The contribution of celebrity endorsement variables to product purchase decisions is 25.9%. Researchers concluded that there are several factors considered in selecting endorsers. These factors include big names and experiences, appearance, social media strength of endorsers, and communication skills. Implications: This study is offering suggestions for company management in determining celebrity for product endorsement. The orders of indicators to consider are (1) Power, (2) Credibility, (3) Attraction. Novelty/Originality of this study: This research specifically addresses the role of celebrity endorsement in product purchase decisions in restaurants. This study also produced endorser selection criteria and their indicators, i.e. 1) Power (fame, strengths on social media); 2) Credibility (the truth of information, endorser information skills); 3) Attractiveness (physical appearance, endorser's characters).

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Tourism Scientific Journal, 2020

The role of dessert in one food set menu becomes very important. Currently, many cafes or restaur... more The role of dessert in one food set menu becomes very important. Currently, many cafes or restaurants sell dessert as their main menu. Dessert products are generally sweet and fresh but often have a little functional value. In this study, researchers conducted an experimental study to make dessert innovations, namely Aloe vera jelly. Jelly is widely used in restaurants or hotels as ingredients for pudding, dessert mixes, ice jelly, to various pastry toppings. Aloe vera jelly is not only refreshing but also has health value. In addition to healthy hair and skin, aloe vera is also good for our health because aloe vera contains water that is needed for the body. Aloe vera also contains fat, protein, and carbohydrates that serve to provide energy. And aloe vera also contains vitamin A and vitamin C. Where vitamin A has a function for eye health, and vitamin C has a function to maintain immunity. The purpose of this study was to find techniques and formulations for making aloe vera jelly, to know the differences in the level of preference and level of jelly quality from several levels tested based on organoleptic assessment. The method used is an experimental method with quantitative data analysis techniques ANOVA and Duncan. The results of this study indicate that the best formulation is jelly with the addition of 10% gelatin. The majority of panelists said they liked aloe vera jelly. And there is a difference in the quality of aloe vera jelly with the use of gelatin with a percentage of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% in aspects of color, aroma, and texture, but not different for taste.

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Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction Volume 8 No.1 Juni 2020, E-ISSN: 2685-6026, 2020

The industrial revolution that entered the 4.0 phase encouraged the industry to innovate, where o... more The industrial revolution that entered the 4.0 phase encouraged the industry to innovate, where one of the developing industries was e-commerce. As part of the online travel agents (OTA), Agoda through its e-commerce offers not only products but also services. However, at the moment, referring to the 2019 top brand awards ranking, Agoda can be said to be left behind. Therefore, this research intends to examine the satisfaction of tourists (consumers) in using Agoda for booking hotels. This research is based on descriptive quantitative approach, where primary data is collected through questionnaire with indicators of customer satisfaction (Repurchase, Emotional Factor, Word of Mouth, Price, Brand Image, Service Quality, and Product Quality). The scale used is Likert scale (1-5), and the sampling method used is probability sampling, which is simple random sampling with a total of a hundred respondents. The secondary data is taken from Agoda's website, books, literature, and previous research. The study was conducted during June-July 2019. This study found that the average tourist was quite satisfied with Agoda's services in booking hotels. However, to maintain its existence, Agoda needs to make efforts to attract tourists, especially in improving the Agoda brand image. Also, the cooperation partners, which are hotels, will have high confidence in marketing their hotels through Agoda. Furthermore, in terms of the marketing segment, Agoda is very firmly attached to the millennial generation in meeting accommodation needs. However, it is interesting to investigate further the purpose of booking this accommodation, whether for travel needs or other vacation concepts, like one of the popular concepts nowadays, "staycation". This research is expected to provide information about service conditions and customer satisfaction using Agoda. The findings of this study can be useful not only for Agoda companies but also for other OTAs who offer similar products or services. Abstrak Revolusi industri yang memasuki fase 4.0 mendorong industri untuk berinovasi, di mana salah satu industri yang berkembang adalah e-commerce. Sebagai bagian dari agen perjalanan online (OTA), Agoda melalui perdagangan elektronik tidak hanya menawarkan produk tetapi juga layanan. Namun, saat ini, mengacu pada peringkat penghargaan merek teratas 2019, Agoda dapat dikatakan tertinggal. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menguji kepuasan wisatawan (konsumen) dalam menggunakan Agoda untuk pemesanan hotel. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif, di mana data primer dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dengan indikator kepuasan pelanggan (Pembelian Kembali, Faktor Emosional, dari mulut ke mulut, Harga, Citra Merek, Kualitas Layanan, dan Kualitas Produk). Skala yang digunakan adalah skala likert (1-5), dan metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah pengambilan sampel probabilitas, yaitu contoh acak sederhana dengan total seratus responden. Data sekunder diambil dari situs web Agoda, buku, literatur, dan penelitian sebelumnya. Studi ini dilakukan selama Juni-Juli 2019. Studi ini menemukan bahwa rata-rata turis cukup puas dengan layanan Agoda dalam memesan hotel. Namun, untuk mempertahankan keberadaannya, Agoda perlu melakukan upaya untuk menarik wisatawan, terutama dalam meningkatkan citra merek Agoda. Juga, mitra kerja sama, yang merupakan hotel, akan memiliki kepercayaan diri yang tinggi dalam memasarkan hotel mereka melalui Agoda. Selain itu, dalam hal segmen pemasaran, Agoda sangat terikat dengan generasi milenial dalam memenuhi kebutuhan akomodasi. Namun, menarik untuk menyelidiki lebih lanjut tujuan pemesanan akomodasi ini, baik untuk

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic: How are the Future Tourist Behavior

Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science 33(4): 67-76, 2020; Article no.JESBS.57217 ISSN: 2456-981X, 2020

Aims: This research examines tourist travel intentions after the end of the pandemic. Study Desi... more Aims: This research examines tourist travel intentions after the end of the pandemic.
Study Design: Descriptive quantitative study.
Place and Duration of Study: Research from February-April 2020 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Methodology: This research is a descriptive study describing the current situation using a quantitative approach. Probability sampling with simple random sampling. Data collection using survey methods by distributing online questionnaires (Google Form) through WhatsApp broadcast messages and reach 128 respondents. Simple quantitative data analysis.
Results: The travel preferences are (78%), or the majority of respondents said they would go back on tour. About (65%) will return to travel in the near term, which is 0-6 months after the pandemic is declared over, of the type of tourism desired by respondents is nature tourism by (66%), The majority of the desired tour duration is short-period, which is 1-4 days. The survey results show that travel intention mean value is higher than travel anxiety.
Conclusion: Empirical predictions of tourist behavior after this pandemic ends. There are passion and optimism that tourism will recover faster because the majority of respondents in this study have planned when and where they will immediately after COVID-19 pandemic end with new travel preferences.

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Research paper thumbnail of How are Holiday Photography Startups "Disrupting" Indonesia Tourism Business?

South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics, 2020

The era of disruption has had an effect on changing the business model of the tourism industry ba... more The era of disruption has had an effect on changing the business model of the tourism industry based on startups. This business model has changed a variety of tourism businesses, ranging from online travel agents (OTA) to culinary. One of the startups that are currently developing among the millennial generation is holiday photography. This phenomenon encourages researchers to examine the opportunities and challenges of the development of tourism startups, especially in the company "FAT" (under the pseudonym). More specifically, this study identifies business models and their market characteristics. Besides, this study also analyzes the opportunities and challenges of the emergence of these startups. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods to describe the phenomenon of disruption, startups business models, and illustrate the opportunities and challenges that may be faced in the future by "FAT" company. The sampling technique used in the study is Quota Sampling by involving 31 consumers who have used "FAT" services. This number is used by considering the limited number of consumers who have ever Original Research Article Yenny et al.; SAJSSE, 6(2): 62-77, 2020; Article no.SAJSSE.56081 63 used this startup service. The primary data in this study uses netnographic techniques by observing "FAT"'s website and social media, as well as conducting interviews with key informants from "FAT". Besides, this study also distributed e-questionnaires via Instagram's direct messages. The analytical method used for this research is interactive analysis, which divided into three stages, including data reduction, drawing conclusions, and presenting data. This research found that the tourism industry in the era of disruption emphasized efficiency and effectiveness strategies. This strategy is entirely appropriate when looking at market segments, most of which are millennials or active users of gadgets and social media. While some alternative strategies that can be done by a "FAT" company include focusing on brands, marketing techniques, attractive and popular tourist sites, service innovation, and collaboration with trusted local photographer partners. Considering the area of holiday photography research is still limited, this research expected to be a reference for further research, especially related to tourism startups. Besides, practically, the results of this study can be useful for tourism stakeholders to find out the challenges of business in the era of distraction and strategies for developing a business model based on startups.

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Journal of Tourism and Economic, 2020

The most popular technological and communication development innovations today are electronic pay... more The most popular technological and communication development innovations today are electronic payments without cash. GOPAY from PT Karya Anak Bangsa (GO-JEK) is the most widely used electronic payment in Indonesia. Yu Cha Indonesia is working with GOPAY to advance its business. There is currently a 20% GOPAY cashback promotion to attract more consumers. This study aims to look at the effect of the promotion of GOPAY (cashback) on the interest in buying bubble drinks at Yu Cha Indonesia. This research uses quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires to 99 respondents. Statistical analysis such as validation test, reliability test, normality test, and hypothesis test have been used. Data validation shows that all data is valid. Reliability tests are also reliable because the coefficient scores exceed Cronbach 'Alpha. The results of the r-score analysis are 0.707 which means that the two variables have a strong relationship. The r-square result is 0.499 and it can be concluded that the GOPAY cashback promotion affects product quality by 49.9% and the rest is influenced by other factors not discussed in this study. The results of this study show the positive and significant effect of the GOPAY (cashback) promotion program on consumer buying interest. Based on research results, the GOPAY promotion program (cashback) has a 49.9% effect on consumer buying interest.

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Research paper thumbnail of KINERJA PRAMUSAJI BERDASARKAN GENDER Studi Kasus di Restoran Amuz Gourmet Jakarta

Media Wisata, Volume 18, Nomor 1, Mei 2020, 2020

The issue of gender equality in tourism is also a hot topic. Men still dominate jobs in the world... more The issue of gender equality in tourism is also a hot topic. Men still dominate jobs in the world of tourism, especially in the food and beverage sector. In general, women are identical with a gentle and emotional while men are considered strong and rational. So that there are still many food and beverage sectors prefer male workers than women. Jobs in restaurants are required to carry a lot of goods and are dominated by other physical work. This study aims to analyze differences in service attendant performance by gender. Researchers took a case study at Amuz Gourmet Jakarta Restaurant. The research method used a mixed method. Quantitative analysis methods used are ANOVA and qualitative data triangulation. The results showed that there was no effect of gender differences on employee performance in Amuz Gourmet restaurants based on the assessed performance indicators. Waiters and waitresses both have good performance in doing their duties

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Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism, 2019

Based on the data from Transportation Department of Indonesia, commonly total of tourist bus comp... more Based on the data from Transportation Department of Indonesia, commonly total of tourist bus company and total unit of tour bus continues to increase every year. The increasing number of competitors will affect customers looking away easily from one service provider to another. Then, DAMRI as one of the providers, has to make efforts for maintaining and increasing customer's loyalty. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of service quality, customer perceived value, and customer satisfaction towards customer loyalty of DAMRI Tourist Bus. This research is a quantitative research. Sampling technique is non Probability Sampling, purposive sampling. Data collection is done through interview and questionnaires. Statistical analysis techniques is done through regression analysis and hypothesis testing t test and F test (SPSS 20.0). The results being obtained: service quality (X1) and customer perceived value (X2) significantly influence customer loyalty (Y). In other hand, customer satisfaction (X3) does not significantly influence customer loyalty (Y); But X1, X2, and X3 simultanously influence Y. The manager is advised to continously make efforts in order to improve customer loyalty. Further research is needed to identify the factors that have more influence over customer loyalty of DAMRI Tourist Bus.

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Proceedings the 5th International Conferences on Cultural Studies, Udayana University Towards the Development of Trans-Disciplinary Research Collaboration in the Era of Global Disruption , 2019

Local Culinary Development Strategy as a Tourist Attraction in D.I Yogyakarta. This arrangement a... more Local Culinary Development Strategy as a Tourist Attraction in D.I Yogyakarta. This arrangement aims to answer the question in this study to find out local tourist perceptions about local culinary in D.I Yogyakarta, and the strategy of local culinary development as a tourist attraction. This research methodology is qualitative research. The collection data for this study used direct field observations, interviews and documentation studies, while data analysis used a SWOT matrix for getting alternative strategies. Respondents in this study amounted to 12 people consisting of the regional tourism government, culinary entrepreneurs, and local tourists. In the pre-study, researchers conducted a survey of local tourist's perceptions of local culinary for 20 local tourists. The results showed that the perception of local culinary in the D.I Yogyakarta in general was good in the indicators of traditional food quality, traditional food portions, menu variations, traditional food hygiene, traditional presentation, traditional food prices, service quality, eating place atmosphere, and provision of entertainment in eating places. The results of the SWOT analysis show a number of alternative strategies that can be applied in developing local culinary in D.I Yogyakarta. There are divided by four strategy. The first one is SO (Strength-Opportunity) strategy is selling traditional food at tourist attractions, airports, and stations. The WO (Weakness-Opportunity) strategy is infrastructure development, culinary product innovation, and promotion. ST (Strength-Threats) strategy is to develop culinary place more comfortable and maintain local culinary quality. And for the WT (Weakness-Threat) strategy, product diversification adjusts to trends, enhances culinary facilities, and increases human resources in the culinary sector. The conclusion that can be taken is that local culinary can be one of the attractions in the tourism sector in Yogyakarta. But it needs to be developed more in order to attract tourists to come to D.I Yogyakarta.

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