Stripe’s Restricted Business Intellectual Property (“IP”) Notice Process (original) (raw)

Last updated: October 29, 2020

By registering with Stripe, businesses confirm that they will not use Stripe Services (as defined here) in connection with certain businesses or business activities. We've outlined those on our Restricted Businesses page. One type of restricted activity is the sale of any good or service that infringes the trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property ("IP") rights of any third party. Stripe understands that the protection of IP is important to our mission to increase the GDP of the internet, and we take claims of IP infringement seriously.To that end, if you are an IP owner (or an authorized representative of an IP owner), and you have a good-faith belief that a business is using Stripe Services in connection with the sale of goods or services that infringe your IP rights, please let us know by filling out this notice ("IP Notice") and sending it to us by email to While we will consider and review any complete IP Notice submitted to us through that process, unfortunately we can't do that for other communications that are submitted to us in other ways, or that are incomplete.Before you submit your IP Notice to us, we'd ask that you consider several points:

Once we receive a complete IP Notice, we will consider and review the allegations in it, and will let you know if we need any more information. Several points to keep in mind as we do that:

Following our review of your IP Notice, we will decide whether the business remains eligible to use the Stripe Services. But note: we cannot "take down" or remove any allegedly infringing offerings of goods or services of the business. All we can do is continue (or not) to provide our payment processing and related Services to the business --- which means that the "result" of our investigation into an IP Notice may not be visible in many respects to the outside world. While we will try to keep you informed of the status of our review of your IP Notice, the most that we will likely be able to convey is whether Stripe Services are (or are not) currently being used to support the ongoing sale of the specific goods or services that were the subject of your IP Notice.