Stripe's Mark Usage Terms (original) (raw)

Last updated: June 12, 2023

We appreciate that many of our Users — as well as our partners, vendors, and others who may be connected to us in other ways — will often want to mention their connection with us, and will often want to use our name or logo to do so. These Mark Usage Terms (what weʼll call the “Marks Usage Terms”) are intended to clarify how our Users may do that. To answer any questions you may have about these Marks Usage Terms or if you want to use our marks other than to note that you are a Stripe User (perhaps in your checkout flow), please email us at

Some uses of our Marks will require an express license. In those cases, the terms of that license will govern. Other uses of our Marks will be governed by separate agreements or terms. In those cases, the terms of those agreements will govern. These Marks Usage Terms are intended to cover everything else, and will govern any uses of our Marks that are not governed by any other license or agreement.

Before we get to the specific doʼs and donʼts, some general points:

As noted above, these are just examples, not an exhaustive list of our marks. That said, we chose them as examples in part because each one is registered in at least the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (if not other trademark offices as well). If you would like to use one of our marks other than as noted above, please email us at

So what then can you do and not do? As a general rule, you may use our Marks to truthfully convey information about your goods or services, but not in a way that will imply endorsement by us of your goods or services, or otherwise cause consumer confusion. To help you understand what that means in practice, we have created this non-exhaustive list of what you can and canʼt do:

