twgenrefinders, posts by tag: character: gray - LiveJournal (original) (raw)

Ianto Has a Secret *singsong Voice* [Mar. 23rd, 2014|03:22 pm]Torchwood Genre Finders
[Tags**|adoption, au janto, captain jack harkness, category: accident, category: aliens, category: amnesia, category: au, category: battle of canary wharf, category: body art, category: character background, category: cloning, category: crime, category: cross dressing, category: cyberwoman au, category: doctor and ianto friendship, category: doctor who, category: dub-con, category: exes showing up, category: fairies, category: foreknowledge, category: full series re-write, category: full series re-write or write-, category: ghosts, category: going in heat, category: historical events, category: ianto betrays jack, category: ianto meets another jack, category: ianto travelling with doctor, category: in the shadows, category: incest, category: jack ianto first meeting, category: jack not in charge, category: joining torchwood, category: lengthy stories, category: living rough, category: meet the family fic, category: nicknames, category: nine and ianto, category: non con, category: non-canon family, category: non-canon family ties, category: owen ianto friendship, category: pheromones, category: photographic memory, category: pre series fics, category: pre torchwood, category: providence park stories, category: related to one another, category: retcon, category: revenge, category: role reversal, category: rose and ianto, category: royal family, category: tattoos, category: team fic, category: the rift, category: the year that never was, category: time travel, category: torchwood one, category: torture, category: unit, category: war, category: werewolf ianto, category: wing fic, catgeory: nicknames, character: doctor, character: eleventh doctor, character: gray, character: ianto, character: jack, character: kathy swanson, character: nine, character: owen, character: river song, character: rose, character: tardis, character: teen ianto, character: ten, character: the doctor, character: the master, character: the ponds, character: young ianto, character: yvonne hartman, crossover, crossover: house, crossovers: harry potter, crossovers: sherlock holmes, crossovers: spn, denial, episode: boom town, episode: children of earth, episode: countrycide, episode: cyberwoman, episode: exit wounds, family, genre: angst, genre: au, genre: children of earth fixes, genre: crossovers, genre: mpreg, genre: non con, genre: plot-heavy stories, genre: romance, genre: rpf, genre: wing fic, hurt/comfort, ianto, ianto jones, ianto: abused ianto, ianto: addicted ianto, ianto: ai or part-ai ianto, ianto: alien ianto, ianto: angel ianto, ianto: anorexic ianto, ianto: archive ianto, ianto: artificial intelligence, ianto: artificial intelligence ianto, ianto: assassin ianto, ianto: blind ianto, ianto: clairvoyant ianto, ianto: dragon ianto, ianto: drugged ianto, ianto: drunk ianto, ianto: empath ianto, ianto: from important family, ianto: handicapped ianto, ianto: ianto in charge, ianto: immortal ianto, ianto: in therapy, ianto: kidnapped ianto, ianto: ninja ianto, ianto: not human, ianto: ocd ianto, ianto: older ianto, ianto: protective ianto, ianto: psychic ianto, ianto: rentboy ianto, ianto: singing ianto, ianto: suicidal ianto, ianto: timelord ianto, ianto: underappreciated ianto, ianto: undercover ianto, ianto: unit ianto, ianto: vampire ianto, ianto: virgin ianto, ianto: werewolf ianto, ianto: young, jack: abusive, jack: dark jack, jack: drug addict, jack: oblivious jack, jack: rentboy jack, jack: singing jack, jack: smart jack, jack: takes advantage of ianto, jack: timeagent jack, jack: virgin jack, master, meet the familiy, mpreg, non-con] [Current Location** Canada, Victoria] [Current Mood anxiousanxious]Im Looking For Fanfics That have Ianto/And Or Jack is keeping a big secret from everyone, other than lisa, preferably about not being human, being telapathic, a mutant, empath, alien, a time agent, timelord, treveled with the doctor, jacks son, being grey, actually being the doctor, the master or his son, owens brother, a genuise, transgender, hemaphrodite, anything of that sort, that sort of thing. gen or Janto please, not het, unless its a side pairing. Please i have read a ton and i am looking for some new ones! just look at the tags for more ideas on what im looking for please. i cant write much, i'v injured my wrist.
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Time Agent Ianto [Mar. 12th, 2014|06:40 pm]Torchwood Genre Finders
[Tags**|au janto, captain jack harkness, category: aliens, category: au, category: battle of canary wharf, category: character background, category: cyberwoman au, category: doctor and ianto friendship, category: doctor who, category: fairies, category: full series re-write, category: historical events, category: historical setting, category: ianto meets another jack, category: ianto travelling with doctor, category: incest, category: jack ianto first meeting, category: joining torchwood, category: lengthy stories, category: nine and ianto, category: non-canon family, category: pheromones, category: pre series fics, category: pre torchwood, category: related to one another, category: role reversal, category: school setting, category: the rift, category: time travel, category: torchwood one, category: torture, character: doctor, character: family members, character: gray, character: ianto, character: jack, character: nine, character: teen ianto, character: teenage ianto, character: the doctor, character: young ianto, character: young jack, episode: children of earth, episode: cyberwoman, format: lengthy stories, genre: au, genre: children of earth fixes, genre: crossovers, genre: rpf, genre: wing fic, ianto: abused ianto, ianto: alien ianto, ianto: artificial intelligence, ianto: artificial intelligence ianto, ianto: assassin ianto, ianto: clairvoyant ianto, ianto: empath ianto, ianto: from important family, ianto: immortal ianto, ianto: kickass ianto, ianto: not human, ianto: psychic ianto, ianto: rentboy ianto, ianto: timelord ianto, ianto: undercover ianto, ianto: werewolf ianto, ianto: young, jack: mortal jack, jack: timeagent jack, pairing: jack/ianto, recs lists] [Current Location** Canada, ] [Current Mood anxiousanxious] [Current Music What About Us - John Barrowman]I am looking for any and all fics in which Ianto is somehow a Time Agent, (I don't care if it's AU) It needs to be Janto or Gen. No het please unless its just a small fling and he ends up with Jack anyways. I am also looking for any and all fics where Ianto is somehow (AU Or Otherwise) in the 51st Century for a extended period of time, or was even born there, or his parents are from the 51st Century. anything that has Ianto having something to do with the 51st Century.Any And All Fics that has Ianto being Related to Jack in any way, son, grandson, great grandson, brother, hell, maybe even his dad! I dont care if its incest. ( i am totally going to hell)Any and all Fics that Have Ianto Traveling with The Ninth Doctor, And I Hope Someone Can Find One That Has Ianto On The Gamestation With Jack.Any And All Fics That Have Ianto Being Or Becoming Immortal BEFORE COE Preferably Longer Than A One Shot Please.Any And All Fics That Have Ianto As An Alien.Any And All Fics That Have Ianto Being Different Than In The TV Series. Any And All Fics That Have Ianto Either Being Converted Instead Of Lisa (Longer Than A One Shot Please) Or One Part Of His Body Being Converted Without It Turning Him Evil. Any And All Fics That Have Ianto Having Something To Do with The Fairies.Any And All Fics That Have The Characters Interacting With The Actors.
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whump [Jan. 12th, 2013|09:42 pm]Torchwood Genre Finders
[Tags**|character: gray, character: ianto, character: jack, fluff/hurt/comfort, genre: character bashing fics, genre: fluff, hurt, hurt/comfort, ianto: protective ianto, jack: sick jack, jack: slave jack, jack: submissive jack, jack: vulnerable jack, mpreg, pairing: jack/ianto, year that never was] [Current Location** home] [Current Mood crazycrazy] [Current Music dappy]hi!i am looking for any fics with jack whumping in them or even simply jack h/c so long as it isnt gwackalso if there's any puking with comforting ianto the betteralso any doctor bashing and low self esteem jack would be greatly appreciated thanks!ps anyone got some jack/algy fics? (algy is the soldier jack said had a nice arse in doctor who the empty child) and some stories with jack and gray
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whump! [Jan. 8th, 2013|09:35 pm]Torchwood Genre Finders
[**Tags**|category: illness, character: gray, character: ianto, character: jack, fluff/hurt/comfort, genre: fluff, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: mpreg, jack harkness, jack: sick jack, jack: vulnerable jack, mpreg]this might sound slightly odd but i really love stories where jack is hurt/ill/traumatised/suffering and is looked after by one of the team (preferably ianto) or stories where he just generally thinks he's worhtless/less important/ low self esteem or is still upset over Grayalso mpreg where jack's up by ianto and he is very sickpreferably no jack/gwen
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Angst Ianto/Gray with comforting!Jack [Mar. 26th, 2012|03:57 pm]Torchwood Genre Finders
[**Tags**|category: non con, character: gray, genre: hurt/comfort, ianto: hurt ianto]Hi,First time posting but have been lurking for a while. Haven't seen much of this out there but am hoping you fine folks can assist me. I'm looking for fics (preferably longish but will take any) that have Non con between Ianto and Gray (Gray instigating) with comforting!Jack. For some reason I'm in a very angsty mood and would appreciate your help.Thank you!
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