twgenrefinders, posts by tag: category: non con - LiveJournal (original) (raw)

Depressed and unwanted Ianto fics [Jul. 28th, 2016|03:38 am]Torchwood Genre Finders
[**Tags**|category: illness, category: infidelity, category: jack/ianto relationship, category: living rough, category: non con, character: ianto, fic recommendations, fic warning: non con, fluff/hurt/comfort, genre: angst, genre: character bashing fics, genre: dark, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: non con, genre: unrequited love, hurt, hurt/comfort, ianto, ianto jones, ianto: abused ianto, ianto: anorexic ianto, ianto: drugged ianto, ianto: hurt ianto, ianto: ill ianto, ianto: kidnapped ianto, ianto: manservant ianto, ianto: mental stress, ianto: poisoned ianto, ianto: suicidal ianto, ianto: underappreciated ianto, jack: abusive, jack: cheating jack, jack: dark jack, non-con, recs lists, sad!fic, torchwood, violence]I have read every depressed Ianto tics I can get my hands on, ones where he feels no one likes him, he is unwanted, fics where he gets forgotten and left behind after Countryside, Please! Give me more. Heck, lets make it a challenge, see if you brilliant people can give me a fic I haven't read. I am also very interested in stories where Ianto is abused, raped, beaten, hurt and so on.
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Ianto Has a Secret *singsong Voice* [Mar. 23rd, 2014|03:22 pm]Torchwood Genre Finders
[Tags**|adoption, au janto, captain jack harkness, category: accident, category: aliens, category: amnesia, category: au, category: battle of canary wharf, category: body art, category: character background, category: cloning, category: crime, category: cross dressing, category: cyberwoman au, category: doctor and ianto friendship, category: doctor who, category: dub-con, category: exes showing up, category: fairies, category: foreknowledge, category: full series re-write, category: full series re-write or write-, category: ghosts, category: going in heat, category: historical events, category: ianto betrays jack, category: ianto meets another jack, category: ianto travelling with doctor, category: in the shadows, category: incest, category: jack ianto first meeting, category: jack not in charge, category: joining torchwood, category: lengthy stories, category: living rough, category: meet the family fic, category: nicknames, category: nine and ianto, category: non con, category: non-canon family, category: non-canon family ties, category: owen ianto friendship, category: pheromones, category: photographic memory, category: pre series fics, category: pre torchwood, category: providence park stories, category: related to one another, category: retcon, category: revenge, category: role reversal, category: rose and ianto, category: royal family, category: tattoos, category: team fic, category: the rift, category: the year that never was, category: time travel, category: torchwood one, category: torture, category: unit, category: war, category: werewolf ianto, category: wing fic, catgeory: nicknames, character: doctor, character: eleventh doctor, character: gray, character: ianto, character: jack, character: kathy swanson, character: nine, character: owen, character: river song, character: rose, character: tardis, character: teen ianto, character: ten, character: the doctor, character: the master, character: the ponds, character: young ianto, character: yvonne hartman, crossover, crossover: house, crossovers: harry potter, crossovers: sherlock holmes, crossovers: spn, denial, episode: boom town, episode: children of earth, episode: countrycide, episode: cyberwoman, episode: exit wounds, family, genre: angst, genre: au, genre: children of earth fixes, genre: crossovers, genre: mpreg, genre: non con, genre: plot-heavy stories, genre: romance, genre: rpf, genre: wing fic, hurt/comfort, ianto, ianto jones, ianto: abused ianto, ianto: addicted ianto, ianto: ai or part-ai ianto, ianto: alien ianto, ianto: angel ianto, ianto: anorexic ianto, ianto: archive ianto, ianto: artificial intelligence, ianto: artificial intelligence ianto, ianto: assassin ianto, ianto: blind ianto, ianto: clairvoyant ianto, ianto: dragon ianto, ianto: drugged ianto, ianto: drunk ianto, ianto: empath ianto, ianto: from important family, ianto: handicapped ianto, ianto: ianto in charge, ianto: immortal ianto, ianto: in therapy, ianto: kidnapped ianto, ianto: ninja ianto, ianto: not human, ianto: ocd ianto, ianto: older ianto, ianto: protective ianto, ianto: psychic ianto, ianto: rentboy ianto, ianto: singing ianto, ianto: suicidal ianto, ianto: timelord ianto, ianto: underappreciated ianto, ianto: undercover ianto, ianto: unit ianto, ianto: vampire ianto, ianto: virgin ianto, ianto: werewolf ianto, ianto: young, jack: abusive, jack: dark jack, jack: drug addict, jack: oblivious jack, jack: rentboy jack, jack: singing jack, jack: smart jack, jack: takes advantage of ianto, jack: timeagent jack, jack: virgin jack, master, meet the familiy, mpreg, non-con] [Current Location** Canada, Victoria] [Current Mood anxiousanxious]Im Looking For Fanfics That have Ianto/And Or Jack is keeping a big secret from everyone, other than lisa, preferably about not being human, being telapathic, a mutant, empath, alien, a time agent, timelord, treveled with the doctor, jacks son, being grey, actually being the doctor, the master or his son, owens brother, a genuise, transgender, hemaphrodite, anything of that sort, that sort of thing. gen or Janto please, not het, unless its a side pairing. Please i have read a ton and i am looking for some new ones! just look at the tags for more ideas on what im looking for please. i cant write much, i'v injured my wrist.
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Hit me with heavy Ianto!angst! [Mar. 2nd, 2014|03:53 pm]Torchwood Genre Finders
[Tags**|category: dub-con, category: lengthy stories, category: non con, character: ianto, genre: angst, ianto: abused ianto, ianto: drugged ianto, ianto: hurt ianto, ianto: ianto in peril, ianto: ill ianto, ianto: kidnapped ianto, ianto: mental stress, ianto: poisoned ianto, ianto: suicidal ianto, ianto: unfaithful, ianto: violent ianto, ianto: wild child, pairing: ianto/master, pairing: ianto/oc, pairing: ianto/omc, pairing: jack/ianto] [Current Mood** glutton for punishment]Hi All, I'm dying for some really heavy duty, hard hitting, makes me sad, Ianto angst that gets me in the gut but eventually has a happy, or as close to a happy ending as possible. My only caveat is, no Gwack...don't like it, don't want it, it gives me hives. Longer the better as I like there to be enough time for Ianto to get really beat up (literally or metophorically). I appreciate your help in advance my good people :)Thanks so much,Lori
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toshiko sato angst fics [Jan. 7th, 2014|05:31 pm]Torchwood Genre Finders
[Tags**|category: dub-con, category: illness, category: insanity, category: insomnia, category: non con, category: suicide, character: tosh, fic warning: non con, genre: angst, genre: au, genre: character death, genre: dark, genre: hurt/comfort, non-con, pairing: ianto/tosh, pairing: jack/ianto/tosh, pairing: owen/tosh, pairing: tosh/captain john, pairing: tosh/martha, protective jack] [Current Location** in the lounge room] [Current Mood hopefulhopeful] [Current Music brick by boring brick]hey,i'm looking for fanfics where tosh is the main character and is being/has been; abused, raped, anorexic/bulimic/eating-disordered/self-harming/suicidal/sick/injured- etc. etc. preferably tosh is hiding it from anyone but i don't care about pairings or ratingthanks.
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Jack or Ianto with difficult past [Nov. 20th, 2013|01:19 am]Torchwood Genre Finders
[**Tags**|category: au, category: body image issues, category: character background, category: jack/ianto relationship, category: non con, category: torture, fic warning: non con, fluff/hurt/comfort, genre: au, genre: hurt/comfort, hurt/comfort, ianto: abused ianto, ianto: hurt ianto, ianto: protective ianto, jack: protective jack, jack: submissive jack, jack: vulnerable jack, pairing: jack/ianto, protective jack]Hello)Just joined this awesome community, could you please rec me stories of this type:Are there any Janto where Ianto or Jack had some bad relationships in the past that altered their romance perception?Ugh, I'm crap at explaining.I mean, with anything from emotional/verbal to physical abuse in the past, maybe torture or even non-con. And now Jack/Ianto are wary or sort of expecting the worst from their partner.Dunno, maybe like Ianto thinking he can't refuse his superior or Jack thinking Ianto's with him because he's handsome/good in bed. Or more serious issues. ANYTHING.AND I love AU's and when they're both mortal/immortal, but canon is fine)))I've already read Super temp Jack)Do "Oncoming storm", "What never should be", "Ashes and Dust" have anything to do with my search? They're quite popular...Rec me something, pretty please! Thank you!!!Talie
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Angst Ianto/Gray with comforting!Jack [Mar. 26th, 2012|03:57 pm]Torchwood Genre Finders
[**Tags**|category: non con, character: gray, genre: hurt/comfort, ianto: hurt ianto]Hi,First time posting but have been lurking for a while. Haven't seen much of this out there but am hoping you fine folks can assist me. I'm looking for fics (preferably longish but will take any) that have Non con between Ianto and Gray (Gray instigating) with comforting!Jack. For some reason I'm in a very angsty mood and would appreciate your help.Thank you!
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Tortured Ianto [Aug. 21st, 2011|02:24 am]Torchwood Genre Finders
[Tags**|category: double penetration, category: non con, genre: angst, genre: dark, genre: hurt/comfort, ianto: abused ianto, ianto: empath ianto, ianto: hurt ianto, ianto: ianto in peril, ianto: mental stress, ianto: suicidal ianto, ianto: underappreciated ianto, jack: protective jack] [Current Mood** draineddrained] [Current Music John Barrowman Swinging Cole Porter]( You are about to view content that may only be appropriate for adults. )
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Ianto/Jack fics [Jul. 18th, 2011|01:18 pm]Torchwood Genre Finders
[**Tags**|category: jack/ianto relationship, category: non con, character: ianto, character: jack, format: lengthy stories, genre: angst, genre: dark, ianto: hurt ianto, jack: vulnerable jack]I'm looking for completed stories (one-shots, multi-chapter) where Ianto OR Jack is harassed, stalked, sexually assaulted, raped or in some other way attacked (maybe hate crime?)or all of the above and they have to deal with the consequences together. ie: Ianto is stalked then attacked by someone and he goes to Jack and they try to get through it. I read a good story where Jack was raped and the team (with help from Swanson) deal with the aftermath. The story started AFTER the attack but we get to learn what happened (it was graphic and I CRIED) to Jack throughout and I enjoyed how his relationship with Ianto was viewed as imperfect (Ianto blamed himself) and they worked through it.I'd like to see more of these types of stories. It doesn't matter to me who the victim is because in a way, they BOTH are.Completed fics only please!!!! Thanx!!!
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Looking for a Dark!Jack story [May. 30th, 2011|02:09 pm]Torchwood Genre Finders
[**Tags**|category: aliens, category: dub-con, category: ianto meets another jack, category: jacks immortality, category: non con, category: revenge, genre: angst, genre: au, genre: bdsm, genre: dark, genre: smut, ianto: abused ianto, ianto: ianto in peril, jack: dark jack, jack: mortal jack, jack: timeagent jack]1. Are there any stories where Jack has been split into 2 (be it body or mind) and one of them is good while the other is bad? Especially where Dark!Jack either seduces or forces Ianto to be with him? A plus is smut. Another plus would be a twists, like Good!Jack is now mortal and can grow old with Ianto but they have to find a way to force the two Jacks back together, maybe taking away the mortality of Good!Jack.2. I would LOVE a story (or 3) where a fake Jack comes and pretends to BE Jack: leading the team, sleeping with Ianto, etc. For this it could a clone/AU Jack/Time Agent Jack/Future Jack or even someone pretending to be Jack (ie: John Hart, Gray, Real Cap Jack Harkness, etc). It could either be that the Fake!Jack is a good guy who just wants to BE our Jack or it could be a Dark!Jack. I again won't say no to smut. Also, a BIG plus would be if it's a Dark!Jack that it doesn't end with our Jack saving the day, that instead poor Ianto is forced to keep Dark!Jack's survival a secret or something.No Gwack for either of these. It ain't my cup of tea.I'm a sucker for Hurt!Ianto stories too, just no Ianto deaths please. I can't take it. Either one-shots (sequels are good too) or COMPLETED longer/multi-chapter stories. I hate really loving a story and then it's incomplete and has been for oh, a long time. Thanks to everyone in advance!!!!
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