twgenrefinders, posts by tag: ianto: unfaithful - LiveJournal (original) (raw)

Hit me with heavy Ianto!angst! [Mar. 2nd, 2014|03:53 pm]Torchwood Genre Finders
[Tags**|category: dub-con, category: lengthy stories, category: non con, character: ianto, genre: angst, ianto: abused ianto, ianto: drugged ianto, ianto: hurt ianto, ianto: ianto in peril, ianto: ill ianto, ianto: kidnapped ianto, ianto: mental stress, ianto: poisoned ianto, ianto: suicidal ianto, ianto: unfaithful, ianto: violent ianto, ianto: wild child, pairing: ianto/master, pairing: ianto/oc, pairing: ianto/omc, pairing: jack/ianto] [Current Mood** glutton for punishment]Hi All, I'm dying for some really heavy duty, hard hitting, makes me sad, Ianto angst that gets me in the gut but eventually has a happy, or as close to a happy ending as possible. My only caveat is, no Gwack...don't like it, don't want it, it gives me hives. Longer the better as I like there to be enough time for Ianto to get really beat up (literally or metophorically). I appreciate your help in advance my good people :)Thanks so much,Lori
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