Adina Curta | Universitatea "1 Decembrie 1918" Alba Iulia (original) (raw)

Papers by Adina Curta

Research paper thumbnail of Competențele De Literație – O Achiziție Inconturnabilă

Research paper thumbnail of

La communication s'arrête sur un livre de la célèbre écrivaine française contemporaine Janine Boi... more La communication s'arrête sur un livre de la célèbre écrivaine française contemporaine Janine Boissard, livre intitulé Rendezvous avec mon fils. La communication est structurée en deux parties, respectivement : Janine Boissard entre l'écriture et la famille et Janine Boissard – les étapes du rendezvous salutaire. Le tableau prévisionnel. La première partie présente Janine Boissard comme écrivain et scénariste, auteur de la grande saga familiale Esprit de famille, romancière populaire, comme elle-même aime se définir, dont la bibliographie compte plus d'une trentaine de titres, auteur de bestsellers (Une femme en bleu, éd. Robert Laffont, 1996), mère de quatre enfants (deux fils et deux jumelles), une femme qui a voué sa vie à deux passions très vives: l'écriture et sa famille La seconde partie s'occupe du roman en question en le situant parmi les thèmes de prédilection privilégiés par Janine Boissard, à savoir celui, généreux, de la famille et des questions qu'elle soulève dans le monde actuel. Cet écrivain qui nous parle de nous, de nous tous et de nos problèmes, décide de s'occuper aussi de la consommation de la drogue par les enfants qui est devenue un véritable fléau du monde contemporain et qui a attiré d'ailleurs l'attention de plusieurs hommes de lettres. Dans Rendezvous avec mon fils, roman d'une mère qui cherche les raisons pour lesquelles son fils a succombé à la tentation insidieuse de la drogue, Boissard avoue avoir beaucoup hésité avant d'aborder un tel sujet douloureux, pour finir par espérer que son livre représentera une suggestion pour les parents qui n'ont pas été « au rendezvous » au moment opportun. Le « pourquoi » et le « comment » sont les deux questions majeures autour desquelles tourne le drame de la famille dont il est question dans le roman, famille qui se disait heureuse jusqu'au moment de la terrible nouvelle: leur fils vient d'être hospitalisé suite à une piqûre d'héroïne mal faite. Amour, tendresse, affection, attachement, égard, attention, toutes ces notions qui semblaient faire les piliers de base d'une construction ferme, stable, indestructible, d'une famille qui se croyait heureuse, se vident de leurs sens antérieurs devant l'écroulement de l'édifice familial qui s'avère être vulnérable et défectueux. La communication propose de déceler les coordonnées de cette rencontre essentielle entre parents et enfants, rencontre que l'écrivain appelle « rendezvous » et que nous appellerons le rendezvous salutaire. La signification de l'adjectif va évidemment dans le sens du salut que l'intervention des parents, de la mère en particulier, va opérer dans la vie et le destin du garçon. Mais avant ce rendezvous essentiel entre la mère et le fils, il y a plusieurs étapes que les personnages parcourent et que nous avons nommées respectivement manquement au rendezvous (le premier pas-un pas qui se définit paradoxalement par le non accomplissement-vers le rendezvous proprement dit), ensuite le premier au rendezvous (moment de capitulation du corps face à l'angoisse, deuxième étape qui prépare les parents à l'acceptation de l'imminence), le rendezvous à l'extérieur, le rendezvous avec la douleur (qui est aussi un pas très important, que la mère ne saurait sauter, et vers ce rendezvous elle se précipite avec une « hâte mêlée de peur »), puis la fin du jeu des masques qui devient dans les circonstances du roman une autre étape du rendezvous salutaire. Ces étapes qui mèneront finalement au salut sont analysées dans la perspective de la progression du mal qui va de pair avec la recherche de solutions.


Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Child's Play from Freud's Perspective Teaching Implications

Research paper thumbnail of Le jeu de l'enfant dans la perspective de Freud–valences didactiques

Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Saint Augustin's Confessons–Literary Valencies. The Origins of Critical Autobiography

Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2008


Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Bestiar. Salată orientală cu universitari închipuiţi de Lucian Bâgiu Bucureşti: Editura Cartea Românească, 2008

Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2008


Many of the contemporary approaches to foreign language teaching actually stem from ancient pedag... more Many of the contemporary approaches to foreign language teaching actually stem from ancient pedagogic principles and concepts, which are now revisited and re-worded. The new perspective on foreign languages teaching-learning process, advocated by the Common European ...

Research paper thumbnail of Malataverne dans l'inquiétude

Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Pre-service Teacher Education: Classroom observation and teaching practice booklet de Teodora Popescu. Alba Iulia: Editura Aeternitas, 2007

Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Les inconvénients de l'enfance dans «Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée» de Simone de Beauvoir

Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2007

Books by Adina Curta

Research paper thumbnail of Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, Vol. 3 No 1 (2020)

by Lucian Vasile Bagiu, Monica Manolachi, Carmen Darabus, Gabriela Chiciudean, Felix Nicolau, Nicoleta Popa Blanariu, Adina Curta, Crina Herteg, Petru Stefan Ionescu, Corina Selejan, Vistras Ivona, Mihaela Muresanu, Ionuț Tomuș, Ligia Tudurachi, Andra Iulia, and Maricica Munteanu

Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, Apr 30, 2020

The third volume of Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies encompasses a wide range of subjects rela... more The third volume of Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies encompasses a wide range of subjects related to Romanian literature, theatre, film, translation studies, and culture. Academics from famed universities situated in Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Bulgaria, and Romania, treat a variety of issues in English, Romanian, French and Spanish. In consequence, the collection of papers provided by this volume includes fourteen articles, a translation and two book reviews.

Research paper thumbnail of Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, Vol. 2 No 1 (2019)

by Lucian Vasile Bagiu, Felix Nicolau, Simina Pîrvu, Carmen Dominte, Iosif Camara, Zabava Camelia, Adina Curta, Carmen Darabus, Jarmila Horakova, Monica Manolachi, SILVIU Mihaila, Antonio Patras, Dana Radler, Corina Selejan, Adrian Tudurachi, Rodica Chira, and Marius MIHEȚ

Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 2019

In the second volume of Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies we are delighted to welcome ten artic... more In the second volume of Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies we are delighted to welcome ten articles and four book reviews on Romanian language, literature, translation, culture and theatre, written in English, French or Romanian, by academics from various traditional universities.
Literature section is illustrated by authors with affiliation to The “A. Philippide” Institute of Romanian Philology, Iași, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, and West University of Timișoara. The articles advance novel insights when inquiring into enticing subjects such as: the bodily community and its representations in the common space of the members of Viața românească literary group, analysed through Roland Barthes’s and Marielle Macéʼs theories; the remix of hajduk fiction in the nineteenth and early twentieth-century Romanian literature, conveying a modern lifestyle; the exile and nostalgia for the native lands in a comparative reading of the works of two seemingly unrelated writers: Andreï Makine and Sorin Titel, both of whom revealed to undergo a pilgrimage to reinvent themselves.
Translation studies is a perfect ground for “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia to present a paper dealing with a view on the concept of fidelity in literary translation with an analysis of the Romanian poet Mircea Ivănescu’s work on the overture of episode eleven, “Sirens”, from James Joyce’s “Ulysses”. The paper is not intended to elicit the imperfections of the translation but rather to illustrate the intricacy of the task, the problems of non-equivalence that are difficult to avoid by any literary translator.
Theatre section benefits from the original intuitions of academics from National University of Music Bucharest and Military Technical Academy, Bucharest, concentrating on modernity: the importance of the Romanian theatrical project – DramAcum, as a new type of theatre and dramaturgy, within the larger European influence of the verbatim dramatic style performed in theatres under the slogan of the in-yer-face; staging O’Neill’s Hughie by Alexa Visarion makes way for an investigation of several drama reviews that discuss the play’s first night, revealing that the performance was a successful attempt at communicating and debating the conflicted values of American pragmatism and equally a crowning of the Romanian director’s effort to unfold the “anti-materialism” and the fatalistic approach to existence of the American playwright.
Owing to University of Bucharest in Cultural studies we witness the reconstruction of the attitudes of Romanian peasants towards the vestiges of prehistoric material culture, finding out what people thought about the origin of prehistoric artefacts and what meanings were associated to them.
In the Linguistics section thanks to Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, and Lund University we are introduced to three perspectives on Romanian language: the destiny of the Latin in the East is interpreted through the pastoral character of Romanity, which led to a population mobility that influenced the language at diatopic level, with a focus on the transhumant shepherds whose travels played a linguistic levelling role, despite the territorial spread of the language; the modern French impact on the Romanian language (the redefining of the neo-Latinic physiognomy of the Romanian language) is detailed from a chronological perspective, the influence of French language being considered from a linguistic perspective, but also with a view to the various social circumstances; last but not least, we are proposed a plea in favor of a linguistic updating, namely the acceptance into the literary language of feminized denominations of professions.
Due to University of Oradea, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, and University of Craiova the Book reviews section engages: a tome written by Paul Cernat, an essential study for those interested in the phenomenon of the Romanian avant-garde; a book by Carmen Mușat, which analyzes and systemizes the relational character of literature and the discourses on literature, a plea for the theorist and his presence in the world, retaining a valid purpose; a volume proposing multiple interpretations, in which Carmen Dărăbuş traces the (evolutionary) trajectory of male characters, by highlighting the permanent capabilities of metamorphosis of the primordial pattern; a literary magazine bringing into attention of the contemporary readers the cultural activity of the Romanian intellectuals from exile, with a focus on Camilian Demetrescu.
Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies is published in collaboration with “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania, and welcomes contributions from scholars all over the world.

Research paper thumbnail of Competențele De Literație – O Achiziție Inconturnabilă

Research paper thumbnail of

La communication s'arrête sur un livre de la célèbre écrivaine française contemporaine Janine Boi... more La communication s'arrête sur un livre de la célèbre écrivaine française contemporaine Janine Boissard, livre intitulé Rendezvous avec mon fils. La communication est structurée en deux parties, respectivement : Janine Boissard entre l'écriture et la famille et Janine Boissard – les étapes du rendezvous salutaire. Le tableau prévisionnel. La première partie présente Janine Boissard comme écrivain et scénariste, auteur de la grande saga familiale Esprit de famille, romancière populaire, comme elle-même aime se définir, dont la bibliographie compte plus d'une trentaine de titres, auteur de bestsellers (Une femme en bleu, éd. Robert Laffont, 1996), mère de quatre enfants (deux fils et deux jumelles), une femme qui a voué sa vie à deux passions très vives: l'écriture et sa famille La seconde partie s'occupe du roman en question en le situant parmi les thèmes de prédilection privilégiés par Janine Boissard, à savoir celui, généreux, de la famille et des questions qu'elle soulève dans le monde actuel. Cet écrivain qui nous parle de nous, de nous tous et de nos problèmes, décide de s'occuper aussi de la consommation de la drogue par les enfants qui est devenue un véritable fléau du monde contemporain et qui a attiré d'ailleurs l'attention de plusieurs hommes de lettres. Dans Rendezvous avec mon fils, roman d'une mère qui cherche les raisons pour lesquelles son fils a succombé à la tentation insidieuse de la drogue, Boissard avoue avoir beaucoup hésité avant d'aborder un tel sujet douloureux, pour finir par espérer que son livre représentera une suggestion pour les parents qui n'ont pas été « au rendezvous » au moment opportun. Le « pourquoi » et le « comment » sont les deux questions majeures autour desquelles tourne le drame de la famille dont il est question dans le roman, famille qui se disait heureuse jusqu'au moment de la terrible nouvelle: leur fils vient d'être hospitalisé suite à une piqûre d'héroïne mal faite. Amour, tendresse, affection, attachement, égard, attention, toutes ces notions qui semblaient faire les piliers de base d'une construction ferme, stable, indestructible, d'une famille qui se croyait heureuse, se vident de leurs sens antérieurs devant l'écroulement de l'édifice familial qui s'avère être vulnérable et défectueux. La communication propose de déceler les coordonnées de cette rencontre essentielle entre parents et enfants, rencontre que l'écrivain appelle « rendezvous » et que nous appellerons le rendezvous salutaire. La signification de l'adjectif va évidemment dans le sens du salut que l'intervention des parents, de la mère en particulier, va opérer dans la vie et le destin du garçon. Mais avant ce rendezvous essentiel entre la mère et le fils, il y a plusieurs étapes que les personnages parcourent et que nous avons nommées respectivement manquement au rendezvous (le premier pas-un pas qui se définit paradoxalement par le non accomplissement-vers le rendezvous proprement dit), ensuite le premier au rendezvous (moment de capitulation du corps face à l'angoisse, deuxième étape qui prépare les parents à l'acceptation de l'imminence), le rendezvous à l'extérieur, le rendezvous avec la douleur (qui est aussi un pas très important, que la mère ne saurait sauter, et vers ce rendezvous elle se précipite avec une « hâte mêlée de peur »), puis la fin du jeu des masques qui devient dans les circonstances du roman une autre étape du rendezvous salutaire. Ces étapes qui mèneront finalement au salut sont analysées dans la perspective de la progression du mal qui va de pair avec la recherche de solutions.


Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Child's Play from Freud's Perspective Teaching Implications

Research paper thumbnail of Le jeu de l'enfant dans la perspective de Freud–valences didactiques

Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Saint Augustin's Confessons–Literary Valencies. The Origins of Critical Autobiography

Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2008


Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Bestiar. Salată orientală cu universitari închipuiţi de Lucian Bâgiu Bucureşti: Editura Cartea Românească, 2008

Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2008


Many of the contemporary approaches to foreign language teaching actually stem from ancient pedag... more Many of the contemporary approaches to foreign language teaching actually stem from ancient pedagogic principles and concepts, which are now revisited and re-worded. The new perspective on foreign languages teaching-learning process, advocated by the Common European ...

Research paper thumbnail of Malataverne dans l'inquiétude

Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Pre-service Teacher Education: Classroom observation and teaching practice booklet de Teodora Popescu. Alba Iulia: Editura Aeternitas, 2007

Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Les inconvénients de l'enfance dans «Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée» de Simone de Beauvoir

Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, Jan 1, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, Vol. 3 No 1 (2020)

by Lucian Vasile Bagiu, Monica Manolachi, Carmen Darabus, Gabriela Chiciudean, Felix Nicolau, Nicoleta Popa Blanariu, Adina Curta, Crina Herteg, Petru Stefan Ionescu, Corina Selejan, Vistras Ivona, Mihaela Muresanu, Ionuț Tomuș, Ligia Tudurachi, Andra Iulia, and Maricica Munteanu

Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, Apr 30, 2020

The third volume of Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies encompasses a wide range of subjects rela... more The third volume of Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies encompasses a wide range of subjects related to Romanian literature, theatre, film, translation studies, and culture. Academics from famed universities situated in Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Bulgaria, and Romania, treat a variety of issues in English, Romanian, French and Spanish. In consequence, the collection of papers provided by this volume includes fourteen articles, a translation and two book reviews.

Research paper thumbnail of Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, Vol. 2 No 1 (2019)

by Lucian Vasile Bagiu, Felix Nicolau, Simina Pîrvu, Carmen Dominte, Iosif Camara, Zabava Camelia, Adina Curta, Carmen Darabus, Jarmila Horakova, Monica Manolachi, SILVIU Mihaila, Antonio Patras, Dana Radler, Corina Selejan, Adrian Tudurachi, Rodica Chira, and Marius MIHEȚ

Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 2019

In the second volume of Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies we are delighted to welcome ten artic... more In the second volume of Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies we are delighted to welcome ten articles and four book reviews on Romanian language, literature, translation, culture and theatre, written in English, French or Romanian, by academics from various traditional universities.
Literature section is illustrated by authors with affiliation to The “A. Philippide” Institute of Romanian Philology, Iași, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, and West University of Timișoara. The articles advance novel insights when inquiring into enticing subjects such as: the bodily community and its representations in the common space of the members of Viața românească literary group, analysed through Roland Barthes’s and Marielle Macéʼs theories; the remix of hajduk fiction in the nineteenth and early twentieth-century Romanian literature, conveying a modern lifestyle; the exile and nostalgia for the native lands in a comparative reading of the works of two seemingly unrelated writers: Andreï Makine and Sorin Titel, both of whom revealed to undergo a pilgrimage to reinvent themselves.
Translation studies is a perfect ground for “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia to present a paper dealing with a view on the concept of fidelity in literary translation with an analysis of the Romanian poet Mircea Ivănescu’s work on the overture of episode eleven, “Sirens”, from James Joyce’s “Ulysses”. The paper is not intended to elicit the imperfections of the translation but rather to illustrate the intricacy of the task, the problems of non-equivalence that are difficult to avoid by any literary translator.
Theatre section benefits from the original intuitions of academics from National University of Music Bucharest and Military Technical Academy, Bucharest, concentrating on modernity: the importance of the Romanian theatrical project – DramAcum, as a new type of theatre and dramaturgy, within the larger European influence of the verbatim dramatic style performed in theatres under the slogan of the in-yer-face; staging O’Neill’s Hughie by Alexa Visarion makes way for an investigation of several drama reviews that discuss the play’s first night, revealing that the performance was a successful attempt at communicating and debating the conflicted values of American pragmatism and equally a crowning of the Romanian director’s effort to unfold the “anti-materialism” and the fatalistic approach to existence of the American playwright.
Owing to University of Bucharest in Cultural studies we witness the reconstruction of the attitudes of Romanian peasants towards the vestiges of prehistoric material culture, finding out what people thought about the origin of prehistoric artefacts and what meanings were associated to them.
In the Linguistics section thanks to Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, and Lund University we are introduced to three perspectives on Romanian language: the destiny of the Latin in the East is interpreted through the pastoral character of Romanity, which led to a population mobility that influenced the language at diatopic level, with a focus on the transhumant shepherds whose travels played a linguistic levelling role, despite the territorial spread of the language; the modern French impact on the Romanian language (the redefining of the neo-Latinic physiognomy of the Romanian language) is detailed from a chronological perspective, the influence of French language being considered from a linguistic perspective, but also with a view to the various social circumstances; last but not least, we are proposed a plea in favor of a linguistic updating, namely the acceptance into the literary language of feminized denominations of professions.
Due to University of Oradea, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, and University of Craiova the Book reviews section engages: a tome written by Paul Cernat, an essential study for those interested in the phenomenon of the Romanian avant-garde; a book by Carmen Mușat, which analyzes and systemizes the relational character of literature and the discourses on literature, a plea for the theorist and his presence in the world, retaining a valid purpose; a volume proposing multiple interpretations, in which Carmen Dărăbuş traces the (evolutionary) trajectory of male characters, by highlighting the permanent capabilities of metamorphosis of the primordial pattern; a literary magazine bringing into attention of the contemporary readers the cultural activity of the Romanian intellectuals from exile, with a focus on Camilian Demetrescu.
Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies is published in collaboration with “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania, and welcomes contributions from scholars all over the world.