Sara Díaz Bonilla | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (original) (raw)
Pottery technology by Sara Díaz Bonilla
Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française, 2023
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Open licence-etalab| Le traitement de surface et les outils de travail dans la production des poteries préhistoriques
Treballs d'Arqueologia, 2019
Prehistoric pottery and the instrumental kit for its production. Description of the archaeologica... more Prehistoric pottery and the instrumental kit for its production. Description of the archaeological record of Coro Trasito (Tella-Sin, Huesca) In this work, we present the working tools related to pottery production. The starting point is a series of experimental programs that allow us to define the presence and development of use-wear traces on the surfaces of the different instruments related to that production-which were recognized in archaeological contexts. This includes the use of tools manufactured in raw materials of different origin: minerals (lithic knapped blanks, natural cobbles and/or pebbles, pottery sticks…), and hard materials of animal origin (bone spatulas/awls, shell tools…).
Treballs d'Arqueologia, 2019
Resumen En el presente artículo se realiza un repaso conceptual sobre qué se entiende por experim... more Resumen En el presente artículo se realiza un repaso conceptual sobre qué se entiende por experimenta-ción, su trayectoria y qué implicaciones ha tenido para la arqueología y el estudio de artefactos prehistóricos. La cerámica ha sido un ámbito donde la experimentación ha irrumpido con fuer-za, dado su potencial a la hora de formular hipótesis y contrastarlas mediante la construcción de referentes actuales. Este potente desarrollo ha sido posible, en parte, por el largo camino reco-rrido por los estudios experimentales en otras materias duras, como lítica y hueso, para elaborar instrumentos de trabajo. En un segundo bloque, se presenta una propuesta de programa experimental, destinado a la creación de un referente de trazas de fabricación y estado general del tratamiento de superfi-cie resultante del trabajo humano, empleando herramientas de fabricación cerámica. Dicha propuesta, cuyos resultados serán objeto de publicaciones futuras, se encuentra en etapa de desarrollo. Abstract. Experimentation applied to handmade prehistoric pottery: creation of an experimental reference collection for surface treatment analysis In this article, a state of art-review is made on what we understand by experimentation and what implications this concept has for archaeology and the study of prehistoric artifacts. Ceramics has been a field where experimentation has burst in with force, due to its potential for formulating hypotheses and contrasting them through the construction of current references. This powerful development has been made possible by the long way travelled by experimental studies in other hard materials, such as lithic and bone, in order to elaborate working instruments. In a second part, a proposal for an experimental programme is presented, aimed at exploring analytically the traces of manufacture and the general state of surface treatment resulting
Quaternary International, 2020
The surface treatment of handmade pottery is often described in ceramological studies of prehisto... more The surface treatment of handmade pottery is often described in ceramological studies of prehistoric collections. However, beyond inferences about its meaning, few works have addressed this issue in depth. For this study, an experimental program has been carried out, where the main variable being explored was the category of tool involved in the fabrication of prehistoric handmade pottery. Therefore, we start from the hypothesis that different tools generate differentiable traces. A catalogue of traces generated by five pottery tools (pebble, flint spatula, pottery spatula, shell spatula and linen rag) was created, with the aim of characterizing and systematizing them. The resulting macroscopic analysis allowed a first qualitative classification of the traces. Microscopic analysis by confocal microscopy then confirmed the classification with quantitative data. The potential of the proposed methodology for traceological and textural analysis of surface treatment in ceramics is highlighted. Hence, the possibility of discriminating different surface treatment techniques opens new perspectives for the study of prehistoric pottery.
Arqueologia de l'alta muntanya by Sara Díaz Bonilla
Open Archaeology, 2021
After years of intense fieldwork, our knowledge about the Neolithisation of the Pyrenees has cons... more After years of intense fieldwork, our knowledge about the Neolithisation of the Pyrenees has considerably increased. In the southern central Pyrenees, some previously unknown Neolithic sites have been discovered at subalpine and alpine altitudes (1,000-1,500 m a.s.l.). One of them is Cueva Lóbrica, 1,170 m a.s.l., which has an occupation phase with impressed pottery dated ca. 5400 cal BCE. Another is Coro Trasito, 1,558 m a.s.l., a large rock shelter that preserves evidence of continuous occupations in the Early Neolithic, 5300-4600 cal BCE. Evidence of human occupation at higher altitudes has also been documented. In the Axial Pyrenees, at the Obagues de Ratera rock shelter, 2,345 m a.s.l., an occupation has been dated to around 5730-5600 cal BCE. At Cova del Sardo, in the Sant Nicolau Valley, at 1,780 m a.s.l., a series of occupations have been excavated, dated to ca. 5600-4500 cal BCE. These sites allow us to discuss patterns of occupation of the mountainous areas between the Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic. Recent data suggest that the last hunter-gatherer occupied all altitudinal stages of the Pyrenees, both in the outer and inner ranges. A change in the settlement pattern seems to have occurred in the Early Neolithic, which consisted of a concentration of occupations in the valley bottom and mid-slopes, in biotopes favourable to both herding and agriculture.
Quaternary International, 2020
For the last twenty years, various interdisciplinary research programs have been studying human p... more For the last twenty years, various interdisciplinary research programs have been studying human presence in high mountain environments and how the different activities carried out there have impacted on the landscape and transformed it since the Early Holocene. Grazing, hunting, mining, and charcoal-making are the most significant outdoor productive activities that have been detected. At the same time, on a day-today basis, there was a daily household firewood management, studied here, which was related to fires for cooking, heat and light, as basic needs to be satisfied in the caves and rock-shelters occupied in this high-mountain territory since Prehistory. This paper presents the anthracological results from three sites located in the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park (PNAESM) in the Central Pyrenees occupied between the 9th and the 1st millennia cal BCE. In the PNAESM, different types of occupations have been identified in a basic spatial distribution by a hearth and some artefacts associated with past daily life. In the limit between the upper montane and the subalpine zones, at 1790 m a.s.l., Sardo Cave contains a sequence of seasonal occupations (4600-2500 cal BCE) that used local wood selected according to their needs. In the limit between the subalpine and alpine zones, firewood-gathering would have taken place in the surroundings of the sites from what was available at any moment. However the occupations identified in the rock-shelters of Estany de la Coveta I (7001-3028 cal BCE) at 2430 m a.s.l. and Obagues de Ratera (8182-540 cal BCE) at 2323 m a.s.l. seem to be short-term. In the context of the Central and Eastern Pyrenees, this appears to be the general pattern that will be better defined as more anthracological analyses are performed.
II Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia del Pirineu i Aran, 2020
II Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia del Pirineu i Aran, 2020
Actas. III Congreso de Arqueología y Patrimonio Aragonés, 2020
The use of the caves as places to house cattle is a recurring phenomenon in southern Europe. In a... more The use of the caves as places to house cattle is a recurring phenomenon in southern Europe. In archeology, this use is documented from the Early Neolithic largely by studying the “fumiers.” The excavation of the cave of Coro Trasito has allowed to document a detailed archaeological sequence of the ancient Neolithic, dated between 5300 and 4500 calANE, with a succession of layers of “fumier”. Nevertheless, their open area excavation shown the complexity of uses of the cavity, where activities of housing, production and habitat alternate. The present communication exposes the occupation floor of phase 4 of the site, where the overlapping of homes shows the configuration of a habitat and work space during an episode of interruption in the formation of the “fumier” during the first half of the V Millennium calBC.
XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Pare Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, Dec 2019
Among the 350 archaeological sites discovered in the National Park there are several rock-shelter... more Among the 350 archaeological sites discovered in the National Park there are several rock-shelters. Those little cavities are formed by glacial erratics. Between 2015 and 2017 one of them has been completely excavated, the Abric de les Obagues de Ratera. Excavation works have highlithed a long sequence of human occupation, over about 10 ka yrs. The recurrent use of the rock-shelter as dwelling space and/or overnight shelter is a good example of the long-term continuity in the archaeological record of the National Park, despite periods of abandonment. The site allows to study in detail the shifts in patterns of occupation of the rock-shelter and the in the economic activities carried out.
Las excavaciones en extensión de un sector de la cueva de Coro Trasito están sacando a la luz ocu... more Las excavaciones en extensión de un sector de la cueva de Coro Trasito están sacando a la luz ocupaciones de época neolítica (VI y V milenio calANE) y de la Edad del Bronce (mediados del II milenio calANE). En ellas, y especialmente en las primeras, el asentamiento humano se llevó a cabo en el marco del uso de la cavidad como redil, tal y como hace evidente la sucesión de capas de “fumier” que conforman la secuencia estratigráfica. Sin embargo, la presencia de fosas en las diferentes fases de ocupación muestra, también, que junto a la estabulación de ganado en el lugar también se llevaron a cabo prácticas de almacenamiento a la vez que, seguramente, se introdujeron elementos para diferenciar espacios. En este trabajo se presenta este aspecto de las ocupaciones prehistóricas documentadas hasta la fecha en
Coro Trasito. Se describen las principales características morfológicas de estas estructuras, se detallan los elementos diferenciales de las fosas de la Edad del Bronce y del neolítico y se aportan elementos para inferir su funcionalidad y comprender su distribución espacial dentro de la cavidad. Así mismo se detallan otros elementos constructivos que, posiblemente, completaron la estructuración del espacio.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Neolítico; Edad del Bronce; Cueva redil; Almacenaje; Excavación en extensión; Pirineo.
Extended diggings in cave’s area are showing occupations from Neolithic (VI and V Millennium calBC) and Bronze Age (middle of II Millennium calBC). About that, especially in the former, human settlement has to do with their use like a fold cave. We could see this fact in the “fumier” layers. Nevertheless, the presence of storage silos shows the presence of storage activities on the different phases of occupation, cattle stabling and distinction of cave space. We will present the prehistorical occupations in Coro Trasito at the moment. We will show morphological attributes of structures, distinctive features of Neolithic and bronze age silos too. We would like to understand their functionality and spatial distribution, and we will characterize other spatial features.
KEY WORDS: Neolithic; Bronze Age; Fold Cave; Storage; Open area excavation; Pyrenees.
During the last two decades, the archaeological research carried out in the Pyrenees challenged t... more During the last two decades, the archaeological research carried out in the Pyrenees challenged the traditional images of the past in this mountain area. The archaeological sequence of the range goes back and sites like Balma Margineda, treated until recently as an exception, now are seen as part of more global process. Actual data suggest that main valleys of the Pyrenean frequented by humans at the end of the last glacial period, with sites slightly over 1000 o.s.l. After the Younger Dryas, the human presence ascended to alpine and subalpine areas, in accordance with current archaeological data. The Neolisitation process was early in some hillsides, with intense remains of farming and pastoralism in many sites from dated in the second half of the 6th millennia cal BC. Human settlements like Coro Tracito, Els Trocs and El Sardo confirm the full introduction of agrarian activity in the central part of the Pyrenees between 5300 and 4600 cal BC. After 3500/3300 cal BC the indices oh sheepherding rises to alpine areas, with an abrupt increase of known archaeological sites in alpine areas, above the current timberline. This phenomena, as well as the signs of anthropic disturbance of the alpine environment in sedimentary sequences, suggests a more stable and ubiquitous human presence, probably largely associated with the development of mobile herding practices.
I Congreso de Arqueología y Patrimonio Aragonés. Actas, Jun 2016
Investigaciones llevadas a cabo en los últimos 20 años en las dos vertientes de los Pirineos han ... more Investigaciones llevadas a cabo en los últimos 20 años en las dos vertientes de los Pirineos han evidenciado la existencia de
un importante patrimonio arqueológico en las zonas altas de la cordillera. Estos vestigios se localizan en muchas ocasiones
por encima los 2.000 m. de altitud en zonas vinculadas, en los últimos siglos, a actividades ganaderas. Generalmente se tratan
de restos de construcciones, cabañas y cercados. No obstante también se han localizado elementos funerarios, arte rupestre,
depósitos de cerámica, explotaciones mineras, etc.
El año 2015 el grupo de Arqueología de Alta Montaña (GAAM) inició en el valle de Goriz, dentro del Parque Nacional de
Ordesa-Monte Perdido, prospecciones arqueológicas siguiendo una metodología similar a la que lleva implementando desde
hace más de 10 años en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. Fruto de esta primera intervención se han
registrado diversos yacimientos arqueológicos inéditos, aparentemente vinculados a actividades ganaderas. Este registro se ha
llevado a cabo siguiendo los parámetros consensuados en el marco de la red internacional DEPART Dinámicas de los Espacios
Pirenaicos de Altitud. Un SIG del patrimonio arqueológico y la modelización de los territorios pastorales.
Además de la exposición de los resultados obtenidos, el trabajo presentado detalla tanto la metodología seguida en el campo de
reconocimiento del terreno y de registro de las evidencias arqueológicas. Así mismo ilustra la integración posterior de los datos
en una geobase de datos espacial.
Arqueología Pirenaica by Sara Díaz Bonilla
During the last two decades, the archaeological research carried out in the Pyrenees challenged t... more During the last two decades, the archaeological research carried out in the Pyrenees challenged the traditional images of the past in this mountain area. The archaeological sequence of the range goes back and sites like Balma Margineda, treated until recently as an exception, now are seen as part of more global process. Actual data suggest that main valleys of the Pyrenean frequented by humans at the end of the last glacial period, with sites slightly over 1000 o.s.l. After the Younger Dryas, the human presence ascended to alpine and subalpine areas, in accordance with current archaeological data. The Neolisitation process was early in some hillsides, with intense remains of farming and pastoralism in many sites from dated in the second half of the 6th millennia cal BC. Human settlements like Coro Tracito, Els Trocs and El Sardo confirm the full introduction of agrarian activity in the central part of the Pyrenees between 5300 and 4600 cal BC. After 3500/3300 cal BC the indices oh sheepherding rises to alpine areas, with an abrupt increase of known archaeological sites in alpine areas, above the current timberline. This phenomena, as well as the signs of anthropic disturbance of the alpine environment in sedimentary sequences, suggests a more stable and ubiquitous human presence, probably largely associated with the development of mobile herding practices.
Seminars & courses by Sara Díaz Bonilla
by David González-Álvarez, Rebeca Blanco-Rotea, Sara Díaz Bonilla, David Garcia-Casas, Catarina Tente, António Faustino Carvalho, Arnau Garcia, Carlos Rodríguez Rellán, Ramon Fábregas Valcarce, Pablo López Gómez, Lara Delgado Anés, Pablo Romero Pellitero, and Jorge Canosa-Betés
WORKSHOP "Arqueoloxía en áreas de montaña: últimos desenvolvementos e retos de futuro na Penínsul... more WORKSHOP "Arqueoloxía en áreas de montaña: últimos desenvolvementos e retos de futuro na Península Ibérica"
Consello da Cultura Galega, Santiago de Compostela
Mércores, 27 de marzo de 2019
Papers by Sara Díaz Bonilla
Generalitat de Catalunya, 2019
per sobre els 2300 m. d'altitud, ha permès documentar una extensa seqüència arqueològica. La sèri... more per sobre els 2300 m. d'altitud, ha permès documentar una extensa seqüència arqueològica. La sèrie de datacions radiocarbòniques efectuades ha precisat la cronologia d'aquestes ocupacions, que arrenquen a inicis de l'Holocé i s'estenen fins al s. XX, cobrint diversos períodes prehistòrics, de l'Edat Mitjana i d'època contemporània. L'anàlisi dels materials recuperats durant les excavacions complementa la imatge de l'abric com un lloc utilitzat de manera reiterada i canviant al llarg del temps. L'estudi d'aquest petit jaciment posa en valor els vestigis arqueològics de zones alpines i subalpines i referma el seu potencial per a l'estudi del passat.
Quaternary International, 2020
Abstract The surface treatment of handmade pottery is often described in ceramological studies of... more Abstract The surface treatment of handmade pottery is often described in ceramological studies of prehistoric collections. However, beyond inferences about its meaning, few works have addressed this issue in depth. For this study, an experimental program has been carried out, where the main variable being explored was the category of tool involved in the fabrication of prehistoric handmade pottery. Therefore, we start from the hypothesis that different tools generate differentiable traces. A catalogue of traces generated by five pottery tools (pebble, flint spatula, pottery spatula, shell spatula and linen rag) was created, with the aim of characterizing and systematizing them. The resulting macroscopic analysis allowed a first qualitative classification of the traces. Microscopic analysis by confocal microscopy then confirmed the classification with quantitative data. The potential of the proposed methodology for traceological and textural analysis of surface treatment in ceramics is highlighted. Hence, the possibility of discriminating different surface treatment techniques opens new perspectives for the study of prehistoric pottery.
Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française, 2023
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Open licence-etalab| Le traitement de surface et les outils de travail dans la production des poteries préhistoriques
Treballs d'Arqueologia, 2019
Prehistoric pottery and the instrumental kit for its production. Description of the archaeologica... more Prehistoric pottery and the instrumental kit for its production. Description of the archaeological record of Coro Trasito (Tella-Sin, Huesca) In this work, we present the working tools related to pottery production. The starting point is a series of experimental programs that allow us to define the presence and development of use-wear traces on the surfaces of the different instruments related to that production-which were recognized in archaeological contexts. This includes the use of tools manufactured in raw materials of different origin: minerals (lithic knapped blanks, natural cobbles and/or pebbles, pottery sticks…), and hard materials of animal origin (bone spatulas/awls, shell tools…).
Treballs d'Arqueologia, 2019
Resumen En el presente artículo se realiza un repaso conceptual sobre qué se entiende por experim... more Resumen En el presente artículo se realiza un repaso conceptual sobre qué se entiende por experimenta-ción, su trayectoria y qué implicaciones ha tenido para la arqueología y el estudio de artefactos prehistóricos. La cerámica ha sido un ámbito donde la experimentación ha irrumpido con fuer-za, dado su potencial a la hora de formular hipótesis y contrastarlas mediante la construcción de referentes actuales. Este potente desarrollo ha sido posible, en parte, por el largo camino reco-rrido por los estudios experimentales en otras materias duras, como lítica y hueso, para elaborar instrumentos de trabajo. En un segundo bloque, se presenta una propuesta de programa experimental, destinado a la creación de un referente de trazas de fabricación y estado general del tratamiento de superfi-cie resultante del trabajo humano, empleando herramientas de fabricación cerámica. Dicha propuesta, cuyos resultados serán objeto de publicaciones futuras, se encuentra en etapa de desarrollo. Abstract. Experimentation applied to handmade prehistoric pottery: creation of an experimental reference collection for surface treatment analysis In this article, a state of art-review is made on what we understand by experimentation and what implications this concept has for archaeology and the study of prehistoric artifacts. Ceramics has been a field where experimentation has burst in with force, due to its potential for formulating hypotheses and contrasting them through the construction of current references. This powerful development has been made possible by the long way travelled by experimental studies in other hard materials, such as lithic and bone, in order to elaborate working instruments. In a second part, a proposal for an experimental programme is presented, aimed at exploring analytically the traces of manufacture and the general state of surface treatment resulting
Quaternary International, 2020
The surface treatment of handmade pottery is often described in ceramological studies of prehisto... more The surface treatment of handmade pottery is often described in ceramological studies of prehistoric collections. However, beyond inferences about its meaning, few works have addressed this issue in depth. For this study, an experimental program has been carried out, where the main variable being explored was the category of tool involved in the fabrication of prehistoric handmade pottery. Therefore, we start from the hypothesis that different tools generate differentiable traces. A catalogue of traces generated by five pottery tools (pebble, flint spatula, pottery spatula, shell spatula and linen rag) was created, with the aim of characterizing and systematizing them. The resulting macroscopic analysis allowed a first qualitative classification of the traces. Microscopic analysis by confocal microscopy then confirmed the classification with quantitative data. The potential of the proposed methodology for traceological and textural analysis of surface treatment in ceramics is highlighted. Hence, the possibility of discriminating different surface treatment techniques opens new perspectives for the study of prehistoric pottery.
Open Archaeology, 2021
After years of intense fieldwork, our knowledge about the Neolithisation of the Pyrenees has cons... more After years of intense fieldwork, our knowledge about the Neolithisation of the Pyrenees has considerably increased. In the southern central Pyrenees, some previously unknown Neolithic sites have been discovered at subalpine and alpine altitudes (1,000-1,500 m a.s.l.). One of them is Cueva Lóbrica, 1,170 m a.s.l., which has an occupation phase with impressed pottery dated ca. 5400 cal BCE. Another is Coro Trasito, 1,558 m a.s.l., a large rock shelter that preserves evidence of continuous occupations in the Early Neolithic, 5300-4600 cal BCE. Evidence of human occupation at higher altitudes has also been documented. In the Axial Pyrenees, at the Obagues de Ratera rock shelter, 2,345 m a.s.l., an occupation has been dated to around 5730-5600 cal BCE. At Cova del Sardo, in the Sant Nicolau Valley, at 1,780 m a.s.l., a series of occupations have been excavated, dated to ca. 5600-4500 cal BCE. These sites allow us to discuss patterns of occupation of the mountainous areas between the Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic. Recent data suggest that the last hunter-gatherer occupied all altitudinal stages of the Pyrenees, both in the outer and inner ranges. A change in the settlement pattern seems to have occurred in the Early Neolithic, which consisted of a concentration of occupations in the valley bottom and mid-slopes, in biotopes favourable to both herding and agriculture.
Quaternary International, 2020
For the last twenty years, various interdisciplinary research programs have been studying human p... more For the last twenty years, various interdisciplinary research programs have been studying human presence in high mountain environments and how the different activities carried out there have impacted on the landscape and transformed it since the Early Holocene. Grazing, hunting, mining, and charcoal-making are the most significant outdoor productive activities that have been detected. At the same time, on a day-today basis, there was a daily household firewood management, studied here, which was related to fires for cooking, heat and light, as basic needs to be satisfied in the caves and rock-shelters occupied in this high-mountain territory since Prehistory. This paper presents the anthracological results from three sites located in the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park (PNAESM) in the Central Pyrenees occupied between the 9th and the 1st millennia cal BCE. In the PNAESM, different types of occupations have been identified in a basic spatial distribution by a hearth and some artefacts associated with past daily life. In the limit between the upper montane and the subalpine zones, at 1790 m a.s.l., Sardo Cave contains a sequence of seasonal occupations (4600-2500 cal BCE) that used local wood selected according to their needs. In the limit between the subalpine and alpine zones, firewood-gathering would have taken place in the surroundings of the sites from what was available at any moment. However the occupations identified in the rock-shelters of Estany de la Coveta I (7001-3028 cal BCE) at 2430 m a.s.l. and Obagues de Ratera (8182-540 cal BCE) at 2323 m a.s.l. seem to be short-term. In the context of the Central and Eastern Pyrenees, this appears to be the general pattern that will be better defined as more anthracological analyses are performed.
II Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia del Pirineu i Aran, 2020
II Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia del Pirineu i Aran, 2020
Actas. III Congreso de Arqueología y Patrimonio Aragonés, 2020
The use of the caves as places to house cattle is a recurring phenomenon in southern Europe. In a... more The use of the caves as places to house cattle is a recurring phenomenon in southern Europe. In archeology, this use is documented from the Early Neolithic largely by studying the “fumiers.” The excavation of the cave of Coro Trasito has allowed to document a detailed archaeological sequence of the ancient Neolithic, dated between 5300 and 4500 calANE, with a succession of layers of “fumier”. Nevertheless, their open area excavation shown the complexity of uses of the cavity, where activities of housing, production and habitat alternate. The present communication exposes the occupation floor of phase 4 of the site, where the overlapping of homes shows the configuration of a habitat and work space during an episode of interruption in the formation of the “fumier” during the first half of the V Millennium calBC.
XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Pare Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, Dec 2019
Among the 350 archaeological sites discovered in the National Park there are several rock-shelter... more Among the 350 archaeological sites discovered in the National Park there are several rock-shelters. Those little cavities are formed by glacial erratics. Between 2015 and 2017 one of them has been completely excavated, the Abric de les Obagues de Ratera. Excavation works have highlithed a long sequence of human occupation, over about 10 ka yrs. The recurrent use of the rock-shelter as dwelling space and/or overnight shelter is a good example of the long-term continuity in the archaeological record of the National Park, despite periods of abandonment. The site allows to study in detail the shifts in patterns of occupation of the rock-shelter and the in the economic activities carried out.
Las excavaciones en extensión de un sector de la cueva de Coro Trasito están sacando a la luz ocu... more Las excavaciones en extensión de un sector de la cueva de Coro Trasito están sacando a la luz ocupaciones de época neolítica (VI y V milenio calANE) y de la Edad del Bronce (mediados del II milenio calANE). En ellas, y especialmente en las primeras, el asentamiento humano se llevó a cabo en el marco del uso de la cavidad como redil, tal y como hace evidente la sucesión de capas de “fumier” que conforman la secuencia estratigráfica. Sin embargo, la presencia de fosas en las diferentes fases de ocupación muestra, también, que junto a la estabulación de ganado en el lugar también se llevaron a cabo prácticas de almacenamiento a la vez que, seguramente, se introdujeron elementos para diferenciar espacios. En este trabajo se presenta este aspecto de las ocupaciones prehistóricas documentadas hasta la fecha en
Coro Trasito. Se describen las principales características morfológicas de estas estructuras, se detallan los elementos diferenciales de las fosas de la Edad del Bronce y del neolítico y se aportan elementos para inferir su funcionalidad y comprender su distribución espacial dentro de la cavidad. Así mismo se detallan otros elementos constructivos que, posiblemente, completaron la estructuración del espacio.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Neolítico; Edad del Bronce; Cueva redil; Almacenaje; Excavación en extensión; Pirineo.
Extended diggings in cave’s area are showing occupations from Neolithic (VI and V Millennium calBC) and Bronze Age (middle of II Millennium calBC). About that, especially in the former, human settlement has to do with their use like a fold cave. We could see this fact in the “fumier” layers. Nevertheless, the presence of storage silos shows the presence of storage activities on the different phases of occupation, cattle stabling and distinction of cave space. We will present the prehistorical occupations in Coro Trasito at the moment. We will show morphological attributes of structures, distinctive features of Neolithic and bronze age silos too. We would like to understand their functionality and spatial distribution, and we will characterize other spatial features.
KEY WORDS: Neolithic; Bronze Age; Fold Cave; Storage; Open area excavation; Pyrenees.
During the last two decades, the archaeological research carried out in the Pyrenees challenged t... more During the last two decades, the archaeological research carried out in the Pyrenees challenged the traditional images of the past in this mountain area. The archaeological sequence of the range goes back and sites like Balma Margineda, treated until recently as an exception, now are seen as part of more global process. Actual data suggest that main valleys of the Pyrenean frequented by humans at the end of the last glacial period, with sites slightly over 1000 o.s.l. After the Younger Dryas, the human presence ascended to alpine and subalpine areas, in accordance with current archaeological data. The Neolisitation process was early in some hillsides, with intense remains of farming and pastoralism in many sites from dated in the second half of the 6th millennia cal BC. Human settlements like Coro Tracito, Els Trocs and El Sardo confirm the full introduction of agrarian activity in the central part of the Pyrenees between 5300 and 4600 cal BC. After 3500/3300 cal BC the indices oh sheepherding rises to alpine areas, with an abrupt increase of known archaeological sites in alpine areas, above the current timberline. This phenomena, as well as the signs of anthropic disturbance of the alpine environment in sedimentary sequences, suggests a more stable and ubiquitous human presence, probably largely associated with the development of mobile herding practices.
I Congreso de Arqueología y Patrimonio Aragonés. Actas, Jun 2016
Investigaciones llevadas a cabo en los últimos 20 años en las dos vertientes de los Pirineos han ... more Investigaciones llevadas a cabo en los últimos 20 años en las dos vertientes de los Pirineos han evidenciado la existencia de
un importante patrimonio arqueológico en las zonas altas de la cordillera. Estos vestigios se localizan en muchas ocasiones
por encima los 2.000 m. de altitud en zonas vinculadas, en los últimos siglos, a actividades ganaderas. Generalmente se tratan
de restos de construcciones, cabañas y cercados. No obstante también se han localizado elementos funerarios, arte rupestre,
depósitos de cerámica, explotaciones mineras, etc.
El año 2015 el grupo de Arqueología de Alta Montaña (GAAM) inició en el valle de Goriz, dentro del Parque Nacional de
Ordesa-Monte Perdido, prospecciones arqueológicas siguiendo una metodología similar a la que lleva implementando desde
hace más de 10 años en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. Fruto de esta primera intervención se han
registrado diversos yacimientos arqueológicos inéditos, aparentemente vinculados a actividades ganaderas. Este registro se ha
llevado a cabo siguiendo los parámetros consensuados en el marco de la red internacional DEPART Dinámicas de los Espacios
Pirenaicos de Altitud. Un SIG del patrimonio arqueológico y la modelización de los territorios pastorales.
Además de la exposición de los resultados obtenidos, el trabajo presentado detalla tanto la metodología seguida en el campo de
reconocimiento del terreno y de registro de las evidencias arqueológicas. Así mismo ilustra la integración posterior de los datos
en una geobase de datos espacial.
During the last two decades, the archaeological research carried out in the Pyrenees challenged t... more During the last two decades, the archaeological research carried out in the Pyrenees challenged the traditional images of the past in this mountain area. The archaeological sequence of the range goes back and sites like Balma Margineda, treated until recently as an exception, now are seen as part of more global process. Actual data suggest that main valleys of the Pyrenean frequented by humans at the end of the last glacial period, with sites slightly over 1000 o.s.l. After the Younger Dryas, the human presence ascended to alpine and subalpine areas, in accordance with current archaeological data. The Neolisitation process was early in some hillsides, with intense remains of farming and pastoralism in many sites from dated in the second half of the 6th millennia cal BC. Human settlements like Coro Tracito, Els Trocs and El Sardo confirm the full introduction of agrarian activity in the central part of the Pyrenees between 5300 and 4600 cal BC. After 3500/3300 cal BC the indices oh sheepherding rises to alpine areas, with an abrupt increase of known archaeological sites in alpine areas, above the current timberline. This phenomena, as well as the signs of anthropic disturbance of the alpine environment in sedimentary sequences, suggests a more stable and ubiquitous human presence, probably largely associated with the development of mobile herding practices.
Generalitat de Catalunya, 2019
per sobre els 2300 m. d'altitud, ha permès documentar una extensa seqüència arqueològica. La sèri... more per sobre els 2300 m. d'altitud, ha permès documentar una extensa seqüència arqueològica. La sèrie de datacions radiocarbòniques efectuades ha precisat la cronologia d'aquestes ocupacions, que arrenquen a inicis de l'Holocé i s'estenen fins al s. XX, cobrint diversos períodes prehistòrics, de l'Edat Mitjana i d'època contemporània. L'anàlisi dels materials recuperats durant les excavacions complementa la imatge de l'abric com un lloc utilitzat de manera reiterada i canviant al llarg del temps. L'estudi d'aquest petit jaciment posa en valor els vestigis arqueològics de zones alpines i subalpines i referma el seu potencial per a l'estudi del passat.
Quaternary International, 2020
Abstract The surface treatment of handmade pottery is often described in ceramological studies of... more Abstract The surface treatment of handmade pottery is often described in ceramological studies of prehistoric collections. However, beyond inferences about its meaning, few works have addressed this issue in depth. For this study, an experimental program has been carried out, where the main variable being explored was the category of tool involved in the fabrication of prehistoric handmade pottery. Therefore, we start from the hypothesis that different tools generate differentiable traces. A catalogue of traces generated by five pottery tools (pebble, flint spatula, pottery spatula, shell spatula and linen rag) was created, with the aim of characterizing and systematizing them. The resulting macroscopic analysis allowed a first qualitative classification of the traces. Microscopic analysis by confocal microscopy then confirmed the classification with quantitative data. The potential of the proposed methodology for traceological and textural analysis of surface treatment in ceramics is highlighted. Hence, the possibility of discriminating different surface treatment techniques opens new perspectives for the study of prehistoric pottery.
Recoge los contenidos presentados a III Congreso de Arqueologia y Patrimonio Aragones (CAPA)
espanolEn el presente articulo se realiza un repaso conceptual sobre que se entiende por experime... more espanolEn el presente articulo se realiza un repaso conceptual sobre que se entiende por experimentacion, su trayectoria y que implicaciones ha tenido para la arqueologia y el estudio de artefactos prehistoricos. La ceramica ha sido un ambito donde la experimentacion ha irrumpido con fuerza, dado su potencial a la hora de formular hipotesis y contrastarlas mediante la construccion de referentes actuales. Este potente desarrollo ha sido posible, en parte, por el largo camino recorrido por los estudios experimentales en otras materias duras, como el material litico y el hueso, para elaborar instrumentos de trabajo.En un segundo bloque, se presenta una propuesta de programa experimental, destinado a la creacion de un referente de trazas de fabricacion y estado general del tratamiento de superficie resultante del trabajo humano, empleando herramientas de fabricacion ceramica. Dicha propuesta, cuyos resultados seran objeto de publicaciones futuras, se encuentra en etapa de desarrollo. ca...
Queremos agradecer al Geoparque de Sobrarbe-Comarca de Sobrarbe por sus ayudas constantes al desa... more Queremos agradecer al Geoparque de Sobrarbe-Comarca de Sobrarbe por sus ayudas constantes al desarrollo y gestion del proyecto financiado por el Ministerio de Educacion y Cultura: “Proyecto de estudio y difusion del pastoralismo en el bien Pirineos Monte Perdido Patrimonio Mundial”. Este trabajo se inserta tambien en los proyectos: Dynamiques des Espaces Pyreneens d’Altitude. Un SIG sur le patrimoine archeologique et la modelisation des territoires pastoraux. Project de developpement de reseaux thematiques interregionaux (DEPART) Generalitat de Catalunya, Govern d’Andorra, Comunite de Travail des Pyrenees – CTP (2014 - 2015), dirigido por E. Gassiot y en Analisis ecologico de la culturizacion del paisaje de alta montana desde el Neolitico: los Parques Nacionales de montana como modelo. Financiado por el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y dirigido por Jordi Catalan. Este trabajo se inserta tambien en el proyecto de I+D (HAR2015-66780-P). Modelizacion de los espacios prehistoricos de mont...
Open Archaeology
After years of intense fieldwork, our knowledge about the Neolithisation of the Pyrenees has cons... more After years of intense fieldwork, our knowledge about the Neolithisation of the Pyrenees has considerably increased. In the southern central Pyrenees, some previously unknown Neolithic sites have been discovered at subalpine and alpine altitudes (1,000–1,500 m a.s.l.). One of them is Cueva Lóbrica, 1,170 m a.s.l., which has an occupation phase with impressed pottery dated ca. 5400 cal BCE. Another is Coro Trasito, 1,558 m a.s.l., a large rock shelter that preserves evidence of continuous occupations in the Early Neolithic, 5300–4600 cal BCE. Evidence of human occupation at higher altitudes has also been documented. In the Axial Pyrenees, at the Obagues de Ratera rock shelter, 2,345 m a.s.l., an occupation has been dated to around 5730–5600 cal BCE. At Cova del Sardo, in the Sant Nicolau Valley, at 1,780 m a.s.l., a series of occupations have been excavated, dated to ca. 5600–4500 cal BCE. These sites allow us to discuss patterns of occupation of the mountainous areas between the Lat...
Treballs d'Arqueologia
Experimentación aplicada a la cerámica prehistórica hecha a mano: creación de una colección exper... more Experimentación aplicada a la cerámica prehistórica hecha a mano: creación de una colección experimental de referencia para el análisis del tratamiento de superficie from the work and the tools used. This proposal, the results of which will be the subject of future publications, is at the development stage.
Treballs d'Arqueologia
Cerámica prehistórica y el kit instrumental para su producción. Descripción del registro arqueoló... more Cerámica prehistórica y el kit instrumental para su producción. Descripción del registro arqueológico de Coro Trasito (Tella-Sin, Huesca) Once these types of working tools have been defined, we bring the study to specific archaeological contexts. In this case, we describe the instruments recovered in Coro Trasito (Tella-Sin, Huesca) and how these tools relate to the production and upkeep of pottery vessels, especially during a chronological period related to the ancient Neolithic period.